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Randy Johnson Jan 2020
He was my neighbor for over forty years and his name was Jim.
When I think about what a good man should be like, I think of him.
He and my uncle were former co-workers and friends.
It was sad when I learned that his life came to an end.

Many people know that he was a credit to the Human Race.
Poor Jim's life has ended but now he's in a far better place.
When a man goes to Heaven, he celebrates his greatest reward.
Nothing can be better than being in Paradise with The Lord.

We became neighbors in 1977 and that was a long time ago.
I used to listen to some beautiful music when he played his banjo.
When I say that he was a good man, it certainly isn't a lie.
His family and friends are shedding tears as they say goodbye.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
I have a wonderful neighbor and his name is Joe.
He's a person and a friend who I'm proud to know.
He's been my neighbor and my friend for twenty years.
I'm glad that he lives in this neighborhood, I'm glad he's here.
Sometimes he gives me food and that is very nice.
He is a Christian who loves God and that is precise.
It's nice to have a neighbor and a friend who is so great.
He has been good to me and that is something I appreciate.
Dedicated to Joe Webb.
Randy Johnson Sep 2022
John Brown died in 2019, it's sad and it's true.
If he hadn't died, today he would've turned 52.
We met at Bean Station Elementary School in 1979.
We quickly became friends, he was a buddy of mine.
But during the last few years of his life, he caused a lot of grief.
He didn't want to pay back what he owed and he became a thief.
When my back was turned, he swiped twenty of my pills.
I wish that it was just a bad dream but sadly, it was real.
I didn't know that John would turn to drugs when I was a kid.
mark my words, if you do drugs, you will die just like he did.
Randy Johnson Jun 2019
My grandmother and his father were first cousins, and that made us related.
When he died on the 3rd of June, his death wasn't something that I anticipated.
When a person dies, it's something that people hate.
He has gone to Heaven at the young age of forty-eight.
His mother named him after John Wayne, the deceased movie star.
Now Heaven is the place where both my friend and John Wayne are.
It's always hard to lose a member of the Human Race.
John is dead but he is in a far better place.
Dedicated to John W. Brown (1970-2019) who died on June 3, 2019.
Randy Johnson Jun 2019
Just one month ago, you were walking around.  
But now you're dead and buried in the ground.
So much can change in just the blink of an eye.
You went too soon, forty-eight was too young to die.
Forty years ago in 1979, we became friends.
I wish that your life hadn't come to an end.
On the 3rd day of June, you took your final breath.
You overdosed on drugs and it caused your death.
Because you were a drug user, you didn't survive.
Drugs eventually ****, that's why you're no longer alive.
Randy Johnson Jun 2019
I've always said no to drugs but my friend didn't do the same.
When a person dies of an overdose, it's always a **** shame.
John learned the hard way that a man reaps what he sews.
Every time drugs were offered to him, I wish he had said no.
I'm not certain what he overdosed on, it may have been ****.
When my friend of forty years overdosed, he drew his last breath.
I recently read that **** damages the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and brain.
John might have rejected **** if that was something he could've ascertained.
Years ago, I tried to convince him to get some help but my words always fell on deaf ears.
He was forty-eight but if he had said no to drugs, he could've lived for many more years.
Randy Johnson Dec 2019
Even though you did me wrong, I've written a few poems about you.
You came in my house and stole some pills, that was a bad thing to do.
You also borrowed some money but didn't repay what you owed.
Sadly, you can't celebrate this Christmas because you died half a year ago.
This will be the first Christmas since 1969 that you're not alive.
You died six months ago today, you weren't able to survive.
You had a heart murmur but half a year ago, your heart stopped beating.
When it came to death, it was something you had no chance of defeating.
Randy Johnson May 2016
After Jonah got out of the whale, he went to the city of Nineveh and warned the Ninevites.
He told them that God was going to destroy them because they weren't doing what was right.
God was going to destroy them in forty days because of the evil they had done in the present and the past.
The King heeded the warning and he and everybody else covered themselves with sackcloth and began to fast.
The Ninevites turned from their evil ways after they were warned.
God saw that they had changed and he was no longer scorned.
God spared the Ninevites because they were no longer unfit.
Jehovah isn't a harsh God and that sure did prove it.
Randy Johnson Sep 2018
Judgement Day is coming, God will eventually have all that he can take.
People will pay for their sins and the Commandments that they break.
People will hide under rocks because they'll be so scared.
But they need not hide, God will know that they are there.
When certain people face Judgement, they'll be in big trouble.
I suggest that these people change their ways on the double.
You may not believe that Judgement Day is coming but it will be here.
And with all of the wickedness in this world, that day may be near.
Randy Johnson May 2015
King Solomon received a gift from the Lord, the gift of being wise.
He was able to use his great wisdom to see through people's lies.
When a woman stole a baby, she told King Solomon to cut him in two.
The other lady begged Solomon to give the baby to the thief and he knew that was what the true mother would do.
Perhaps God has given as much wisdom to some others because only he can.
If I only had ten percent of King Solomon's wisdom, I would be a better man.
Randy Johnson Mar 2019
The Kool-Aid Man isn't cool at all, he's actually a ****.
He's a low life **** bag who poisons people with drugs.
He puts the drugs in the kool-aid, mostly ******* and ****.
He doesn't care that his products cause addiction and death.
He doesn't care who he hurts just as long as he gets paid.
The cops just found his hideout, it's a raid.
He fired at the police because he's out of control.
The police just opened fire and filled him full of holes.
But instead of spilling blood, kool-aid was what was spilled.
Everybody can rest easy because the Kool-Aid Man has been killed.
That's the end of the Kool-Aid Man distributing coke and ****.
The Kool-Aid Man flipped off the cops with his final breath.
The Kool-Aid Man fought the law but he didn't win.
That fat and bloated punk will never say "Oh Yeah!" again.
This poem was inspired by a Youtube video.
Randy Johnson Dec 2018
My name is Timmy and I had a dog named Lassie.
My father is an alcoholic and my mother is sassy.
Mom has affairs with every man who comes to town.
When it comes to Mom, you'd better believe she's been around.
My mom is pregnant but it isn't Dad's baby.
I had to shoot Lassie because she had rabies.
But before I could shoot her, she sank her teeth into my *****.
I had to get some painful shots and I didn't like that at all.
Lassie got out because Dad was drunk and didn't shut the door.
Lassie got in a fight with a rabid wolf and my ***** are still sore.
I constantly daydream about being kidnapped.
I want somebody to take me away from this crap.
My mom is the loosest woman in town and my dad stays plastered.
Mom and Dad never got married so I guess that makes me a *******.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Martin Luther King JR. has his own holiday, God should be given a holiday too.
God deserves to be given a holiday, that is what our Government should do.
God's son has his own holiday, God also deserves a holiday that is celebrated every year.
God is the greatest, he loves all of Mankind and he deserves to be revered.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Every time we make a good choice,
it makes Jehovah God rejoice.
When we're honest and kind and do other good things,
Jehovah God is very happy, rejoice is what it brings.
When we avoid sinning, it makes God rejoice and it makes Satan mad.
Everybody should make Satan angry because that will make God glad.
Randy Johnson Jan 2023
You died in 2023 and your dad died in 1977.
After living for 54 years, you went to Heaven.
You have lost your life and that is very sad.
Now you have been reunited with your dad.
You did charity work just like your father did.
Your dad loved you and you were his only kid.
As your fans grieve, they're sad and depressed.
Your life ended after you went into cardiac arrest.
When CPR was performed, your heart was restarted.
But you still died and your fans are broken-hearted.
You died a few weeks before you would've turned 55.
Your fans are devastated because you didn't survive.
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
We have very little money so we're living in our truck.
We are in need of shelter but sadly, we are out of luck.
My wife's dad offered to give us shelter but we had to obey his rules.
I turned him down, some people call me a rebel, others call me a fool.
I would **** to have a bed that is nice and soft.
Winter is coming up so we'll freeze our ***** off.
When a man cussed my wife and I out, he had the mouth of a sailor.
He beat me up because we secretly moved into his travel trailer.
He said we could've lived in his travel trailer if we had asked first.
As he beat me senseless, I thought I would be hauled in a hearse.
We are both broke, people certainly can't say that we have big bucks.
Because I'm a rebel who won't live by rules, we'll continue to live in our truck.
Randy Johnson Mar 2020
He starred in 'Wonder Woman' as Steve Trevor.
Sadly, he passed away and he's gone forever.
He guest starred in 'Charlie's Angels' and 'The Love Boat'.
He also guest starred in 'Happy Days' and '******, She Wrote'.

He made guest appearances as himself in 'The Golden Girls' and 'That '70s Show'.
He also came close to being Batman and millions of people hated to see him go.
He starred in 'The Carol Burnett Show' and this man had style.
He died in March of 2020 and we have to say goodbye to Lyle.
Randy Johnson Nov 2019
Back in the nineties, a video game was made that was called 'Mario is Missing'.
But the game was changed, the original title was going to be 'Mario is *******'.
In the game, Luigi has to find his brother who is taking a ****.
But they learned that people would've been offended by this.
They changed it because it would've been offensive to watch Mario ***.
They changed it because that was something nobody would want to see.
In addition to seeing Mario ***, people would've seen his tiny *******.
And Luigi would've laughed because Mario's ***** is only half an inch long.
Luigi would've belittled Mario and he would've laughed until he lost bladder control.
People would've also seen Luigi **** because his brother's **** is smaller than a tootsie roll.
Randy Johnson Feb 2022
There was a young man who was obese.
He ate too much and now he's deceased.
He went to his favorite restaurants and ate a lot of food every day.
He died at the age of thirty and it's not surprising that he passed away.
His family told him that his gluttony might prove fatal and they begged him to go on a diet.
Even though they told him over and over that his obesity might end his life, he didn't buy it.
One evening when he was through eating, he had a massive heart attack and hit the floor.
He died instantly and his wife and children grieve because their patriarch isn't alive anymore.
He scoffed at the idea if dieting and he suffered a horrible fate.
He might not have died if he had made an effort to lose weight.
Randy Johnson May 2020
Something bad happened in 1990 on the 28th of May.
It turned out not to be such a great Memorial Day.
I saw a very beautiful girl who looked like she was sixteen or seventeen.
She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen.
I wrote a note and put it in her storm door.
She was younger than I thought and her parents were pretty sore.
She was only fourteen, that was four years younger than me.
They told me to leave her alone and I agreed.
But I really liked her and it was painful not to be able to date her.
I wonder who she's with all these years later.
Randy Johnson May 2015
Today is Memorial Day.
We're paying tribute to those who died for the USA.
Many soldiers died so that we can be free.
It means a lot to you and it means a lot to me.
Some fought with guns, others fought with tanks.
They gave everything for us and I give my thanks.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Last Christmas was great because I was able to spend it with you.
But I'll be spending this Christmas alone and it makes me feel so blue.
We each thought the world of one another.
I'm very proud that you were my mother.

You were sweet, smart and so very wise.
I've been devastated because of your demise.
You always said that you loved me and was proud of me but nobody tells me that anymore.
I didn't know just how great you were until I lost you and it makes me feel so sad and poor.

It brought me joy when I called you each day.
But sadly, that pleasure has been taken away.
While you were on Earth, I was so blessed.
Merry Christmas Mom, you were truly the best.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (This poem was written in 2013.)
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
If people ask me if my Christmas will be merry,
My answer to them will be "Not very."
The last Christmas when you were still alive was back in 2012.
My brother and I no longer have you and it's ******* ourselves.

I would give anything if I could spend another Christmas with you.
I know that you'd also love to spend another Christmas with me too.
My life would never be the same on the day when you were dead and buried.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, Mom but sadly, my Christmas won't be merry.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (This poem was written in 2014.)
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
The last Christmas that we spent together was three years ago.
When you died, it hurt me incredibly, it was a devastating blow.
The love that I felt for you was wonderful, it was extraordinary.
Sadly, to be able to spend another Christmas with you, I would have to spend it in the cemetery.
Christmas isn't as good as it once was because we're not together.
I still carry you in my heart and I promise that I'll love you forever.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Every Christmas was a good Christmas when you were around.
But it stopped being good after you were lowered into the ground.
The last Christmas that we spent together was four years ago.
I had no idea that it would be our last Christmas, I didn't know.

When a man spends Christmas with family, it means everything.
And when that is taken away, it's like being struck by lightning.
When we spent our last Christmas together, I didn't know the end was near.
Merry Christmas Mom, because you're in my heart, a part of you is still here.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2021
What I'm saying about you isn't hard for others to understand.
You were my mother and until March of 2013, I was a lucky man.
But you died on March the 6th of 2013 and I ran out of luck.
When I had to say goodbye, it felt like lightning had struck.

You and I spent our Christmases together for over forty years.
But we'd never share another Christmas and losing you drove me to tears.
You were so special that they probably threw a party when you arrived at the Pearly Gates.
I know that The Lord is happy to have you in Heaven but your death is something that I hate.

You were such an awesome mother and that made my brother and I better men.
And it's still very sad to know that we can't spend any Christmases together again.
When you died, I was devastated and it made me encounter some stormy weather.
But I still wish you a Merry Christmas even though we can't spend Christmas together.
Randy Johnson Dec 2018
The Christmas of 2012 was the last Christmas that you celebrated on Earth.
You were a kind and loving mother for 41 and a half years after my birth.
When March the 6th arrived, you wouldn't have a tomorrow.
It took two years for me to get over the pain and sorrow.
I can't spend anymore Christmases with you, now I spend my Christmases alone.
You were a terrific woman and the best person who I've ever known.
March of 2013 was the worst month and year that I've ever experienced.
When you passed away, it hurt me terribly and I've missed you ever since.
But I feel much better now, time does heal a man's wounds.
Merry Christmas Mom, I'm sorry that you died too soon.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2019
Lots of people all over the world will celebrate the Yuletide.
This will be the seventh Christmas that has come around since you died.
We celebrated many Christmases together but we'll never do that again.
Christmas is a time for peace on Earth and goodwill to all men.
It was nice that we celebrated Christmases while you were here.
But during the Christmas of 2012, I didn't know the end was near.
If we could spend this Christmas together, it certainly would please me.
But that isn't possible and Christmases aren't as good as they used to be.
On Christmas Day, people should be with their families.
When we celebrated Christmas, it was always sure to please.
A person is never truly gone if he or she is somebody who people remember.
You'll be with me in spirit even though I'll be alone on the 25th of December.
When you died at the young age of 64, it was hard for me to understand it.
Merry Christmas Mom, you were one of the greatest mothers on the planet.
Randy Johnson Dec 2020
You died and it's something that I don't like to remember.
You won't be with me again on the 25th of December.
Nine Christmases ago was the last Christmas that I spent with you.
When it comes to your death, I wish I could say that it isn't true.
You were the most unselfish person I've ever known, you loved to share.
You wanted me to be happy and it was wonderful to know how much you cared.
You gave giant print Bibles to people while you lived.
You were so very special because you loved to give.
It's very sad because we can't be together on Christmas ever again.
Merry Christmas, Mom, you must be having a ball up there in Heaven.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013
Randy Johnson Dec 2017
Six Christmases ago, you were still alive.
The Christmas of 2012 was your last Christmas because you didn't survive.
That was the last Christmas that I was able to spend with you and Dad.
You died nearly three months later because the situation was so bad.

In 2012, you said it might be your last Christmas and sadly, you were right.
You shined like a star but that star faded, a star that shined so bright.
I thought you'd see more Christmases but I didn't know what the future had in store.
If I had known that it would be your last Christmas, I would've appreciated it more.

This will be the fifth Christmas that I'll be spending without you.
You always made Christmas better and that is certainly true.
The Christmas of 2012 was the last Christmas when you were still alive.
Merry Christmas Mom, I still carry you in my heart as Christmas of 2017 arrives.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2022
It has been an entire decade since we last spent Christmas together.
Less than three months later, you died and you were gone forever.
The last Christmas that we spent together is something I hold dear.
Time certainly does fly, it does not seem like it has been ten years.
After spending many Christmases together, your life came to an end.
After you died, it took nearly two years for my broken heart to mend.
You once cooked Christmas dinners and we opened gifts that were under the trees.
The memories of the years that we spent together are very important to me.
When you were only 64, you had an abdominal aneurysm and I lost my best friend.
Merry Christmas, Mom, it's sad that we can never spend Christmas together again.
Randy Johnson Dec 2023
When I say that you were a wonderful mother and person, I'm being sincere.
The memory of the last Christmas that we shared is something I hold dear.
We spent many Christmases together but we won't be able to do it again.
We'll spend Christmases together in Heaven in the future but I don't know when.
Back in 2012, I gave you and Dad two presents each on Christmas Eve.
You passed away less than three months later and it was hard to believe.
I didn't realize just how sick that you were.
Your death was painful and hard to endure.
If I'd known that the Christmas of 2012 would be our last Christmas, I would've appreciated it more.
I will always appreciate and cherish the final Christmas we shared and all of the Christmases before.
You and Dad are both gone and I can't spend another Christmas with either of you.
I want to wish you and Dad a Merry Christmas because it's the proper thing to do.
Dedicated to Agnes Marie Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
God's son was Michael the Archangel before his birth.
But he was named Jesus Christ when he came to Earth.
Michael the Archangel was his name.
He resurrected the dead and healed the lame.
When God sent us Jesus, it was one of the greatest things he's ever done.
When I die, I will go to Heaven and I will be with God's magnificent son.
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
As children, when Lucy pulled away the football, it was cute.
Back then I could laugh about it and I didn't give a hoot.
But now that I'm fifty-one years old, it isn't cute anymore.
Yesterday, Lucy pulled away the football like the many times before.
I punched her really hard and I knocked that **** to the ground.
Here came Linus to defend his sister and I had to take him down.
I pounded on his head and I crammed his blanket up his ****.
Schroeder joined in and I knocked him out with an uppercut.
I even had to beat up Peppermint Patty.
Maybe I shouldn't have called her a fatty.
Charles Schulz made me lack self confidence when I was a kid and that wasn't good.
If I could travel back in time to beat the crap out of him, you'd better believe I would.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
A **** was set free even though he committed a crime.
The reason why he was set free was because I'm a Mime.
I was on the witness stand but because I'm a Mime, I wouldn't talk.
I take my job way too seriously and that was why that criminal walked.
Because I wouldn't testify, everybody in the courtroom started to yell.
The judge was so mad that he found me in contempt and put me in jail.
People are still angry because I wouldn't give my testimony.
My wife divorced me and now I have to pay her alimony.
If I hadn't taken my job so seriously, that criminal would be rotting in prison.
I'm going to get a new career because that's something that needs to be done.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
In just a couple of minutes, I'm going to die.
You are probably curious so I'll tell you why.
A man has slapped a pair of handcuffs on my wrists.
He thinks I'm sleeping with his wife and he's ******.
But he has also crammed a stick of dynamite up my ****.
He lit the fuse because his wife turned out to be a ****.
But I'm not his wife's lover, he's punishing the wrong guy.
I'm about to be blown to kingdom come, I don't want to die.
But the dynamite didn't explode, it turned out to be a dud.
But he isn't done with me yet, he intends to spill my blood.
He just pulled out a knife and said that this is the end.
But his slutty wife just drove past with her boyfriend.
He has removed the cuffs and apologized because he was going to ****.
I just crammed a lit stick of dynamite up his *** to show him how it feels.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
You starred in Die Hard and also in Galaxy Quest.
And you starred in Dark Harbor and The Winter Guest.
You starred in some Harry Potter movies and in A Little Chaos.
People are saddened by your demise because it's a big loss.
In 1989 and 1990 you starred in Quigley Down Under and The January Man.
In 1991 you starred in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and also in Closet Land.
I'll tell you something that is certainly true.
You were a great actor and people will remember you.
Dedicated to Alan Rickman who died at the age of 69 on January 14, 2016.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Four years ago was the best Christmas that I've ever had.
I was able to spend the final Christmas with Mom and Dad.
It was Mom and Dad's last Christmas, they wouldn't have another.
I knew that Dad would die but I didn't expect to lose my mother.
After losing Mom and Dad, I had to get used to spending Christmas alone.
When Christmas Day of 2013 arrived, I had to tolerate being on my own.
Next Christmas you may be on your own like me but hopefully you will not.
Family is the best Christmas present so appreciate the family you've got.
Dedicated to Charles and Agnes Johnson.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
When I was born in 1971, she was a great mother right from the start.
Mom was a warm and caring person because she had a good heart.
Her heart was as big as the East Coast.
Her death really hurt me because we were so close.
I didn't know what I had until I saw that it was something that the Lord would be taking.
When Mom died, there was no power on Earth that could stop my heart from breaking.
She was a caring Christian who helped others.
Mom's heart was what made her a great mother.
She was devoted to God, she read the entire Bible twice.
When I say that she loved the Lord, I am being precise.
It was very painful to say goodbye when Mom's life came to an end.
When somebody came into her life, they always became her friend.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Four years ago was Mom's last Thanksgiving.
Just one year later, she was no longer living.
I wasn't as thankful for her as I should've been.
Back in 2012, I didn't know that she'd never be celebrating Thanksgiving again.
Four years ago was the last Thanksgiving that Mom celebrated.
Be thankful for your parents because they should be appreciated.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Mom thought I would be a girl back in 1971.
She was surprised to learn that I was a son.
She was surprised but she wasn't disappointed in the least.
We were very close until the day when she became deceased.
When I was in Mom's womb, she thought I would be a girl instead of a boy.
But she didn't care, just knowing that I was a healthy baby brought her joy.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
Moses, Miriam, Aaron and the children of Israel wandered into the wilderness of Zin.
The Israelites complained because there was no water, their patience was wearing thin.
God told Moses to take the rod, call the people and speak to the rock.
God said there would be enough water for the people and their livestock.
But instead of speaking to the rock like God commanded, Moses raised his hand and struck it with the rod.
Water flowed from the rock but Moses was punished because he became angry and didn't follow the command of God.
Because Moses didn't do as God commanded, God wouldn't let him lead the Israelites into the promised land.
Moses quickly learned that the best thing to do is to always do as Jehovah God commands.
Randy Johnson May 2019
It was seven years ago when you celebrated your final Mother's Day.
We had to bury you ten months later when you passed away.
Before you became ill, your death wasn't something that our family anticipated.
We made the doctors do everything they could, including having your leg amputated.
You became a mom in 1967 when you gave birth to my only brother.
You were a unique person and one of the world's greatest mothers.
Randy Johnson May 2022
Today is Mother's Day of 2022.
But I can not spend it with you.
You died over nine years ago.
Love was what you once showed.
Many people celebrate this day.
But in 2013, you passed away.
Mother's Day is what I tolerate.
It's a day that I can't celebrate.
I can't celebrate but I wish I could.
You died and you're gone for good.
You were a great mother and that's true.
If I could, I would tell you that I love you.
Randy Johnson May 12
Today is Mother's Day of 2024.
But you died and you can't celebrate Mother's Day anymore.
You were a wonderful mother and I'm your youngest son.
You died eleven years ago in 2013 when I was forty-one.
You were a kind and giving person and that is a fact.
Being generous was a trait that you sure didn't lack.
It broke my heart and it was painful when you passed away.
Even though you're dead, I wish you a happy Mother's Day.
Randy Johnson Oct 2022
It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
I was murdered 100 years ago on Halloween.
A man accused me of vandalizing his house but I didn't do it.
I told him that I was innocent but sadly, I could not prove it.
He grabbed his double-barreled shotgun and I was shot.
He threw my corpse down his well and there it would rot.
When I was killed, I became a ghost.
Revenge was what I wanted the most.
And I got exactly what I wanted.
That man committed suicide after being haunted.
I haunted him for months and he couldn't take it anymore.
He shot himself in the head and his corpse fell to the floor.
I haunt that man's house on Halloween, I haunt it once a year.
If you come to this house on Halloween, you will experience fear.
That man murdered me and when he died, he went straight to Hell.
Stay away from this house on Halloween or I will haunt you as well.
Randy Johnson Jul 2020
You were without doubt the best dog I've ever had.
Your death has broken my heart and I'm very sad.
When I named you Agnes, I named you after my late mother.
I was your owner and you and I had a lot of love for one another.
You were a Chihuahua and you were an Applehead.
It tore me up when I learned that you were dead.
You were pretty with dark brown fur and you were small.
You weren't just a dog, you were also  my baby doll.
I owned you for almost seven wonderful years.
I found you dead in my kitchen and it drove me to tears.
What I'm about to say is no lie, it's one hunded percent true.
You were my baby doll and your Daddy will always love you.
Randy Johnson Oct 2020
When you died, it brought about sadness, pain and tears.
You died three months ago today, that's a fourth of a year.
You died ninety-two days ago.
Your death was a devastating blow.

You have been dead for a little over thirteen weeks.
You had brown fur and you were special and unique.
On July the 11th, my heart was broken because you passed away.
You were my baby doll and your daddy will love you for the rest of his days.
Dedicated to Agnes (2011-2020) who passed away on July 11, 2020.
Randy Johnson Jan 2021
It was six months ago today when you drew your final breath.
When I found you in my kitchen, I learned about your death.
It was the day that every pet owner dreads.
At about 10 PM, I learned that you were dead.
You were my baby doll and I loved you a lot.
If people wonder if I'll ever forget you, I will not.
You were my dog and a companion who was a loyal friend.
It was heart breaking when I saw that your life came to an end.
When such a beloved dog dies, it's something that is hard to bear.
You were my baby doll and when I go to Heaven, I hope you'll be there.
Dedicated to Agnes (2011-2020) who died half a year ago today on July 11, 2020
Randy Johnson Jul 2021
You were like a daughter to me and I was like a dad.
Your death was heart-breaking because it was so bad.
I got the idea to call you my baby doll because that was what Mom called her cat.
In August of 2013, my house became your new home and that's where you died at.

It has been one year since you died.
You were a great dog and that can't be denied.
I found you dead in my kitchen at about ten o'clock.
I would've rather had my head bashed in by a rock.

I was very upset and I knew that I wouldn't get any sleep so I stayed up most of the night.
I buried you the next morning and I'm sure that other pet owners can understand my plight.
When a person has a pet that's as special as you, it is sure to please.
I'll never forget you even if I live to be 100 and have Alzheimer's Disease.
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