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Gia Garcia May 2017
I steer clear from the things that remind me of you
But they always find me
Everywhere I go there's always a bit of you
You're everything I see
Evertime I sing, everything I write
Ends up being about you
Everytime I move, I want to move next to you
But you're nowhere near me

Everything I do it's always about you
Every chord I play, every song I make, every word I say

Every single thing I do
It's always
About you
For Jig
Spooky Babe May 2017
If you ever wanna **** yourself
I thought that you should know
I don't care if you have declining health
I would never ******* let you go

If you ever wanna commit suicide
Just know you would be killing me too
It'd leave me so ****** up on the inside  
I swear to god I don't know what I'd do

If you ever wanna pull the plug
Think back to all of our memories
And how I'd probably start abusing drugs
Trying to free myself from the misery

So if you really wanna die
Remember that I love you
If that won't keep you alive
I guess I should off myself too

Just as Juliet did for Romeo
So they could be finally be together
No longer would I feel the pain of woe
Because i'd be with you forever
I love you X forever and always
May 17, 2017 1:32am
Spooky Babe May 2017
It's been 1 year, 3 months & 1 day
And our paths have finally crossed again
I'm speechless without knowing what to say
But I know I don't want this feeling to end

One day we laid together in your bed
And that's when you closed your eyes
In that moment no words were said
Yet I had to hold in all of my overdue cries

I smiled as I looked at your face
And I felt so relieved and complete  
That I finally had to no longer chase
The boy I was so desperate to remeet

Rather than crying I chose to lay
Next to my favorite person ever
I held him close, eager to relish this day
I swear nothing has ever felt better
For the love of my ******* life X
May 17, 2017 1:04am
JS May 2017
I miss you and I kiss you
I scratch you and I track you
Look around
there is no girl like I

Push me away
I will come back

the future is now
I will hunt you and I will get you

One way or another
Once u said your mine
Let it be like that
kylie May 2017
my heart beats as i lay on your chest
conquering your love was some kind of quest
your love for me will be so deep
that when i leave you will do nothing but weep
i hope i touch the darkest parts of your soul,
turning them into nothing but gold
my looks can be decieving
and thinking that i love you must be relieving

i'm not here to stay, my love
i will soon fly away like a silent dove
i am dizzy and watch the sun burn in hot pink fire
i watch the skies orange hues
spark rage onto the tips of the trees,
and there is some light
dimmed and green and ever-glowing
that I find myself drawn to;
a black and mossy demon, a shape-shifting lover.

when you approach this calmed heart
please hold it gently;
remember that i am here-
and when you fail to see the wind waltz through your bedroom window
know it still flows-
somewhere a world catches drift of your dreams
and you inspire thousands.

i see you in the swirls and patterns that engulf me
and i sense the desperation for confirmation but for now
i'm watching the clouds roll by like motion-picture movies;
and they tell my favorite stories

through this fire, i smile.

-through this fire

Elle Bogue May 2017
There´s a man in my life
who with one glance
becomes commander of my will
and master of my thoughts.
My heart yearns his care,
my curves crave his hands.

However an endless void
rips trough my dream:

He doesn’t love me.

I go to him whenever he calls;
no matter the time, even when night falls.
After untangling sheets, we embrace into each other
staring into each other's eyes
until we drift into our own minds.

But he doesn't want me.

We wake up next to each other.
His smile is my warm morning sun
Yet when I manage to break his spell
and make my mind my own again
he can't wait to try to lure me back in.

Yet he says wants to be alone.

He calls and worries,
making sure I'm shielded from harm.
He couldn't stand if fatality struck,
and can't wait for me to be back
in the safety of his blessed arms;

But he wants to not care.

His eyes are yelling with his stare
that his soul is in line with mine,
that his thoughts belong to me.
When he holds me, he doesn’t let go.
With every kiss, we are nowhere and everywhere.
I am his and he is mine.

However, an endless void
rips trough my dream:

He doesn’t know he loves me.
Itzel Hdz May 2017
I've been told about black, as a devilry story
and I can only think of the lines dancing around you proudly
the way you move in every corner of my mind
helplessly mocking of everyone's still life
while you master my dreams towards unmerciful longing
threatening to take control of my eternal and lost gazing
tenderly waving fire through your lastly innocence
and a sole glimpse was enough
a simple hazardous smile to never let me go
and I can't get rid off of the feeling
what if I can only stumble to the sound
the mezmerizing song that comes out of your mouth
diving to the ilusions of a sunny afternoon
but at night you look down to the blood in the cues
merely idiotic, merely naive, merely platonic
you're my favorite black tale
This crushed lasted no more than 3 weeks
August 13/2013
angel May 2017
i've never felt love and it's never felt me.
only the calloused skin of his hands rubbing my satin thighs.
only felt the soft tips of my fingers reading the stubble on his chin like brail.
and from him bursts a stream of passion and warmth that he lets drip all over me and i smear it onto my skin to feel his heat
just to bask in his sticky love
but wait- i almost forgot that it isn't love
because he hops onto the train and his body disappears at 100 miles per hour
the wind chills my bones and he leaves me homeless
and then i'll wander around, looking for a pocket of heat to hide in
with my bones thin as wires and my blood cold and sour like lemonade
and every step will ache and burn
until i find a new passenger.
Janine Jacobs May 2017
i have been in this boat before
just going with the flow
not contemplating the course ahead
blissfully swaying with you

then the stream rocks a little louder
and we, exhilarated by its motion
invite its all consuming power
raging with the rivers of passion

we cascade with the water
not realizing we've reached the edge
and we fall.... deep and hard
along the way you let go of my hand

i wake in the dark, cold and alone
shimmer of light overhead
blurred by my tears
heartbroken I claw myself out;
out of this well of despair
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