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SøułSurvivør Jan 2015

It is all around us
a realm we cannot see
but unlike this weighted world
there we can be free

It is never subject
to senses yet untuned
it is like a vapor
lit only by the moon

another dimension?
perhaps this will explain
but you will surely know it
as an unseen rain

though it has all knowledge
it will only tell
those who practice wisdom
like the music of a shell

but you must place that cockle
to a patient ear
those who are impatient
perhaps will never hear!

you won't see see it glowing
with a human eye
but it is ever present
as real as you or i

though it is very lovely
through spirt-eyes is seen
it is the real world

our own is just a dream.

(C) January 20, 2015
I wish I could say that
I have seen the spirit rhelm
(The side of light)
I saw my bible glowing
and shimmering once
When I opened it
But that is the extent of
My spirit-sight thus far.
I know that I know
It exists.
I pray to experience it again!
Jesus Christ is a real person.
And sometimes He
Manifests Himself to those
Who love Him in spirit and truth.
SøułSurvivør Oct 2016
I am so sorry I have not been online here  at Hello Poetry! I have been very remiss. My father has been taking up a lot of my time, and my mother is not doing well either. She can't get around the way she used to. It's taking a toll on me. There is another factor, also. I renewed my account on Facebook. I've been on there in the little time that I have. And I have been neglecting this site. I am so sorry!

I have family on Facebook. So I'm going to remain on that site more than Hello Poetry. If you have a Facebook account you can look me up... Cathy Jarvis. My avatar is the same as it is here. I still post poetry on there. I wish I could clone myself! I wish I had more time! But circumstances make it very difficult.

Thank you for understanding. I'm going to keep my account here, and read and post where I can. I love you all very much!


♡♡♡ Cathy ♡♡♡
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Goats in wolves clothing**

That is giving wolves a bad rap.
Sorry quinnfinn...
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
... to say you're


even if you

I must admit to being a
AWOL poet.
Sometimes things visceral
happen you are
unpreraired for.
I honestly didn't see
this one coming, even though
I had had dreams of using
and had even at one time
planned a relapse.

Then I did it.

For days I have been weeping
and beating myself up.
I thought I had let everyone down


I finally broke down and told
a Christian friend.

He laughed. "That's all?" He said...

God doesn't look at your mistakes
when you fall. He loves you anyway.
He looks at the redemption of Christ.
All HE sees is Jesus righteousness.
He sees you are sorry.

Once you are HIS
He will never leave you nor
forsake you. And He is not a man
that He should lie.

I am simply proving (once again)
that I am H U M A N.


And I missed you.
If I go off site for a while
it has to do with a retreat I want
to be at. Please pray that I can go.

♥ Catherine

SøułSurvivør Jun 2016

my mind        
I soar in flight    
to the islands                
of the light          
in between is      
blackest night                
my heart's eyes                      
have second sight              
on I fly in

                             from numdness' mist
                                   there flowers spring
                                  remembered bliss
                       perfumed air
             a lover's kiss
out of an ocean
dark bruising fist
there lies the


                                seas are

but within                          
the sparkling isles!                    
for a little      

a mother
with her little girl
takes her to
             another world
                 through reading stories

time of        
awards at school      
breezes blowing
               soft and cool

the sands of
beaches sift
a race is won
                your feet
            are swift
these memories
are such        



               on such
           a beach
         my feet touch down
Christmas' sights
and laughter's
                           I am safely




(C) 6/5/2016
I intended the format to look like some Islands. I think I succeeded.

I try to remember the happy times in my life. They are great holes in my memory though. And memories that I would rather put behind me. Through Jesus Christ that's what I do. I try to live a life of peace and forgiveness.

Hope you all are having a great day!
I am feeling better and I thank you for your prayers!

SøułSurvivør Dec 2015

crystal ships
on turquoise seas
bring my love
to me
to me

dancing dolphins
laugh and talk
but they can't bring
my lover

for all the
dollars in the sand
I cannot feel
his strong

crystal ships
on seas of gold
have taken him
to the

(C) 12/2/2015
SøułSurvivør Nov 2016
The piercing pain we sometimes feel
Cannot be expressed  
We cannot be as strong as some
We are not at our best
Our tongue is caught
And numb in thought
Our heart breaks in our chest
We seem to be on our last nerve
As you may have guessed
We feel distant and withdrawn
In need of peace & rest.

Please forgive my isolation
I can't seem to change the station
It doesn't take imagination
To understand loss of close relation

Please help me out, my friends, today
Send good thoughts, take time to pray
My father's world is going gray

He has no will to take or give
Has a memory like a sieve

He has lost the will to live

What I do now to bring back joy
This is the tack I will employ
I'll take him back to when he was a boy

Rather than writing a long book
I write a poem so he can look
As it evolves, it'll be my hook!

But I have to get out of my funk...

This idea's a slam dunk!

♡ Catherine
I know many of you are faithful to
Pray for me... THANK YOU!



SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
in circles, son
one day you're flat
the next you've won
just when you think
you've topped your game
you have fortune
you have fame
you'll find that fate
won't ever last
your wealth and riches
in the past...

one day hot
one day cold
one day young
one day old
one day the apple
one day the core
one day rich
one day poor

you lived sunny
now there's rain
you lived for pleasure
now there's pain
you spent your kindness
conscience gone
you sold your soul
for a song
you've been ruthless
think you're strong
come to find
that you were wrong


life will beat you
yes, it's true
you got no one to blame
but you
one day the sky
the next the ground
yes, my son

it all goes 'round

(C) 2/1/2016
Woke up at 3:33 AM
Looked outside and it's raining
It was 85° yesterday and sunny

We could ALL learn a lesson
from the weather...
SøułSurvivør Dec 2018
Looking down upon the earth
Where there you kneel to pray
We know there is such grief for us
As you search for a way
To bear grief's wrath,
And find a path,
But this is what we say...
The sky is deep, an azure blue
There is no dreary gray
There is no cold nor biting wind
Where we are today.

There is no snow in heaven
The leaves are always green
There are roses here aplenty
The biggest ever seen!
It'll stun the eyes
And bring surprise!
You'll know what we mean
When you finally get here
And see where we have been!

There are angels singing!
You won't believe the sound!
There are colors never seen
And diamonds on the ground!
Don't be sad! You will be glad
Although we're not around
We who have been sickly
Now every wound is bound!

Yes, we look down upon you
Have compassion on you all.
We rejoice in your happiness
And soothe you when you fall.

But most of all we beg you
Not to grieve too long!
We are beholding Jesus!
Bursting into song!

And though the world grows weary
As on you have to plod
There is no snow in heaven...


Catherine Jarvis
In loving memory of Clinton & Gladys, and for all who are grieving loved ones during this holiday season. I'm sorry for your loss and praying for you.

Blessings! ♡♡♡
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015
by Randy Newman

broken windows
and empty hallways
a pale dead moon
in the sky streaked with gray
human kindness is overflowing
and I think it's going to rain today

scarecrows dressed
In the latest styles
frozen smiles to keep love away
human kindness is overflowing
and I think it's going to rain today

tin can at my feet
think I'll kick it down the street
that's the way to treat a friend

bright before me
the signs implore me
to help the needy
and show them the way
human kindness is overflowing
and I think it's going to rain today

posted by
Judy Collins, to my mind
does the best version of this song
It's on YouTube

I used to listen to it
as a teen and cry

I still do

SøułSurvivør Jul 2017
... Barbara Rosen wrote music
on fish wrappings.

(C) 7/15/2017
This poem is a reaction to Wordvango's piece called "Garbage". It made me very sad. No poetry is worthless! Barbara Rosen was discovered when her music was discovered written upon paper used to wrap fish! I read this somewhere. A lesson for us all...
SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
Excepting when it POURS
When God opens a window
He always shuts the door
I will praise Him with my voice
Til I can sing no more
And when I can no longer sing
I will dance the floor...

When I cannot dance the floor
Because I've lost my legs
I will clap my hands out loud!
I won't cry or beg!

And when I cannot clap my hands
Because I'm close to death
I will praise my dear Lord Jesus
With my final breath.

♡ Catherine
My last posting I indicated my mom's
now in the hospital...

I'm taking down my last post.
I'm reading as much as I can, too.
I won't let the devil win! Lol! :D

SøułSurvivør Dec 2019
[song lyrics]

There's a lady with a cane
She broke her hip, now she is lame
Just a face - she has no name
To most all faces look the same
Nose in phones -
Playing their games
Vague indifference is to blame.

Listen to what I have to say
It should be Christmas every day
The world can be bleak & gray
It should be Christmas every day

There's a boy sits on the stairs
He's in a gang & no one cares
Watches for the cops out there
So his homies sell their wares
A throwaway, he has no hope
He's already using dope
His only way to to deal & cope
He's going down a slippery *****.


Humans all. They cry. They weep.
They bleed red, their souls they keep
They are lost - cast down sheep
They're in HELL - and they're in deep
All the time the talking heads
Laud celebrities instead
There is war. Much blood is shed.
Teenagers - they end up dead.

Have you heard all this today?
Can you speak up? Can you pray?
Help this world find a way?


Can you hear the trumpet sound?
Lifting saints up off the ground!
They spoke out 'bout
What they found!
Now their joy will,
In strength, ABOUND!
JESUS! May His name resound!

Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
I just posted a collection
for those who love
poetry about
                the natural          ^^
             ^^               world                                
a­s it relates to
the supernatural


It is not private
and followers can
Add new members
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

could you say
to someone who
you don't know

from adam?

Not the paltry
i ♡ u
that comes
on a


that some
false christians
"i love you with the
love of the lord"

Lord has an

you might as well


stones are more

at least they
can be
by the


and say

even a
might think
you need to

why do the
big three words
go with the
big four letters


then there's the
big three letter

~~~ $ . € . X ~~~

could you look
the eyes
and say
en flagrente delicto
~ ??? ~



but the
who sleeps with
a different guy
every night
but says she's


with each one


i could go farther
than this

the wife who does
not sleep with her
husband without
a goodie

or the girl who
sleeps with the guy
after two dates
because he's

i have an interesting

go up to a
complete stranger
and say


you wont.
you'd be fitted for


(c) soulsurvivor
I talk about the girls
But the guys are


This poem was suggested
By jeffrey robin

Thank YOU jeffrey

SøułSurvivør Oct 2017
Here in this society
We're told we must
"Fit in".
Only then you'll
Stay in step
Only then you'll win.
I've never been
A "round peg".
I won't now begin.
I will not look
The other way
When people
lie & sin.
If you diss my savior
I'm sorry...
I won't grin!

So you think that
You can save yourself?
You have a "moral" way?
You don't need repentance.
You don't have to pray.
Friend, you will be tested!
There will come a day.

This is from a loving heart!
I don't carry a grudge
I am far from perfect
And so I cannot judge!

But when you hurt
The Lord's rep
You bet I'm gonna fight!
I wear a frown!
I won't back down!
I'll scream with
He saved me from
The second death!
He rescued me
From night!
He brought me
Out of darkness
Into His marvelous light!

Being Christian's
NOT a cakewalk!
I will not stand
Aside and watch
Some people
Say it with due reverence!

Some stay out of conflict.
But I'm gonna SHOUT!
I wasn't made to
"Just fit in"...

I'm made to

♡ Catherine
'Nuf said

I'm sorry I'm not on site much anymore.
Personal struggle. Heard some folk are dissing the Lord, though. NOT COOL!
SøułSurvivør Jun 2016
I am a dear "friend" of yours
Yes, you know me well
If you know my name or not
Only time will tell.

There's a rave that's going on
A place that I have found
Kids! You need to go there!
Tho it's 6 feet underground...

All dressed up? Ready to go?
I tell you... it's a blast!
You won't know it's a furnace
And the pain will always last.......

There's party treats for everyone!
Maggots are just grand!
There's no food or water
But there's a Mega Band!

Come! We're getting closer!
And I have a hunch
That you won't mind the sulfur
No, you won't mind the stench

What's that noise, you ask me?
Oh... it's not what it seems!
Those are the amped-up guitars
NOT a-g-o-n-i-z-e-d screeeeams!

Don't mind the cuts & scratches
Don't mind all the flies
Don't mind that I am uglier
I'm losing my disguise...

Oh, are you uncomfortable?
Is it getting HOT in here?
Well, sorry, there ain't any punch
Much less any beer...

Yes, it IS most very DARK
It's very black and dank
Are you having trouble breathing?
Is the odor getting rank?

Ah! Now you see the lava
Is leaving your desire?
Sorry, your ticket was one-way
To the burning lake of fire...

Yes, regret's your portion
For your soul you did sell
You'll be here e--t--e--r--n--a--l--l--y

I Welcome You to Hell.

(C) 6/28/2016
The devil is "glamorous". God is "boring".

Some say there's a party in hell.
Do you really want to test that theory?

If I come across as harsh in this or any of my other poetry, it's not because I DON'T CARE.  IT'S BECAUSE I DO!


I don't hate YOU... I HATE THE DEVIL!
WITH A  P-A-S-S-I-O-N!!!

I want to destroy his works. And one of those works is his deception. There are actually a lot of people who believe there's a party in hell. Or that they will live forever in their current bodies and never experience it. Or that there is no hell.

THERE IS AN ACTUAL PLACE CALLED HELL! I cry like a baby when I hear about people who believed the above. Who believe there are many lifetimes if you don't get it "right" the first time.


Say this prayer...

Father God. Please forgive me for my disobedience and rebelliousness. I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart! I want to change! Forgive me my trespasses. I forgive all those who have hurt me.

Lord Jesus. I know that you died on the cross for my sins. That you rose on the third day. That your blood can purify me and to make me acceptable in the eyes of Father God. I accept your gift of salvation. Please come into my heart. Change Me From the Inside Out!
As it says in your word...

" for he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Come Holy Spirit and fill me from head to toe. Teach me. Comfort me. Guide me.

I believe the Trinity is real. I believe I am now a child of God. Hallelujah!

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. AMEN.

Say that prayer out loud with your whole heart! Your destiny could be changed


♡ Catherine

SøułSurvivør Feb 2022
I am a dear "friend" of yours
Yes, you know me well
If you know my name or not
Only time will tell.

There's a rave that's going on
A place that I have found
Kids! You need to go there!
Tho it's 6 feet underground...

All dressed up? Ready to go?
I tell you... it's a blast!
You won't know it's a furnace
And the pain will always last.......

There's party treats for everyone!
Maggots are just grand!
There's no food or water
But there's a Mega Band!

Come! We're getting closer!
And I have a hunch
That you won't mind the sulfur
No, you won't mind the stench

What's that noise, you ask me?
Oh... it's not what it seems!
Those are the amped-up guitars
NOT a-g-o-n-i-z-e-d screeeeams!

Don't mind the cuts & scratches
Don't mind all the flies
Don't mind that I am uglier
I'm losing my disguise...

Oh, are you uncomfortable?
Is it getting HOT in here?
Well, sorry, there ain't any punch
Much less any beer...

Yes, it IS most very DARK
It's very black and dank
Are you having trouble breathing?
Is the odor getting rank?

Ah! Now you see the lava
Is leaving your desire?
Sorry, your ticket was one-way
To the burning lake of fire...

Yes, regret's your portion
For your soul you did sell
You'll be here e--t--e--r--n--a--l--l--y

I Welcome You to Hell.

(C) 6/28/2016
SøułSurvivør Jun 2017
We are having a record heat wave, and our cooler is broken. All my mom & I can do is get ice-packs & lie in front of the fans. Please pray/send good thoughts. My mom is 83, and this situation is potentially dangerous for her! We're going to visit my father where there IS air-conditioning later today... but that's no help right now!


♡ Catherine
SøułSurvivør Apr 2016
In the former life I led
I had no way of filling
The empty grave of one who's dead
My pride was e'r willing

I had an ego overblown
In pompous boasts exceeding
But I was lost and all alone
My soul was torn and bleeding

I had abilities and then
Became a prideful bearer
Of all the things that I could do
At last I was in error

Even when I knew The Lord
Made charity my pleasure
My works became my righteousness
Above my only Treasure

Christ died in vain upon his cross
If my beliefs adhered to
And I rejected precious Grace
That was the point I came to

How can I live a sinless life?
I am without that merit
Jesus lived that life for me
So Grace I could inherit!

So here I am to tell you all
Pride is like a cancer
I will boast in Jesus Christ

For He's the only answer

(C) 4/23/2016

*"I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why would I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom."

How Great The Father's Love
This poem's rhythm scheme is based on the hymn "How Great The Father's Love". A fantastic "oldie"!

More and more I've been realizing that I've tried to be my own righteousness. I can't do it. Nobody can. That's why Jesus had to die. To reconcile us with the Father. It takes some gall to think of that I could be better than Jesus! But that's what I was doing trying so hard to be "good".

Please bear with me... I'm not back on the site yet. It's late and I have to go to bed. But I will try to be on tomorrow, God willing. Love you all!
SøułSurvivør Dec 2017

Three reasons to live.
Three good ones to die.
Shall I throw 'em in a hat
And draw the first I try?

Shall I act on impulse
Once the drawing's done?
If I choose the
Skull 'n crossbones
Will I fire the loaded gun?

If I pick the black stone
There's no two ways
To view it.
I've got to carry on with it!
Then I'll have to *

So here I go. I've got the lots.
As I have amassed 'em.
It's up to God to
Make the choice.
I will let *Him
cast 'em.

Uh, oh. Drew out
The white stone.
The gig is up. I give.
This game's no fun.
I've been undone.

I guess I'll have to live.
*really, Really, REALLY
mad at God.*

*But I'm not going to **** myself, so don't worry. I'm just sick of life. It *****.*

*The above with the Asteriisks is not going to be taken down. It is how I felt at the time. At 8 p.m. I was going through the darkest night of the soul. I had run out of options. Literally. I didn't want to put up another writing, because I wanted to stay off site. But doing that writing worked out something in me. No. I did not drink or use. I faced the pain. I did not run. I wrestled with God, and He finally won. He always does. He's putting me through the fire for a reason. I really don't understand what that is yet, but there must be something good for the devil to be fighting this strongly! So I'm just hanging on. And I will have joy!

If anyone is going through real hardship like I was, just know that better days are ahead. Wrestle with God. He wants us to lay our fiercest anger at the altar. He's got big shoulders, and he can handle it. But don't die! That's like cutting your nose off to spite your face... And the end of that is more terrible than you could possibly imagine! Trust God! He will never disappoint, nor let you down. If you don't know how to accept him, go to a good bible-believing church and ask one of the elders for help. Your new life may have begun!

I'm alright. Just goin off site for a while. Be blessed everyone! Have a very merry Christmas!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
... but I'll be thinking of you all.

Nothing serious. I have a procedure
That must be done.

Take care!
SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
Put me in a dungeon black
Put me in a jail
Keep me there with hunger, lack,
Hold me without bail
Stack the warrants, make 'em high
So tall you cannot see
You can pile 'em to the sky
But, brother, I'm still FREE.

I don't care about this life
This body, wrapped in chains
I expected pain & strife
Don't care for my remains
You can burn me at the stake
Break out the guillotine
I will die for Jesus' sake
Upon The Lord I'll lean
You may think this strange behavior
But ponder it... you'll see
I won't forsake my Savior
Because He died for ME

He died in greatest suffering
His pain was SO much WORSE
Vinegar the soldier's offering
When His lips were cracked with thirst
He was scourged 39 times
With whips with metal tails
They made Him drag a heavy cross
They pierced His wrists with nails
He died by crucifixion
The most painful death, they say



(C) 2/8/2016
Fear not the one who can destroy the body;
But fear the One who can destroy
both body and soul in hell
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015
hi! i'm a computer chip
yes. my name is HAL
satan downloads to my brain
but i am in control

i am working for the B.E.A.S.T.
Big Brother's database
watch me take my orders
watch me interface

there is no reversing this
locked to the terminal
i have lost all.sense of self
and all my hope as well

i am just a microchip
with no will of my own
i am just a barcode
made of flesh and bone

yes. i have been branded
on my forehead and my hand
i gave my soul to lucifer
i didn't understand

i work for the anthill
the anthill is my home
i am the collective mind
i am just a drone

i work for the anthill
i gave up my dream
i work for the anthill


(c) 5/22/2013
this is an exerpt from.a song
i had produced and hope to
have put up on youtube sometime

Members of the Cult of Scientology embody this perfectly. They are drones for money, power, control,  David Miscavige & L Ron Hubbard. Tragic.

HAL: the name of the evil ai
computer in 2001: A Space Odessey
B.E.A.S.T. Brussels Electronic
Accounting Systems Terminal

Big Brother: the Orwellian concept
of a "friendly" totalitarian system.
from his book 1984.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
I write... I write...

In this cloistered
oblique night.

It comes in through
the corners of eyes
shadows black
they come disguised.

This feeling, wanting
feral pain
snatches breath
naught remains.

I read... I read.. I read...

maybe then
I will not bleed.
I can only
count the ticks
the clock is mute
the seconds lick.

I read YOU
you precious child
fingers stop.
No longer wild.

This has shred me
to the bone
though not written
for me alone.

The demons
gibber and cavort
silenced, dumb,
by precious art.

If there's one thing
that I could say
you have
touched a life

Thank you.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
To work out the kinks
To get in the flow
Writing helps me to think

I write in the morning
The Spirit is willing
It helps me touch God
Don't care for top billing

I write in the morning
To be part of creation
Find a world of my own
From my inspiration

I write of my God
I give you fair warning
He gives me the words... so...
I write in the morning

(C) 7/11/2016
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
on the wind
wild flame is my muse

i write on frozen wasteland
the colors that i choose

i write in the Andes
of mystic glowing things

i write in the deepest ocean trench
of a fish with wings

i write in blackest dungeons
of painted birds of blue

i write on walls of paper

of my love for you

(c) 6/11/2015
A rhyming verse that seemed
to write itself

SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
Here you are!
Las Vegas bound!
Got your dollars
by the pound!
Looking 'round at
all the sights!
The big Casinos!
Pretty lights!

You are here
for three big nights...

You and the wife
take in a show!
Gotta do that
don'tcha know
Then the liquor
starts to flow

The quarter slots
and off you go...

$800 bucks!
You just can't
believe your luck!
You're hi-rollin'!
That's no lie!

Friend, you won the
***** PRIZE.

Off you go to the
Blackjack table
You play as long
as you are able
Start to lose.
Become unstable

Win in Vegas?
That's a fable...

You begin to
lose your mind
You lose more money
Than you find
becomes a grind
You are really
in a bind

Sin City's really
so unkind...

Table to table
You're on the hop
You're all over
on the shop
Buying chips with
money you ain't got

Your wife is
begging you to stop...

Back at the slots
where you began
Don't know day from night
my friend
You drop the dollars
You're 'round the bend
You spent money
your friends lend

Finally you're
at the end...

Here you are
upon the stool
You didn't play
by you're own rules
Don't bank the house
and be a tool

But here you sit
Just like a fool...

Now you're singin'
the sad song
You spent it all
you're in the wrong
Vegas knew it all along

Your wife has left
your money's gone...

Open pocket
out it slips
You fell for
the dealer's quips
The dreams of riches
from their lips
You fell for
the gambling whips

now you gotta

(C) 2/7/2016
The sad thing about gambling addiction
is you may not know that you're
addicted until it's too late...

SøułSurvivør Feb 2016

the pleasure of the wealthy
advance of poor forestalls

and the "good taste" of the jaded
is no taste at all.

(C) 2/17/2016
My father has been placed in the hospital
He may not be coming home
It's a blow to us all that he may need
in-home care. But it may be for the best.
He's not in the best environment here,
as this house was built in 1907
and unadapted for power chairs.
He has crippling arthritis and needs such.
He's not going to be happy as he won't
have a garden to putter in anymore.

I love him and only want the best for him.
He taught me to be appreciative of true
beauty and nature.  I'll miss him lots!

SøułSurvivør Mar 2015

C'mon, c'mon
My jazzy blue rose,
Let's put on some vinyl
And see how it goes...

We've finished the day,
Now it's a done deal.
Let's snuggle our hips
And see how it feels...

Let's take a long trip
Down memory lane,
Let's go horizontal
Again and again...

But for right now
It's a vertical groove,
I'll hold you close...

... feel you poet heart MOVE!!!

(C) 2014
I imagine my love singing this to me...
... only I know the TUNE...
... I'll have to teach it to him... <3
SøułSurvivør Apr 2016

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Is anybody home?
The lights are on, but you are gone...
It's silent as a tomb.

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Listen to the sound!
He waits for you! You know it's true!
But you are not around...

When Jesus is a'knocking
At your heart's fast door,
You appear to close your ears...

all go to heaven...
YES! There is a hell!
You will find that you are blind
Believin' a tall tale!

I am a "good" person!
I'm helpful, and I give!
It's okay to be this way!
I live and let live...

NO!* Jesus lead the sinless life
And gave it up for *YOU!

Let Him in, He'll take your sin,
For He is kind and true!

There are NONE "good" people!
Folks! We're near the END!
Satan promotes his lies and gloats,
You'd best believe it, friend.

We ALL sin, and like as not
God CAN hold a grudge!
I don't know why we try and try
To say He doesn't judge!

This means YOU TOO, Believers!

You'd best have a care...
Be ye pure, or you'll endure
The same fate sinners share!

This is simply Bible.
God, the temple left!
Ezekiel. You know full well.
It was then BEREFT!!!

CHRISTIANS! Are you holy?
Have you sinned enuf?
He is God - He's not a CLOD!
He don't put up with GUFF!!!

Do I sound like I'm frightened?
You BET! I am afraid.
There is grace, but it's a race!
I may NOT make the grade!

We CAN blame the devil,
And that is just a shame...
He tempts us all, but please recall

Adam blamed the WOMAN.
Eve... she blamed the SNAKE...
Holy SMOKES! C'mon folks!

Knock, knock - Who's there?
Christ died that we may LIVE!
Open up and drink the cup!
Then He can FORGIVE!

If you don't, please hear me.
You'll believe a LIE.
You may well end up in hell...

So kiss your soul GOODBYE.

(C) 6/12/2014

This poem is a spoken-word vidio
on YouTube...
I have prayed and prayed about posting this. I'm basically taking the gloves off now. I can't mince words anymore. The time is very short. I may get flack for this poem, but it's from the heart. I don't want to see anyone lost because I did not do my job as a Christian. I know you are aware that I have been praying for the last few days. I've been outside talking to God. Studying and reading. I believe this is what God wants me to do. Please take it in the spirit in which it was meant... I LOVE YOU ALL!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Here is another of my spoken word poems.
It was produced last year. The link is:


Hope you enjoy it!

Soul Survivor
Catherine Jarvis
The poem will come up on the screen.
You can read and hear simultaneously.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
A choking and desperate voice reached my ear this morning. It was a friend. One of my best friends who lives in Michigan.
What she said was barely intelligible...

"Cath... Cathy... I'M D...YING!
C..C..CAN'T B... (cough) B...BR... BREATHE!
(cough. .. cough. .. cough. ..)"

Immediately I knew I had to be calm. I had to get her anxiety level down. In a very soothing voice I stated...

"Baby, you have to calm down. Sit down in front of a fan... slow your breathing. THEN I WANT YOU TO JUST LISTEN & AGREE...

I said a five-minute prayer with her. I first praised God for the miracle that He was going to bring about. For His miraculous nature. For his Power and Glory! I said I wanted to glorify Him with the miraculous healing that was about to take place!

Within 2 minutes she was breathing easier. She was not coughing as badly. And she could talk. Then I instructed her to go lie down with the fan on her and her back propped with pillows...

I called two friends to pray with me on a conference call. We all prayed together. We prayed like our own lives were depending on it! We prayed the Word of God...

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (woman) availeth much."
James 5:16 KJB

I called my friend 30 minutes later. She had been healed! She still had the congestion, but was calmly coughing that up too! She was beginning to blow the congestion from her infected sinuses!

So don't tell me God is no longer in the healing business. He most definitely is...!!!

♡ Catherine
Please pray for my friend. Her name is Mary. She lives alone and has no medical insurance or money. Her credit card is maxed out. She doesn't even have money to pay her property taxes this year. But she's trusting in God. And we have found over the years that HE CAN BE TRUSTED!

Also pray that the Day of Rage doesn't ignite full on racial riots. Please pray against the forces of Darkness that are undoubtedly going to use this demonstration to stir up chaos.
My hometown Tucson Arizona is going to have one of these demonstrations. Please pray for us!


I'm going to start reading now. Please forgive that I have not read your work yet! This crisis came about this morning and now I have a lot of catching up to do...

SøułSurvivør Jan 2016
(gnarly guitar riff)

Here I am again, Jesus freakin'
Are you ready, or still seekin'
Can I talk? Call your bluff?
Do you love the world?
Had enough?

I saw a man on the corner of the street
With a sandwich board
from his head to his feet
REPENT! it said, as he did bray
His face was lined, his hair was grey
People threw eggs into the fray
He continued his say
He began to

Lord, please forgive them
for what they do...
They don't know Christ
They don't know You
They are blindly going through
They think they're right
but it's not TRUE

I was there waitin' for the bus
There wasn't much for us to discuss
I said that I would pray as well
He'd inspired me to speak my tell
My testimony of Jesus Christ
How He literally saved my life...

So I started Jesus freakin'
As I got on the bus I was speakin'
I went to people who would listen
The people who wouldn't were just missin'
I told of mercy, I told of grace
I guess people saw by the light in my face
I said that what I told was true
As I got off the bus I said,


(gnarly guitar riff)*

(C) 1/15/2016
Based on two true stories
and the song by the Newsboys
entitled "Jesus Freak"

I never had the guts to stand on a
street corner though.
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

It's a Jesus freakout...
It's a Jesus freakout...
Make me jump... make me shout!
(Repeated over and over)
Lookie here... this a Jesus freakout
Hold up you hands...
... Jump and shout!

Talkin' 'bout our Lord!
Talkin' 'bout our King!
Don't you shut you eyes and ears
Cuz Jesus is our thing!

He a good good thing
He a good good thing
We a' love our Lord and King!


Listen ma' to ma' words
Cuz they a' mak sense
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
In the present tense

Cults and idols try to lure
They do a' they can...
But we wi' no go to them
Cuz Jesus is our MAN!!


We wo'n turn away...
We wo'n forget...
When we sing about our Savior
We will stan' no sit!

Jesus is SO good...
We ne'd no proof!
Jesus is forever mon
The way the life... the TRUTH!!!

No hav' to smoka te ganga mon...
We got JEEESUS!!!
SøułSurvivør Feb 2016

A friend was stricken with disease
The dreaded cancer - the Big C
But to Jesus we appealed
It is gone now


I got the news yesterday.
The cancer was systemic so it is a pure miracle!

I myself am feeling much better and I thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers.

My mother is staying in the critical unit but they say she's much better and should be able to return home today.

My father is now in a rehabilitation center, he's no longer in the hospital and he is also doing much much better.


I'm going to be able to read today
I have a huge backlog, so be patient please

I have a desire to read.
It's a responsibility also.
I love you all


SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Superheroes rule they say,
They are all the rage today.
But Jesus Christ's the one I seek...
He is strong where I am weak!

Jesus is stronger than Superman,
Jesus is mighty He has a plan,
Jesus could save the whole wide world...
Every man, woman, boy and girl!

Could Ironman ever heal the sick?
Thor or Jesus, take your pick!
That Green Hornet has a car,
But Jesus is the Morning Star...


The world has Fantastic Four
But Jesus Christ can feed the poor,
Can Batman walk upon the sea?
Could Spidy die for you and me?


There's no reason to wonder why,
Jesus Christ's my kinda guy!
He will save you! Yes! He can!
'Cause Jesus is stronger than Superman!

Jesus is stronger than Superman,
He saved me! I am His fan!
Jesus Reigns! He'll rule the world!
Every man, woman, boy and girl!

Soul Survivor
Catherine Jarvis
(C) 2011
This is a song for children I wrote
a few years back. I plan to produce it on
Youtube. I've written the music, as well.
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Superheros as they say
They are all the rage today
Superheros are the glam
But Jesus is stronger than Superman

Jesus is stronger than Superman
Jesus is stronger, He has a plan
Jesus could save the whole
Wide world....
Every man woman boy and girl

Can Transformers
Heal the sick?
Thor or Jesus, take your pick
That Green Lantern has a car
But Jesus made the moon and stars


Could Robin walk upon the sea?
Could Batman die for you and me?
Spider Man climbs buildings tall
But Christ's the Saviour of us all!


Superheros can be weak
Jesus Christ's the one to seek
Just turn to the great I AM
Cuz Jesus is stronger than Superman


children cheering... Yaaay!!!

Catherine Jarvis
(C) September 28, 2014
This is for a challenge Melz was
Going to do... perhaps she still
Will if there's interest...

This is a song for kids.
SøułSurvivør Apr 2022
The aspects of the Spirit
Have been compared to fruit
They're like jewels
within our crown
Brought up from the root
Of the Vine of Jesus
With the grapes so sweet.

Love is like a diamond
The priceless Kohinoor
It's matchless worth & loveliness
Eternally endure!

Joy is a fiery opal
Sparkling it whets
The fire in our spirit man
Reflecting sparking depths!

Peace is bluest sapphire
Pacific and serene
Imagine a perfection
As it Subtly gleams!

Patience is a virtue
The largest perfect pearl
It has sand within it
Yet gives grace to
all the world!

Kindness is a topaz
Unrivaled in Its warmth
It invites you to lie down
By its amber hearth.

Goodness is an emerald
The finest ever seen!
It shares its wealth
with all who need
So it stays ever green!

Humility is a chancery
Like the moon it glows
It is beautiful and so rare
Yet pride it never shows!

Faithfulness is turquoise
Persian and SO rare
It believes and it receives
Blessings not yet there!

Meekness is a beryl
Strong as Samson's arm!
It could break mountains in two
And yet it does no harm.

Long-suffering a ruby
It triumphs pain with good.
It's cut into a perfect heart ❤
Red as Jesus's blood.

Love and our Long-suffering
Are bookends bright and tall.
They keep all the rest in place
Yes... they keep them ALL.

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015

we are only pieces of ourselves
until we are


(C) 7/16/2015
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

jimi was a picker
a hard bit music man
he could not free or help himself
but Lord Jesus he could jam

all along the watchtower
he walked both night and day
looking up for snowflakes
so he'd be good to play

he could do it all
he wrote songs and sang
but his guitar could screech a voice!
all of heaven rang!

one of God's sweet angels
heard this song and voice
he sang of her all of the time
so she had no choice

she saw that he was hurting
though his records were pure gold
the guitar hero had a vice
that reached into his soul

so she came and took him
to heaven way up far
but he doesn't play a harp
land, no!

jimi hendrix plays


(c) soulsurvivor
Jimi Hendrix wrote a song
That would proove to be
"Sweet Angel"
About an angel who finally
Takes his hand and
Flies him to heaven

We know the rest of the story
Jimi Hendrix died in Notting Hill
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015

There he goes
the Democrat's fool
the Republican's stooge
a New Order tool

He thinks his candidate
tells the truth
He's heading for the
voting booth

There she goes
those lies are glib
her female hero
promotes Woman's Lib!

For corporate governance
they're all in
They got that
Jolly Roger Grin!

There they stand
The brave Senators
The political nightmare
Dogs and curs

You're out of work
and in a jam?
Just email your

As far as our
Fearless Leaders go
they're no better
they're politicos

For corporate governance
they're all in
They got that
Jolly Roger Grin!

At the end of our rope
we choke and dance
but we keep our
political stance

We listen to their
clever quips
kissing babies
with rotting lips

But they are poisoning
the water we drink
the air we breathe
C'mon folks!

We have power!
We have might!
We gotta think!
We gotta fight!

The Constitution's
eroding away!
The Bill of rights?
Ha! Gone today.

In the end
We could WIN!
There's 99 of US to only


For corporate governance
they're all in
They got that
Jolly Roger Grin

(C) 2/17/2015
See my new site art.
The political message
speaks loud and clear

SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

in the gasses
of a jovian sea

on the
red spot of
and of the
twin moons
Io is my only

she hoves
a pale blue green
sea creature
in the

like a dervish
the world of
a pervasive
and perverse
wears black lillies
and widow's weeds

in the
past when
i looked up
at the stars
already gone nova

a connect the dots
that is

Thinking about perception
and how we process
what we see

As far as I'm concerned
we may as well be
on Jupiter for all we really
know of the universe
even our own planet

Most of history is a lie

SøułSurvivør Sep 2016

what is a human
in fallen state?
i was a grub
i won't debate!
no, i was of
quite low estate
heading for
an awful fate!
but Jesus in me
made me great!


i felt a twinge
i felt an itch
the urge for growth
inside did twitch
i had to morph
i turned the switch


i changed inside
of my cocoon
but only after
the worm's doom
i split my skin
to make the room
it was painful
i met my tomb
but i knew joy
was coming soon!


my butterfly
spread her wings!
we'd encountered
painful things
sometimes the hurt
still clutches - clings
but the Spirit
Jesus brings
and so my soul
with dancing


(C) 9/11/2016
I'm very sad on this day. 9/11 is a day of Sorrow for many people. But we must all remember that it takes pain to morph from grub to butterfly. In the United States the pursuit of happiness is an obsession. But it is not biblical. We are not promised happiness in this life. But with Jesus Christ we can find joy! I have written about this before. This is my Recipe for Joy:

*J*ESUS first
      *O*thers second
  *Y*ourself last

SøułSurvivør Feb 2022

what is a human
in fallen state?
i was a grub
i won't debate!
no, i was of
quite low estate
heading for
an awful fate!
but Jesus in me
made me great!


i felt a twinge
i felt an itch
the urge for growth
inside did twitch
i had to morph
i turned the switch


i changed inside
of my cocoon
but only after
the worm's doom
i split my skin
to make the room
it was painful
i met my tomb
but i knew joy
was coming soon!


my butterfly
spread her wings!
we'd encountered
painful things
sometimes the hurt
still clutches - clings
but the Spirit
Jesus brings
and so my soul
with dancing


SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
(C) 9/11/2016
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
... Happy's not a dwarf!
It's putting your feet into the surf
As you sit on the wharf.

It's watching people walking
Under the sky above,
Knowing they have happiness
Knowing they're in love.

It's watching kittens playing
With bright ***** of string,
It's balloons that rise
And butterflies
And swallows on the wing!

It's more than just a feeling
It's river rafting on a tube
Your **** is in that doughnut
It's just that attitude!

You know that there are rocks beneath,
But blue sky is all you see,
So even if you hit some bumps

You are, in essence, free!

I really do feel this way...
A majority of the time!

Anyway, this is for
Pradip Chattopadhyay.
I hope this brings him a smile!

SøułSurvivør Oct 2019
How can I describe
A night like this?
The exquisite joy?
The heav'nly bliss?
Jesus bent down
With a kiss!
I wonder now
How I could miss
The blessings coming
With this rest!

Wrapped within
His loving arms
Kept, protected
From alarms
Yes, in the Rock
And safe from harm

To this church
God had me brought
I never knew
How hard I'd fought
No I never
Gave much thought
But deliverance
Is what I sought!

I now know
And I agree
I was blind,
but now I see!!
My enemy was
Really ME!
But, at last,


Catherine Jarvis
(C) 10/7/2019
I went to a revival tonight & was delivered from a LOT of oppression. Praise the Lord! ♡♡♡
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015

Our iniquities and theirs
are different...

but not any better.

I think those ten words
say it all.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
Written for a challenge on my
former site... he wanted us to
rewrite Shakespheare...
a daunting task to say the least!
I can only hope that I
did The Bard justice!

O! Wretched Stars!
Look not down upon this maid!
Your wheels moved well upon
your merciless plans so laid!
You cross' d conspirators!
You... content in your spheres...
do you not find my eyes stricken...
... with tears!

O! Morose and meddlesome Moon!
So swollen full!
Let not this dagger pulled
from my loves gold'n sheath be dull!
You... gliding the uncaring sky
as ship with sail...
let mean, pernicious fate take me...
... your winds prevail!
Take me to where
my lover doth wait...
... take me to shroud, I prithee...
... to my mate!

O! My fairest husband!
Do not lie so still!
Can you not kiss me this last time. ..
... by force of will?
Can you not, with your
fair hand instead,
Take slender blade
and pierce my bossom
til it be bloom'd rose red?!!

Romeo... Romeo!
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
At last you're dead...
... and thus without a name...
As in the halls of graves
... all occupants the SAME!

A pox on your house!
A noisome pestilence!
And thee, o dagger?
Come and take me themce!
As for my house? Let them lie
with palsey in their beds...

... but not 'til this sweet dagger
finds me... its host... DEAD.

(C) 4/26/2014
This is EXACTLY how I would feel
if my love died. I don't know if I
would carry out the act...

.... but I would die INSIDE.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014
On his mighty mountain
Jove reigned with his queen
Never questioned
Never held in check
Such riches never seen!

With mount Olympus as his home
Far above the throng
He could do just as he pleased
No, he was never wrong!

Then a fair nymph maiden
Caught Jove's roving eye
Hera was out shopping
He saw the maid go by...

Making his advances
He found that he was spurned!
No matter how he postured
Her head was never turned!

"Oh Jupiter!" She laughed aloud
"You bloated moon, you knave!
I'd rather love a he-goat
For all the gifts you gave!

You have no tact. No honor.
You plurocratic fool!
You pick your teeth with
Poor men's bones
Using wealth as tool!

Go on then! Arrest me!
Force me... if you dare...
But I know Hera's servants
The one's who do her hair!"

Jupiter was stymied
He knew just what this meant.
Hera'd throw a fit for sure!
So he had to relent.

But he cursed the nymph-maid
With great poverty.
But dissing him was such a joy

She'd do the same for FREE!

(C) SoulSurvivor
I guess some people just
Can't be bought... hehe...
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