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1.7k · Mar 2017
unsent text message
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
It hurts a lot. It hurts so much and I know you're never going to understand why it hurts me but just know it does. It's ****. And I'm crying. And i don't know what else to say besides that I don't want to loose you.. Again. And again. And again. I know I don't act like I love being around you but I do. I'm just ******* stupid. It's been so good just having you back in my life and talking almost how we used to and I thought we might actually get back to the way it was before it all. But no. I'll try to deal for awhile.

Maybe it hurts so much because it makes me realize that I'm not even half of what you are  to me as a person. as a feeling. as an inspiration. I hope I handle it better than I have in the past and I'll be preparing for your absence. Again

1.2k · Mar 2017
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
why do i fall in love with people for the simplest little things?
like the way they say certain words
or that little smirk they do when they get nervous
maybe it's because it reminds me of something from my past
or someone
lately i've been trying not to think about things so hard
one night stands
the looks people give me at the mall

1.1k · Mar 2017
Dear Future Lover
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
I picture you in a coffee shop. sipping on something hot. You're occupied on your laptop, there's a little book right next to it with a pencil (not mechanical). You seem very at peace but... concentrated. You look like you know what you're doing. Maybe you're writing an essay for school. Maybe you're a writer like me.

Whenever I see you in my head, I'm never involved. I'm watching you from a distance and I don't think you notice me. I don't think you ever will. It's up to me to make the first move. It's up to me to say something intriguing enough to peek your interest. By the time I meet you, I wont be so worried about what you may think of me (unless I happen to remember this moment, that is). I'll be sure of myself. I'll know who I am by then.
974 · Feb 2017
Let me down slow
Sophia Lynne Feb 2017
If you let me down, let me down slow.
Allow me time to touch pencil to paper.
Let me turn the jaded memory of you
into something greater.

866 · Mar 2017
false hope
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
you were that one blinking star in the sky i had pondered on for hours when i was a child just to discover that all stars twinkle and you were no different from the rest

832 · Apr 2017
Sophia Lynne Apr 2017
exaltation, exasperation
that's how were separated
in our nation
the happy stick together
and the fed up stay alone
everyone's always on their phone
miscommunication is
the cause for most things
we would rather text
instead of give them a ring
that leads to hurt people and
hurt people hurt people and
if we could help it
would we stop being sheeple?
we've become familiar with this
intoxicating life of
never thinking twice and
thinking you're above
but in "reality".. If it can even be called that
were all the same
whether or not we know the names
of the people that surround us
fact is, someone surely found us
and put us together for a reason
maybe we each represent a different season
that would make sense wouldn't it?
Rhyming makes me feel silly.
745 · Feb 2017
Color Palette
Sophia Lynne Feb 2017
You were sad and I was always blushing and together we were a glorious shade of purple but sad became jaded and when I walked away, flushed cheeks and red lipstick, you were left blue and blue you remain.

1:59 am 02/27/17
741 · Mar 2017
Note to Self pt. 1
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
He's someone of the past. You thought you loved him then.. but now he's gone and you're overwhelmed with desolation, lust, grief, appreciation and you CAN'T shake it. He's everywhere. Everything reminds you of him. Each bench swing you see, greek food, willow trees, hearing that song come on unexpectedly, the color purple. and why is it that when someone says his name across the room, your brain refuses to understand, for just a minute, that anyone else could have the same name as him. You go mad over the fact that every blue eyed, shaggy haired boy you see in this god forsaken world could be him. So you gaze over there for just a bit longer.. until you notice something about that boy that, so obviously, separates him from yours. You get mad at yourself because you should have known it wasn't him. Anyone else that knows him would have known that right away. And you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up like that. What would you have even done if it were him? Walk up to him and say hi? Hug him? You'd probably break down and cry no matter the response he gave.

I didn't want to publish this until I added a few more parts to it, but this one seems to be one of those things I start and don't finish for another year or so.. so I decided why not?
638 · Mar 2017
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
are you still blind?
you'd run into a pole with your eyes closed and call that poetry

549 · Mar 2018
I'll laugh with you.
Sophia Lynne Mar 2018
people laugh when they hear i write poetry little do they know their insecurity is my inspiration i think you're beautiful without hesitation yes I’m talking to you I know the frustration of not knowing who you are and having all these limitations but open your eyes you’ll see yourself in it and once you give in there is no limit of how far you’ll go I just want you to know that you’re special.  

532 · Feb 2017
ramble 12:43am 02/16/17
Sophia Lynne Feb 2017
I wake up with the feeling of a million kisses now
and I just feel like nothing can top the original
and your smile compensates for every tear I feel like shedding in a day
the chemistry doesn't lie and I was right this whole time
474 · Feb 2017
13 Shots
Sophia Lynne Feb 2017
drinking about you
that's how i'm handling this
because 13 shots of whiskey burn less
than each of your abrupt goodbyes.
you always leave in a hurry
almost like you despise
yourself or i?
how could i ever know
you promise to never leave
then you just go
your intentions may not be to deceive
but that doesn't stop you, no

420 · Feb 2017
Shooting Stars
Sophia Lynne Feb 2017
I used to call you my sunshine.. but the sun always comes back. I always knew when it was coming back and I always knew when it was going to leave again. And now that i think about it, you were more like a shooting star. You'd show up out of no where.. so mesmerizing and unreal.. Then you'd be gone in a split second. and i never knew when i'd see you again.

I don't watch for shooting stars anymore.

387 · Nov 2017
Sophia Lynne Nov 2017
She was mad because when I scribbled
they called it art
289 · Nov 2017
Sophia Lynne Nov 2017
what is poetry
supposed to be?
is it for you
or is it for me?
i know the right answer
the one that makes me feel free
but i forgot how to do it
how to be me
281 · Nov 2017
Sophia Lynne Nov 2017
green eyes

dark views

an old train

spray painted and bruised

your beauty goes unappreciated

who is your muse?
279 · Mar 2017
Sophia Lynne Mar 2017
"This is what I was afraid of... that it would feel normal." he says

about an hour after waking up next to me

240 · Nov 2017
Sophia Lynne Nov 2017
i know some day you'll leave me
but please don't make it easy
my lipstick on your tv
i wanted you to see me
i wanted you to see me
in everything you saw
but i left remains on purpose
so your feelings weren't raw

sometimes it feels like everything we are is all that i am and i know, i know, i know that's not enough for me i know it's not but life is too confusing i'd rather get shot it takes time to think like this but time is all i got along with feelings of regret from the times i once forgot
229 · Nov 2017
that hurt i'm sorry
Sophia Lynne Nov 2017
i took it to the heart

i always do

at first i don't believe it

but later find it's true

i don't know if you mean it

it wouldn't be anything new

because i often fail to see it

from your point of view

— The End —