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Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Deep in the forests the tiger was sleeping

A beautifull deer was passing near him

Her scent woke him
He rose fearcefully excited about his meal

He saw it and ran after the deer

Him chasing
She escaping

They arrived to the edge of the mountain
The deer stopped full of fear turned and looked straight into the tigers teeth
The tiger knew he had her
He approached slowly and asked her
"Why did you escape its been days i havent ate"

"Please dont eat me she said
I never did anything to deserve that"

The wise tiger replied
"Thats the way the world goes around"

He prepared himself for his prey
The dear sudenely jumped from the edge choosing to die

The tiger angry walked away and realised

That the beautifull deer died with pride

Words Of Harfouchism
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
I'm going to take you on vacation one day.
To the most beautifull place on earth..[deleted]

Wait, that's not true the most beautifull place on earth would be right beside her

I'm going to take you on vacation one day..
To the most beautifull sight on earth..[deleted]

Wait, that's not true the most beautifull sight is seeing her...

I'm going to take you on vacation one day..
To the

mezmerizing? no..
stunning? no..

I'm going to take you on a vacation one day. And we're going to a place that's beautifull and amazing but none of it will match the beauty I see in you. I feel blessed as to how I perceive you and the warm glow that follows when I do or think about you. It's an ancient feeling, it's roots lie within the creation of my very soul yet it is a completely new experience. Familiar yet unknown prior before discovering. There was only one option for me, one thing to do. Surrender, I fell to my knees, head low. Victorious. Seldom rose higher, seldom felt more love surge within me. So I'm going to stay with you, I want to, I have to and I'm going to take you on a vacation with me. But just know that no matter what place we will visit or whatever sight I set my eyes upon none of it can match the beauty I see in you.
just a girl Aug 2014
its so sad
how all the apples at the top of the tree
never get chosen

its always
the apples at the bottom they are easier
to reach

so the perfect
apples at the top start to think *
something is wrong

they just have
to wait for the right person to come across
and climb the way

Indranys Oct 2018
We live to love..
We live to learn..
All the earth won't be enough for us..
If we live without tolerance..
If we live with love..
And even if the land isn't enough..
We live in every heart..
Spread it among all humans..
The mean of peace..
With love and smiles..
Spread it to the world..
The mean of peace...
With love, smile and beautifull manners...
When i first met you, i was afraid to meet you,my heart skipped a beat,your eyes were shinning like a pure gold, your mouth were so beautifull that needed to be kissed,you were always in my mind thats why i couldnt seem to forget you. Even when you were at the distence i'd see you closer to me,i knew you but i havent known who you are.i tried to calculate you but you were impossible to be calculated ,i think of all the possible to get possibility to know you,   you blinded my eyes with your love,i couldnt see but i would see only you. When u came near me i felt like i could see the beating of my heart and it felt like i have known you forever,even though it was the first."ishmael" you were all um thinking of, you conquered my hear and i gave it all to you "still now"from the day you told me how u felt about me i just wished that i could fly and tell the whole world about ur feelings and the respond of mine...when u leave i felt that i could review and copy you so that i can see you or i could use the remote to display/reward your presence,i gave it all to you,now my heart is my gift to you and its your choice whether to keep it forever or to tear it to pieces but before that remember of the day we first met
Akash mazumdar Dec 2014
She is the beauty of my eyes,
her eyes like beautifull round on the wing of butterflies,
when she speaks she's like,
the honey of my life,
she is born under the magic wand's light,
her presence always make me delight,
her every word is truth's order,
she's my love she's my daughter,
when she kisses on my cheeks,
my all stress is gone what ever it is,
i just want to be the reason,
behind her every smile in every season,
her tears breaks my heart,
i miss her even when she's one hand  apart,
with her i am the happiest person forever,
she's my love she's my daughter,
now i understand how precious i am for the girl,
she's my reason to smile she's my world,
her curly  long hairs if gets wet,
she look like a princess under the rain i bet,
beauty with truth she's the angel,
she loves me the most i know it very well,
her selection is of love & being soulful girl she prefer,
she's my love she's my daughter
always anxious Sep 2014
Dear legs...
I'm sorry how i've alwYs complained about you not being long or straight enough.
Thank you for still carrying me even though i've hated you with such a passion.

Dear arms
I also wanna tell you sorry, for punching you when i got mad, and also for complain about you being too floppy.
Thank you for still helping me, do everything and for just being there, life would be a lot harder without you.

Dear ****
I'm sorry for all the times i've said you were ugly, you not being round, small or smooth enough.
Thank you for still going along and let me sit on you when i've been tired.

Dear stomach
Sorry for pinching and hitting you whever i was hungr, and sorry for never liking you beacuse you were floppy but i know it's just skin
And that's how you're suppossed to look.
Thank you for telling me when i'm hungry and keeping in all the food i eat, you work like a machine and that must be hard to do!

dear *****
Sorry for always thinking you were too small, i regret everything i've said you've grown nice and round, i'm sorry for complaining so tou had to hurry so much you got stretchmarks
Thank you, for grabbing so much attention, that id sort of funny.

Dear hips
I'm dorry for punching you and complaining avput you being too wide.
Thank you for giving me the hourglassshape every girl long for.

dear skin
I have so much to be sorry for..
I'm sorry for cutting you, and bruising you and burning you, i' so very sorry i have ruined you this much, i'm sorry for letting my emotions out on you, i have made you scarred and i'm sorry about that. Im sorry for also complaining how you were never clean enough
But thank you! For sticking along and holding my body together you're awesome

Dear face
I'm sorry for never liking you and being sad about my eyes not being deep blue or my nose not perfect
Though i thank you for
Letting my friends know who i am

Dear hair
I'm sorry i put you through a lot of heat and dying and all that but hey you're still on my head i bet i would look weird bald so thank you!

Dear body!
Last but not least
I wanna thank you for being so strong and beautifull i wanna thank you for holding on even though i put you through this much

*dear body... I'm sorry.. Thank you
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Hate to see you leave. Love to watch you go

Pretty peepers on your hip.
Makes me waant to kiss you up an down.

Like that hollow spot. Between your collarbones below that swan like
Curve at the base of your throat.
Jesus.  So **** there.

So many little things. Pretty girl.
For me to appreciate about gods most beautifull creation. Bar none.

I am a student of you have been all my life.
Lovely. Cradle of creation. Ectasy incarnate.

If he made anything better, he must have kept it for himself.
Or keeps it high on the shelf.

Olajide Ojedokun Nov 2012
Life is a race
never to be erazed
life is a journey
filled with bitter and horney
it is a scripture packed with
load's of picture
life is a bus driving down the
road to our future
it is the proof of our existence
the measure of our prominence
it is a gift from the creator
one with no superior
life is beautifull
as beautifull as the blooming
of a rose flower
life is good.
Sirenes May 2016
I love you.
I love how messed up you are
And how normal you turned out
I look at you over drinks
After work
Both of you
Picture perfect
And neither of you see it
Within yourselves.
It's all
who would want me
I'm not good enough
It's all ***** secrets
And things we don't
Want to talk about.
It's all reflections
On all of our faces
As we frown and growl
And point fingers
At who did what.
But in the end of the day
I love you and I know
You all love me
So drop the act
I got all of your backs
And I know you've got mine.
There's alot to be discovered
In how perfectly
We all mirror each other
Giving all of us
Beautifull reflections
Of how we see each other
And each mirror
Is perfect in it's own way.
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
In the jungle lived three lions
Their father had just died
they were sitting trying to decied who should take the crown

The three lions were wise
But only one will have the royal life

The eldest said :
My brothers with great grief i bid our father's fairwell
But its time for me to be king
Im the older and the most powerfull between you two
This kingdom cant survive if i dont rule

The younger lion replied :
my brother its true that your strong and old
But i am the smartest between you both
Leave the crown for me and i shall take care of your needs

The third lion said :
All you too have said is true
But i am the most beautifull lion between you too
All the animals in this jungle respect me
And i was the favorite for daddy's
No other lion is more courageous than me
So i think i should be king

The three lions couldnt agree
They started to fight violentley
The older lion ended up winning the fight

He looked down onto his brothers dead on the ground
He couldnt believe what he had done
What would his father think of him now?
He surely didnt deserve to be a king
Feeling miserable he walked away cursing his greed

He would leave forever and never come back leaving his father's land

A kingdom without a king...

Words Of Harfouchism
Its a beautifully state outside today
for once it wont Rain,
and ill have my way
Even though the clouds are dark
theres patterns of blue,
beyond their Start
and ill enjoy this cool day in peace
and Listen to those symphonies
provided by the birds, bees, and trees
Its a nice day
Ghazal Feb 2014
I am beautiful
Not only because of the curve of my hips
Or the shape of my body
Not only because of the fullness of my lips
Ghazal Feb 2014
Beautiful is a flower
Beautiful is a leaf
Beautiful is a tree
Beautiful is a fruit
Marquelle H Feb 2015
I will not live in a conspiracy but if i need answers than I will just give me a beautifull kiss but i will die.....I will not say this twice & live in this mythical life
i cant think right now but im  a poet that puts words together just for the expression and meaning and situations that I have been in & poetry helps me from depression
xiuhcoatl cualli Jul 2014
this for you angel!
happines from heaven is love with intentions of faithfulness!
dont let no lie bring your brAin cons ions down!
for when you walk with your heAd down , your suffering!
its like living in hell!
where kids die of hunger
trees get turned to paper plastic and pencils!
for you two can write with stones on stones!
dont let the sky your love where your sun is at die in the concrete jungle!
that happiness!
those beautifull mountAins turned to beautifull temples!
we are walking all as one through apakalypse!
covered faces, distintive races as we are imbracing
for were not racing
we got pAtiance and my time is my evidence!
never look at the clock!
shadow around the tre let you know whT time it is,
stars relocating you to your destinAtion!
follow the ants for they are saving all the seeds!
follow the birds for each bird eats a different seed!
follow the jAguar for it will teAc you how to fight!
become one with your mind!
you are here to die, but with someone you love by your side!
bless my daughter mArysol quetzal zaragoza n if this heart mormor kills me body, my mind will live eternAlly
tufa alvi Mar 2014
Lately I've been hard to reach, I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world where they can be alone
Are you calling me? Are you trying to get through?
Are you reaching out for me, like I'm reaching out for you?

I'm just so ******' depressed, I just can seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this ****
But I need something to pull me out this dump,
I took my bruises, took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
In order for me to pick the mic back up
I don't know how or why or when I ended up in this position I'm in
adele horn Jan 2010
i know what i am,
to you.
an embarrasment,
don't let the ladies from the church,
hear that i dont believe in god.
you have dragged me,
to shrinks,
to priests,
convinced i am of the devil,
convinced i was molested.
convinced that there is something to be fixed.

all the while,
i had known,
that my disease was not of the mind.
i was not diseased at all!

i was wearing black,
because i liked it.
i loved a woman,
because she made me happy.
i have ink on my skin,
because its beautifull.
i have steel in my flesh,
because it appeals to me.
i am an atheist,
because it makes sense.

but lo!
shield your gaze from me.
cover your children's ears.
suspect that they are gay,
while you are at it,
it rubs off you know.

push your head into that hole,
stick your fingers in your ears,
and sing a ditty to drown me out.

cut me off.
frankly, i dont care.
i am done explaining.
no longer,
can i fake a placid demeanor,
around the dinner table,
to encourage your beliefs.

i know you think,
its all attention seeking.

equipped with this,
my mother,
my sister,
i will not squirm under your gaze any more.
i cannot conform,
to your ideas,
of a daughter,
of a sister,
of a wife,
of a woman.

i fly proudly in the face of your disaproval,
because i know,
every step i take towards your shackles,
is a step away from my destiny.
Geno Cattouse Oct 2012
Lonely. Encased in timeless
Lore. The
Siren sits at waters edge and sings her love
None so far in centuries have
Dared to
Answer call
Lest he become another fish
Like countless gone before.
Dessert Sep 2013
I sometimes resent my resilience.....
I wish that after being tossed around and spit out by this world I'd stay down I'd not bother getting up id stay  where this strong world set me listen to its advice take its orders
I wish that after being assured by this world of how regular I am I wouldn't insist that I'm special
I wish that after this cold hard world told me I hadn't seen nothing yet I wouldn't insist that I had or that I knew what was coming next
I wish that when I looked in the mirror and heard all my flaws hiss I wouldn't insist on  the fact that I'm beautifull
I wish that when I find something broken I wouldnt  assure this world I can fix that .. I know whta I'm doing... Ill make this work
I wish that when my life and myself leave so much to be desired I wouldn't be so sure it's because the world has something else coming for Me
That it in fact it Is you strong world that hasn't fufilled my potential ...
I wish I knew how to wish come true.
always anxious Sep 2014
little girl
your young
your skinny
you could have the world

little me
your shy
your sad
you don't know what you could be

dear myself
you were happy
you were beautifull
you should've never put that smile on the shelf
tufa alvi Mar 2014
i said to the i have seen such a face
even u will get shy when  u see her yourself  
when the moon saw her what he did was eclipse

i said to the stars, her smiles more prettier than yours
& after that that star shower was born
i wrote this poem dedicating nicole liblanc
to say how much i love her
Colin wheeler Jun 2013
The moon was just an illusion of a beautifull little girl, relaxing with wine and sigarettes, letting her mind go

Today is the day i finally fell in love, she was so beautiful, she was just enough

Its hard to save your heart. Its all gone now, youve torn myne apart. To save you was easier said than done

I shouldve known this feeling was well too kind. I allways knew this was coming but i had hope. In the back of my mind i had feelings to Elope.

This was our happy ever after, everthing you had is gone now, you were the star of the show, take a bow!
Amanda Kay Burke May 2020
What a beautiful surprising life
Is so precious but it cuts you like a knife
A painful sunset shakes thoughts awake
Every evening from the fantasies we make
A bright new sunrise in the early haze
Midafternoon hot like a blaze
Commanding time
Providing light
She rules day
He rules night
The moon cloaked in shades of black
The sun robed in white and blue
Perfect balance to steady the universe
Allowing meaning to all we do
King and Queen of humble Earth
Governing vast sky
Without reciprocation
No complaining
No asking why
How come I am so ungrateful?
Why can't I realize I am blessed?
I should be thanking trees for the oxygen supplied
Instead cursing the air inflating my chest
I need to open my eyes all the way
Look a little harder around
Because on days with no sunshine to be found
Just under clouds that star is still there
Reliably shining away from man's stare
It is true that every second in this world is a gift
Remember next time you feel low and seek a lift
Cherish miracles hidden
Great and small
Gaze towards the heavens when bowed by a fall
Even if you can't see its glow or feel its gentle burn
The sun is there in our stormiest hours
Eventually it's presence will return
My mom and I wrote this together. It's nice to have someone who cares as much as she does, but sometimes it is a lot to take.  Family is a blessing.
Deep Thought Apr 2018
Beauty isn't everything folks.

Stop letting Estee Lauder, CoverGirl and Sephora define you.

Companies such as these try telling us what beauty is, but it's merely just another exterior pleasure.

Although, we're told differently, and we foolishly believe it wholeheartedly.

Okay, let's take it back for a moment, rewind.

When Adam & Eve were created,
not only were they shamed, they were naked.

"Who told you, you were naked,?" said the Creator.

Now, I ask you same question.

Who told you that you weren't beautiful?

Not to be caked up, overly concerning yourself with vanity.

Oh, look at me, aren't I pretty!

Everyday I see women trying to be everything they're not.

Hate to burst your bubble, but
feminism isn't the solution to the problem.

Face it ladies, you will never receive the attention you deserve, unless you give it yourself first.

I speak from experience.

This feministic agenda tells us we can be "the man."

This isn't true, there is nothing you need to compensate for.

We can be strong and feminine just like our mothers

I believe our Creator came in the flesh, to tell us our beauty is full. BEautiFULL.

Marvelous are HIS works, And that my soul knows very well
- Psalm 139:14
Get Cardi B out your ears, face your real fears.
Warren-Johnson Oct 2018
Stress ticks over inside of me, as if mechanically part of me!
And these shacking hands be that of a chronometer!
How many times have i heard,
“It will all be ok!”
I think much kinder words have been spoken!
As if they hold no part of this drastic itinerary!
Mindfully i say!

Smell take it all in!
Its not all decay!
There are roses too!

Oh, hear the beautifull song as the sparrow gayly chirps, his thanks to life!

Open my eyes!
Drink in all its beauty!

Feel the world with all my senses!
As air rushes over me!

Its all alive!

And I’m part of this great creation!

Im alive!


Thank you Jesus!
Nemanja Pavlovic Jun 2013
Does everything stop,
With last look and last breath?
Or sky is waiting for us,
And there is life after death.

When our heart stops beating,
I hope this is not the end.
Maybe there is a long shiny stairs,
Which leads us to some mysterious land.
Maybe that land has its great ruler.
Can it be Devil or God?
Maybe that place is a beautifull,
Or wasteland covered in mud.

If someone was an evil person,
And he couldn't stand a sound of the church bell.
Will he have a good afterlife,
Or devil will open the gates of hell.
Is hell an awful, scary place,
Fire and danger at every spot?
Or it is land full of temptation,
But one mistake can cost a lot.

Is there a peaceful heaven,
For people who were honest and nice?
Will God embrace its believers,
And show them a path to paradise?
Heaven should be a happy place,
Amazing land, where everything is straight.
Everyone ˝ lives˝ full life,
There is not  jealousy and hate.

No one knows what happens after death,
We can only wonder and guess.
Is death same as game over,
Or our spirit is endless?
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
My how my muse desires you.Deeper you are is it your insanity.
Is it mine. Intoxicating. Born
Ouside dimensions you emit a constant hum or is it me the antenna born to your freakuency.

Every answer is a question. My inquisition.
Raw as a flicking lash..subtle as a midnight whisp.
Irish eyes awash with irony. You swiftly pull my pathos a querry in constant posture.

You are a devine girl/woman
Neither young nor old ...a vessel,a wonderous curiosity. Hannah you are what ?.
An ovation of thunder?
A Dickensonian verse ?
An ancient curse ?
A raven ?
Bitter...Sweet enigma.

A sand siren self aware
You have my full attention every sultry deed.
God I feel the tide draw ill.
Against my will.
The mirage persists even to the touch.jagged rocks a starboard aching need a larboard. Simply Hannah.
But sad to say, I have seen you before sitting on beached and rotting vessel ashore arms oustretched your sisters have sung that
Sweet beguiling song to me before.I have surrenderd and run my boat ashore
At times turned the rudder and put my back to the breezes
Your song.
Your smile.a reincarnation
An ill wind sweet stench of forbidden. Solitary lilac standing tall beneath a waning moon..sweet
A portrait.
Cloaked in plain sight you are open as the sphinx. Too young to be this ancient too wise to be this.Hannah.

Brash as brass knuckles backhanded on bruised cheek. Soft as overspun cotton candy.
Add water and stir girl
All around the world girl
Proof positive that god has a wicked
Sense of humour.
Nimrod kiptoo Apr 2019
If you take time to be kind,
You are beautifull.
Aaron LaLux Jan 2018
It took,
one of the most beautiful sunsets,
I’ve ever seen in my life,
to get me to write again,

I’ve been taking a sabbatical from personal periodicals,
not that it was premeditated,
it was or rather is,
that I hadn’t felt motivated,

still don’t really feel inspired,
even after such a beautiful sunset,
which I watched from seat 1A,
in the front row of an aircraft,

another First Class flight,
this one shorter than most,
been around the world but still I rep Westcoast,

the girl next to me missed the whole thing,
she was and is still fast asleep,
but the guy across from me saw it,
probably the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen,

see he’s a Navy Seal,
so I guess I don’t really know,
the Lord and He,
are the only ones that know what he’s seen,

at any rate the sunset was beautiful,
like I said one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen,
missed the first half because my view was blocked,
by a gay couple and their cell phone screens,


can’t we ever just have a moment with Beauty,
without having to feel like we have to capture it,
why is it the first thing most people think when they see something beautifull,
is “Oh yeah I should take a picture of this!”,

and then their interest usually only last,
as long as it takes to take that photo,
then they go back to doing whatever they were doing,
before they were interrupted with something so beautiful,

but I’ll take a Beautiful Interruption before a Mundane Day any day,
I’ve always been one for the inspiration that comes with impromptu moments,
I’ve learned to Love unconditionally Beauty in the instantaneous moments Beauty exists,
I’ve learned to be able to appreciate something without having to have the urge to own it,

lost a lat of Love before I learned that lesson,
but better late than never,
so now I write these memoirs,
to help us all act better,

because there’s always room to improve,
and that’s whey I stretch out in my yoga practice,
take moments to meditate and put it all in perspective,
because that’s the only way to stay balanced in a world off it’s axis,

see the US government shutdown today,
January 20th 2018,
and here I am on plane flying 1st class,
from San Francisco to Los Angeles,

and even though,
it’s only an hour long flight,
it was day when we took off,
and now we’re about to land and it’s night,

amazing how much can change in an hour,
sometimes an hour can change a whole life,
and I’m reminded of all of this on this airplane,
as I gaze amazed at an amazing site,

that of one of,
the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen in my life,

it took,
one of the most beautiful sunsets,
I’ve ever seen in my life,
to get me to write again,

I’ve been taking a sabbatical from personal periodicals,
not that it was premeditated,
it was or rather is,
that I hadn’t felt motivated,

still don’t really feel inspired,
even after such a beautiful sunset,
which I watched from seat 1A,
in the front row of an aircraft,

another First Class flight,
this one shorter than most,
been around the world but still I rep Westcoast…

∆ LaLux ∆
Another True Story
Cartwright Mar 2010
you give me these rules to follow what do you Want me to write,
it says write about what I fell of pain,
Sadness using words that I've Never Uttered or said..
When you say write what you feel thats what I've been doing wrather you give me an
F or an A for these assignments,
These are the ways that I feel.

You want me to write something Sad:
catch me on a Sad Day,

You want me to write something Dark:
Catch me on a Dark Day,

Want me to Write something Hateful:
Catch me on a Hateful Day,

want me to write something Sweet:
Catch me on a Sweet Day,

To write something Freaky:
Catch me on a Freaky day,

To write something Deathly Insane:

Well this one I just learned you gotta Catch me with a Question or a Simple Title
Havin me think of dark and Death Days
that Drag out into intense bleeding
and fulfilling
Abandonment issues toward myself;
A deep dark wreckless,
Careless secret toward myself,
thinking and contemplating What if I was to bring the Darkness to a full salute would I be me,
Would I be a Murderer,
Would I be an Assasin for Hire,
what would my life be like if I were to do that but alas I dont wanna find out that is why I stay me cause
I believe if I bring that darkness to a
full salute my Life as I know it will turn
Chaotic with no amount of Greatness
but for death and decay,

The Hatred to my Love,

The Death to my Life,

the Wrong to my Right,

The Loneliness to the Togetherness,

The Yang to my Yin,

The Sadness to my Happiness.

So I guess in writing Do I get it now?

Do I let this other side out for a full day not gaining any amount of light to that day...

My Beast to my Gentalmen,

My  Ingnorance to my Intellagence,

My Negative to my Possitive,

My Villian to my Hero,

My Rags to my Riches,

My Shade to my Shine,

My Impure to my Pure,

My Jekyl to my Hyde,

My Insane to my Sane,

My Padded Dark Room to my Clean Sunshine in place of Life,

So did I do it?
Have I uttered what has been dorment inside me for the Longest?

Maybe my Fist to my Mouth,

Maybe my False to my True,

My Body too my Brains,

My Unresraints to my Discipline,

Silence to my Spoken,

****** to my Protect,

What do I do,
Just for one day.

My Slave to my Free Man,

What do I do?

My Loose tongue to Knowing when to shut-up

Wha do you want me to say?

My Riot to my Gaurd,

How should I act?

My Without to my With You,

Would you stay?

My Demise to my Negotiation to Live,

How should I feel?

My Killer to my Protector

What should I do?

My Worst to my Great,

How should I stand?

All these Questions within myself for myself....
If Only for a Day I should go crazy,
Would you stay?

If only for a Day iI Lose Control would you still Love me ?

Chris I need to Know what do you want me to do,
to say,
to be,
to act,
to believe?

Im talking to you,
What would you have me do?

               Chris What shall we do its up to you now,
its always been.

As to my Beautifull Empress,
Our Babies,
and Our Unborns
Supports Me and keeps me Sane and Intensly
In Love with Her in all the Glory that is Life...
Kole J McNeil Dec 2020
Her eyes blue
Her hair a soft brown
She is perfect

She doesn't see her worth
She keeps going after the guy that hurt her
Over and Over

I wish she could see how much she is worth
She means the world to me
But she keeps hurtong herslelf for a guy who doesn't love her

I cant stand to see her hurt
She deservs the world
She is tall and smart and beautifull
She is funny and kind and soft
She has soft hands

She's loud but gental
She is a picture perfect girl

All I want is she
She is which I am living
She is which I am happy
She is which I long

She is my Yellow
My Blue
My Red
My Green
My Orange
She is my rainbow
She is my light
She is my stars
She is my galexy
She is my moon

And she is my insomnia
She is my reson
She is my guding hand
And she is the badage of the wounds I give myself
And she is the trash that took the blades
And she is the mended heart break
She is the bottle that I never picked up again
She is the pills I put back in the cabnet
She is...
Sudipta Maity Nov 2018
Hey there!
My dear birthday girl.
surrounding among friends
standing in front of the table,
getting redy to slice the cake.
Wishper, how do you feel?
Have you forgotten me yet?
or I'm still remain as bubbles
in your heart?
Dn't worry! please smile.
for me, it's no more painful.
I am writing  you,
here, from miles away,
by blowingout,
single candle on a cupcake,
a letter of love.
Since, throughout the year
I'm thinking of you a lot
that it's full my brain
with billion terabytes
by jpeg of your pretty face
MP3 voice and by your 4k smile.
Oh! You look like a princes,
Yes, you do.
Hot, young and beautifull.
I swear, it's true.
It's my wishes that,
I will must be there.
by your side forever.
Like the diray your life time
or the status of your time line
whatever you will do
or wherevere you are.
I wish, I will be there.
with dark chocolate and red rose
In the subways and metroes
by holding your hand,
I wish, I will be there.
I'm falling
I'm falling
I'm falling
I'm falling
Throug your sky.
Hey pretty lady
you've got me on my knees.
Do accept all my apologies.
hold me tight,
save me inside your cries.
If there, still hate
growing for me.
I deserve to be
in prison verily.
I so dearly long
with brave heart,
waiting for your  return
as queen in my dream.
Happy birthday to you!
Loxodes Jan 2016
You were so free and full inspiration
When we first met
I loved all your colourfull thoughts
Like a beautifull bouquet

Some of those thoughts were poisonous
Things i couldnt see
Somehow fate split us
Because of our hunger for diversity

We saw each other while in blossom
But do we like each other without leaves
We stole each others freedom
So i think that makes us thieves

Attraction by powerfull vivid visuals
But our colours left us blind
Losing ourselves out of sight
I guess thats just the curse of having a free mind
thoughts just clashed which caused love to break
Don M Jul 2012
always anxious Sep 2014
that girl in the conor
80 lbs of weight
she's beautifully broken
skinny almost dead

that girl in the front
200 lbs of weight
she's happy and giggly
but fat and almost dead

we have me in the middle
100 lbs of weight
i'm neither happyor beautifull
i'm fat, living but not at all alive
Craig Harrison May 2016
In Paris this story shall begin
and the 1800's had just set in
the sky was blue with no cloud in sight
so I went for a walk, and walk I did
hours went by, before I knew it the sky was dark, it had become night.
I took a different route home, that day
but with still a distance to travel the sky changed and what had started out so beautiful became, ugly, rain fell from the heavens above and I ran across the road to a coffee house.

I sat at the back, I had my choice of seatting, the property was near empty, at the counter sat a lady, a very beautiful lady, long legs, brown hair, but something seemed to make her sparkle, she lit up the place like a sun in space.
My mind raced to find words to say to her, I wanted to walk over and introduce myself, I wanted, I wanted to get to know this person. But then a smell of what I descibe as a wet dog reached up my nose and grabbed my brain to remind me that I was soaking wet, I didn't look presentable, this beautiful lady sitting only a few feet away from me would have taken one look and laughed.

I told you this was a love story, a story of love, not sadness and self pitty, so where is the love, well a strange thing happened, as I sat their drinking my coffee she came over. Sat down right in front of me she did and asked me how I was doing. Like it did with my walk the time seemed to fly, the owner came over to our table and told us he was closing, I didn't realise it was so late, I must of been enjoying myself, I didn't even realise that the rain had stopped.

Like a true gentleman I offered to walk the lady home, as we walked we continued the conversation that we were having back at the coffee house, we were discussing whether humans will walk on the moon, she believed that we would but I wasn't so sure, maybe, but not in my life time. We arrived at her appartment, a beautifull 4 story property with a sandy color to it. She thanked me but as I turned to walk away, she reached out and tugged my arm.

Never in a life time can woman find a man that she feels so comfortable around, a man that she meets only hours ago, but Sir, I would like to kiss you if I may.

Her words surprised me, not many women of this era asked a man for a kiss, but it was nice to be asked. I leaned in and our lips met, it was like every question I'd ever asked in my life was suddenly answered, the kiss was amazing, I wanted to do it again. I'd kissed women before but this was different, this was a magical kiss.

And that is how I met your great, great, great, great, great granmother
not a poem I know, I started to but then the word just flowed and out came the story above, hope you enjoyed
Geno Cattouse Aug 2013
Living third world beautifull sea and sand.
Lovely nature close at hand.
Sleeping a stones throw from Crazy House.

Walled off barered in screaming insanity.
Warehoused lunacy. Insanity.
Screamng out the window at us passing boys.
Unintelligible noise from the asylum.

True story from my youth.
Blue ocean to the east.

Rowed of souls screaming out the beast
To the south.

Lunatic babble frothing at the mouth.
Voices carry south to my room. Baying at the pale white moon.
Abandoned souls in the Crazy house.
mark john junor Jul 2013
In the dark evening by the light
Of a single candle flickering
she played her acoustic and sang
Her voice good and true
to the depths of her heart and soul

Her set to her desires
Her attention back to me from
her fingers flowing on the frets
her eyes gaze into mine with
soft heat
her words take me
in her embrace

Songs she shares
speak of journeys and lovers
Desperate men in dark hours

She lays her insturment aside
and says the hour is late
offers me my place in her bed

with a soul as beautifull as her form
she lay with me
and sated more than my weary soul
lillacs and lillies abound

— The End —