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SøułSurvivør Nov 2014
just a kiss
just a sting
pluck a root
pluck a wing
you will die
and it won't show
you don't have so far to go

just a lie
just a tale
yank a hair
yank a nail
i will tease
i will rave
i will put you in your grave

just a flick
just a feignt
**** the sinner
****.the saint
go over to the wishing well
that's where you make
your place in hell

archbishop of agony
you have sold your soul to me

i will steal your last breath
for i am the duke of death

you will hear this last refrain
for I am the king of pain

(c) soulsurvivor
based on the song
"King of Pain"
by The Police
SøułSurvivør Nov 2020
She staggered down
The Greyhound bus
Ran away
New York or bust
Now there's no one
She can trust
Wanted diamonds
She found rust...

He's just running
On a train
His ring tarnished
His hands stained
He's just running
Empty tank
Can't believe
How far he sank...

She's just a Runaway
Just a Runaway
He's just a Runaway
Just a Runaway

They find each other
In the jon
Subway station
People gone
He asks her
If she's alone
She asks him
To use his phone
She lost hers
She had to run
From a man
Who wanted "fun".


In the subway
Ear to tracks
The boy watched
Both of their backs
The girl ripped off
For both their lack
She stayed awake
He hit the sack
So it went...
Till the attack.


"A bunch of thugs"
The po-po said.
An argument
Came to a head
The boy protected...
Now he's dead.

The girl, she stirred up
Quite a fuss
When she left
"New York or bust"
Now all she wanted
All she missed
Werethe parents
She once kissed.

There's only one child
On the phone
She's very sad
That she's alone
But now that girl is


Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

I'm calling you
it's 3am
all the bars are closed
don't have no more
that's just the way
it goes

I'm sure sorry for
the things I've done
the silly things
i've said
i really should be
going to sleep
but this song
is in my head


just called to say i love you
that i will always care
if you ever need a helping hand
you know that i'll be there

just called to say i love you
that i love you still
yes, i've called to say I love you
and i always will

babe, i've spent a lifetime
looking for some help
someone else to be there
I couldn't help myself

then all at once i found you
the writing on the wall
you were there
i thought you cared
we could have
had it ALL


and now the clock is ticking
i called and you're not home
something's wrong
it's 3:15
I know you're not alone

and so i'll leave a message
though my head is in a daze
i'll leave you a message
and this is what it says

This is inspired by a
romance that may have ended
Not all the circumstances
are the same, but the sentiment is

My heart is on my sleave
but I want you all to
really understand why
I have not been on site as much

Don't worry. Not drinking or using


SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Sometimes the words
Answer the questions
Before you ask them.**

Something I wrote to
Another poet to bring strength
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
Blood gouts onto the rags.
I wring them out...
... poetry.

Soul Survivor
Pretty much every day.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
God has given me my


I have an opportunity
That comes only

I can realize
This drean. But it comes
With a higher
Price than I'm willing
to pay.

What would you do?

I could go to art school.
And illustrate
A book of poetry.
Really. I need help.
I would have to leave.
The sites of
Both poetfreak
And this site

I would
Lose part of my heart
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
to get back in the water....

Have you noticed how
Freaking WEIRD
the media has become?


Dah dum. Dah dum...
Dah dum Dah dum Dah dum

Lately I saw the cover of
Bazaar Magazine.

A model in a **** gold lame'
Bathing suit... sexily draped
Inside the maw of Jaws.

What Is the nose of Jaws
Coming vertically out of the
Water reminiscent of?
A PYRAMID perhaps?

The pyramid is a symbol.
Of Freemasons and


I always thought a friend of mine
A bit touched. He told me that
The 1% are all in collusion.
That the Illuminati used SYMBOLS
and scenes on the TV and movies
(Pictures on the wall in the
background, etc) as subliminal
Messages for mind control. And
to indicate subtly what is going on
Behind the scenes. So they can get
Their jollies by "telling us", without
Really doing so, how we are headed
For destruction. And how it will
Take place. So they can

I don't know. I used to think
The guy a bit eccentric...

I've been looking at what is
Coming out of Madison avenue
And I look at background scenes
In movies... he is CORRECT.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Just on site a short time.
The last few days have been hectic
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
when every last vestige of
your humanity seems to be
a jigsaw puzzle game
strewn across the universe
with no possibility of
of all pieces


when rage accosts the
very center of your heart
like a home invasion
taking with it
all the
milk of human kindness


when your flowers die
in a blight of ice
the very roots
frozen in the tundra
and spring becomes winter
in the space of an hour


when worry wrings your brain
like a fishwife with a towel
doubt lays a crooked wall
using your bones as a trowel
fear is a raven which
travels with the owl


when evil wells out
of every pore of your existence
like sludge drained from
the bottom of a



for Jesus Christ is the
puzzle piece
which restores
the entire game


He's the peace which
passes all understanding

the joy which is our strength


He is the
Rose of Sharon
which has no time nor season
but blooms eternally


He is the mechanic
who made all destruction
and will








~~~< F • A • I • T • H >~~~

(C) 7/16/2016
I've been writing quite a bit about the storm to come. But not enough about the solution. Jesus Christ is that solution. The government can't help you. Don't go to any camps. Your own power can't help you. Your Own Strength can't help you. No matter how brilliant you are your brain can't help you. Your money can't help you. If something is broken in your car who do you think you'd want to see? A mechanic. If something is broken in your life wouldn't you want to see the One who created it?
Knows the every working of your universe
Inside and out?

A friend of mine prompted me to write this. I was not going to write another piece today. But the Holy Spirit has been insistent. I want people to read this on Sunday morning.

Have a beautiful day!

And remember

SøułSurvivør Apr 2015

the lamp is lit
but no light
flows / the
candle sits
and doesn't glow
the lightbulb gleams
but all is dark / the fire
spits a lifeless spark
the ember gives
no life no
warmth / there
        is no comfort ))))))
              on the hearth         ))))
        there is no life ))))))
when love grows
cold / the only prospect's getting old
SøułSurvivør Nov 2020
Looking at the moon tonight
In its half-cast phase
I knew I had to write of it
It in the cloud's soft haze
I stared into the golden eye
As if in a daze
I was sort of hypnotized
By its mesmerizing gaze.

As the mist around it
Shifted in its pose
The eye was mean & frowning
Over a demonic nose
Shifting still the vapor
Made the moon of woes
Look sad with cold tears flowing
In ever changing rows
Then it was kind...
Then it was blind
Then the kind eye closed.

Was this the eye of providence?
Which o'r our country's health
Once looked with kindness
Down upon
Our fortune & our wealth?

Now it's angry & SO sad
Winds there up high have breath
So the eye of providence

Closes fast in death.

Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

Here's a tale of
woe and love
a ballad soft and low
it shows how greed
can rise above
and how far it will go

King Midas had a
wonderous gift
turned everything he touched
into gold, an alchemy shift
he wanted wealth so much

But he loved his daughter
more than that
she, a maid so bold
she ran to him
where he then sat
and became solid gold

Thus ends the tale of avarice
Midas had the world
but would have
lost all in a trice

to save
his little girl

(C) 6/2/2015
Never know what you got
till it's gone

SøułSurvivør May 2015

two little love birds
sitting on a cloud
one said
"Kiss me!"
right out loud!

they flew down
upon a log
they preened each other
and they


and they snogged
A snog is a deep, passionate kiss

I wrote this poem for the
kissing site

SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

A human heart is not
Something to blow your
Nose on and discard.

But, then, we have become
a throw-away "society".

(C) SoulSurvivor
I hate to be cynical but...
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

beneath the
silver surface
and blue glass
of a lilypad pond. their
eyes bulging gills gulping
the      tiny bubbles on      the
the water ****
   they dart under
  the pink lilies
   like orange
   ghosts or
they go round      
and round in the
pond no   bigger than
a golden          thimble    
longing for.                 the sea

(c) soulsurvivor
I love these beautiful fish
Light shuffles to my window
Muttering and weaving
Its breath is heaving
Derelict dawn
Yawns for lack of sleep
The sun slept
In a cardboard box
And now creeps out
Bleary eyed
Tired of begging
To pay for the bottle
Of Thunderbird
That will help it taste the day
It's creating.

Del Sol wears the
Solar flares like
Shrouds, the
Spiritual blindness
Of Jim Jones
Talking the earth
And its world
Of living things
To drink in the
Lemon Kool-Aid
Of light.

The only existing
Elixir to the
Ones tired to the
Marrow is
The drink of

Its breath
The beer
Which tells
The sober
It has

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
SøułSurvivør Jan 2022
Light shuffles to my window
Muttering and weaving
Its breath is heaving
Derelict dawn
Yawns for lack of sleep
The sun slept
In a cardboard box
And now creeps out
Bleary eyed
Tired of begging
To pay for the bottle
Of Thunderbird
That will help it taste the day
It's creating.

Del Sol wears the
Solar flares like
Shrouds, the
Spiritual blindness
Of Jim Jones
Talking the earth
And its world
Of living things
To drink in the
Lemon Kool-Aid
Of light.

The only existing
Elixir to the
Ones tired to the
Marrow is
The drink of

Its breath
The beer
Which tells
The sober
It has

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
    to fly my
     kite at night
    i flew it in
    the rain
     T    \
    R        \
  A            \
I                  \
L    ­                 \
    I                          \    
N                         ­   \
                                ­    \
                                             \\ ●
          ­                                        //\\    

tail whirling
it flew just like a plane!

upon it's silver string
there was a little key
i wanted lightning for to strike
so i let the kite fly free!

but finally it fluttered
it dipped, at last went down
it tried too hard to catch the wind
and in the end



(C) 7/30/2016
I hope this turns out!

I'm reading, but all along I want to create also! I can't seem to help writing!

And I especially love these concrete poems!
SøułSurvivør May 2016

I wrote a poem earlier today entitled
"The Maker of the Hill"

In this poem I described life is a toboggan ride. I also rode in the footnotes that my family was having trouble financially and despairing of having food for the rest of the month. Well I just want to let you all know that my church found out about our plight and is donating money so that we can buy food. Christians are not all money-grabbing. They are also very giving people. That is often forgotten when one sees the televangelists Etc. And my church is certainly putting their money where their mouth is! Hallelujah!!!
SøułSurvivør May 2015



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I did my best to
form a snowflake

SøułSurvivør Jul 2015
Tribute to my childhood hero
Joni Mitchell

The album covers beaten
The player old and worn
The needle barely tracking
From all the scratches borne
Upon the vinyl surfaces
Of albums that were stored
Unlocking wonderous worlds
Of music I adored

I would lie in cloistered darkness
To hear a voice so sweet
There I'd usher in the nighttime
To worship at her feet
Struck by earthy lyrics
But somewhat strange
Unearthly tunes
To trace with disconnected fingers
The most sensitive of wounds

How sad that good songs
Unsung heroes
Like "Morning Morgantown"
Wouldn't live forever
To "buy your dreams a dollar down"

Recall "Big Yellow Taxi"?
You can rest assured I do!
And "Ladies of the Canyon"
And her epic album "Blue"
Most folks recall a song
Entitled "Both Sides Now"
'Bout clouds and love and life
But they do not know
Her poetic expression
Unearthed deep jazzy riffs
Elitism. Hypocrisy.
And "Summer Lawns" that "Hissed"

At the pinnacle of greatness
Her album "Court and Spark"
Will always be a touchstone
For purity in art

A deeply troubled woman
At certain times in life
Loving truely... deeply
In the "Industry" meant strife

A versatile genius
Her lyrics resonate
Fot the very thing that scarred her
Also made her great


At times I'd sit and ponder
A self-inflicted crime
But I would postpone the act
To hear her one last time
Her songs touched me so deeply
Places only she could know
With her voice to guide me
I found a place to go
She became my inspiration
My metaphor. My muse.
Joni Mitchell told my heart
To write of its abuse

I aspire to higher standards
A perfection as it were
And should my work be recognized
I owe it all to her.
Though endlessly I search
For perfect sense of art
It's brought on by


But a kind and loving heart.

What I saw in her self portrait
Was a humble, gentle face
She was the greatest mentor

a human life could grace

(C) 10/14/2014
(C) 7/17/2015
Judy Collins. Joan Baez. Carol King.
Just to name a few female
Singer/songwriters of the 60s and 70s
But my favorite was Joni Mitchell.
Her songs "spoke to me".
I was often suicidal as a teen.
But I would lie and listen to music
and let her voice talk me out of it.
I loved her poetic expression
And she is why I am a
poet/songwriter today.

SøułSurvivør Aug 2019
There is a lady in the night
A constellation fair
Lady of the Crescent Moon
You'll see her sitting there.

She wears a diadem of stars
Opals of bright hues
Each color in it represents
A soul who's been abused.

She, who is their patron
Lets them shine like suns
She holds them in the heavens
And cares for every one.

She holds a scepter crystalline
Wears rubies on her sleeves
Her bossom alabaster stones
A tapestry she weaves.

The crescent moon behind her
It's beams are like a flood
It is a second diadem
For she's of royal blood.

AH! You cannot see her?
No. You will not see her soon
You'd only see from VENUS

Lady of the Crescent Moon.
I hope you enjoyed this. It's written for my friend Sar, and based on a picture she drew.
I LOVE that drawing!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
There's no words
to describe
my frustration with our


Soul Survivor
I've heard that Yiddish has a word for everything.
It should be the universal language!
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015

"I know your works; you are
neither cold nor hot, I am about to
spit you out of my mouth.
For you say, "I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing."
You do not realize that you are
wretched, pitiable, poor, blind,
and naked. Therefore I council you
to buy from me gold refined by fire
so that you may be rich; and white
robes to clothe you to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to annoint your eyes that you may see. I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent."

Revelation 3:14-19

Most of what I hear preached from the pulpit today in the US (and indeed around the world) is this,

"When the tribulation comes, the church ("saved") will be raptured out and the lost will be "Left Behind" to endure God's wrath. So don't worry church! The "saints" will go into the clouds to be with Jesus!"

Bleeeeeep! Wrong answer!!!

From the PULPIT!!!

That's not what JESUS CHRIST said above. Those who are not fit for the Kingdom will have to endure Satan's wrath! God's wrath comes later! To punish the wicked.

And, yep. There is JUDGEMENT.

Where in the Bible does it say God is a softie? That HE can be MOCKED?
That He's a Santa Claus in the sky come to give lotto winnings to his "good" little kids?

I'm talking to the CHURCH.

We are preaching

in sackcloth and ASHES
like there's no
(which there literally isn't)
they will take the brunt of

For those who are found worthy there will be PROTECTION.
Read Psalm 91.

Thank you for reading all of this.
There will be three parts to this sermon. Please read them ALL.

SøułSurvivør Nov 2014
2 am and i can't sleep
wide awake too tired to weep
funny how feelings
can make you weak
it's a long road, rough and steep
just hope i find the peace i seek.

people are so sweet and kind
if only they could help unwind
the tortured ropes within my mind
could help me break
the chains that bind
only God can help me find
bless'd release from this
pain which grinds

carrying a sack of stones
is no weight to bear alone
it will break my very bones
i want to cry, but will not groan
what I must do is clearly shown
i must be humble and atone.

i've got a message to be spread
been writing vanity instead
when all is done, all is said
when pretense is finally shed
is it truth or lies i've fed
my fire, in truth, is almost dead.

try and understand, my friends
no matter what the current trends
this path we're on
has trech'rous bends
the broad way winds
the narrow wends
but all paths DO have their END.

though i have been torn apart
it is time for a new start
strength comes from
the peaceful heart...

(c) soulsurvivor
Haven't written about
The Lord Jesus Christ in
Some time... it's high time I did.

I'm only on site a short time
As I can only write late at night.
I want to thank you all for sharing
Your well wishes with me...
They are appreciated more than
You could know.

I'm going to be FINE.
Just experiencing a rough patch.
As are we all... I'll be back to
Read again soon!
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
The sun rises in a
Mayfield Parrish

The moon has
not yet learnt

to set

Soul Survivor
Have yet to sleep...
SøułSurvivør Mar 2017

beauty in life's aspects
all within your hand
the rising sun
the setting moon
the gently shifting sand

the touch of horse's muzzle
eyes so brown and mild
the smell of brewing coffee
the laughter of a child

the feel of grandpa's callused hands
the grace of a ballet
the awesome dome of bluest sky
watching children play

life can be
SO ugly
so many twists and turns
so caustic to the soul
as lye or acid, burns

take a moment of your day
to lie back and just reflect
on the goodness Grace has given you
in gratitude collect

all the blessings you have now
and those on mem'ry's shelves
place them fast over your ear
as though they were conch shells

listen to the ocean
listen to the waves
it is a song, it won't be long
before we're in our graves

yes... take those fond
hold them to your face
they are to sway
like a sachet

lavender and lace

(C) 3/10/2017
I've been thinking GOOD thoughts for
The last little while. Life's been very hard.
But.there HAVE been pleasant aspects.
For now I'm dwelling on those.
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
leaf fell
into a stream
as leaves are wont
to do.   the water carried it   away
it's boating to persue. the fragile
leaf then came to grief in a
swirling thrall, it's just not
fair, it said to air i did
not ask for

catherine jarvis
(c) october 6, 2014
There's a lesson
Here somewhere
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
To come to the present moment
Count and be aware of each and
Every breath.

Look around you and take in
The glory of what The Creator
has given you today.

Go outside, take your shoes off
And find a patch of grass.
Walk in it and feel the
Soft blades caress
Your toes.

Get back in tune with the
Living, breathing earth.

If you can't do this physically
Imagine it... Lie down and
Just BE.

Count your breaths. Breathe deeply.
Listen to your heart. By inches
We all move toward

You are a human BEing,
Not a human DOing.
SøułSurvivør Jun 2017
Living in a gong of hide
The stricken pulses
Beat inside.

Leather bell.
The clapper's pain.
Kingdoms bow
Within its reign.

Leather bell.
Oh, how it tolls.
Telling you you're getting old.

Leather bell.
The clapper's pain.
It WILL toll...

... again...

... AGAIN.
(C) 6/6/

I can't stay on line to read anymore.
My body's been very insistent upon
sleep lately.

I have such a backlog of reading
I despair of EVER catching up!
Please forgive me...

SøułSurvivør May 2016

A man near the 10 cities
Was mad and bound in chains
He could break all of his bonds
But never his sin's stains

The Gerasenes was home to him
But he was still outcast
He cut himself with stones
He had a madman's caste

No one would come near him
For fear he'd take their life
He was stong & terrible
But naked and in strife
Due to his insanity
The stones became a knife

Jesus must have known
This man was in great need
He decided to travel there
So that prisoner could be freed

Seeing him the Madman ran
To confront Him there
The demons in him knew their time
Was up... and they despaired

"Please let us go" they said aloud
"Into the heard of swine!
Please do not send us far away
For it is not our time!"

"What is your name?" Jesus asked
And this was very wise
They could never lie to Him...
"LEGION!" They replied

"We are very many..."
And that was truth back then
A legion of footsoldiers
Was at least 4000 men

So Jesus sent them to the pigs
And there they entered in
The swine ran into water
And, of course, they could not swim

The people of the region
Were told by the swineherds
Of all that had just happened
They ran and spread the word

They went up to Jesus
And found the man reclined
Sitting clothed & normal
He was in his right mind!

"Please leave our coasts!" They shouted
"We want no trouble here!"
They were all excited
And some were in great fear

"Please allow me to come with you!"
No wish to be alone...
The now-normal madman
Was then told to return home.

Is Jesus' arm now shortened?
Or can He Heal and Save?
Can he make deliverance
For those now so depraved?

If that man named "Legion"
Could be healed at last
Perhaps you could be also
No matter what your past!

Ask him to deliver you
You can make a start
He can come to help and Save
And finally heal your heart!

(C) 5/25/2016
I have been noticing a lot of writing about cutting and self harm. And a lot of writing about demonic subjects. Actually the two things go hand-in-hand. Please consider this story from the Bible. It is located in The Book of Mark chapter 5. I saw an interview with a lady who had been a cutter. She asked Jesus to help her. She had read the story of the man named Legion. She really related to it... And asked Jesus into her heart to help her. She is now married with two children. AND NO LONGER CUTS!
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
The clock had chimed it's
Midnight song
The scribe did ponder doom
Lamplight broke
The shadows long
Within his spacious room.
The light it flicked and fell upon
His sleek head so neatly groomed
It shook as he recounted wrongs
Sad countenance assumed.
No matter how the
Clock world gong
T'would not dispell the gloom
The devil had scribe
On trident prongs
His wraith o'r Poe did loom.

Edgar Allan was in deep despond
As he thought of angel seen
he had escaped the
Benighted pond
For her, his he'vnly queen
And tho he had no magic wand
To bring about her gleam
Again to hear the lovely sound
Of her wingtips keen
His heart once more
began to pound
Thinking of his dream.

The bust of Pallus, pastey pallid
Did o'rlook the crime
While Poe sought to
write a ballad
It seemed nothing
would rhyme
His heart beat like a mallet
He, a poet in his prime
Would not take to his
Down pallet
'Til seeing his sweet, sublime.

Lenore. Angel of his dream.

Catherine Jarvis
(C) October 1, 2014
The second of a series of
Poems detailing the world
Of Edgar Allan Poe.
The first was a collaborative
Effort between myself
And The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Hopefully more of those
Collaborations will be
Posted in future.
SøułSurvivør Aug 2016
As I sit in the station
A kid comes into view
Extremely obnoxious
Raunchy and rude
He wears lots of spikes
Has piercings galore
Wears his hair in a mohawk
Biker boots on the floor
My Flesh wants to judge him
As a Punk and a Freak
But my spirit is willing
For Your eyes to seek...

Oh, give me Your vision
Let me see through Your eyes
Let me not judge the lost ones
In no way despise
They could be Your jewels
They could be Your prize
Oh, let me be gentle
Let me see through Your eyes

I go to a restaurant
And there at the place
Stands a derelict person
With pain in his face
He stares at my burger
And it is clear
He's starving hungry
And covets my beer
Do I move from the window
And relinquish my seat?
Or buy him a burger
And french fries to eat...


There's a lesbian woman
Next door where I am
She has a Butch haircut
Is hooked with a femme
She has a loud voice
A masculine walk
We never converse
We never talk
We say polite things
Goodbye & hello
But she might be hurting
How could I know?


Jesus I'm blind
I'm deaf & I'm mute
I want Your compassion
I want to bear fruit
Let me see through Your eyes
Let me hear with Your ears
Let me speak with Your voice
Assuage all their fears
Give me Your hands
To dry all their tears


The enemy waits
To tell them his lies
Let me feel Your mercy

Let me see through Your eyes

(C) 8/31/2016
My mother and brother are back from their vacation. Now I can return to the site. I won't be on as much as I used to be, but I'm very happy to write and read again!

Thank you for reading! I hope perhaps a melody came into your head as you read this song... I just wrote it this morning so I don't have one yet. I'll be working on it...


SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
This is a long poem, but well worth
the time, you'll find.

Marjorie picks up the phone,
She's quite sure that she's alone.
Punches in her "good friend's" number,
She's excited... it's no wonder!
Something naughty to convey,
Can't wait to tell, can't wait to say!
"Hello, Sally? Yeah... it's me!
I'm at the window, and guess what I see!
You know that ***** across the way?
She's with another man today!
Hannah's hubby, right next door.
Can you believe that little *****?!!
I'm telling you cuz I'm your friend
This wicked business has to end!
Wait a minute... there they go!
They're leaving! And I'll bet you know
Where they're headed, oh, you bet...

... a motel room is what they'll get!

Juicy fruit spills from the lips.
Open mouth, and out it slips.
Sweet as strychnine to the tongue
Where the poison apple's hung.
If you have nothin' nice to say,
We're all ears! Come our way!
There's a tale to be told,
Don't matter if you're young or old,
It's a secret on the block...

... if it's scandalous let's TALK!!!

Sally Jo hangs up her cell,
Calls a good "friend" as well!
"Hello, Jane, just talked to Marge,
Got some news, and it is LARGE!
You know that harlot up the street?
You'll never guess her latest meet!
Hannah's hubby! Oh, gee ****!
Can't BELIEVE this awful biz!
Marge told me, it can't be wrong,
They were KISSING on the lawn!
Then they drove off in his car...
They weren't going very far!
No-Tel Motel's where they're at.
Whatcha expect from an alley cat
Hannah's gonna flip her lid...

... I won't tell, so keep it hid...


The story spread around, of course.
Hannah's filing for divorce.
Then her hubby lost his job...


And the "*****"? Well. She died.
She committed suicide.

The REAL story was quite sad,
And I hope it makes you mad.
"Harlot's" son... he needed pills.
Guess no one knew that he was ill.
She wasn't goin' very far...

... and her pastor had a car.

Who's the culprit? Who's to blame?
Guess we all know her name.
Who's to count the tragic cost?
How many lives that lie had lost!
Her little boy went 'round the bend.
An alcoholic in the end.

The tongue can be a thing of praise,
Or ignite a mighty blaze!
So check you heart and check your mouth,
Make sure that it's not headin' south.
Kindness is joy in age or youth...

... you reap what you sow, and THAT'S the TRUTH!!!

Soul Survivor
Catherine Jarvis
(C) July 5, 2010
Gossip, or character assassination, in the
Bible is tantamount to ******.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
Marjorie picks up the phone,
She's quite sure that she's alone.
Punches in her "good friend's" number
She's excited! It's no wonder!
Something naughty to convey!
Can't wait to tell! Can't wait to say!
"Hello, Sally? Yeah, it's me!
I'm at the window... guess what I see!
You know that ***** across the way?
She's with another man today!
Hannah's hubby, right next door.
Can you believe that little *****?!!
I'm telling you 'coz I'm your friend
This wicked business has to end!
Wait a minute... there they GO!
They're leaving! I'll bet you know
Where they're headed. Oh, you bet.

A motel room is what they'll get.

Juicy fruit spills from the lips
Open mouth and out it slips
Sweet as strychnine to the tongue
Where the poison apple's hung.
If you've nothing nice to say
We're all ears! Come our way!
There's a tale to be told
Don't matter if yo young or old
It's a secret on the block...

... if it's scandalous, LET'S TALK!!!

Sally John finds her PC.
She has another "friend" you see...
"Hello, Jane? Just talked to Marge,
Got some news, and it is LARGE!
You know that harlot up the street?
You'll never guess her latest meat!
Hannah's hubby! Oh, her ****!
I can't believe this awful biz!
Marge told me, it can't be wrong,
They were KISSING... ON THE LAWN!!!
Then they drove off  in his car...
They weren't going very far
No-Tell Motel's where they're at...
Whatcha expected from an alleycat.
Hannah's gonna flip her lid!

I won't tell, so keep it hid...


The story spread around, of course.
Hannah's filing for divorce.
Then her hubby lost his job...

... as pastor of a CHURCH of GOD.

And the *****? Well. She died.
She committed suicide.

The real story was quite sad,
And I hope it makes you mad.
"Harlot's" son? He needed pills.
Guess no one knew that he was ill.
She wasn't goin' very far...

... and her pastor had a car.

Who's the culprit? Who's to blame?
Guess we all know her name.
Who's to count the tragic cost?
With one stroke two lives were lost!
Her little boy went 'round the bend.
An alcoholic in the end.

The tongue can be a thing of praise
Or ignite a mighty blaze!
So check your heart. Check your mouth.
Make sure that it's not headin' SOUTH.
Kindness is joy in age or youth....

... you reap what you sow and


Catherine Jarvis
(C) July 5, 2010
Gossip, or character assassination, in the
Bible, is tantamount to ******.

SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
Long but important to read...

Marjorie picks up the phone
She's quite sure that she's alone
Punches in a good "friend's" number
She's excited! It's no wonder!
Something NAUGHTY to convey.
Can't wait to tell
Can't wait to say...

"Hello, Sally?  Yeah, it's ME!
I'm at the window and
GUESS what I see?!!!
You know that ***** across the way?
She's with ANOTHER MAN today!!!
Hannah's hubby... right next door.
Can you BELIEVE that little *****?!!!
I'm tellin' you 'cause I'm your friend
This wicked business has to end...
... wait a minute... there they GO!!!
They're LEAVING! I'll bet you know
Where they're headed... oh you bet.
A motel room is what THEY'LL get.

Juicy fruit spills from the lips
Open mouth and out it slips
Sweet as stricnine to the tounge
Where the poison apple's hung.
If you have nothin' NICE to say
We're all ears... come OUR way!
There's a tale to be told
It's for the young and for the old.
It's a SECRET on the block

Sally Jo hangs up her cell
Calls a good "friend" as well...

"Hello, Jane? Just talked to Marge
Got some NEWS and it is LARGE...
You know that HARLOT up the street?
You'll never guess who
She went to meet!!!
Hannah's HUBBY! !! Oh... gee ****!!!
I can't BELIEVE this latest biz!!!
Marge told me... it can't be wrong...
THEN they drove off in his CAR...
They weren't going very far.
No Tel Motel's where they're at.
Whatcha expect from an ALLEY CAT.
Hannah's gonna flip her lid!
I won't tell... so keep it hid...

Juicy fruit spills from the lips
Open mouth and out it slips
Sweet as stricnine to the tounge
Where the poison apples hung.
If you've nothing nice to SAY
We're all ears come OUR way!
There's a tale to be told
It's for the young and for the old.
It's a secret on the block

The story spread around of course.
Hannah filed for divorce.
Her hubby? He lost his job...
And Suzanne (the *****)?
Well. She died.
She committed suicide.

The REAL STORY then came out.
Not a whisper but a SHOUT.
Suzanne's son? He needed PILLS.
Guess no one knew that he was ill.
She wasn't going very far...
... and her pastor had a CAR.

Who's the culprit? Who's to blame?
Guess we all know HER name.
Who's to count the tragic cost?
Her little boy was also lost.
He FOUND HER. Went 'round the bend.
An alcoholic in the end.
Felt guilty that he could not save...
Drank himself to an early grave.

The tounge can be a thing of praise
Or ignite a MIGHTY blaze.
So check your HEART.
And check your MOUTH.
Or you may be headed south.

Kindness is JOY in age or youth.
You reap what you sow...

... and that's the TRUTH.

Soul Survivor

Catherine Jarvis (c) 2011
All rights reserved
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014

out of an arid ocean
You came up
hoary with barnacles
grey with skin

a spray of stars erupted
startled . awash
against its own night

and down again You go
to know the
mating of tendrils
the killing planes of seashores
the antiquities of the sun

were we there once?

in the phosphor seasons
we played with You
as You are even then
so self contained we found
no need to surrender
to the patient
winds of change

now You echo in
strange meridians
storming Your gusts
in far off topography

Your great tail
sings its starlight way
homing to its thunder


they came

oh, yes, they came
to harvest Your virtues
their decks slick
with Your blood
crimson stains ugly with lucre
their forest of masts
peopled by
Your ghosts

sing ! O leviathan ! sing
lift Your voice and
bellow to us
of Your lost pods
Your wonderful oceans
Your salty maternity



(c) soulsurvivor
I believe that the sea mammals
Are far superior to us
In many aspects

They recently found a pod
Of whales beached and
Dying. I don't know
How the scientists figured
This out, but apparently
they had been
SøułSurvivør Aug 2015
... is being in
the fetal position
around a cholla cactus

(C) 9/15/2015
And ain't that the
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
... is a fortune cookie.
Folded. Bent.
Full of paperwork.

Soul Survivor
SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
I've been sick within my soul
Without an end. Without a goal
Only evil did I serve
An evil fate what I deserved
But Jesus came to rescue me
By His sacrifice I'm FREE!

Lifelong service to my Lord
His salvation my reward
His wooing Voice at last I heard
He will help me by His Word
Now I finally understand
I will never leave His Hand

Though at one time I was estranged
My conscience He has rearranged
Now I blossom. Now I grow
In the righteousness I know
I do not live upon my whims

I give my very LIFE to HIM.

(C) 3/11/2016
I was almost a complete washout as a human being. Even during the time that I've serve the Lord I've done things I'm not proud of. But He is faithful. And He will never take His hand from me. I can leave Him to do my own thing. But if I acknowledge Him in all my ways He will bless me. Blessings come in many forms. Sometimes hard times are blessings. They prepare me for service. I am actually a soldier. I have armor I put on daily. The girdle of Truth. The breastplate of Righteousness. The sandals of Peace. The helmet of Salvation. The Shield of Faith. And the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. My only offensive weapon. I can only tell you these things are true. I've experienced their Truth for myself. It's up to you to make your own decisions. And I would never force you into believing anything I say. God won't either. He's like a lover. He will woo you. That is what He did with me. And I love Jesus with all my heart!

He literally saved my life!

I have allowed my chores to build up. I must spend some time today on duty to my mom. I'll really try to read later on. I LOVE to read. But cannot do it always. Please understand.


SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
The gnarled fingers
of trees
the Braille of



Soul Survivor
March 13
Up very early morning
looking at the
silhouette of
dead trees against the sky
SøułSurvivør Sep 2016
pluck not the light
that blooms

tucked away in roses
which illuminate
the caverns of the


for the petals
glow with phosphorus

the stamens spark
embers embracing eons

the stems are
entwined in the fingers
of the age old dreams of

the thorns
draw the blood of

pluck not the light
of the blossom
which heals
'round the


touch not the

it is not ours to hold

it's roots
reach down to


(C) 9/4/2016
I'm going to try to read all day today. I have a lot to catch up on. Please be patient with me. I never skim poetry. It is meant to be inhaled with reverence. Its scent fills my senses and often I am inspired to write. Thank you for understanding.

SøułSurvivør Dec 2020
your caress soaks into me
into a thirsty heart

my bristling thorns
melt into soft mink
and I know you're a good man

you stroke my cheek
with the back of your fingers
hands slightly cupped

the apple of your eye
fully revealed

i love the buttes of
your shoulders
the sand dunes of
your belly

and your tears fall
like rain on cacti

Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør Mar 2019
Angels come in many forms
They hold out their arms
They are there, and they care
They're like hardworking moms.

They can see & hear us
Yes, they can hear our call
They're a mighty force for good
Even though they're small!

They can be as spirits
Undetected & unseen
Or they can be as we are
They CAN be human beings!

So you'd best be kind to folks
You'd best have a care!
Entertaining angels
CAN happen unawares!

That's why I'm very careful
In what I say & do
I want to BLESS my angel...

Who HAPPENS to be YOU!!

Cathy Jarvis
A birthday present for my sister in Christ, Sharon (Not on HP). She has a ministery called Li'l Angels, and sends packages to encourage folks all over the country! I've gotten a few! She's a Christian where the rubber hits the road! Happy Birthday, Sharon!
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014

brought me back
to the point of no return

we all know that
place where you
are inspired by

or nothing at all

here I am
in profound space
making my peace with
the demons
and war with
the angels

i don't keep track

i made the
sea change
somewhere along the way

I really don't know what
Is happening to me
I'm slipping away from
My spirituality and can't
Seem to be as inspired
by anything else
The world offers to me

Maybe I am just going
Through a test
I want to be inspired by
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014







SøułSurvivør Jan 2016

woulda, shoulda, coulda
is the tired litany which kills dreams

Thanks to Bianca Reyes
for the inspiration
SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
Cocoa. My mom's whole world. Her pride and joy. She's in real trouble folks. Last night she consumed over an ounce of dark chocolate. She also got into chicken bones. She needs divine intervention. We can't afford to take her to the veterinarian again. All prayers and good thoughts are appreciated. I am weeping. She's an important member of our family. She may only be a dog. The she is as important to God has anyone else. And my mother would be devastated by her loss.

I may not be able to read this morning. I'm going to be in My Sanctuary on the front porch praying. I'm not going to church because my job now is to watch after the dog. She is a beautiful little animal. A deer head chihuahua. The original breed of that dog. She was the companion animal to the Toltec. Very rare because she is also a brindle brown. I saved her from an abusive puppy mill ******* and raised her all on my own. I love her. I have no children. She's my baby. Please help. Thank you.

PLEASE REPOST THIS SO OTHERS SEE IT! I don't care about stats. But Cocoa needs all the good thoughts and prayers she can get! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Catherine :')
Update: Coco has recovered! She is actually doing very well now. She is no longer in the woods!

Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers... They worked wonders!
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
There is a little star
Twinkling overhead
I see it from my window
As I lie upon my bed.

There are many others
Who for attention vie
But this one in particular
Lights up my blackened sky.

Some stars, they are white,
Some stars they are blue,
But this star is golden...

... and this poem is for YOU.

♡♥♡♥ + huge hugs
This is for all the people who
Have commented and supported
Me over the past day or so.
You know who you are...
SøułSurvivør Jul 2020
Appreciate the little things and you can make a start
Stop and smell the roses
You'll have flowers in your heart!
SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
Little tin(y) gods
At the podiums stand
Ever so great and
Ever so grand

They make appeals
"A clean sweep"
They make promises
They won't keep

We sing their praises
With laurels crowned
They love on U.S.
Then sleep around

Political coinage
Political gain
They have banked
Upon their fame

The dark triad
Check the list
They're psychopathic

How'd they get
To be on top?
The pendulum swing
Has got to STOP!

Some voters sigh
Some voters slump
Some voters are
Just plain chumps!

Buy the lies
Don't find it odd
You're a fool
For little tin(y) gods

(C) 3/17/2016
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