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Joe Cole Sep 2015
You know I've walked on the wrong side of hell
Felt the stinging bite of shot and shell
Seen the bodies and smelt the blood
Of those so young

Ultimately my choice in life
Cost me my first love who was my life
She couldn't live with what might be a last goodbye
Worrying constantly about the knock on the door

I left the army thinking things might change
And so covert security became the game
In her eyes the risk remained the same
In fact the risk was higher

Combined with nightmares in the darkest hours
When I would scream and yell
And the whiskey bottle always by my side
Was more than she could bare

And so we parted

I was mentally a shattered wreck
Although I always kept my job
The bottle my constant companion
The dreams, nightmares hidden

But one day I started to write
I don't know why, it just happened
And I discovered that I could share my darkest thoughts
With others who would and could understand

Poetry gave me the release from myself
Because talking to you was somehow impersonal
You were just names on a page back then
But now you are a family
Thank you for I have regained sanity
Through you
For many years I guess I hid from myself, the whiskey is still a good friend but no longer controls my life simply because I discovered that people do listen
SøułSurvivør Sep 2015
Share your heartache
Share your strife
Share your poems
Share your life

Be a witness
In the night
And be a light

You'll be blessed!
What's to lose?
If no one shares
How can I choose?

Another's pain
You may relieve
It matters not
What you believe

Share your work
So we can see
How with strength

We can be FREE!

♥ Catherine
Write an uplifting work
which describes how you feel
and how you have overcome
your difficult times.

I want to see positive poetry!

I will "shine" EVERY POEM ENTERED!

ON YOUR TAGS (the bar at the bottom of the postings - message
me via the site message system
if you don't know how)

I will shine the poems after
October third
SøułSurvivør Sep 2015

Share your story.
Share your strife.
Share a poem.
Save a life.


If you have overcome an obstacle
If you have witnessed a miracle
If you were blue
and didn't know what to do
but have yet reached out
and found that someone helped


Please write about the
good in this cruel world.

♥ Catherine
After October third I will
repost 3 stories with a SHINE!

I know that you will find that
writing a poem like this will bring
a smile to someone. MAYBE YOU!


— The End —