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Dec 2020 · 701
The Girl in Blue
The girl in blue is through with you
Through with your ****** gestures
Cleaning up your messes
I'm putting on a brand new dress
The girl in blue is changing her view
time for a brand new view
Dec 2020 · 327
The Choice
You tell me to choose
Little do you know
The choice was made up for me decades ago

I didn't have a say at all
My cards were snatched out of my hand
I watched all of my aces fall

Choices are always harder for the woman
Something you could never understand
I want to live just one day as a man

You tell me to choose
Little do you know
The choice was taken from me decades ago
little do you know
Dec 2020 · 405
no correction needed
correct me if i'm wrong
but i cannot be corrected
sorry but i'm not actually sorry
i cannot help being right
do not correct me
Dec 2020 · 72
Truth & Love
Love is a bitter thing when you don't have it
Truth is an ugly thing when all you know are pretty lies
Love is a bitter thing when it passes you by
the truth about love
Dec 2020 · 175
Peaceful Fool
I aint no fool
I just believe in peace
He thinks that means the same **** thing
he think's i'm a fool for believing in peace
Dec 2020 · 534
If I had been born with a *****
I wonder how I would have used it
Would I have wielded my power?
Would I have identified as an alpha?

Would I be gentle or a brute?
Would I love or abuse?
Would I have been the enemy?
Or would I simply have been me?
pondering gender
Dec 2020 · 146
Love's Proof
What is wrong with me?
What is wrong with you?
We believe in love only when we see proof
proving love is difficult for us
Dec 2020 · 254
Two Men
She remembers a man
Sordid and strong
Self righteous
Wickedly wrong

She remembers a man
Strong yet insecure
Vulnerably pure
Self deprecating
Thought provoking
Full of so much fear

She remembers two men
One angel
One demon
Caught in the insanity
Of two men that were the same
two men that were the same
Dec 2020 · 209
Joyful Home
Home is a place you left
A place you wanted to forget
It was there you learnt that love is fabricated

Joy was a woman you met
Along the way to happiness
She had a tambourine and a sunny temperament

Home is a place you made
A place you hope to always remember
It was there you learnt that love is what you make it
abused man finds his own version of love
Dec 2020 · 202
You need to succeed
Buckling under pressure
On your knees

Don't you dare fail
Don't tell me that you tried your best
You are only good enough if you pass this test
great expectations
Dec 2020 · 144
Listen to the enemy
Learn his tactics
Observe his sordid behaviour
It will give you all the answers
Listen long enough
To learn how he plays the game
Note down all your findings
Then stealthily creep away
learn from the enemy
Dec 2020 · 539
Sober Conditions
I will always accept you
Unless you are different

I will always help you
Unless I'm busy helping myself

I will always find you beautiful
Unless you grow old

I will always love you
As long as you do what you're told

Conditions will always apply
A sober fact of life
the conditions of life
Dec 2020 · 281
mistake (they made)
you see me differently
i see you differently
they see us both the same
what a mistake they made
oh, what a mistake they made
Dec 2020 · 123
No one in Particular
To no one in particular
You said goodbye

To no one in particular
You sang a lullaby

To no one in particular
You delivered a gift

The ghost in your mind
No longer exists
the death of a child
Dec 2020 · 92
Heart & Mind
Your heart is beautiful even though you don't have one

Your mind is as bright as a dead sun

Your heart is as kind as the darling Donald Trump

Your intelligence reminds me of Forest Gump
my impression of you
Dec 2020 · 359
Professional Liar
I am a professional liar
It pays to learn deceit
Only the naïve believe in honesty

I am a professional actress
I've perfected every line
I've mastered every mask
You think you've got the answer
I've made you drop your guard

I am a professional liar
My name is whatever you call yourself
Honesty is naïveté
Naïveté is hell
naïveté  is hell
Dec 2020 · 310
Move On
Call me what you want
Call it timing
Call it coincidence
Call it Murphy's Law
Call this whatever you need so we can move on
moving on is all we can do
Dec 2020 · 138
The comfort you seek brings out the anger in me
The more that you speak
The less I know how to be
The comfort that you seek brings us no peace
the comfort you did seek
Dec 2020 · 600
I needed you to agree
So that I could be free
Of you
Of them
Of it
I needed you to agree
Because arguments always look better that way
agree with me.
Dec 2020 · 231
I am here but that's not clear
I am in there but not in that
I look different when in front of the rest
I am here and I always will be
riddle me this
Dec 2020 · 414
Beautifully Honest
Honesty is myth unless you pay for it
Beauty is a commodity that we confuse with superficiality
I am beautifully honest but you are unaware of it
beautifully honest is what i was
Dec 2020 · 327
APRIL 20 1889
I don't know why they hate me
I was only trying to make
The world a better place

I don't know what makes
A man into a monster
A monster into a man
There is so much that I do not understand

The better place
The "superior" race
Is a lie I told myself every day
the birth of a monster
Dec 2020 · 166
The bird took flight
She was frightened by the slamming door
She flew into an electric fence
The bird, it is no more
oh, what a slamming door can do
Dec 2020 · 1.8k
Fashion Statement
I wear my skirt backwards simply to make a statement

You do not see the skirt because you don't find them attractive

She thinks we're so absorbed in what is not important

I made a statement but I was using the wrong language
what language will make the most impacting statement ?
Dec 2020 · 68
Clutching onto Freedom
Hold onto me and I'll disappear
Let go of me and I'll stay for years
your mistake was holding on
Dec 2020 · 253
Truth of a Looming Prophecy
Looming over me menacingly
Vividly vicious
The truth
In it's painful honesty
Plain to see
The truth of a looming prophecy
the truth was so menacing
Dec 2020 · 127
Void to be Filled
Where are you going?
Where will you be?
I need to know the places to avoid
I need some distance to fill this void
wherever you are
i will not be
Dec 2020 · 296
Poetry is Magic
Poetry is magic
Suicide is tragic
Dolly Parton's face is plastic
Poetry is magic
what is magic, can be tragic, can be plastic
Dec 2020 · 85
all i had to do                          was choose
what choice will i make?
Dec 2020 · 142
live or die
everyone who lives will die
not everyone who dies
has lived
did you live?
did you exist?
Dec 2020 · 2.4k
Looks Can Be Deceiving
You can have everything and still want more
You can be a ****** and be called a *****
You can win the battle but lose the war
Forgetting what you were fighting for

You can receive praise but still want first place
You can have the present moment and want yesterday
You can go to church to lose your faith
Because the God of love created people who hate

You can have everything and still want more
You can do evil and be adored
You can lose the battle and win the war
Knowing what you were fighting for
Dec 2020 · 166
Me in the middle of an
Exotic word play
The tricks that we can use to
Arrange the letters on the page
Phrase the wording so
Hilariously and intensely ironic
Only to
Realise this is no metaphor at all
you were looking for the metaphor... weren't you?
sorry to disappoint.
I never knew your name
I never knew your face
Until the day they lowered me
Into my grave

You thought you were invisible
When they passed you in the street
Are you still invisible
If nobody can see?

I never truly knew you
Till we met on the other side
Funny how a story changes
When you are granted sight
In the end we met
We both could see
Neither of us were invisible
I know you think you're invisible
You are not
They are in fact completely blind
You are a chosen one in the land of the lost

That mirror in the bedroom
Plays tricks on a beautiful mind
Put there to confuse but you only lose
If you believe their lies

I know you think you're invisible
We sometimes believe what we are told
I have always seen you
I'm the truth within your soul
I wanted to set you straight
Who is the person in the mirror?
Today I see me
Yesterday I saw Jesus
The day before that I saw a queen

Every day seems to be different
Even though I have not changed
My perception is messed up
Or I'm insane

Who is the person in the mirror
Does it even matter at all?
When I go out in public
I am invisible
them mirror in the bedroom confuses me like no other
Dec 2020 · 158
Friendship Interrupted
You needed a friend so I was there
A friend is someone who cannot but help but care
I needed a friend so you stood by my side
You made me laugh while the others made me cry

You needed the high but I always let you down
A friend helps you to swim when you think you're going to drown
I needed you to live but you were determined to die
You only get saved if you want to survive

You needed a friend so I was there
I entered the friendship unprepared
I needed a friend so you stood by my side
Until my back was turned and you committed suicide
friends until the end
Dec 2020 · 172
The True Meaning of Sorry
Sorry does not mean anything
Anything at all
Don't bother even saying it
I've heard that word a million times before

Just make your mistakes
Reap what you sow
Karma has a natural way
Of evening the score
Dec 2020 · 228
Questioning Existence
I never existed
I was never here
This entire poem was never written

This landscape is a dream
A languid dream of your creation
One that never truly existed
Dec 2020 · 192
I was a circle in a room full of squares so I became a square

The square's all decided to be circles so I became a circle again

They told me I wasn't a "proper" circle

I wasn't doing the circle thing right

Then I moved into the light to find that they were all triangles

They thought that they were circles but they were blind

I was a circle in a room full of squares who did not think that I belonged there

Yet I was the only one who could see my true reflection
what shape are you?
Dec 2020 · 107
laugh you to death
it was fun to watch you fall down the stairs
until the moment i realised
you had broken your neck

a joke can be so funny
even hilarious
a joke can keep you laughing
long after it's been said

it was fun to watch you falling
to watch you miss your step
but why am i still laughing at your death?
is the joke over yet?
Dec 2020 · 182
poetry & lies
i would write you a poem for every one of your lies
except there is not enough ink and not enough time
i would
if i could
but i cant
so i shan't
Dec 2020 · 346
Bushland Building
They bulldozed the bushland and put up a concrete building

They moved the bushland into the building so the building would look more inviting

I went to find the bushland because it's my favourite place to write

Only to find a building in which I was not allowed inside
she had to find another place to write
Dec 2020 · 338
First Prize
I told the truth when all we had to go on was lies
Though the truth had no real value because deception had been glamorised

I acted with integrity and I did what I knew to be right
You put on your crafty masquerade and collected deceit's first prize
because we all know immorality is so often rewarded
Dec 2020 · 194
Two Destinations
it's a place that i have come to know
it's a place that i hope to go
where i have been and where i so hope to go
Dec 2020 · 200
i remember you'd bring me an orange
whenever i was sad
you said it was a symbol of courage
a sphere of sunshine to use at my command

i remember you'd bring me an orange
just to make me smile
i remember you taught me that courage
can be found in the fruit isle
you would bring me an orange of courage
Dec 2020 · 227
misogynistic eyes
your eyes rake over my body
summing up my value
i don't recognise your currency
of pure, rancid misogyny

your eyes rake over my body
when you don't even know me
you think my physical features are worth more than an honest picture
you skim my cover but never bother to read the story

your eyes rake over my body
summing up my value
fifty points for the ******* and fifty points for the thighs
it's funny how you never bothered to value my mind

your eyes rake over my body
you begin to feed me your line
i make my beeline for the door
leaving your misogyny behind
i left those misogynistic eyes behind
Dec 2020 · 525
daisy chain
take this snow white daisy chain
a handmade token of my faith
my faith in love
my faith in love
take this and please don't give up
daisy chain  of faith
Dec 2020 · 192
Lens of Forgiveness
If you could look through the lens of forgiveness
I wonder what image you would see
If you could clear away the cloud of resentment
I wonder if you'd finally be free

I know you've been hurting through this whole year
I know we never thought that you would meet me here
I know I hurt you like only I know how
I know I don't deserve the grace you're handing out

Tell me, what is the taste of forgiveness?
Does it bring the type of peace that lingers?
I cannot promise you I won't fail you again
But I can promise you I'll love you till the end

I saw you look through the lens of forgiveness
You told me you could see an image of us
A marriage once broken was healing
Forgiveness was your epic expression of love
forgiveness healed us
Dec 2020 · 99
Momentous Love
Sometimes when I see you
I see a stranger
A beautifully mysterious stranger
It makes me want to get to know you again
For now let's just forget the romance
Let's focus on being friends

Sometimes when I see you
I see a flower
Not quite yet in bloom
It makes me want to wait for spring
To watch our love blossom again
For now let's forget the past lies
Let's focus on the present truth

Sometimes when I see you
I see a boy
An innocent boy
Not quite yet a man
It makes me want to hold your innocence
In the palm of my hand
For now let's just go with the flow
Let's forget what we had planned
sometimes when i see you ...
Dec 2020 · 515
She is dressed in black with eyes so sad
The funeral procession is marching

She has so many regrets but she cannot go back
The finality is startling

The coffin is laden with poetry and roses
Symbolising romantic connection

She will remember this after he decomposes
This morbidly touching expression

They didn't want to say goodbye
Death didn't give them a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
Do not fret and do not cry
I've loved you and thats enough
It is time to say goodbye
Life was good for I had your love

She is dressed in blue in high heeled shoes
On her first date in three years

His eyes, a brown hue gives her a sense of de ja vu
The reason for this is not quite clear

She feels a trace of shame everytime she says his name
While her wedding ring still sits on her dresser

Yet she can hear her husband's words within a memory preserved
That he'll support her on her every endeavour

She didn't want to move on
He didn't give her a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
Remember to continue smiling
Remember to love again
Long after I leave this life
We will still be friends

She is dressed in white on a warm day in July
The brown eyed man is telling her his vows

It is at this time that she comes to realise
Why his eyes are so familar somehow

They are the exact same shade that got her carried away
By a different man so many years ago

As the groom kisses the bride any remaining grief subsides
Pure joy replacing the dark sorrow

They didn't want to say goodbye
Death didn't give her a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
One day all your grief will end
One day your broken heart will mend
It is time to say goodbye
Until we meet again
until we meet again
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