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Aug 2016 · 958
LJ Aug 2016
Transfused with a doted blood
Stainless pattern of  the love
Color in red and spiral devotion
Beat the beast and fold the thrill

Transfused with angelic poison
Faintless on the road to the crucifix
Color in blue the trial attributions
Beat the beast and fold the thrill

Transfused with textual infusion
Sainted in hedonistic space fields
Color in kaleidescope spins
Beat the beast and fold the thrill

Transfused with a dared death
Bright visions of another world
Color of purple enlighten
Beat the beast and fold the thrill
I am not afraid of death
Jul 2016 · 978
The Systems That Traps Us
LJ Jul 2016
Politics that that tricks the system
Then lick and rick the peasants
Ethical dilemmas of existence
That dilute us from creativity

Ohh I am looking for a finer
taste of tomorrow
Ohh can't wait to see tomorrow

Religious bodies that are linear
In hypocrisy and righteousness
they preach love for a better day
whilst they manipulate and scorn

Ohh I am looking for a finer
taste of tomorrow
Ohh can't wait to see tomorrow

Family units our sole safe base
where values, cultures and beliefs
choke as we morn for our identify
lost like sheep without a shepherd

Ohh I am looking for a finer
taste of tomorrow
Ohh can't wait to see tomorrow

Economic systems that collapse
donning gowns of debt to humanity
sinking in volcanos that explodes
wishing for the money to shower

Ohh I am looking for a finer
taste of tomorrow
Ohh can't wait to see tomorrow

Education that is compulsory
A promise of an non existence future
A fallacy of better jobs and status
all a social indoctrination of the mind

Ohh I am looking for a finer
taste of tomorrow
*Ohh can't wait to see tomorrow
Jul 2016 · 961
Stain me from Inside Out
LJ Jul 2016
The summer sky is beautiful
strokes of marigold and roses*
collide in commotion of love
In such a glorious sweet day
kisses evaporate in ecstasy
the wild hunts our losses
In fences where we peep
then weep as we seep
our compatible bloodline
Moments of our euphoria
drawn in infinite definition
seduces us under the sun stroke
The youth we hold is fading
as the old we await takes pace
lets wait, hold each throats
Touch me as the autumn sets
no doubts is running the veins
assurity as this hearts beats
Be a strength when pulse cease
ease my burdens when they weigh
light me up when the blood is cold
When the numbness taunts
tease and progress it to eternity
*stain me from inside out
Jul 2016 · 869
Searching for a Shelter
LJ Jul 2016
It's my soul wandering in wonders
In ****** and meander it utters
There is never a stop, the levelling
Unveiling like a chorus to another

In a world where I am in disuse
A time where my muse sings
Lovers come and pack up to leave
Wavered like an anthem in discord

A universe where faith itself is a disbelief
A relief of the contours and eventualities
The vision sighted that all is out of balance
Shaky like a chord reaching a crescendo

Rivers so strong that I can't wander through
A swim so strenuous and unfocused
On the tunnel there is a lighted bulb
Glowing like a fire bomb ready to explode

In street and houses where all are struggling
The hidden secrets and the wet pillows
Subtle things that we will never know or see
Lost like a crab unshaken in it's shell
Everyone is fighting demons of one sort or another. It's time to find oneself!
LJ Jun 2016
As I child I could not understand
why the monster choked me
at night when the silence heeds
on my heels I flew to ails

As a child I told them of the trance
when it spoke to me
only with a language meant for me
as I winked to realism

As a child I was molested by the dark
when I fought back
with my belittled current
I felt and stood, shook and vex

As a child I was visited by an incomer
A non native friend who held to me
under mocks and breaking locks
the cronies laughed at me so loud

As an adult, these lights still shine
the monster still pays me a visit
the more I shrug, the more it drags
drifted into the wings that chose me
LJ Jun 2016
We wring our veins
write to the stars
fight under the moon
words of passion tune

We write about love
when it seduced
then it wrestled
words of tension swim

Our words of time
moments gone and farmed
sorrows that overload
happiness that swoon

Prime time in the lonely time
when contentment permits
when heaven is locked
and when hell is unlatched

Prime time my bold friends
keep the pen readily primed
undoubtedly trust the script
It will lead to ultimate freedom

A dedication to all the poets here at HP
We write these words on and on, we capture moments, swim the
oceans, object in the courts, run free in the forests. We are not hexed
**just keep writing for one time the primetime will be ours
Repost and send my love and encouragement to all!
LJ Jun 2016
All those words on the stream
scream with sudden regrets
All that exceptional concepts
signals of troubles and blackness
All you did was say empty words
a void of doom and slackness
All of me was like a dried tap
running on the barren desert
All of your heart was a trap
storming distraction in laps
All you did was dig me a grave
burying me from my dreams
All you sung was dark melodies
lost in your gilded sinking cage
All you did was leave a tatoo
one indeed unpleasant and plain
All you did was leave a rumble
tumbles of trembling stacks
All the love that was wasted
stabbed me a thousand times
All the promised I dared to make
rolled in a dungeon of monsters
All the time and memories wasted
may be it was the fainted lust
All I did was hide in the bushes
so you cant touch my rust
All I did was die and fade
still you watched me from afar
LJ Jun 2016
Lazer strike me in euphoria
You love me from the first
As my pressure dropped
Unfit recollection pump
It's as if I lost my place
The very earth I stand on
Out of touch and out of line

Alien make me crazy
As you do when I slumber
As I lie, you ****** my own
My breath fades and I co-exist
On the remote control I respond
Through these veins I shall live
Out of touch and out of line

In the shell of hell and fire
Whom can believe this my alien?
You tainted me from proper love
The thoughts that trap and own me
more than these words on a script
Objected to your subjective film
Out of touch and out of line

Blurred unpleasant satins encase
My feet fail to ground on this life
Your volcano erupts me in trips
Grant me time to think twice
As I remember when you forced
that very filth indifferent to mine
Out of touch and out of line
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Moonlight fair
LJ Jun 2016
Ohh,on the moonlight fair
a ditty doth whispers
thou straws embellish
wooed with a plenty pomps

Not a wight to claim thou
Sleight to quench mine thirst
abhored to thine crown and core
whence a haggard smile jail

My gracious, none can love thee
disposed to flighty cadents
jealous lame merchants
that consumeth and benn

Thine heart heavy, hardn'd
mine virginity grabbed
Possess'd by lade vultures
Packthread for none hath mine love
Jun 2016 · 3.5k
No Phone call; No Message
LJ Jun 2016
No phone call
No message
No good night
No good day
No surprise
No time trial
No sum ails
No bearings
No veering
No phone call
No message
No good day
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Life is for the free baby!
LJ Jun 2016
You gave me more than I could ask
nurtured my physical form
an ultimate satisfaction
then fixated your all to my statue

It hurt when I walked away from you
My soul was dying and decaying
setting sadness for the man you became
a homebody with no life and adventure

You gave me your time and energy
when all I wanted is to see you fly
spread your wing and soar in skies above
I smile inside for who you have become

Unfixed but with a zest and passion
Take the skates and roll on the world
Flyboard on the open seas and oceans
sky dive and let the air fill your being

My pain of your suffering has vanished
It's furnished by the life you embrace
the fearless true gentleman in you  
Life is for the free baby, live in the openness
LJ Jun 2016
True romance is dead
it is buried in the dense rocks
eroded from the cliffs to the valleys
it's silenced in the pitch of a symphony

It's a poet dream
to write sweet sentiments
kiss in the nothingness
sketch love as if a masterpiece

Now a Tinder
where you can plunder
curves and bossoms
with no responsibility

Then Ok Cupid
where conversations
tender and ponder
before unleashing the game

There is always POF
where fishes dare in a swim
kissing and pinching
punching and finishing

True love is an illusionary debt
a cheque in deficit
An emotional injustice
the unrighteous pursuit

It's a poet's dreams to love
count the stars and watch the moon
nurture emotions and connections
The probability is the world won't let us

It won't let us be
Ladies just undress and expose the jubblies
Men just undress and measure your *****
the world won't let us be
A poets dating site can just be phenomenal. A recipe of soul to soul transcendence!
Jun 2016 · 871
Poet's Brush
LJ Jun 2016
A poet understands
that men are free
a sight beyond the sanity

A poet is able to vision
The hues of the swirling clouds
the blooming daffodils

A poet is able to feel true love
Touch the core of the soul
Give their love and all

To poet is able to stew the beauty
To fill words on the blank walls
and paint the world with truth

A poet's brush is not tarnished
It preaches under the stars in the night
Though they hear, they are deaf

The poets words are so exquisite
A belong in a world that is absent
Crashed and broken on merged seas
Poets are emotional, though they speak the truth they are crashed and broken in merging seas!
Jun 2016 · 564
Is there a God?
LJ Jun 2016
Is there a God?
In the coldness
Within the breeze

Does God live?
In the underground
the entwined rumours

On my rebirth
The ashes spread
On the unkempt grave

God wasn't there
To whisper and talk
Inside the iced casket

Illusionary transits
When all turned and ran
The wind doubted the rain

The mystic of cold air
Touched my soul
Pierced my memories

It's all within us
Unending strength
To exist and resist

It's in the rythym
The silenced naunces
Granted meanings

Let life be life
A catch of floaty breath
The blighted depth

The divine is within
Unconvinced and alive
Reasoned and in-tune

Our life is a leaf
Green and bare
Free to give and bear

There is a truth
Inside the flashy rainbow
The smiling whole moon
Reply to Torin's poem 'God'
LJ Jun 2016
A Friday night of imbued strangers
Streets full of all walks of people
Mostly staggered and tipsy
Haggered and narrow minded
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of rejection and temptation
I couldn't give my cash to enter a joint
Thoroughly rejecting a norm construct
Unhumbled and judgmental
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of inspiration and joy
Where I saw a mirror of myself on the streets
Vagabound souls sat begging for a today
Justice and truth prevails
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of me sat on the ground
At the entrance of a busy closed shop
Begging for the homeless soul as people sneer
The abuse and hate ejected
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of broken promises
When all they do is try to have ******
People set traps of unfriendly gesture
The rotten and pompous society
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of me wooing the drunk
Melodious symphony of "change please"
Negativity beakers but we made money baibe
A reflection of minimalism
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

A Friday night of concluded perception
Their souls touched me, they can go back a time
They try but have no strength within
Sour love was the wound that brought them hassle
As they sing the only one anthem of
pumping  alcohol inside their veins

It's not a Friday night anymore, the dawn smiles
I have a warm home and access to facilities
They have no options and crack is their hope
Police huddles and societal direct abuse
As they sing a song for strangers to listen
For your smile and talk can be the only hope they got
I couldn't go in a club but spend my evening with homeless people begging with them. People were rude and abusive. There was a lot of hate and lack of humanly and sincere gesture. Some people thought there were better than them. The police also came in several times to hassle the homeless people. Yes they use ****** but it is the only hope that have got! Inside they enjoy the delicacies of life. One of the guy I met writes and he shared his work. Some of the words that mused me were "tip top running; A pen flying like a dart"
If you see a homeless person take time and share a piece of your love. However you perceive it. People abuse homeless people that 'go to the job centre' or 'you crack/ heroine user' when on a Friday night they have used a drug; alcohol is a drug even though it is legal.... It is still a drug.
LJ Jun 2016
The first time I saw a woman body
It was a delicate sweet flower
The ******* were perky and stuff
It was a sensual brew that sooth
There is a miracle in a woman touch
It's the sign of her reflection to mine

The first dream I had was with her
It was a taboo, a secretive rendezvous
Her lips were swollen with hasty lust
I was in her list and she followed
She swallowed her pride to touch me
I run for the fear of misjudgement

The first scream I had was with her
It was when I stopped my soul to want
To eat that fruit that wasn't masculine
To bathe in the summer fest and rivers
She crawled her nails, a scratch on me
She craved my source to hold her own

That was long ago, yet there is a wish
A call to taste her strawy honeyed set
To kiss her toes and finger her moles
Would she be part of a 3rd wheeler?
Rotate her hips as he ropes the pole
Whilst the other controls the rythym
LJ Jun 2016
It's time for bed
and the moon is hiding
perched on the dark clouds

It's time to sleep
and I cant tell how I feel
blunt with unseen quests

All is calm as I die
a float to the shift
a rhythm of the night

I am not all alone
as I these walls talk to me
in sweet trance sounds

A word mania taunts
of smoky hues in boulevards
thought and thorough penetrations
Jun 2016 · 1.6k
A Gender Fluid Bohemian
LJ Jun 2016
They call me bohemian,*
a lost intellectual
hidden with no ambition

A happy go lucky,
who hops and hits
like a river flowing downhill

A philosophical dreamer
with subjective absolutions
unrealistic surreal expectations

They see my eccentric fashion
the chic grease of mismatch
A happenstance of my day's mood

My mind is indigenous
My soul is gender fluid
A vessel of masculinity and femininity

One day, it's a skirt and blouse
The next is a bow tie and shirt
The other is a blend of two

A maverick in a world alone
I felt it all my life, the lack of connection
No motions with the convectional

Their whispers cannot be heard
I am done with biting my nails
Let them pull their hair with their noise

Their chitter and chatter complaints
As I gaze and talk to the floor
*weary of their mediocre complaints
Jun 2016 · 578
A Dirty Black Crescent
LJ Jun 2016
On this block of the concrete floor
where footsteps pounds
the whispers sounds
What happened my love?

On the book I was writing
I touched your face
your hands cyanosed
Why lose the breath for me?

It was all inside the letters we wrote
scripted hulls of hope
where your breath raced
What happened to your love for me?

In the poetry you crafted
the words worth more than life
where we cried and laughed
What tripped my invisible one?

Within the dreams that we transversed
in the woods where we made love
all the things we never ever said
Will you ever call me?

I stood outside in the rain
The sun dried me in vain
My cracks scorched  
As I trembled uncontrollably
I knelt at the foot of the mountain
I made it all fade away
I cried my well of tears
I locked those sentiments
The wind blew me in sails
My beauty withered in silts
My crevices were salty
I lost the will to fight for you
The silence you bashed me with
Left and right, top to bottom
Even I, could not beat it out
Open the frozen log in your core
The store of lies and truths you hold
I stretched my hand but it was cold for you
I showed you my strength but it was too bold
My skin was too old for your palms
It was a ***** black crescent for a while
A foul scent that formed my aura
I had to shake it and make it go far away
Jun 2016 · 381
My Birthday
LJ Jun 2016
It was a day like today
Thursday winds and blues
when I was ushered
on the volcanic soil

It was a day like yesterday
Wednesday lights and blooms
when I prepared to leave the womb
and touch the web of the world

The disconnect from the placenta
was the start of the absentness
inquisitive of this voyage
the forgone past I left

For what karma should I learn?
in a world that I am perceived
as weird and out of control
who can teach me to be?

For what karma should I learn?
as a non conformist creature
one who can't acquiesce
in this inauthentic existence

It was a day like today
A Thursday of torrential rain
When I felt the pain of the world
the unfaded tears of the masses

It was a day like tomorrow
A Friday of hope and love
when I long to make a difference
Fuel my being with zest and joy
Found it even hard to use the word "my birthday". I don't celebrate anything and people increasingly find this weird!
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
You Played My Heart
LJ Jun 2016
You played my heart
When I didn't know
That you were a coward
An award of aloofness
One that you wore along
That robe you hang on to

You played my heart
When I gave my all
My sincerity and core
A naive genuineness
One that I wear on my soul
The one you rolled downhill

You played my heart
When emotions strangled
My struggles to balance
As I closed off from love
The chorus of bluntness
The song you taught me

You played my heart
When you needed a muse
A bold and beautiful image
To ****** your taxed brain
A goal to hear me fall hard
As I lost guard of my life and all

You played my heart
When I felt I was going crazy
Effused with pain and cold
Strained and stressed
Lost in a jungle of the lonely
Gifted with battles and concepts

You played my heart
Then made me learn hard
That I was stronger than I was
That I was unique and visioned
That I was a capable phenomena
Able to pass on the pressed alleyway
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Poetry Healed Me
LJ Jun 2016
Poetry healed me
When I was dying
Braced in the oceans
When I was dying

Poetry healed me
When I gasped for air
Lost in the barren fields
When I gasped for air

Poetry healed me
In cities where men lied
Folded dreams and illusions
In cities where men lied

Poetry healed me
In seas where all competed
For a love that was sour and salted
In seas where all competed

Poetry found me first
Initiated me in it's team
In games that tricked me
It found me as an intern
Poetry healed me literally. Thanks to a beautiful soul who lead me to poetry... Unknown but ever known.
LJ Jun 2016
Bring the angels and shine
Bleach the smile and shimmer
I rushed in the isles of the world
I rested halfway through the island
The tiredness of the unforgiving pain
The strain of trying to explain myself
They saw my social awkwardness
They peeped as I hid by a corner
Seldom backwardness is my nature
So so in a world where introversion is a sin

I have never been a fool, just turned down
I have never been unconfident, just confined
I have never been sociable, just a lone wolf
I have never been lonely, just absently present
I have never been old, just youthful at heart

Bring those songs you chatter, take my hand
Banters of a hunter hunt as I revolve cyclically
I pass the ball in this deserted court in a park
I park my back on the decayed timber as I wait
The sire of the ailing livelihood we call life
The site where we watch as the sun illuminate
I saw your sincerity and cocooned you in me
I spoke your language as you pushed me in an abyss
Seldom backwardness is my nature
So so in a world where introversion is a sin
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Undeniable Holes and Poles
LJ Jun 2016
The edge of my soul is unsilenced
by the youthful glove of lust
Curtained wonders and curtailed tales
our songs recited and memorised on saddles
Sandals of certainty , candled yester years

My soles dared to tear a form
eyes roar in beats of a sinful stare
affixed sensations, the aesthetic nightmares
the cyclic eventful roller coaster of want
The padded faded jeans and cotton shirt

A fluent code of the cold wonderland
steers protons and affluent electrical neurons
Exploding zips, complementary zest
The **** ride on your stationed rod
My stallion, a rash, an adrenaline rush, our flight (oh la la)

At the sight of the afterglow stormy taste
our echoes astound the mountain tops
a wave of the heated dream in a cage
The aged flow of the surfacing rivers
As these words live in my mind

Flickering lights inside the synagogue maze
the cleavage fountain evaporating fumes
A showcase of undeniable holes and poles
A glorified truth tied in elastic hearts
Eclipsed as a shadowy armoured reflection

Hold my hand and fly the transient transcendence
Balance as I fall behind on the heighted prolific lines
Rehouse my day on these whispered thoughts
Time circles, time travels, time lost, time found
On this hour of attachment, catch me as I wave
whispered thoughts of lust
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Carpet of Emotions
LJ Jun 2016
I save this ink before it runs dry
I safe my voice and bring my light
I can't see your eyes, but you are tender
I can't hear your voice but it is soft
I give you these words, as I hand a promise
I lay my carpet of emotions, touch it,kiss it
I sign this pledge, accept it,keep it

For no doubts or any perception reign
Forever, to shine in the array of our dreams
For the vulnerability deep in my crux is yours
Find a way to see me through and through
Follow the intuitive punches in your gut
Fetch my arms as we dangle on the cliffs
Fold me in you, protect me my love from the storm
Hope you can see this someday. Love you!
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
My Dear, Whisper
LJ Jun 2016
Miles turn away
My lungs deflate
Miles turn away
My soul dilate

Slate me if you may
In slips, pin me on ground
Trump your boots on flesh
In slopes do brace, dare me

My dear, whisper
as you voice fades
on electronic wire
our mire desires

My dear, whisper
as I am a quiet  
sat on the woods
under torrential rains

My dear, whisper
in the dense wood walks
as I journey in jungles
sting me in quagmires

My dear, whisper
again say it, tell it
that you love me
under lighted tunnel

My dear,whisper
cut the storm short
surround me utterly
shed your feelings

My dear, whisper
for all to see and stare
wipe my tears, my seer
give me all I need
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
I am a Particle
LJ Jun 2016
I am the particle
hidden within
inside the crevice
cracks and traps
of the icy cave

I am the particle
winded outside
pictured in tides
hunts and punts
of capped feet

I am a particle
forming time
touching dreams
beating drums
making love

I am a particle
significant and low
slowed conned tow
a sustained substance
a universal touch
How minute are we?
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Indelible Ounces
LJ Jun 2016
The whiteness of the milky way
witness your name invariably
in the corner of chaos and order
Inside fragments of settled sediments

There are words that I await
to stream from the fountain
the base of the veined heart
Inside a core to be uncovered

Phrases that wish to be whispered
the nudges of intentions held back
collapsed and clasped in a clap
the ribboned truth that fades

Tell the tales of the indelible ounces
Pronouns and nouns of love and hate
Proverbs of the scent of your breath
The Jasmine that roasts your tongue
Let it's smell infuse my jumbled being
Tell the tales of the indelible ounces
Taboos and tattoos of eternal love
Traffic and tarmacs of the road travelled
The lavender that seduces your mind
Let it transfuse my animate system
Tell the tales of the indelible ounces
Songs and secrets of the bright sighs
Sums and seams of endurance
The cinnamon that spices your life
Let your kiss evaporate in my mist mouth
Tell tales of the indelible ounces
Nuances and notes of our untold story
Novices and nemesis of the unnamed race
The rose that savours your sweetness
Let your hands caress and weaken
As you tell the tales in indelible ounces
Words I long to up babes!
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
Unsung Poets
LJ Jun 2016
We are the unsung poets
who toil in day for the harvests
then write at night as the wick burns
in the dark slips of our meek turns

We are the unseen poets
who invisibly raise armours
swing pens as the dark evades the light
a strip to the core of the soul,our right

We are the trampled heroes
whose halos are out-shined by thunder
and tongues tied to a word twisted silence
Our heavenly seduction of a naked dance

I am the unsung poet
inspired by love and rhythm of life
transpired by the ounce of human experience
My eternal contract that only makes sense
Jun 2016 · 849
A Homely Promise
LJ Jun 2016
I hold it right to my heart
A whisper with gentle intention
To slow the pace of the stars
Where we started to race

I hold it deep in my soul
A whistle made by the birds
To sing these song to you
Where our love blossoms

I hold it on my bended knees
A waste of the concrete mist
To hold your arms again
Where we walk hand in hand

I hold us in a unison tide
A way of our printed eternity
To mould hope and live again
Where memories are our future
Jun 2016 · 3.0k
Shropshire Iron Bridge
LJ Jun 2016
Shropshire the outback of hives and mires
A birthplace of industrial revolution
Built with ***** iron and bricks
submerged in the depths of the water beds

Shropshire the strength in the metal structure
A cast of firm shields and fields
The greenery of contrasting yellowy yields
A mirage of hills sat on pillar heights

The breeze so fresh as sun prints on the canal
The warmth so intense as the bird hums in the nests
Labour artisans and metalsmith at the heart of coalbrook dale
Bricks aisles of pathways along the river
Bordered by vintage delicacies of the magnificent nature
LJ Jun 2016
Train spotted on ancient rail tracks
Mucks and grants on submerged pasts
Copper and ***** metal poles point
Upwards in heaven above the panelled tops
Price all  the intentional conditioning
A paradise of self sufficiency
A dew of ranting , the metal raiding
Price the substitutional compressions
A timber frame of tunnels
The heightened temperature
Price and tag her beautiful mind
An attachment of glorified plinth
The punch of the chaotic medals
Pride and rearrange her plentiful plight
Show all her cast frame in crimson and greys
Jun 2016 · 631
Life composition
LJ Jun 2016
Stair-cased cascades of my life
Primed in compositions of oils
Blended on walls and artistic impressions
A touch of lies to make us believe
As we scream as high where the sky pipes
Tuning on the fabric of the universal ship
A drink and another, a mother of another
As we hear a song that sums the trance
Take me to a world far from this reality
where the pyramid extends above the puzzle
Take me to a place, escapism of the dimension
a destination where the triangle peaks and sums
Take me to a planet that is rooted in eternity
a precedence that assigns my nominated contract
Take me to a yesterday when the torrential rains fell
the replication of my mutilation and multiplication
Take me to a today, where cities are my travelled anthems
the adventure of the short-lived untamed trajectory
Take me to a tomorrow, where mystics rules in clues
Jun 2016 · 454
Float In Skies A-high
LJ Jun 2016
The sun has escaped from skies above
afloat in the knotted clouded waves
The fire glows the amber summer flows
sticks blaze in beaded mazes
as the flowers pots remain emitted and rearranged

My soul and body is bathed inside the glassware
the visible tattoos on the mesh of transparency
As the residues settle on the heats and beats of the base
torn apart and bricked on concrete grounds
the pavement of yesterday sketched inside cobblestones

Take all these books with printed rhythmic vegan lyrics
the fleets and flutters on the wandering beaches and shores
Blossoms of twigs and darkened patterned wings
all sunk in a plastic paper bag and crowned with outbursts
lost in a dream, that cream that pastes the narrowing masks

Float high above as the sun warms inside the boiling soup,
as the clocks ticks and the birds whistles of a wayward destiny
Caving inside the aisles of the never ending lengths and depth
where reality itself serves as a mirror of fortified intentions  
a crucification and maturation of destitution in demise
To lose, my use and reuse the attention of the days gone by
wrote in a hippy party..... live free.... be all of life..... feel the spirit.
Jun 2016 · 863
Revelational 33
LJ Jun 2016
Revelational 33 in triangulation
A one, the perpendicular, the two
A pyramid adjoint in intersections
Recalled dream of masters and teachers

Repentant breeze on drowned water
a leather polished and scaled to sleek
A lover, my 33 year old angelic man
Reaped at the foot of the rooted crux

Restored from the mire and mirage of mares
An outward crimson, the glorified grace laced
A river that flow eastwards on descending cliffs
Revolved from the depth of oceanic rocks

Revelational 33 in triangulation
A light, the spotlight pearl unfurled
A  force that will never die but live
Rectifies and autocorrected from the abyss
Love you loads baby, ;always missing you and thinking about you always! An ember that always glows in the rumble. My spotlight, my warmth...... a master number 33!
May 2016 · 1.2k
I Miss You
LJ May 2016
I miss you and my skin shivers
The heaves of the flying engine
The sky of our heavens angel
Amiss and my soul webbed in a bay
As the mist of the dew condenses
The waters flows in our artistry
Our chemistry a fizzle unreactive
Our feeling dances as a spirit of its own
The miss and want to walk my finger
Rest it on your bare hairless chest
The miss to walk and pluck a hair
Resourcefully induce a prickly pain
I miss you and my tear flitters
On the trail of the cave I touch
****** the walls that hang your heart
I miss you as we shield our soul and shell
At the crossroads where the devil turns
May 2016 · 871
The Mask that you Wear
LJ May 2016
I can see the mask that you wear
The demon that you hide behind
As it chases you loiter it's shadow
I'll sooth you in the dark alleyways
Directly call the shamanic exorciser
to starlight your pebbled and icy path

I can see the mask that you wear
It laughs and mimic's as you **** it
Carrying a collection of your innocence
the disclosures of the haunted past
I'll reconcile amicably with the villain
sign the treaty permanently on your behalf

I can see your charming face behind that mask
That beautiful facade of yours my dear one
the vision in your eyes written on your iris
the ink that pastes a blank page of my desires
Our seal that wraps the crawls in the cold night
My divine one, let's fly afloat in the attic of our dreams
Shift the tide!
Awolnation- Sail (blame it on our ADD)
May 2016 · 1.4k
The Worry You Lag
LJ May 2016
I withhold this trophy tonight
for the worry you lag on and on
a sack you drag as it parties
owning your back, breaking the light

I withhold my hand and stop the words
for your voice seeps the air I  breath
a strangle of the life that smiles
tugging me in the abyss of your devoid

I withhold my trust as I can't censor
the irk that traps and can't be tamed
a mafia that drives you crazy 24 hours
drugging me in a cage of no care

I withhold my question about our intentions
the drive that makes me explode
as I can't blame or save your paranoia
telling a fiction in the reality of stolen memories
Stop the worry baby, remove that heavy sack lagging from your back. Love you loads! Let the monster go! Be a free spirit, the world will just trap you love!
May 2016 · 1.1k
An entity
LJ May 2016
You call me an entity
and you died for me
inside the mouth of the shark
In shards and reclaimed pieces

You call me an entity
and still hold me on the bow
showing me way in the deep oceans
Anchoring the sails through our ails

You call me an entity
and yet use the saw to cut the wood
lighting a fire in my heart to keep me warm
Fuelling the depth cords of my soul

You call me an entity
as I walk in this empty mansion
alone and aloof chasing the phantoms
Rolling in the depth of your ever felt breath

You call me an entity
as my whispers tickles the land down under
as we tow the rainbow holding our love
Making the time to hear your sweet voice
Goodnight to me! We'll find a way to make it through without us...... Good morning darling!
May 2016 · 3.5k
My Future Lies in your Bed
LJ May 2016
Crescendo at the pitch ,
the touch of the octave,
the slide of my ribcage.
Put me on the overdrive
the feel of the rhythm,
beautiful eyes in glimmer.
I can't believe we are back,
on the track and split laps,
the untimed togetherness.
At the start of the race,
where heat and mist rose,
steams in the gush of the ****.
Poised passion rose to the skies,
wetness and action felt so right,
the torrential evaporated rain.
My future lies in your bed,
on the blue walls with graffiti,
away in a continent afar.
Inside the cocoon of a time-space,
irrigated by sprinkles of growth,
where we hum through civilisation.
Love you babes!
May 2016 · 1.2k
Kernel of the Nut
LJ May 2016
A thunder in a crack of the ceiling
A shift of lifts
A slit of drifts
A lightening in the blanket of the cloud

A ghost in an alley of the monument
A walk of talks
A well of balks
A shadow in the groovy path of an ago

A cupid stuck and struck by a serpentine
A tale of the past
A pale hue of trust
An arrow aimed at the kernel of the nut
May 2016 · 639
Sat at the Watchtower
LJ May 2016
Sat at the watchtower
drunken not by ***
Soaked by morning sun
the dark haze of ice

Sat at the watchtower
not knowing how I feel
Sunk in a yesterday kiss
the maze of days gone

Sat at the watchtower
the portrait of the light
Stokes by the artist porter
the rise of the lost teases

Sat at the watchtower
the wonder of the pirate eye
Sold and ribboned in liquor
the hidden side of your phrase
May 2016 · 1.3k
I love the World!
LJ May 2016
Is it enough that I love the world?
The threads of it's pulse undeniable
enlightened by the universal web
Wedded to a world full of wrongs
A complication of bush and grooves

Is it wrong that I love the world?
A shadow of the earth that shelters
establishment of truth undiscovered
A shade of secrets with fainted saints
Welded in veracities unfathomable

Who would have thought I see the day?
The intimate stroke of prestige miracles
triggered by meshed lullabies of ardour
Embosomed in the cleavage of the globe
synchronised, yet running from the bullets
May 2016 · 1.8k
Felt Love so so so Deep
LJ May 2016
I have felt love so deep
Touch my hollow crevices
A bulb that fade in and out
The mount that houses delirium
A fire that burns the dark
A thunder that shutters crystals
A royally hypnosis of the beats
The jump swig, a rhythm swing

I have felt love so deep
The river depth overflow
inside my mindscape
A water escape in pipelines
where the moon and sky
mix in the scrapes of ebbs
A royally hypnosis of the beats
The jump swig, a rhythm swing
LJ May 2016
Saw dust and mite bites
in the dense timber
on the edges of the table
A palatable depth
of the horizon where we dined

Sew bursts and kite sites
A verily unpredictable place
where arms mate and meet
A past of days afloat
in the braveness of our years

A display of rosy petals
where the coal embers
and the gas runs out of meter
The hour where we stand closer
beneath the mirage of a day dream

On the other side of the continent
Where you die
On the other side of the bed
Where you vow
On our side of our story
Where we hold and go deep
On different sides of the world
Where miles imbue
Underneath the covers
Where the ice stew
On our side of the day dream
A space where we ******
LJ May 2016
You age like wine
but you are mine
Young and old

I age like milk
but I am fine
A clever fool

You age like wine
blessed and saved
loved and wanted

I age like milk
brave and alive
strong and sure

You age like wine
sweet and immature
naive and suave  

I age like milk
pretty and patient
loaded and free
Women age like they mature we are clever but overloaded!
Men age like wine...... as they mature they are finely antiquated!
"Don't fight Feminists".... just an observation and debate I had with comrades!
May 2016 · 1.1k
The Eagle and I
LJ May 2016
An eagle the bird of prey
Clawed at the ground
taking me back to the river
where the tide stroked  

An eagle the bird of prey
A ghost of lost faces
showing me the essence
where the love started

An eagle the bird of prey
A weaver of the world
spinning me on the orbit
where the whispers tickled

An eagle the bird of prey
A slur of the speech
talking to me in tongues
where time is out of hand

An eagle the bird of prey
The darkness that stones
showing me the gloom
where aloofness is an ally

An eagle the bird of prey
A companion of my soul
following me when I fall
Inside the pearl of a teardrop

An eagle the bird of prey
A draft of echoey words
writing with me as I type
the muse of fruity letters
LJ May 2016
Blooming with happiness
The sun stroked and I smiled
The park adventurous and prided
The grass was soaked with dew
The wasp befriended my notepad
My face was pretty for you
Hands in my pockets as I waved a dog
A shy hide away in the open space
A French book on my minds fence veux la paix...................
A bench with grounded families
Young hobbits playing ball
Young couples indulging thigh on thigh
The romping poodle and German shepherd
The pond with the calm natured ducks
Underage puffs of clouded cigarette fumes
My awakened spirit opened it's legs
It flew to the overwhelmed senses of hope veux la paix......................
A scoff of falafel parcels and fizzy muscles
The stalker sat on the aligned bench
A season to figure out what life is
A strange woman on the bike in amusement
The Portuguese cafe full of beautiful souls
The world revolved with a cleansed sheen
An Eastern Europe parade of basketball novices
A melodious day that though of you babe veux la paix......................
Sleep tight babe!
May 2016 · 465
We are vs But
LJ May 2016
We are chaotic but focussed
We are on stream and tangents
Timed but out of words
Fine but sailing at mercies of the world

We are brave but chicken heads
We are on seams and bursting
Trodden but on the float
Alright but sparkling with glows

We are silenced but screaming loud
We are on a cliff and dancing
Submerged but on a trend
Fine but sailing at the mercies of the world

We are saints but confessed sinners
We are ailed but healthy
Flying on wings high above
Alright but sparkling with glows
May 2016 · 1.3k
Sweet Sweats of Our Dreams
LJ May 2016
The skies are so beautiful tonight
They wait for our founded love
Under the moonlight
The fullness of it's sheen
Where we surrender our best
In the sweet sweats of our dreams
The whine and the punts
In the sweet sweats of our dreams

The clouds are still grey tonight
They await for our sacrifice
Our touch, the sighs, the bangs
The trueness of their sight
Where our eyes steals our hearts  
In the sweet sweats of our dreams
The whine and the punts
In the sweet sweats of our dreams
Missing you!
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