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Àŧùl Apr 2013
The gusts of wind rustle through his dark hair as he rides his broomstick
In the search of the golden snitch – In the search of the ferrety golden snitch.
And in his mind whizzes past an image – at lightning speed, very swiftly,
As his expert eyes go after the small shiny metallic ball.

The Nimbus 2000 he once owned has now been replaced with another
In the attempt to make him quicker – In the attempt to make him quicker.
His eyes look like his mother Lily’s – His father James was a Seeker,
This is an analogy of a natural case of heredity in Harry.

The old broomstick Nimbus 2000 he owned was broken into pieces
In his third year at the school of magic – In his third year at Hogwarts.
Dementors attacked him – in the Quidditch pitch during a match,
And he fell several feet below from air before Dumbledore saved him.
My HP Poem #155 For My Childhood Phantasm Harry Potter
Potter Fans Know What I Mean, We Thought Him To Be Real - At Least For That Short Span Of Time!
© Atul Kaushal
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
Let me tell you a story about a Boy
Who had a broomstick and a wand as his toy
But alas! Nothing ever goes right
The only thing the Boy remembers from his childhood is a flash of green light
He was orphaned at the age of one
Lily died protecting her son
And his mother's love was a magic he would always carry
His last name was Potter; his first name Harry...
He was the only one to survive the unforgivable curse
No one knew how the spell had fired in reverse
For baby Harry had survived this curse in his cot
The monster who had tried to **** him was Lord Voldemort
The only thing left behind by this curse was what made him special - his scar
But his non magic relatives who took him in lied that it was the result of the crash of a car
Muggles was the name given to these non magic folks
Magic would stare them in the eye and they would still call it a hoax
It was not till his 11th birthday that Harry discovered the truth
When the giant Hagrid broke down the door; a sight that would give nightmares to any youth
While they were all trying to make sense of this human-giant hybrid
'You're a wizard, Harry' revealed Hagrid
Now it all made sense to Harry; the strangeness, the magic
And no his parents did not die in a car; it was way more tragic
So now Harry finally began his seven years at Hogwarts
And it was ensured that the strangeness would multiply now onwards
Harry was surprised to find out that the whole wizarding world knew about him
They were surprised to find out that Harry was not spoiled, but good - natured and slim
So on 1st September Harry Potter boarded the Hogwarts Express
Those who saw him gave him a look of impress
On this train he made his first friends and foe
But that was Harry's new life - with them he would grow
Potions, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts to name a few
Those were their subjects and to Harry they were completely new
Thee year passed by without him knowing
And before he knew it, it was already snowing
He became the youngest seeker in a 100 years
It was not until the end of the year that he faced his worst fears
The monster that had tried to **** him had returned
But Harry cheated death again though he almost burned
In the seven years he had many an adventure
The Forbidden Forest was a place he promised himself he would never again venture
He reunited with his Godfather who had been wrongly framed
Harry was the only one to pass out because of the dementors which made him extremely ashamed
The potions master he hated had a history very long
It was only after Snape died Harry realised about him he had been so wrong
Dumbledore's Army finally overthrew Umbridge's reign
The only potion that controlled Lupin was Wolfsbane
This poem has the story in a very haphazard plot
Harry found out how to end Lord Voldemort
For this all the Horcruxes had to be destroyed
This was possible due to Dobby - your argument is void
In these seven years Harry understood friendship and love
Oh and his patronus was a stag; not a rabbit or a dove
To succeed in life you needn't go a great length
Just turn your weakness into your strength
The scar wasn't a curse; it was his gift
This story is about The Boy Who Lived...
Charlie Hazels Nov 2016
The greyness will not go
From my mind, from the world
A dome of haze surrounds this troubled town
Dense, thick, ****** into the ground and out to the sky
From my soul, from the world
I'm not so far from sitting with the wild eyed vagrant
Watching all hope walk away
From my heart, from the world
A cruel twist of fate this is- when it began
Troubles came from a solution
From my pocket, from the world
Thanks to inefficiency, from the privileged
I have no food coming
From my hand, from the world
Dreams of warmth and meagre luxuries
Seem so distant, so impossible
From my head, from the world
If I can't survive this month on air
I shall go from my home
To the street, to the world.
Nineteen years ago,
I was born to a woman
I've yet to know.
She would holler and cuss me
Up and down,
Beating me into a mist
With an open fist
And her furrowed brow.

I tried to expose her vanity once.
She broke a mirror 
And slit my throat with the biggest shard.
As she did so,
I heard her say
"Toughen up, because this life is hard."

My tears drove the blood off the glass
As I sat flat on my ***,
Reflecting upon who I was
As the mirror foretold
Who I would not become:

A horrible woman
Destroying what she was meant to love.

Now, I sit abandoned in my car,
Low on gas and not going far.
My soul has gone
And passed me by.
O lord,
Am I misery's child?
I still remember what she last said,
Those violent words echo in my head:

”Apologies, but you're no longer our problem.
We held up our end by getting you in debt,
It's not our fault you don't know how to spend.
We at least try to pretend like we care,
But you're so inconsiderate and spoiled.

It's not so hard to get a high paying job,
I've had one here since at least '03.
Seems like you're just pretty lazy to me;
Go to unemployment if you're hungry. 

Don't complain or try to change it,
You shouldn't have been born
If you're not "man" enough to make it.
Millennials like you are all the same,
Getting in the way of my retirement. 

Your generation has really gotten lost,
Homosexuals now have their own **** cause.
They're protesting and lying
Saying that the world's dying,
I really don't have time for all their *******. 

Now I guess it's time for you to go,
Have fun being homeless and broke.
I wish I could see the look on your face
When your world crashes down
And your sanity faces extinction."

My existence is a heavy one,
But I simply can't resist
The burning temptation
To look back and reminisce 
On how much of my childhood I miss.
The toys were for playing,
Sick days for faking,
And holidays lushened my savings.
The world was full of wonder
As well as excitement,
Nothing could pull me under
Or tamper with every precious moment. 

Hindsight is 20/20,
But nostalgia is more a rosy haze.
That's why I know that with 
Every jolly laugh or hearty smile,
My parents beat me down
So that I'd forever stay mild. 

The scars in my psyche still mix
With what I want to believe
My past really is,
But time has taught me
That wishing for a better past
Won't help us save the future.

I read a poem many years ago,
It's message of hope and freedom
Seems to have gone the length it could go.
Feeling the author's ethereal dismay,
I adapted it to our modern age:

Not unlike the monster for which it was named,
With debaucherous whims that divide foreign lands;
Here at the briny, gilded portal to our home now stands
A hollow woman with a torch, whose warmth
Has become faded and disheartening, and her name
Mother of Philistines. From her once guiding hand
Emerges world-wide distaste; deranged eyes ransack
The smog-filled harbor that dystopias fame.
“Keep, other lands, your progressive pomp!” shrieks she
With welded lips. “Take our tired, our poor,
Our huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of our teeming shore.
Take these, the homeless, tempest-tost from me,
Lift your lamp as a guide and take them all!”

Heavy as it all may be,
I've witnessed this to be reality.
They drive around
In fanciful cars,
Acting profound
And giving us scars. 

Don't trust them for a minute,
our commanders in chief.
They'll leave you diminished-
Hollowed like Swiss cheese.

My routine now is so hollow and boring,
I've made a list and by god I deplore it:


(Repeat ad nauseam)

At least now that I have a new job
I can feel productive and not be a slob.
Rise and shine, time to cruise away;
Rushing out in the dollar's name
As my life is used in vane
For poor commerce's sake.
"It doesn't matter if your heart aches
Or if tragedy gives you a teary shake
You better not be late
Or you’ll eat from an empty plate
And starve until heaven's gate."

Arrrrgh! I can't bear the aching strain!
It seems I'm stumbling yet again!
My mind is slipping swift-like;
Kindly please step in this time.
Taking a bend distracting the pain;
Faking solace standing in rain.
Let’s sink a hearty round o’ drinks,
Glasses half full with a browned out tint.
Pipes smashed as stability abruptly shatters-
Life’s abashed daze subtly ceases to matter...

But then,
A calming voice
Guided my head
And decided my soul
It was to mend:

"Breathe deep
And digress painfully
As the slow burning march
Of time's progression
Takes your soul."

Then a message that came
From the ether one day
Did tear my soul sore
In a way I cannot explain:

"You can't stay young forever

Life will try to leave you behind anyways"

And so, I posed a question most should:
"Why live life if it's joys are no good?"

I've suffered so much and it feels all in vane.
Fighting my demons within a cage
While this mounting plume of rage
Boils up throughout my veins.
If I could snap now,
You bet I would.

Learning to live with ancient pains
Scarring my feeble brain
As she soaks in her bloodstain.
If I could snap now,
You bet I would.

Standing out on the edge
Wishing I was dead
As the wind pushes my head.
If I could snap now,
You bet I would.

But my life ain't history
There's still plenty left to see
Like a day when I stand free.
I know I can't snap now,
I've got to see it through
So that one day this tale may reach you.

I'm much wiser now than I was long ago,
It's been 8 months that I've been taking it slow.
If I know anything now, it's that life isn't a trap;
It can be more of a trip if you learn to fight back.
But you have to love yourself first
Here, I'll let you see
The words I wrote for you to read:

"Be kind 
Every time
Your reflection
Meets the eye-

Who you see
May just be
The person
To set you free."

That's all she wrote about her life and journey,
So many times it could've ended with a gurney.
Now take my heed as a call to arms
For our armies are millions thick and much too strong.
Let us relay this message to our tormentors,
Who have ****** at our souls like feasting dementors:

We, The Progeny
Have toiled too long
Shouldered too much

For us to deserve
The moniker of

Call us all "Atlas,"
For we carry your 
Trespasses against this world
Upon our bloodied shoulders.
The adapted poem is based off of "A New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, which is immortalized on a plaque at the base of The Statue of Liberty.
All other poems and musings in this suite were written by me.
Aridea P Jan 2015
Dear Life

Why you gonna be so rude?
I cannot feel happiness
Cause everytime I get too happy
Anything bad happens
It makes my heart hurts
It makes my eyes cries
It makes my soul weaks
It makes my feet shakes
It makes my brain stops

Why you gonna be so rude?
You make me afraid to loving someone
Cause everytime I love someone
Anything bad happens
It makes situation worse
It makes my world empty
It makes my space lonely
It makes my room tiny
It makes my imagination flies

Why you gonna be so rude?
You are like Dementors
You kiss my happiness
Only left bad memories
You make my life colds
You make my life dies
You made my smile gone
You made my future grey

(Palembang, 12 Januari 2015)
pt Oct 2013
I say lumos hoping the darkness in my life would fade
I say reparo to see if my broken heart could mend
I say alohomora wishing all the doors would open
I wish there was any spell that could fix my heart that has been broken

I see the dementors,they are everywhere.
They want to kiss away all my happiness
I scream expecto patronum wishing they would disappear
But they are still here, guess my soul will never repair

I  scream crucio to feel the pain, but I am numb
I say imperio to take control of my life but it all seems so dumb
'Avada kedavara' I screamed to **** this feel
But guess my pain has no heal
Potterhead for life...and even after life ~Always~ ^_^ :')
petalsofhope Oct 2014
Monsters she had always feared since she were four
They still exist
Even now,
Those terrifying creatures
Breathe and live in her
Deep, deep, deep inside her pure soul
Feeding of her unseen menacing dark thoughts
Slowly ******* her soul like dementors
As she begins to lose herself
They wait until she unleashes them
to the filthy world
Namita Anna Givi May 2020
They are ******* it- "Them", the lifeless forms
Right out of me - every sliver of contentment;
I feel it leaving me : soul departing a body
Leaving me- the shell of my being.

From my bedroom, I see the slice of life
Pretty blue skies, birds and evergreen trees.
I see  my dusted friends by the bed
As "They" perfuse me with their darkness.

My four white walls bear silent witnesses,
But my angel- she stands guard patiently-
Patiently waits as I drown myself in the noises;
Hoping to drive away the dark with the loud raps.

But then "They" last only for so long;
As the goings get tough, I repeat that over-n-over --
Looking for the exit route. I just need to last
Until "They" tire out for today.
For then, that would be my win for the day.
Dealing with "Them" are so much harder when you are restricted to your house. But we gotta fight it one day at a time - battle with the insecurities, the anxiousness one battle at a time.
Sam Weir Mar 2015
The girl with the tearless eyes,
The girl that cannot cry,
The girl thats always

And you assume she is because
She's not crying
She's just smiling
So she's fine, right?

But she's putting on a face,
Putting on a mask,
Covering the truth,
Covering the past.

She'll cancel plans last minitue only to assure you she's fine just got caught up in some family ties.

But she's got trust issues deeper than the cuts she tries to hide.
More painful than the lies
And trying to pretend everythings fine.

And the names YOU called her?
Still echoeing in her brain,
Still imprinting,
Still remaining.

But she still tries to fake a smile,
Lay low for a little while,
Walk at a normal pace,
Keep it together!

The lie that you're living is bringing disgrace!
You are a disgrace, everything you are is built around it.

Till she can't even remember the lies from reality,
Did i smile?
Did i laugh?
Or am i still pretending?

She asks herself
As she laughs at the reflection in front of herself.
Will i ever be happy?
She asks head bowed down low in front of herself.

She's not okay,
She's always a lie.

Trying to fix her broken soul,
But the ghosts of the past still haunt her.

They torture her
The life out of her
And the happiness
And the hope
It's like the dementors are coming out into the night.

And she's not fine
But she can't cry
For the tears that once flowed put like niagra falls,
Have dried up like the sahara desert.

And her head is still pounding
As she tries to get some sleep
Still stuck poundering on the everyday life she dreads
Still poundering
                ­                            Searching
For her silver saviour,
Hoping to relief the pain she's been feeling in a river of red.

But she puts on a mask and fakes
a smile,
a laugh.

And you assume she's fine,
But she's soulessly screaming
Help me.
              Help me.
Em Glass Jan 2014
as we get bigger
our handwriting gets

stars are bigger than
the sky itself
but their light forces
the past into the present
and forces our wishes
into the past

there are so many
women out there with
my name but
this increases the likelihood
that you've said it
out loud
and identified me
with sound as i have
sound travels slower
than light but we are never

she showed me your
picture with some words
square tight around it
and two dates in the caption
and said
nothing is ever worth this
until i wanted to reach
into the earth just to
cover your ears

the dementors couldn't
distinguish between crouch
and his mother because
this illness doesn't discriminate
so i don't know why
people do

you and even
are lowercase letters
with no punctuation
r i p
Ed C Apr 2019
Mondays are a drain
they are dementors
they feel like an anvil
they taste like recovery
and exhaustion
like your neck isnt strong enough
and your brain is rebooting
i am constantly troubleshooting at life
looking for a solution
to make getting out of bed easier
Anyone else tired?
Harry Gione Nov 2018
i’m not compatible
With any codes or formats of the human animal
i’m an identity cannibal
With hungry dementors creeping out my finger holds
i’ll sink my teeth in any other being until i become actual
That’s simply transnational
i’m fictional until proven factual
But what can i truly be called?
i sometimes wonder if i’m an extraterrestrial
Or i could be a disease
You probably wouldn’t even notice
That next to you and inside me too i’m not part of your species
But believe me
If i could be a human i probably would be
Instead of living in the facade of my human personality
Maybe i could be a demigod
A diverging half person while merging with a centaur
Maybe as a child, while meek and mild i was left on the step of a synagogue
And monks and priests prayed over me and summoned up my human parts
Or maybe i’m a deception
And during birth i fell to earth and grew up into a desk job
But late at night when out of sight i transform into an autobot
Tare off my human skin and do some tricks in the parking lot

Or maybe i’m just a person
Who doesn’t really fit into any kind of person list and
Just maybe my ways are little bit reversed and
Maybe next week i’ll send this verse in
Bold letters into the universe and
Just maybe it will send me a tombstone and a hearse and
i’ll just die to the self outside of myself
And become an actual person
Zaira Diana Jun 2013
Dementors show up,
“Expecto Patronum!” Aye!
You’re my happy thought.
No kidding.
under cover of night
or another invisibility cloak
or thanks to those goblins in Gringotts,
sneaked into Bellatrix’s bank vault
and stole the sword of Gryffindor.

What do you do with
a sword of that caliber?
Do you use it to help
the house elves in the kitchen?
Slicing bread, chopping vegetables, and cutting meat while they stare at you in awe?

Or set it on the shelf in the headmaster’s office
the same shelf above the beautiful fire Phoenix
you watched explode.
Place it next to the snapshot of Dumbledore,
smiling and winking at you
and make tiresome jokes about how it belonged to
Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived.

Or do you tuck it in the bottom of the sorting hat that placed you into Gryffindor in the first place,
wrapped in the scarf Fawkes brought you from
Dumbledore’s office?
Do you take it out when you need to defeat the basilisk or stab some horcruxes and you don’t have a venomous fang to use instead?

And do you think there in your common room,
with the dementors circling around the school, and
He Who Shall Not Be Named back again, that you could wield the sword and think you’re the
Chosen One?
This was a poetry assignment in my English class. We each had the same format and started with the topic “somebody stole...” this was my idea.
Ciara A Oct 2015
You would think that death will be wearing a black long cloak;
like Harry Potter’s scary and menacing dementors
You would think that death will be holding a scythe;
like the scary posters that you see on bookstores

but no,
instead of a black cloak
he wears a black coat;
instead of holding a scythe, he uses a pipe to smoke;
instead of backing out
you continued to hand down all your hopes

you can pull out all your clubs
and all your hearts
because in every turn, your anger, he will jumpstart
you can pull out all your spades
and all your diamonds
because in every turn, your bet will turn into thousands
you will never match to him
and maybe that’s why they call him grim

in the end you will realize that you will never win
in the darkness he will pull you in
thinking that it’s too late and now you’ve finally got the clue
that you can never cheat death but death can cheat you.

L Seagull Jul 2016
A seeker of higher meaning
And a wannabe demon
What unites us?
The strange empty feeling
Nothing really
Something about the hardship of staying
Discrepancy between going higher
Or falling lower into
Dark as a pit in the belly of the void
That feeling you cannot escape
Smirking tickling uncomfortably
Squinting as I try to look into its colors
Seeking something to drive away
Overwhelmed panicky lack of sense
To feel complete content and concrete
What do I need?
Perhaps some presence perhaps a breath
Warmth or consolation
Perhaps some kind of heaven
Perhaps a gentle warmth of ****** tide
Or the volcano at the bottom of the spine
Anything is
Never enough or else pointless...
The deep well of chaotic darkness
Penetrates the vision
It's in the color of blindness
In oblivion of madness
In the dark starvation
The ever present dementors' chorus
Frustrated vibration getting the better
Of me of you of the kid who starts the war
Inside his mind inside her heart
Between the legs and within the
Ever leaking grip that cannot contain
All there is to possess
Now inside out
Splattered seeds of distraction and devotion
Striving starvation eager to be filled
By the crispness of green
The redness of alive
Numerous eyes stroking along the length
Of the ego's handle
The kind of pit... food will rot first
Before reaching the bottom
The kind of void oozing odors
Of unfulfilled and fallen
Or desperately giving to avoid
The emptiness of the void
And from that pit I draw the breath
And on the long exhalation I look
Into the world reflecting the light
Of the ever exploding
Surrounded by texture
Cradling this smallness of a body
And I put the first line on
The smooth white surface
As if a question
And the answer will poor out
Not through the answerless limitations of the mind
But through the hand
Holding this pencil
TS Jun 2019
5AM : The sky is waking up. I turn over across the blankets and tissues to face the sky. Calming shades of periwinkle and stone swirl out my window. Can I stay like this forever?

6:30AM : Alarm rings - time to get ready. My feet hit the floor reluctantly, but a triumph nonetheless. Vela swishes her tail against my leg and chirps a sweet, 'Good morning!' Can't I just spend the day curled up next to her?

7:30AM : These jeans will work. I've got my purse, don't need a lunch (because honestly I'm looking pudgy lately and I ate way too much last night), and I better get moving or I'll be late. Can't have that or I'll loose my job. Would it really be that bad to not have to work?

7:59AM : Do I have to go in?

8:10AM : I've been here 10 minutes and I already want to stop breathing more than usual. People smile at me and it's sweet but I just feel nothing but heaviness inside. My face feels weighed down by an invisible force and my head is throbbing. How much longer until 5 o'clock?

9AM : I've survived an hour, which to be honest is impressive. Nothing but irritation and eye rolls. Why did I even get out of bed?

11:59AM : Great. Lunchtime. I hope I can just speed by this. I don't want to eat - I feel sick thinking about it. Maybe if I just talk a lot and ask people questions no one will notice that I'm not eating. Who am I kidding, I'll end up finding something to eat anyway - I'm hungry. Why do I have to gain weight from food?

4PM : We're coming up on the finish line. I already know the exact things I will do the moment I walk in my front door - shoes off, bathroom, change into sweats, wash the oils off my face, fill up my water bottle, curl up under the covers, and sleep. Is the day over yet?

5:01PM : Finally. Make a beeline for the car and maybe no one will talk to me - I really just want to go home. I know I was supposed to go to the gym, but honestly I need to be home right now. Is there any traffic on the way back?

5:12PM : Do I have the courage to drive right off this bridge and finally let it be done?

5:25PM : Approaching my home I feel ready, ready to collapse into its embrace. Next I feel a heaviness stronger than this morning, like I'm being pulled toward my bed for comfort. I am so ready to be away from the world. How many more days do I have to do this?

5:27PM: Car doors locked. Walk up to the top floor because I should exercise - after all I skipped the gym. Shoes off. Bathroom. Change into sweats. Wash the oils off my face. Fill up my water bottle. Curl up under the covers. Can't sleep. Tears run down my emotionless face. I just don't want to do it anymore. How much longer do I have to hold out?

6:15PM : Absolute chaotic breakdown. I am a blubbering mess of a human, walking vigorously around my apartment in search of something although I'm not sure what. It's not even a thing I'm looking for, more like relief. Curling up, sobbing beside the couch praying for this to all end. Tortured and ready to die but lack the ability to make it happen. How does anyone love me when I am such a terror?

6:25PM : Exhausted. Finally calming down from a whirlwind of dementors. Still sobbing. Ready to collapse. How much longer can I take this?

6:45PM : The next few hours are just a roller coaster of being silently down and being an emotional ball of fury. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I'm ready to be done. How do I make it stop?

9:30 PM : Finally found a little bit of stable comfort in a new strange spot in my apartment. Yesterday it was at the end of the couch, today it's under my craft table. I gather my blankets, tissues, and water bottle to settle down for rest. Why are my mind, body, and soul so restless and depressed?

11:30PM : Still awake with an empty stare on my face. Numb from the stress of the last few hours and going over the events of the day. How many times did I want to die today? A shorter answer to a different question would be - how many times did I want to live today?

1AM : Maybe, just maybe... I won't see the sky wake up and I will finally be at peace. Is it all over yet?
Shin Aug 2019
My lips pursed by the power of Albus
as abuse lies dormant under my nose.
Oh how I wish I could be unbridled.
Oh how I wish I could just take a stand.

For now I'll sit in my matchstick palace,
I see the thorns, and I'll offer the rose.
Curse those soul-suckers while I sit idle.
Not Dementors, but family plagues this land.
A third thought of Harry Potter
Clary Morgan Jun 2017
They describe themselves as such good people
Just because they un-ceasingly chat about nothing
And believe in normal more than heart
Yet who does this save them from?
There is a puppet playing with the light inside peoples souls
Telling them vanity is an answer
As long you you don't need o have questions
Is that freedom?
Being so possessed by mindlessness that that is your mind
Existing by batteries and little keys that tell you
"I'm doing no, just ******* you lifeless."
All they do is smile and gape while dementors kiss
Because society left culture in a delapidated dumpster mutilated
And we all die in the nothing
Baring our scars
I have nothing against technology just how people believe themselves to be the people they make themselves out to be with technology. I understand the hypocrisy of putting his on social media but still.
thetimeisnow Dec 2015
Sadness sits in cheeks that knew nothing but happiness
Smiles too wide for this world
Arms too big, too much love and judgment but it scared away the demons
The dementors finally found my heart
And plumped my body with rage
Against myself I waged a war
And eventually
No one won
Everyone went home injured
And my eyes were scared with knowing
That things can’t be and will never be perfect
I trained myself to find imperfections
And reasons to be afraid
So I would never be too happy
Too up in the air
Judged myself so much that I didn't realize that you could be happy and aware at the same time
someone I used to be friends with
named optimism
told me
that awareness wasn't supposed to drag you deep down into the depths of the underground
My happiness was also stemming from fear of being totally alone in my own head, my own space, or in the world- on the street or in a car for too long
So I guess the war left me in crutches, but it also left me stronger
And I didn’t **** anyone, nobody killed me
My joy is still there
Buried under the rubble of buildings fallen
Foundations cracked

I still fake happiness
Fake the joy
Do the job
Try to save the world
And most of it isn’t fake, it’s not fake
It’s just effort
It’s conciosness
Jay Hankare Dec 2018
You are frightened for thy death
For it wasn't designed for us
But there’s always the last breath
Until Dementors are approaching us
Neither women nor men
Ever wanted a journey in place of forsaken
But we’re a creature that made from sins
For Adan and Eve committed a forbidden
Heaven and Hell
Are you an angel or a devil?
Thou shall do good things
Or thou shall commit sins?
But thy existence may be delightful,
When we desire for good instead of horrible
We are borne to fulfill,
The seven stages of an individual
And not to be cruel,
Nor does the seven sins of being immoral
Manage thy self,
Lengthen thy forbearance instead of a brief
To aim goodness and to demur the mischief
Nor to be a component in a place of grief
Be compassionate to others
To the young blood and elders
Offer them want they need
Don’t be an opportunist or greed
Because life is temporary
To do such thing ridiculously
It is momentary
For us to waste
Therefore, live with integrity
And obtain goodness before thou rest
Fight  the lust with purity
Be generous instead of being greedy
Spread the love instead of hatred and envy
And lastly, be a human with responsibility
Although humans make mistakes
But it is for us to learn and not to break,
Our faith in Holy Almighty
And for our souls to be safety
"Thy sins makes you a sinner"
But it'll vanish in a faithful prayer.
Akela Santana Nov 2018
I have a vivid memory of this one night while I was sitting on your front porch. It was twilight. The streetlights shone dimly, with a warm orange glow in contrast with the dark blue sky. The wind rustling through the leaves of the trees canopied above, with a chill that made the atmosphere itself shiver. My thoughts were so loud through the whispers of the winter slowly freezing over. It felt like I was being consumed by the kiss of the Dementors. It was beautiful yet maddening, like breathe on mirror.
Edward Fairley May 2017
Why is it that you pick up your book and read
That's what a young woman once asked me
What is so good, so perfect, about that book
Why does it put in you such an aching need

My answer was as simple as this
My fair lady, there are many reasons
Why I read as much as I do
Partly I read because books bring bliss

I also read to gain knowledge
Whether it be about myths or about sickness
About the unusual nature of man
Or simply reading up on my future college

I read to gain wisdom
Whether I learn about love
Or how light beats darkness
Or simply how to rule my kingdom

I read because it makes me human
It helps me understand emotion
It even makes me feel them
I learn how to use my gifts, however superhuman

I read because it gives me hope
That love can last forever, that I can overcome
That life isn't hopeless, that all problems
Have a solution, no matter their scope

That light beats darkness, that we are givers
That test become testimonies, that I'm invincible
That men become legends, who fight like Spartans
That scars become blessings, that flow like rivers

That we can rival titans, beat sickness, find love
**** demons, destroy dementors, beat sickness
Protect humanity, transcend reality, run freely
Escape captivity and tyranny, this we rise above

Where one says books are an escape from reality
A thing to run to when you're down and lonely            i believe that it's not an escape from real life
It's a guide to a better life, someone gave to me

So if you have a question about why I read
Here is my answer to you my friend
I read to overcome the trials in my life
I read so that I know how to lead
Words flow from this pounding heart.
Vultures take from my Soul
Like 1,000 Dementors  demanding their Tolls
To be collected for riding their
Soul Train
Paying Up
I feel like I'm starting to grow insane
Harpies lecture me on how Happiness can be used like *****
They tell you to feel "Half of the sad"
To balance and create the soul's Equilibrium.
Laughing in their old and lack of street educated faces...
I lean in my seat, proudly, "I've earned my scars"
"I've traveled these roads.."
Like "Frogger" and "His Game"
I've paid the prices for everyday trifles...
"With stronger powers than you..."
"I deserve to intoxicate myself in these "odes..."
Of "The Drug you call Happiness.."
So educate that "Dimwitted Someone"
"Who doesn't know as much as I "
"Or has no hands-on training."
"On life's battlefields."
For "I've been drafted many times"
"Sit. Let me teach you, teachers.."
"Experience sometimes deserves trust.."
"moments of enjoyment for the ease of weight.."
"For you, teachers, have become 'the students'
who I am about to re-educate."
Haylin Mar 2018
Truth lies beneath your warm smile
that as time passed by
you've learned that in order to survive
you have to suffocate yourself with lies
telling you are loved
you are cared
you are blinded by hallucinations
you went to a place you called paradise
and filter the pain behind the words i'm alright
you are slowly being **** by dementors
that conquer your fears
in reality you are long dead
your soul is broken into pieces and shattered on the floor
bathe in your own tears
you wanted to tell the truth
you wanted not to hide
you wanted to tell them that you are suffering from anxiety, loneliness every night
that as she shut the door and said  Sleep tight
you took a blade and slits your beautiful skin and rest with tears in your eyes
you tried to hide your wounds with a smile and telling everybody you're fine but you are not
Hopeless Outlet Nov 2018
Sometimes I feel like a spectre
drained of all my joy like I'm at a party for dementors
Ooo sometimes I feel so restrained
ooo sometimes the prison is my brain

I'm phoning
please come light the way

I might be folding
I'm trying not to lose your face....
SiouxF Aug 2020
Thank you
From the bottom of my heart
For being there
For being by my side
For being so strong
For lending me your strength
For allowing me to lean on you
Through these temporary yet troubled storms
Once crushed by others
But now of my causing
And my choice to cease
When I remember to
Rise above, easily and consistently

Thank you
For believing in me
For truly believing in me
For supporting me
No matter what
In spite and because of my many dementors
Who, with your help, I am kicking into touch!

Thank you
For caring
For sharing
For giving me so much of your time
For showing me there’s another way
For showing me the way

Thank you
For being there

Thank you
For being you

My heartfelt thanks and gratitude
As the mists begin to clear
And the dawning of a new age beckons.....
Bee Jan 2019
I cant fight my inner dementors,
While the weather gets colder,
I want to scream until my lungs dont function anymore,
I want to cry into a pillow,
But these four little terrors,
Keep staring at me,
With beedy eyes,
And needy lives,
From changing diapers,
To the constant fighting,
And school being out,
So all day, they're together,
The screams, the crying,
The kicking, the biting,
Driving me mad,
I want five minutes alone,
To fight with my head,
But daddy comes home after they're in bed,
My anxiety levels get higher each day,
And february gets nearer,
Is it to late to change,
I really want to run away,
Or burn myself,
It used to help with the pain,
'See a shrink',
Thats what everyone is saying,
But i cant even *** alone,
Where am i supposed to get an hour?
SiouxF Nov 2020
All you need to do is send
When overtaken by dementors,
When stuck in a web of loneliness,
When wallowing in a well of self pity,
Just three characters is all it takes,
S O S,
And in response
A kind word,
How can I help?
What do you need right now?
Would you like to talk?
Or to pray for you?
But you need to ask for help
You need to send that

— The End —