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Mom is such
A special word
The loveliest
I've ever heard.

A toast to you
Above all the rest
Mom, you're
So special
You are simply
the best!


‹እማ› ልዩ ቃል ነው
በጣም ተወዳጅ
ሠምቼ ከማውቀው!

ብርጭቆአችንን እናንሳልሽ፣
ከሁሉም በላይ ከፍብለሽ፣
‹እማ› አንቺኮ ልዩ ነሽ
በቃ በትንሹ አቻም የለሽ!
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
For inspirational poems go for Helen
My baby, my burden,
Tomorrow the morn
I shall go lighter
And you will be born.
I shall go lighter
And heavier too
For seeing the burden
That falls up on you
The burden of love
The burden of pain
I'll see you bear both
Among men once again.
Tomorrow you'll bear it
Your burden alone,
Tonight you have no burden
That is not my own.
My baby my burden
Tomorrow the morn
I shall go lighter
And you will be born.//

የሜሪ ሸክም

ልጄ የኔ ሸክም የኔዳ
ነገ በማለዳ
እፎይ እላለሁ
አንተን እገላገላለሁ፣
ግና አንተን ብገላገልም
ሸክሜ አይቀልም
ምክኒያቱም ሳስበው
ያንን ሁሉ ጭንቅ
አንተን የሚጠብቅ
እላለሁኝ ሥቅቅ!
የፍቅርን ሸክም
የስቃይን ሸክም
በፅናት ሁለቱንም
አያለሁ ከሰውልጆች ጎራ
ዳግም ስትጋራ!
ነገ ብቻህን
ትጋፈታጣለህ ሸክምህን
ግና ማምሻውን
የኔ የማይሆን ምንም
ሸክም የለህም!
(ኢሌኖር ፍራጂዮን)
Mother to child love.Read her poem called Books
Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Here is a toast for valentine
Valentine in all seasons perennial
Where angst of money for love  
Cradled utopian capitalism,
It is once again in the city of Omurate
In the south most parts of Ethiopia
On the borders of Kenya and Ethiopia
Where actually the river Ormo enters Lake Turkana,
There lived a pair of lovers
With overt compassion for one another
The male lover was an origin of Nyangtom,
A cattle rustling Nilotic kingdom
While the female lover was a descendant of King Solomon
The Jewish children which King Solomon aborted
Because their mother was an Ethiopian African
They now form substantial part of the Ethiopian population
Their clan is known as Amharic, they speak subverted Yiddish,
These lovers were good to one another
Sharing secrets and all other stuffs that go with love.

Both the lovers were fatherless
They had lost their fathers through early death
They only had the mothers, who were again sickly
Their mothers coughed a whole night with whoops
And when in the wee of the night, when temperatures go low
The mothers breathe with wheezing sound
Like peasant music from African violin,
They didn’t eat with good appetite
They always left irritating chunks on the plates,
But they all puked mucus from their mouths
And of course with a very sickening regularity.

The menace of sick mothers intervened with love freedom
Among the inter-compassionate lovers
They did not have time for real active love
I will not mention recurrent missing of ceremonies
Fetes that are bound to go with valentine day
The lovers were bored to their teeth
They don’t knew when gods will come to unyoke them.

Especially the male lover, was most perturbed
His mother looked sorriest
With a scrofulous look on her old aged African face
She looked like a forlorn erstwhile cattle rustler
She ever whined in pain like a trapped hyena
Her son the male lover even began apologizing
To the female lover for such environmental upsets
Hence an African proverb that;
No love is possible with impaired judgment.

One day in the wee of the night
With no electricity nor any source of light
Darkness engulfing each and every aspect of the city
Confirming the hinterland of Africa
The female lover woke up from the sleep
And she never heard the usual wheezing breathes
That her mother often made in such hours,
Feat of suspicion gripped her
She jumped out of her bed to where her mother was
On feeling her, she found her dead, cold like a black member
She was already past the rigor mortis stage of death process
African chilliness had frozen her like a poikilothermic creature.

She wept but not in the uproarious groan
In that instinctive Jewish shrewdness
She did not announce nor inform her lover of her mother’s death
She only washed and groomed the cadaver of her mother
She made a headscarf around the head of dead mother
She even placed reading glasses on her face
On her mother’s dead torso she wrapped a dress
The most expensive of all bought from Egypt,
In the same wee of the night
She carried cadaver of her mother on her shoulders
The way a poor Nigerian farmer would carry a stem of banana
And walked slowly by slowly for a distance of a hundred kilometers
Down ***** into Kenya towards the city of Todanyang in Turkana County
Todanyang was a busy city, but silent and minus people in the night
The king of this city was called Lapur the son of Turkanai
And the law that Lapur passed in this city was archaic
It was; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a Jew for a Jew
A pokot for a pokot, a samburu for a samburu
It was simply the law with nothing else
Other than clauses of measure for measure
And clauses of *** for tat instantaneously administered,
On reaching the market she placed her mother standing
Being supported on a sign post at the bus stage
In pose similar to that of an early morning traveler,
She sat a side like a prowling spider awaiting foolish fly
They way an African ***** exposes its red ****
And when the hen comes to peck
It traps and closes the head of the hen
Deeper into its ****,
At that bus stage there was a hotel
Owned by a Rwandese refugee
From the foolish clan of the Hutu
He had ran away from the genocide
In his country, he was also the perpetrator
And thus he was a runaway from the law *** hotelier
His name was Chapuchapu, meaning the quick one,
When Chapuchapu opened the hotel for the early customers
The female lover walked into the hotel
With innocence on her face like all the Jews
She placed an order for two mugs of coffee
And two pieces of bread
When Chapuchapu had placed food on the table
The female lover shrewdly instructed Chapuchapu
To go and hold the hand of the woman standing at the sign post
To bring her into the hotel for morning tea,
Chapuchapu in his unsuspecting charisma
With a mad drive to make money that morning
He dashed out as instructed with his foolish notion
That the customer is the queen, which is not
He grapped the standing cadaver with force
On pulling her to come along
The cadaver tumbled down like a marionette
Everything falling away; headscarf and glasses
Chapuchapu was overtaken by awe
The female lover was watching
Like the big brother in the Orwellian satire, 1984.
When the cadaver of her mother fell
She came out of the hotel
Screaming like a hundred vehicles
Of St John Ambulance
And two hundred Kenyan vehicles of fire brigade
And three hundred Kenyan cash transfer vehicles,
She was accusing Chapuchapu for being careless
Careless in his work that he had killed her mother,
Swam of armed humanity in Turkana loinclothes
Began pouring in like waters of Nile into Mediterranean
Female lover improved the scale of her screaming
Chapuchapu like a heavyweight idiot was dumbfounded
Armed people came in their infinite
Finally king Lapur arrived on his royal donkey
That his foot soldiers had only rustled
From Samburu land a fortnight ago,
The presence of the king quelled the hullabaloo
The king asked to find out what had happened
Amid sops the female lover narrated how
Chapuchapu the hotelier had killed her mother
Through his careless helter skelter behaviour
The king sighed and shouted the judgment
To the mad crowd; an eye for a……….!?
The crowd responded back to the King
In a feat of amok value;
For an eye you mighty Lapur son  ofTurkanai,
The stones, kicks, jabs began rainning
In volleys on an innocent Chapuchapu
Amid shouts that **** him, he came here to **** people
The way he killed a thousand fold in Rwanda.

The sopping female lover requested the king
That his people wait a bit before they continue
Then the king waved to the people to stop
Chapuchapu was on the ground writhing in pain
When the King asked the female lover what was the concern
She requested for pay from Chapuchapu not people to **** him
Chapuchapu accepted to pay whatever the price that will be put
Female lover asked for everything in hundreds;
Carmel, money, Birr, sheep, goats, donkeys, cows
Name them all they were in hundreds
Chapuchapu and his family were saying yes to every demand
And they rushed to bring whatever was said
The payments exhausted Chapuchapu back to square zero
The female lover carried everything away
The cadaver of her mother on her shoulder
She disappeared into the forest
and buried her mother there.

When she arrived home she found the male lover
He looked at her overnight change in fortune in stupefaction
He didn’t believe his eyes, it was a dream
Sweetheart, where have you gotten all these?
Questioned the male lover
Sweetie darling there is market for dead women
At Todanyang in the Turkana County of Kenya
I killed my sickly mother and carried her cadaver
As a trade ware to Todanyang
Whatever I have that you are looking at is the proceed,
Can my mother fetch the same? Asked the male lover
Of course yes, even more
Given the Africanness of your mother
African cadavers fetch more than the Jewish ones
At Todanyang market,
The male lover was now overtaken
By strong urge for quick riches
Was not seeing it getting evening
That day for him was as long as a whole century
He was anxious and restless more tired of a sickly mother
When evening fell he was already ready with the butcherer’s tools
He didn’t have nerves to wait till the wee of the night
As early as eleven in the evening he axed his mother’s head
Into two chunks of human skull spilling the brains in stark horror
Blood streaming like a rivulet all over the house
The male lover was nonchalant to all these
He was in the full feat of determination
To **** and sell his mother to  get the proceeds
With which he could foot the bills of valentine day.

He stuffed the headless blood soaked torso
Of his mothers cadaver in the sisal bag
He threw it to his bag
And began going to Todanyang
The market for human dead bodies
He went half running and half walking
With regular whistling of his favourite poem;
Ode to my Jewish lover
He reached Todanyang in the wee of the night
No human being was in sight
All people had gone as it was late in the night
He then slept in the open with dead body of his mother
Stuffed in the sisal bag beside him
Wandering night dogs regularly disturbed him
As they came to bite at smelling curdled blood
But he always scared them away.
As per the male lover he overslept till five in the morning
But when he woke up he unhesitatingly began to shout
Advertising his ware of trade in foolish version;
Am selling, the body of my mother, I have killed,
I killed her myself, it is still fresh, come and buy,
I will give you’re a bargain price,

When the morning came
People began crowding around him
As he kept on shouting his advertisement
Also Lapur the king came
He was surprised with the situation,
He asked the male lover to confirm
Whatever he was shouting
The male lover vehemently confirmed,
Then the law of an eye for an eye
Effortlessly took its course
Lapur  ordered his people, in a glorious royal decree
To stone the male lover to death
And bury him away without ceremony
Along with his mother in the sisal bag
In the wasted cemetery of villains
The same way Pablo Neruda
Had to bury his dead dog behind the house,

On hearing the tidings
About what had befallen her lover
The female lover had to send out a long giggle
Coming deep from her heart with maximum joy
She took over the estate of the male lover
Combined with hers,
All the animals and everything she took,
She made her son the manager
The son whom she immaculately conceived
Without any nuptial experience in the usual Jewish style
And their wealth multiplied to vastness
And hence toxic valentine gave birth to capitalism
It happened one day at the year’s white end,
Two neighbors called on an old-time friend
And they found his shop so meager and mean,
Made gay with a thousand boughs of green,
And Conrad was sitting with face a-shine
When he suddenly stopped as he stitched a twine
And said, “Old friends, at dawn today,
When the **** was crowing the night away,
The Lord appeared in a dream to me
And said, ‘I am coming your guest to be’.
So I’ve been busy with feet astir,
Strewing my shop with branches of fir,
The table is spread and the kettle is shined
And over the rafters the holly is twined, t
And now I will wait for my Lord to appear
And listen closely so I will hear animated bullet
His step as He nears my humble place,
And I open the door and look in His face. . .”
So his friends went home and left Conrad alone,
For this was the happiest day he had known,
For, long since, his family had passed away
And Conrad has spent a sad Christmas Day.
But he knew with the Lord as his Christmas guest
This Christmas would be the dearest and best,
And he listened with only joy in his heart.
And with every sound he would rise with a start
And look for the Lord to be standing there
In answer to his earnest prayer
So he ran to the window after hearing a sound,
But all that he saw on the snow-covered ground
Was a shabby beggar whose shoes were torn
And all of his clothes were ragged and worn.
So Conrad was touched and went to the door
And he said, “Your feet must be frozen and sore,
And I have some shoes in my shop for you
And a coat that will keep you warmer, too.”
So with grateful heart the man went away,
But as Conrad noticed the time of day
He wondered what made the dear Lord so late
And how much longer he’d have to wait,
When he heard a knock and ran to the door,
But it was only a stranger once more,
A bent, old crone with a shawl of black,
A bundle of ******* piled on her back.
She asked for only a place to rest,
But that was reserved for Conrad’s Great Guest.
But her voice seemed to plead,
“Don’t send me away Let me rest awhile on Christ-
mas day.”
So Conrad brewed her a steaming cup
And told her to sit at the table and sip.
But after she left he was filled with dismay
For he saw that the hours were passing away.
And the Lord had not come as He said He would,
And Conrad felt sure he had misunderstood.
When out of the stillness he heard a cry,
“Please help me and tell me where am I.”
So again he opened his friendly door
And stood disappointed as twice before,
It was only a child who had wandered away
And was lost from her family on Christmas Day. .
Again Conrad’s heart was heavy and sad,
But he knew he should make this little child glad,
So he called her in and wiped her tears
And quieted her childish fears. animated bullet
Then he led her back to her home once more
But as he entered his own darkened door,
He knew that the Lord was not coming today
For the hours of Christmas had passed away.
So he went to his room and knelt down to pray
And he said, “Dear Lord, why did you delay,
What kept You from coming to call on me,
For I wanted so much Your face to see. . .”
When soft in the silence a voice he heard,
“Lift up your head for I kept My word–
Three times My shadow crossed your floor–
Three times I came to your lonely door–
For I was the beggar with bruised, cold feet,
I was the woman you gave to eat,
And I was the child on the homeless street.”/////

by Helen Steiner Rice
~ Scripture ~
“Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come,
you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheri-
tance, the kingdom prepared for you since the cre-
ation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I
was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and
you looked after me, I was in prison and you came
to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did
we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give
you something to drink?
When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or
needing clothes and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go to
visit you?’
“The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you
did for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.’
By Helen Stiner Rice)

የ ገና እንግዳ

የሆነ ቀን ነው ነገሩ የተከሰተው፣
ዓመቱ ተገባዶ ሲሰናበት፣
ደርቦ ካባ ፀዓዳ ወተት!
ሊጎበኙት መጡ ሁለት ጎረቤቶች፣
የኮናርድ አብሮአደጎች፣
ወና ሆኖ ተዳክሞ አገኙት ሱቁን፣
ገርጥቶ ተቆራምዶ እሱን!
ተወት አድርጎ የሚሰፋውን፣
ፈልጎ እንዲሰሙ የሚለውን፣
“ባንጀሮቼ አድምጡኝ፣
ዛሬ በማለዳ
አውራ ዶሮ ሌሊቱን
በጩከት ሲሸኝ፣
ጌታ በሕልሜ ተገልፆ
ይህን አለኝ
‘እመጣለሁ ቤትህ፣ ልጎበኝህ!’
ይኸው አለሁ
ያለፋታ ቤቴ ውስጥ እንዲሁ ስመላለስ፣
የፅድ ዝንጣፊ ስቆርጥ ስነሰንስ፣
ጠረጴዛውን ስዘረጋ - ስጎትት ሳስጠጋ፣
የሻይ ጀበናውን ስፍቅ - እስኪያብረቀርቅ!
በመለጠቅ አድርጊያለሁ ደማቅ፣
ባለቀይ ኳስ ገመድ፣
በሸሪራዎቹ ቁልቁል ተንጠላጥሎ፣
በየአቅጣጫው እንዲወርድ!
እናም እስኪገለጥልኝ ጌታ፣
እየተጠባበቅኩ ነው የእግሩን ኮሽታ፣
ሲገለጽ በሬን ከፍቼ፣
ፊቱን ለማየት ጓጉቼ፣
ትንሽ ተጠግቼ!”
ባልንጀሮቹ የሚለውን ሰምተውት፣
ሄዱ ቤታቸው ብቻውን ትተውት!
እሱ እንደው፣
በጣም የተደሰተበት ወቅት ነው፡፡
ከዚያ ጊዜ ጀምሮ ቤተሰቦቹ
ተራ በተራ ሞተዋል፣
ኮናርድም ብዙ ብቸኛ ቀዝቃዛ
ገናዎች አሳልፏል!
ሆኖም ነበረው ትልቅ እምነት፣
በእንግድነት ስለሚገኝለት፣
ጌታ ያቺን ቀን፣ ቤቱን እንደሚያደምቅለት!
ነበር ተደስቶ፣
የሚያደምጥ ጆሮውን አንቅቶ!
ድምፅ ሰምቶ ቀጥ አለ በቅፅበት፣
መጥቶ እንደው ጌታ ድንገት፣
ለብርቱ ፀሎቱ ምላሽ ለመስጠት!
ወደ መስኮቱ ሮጦ ሲጠጋ
በዚያ በረዶ የሸፈነው፣
አስፋልት ላይ ያየው፣
ብትቶ የለበሰ ለማኝን ነው -
ምስኪን፣ አፍንጫው የተገነጠለ፣
ጫማ፣ የተጫማ!
“ደንዝዞ ቆስሎ ይሆናል እግርህ፣
ጫማ አለ ሱቄ በልክህ፣
ግባ ልስጥህ-
ኮትም የሚያሞቅህ!”
ለማኙ የሚፈልገውን አግኝቶ፣
ወጥቶ ሄደ ረክቶ!
ኮናርድ ግን
በመገረም ጌታ ለምን እንደቆየ፣
ሰዓቱን አየ፡፡
ከዚያም ቆመ ግራ በመጋባት፣
መቆየት እንዳለበት፣
ምን ያህል ተጨማሪ ሰዓት?
ግን ድንገት፣
ኳኳ የሚል ድምጽ ሰምቶ፣
በሩን ከፈተ ወደዚያ አምርቶ፡፡
ግን እንደገና አየ ሌላ እንግዳ፣
የፈለገች ለመዝለቅ ከጓዳ፣
አረጋዊት የጎበጠች፣
ቲውቢት የደረበች፣
ትንሽ ጭራሮ ከጀርባዋ የሸከፈች፣
እናም እረፍት የማድረጊያ ቦታ ጠየቀች፡፡
ለታላቁ እንግዳ በቀር፣
ሌላ ስፍራ አልነበር!
ጥያቄዋ የመማፀን ድምፀት፣
ነበር የተጫነበት፣
ኮናርድ ‘ቤት ለእንግዳ’ ብሏት፣
ሻይ አፍልቶላት
ከጠረጴዛው እንድታርፍ ጋብዟት፣
እነሆ ጠጪ አላት፡፡
ግን እሷን እንደሸኘ አዘነ፣
ሰዓቱ እያለፈ ስለሆነ!
ደሞም ጌታን ሲጠብቀው ስለቀረ፣
መልክቱን በደንብ ማድመጡን ተጠራጠረ!
ሀዘን ገብቶት ሲያቅማማ፣
ሌላ ድምፅ ሰማ!
“እባክህ እርዳኝ
የት ነው ያለሁት?”
ዳግም የደግነት በሩን ሲከፍት፣
ለሶስተኛ ጊዜ አለው ክፍት!
መንገድ የጠፋት ልጅ ነበረች፣
ሳታስበው በገና ቀን
ከቤተሰቧ ተለይታ የሄደች!
የኮናርድ ልብን ሀዘን ገባው፣
ቢሆንም ልጅቷን ማፅናናት እንዳለበት ተሰማው!
“ግቢ ልጄ” ብሏት እንባዋን አበሰላት፣
እንዳትረበሽ አረጋጋት፣
ቤቷም ድረስ ሸኛት!
ተመልሶ ሲገባ፣
ወደ ክፍሉ ሞገስ አልባ
“በቃ አለቀ ደቀቀ
ቀኑም ተጠናቀቀ!” ብሎ ተሳቀቀ፡፡
ያም ሆኖ
ስሜቱ እንደቀዘቀዘ፣
መፀለይ ያዘ!
“ጌታ ለምን ዘገየህ፣
ቤቴ እንዳትመጣ ምን ያዘህ?”
እያለ ቅሬታ ሲያሰማ
እንግዳ ድምፅ ሰማ
‘ጭንቅላትህን ወደ ላይ አንሳ፣
እኔ እንደው ቃሌን አረሳ!
በደጅህ በምድራኳ፣
በጥላዬ ተጠግቼ በርህን ላንኳኳ፣
ሶስቴ ጎብኝቼሀለሁ ዛሬእንኳ!
እኔ ለማኙ ነበርኩ፣
የቀረብኩህ ብትቶ እንደደረብኩ!
ደሞም ከድካሟ የታደግካት፣ ባልቴት፣
በመጠለያ አልባው ውርጫማው መንገድ፣
ለሆንካትም ልጅ ዘመድ’
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
I have translated most of Her poems when I get a sponsor I will have it published in soft copy or print on demand books.
(Storms Bring Out the Eagles But The Little Birds
Take Cover )
When the “storms of life” gather darkly ahead,
I think of these wonderful words I once read
And I say to myself as “threatening clouds” hover
Don’t “fold up your wings” and “run for cover”
But like the eagle “spread wide your wings”
and “soar far above” the trouble life brings,
For the eagle knows that the higher he flies
The more tranquil and brighter become the skies...
And there is nothing in life God ever asks us to
That we can’t soar above “On The Wings Of A
And in looking back over the “storm you passed
You’ll find you gained strength and new courage,
For in facing “life’s storms” with an eagles wings
You can fly far above earth’s small, petty things.

ወጀብ ንስሮችን ያወጣል

(ግና ትናንሽ ወፎች ከመጠለያ ይመሰጋሉ)

የሕይወት ወጀብ ሲሰባሰብ፣
ደሞም ከስሎ ከላዬ ሲሳብ፣
እገባለሁ ማሰብ፣
ግሩም ምክሮችን እነኚህን፣
በአንድ ወቅት የሰማሁትን!
‘ለራሴ እንደዚህ እላለሁ
አስፈሪ ደመናዎች ሲያንዣብቡ፣
ክንፋችሁን አታስገቡ፣
ደሞም ሮጣችሁ
ሆናችሁ ጉጉ፣
ከመጠለያ አትመሰጉ!
ግን እንደንስር ክንፋችሁን ዘርጉ፣
ሕይወት ከሸከፈው ችግር በእቅፉ፣
ሽቅብ ሰንጥቃችሁ ተንሳፈፉ!
ምክንያቱ ያውቃል ንስር፣
ሽቅብ ሰንጥቆ ሲበር፣
ሰማዩ እንደሚቀየር፣
ወደብሩህ ጠፈር፣
ሰላምና መረጋጋት፣
ያደረጉት ግዛት!’
ሕይወትን ካጤንነው፣
እንድንቋቋመው የተጠበቅነው፣
ነገር ወይ ክስተት፣ ዘበት፣
በፀሎት ክንፍ፣ የማንለው እልፍ!
ያን በወጀብ የተናጥንበት
የትናንት ሕይወት፣
በምልሰት ስንመለከት፣
አዲስ ተስፋና ብርታት፣
እንደሚሆኑን ተደራቢ ሀብት!
ሽቅብ በንስር ክንፍ፣
የሕይወትን አውሎንፋስ
ጥሳችሁ ስትሉ እልፍ፣
የመሬትን ጥቃቅን አለመመቻቸቶች
ረግጣችሁ፣ ትንሳፈፋላችሁ!

(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
Uplifting poems
O child of war, preserve your weapon,
For  future children let it stay,
For they will come and ask their question
What was the world like in our day?

For them, born under stars more lucky,
It will be hard to understand
How could the sky have been exploded
While battles raged on see and land?

How,flowing black with blood,could rivers
Rock,bridges bombs had battered down
They'll never see it-as you never
Saw sunshine in the world around.

Preserve your weapon,little eagles,
Of many battle it will tell
Of days ferocious and heroic
For grandson to remember well.

ሰባዊ ቀንበጥ አርበኞች

ምስኪን ልጆች
ሰባዊ ቀንበጥ አርበኞች
መሳሪያችሁን በደንብ በቅርስነት አስቀምጡ
ለአምሳያዎቻችሁ በዘመን ሃዲድ ለሚመጡ
ምክንያቱም በኛ ጊዜ
ሉላዊ ገጽታው እንዴት እንደነበረ
መጠየቃቸው ስለማይቀር!

ምክኒያቱም እድለኛ ሆነው ለተወለዱት
ለማስረዳት ስለሚያዳግት እንዴት
ሰማዩ እንደተናጠ በፍንዳታ
በመሬት በባህር ጦርነት
ሲካሄድ ያላፍታ-ማለት ልክ
እናንተ የሰላም ጸሃይ የምትስተዋልበት
ሰማይ እንዳላያችሁት!

ጠይም የደም ጎርፍ እንዴት አድርጎ
የቦንብ ድልድይ ፍርስራሽ
እንደወሰድ ጠራርጎ !

ለልጅ ልጅ ስለሚዘከር ስለበርካታ
የጅግንነት የአይበገሬነት ውሎ
አደራ መሳሪያች ሁን በደንብ አኑሩ ልጆች
ተናንሽ  ንስሮች !

በ  ሳሎ ሜዳ ነሪስ
ትርጉም አለም ሃይሉ

(ሉትኒያ በናዚ በተወረረችበት ወቅት ገጣሚዋ በግጥም ወታደሮችን ታበረታታ ነበር። አንድ ህጻን ወታደር የስዋን ግጥም ከጋዜጣ ቀዶ የደረት ኪሱ ይዞ በማሺን ጋን ተመቶ እንደሞተ ተገኝትዋል)
Based on a true story.During the time Lithuania was invaded by **** Germany, the poet experiencing an evolution of muse ,shifted her style from art for art's sake to life's sake.She way emboldening soldiers defending their  country with poems charged with patriotism.A young soldier was found dead having a portion of blood drenched news paper bearing one of her poems in his chest pocket.He was pierced by a machine gun.
I bent again unto the ground
And I heard the quiet sound
Which the grasses make when they
Come up laughing from the clay
--We are the voice of God!—they said
Thereupon I bent my head
Down again I might see
If they truly spoke to me.
But, around me, everywhere,
Grass and tree and mountain where
Thundering in mighty glee,
--We are the voice of deity!—
And I leapt from where I lay:
I danced upon the laughing clay፡
And, to the rock that sang beside,
--We are the voice of God!—I cried.

የእግዚአብሔር ድምፅ

ዳግም ወደ ምድር እንዳጎነበስኩ
ጥርት ያለ ድምፅ አደመጥኩ
ቄጤማዎች የሚስደምጡት ፈንድቀው
ብቅ እዳሉ ሸክላ አፈሩን ሰንጥቀው
“የእግዚአብሔር ድምፅ ነን አድምጡን!”
እዛው ጭንቅላቴን ዝቅ አድርጌ
ዓይኔን ሰደድኩ ወደ ግርጌ
በርግጥ እኔን አያናገሩ እንደው
ማወቅ ፈልጌ፣
ግን በዙሪያዬ በየስፍራወ
ሳሩ ዛፉና ተራራው
በደስታ እንደ መብረቅ
ነበር የሚያስተጋባው
‹‹የአምላክ ድምፅ ነን
ጋድም ካልኩበት
በሐሴት የሚፍለቀለቅ መሬት
ዘልዬ በፍጥነት
ቀጥ ብዬ ቆምኩ
እንደዛ እዳደረግኩ
በተመስጦ እያሸበሸብኩ
ከጎኔ ለሚዘምረው ኮረብታ
እኔም በደስታ
‹‹የእግዚብሔር ድምፅ ነን!›› አልኩታ፡፡
(ጄምስ ስቲፈንስ)
Both living and none living things pay respect to God.Birds cheer up mountains orchestrate symphony to God.
It is not like a tree
In bulk doth make man better be,
Or standing long an oak, three hundred year
To fall a log at last, dry, bald and sere,
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May,
Although it fall and die that night—
It was the plant and flower of light.
In small proportions we just beauties see
And in short measures life may perfect be.

የሰው ትክክለኛ መስፈርት

እንደዛፍ መግዘፍ
ሠውን አያደርገውም ከፍ፣
ጭራሽ እንደዋርካ
ለሦስት መቶ ዓመታት
በስፋት ተንሰራፍቶ፣
በመጨረሻ መውደቅ
ደርቆ ፣ተራቁቶና አርጅቶ!
በጥቅምት ወራት፣
ባላንድ ቀንዋ ሊሊ
በጣም ብልጫ አላት፣
አመሻሹላይ ብትደርቅም
የብርሃን አበባና ተክል ናት
በምጥንም መስፈርት
ይስተዋላል ውበት!
ክትት ማለት ሲሆን መስፈርት
ግሩም ሳይሆን ይቀራል ህይወት!
(በቤን ጆንሶን) //
It is also a short poem preferred by many!
Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain,
Who after birth didst by my side remain,
Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true,
Who thee abroad, exposed to public view,
Made thee in rags, halting to th’ press to trudge,
Where errors were not lessened (all may judge).
At thy return my blushing was not small,
My rambling brat (in print) should mother call,
I cast thee by as one unfit for light,
The visage was so irksome in my sight;
Yet being mine own, at length affection would
Thy blemishes amend, if so I could.
I washed thy face, but more defects I saw,
And rubbing off a spot still made a flaw.
I stretched thy joints to make thee even feet,
Yet still thou run’st more hobbling than is meet;
In better dress to trim thee was my mind,
But nought save homespun cloth i’ th’ house I find.
In this array ‘mongst vulgars may’st thou roam.
In critic’s hands beware thou dost not come,
And take thy way where yet thou art not known;
If for thy father asked, say thou hadst none;
And for thy mother, she alas is poor,
Which caused her thus to send thee out of door.

ደራሲዋ ለመጽሐፋ

ስትፀነስ ጀምሮ የቅርፅ ህፀፅ
የሚስተዋልብህ አንተ የአይምሮዪ ክፋይ፣
"ሀ" ብለህ ይህን ዓለም ስታይ፣
ታማኝነት በጎደላቸው ጓደኞቼ
እስክትውል አደባባይ ፣
ያልሻትከው እንዳንለያይ፣
ቡትቶ ደርበህ ፣
የህትመት ብርሀን አየህ
ስህተት ተብጠርጥሮ፣  
ለጀማ ሂስ የሚጋለጥበት አድሮ!

አንተ መልቲ (በህትመት)
ተመልሰህ መጥተህ
እናቴ  ስትለኝ
ቀላል ሀፍረት አላገኘኝ!
አይን ስለምትጎረብጥ  በእይታ ማእዘን፣
ገሸሽ  ማረግ  መርጬ ነበር አንተን፣
ግና የእኔ ስለሆንክ ስሱነት፣
ከቻልኩ እንዳርቅህ ገፋፋኝ፣ በሂደት፣  
ፊትህን ሳጥበው ወጡ  ህፀጾች ጎልተው ፣
ዝም ብያ  ሳፀዳ  ብቅ አለ ሌላ ህፀጽ እንግዳ
መገጣጠሚያህን ጎትቼ
እግር ልሰራልህ ስጥር፣
አካሄድህ ፋይዳ ቢስ የሚያሽቀነጥር!

እኔማ  በልክህ  ጨርቅ ቆርጬ
ልቀይርልህ ነበር ያን ቡትቶ፣
ግና ቤት የተፈተለ ሸማ
ላገኝ አልቻልኩም ከቶ፣
እናም ለብሰህ ይህን ድሪቶ፣
ከወፍ ዘራሾች ጋር ዙር ተደብልቀህ፣
ሃያሲዎች እንዳያገኙህ ሸሽተህ !

ስለአባትህ ከተጠየክ
ንገራቸው እንደሌለህ
ካስጨነቁህ ስለእናትህ ማንነት
"ልጅዋን የሽኘች በምስኪንነት !”
ተናገር   በድፍረት

አኒ ብራንድስተር

ትርጉም ዓለም ሃይሉ
ደራሲዎች አንዳንዴ ህቡ በሆነው የሰው ልጅ አይምሮ የሚንቀሳቀስን እንደነውር የሚታይ ሃሳብን በፈጠራ ስራ ይገልጻሉ። ስራው ቢታይብን ብለው ይፈራሉ ! /

Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet wrote in the Elizabethan literary tradition and became one of the first poets to write English verse in the American colonies
Writers and poets sometimes pen down what lurks in their subconscious and become afraid the vulnerability of print.I think most of us share this.I experienced this fact after I wrote my poem No ****** no ***!
why do some poems enjoy a mammoth hit but no comment?I think even if readers appreciate some poems they become afraid to associate themselves with the theme,which may be considered as a taboo .I also wonder why some poems are treated with a cold shoulder in some blogs and enjoy appreciation in others.Is it because a difference of taste?
Anyway the aforementioned poem has given me a good lesson; what about you?If you are interested on this issue goggle and read about psychoanalytical criticism and reader response criticism.Thank you for your patience
Here’s is an example from
A butterfly;
That on a rough, hard rock
Happy can lie,
Friendless and all alone
On this unsweetened stone.
Now let my bed be hard,
No care take I;
I will make my joy
Like this
Small butterfly,
Whose happy heart has power
To make a stone a flower.


አነሆ ምሳሌ ለኛ
አልቦ ጓደኛ
ሆና ብቸኛ
የድንጋይ አልጋው
ባይሆንም ደንበኛ
ሻካራ ደረቅ አለት ላይ
ረክታ የምትተኛ፣
እኔም አልጋዬ ቢሆን ደረቅ
ከቶ አልሰቀቅ
ግድ የለም አልቸገር
አሁን ደስታዬን ከዚች
ቢራቢሮ ልበደር፣
ልቧ ጉልበት ያለው
አለቱን ወደአበባ ለመቀየር!

(በዊሊያም ሔነሪ ዳቪስ) //
Lifestyle,taking life easy,contentment with what one has
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From What I tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I knew enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

እሳትና በረዶ

‹‹ይህች ዓለም
በሳት ትጠፋለች!››
ይላሉ አንዳንዶች
‹‹በበረዶ!›› ሌሎች፡፡
ፍላጎቴን በምኞት ሚዛን
እሳት ከሚሉት ጎራ ነው ያለሁት!
መጥፋት ካለብኝ ግን ዳግም
ለውድመት በረዶም
እንዳለው ትልቅ ጉልበት፣
እንዲሁም ተመጣጣኝነት፣
ከምሬት ፣በስፋት፣
አግኝቼአለሁ ትምህርት!
(ሮበርት ፍሮስት) //
Dooms day retribution
I was angry with my friend,
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I watered it with fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright
And my foe beheld its shine
And he knew it was mine.
And into my garden he stole
When the night had veiled the pole,
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

መርዛማው ዛፍ

በጓደኛዬ ተናድጄ ነበር
ምሬቴን እንደተነፈስኩ፣
ከብስጭት ተገላገልኩ!
በባላንጣዬ ተናድጄ ነበር
ምሬቴን ስለአፈንኩት አፀደቅኩት፣
የፍርሐትን እንባ ያለፋታ
አጠጣሁት ቀንና ማታ
ፍሬ አፈራ ማራኪ ለእይታ!
ጠላቴ የኔ መሖንዋን እያወቀ
በፍሬዋ ተሰረቀ፣
እናም ጨለማን ተገን አርጎ
ገባ ከአትክልት ቦታዬ ሰርጎ፡፡
ጠዋት ተመለከትኩ
በደስታ በአንክሮ፣
ጠላቴ ዛፏ ስር ተዘርሮ!
We must not have an axe to grind we have to bury the hatchet
What do I owe to you
Who loved me deep and long?
You never gave my spirit wings
Nor gave my heart a song.
But oh, to him I loved,
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the open gate
That leads through heaven’s wall!
(By Sara Teasdale)


በደንብ ጠበቅ አድርገህ ላፈቀርከኝ
የምከፍለው ምን ወሮታ አለኝ?
ለነፍሴ ክንፍ አለገስካት
ለልቤም መዝሙር አልሰጠሃት፣
ግን፣ ውይ፣ ለወደድኩት ላላፈቀረኝ፣
ዕዳ አለብኝ፣ በሩን ያለው ከፈት፣
በግድግዳወ አርጎ ሠተት
የሚያዘልቅ ወደ ገነት!

(ሳራ ቲሰዳል) /
Sometimes ladies act this way!I think Sara who sadly committed a suicide was a bit rebellious.Goggle and read about her life!
God gave you your daughter
For such a little while;
He put a bit of heaven
In the sunshine of her smile.
He took dust from
The brightest twinkling stars
And made her sparkling eyes;
And now, she’s gone back home to God,
To play up in the skies.
And though she left so quickly
That your hearts are grieved and sad,
We know she lives with God
And her small heart is glad.
And though your precious darling
Was just a rosebud small;
She’ll bloom in all her beauty
On the other side of the wall.

ለጥቂት ጊዜ

እግዚአብሔር አላችሁ
“ሚጡን ለጊዜው እንካችሁ!”
አቤት ከንፈርዋ ሲፈለቀቅ፣
የፀሐይ ጮራ ሲለቅ፣
ናሙና የገነት፣ የታተመበት!
ደሞም ሰራ፣
ዘግኖ አቧራ፣
ከብሩህ ከዋክብት፣
ዓይኖች የሚረጩ
የቀለም እርችት!
ግልፅ ነው እንደምትኖር፣
ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር፣
ደሞም እናውቅ፣
ትንሻ ልቧ
በሐሴት እንደምትጥለቀለቅ!
ምንም እንኳ ውድ ልጃችሁ
ብትሆንም ለጋ እንቡጥ ፅጌረዳ፣
እርግጥ ነው በስቲያ ከዛኛው ግርግዳ፣
ደምቃ እንደምትፈነዳ!
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
Words of consolation to parents whose daughter is cut short.
She stood breast high amid the corn
Clasp’d by the golden light of morn,
Like the sweetheart of the sun,
Who many a glowing kiss had won.
On her cheek an autumn flush,
Deeply ripen’d;—such a blush
In the midst of brown was born,
Like red poppies grown with corn.
Round her eyes her tresses fell,
Which were blackest none could tell,
But long lashes veil’d a light,
That had else been all too bright.
And her hat, with shady brim,
Made her tressy forehead dim;—
Thus she stood amid the stooks,
Praising God with sweetest looks:—
Sure, I said, Heav’n did not mean,
Where I reap thou shouldst but glean,
Lay thy sheaf adown and come,
Share my harvest and my home.


እስከ ጡቷ ከፍታ
የተንጣለለ የበቆሎ ማሳ ውስጥ ገብታ፣
የማለዳው ወርቃማ ጮራ
በዙሪያዋ ዘሃውን እያደራ፣
ሠምጣ ቆመች፣ በእጹብ ድንቅ ግርማ
እንደፀሐዩ ፍቅረኛ ደጋግማ
በጨረር ተስማ ተሸላልማ፡፡
ልክ ከበቆሎ የማሳ ዳራ
ብቅእዳለቸ ዓይን የምታስር አበባ
የተገኘች ከጠይሞች ጎራ፣
እንደበሠለ ፍሬ እንደጎምራ
ጉንጮችዋ ቀልተዋል አፍራ!
ብርቅዬ ጥቁር ሐር
የፀጉሯ ዛላ ተዘናፍሎ
ይስተዋላል ቅንጦቿዋን
ደገፍ ደገፍ ብሎ፣
ግና የዓይኖቿ ሽፋሽፍት
ብርሃን እምቅ አድርገዋል ድብቅ
አሊያ በጣም የሚያንፀባርቅ!
የኮፍያዋ ጥላ ፊቷን አጠይሞት
ከበቆሎው ምርት ቆማለች
ሐአሴት እያደረገች፣
አምላኳን እያመሰገነች!
በርግጥም አልኩ
አምላክ አላሰበም
እኔ ሳጭድ እሷ እንድትሸከም፡፡
በክርንሽ የሸከፍሽውን ለቀሽ
ወደኔ ነይ፣
ምርቴና ቤቴን ተካፈይ!
(ቶማሰ ሁድ) //
Yes original,natural or organic beauty is superb
Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain,
Laughter and pleasure, tear-drops and pain;
All days can’t be bright, but it’s certainly true,
There was never a cloud the sun didn’t shine
So just keep on smiling whatever betide you,
Secure in the knowledge God is always beside
And you’ll find when you smile your day will be
and all your burdens will seem so much lighter.
For each time you smile you will find it is true
SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE will smile back at
And nothing on earth Can make life more worth-
than the sunshine and warmth of a BEAUTIFUL

በፈገግታ ውስጥ የፀሃይ ብርሃን አለ

ሕይወት ናት ድብልቅ፣
የመሰቀቅ፣ የመሆን ፍልቅልቅ፣
ደሞም ዝንቅ፣
የውሽንፍር የፀሐይ ጮራ፣
የእንባ አዝመራና የመከራ!
ብሩሕ ቀን ዘወትር እንጠብቅ፣
ግን የለም
ፀሐይ፣ ደመና ሰንጥቃ
ያላለችበት ብቅ!
ሕይወት ብትወጠር ብትታጨቅ፣
በሁኔታዎች ያሸረቡ ልብ እንዲወድቅ፣
ገጽታችን ይብራ በፈገግታ ይድመቅ፣
ሸክፈን የእምነት ስንቅ፣
እግዚአብሔር ብዙ ከኛ እንደማይርቅ!
ስትስቁ ቀኑ ብሩሕ እንደሚሆን ታያላችሁ፣
ደሞም እንደሚቀል ጭነታችሁ!
ለፈገግታ ስትሰጡ ቦታ፣
ታዳብራላችሁ ለእይታ፣
የሆነ ሰው ከሆነ ቦታ፣
እንደሚከፍል ውለታ፣ የፈገግታ!
እንደማራኪ ፈገግታ የሚጥም፣
የሕይወት ቅመም፣
በመሬት ላይ ምንም!
(በሔለን ስቲነር ራይስ)
Yes  a smile helps us to elbow our way into the heart of others!
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is ******, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

በጨለማ ውስጥ

ከጥግጥግ ከከበበኝ
ድቅድቅ ጨለማ
ለማይበገረው መንፈሴ
ለአምላክ ያለህ የምስጋና ዜማ
ነኝ የማሰማ፣
ሑኔታዎች ቢያሸርቡም
ተሰቅቄ አልጮህኩም፣
የፈለገውን እኩይ ጣጣ
ራስ ላይ የሚወጣ
ቢሆንም እጣ
ይዞ የሚመጣ
ብናድድም ግና አቀርቅሬ
ወይ ተመርሬ ኣላውቅም!
ከዚያ የንዴትና የእንባ
ባድማ ባሻገር
ይታየኛል የመከራ ጥላ
የወረረው መንደር!
አንድ ወቅት ለሌላ
ቢሆንም የሚለቅ ተራ፣
ዘመን ያገኘኛል
ከአይበገሬዎች ጎራ
ሆኜ መጻኢ እጣዬን የማልፈራ!
መሃንዲሰ ነኝ
እጣዬን የምቀይር ቀጥቅጬ፣
የነፍሴን መርከብ
መሪ ጨብጬ!
(ዊሊያም እርነሰት ሔንሊይ) //
Yes we must no give hand to despair come what may!
My love is like to ice, and I to fire
How comes it then that this her cold so great
Is not dissolved through my so hot desire,
But harder grows the more I her entreat?
Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
Is not allayed by her heart-frozen cold,
But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
And feel my flames augmented manifold?
What miraculous thing may be told,
That fire,which all things melts,
Should harden ice,
And ice,which is congealed with senseless cold,
Should kindle fire by wonderful device?
Such is the power of love in gentle mind,
That it can alter all the courses of kind.

ፍቅሬ እንደ በረዶ ነች

ፍቅሬ እንደ በረዶ ነች እኔደሞ እንደሳት
ታዲያ እንዴት ሆኖ ነው ዝምታዋ የበረታው
በፍላጎቴ ግለት ያልቀለጠው ያልተረታው፣
ይልቅ በቀረብኳት በተማፀንኳት ቁጥር፣
በረዶ፣ በበረዶ ላይ ሚጋግር!
ደሞስ እንዴት ይሆን
የኔ ፍም እሳት
በልቧ ቁር የማይጠፋ የማይዳፈን
ጭራሽ ሙቅ ላቤ የሚንቆረቆር፣
የፍቅሬ ቋያ ሚበረታ እያደር?
ታዲያ ከዚህ የላቀ ምን ታምር ሊነገር፣
ሁሉን አቅላጭ እሳት በረዶ ሲጋግር!
በአንፃሩ ለመኮማተር የማይቸገር
በረዶ ፣ሲሰትዋል ሳተ አንድዶ!
እንግዲህ እንዲህ ነው ጉልበቱ የፍቅር
የነገሮችን ኡደት አፋልሶ የሚቀይር!
(ኤደመንድ ስፔንሰር)//
Sometimes one could face love that is not reciprocated
What worlds of wonders are our books
As one opens them and looks,
new ideas and people rise
In our fancies and our eyes
The room we sit in melts away,
And we find ourselves at play
With someone who before the end,
May become our chosen friend
We sail along the page
To some other land or age.
Here is our body in the chair
But our mind is over there.
Each book is a magic box
Which with a touch
A child unlocks.
In between their outside cover
Books held all things, for their lover


ገልፆ ለሚያያቸው
መሕፍት ምንኛ
ድንቅ ዓለሞች ናቸው፣
በምናባችን በዓይኖቻችን ማእዘን
ይከስታሉ አዳዲስ ሓሳቦች፣
እንዲሁም ልዩ ልዩ ሰዎች!
የተቀመጥንበት ክፍል ድንገት
ጅረት ይሆንና
ይዞን ሲነጉድ
እስከጥግ ሳንዘልቅ ገና
እንተዋወቃለን ሠዎች ደና
የሚያደርጉን ዘና፣
ምናልባትም ለዘልቄታው
የሚሆኑን የኛ
ምርጥ ጓደኛ!
አሊያም ገጾቹን ቀዝፈን
ራሳቸንን ናገኛለን
ወደሌላ ያለም ማዘን
ወይ ዘመን ተጓጉዘን
‘ዚህ ወንበር ላይ
በአካል ተቀምጠን
በምናብ ተሻግረን ዛነን፡፡

‘ያንዳንዱ መፅፍ
የድንቃድንቅ ማህደር ነው
‘ያንዳንዱ ህፃን ይዞ
ሚከፍተው ቁልፉን ጠምዞ፡፡
አጥብቆ ለሚሻቸው
በውጪ ልባሶቻቸው
መፃሕፍት ሸክፈዋል
ሁሉን አቅፈው!
(ኢሌኖር ፍራጂዮን) //
Yes it with wings of books we navigate ages and places
When Susan’s work was done, she would sit
With one fat guttering candle lit,
And window opened wide to win
The sweet night air to enter in.
There, with a thumb to keep her place
She would read with stern and wrinkled face,
Her mild eyes gliding very slow
Across the letters to and fro,
While wagged the guttering candle flame
In the wind that through the window came
And sometimes in the sentence she
Would mumble a sentence audibly
Or shake her head as if to say,
“ You silly souls, to act this way!”
And never a sound from night I would hear,
Unless some far-off **** crowed clear;
Or her old shuffling should turn
Another page’and rapt and stern,
Though her great glasses bent on me,
She would glance into reality
And shake her round old silvery head,
With-“You!—I thought you were in bed!”
Only to tilt her book again
And rooted in Romance to remain

ባልቴቷ ሱሳን

ሱሳን ሥራዋን ሰራርታ
ትቀመጣለች ወፈር ያለ
ሻማ አብርታ፣
መስኮቷን አርጋ
በሰፊው ከፈት
ባለግሩም መአዛውን
የማታ አየር
በደንብ ለመሸመት!
ገፁ እንዳይጠፋባት
አልባ በአውራ ጣት፣
ሻማዋን ንፋሱ እያንገላታት
ተመስጦ በሚስተዋልበት
ቅጭም ያለ ፊት
እየተደመመች ታነባለች
ዓይኗን ከዚህ ወደዚያ
ወደዚህ ከዚያ
በፊዴሎቹ ላይ
እያደረገች ሸርተት፡፡
በዛ ኮሽታ አልባ ፀጥታ
ይሰማል በለሆሳስ ስትናገር
የሆነ ነገር
ወይ ጭንቅላቷን ነቅንቃ ስታበቃ
ስትል ‹‹ምን አይነት ናችሁ
እንዴት ንደዚህ ታደርጋላቸሁ?››
ከሩቅ አውራ ዶሮ ኩኩሉ
ረጭ ብሏል ሥፍራው ሁሉ--
አይሰማም ምንም ድምፅ
ካልሆነ መፅሐፍ ሲገለፅ፡፡
በትልቁ መነፅሯ ልታይ ዙራ፣
ሥፍራውን ማትራ፣
ሽበት ቀመስ ጭንቅላቷን
እየነቀነቀች ወደኔ ያየች
‹‹አንተ ገና አልተኛህም?››
ዳግም ወደመፅሓፏ ተመልሳ፣
በተመስጦ የፍቅር ታሪከ ውስጥ
ራሷን ልትረሳ!
(በዋልተር ዲላሜር)//
A descriptive poem you may like as I did.I think translation plays quite a role in introducing poets across all ages to those who are a bit lacking in understanding English
There is a lady sweet and kind
was never face so pleased my mind,
I did but see her passing by
And yet I love her till I die.
Her gesture,motion,and her smiles,
Her wit,her voice my heart beguiles,
Beguiles my heart,I know not why
And yet I love her till I die.
Cupid is winged and doth range,
Her country so my love doth change
But change she earth or change she sky,
Yet will I love her till I die!

አለች ጥሩ እመቤት የምትናፈቅ ሴት

ማራኪ ጥሩመቤት
አለች አንድ የምትናፈቅ ሴት!
አስደሳች ፊቷ
ይሰጠኛል የውስጥ እርካታ!
ሥታልፍ በደንብ አይቼአታለሁ
ግና እስትሞተ አፈቅራታለሁ!
በግሩም ፈገግታዋ
ልቤ ይርዳል፣
ልቤ ለምን አንደሚርድ
‘ሷን ማፍቀር አላቆምም!
‘ንደሚታወቅው ኩፒድ
(የፍቅር መላክ )
ክንፍ ስላለው
የሚጓዝ ነው፣
ፍቅሬ ወደ መሬት
ወይ ወደ ሰማይ ብትቀየር
አላቆምም ‘ሷን ማፍቀር!
(ያልታወቀ ደራሲ)
Sight love
My heart is heavy with many a song
Like a ripe fruit bearing down the tree,
But I can never give you one—
My songs don’t belong to me.

Yet in the evening,in the dusk
When moths go to and fro
In the Gray hour
If the fruit has fallen,
Take it no one will know.

ልቤ ከብዷል

እንዳጎነበሰ ዛፍ የበሰለ ፍሬ አግቶ
ልቤ ከብዷል በመዝሙር ተሞልቶ፣
ግን አንድ በፍጹም ልሠጥህ አልችልም፣
መዝሙሮቼ የኔ አይደሉም!
ሆኖም በጠፍ ጨረቃ ማታ
ነፍሳት ሲወራጩ ከቦታ ቦታ
በግራጫማዋ ሠአት
ፍሬ ከወደቀ ምናልባት
ውሰድ- ማንም አያውቅም!

(ሳራ ቲሰዳል) //
Hidden lust, paradox, opportune moment, emotional infidelity
I will be the gladdest thing
under the sun!
I will touch hundred flowers
And not pick one.
I will look at cliffs and clouds
With quiet eyes
Watch the wind bow down the grass,
And the grass rise.
And when lights begin to show
Up from town
I will mark which must be mine
And then start down!

ተራራው ጫፍ ከቀትር በኋላ

ከፀሐይዋ ሥር
ደስተኛ ፍጡር
አቻአልባ በንፅፅር!
መቶ አበባዎች ብዳብስም
አንዲት እንኳን አልቀጥፍም!
እንደዚሁም በመደመም
ኮርብታውን ተራራውን
ሲያስጎነብሰው ንፋሱ ሳሩን
ሲነሳ ሳሩ ተራውን!
ከተማዋ ከሩቅ
በመብራት ስታሸበርቅ
ብዙም ሳልጠብቅ
ጠንቅቄ የኔን መንደር
እጀምራለሁ ቁልቁል መንደርደር::
(ኤድና ሴንት ቪኒሰንት ሚሌ) //
Appreciating nature greenery
I see their faces
Children I played with when I was a child
Loise comes back with her brown hair braided
Annie with ringlets warm and wild
Only in sleep time is forgotten—
What may have come to them , who can know?
Yet we played last night as long ago,
And the doll-house stood at the turn of the stair
The years had not sharpened their smooth
Round face,
I met their eyes and found them mild-
Do they too, dream of me, I wonder
And for them am I too a child?

በህልም ብቻ

በእንቅልፌ ፊታቸው ውል ይለኛል ድንገት፣
አፈር ፈጭተን ያደግን በልጅነት፣
ሊዊሰ ትመጣለች ቀይ ፀጉሯ አንደተጎነጎነ
አኒ አንደተቆጣጠረ እንደተበታተነ፣
በእንቅልፍ ብቻ
ጊዜው ነጉዷል
ግን ምን አዳጋጠማቸው ማን ያውቃል?
ሆኖም ትናንት አንደጥንቱ
አብረን ተጫውተናል!
አጠፍ ብሎ ከደረጃው መወጣጫ
ይስተዋላል ያ ክፍል
የአሻንጉሊቶቹ ማስቀመጫ፡፡
የነጎዱት ዓመታት፣
ክብና ጥርት
ያሉ ፊቶቻቸው ላይ አላሳረፉም ጭረት፣
የመጨራመት ምልክት!
ዓይን ለዓይን ስንተያይ
ይልቅ ደህና ነገር ነው የማይ፣
‘ነሱም ስለኔ ያስቡ ይሆን?
ይለኛል ድንቅ
ደሞስ እኔ እንዳገኘኋቸው
ልጅ ሆኜ ይሆን የምታያቸው?
(ሳራ ቲሰዳል ) //
We never forget our friends we had during formative years.
The rose in the garden slipped her bud
And she laughed in the pride
Of her youthful blood
As she thought of the Gardner standing by—
‘’He is old—so old! And he soon must die!’’
The full Rose waxed in the warm June air
And she spread and spread till her heart lay bare;
And she laughed once more as she heard his tread—
“He is older now! He will soon be dead!’’
But the breeze of the morning blew, and found
That the leaves of the blown rose strew the ground
And he came at noon, that gardener old,
And he raked them gently with the mould.
And I wove the thing to a random rhyme,
For the rose is beauty, the gardener, time.

ቀበጧ ፅጌረዳ

እንቡጥ ፅጌረዳ አንገቷን ሰገግ አርጋ
ብቅ አለች ከአትክልቱ ሥፍራ በአበቦቹ አልጋ
አፍላ የወታጣትነትን ወራት
የሚያጅበው የትኩስ ደም ኩራት
በቃ አፍነከነካት!
ከጎኗ አትክልተኛውን ቆሞ ስታስተውል
የሓሳብ ብርቅታ አላት ውል
‹አርጅቷል በጣም አርጅቷል
በቅርቡ ይሞታል!›
ሞቃታማው የበጋ አየር ስለተስማማት
ክንፎቿን ዘርግታ በስፋት
ምንም ለመደበቅ ሳትዳዳ
ከፈተች የልቧን ጓዳ::
ስትሰማ የእግሩን ኮቴ አንደገና
አሳቃት ደና... ‹አርጅቷል፣ አፍጅቷል
ብዙ ሰንብቷል፣
አሁንስ ይሞታል!›
ግና የማለዳው ንፋስ ደርሶ
ስፍራውን አተራምሶ
ሲሄድ ተጣድፎ
አስተዋለ የፅጌረዳ ክንፍ
በአትክልቱ ቦታ ተነስንሶ፣
ቀተር ላይ አዛውንቱ አትክልተኛው
ሑሉንም በሹካው ሰብስቦ ከላው!
እናም በዚህ ጉዳይ ስለተመሠጥኩ
የስንኝ ቋጠሮ ከተብኩ
እኔ እንዳስተዋልኩት
ፅጌረዳዋ የውበትን
አትክልተኛው የጌዜን
ምስል ነው የሚከስቱት!
(አውሰቲን ዶብሶን) //
Who are we to interfere in the works of God?
Sir,I admit your general rule,
That every poet is a fool,
But you yourself may serve to show it
That every fool is not a poet.

እምቅ ድድር

(ገጣሚ ሞኝ ነው)
ጌታው በደምሳሳው
‹‹ገጣሚ ሞኝ ነው!››
የምትለውን ቢሆንም
ሞኝ ሁሉ ግን ገጣሚ
እንዳልሆነ ለማሳየት
ከአንተ ሌላ ምሳሌ
አያሻም ምናልባት!

(ሳሙኤል ኮልሪዲጅ)//
About poets and writing poems
What do I owe to you
Who loved me deep and long?
You never gave my spirit wings
Nor gave my heart a song.
But oh, to him I loved,
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the open gate
That leads through heaven’s wall!
(By Sara Teasdale)


በደንብ ጠበቅ አድርገህ ላፈቀርከኝ
የምከፍለው ምን ወሮታ አለኝ?
ለነፍሴ ክንፍ አለገስካት
ለልቤም መዝሙር አልሰጠሃት፣
ግን፣ ውይ፣ ለወደድኩት ላላፈቀረኝ፣
ዕዳ አለብኝ፣ በሩን ያለው ከፈት፣
በግድግዳወ አርጎ ሠተት
የሚያዘልቅ ወደ ገነት!
Compare this poem with my  latest poem Enigma
Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...

For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily
To live up to 'his image'
As protector and provider
And 'hero of the scrimmage'...

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,

But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as 'soft' as he can be...

But he's so busy every day
In the gruelling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness...

And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
(Helen Steiner Rice)

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው ፣
ምንም እንኳ ባይታደሉም በደንብ የሚረዳቸው
የሚገባቸውን ምስጋና፣
በስፋት አልዘመርንም ገና!

ምክንያቱም አባታችን
የወጪያችን ሽፋን ሆኖ
ስለሚሳል በእይታችን፣
በአንፃሩ እናታችን
ሐኪም የቁስላችን
ለሷ ህመማችን ነው የጋራችን፡፡

ቆፍጣና፣ የተንከባካቢነት፣ የአስተዳዳሪነት
ብሎም የችግር ፍቺነት ተግባር
ለማስጠበቅ የሚጥር ዘወትር
ለዚህ ይሆን ምናልባት
አባቶች ተገዢ የማይመስሉን ለስሜት
ግን የአባባን ልብ ብታዩት
ባትታደሉም ያን ለማየት
ታስተውሉ ነበር በውነት
ያቺን ቡብነት የሚያምሳትን
የልቡን ስሱነት!

በሥራ ከመጠመድ ነው
በዚህ አታካቹ ሩጫ የህይወት
ጉዳዮችን የስሜታዊነት
ለውሀ አጣጩ ለሚስቱ የሚተውላት!

ግን አባቶች በጣም ግሩሞች ናቸው
በሚሊዮን መንገድ
የፍቅር ምላሽ ምስጋና የሚገባቸው
ብቸኛው ምክንያት፣ አባባ ሁሌ የሚሯሯጠው
ቤተሰቡን ለማስደሰት ለማኩራት ነው  
ልክ እንደሰማዩ አባታችን
ሁሌ ያለ ከጎናችን
ነው መከታችን

በሄለን ስቲነር  ትርጉም  ዓለም ኃይሉ
In connection with fathers day!
If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persever,
That when we live no more we may live ever.

ለውዱና ተናፋቂው ባለቤቴ

የሁለት አንድነት ካለ
ማን እንደኛ፣
ባል በሚስት ከተፈቀረ
በርግጠኝነት አንተነህ አንደኛ፡፡

ሚስት አግኝታ ከሆነ ደስታ፣
እናንት ሴቶች ከሻታችሁ
ለመሆን አንደኛ፣ተወዳደሩኛ!

ለአንተ ፍቀር ቦታ የምቸረው፣
የወርቅ መአድን በእቅፉ
ከያዘው  ሐብት በላይ ነው!
መች ይሔ ብቻ፣
አይበቃም ሁሉም ሐብት
እስከ ምስራቅ ዳርቻ፡፡

ፍቅሬን ወንዞች ጭምር
የሚያረኩት አይደለም
ያን ሊሞክሩም አይገባም
ያን ጥም የሚቆርጠው፣
ከአንተ የፍቀር ምንጭ
የሚፈሰው ነው!

እንገዲህ ፍቅርህ
ይሄን ይመስላል፣
ታዲያ ልከፍለው ከቶ
እንዴት ይቻለኛል ? 
የላይኛው ጌታ፣
ሦስት እጥፍ
ይክፈልልኝ ውልታ፡!

በመሬት እስከአለን፣
እንኑር  በፍቅር ተሰናኝተን፣
በሞት ድል ስንነሳ
ፍቅራችን ግዘፍ አንዲነሳ፡፡
I love Annes poems I already translated her poem The Author to Her Book!
Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
As often as we should...

For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily
To live up to 'his image'
As protector and provider
And 'hero of the scrimmage'...

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,

But if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where no one else can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as 'soft' as he can be...

But he's so busy every day
In the gruelling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness...

And like Our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on
To be always on our side.
(Helen Steiner Rice)

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው

አባቶች ግሩም ሰዎች ናቸው ፣
ምንም እንኳ ባይታደሉም በደንብ የሚረዳቸው
የሚገባቸውን ምስጋና፣
በስፋት አልዘመርንም ገና!

ምክንያቱም አባታችን
የወጪያችን ሽፋን ሆኖ
ስለሚሳል በእይታችን፣
በአንፃሩ እናታችን
ሐኪም የቁስላችን
ለሷ ህመማችን ነው የጋራችን፡፡

ቆፍጣና፣ የተንከባካቢነት፣ የአስተዳዳሪነት
ብሎም የችግር ፍቺነት ተግባር
ለማስጠበቅ የሚጥር ዘወትር
ለዚህ ይሆን ምናልባት
አባቶች ተገዢ የማይመስሉን ለስሜት?

ግን የአባባን ልብ ብታዩት
ባትታደሉም ያን ለማየት
ታስተውሉ ነበር በውነት
ያቺን ቡብነት የሚያምሳትን
የልቡን ስሱነት!

በሥራ ከመጠመድ ነው
በዚህ አታካቹ ሩጫ የህይወት
ጉዳዮችን የስሜታዊነት
ለውሀ አጣጩ ለሚስቱ የሚተውላት!

ግን አባቶች በጣም ግሩሞች ናቸው
በሚሊዮን መንገድ
የፍቅር ምላሽ ምስጋና የሚገባቸው
ብቸኛው ምክንያት፣ አባባ ሁሌ የሚሯሯጠው
ቤተሰቡን ለማስደሰት ለማኩራት ነው
ልክ እንደሰማዩ አባታችንሁሌ ያለ ከጎናችን
ነው መከታችን

በሄለን ስቲነር ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ
In connection with fathers' day. I love the sweet and uplifting poems of Helen Stiner Rice(An ambassador of sunshine) from America. I have translated many of her poems including her book in The Vineyard of the Lord.
She lived 1900-1991
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

ሁለት መንገዶች
አረንጓዴ ቢጫማ ጫካ
ውስጥ ተሰንጥቀው፣
ተለያዩ ባላ ሰርተው፡፡

ቅር የሚያሰኝ ቢሆንም፣
በሁልቱም መንግደ ተጉዤ
አንድ መንገደኛ
ልሆን አልችልም፣
ስለዚህ ቀጥ ብዬ ቆምኩ፣
እንደዛ እንዳደረኩ፣
እስከምችለው ርቀት
ቋጥኙ እስከሚያሽቖለቁልበት
አንዱን መንገድ አማተርኩ፣
ከዚም ምናልባትም ያም
ደህና የሚመስለውን፣
መረጥኩ ሌላኛውን፣
አርንጓዴ ሳራማውን፣
መቀደስ መታሸት የሚሻውን!

ግና በሱም ላይ መረማመድ፣
አዛምዶታል ከዛኛው መንገድ!
የዛን ጠዋት ሁለቱም መንገዶች፣
ነበሩ የተነሰነሱባቸው
የቅጠል ቄጤማዎች፣ ያላወየቦቸው
ተጓዝ እግሮች፡፡

ዘመን በዘመን ከታጅበ በኋላ
በትዝታ ባቡር ይሔን
አጠንጥኜ ወደኋላ
‹‹ሁለት መንገዶች
አረንጓዴ ቢጫማ ጫካ
ውስጥ ተሰንጥቀው፣
ተለያዩ ባላ ሰርተው!››

እናም መረጥኩ
ለልዩነቱ፣ ያ ነው ሁሉም ምክኒያቱ!

(በሮበርት ፍሮስተ/ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ ገ/ክርሰቶስ)
It works in choosing one's walks of life or even lover. What if somebody has married one's second best.Would life be different? Sometimes decision forces us to sit on the horns of a dilemma
When a
Remorseful convert,
Astray that had gone far
Blemishing his /her soul
With Sin's tar,
Puts a broken heart
On the altar,
By far,
S/he could enjoy
God's grace
Or even
Win a higher place
In His face
Than a devotee,
Taking pride
In his/her deed,
Who oft mount
A spiritual war
Devil's way to bar.

It is with
A broken heart
The culprit
Hanged by the right
Of Jesus Christ
Got to Eden's garden First
Though Adam,Moses,
Abraham, Job
And others were
Top on the short list.

It is by the virtue of
Their determination
Sinful ways to quit
Zacchaeus and
Mary Magdalene
Were seen fit
Than the hypocrite!

It is this line
From genesis
To revelation
God labours to bring
To our attention
So with conviction
Let us pray for
Our soul's resurrection.

Of course, no doubt,
Our devotion could buttress
Our chance to enjoy
His mercifulness!//

                      Who the Devil is Alem Hailu

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationer,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life *** and AIDS
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material and Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)
A collection of selected  classic  poem
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos

3) A Vent to Stifled Emotion
A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
4) The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)Pupil's poem(Full Color)

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems. ,America

6)Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme “Disability is not inability!”
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline
After I heard a preaching about soul's resurrection.I t drove home the repentant have a better chance to paradise
Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

ሪቻርድ ኮሪ

ሪቻርድ ኮሪ
ቁልቁል ወደ ከተማ ሲወርድ፣
ሆነን በእግረኛው መንገድ
እናየው ነበር::
ከጫማው ሶል እስከራሱ፣
ተክለሰውነቱ፣ ቀጭን ጌታ እንደንጉሱ፣
ሁሌ ድንቅ አለጫጭ አለባበሱ!

ብንደምረውም ከኛው ጎራ
‹‹እንደምን አደራችሁ!›› ሲል
የቃል አወጣጥ ስልቱ፣
አቤት ማስደሰቱ፣
ድንቅ አረማመዱ አክሂያዱ!
በጣም ሃብታም--ከሃብታምም ሃብታም፣
የንጉሱም ሃብት ከሱ አይጠጋም--
አስፈላጊውን ትምህርተ ሁሉ የቀሰመ
በእውቀቱ ያስደመመ፡፡
በአዘቦት፣ሁሉም ሃሴት የተሟላለት
‹‹ምነው በሱ ቦታ በሆንን!›› ብለን
የሱን እጣ ሽተን
እናም በለት ስራችን ተጠምደን
ብሩህ ተስፋ ሰንቀን
ስጋ ተነፍገን ዳቦን እረገምን!
ሪቻርድ ኮሪ
አንድ ጸጥ ያለ ምሽት
ገብቶ ቤቱ አኖረ ጥይት
በራሱ ጭንቅላት!//
Measure not life with the prism of wealth or,creed ,class or knowledge!
Fame is a food that dead men eat, —
I have no stomach for such meat.
In little light and narrow room,
They eat it in the silent tomb,
With no kind voice of comrade near
To bid the feaster be of cheer.

But Friendship is a nobler thing, —
Of Friendship it is good to sing.
For truly, when a man shall end,
He lives in memory of his friend,
Who doth his better part recall
And of his fault make funeral.//

ዝናና ጓደኝነት

ዝና የሙታን ቀለብ ነውና
እንዲህ አይነት ሥጋ፣
ቦታ የለውም እኔጋ!
በዛች ብርሃን በተበደለችው
ትንሷ ደብር፣
ይበሉታል ፀጥታ
በነገሰበት መቃብር!

ከቅርብ ወዳጅ
‹‹ደስ ይላል
ውለታ መላሽ
ያርገኝ! ›› ምስጋና፣
የሆነ ወና!
ትልቅ ቦታ የሚቸረው
ስለባንጅራ መዘመር፣
ያሻዋል ከታች መሰመር፡፡

አንድ ግለሰብ
በሞት ሲረታ፣
በርግጠኝነት በጓደኛው ትዝታ
ይኖረዋል ቦታ!
የሱን መልካምነት፣
አግዝፎ የሚያወሳልት
እንዲሁም የሚስፈፅም
የሱን ስሕተት
ግባተ መሬት!

(አውስቲን ዶብሶን/ ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይል ገ/ክርሰቶሰ)
Yes Friendship Matters.  It contrasts friendship and fame.One feedback on another blog runs//

Simple yet profound - the one true "constant" in life when love takes
various forms with its demands - and *** is often part of those
forms and demands.// Get me @ › authors

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
    Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
    And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone
    Half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
    Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know
    When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and oh,
    The difference to me!


እድገቷ እምብዛም ባልተዘወተረው
የሽማ ማጠቢ አቅራቢያ ነው
እንደአንድ ኮረዳ፣ለአድናቆት ሆና
ፍፁም እንግዳ፣
ለፍቅር ተወስና በጣም በጥቂቶች
የልብ ጓዳ፣
ነው የኖረች
ያቺ ሃምራዊ ፅጌረዳ
ዋቅላሚ በወረሰው ኮረብታ
በከፊል ተጋርዳ፡፡

እንደብቸኛ ኮከብ
ጽልመት በለበሰው ሰማይ
ደምቃ አንደምትታይ
ከማንም እይታ ርቃ
ነው የኖረች
እንዲሁም የሚያውቅ  የለም
ድንቅነሽ መች እንደሞተች
ግና መቃብሯ ውስጥ ነች
ወይኔ፣ ልዩነቱ ለኔ!

(ዊሊያም ወርድሰ ወርዝ/ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ)
As there is not a violet flower in my country I have to use a violet rose
The Eagle

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.


የአባጣ ጎርባጣውን ተራራ ጎድን
ወጣ ያለውን አግጥጦ
በተቆለመሙ እጆቹ ቆንጥጦ
በዚያ ለፀሐይ
ጎረቤት በሆነው ወና ሰማይ
በሰማያዊው ዳራ
ይስተዋላል ገዝፎ በሙሉ ቁመና
ክብ እንደሰራ፡፡

ታች እሱ ካለበት ከተራራው ስር
ቀለበት ቀለበት  እየሰራ
የሚተነፍሰውን ባህር
ቓኝቶ በአንክሮ
እንደመብርቅ ክንድ ተገንጥሎ
ይወርዳል ቁልቁል ተወርውሮ!
So short and expressive
When I regretted
Why God is stingy
In showering me
With wealth
He took my health
Goading me
With a threat of death!

Praying when
I recuperated
I realized
Foolishly I had been
Daydreaming for wealth
My health
Is my
Number one wealth!/////

Who is Alem Hailu?

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers hearts' from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationeries,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life( *** and AIDS )
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material to Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)

A collection of selected  classic  poem s

By Alem Hailu G/Kristos

3) A Vent to Stifled Emotion

A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
4) The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)Pupil's poem(Full Color)

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems. ,America

6)Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme "Disability is not inability!"
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline

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We have to be grateful for God simply because we are healthy.
It is good giving emphasis
To concrete jungles
And infrastructural development,
But first leaders must learn to cut
A corner in their subjects' heart! ///

Who  is Alem Hailu  ?

He is an emerging  Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English language.
He is penetrating the global book market stamping a foot print on the firmament of literature.
If you peruse his work you could note ,with poems of local touch and national sentiment like 'Come to Ethiopia' and 'Great Tiding' , he is playing an ambassadorial role in several international poetry blogs from Australia to America .His poems have proved trending.
He has achieved global presence via
www­ / Australia
His books  and posters showcasing the knack of an Ethiopian author are cracking open publishers hearts' from Europe to America(www.united ) (Austria),, www.trafford .com America)
From the publisher  or amazon and the like, you can order for his books aiming at entertaining,edifying,style-showing,seeking an outlet to east African voice,finding a niche to Ethiopian authors in the global literary scene  and teaching the English language.
Specially schools,colleges,universities and libraries, people running stationeries,book malls and cultural unites of different embassies could benefit from making his works available on their shelf.

To foreigners his work could serve as a window story.
His works include

1) In the Vortex of Passion's Wind

A poetic Drama on the Wrong Turns of life( *** and AIDS )
It is also meant to serve a language teaching material to Higher Learning Institutions and Preparatory Schools
A useful input  for performing artists
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos


2)   A Boon of Classic Poems

(Translation in Amharic)  
A collection of selected  classic  poem
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
ISBN: 978-1-312-94998-0, America

3)    A Vent to Stifled Emotion
A debut collection of poems
By Alem Hailu
ISBN: 978-1-4907-5675-2(sc)  
4)    The Truth and Dawn
and Other  palatable Short Stories
of both mix: Art for art's sake and life's sake
By Alem Hailu G/Kristos
IBN 978-1-329-43915-390000

5)   Pupil's poem(Full Color)  

Rhyming poems for pupils and learners of the language
Systematically selected words and expressions to upgrade the language proficiency of students.
Inspires pupils to read as well as write poems., America
ISBN: 5800111090472

6)   Hope from the Debris of hopelessness

A Novel with the theme “Disability is not inability! ”
By UnitedP.C is in the pipeline
I appreciate servant leaders that are considerate to citizens than maximizing material wealth
ConnectHook Sep 2015

Revelation:** three, seven – the Kingdom of Heaven

The key to unlocking both glory and shame.

Philadelphia knows He’s arriving in newness

inscribing on foreheads His city and name.

(Though it could be on tee shirts or baseball caps, true –

unless someone takes time to decipher the text…

is it Greek? Aramaic? Amharic? What next?)

Don’t be mad – it’s not me but old John who’s to blame.

Of names and on numbers of Savior and Beast

I have long been a-pondering, trembling, wondering

mushroom-cloud raptures in mind’s eye a-thundering.

How will we get to that marriage-day feast?

Will my garment be ready or filthy with fall-out?

(The song says His blood will make clean if we call out

in faith for forgiveness, in humble repentance

believing that grace will abolish the sentence.)

You may wish my rhyme to be likewise abolished.

Bear with me. Forgive me, I grant it’s not polished.

I speak what I feel and I write when I’m able;

which brings us to heavenly thoughts gastronomic:

what dishes we’ll meet as we dine at that table-

strict Jewish? Angelic? Or pre-Abrahamic?

Shall they serve us from silver or common ceramic?

Being clay to the potter, an unfinished vessel

I leave all these questions for others to wrestle.

Yet there’s still one more realm I explore in conjecture:

the sounds at that gathering.  Classical?   Rock?

Unending revivalist Christian refrains?

Shall we headbang in heaven with glorified brains?

Psychedelic/Psychotic…? or  Handel and Bach?

(Lighten up. It’s the end of my bible-school lecture.

You’ve seen a few rooms of my castle-in-air,

and we ALL know it’s reggae they’re playing up there…)

R.I.P. Mikey Dread aka Michael Campbell DREAD
ConnectHook Nov 2015
REVELATION: three, seven – the Kingdom of Heaven

The key to unlocking both glory and shame.

Philadelphia knows He’s arriving in newness

inscribing on foreheads His city and name.

(Though it could be on tee shirts or baseball caps, true –

unless someone takes time to decipher the text…

is it Greek? Aramaic? Amharic? What next?)

Don’t be mad – it’s not me but old John who’s to blame.

Of names and on numbers of Savior and Beast

I have lately been pondering, trembling, wondering

mushroom-cloud raptures in mind’s eye a-thundering.

How will we get to that marriage-day feast?

Will my garment be ready or filthy with fall-out?

(The song says His blood will make clean if we call out

in faith for forgiveness, in humble repentance

believing that grace will abolish the sentence.)

You may wish my rhyme to be likewise abolished.

Bear with me. Forgive me, I grant it’s not polished.

I speak what I feel and I write when I’m able;

which brings us to heavenly thoughts gastronomic:

what dishes we’ll meet as we dine at that table-

strict Jewish? Angelic? Or pre-Abrahamic?

Shall they serve us from silver or common ceramic?

Being clay to the potter, an unfinished vessel

I leave all these questions for others to wrestle.

Yet there’s still one more realm I explore in conjecture:

the sounds at that gathering.  Classical?   Rock?

Unending revivalist Christian refrains?

Shall we headbang in heaven with glorified brains?

Psychedelic/Psychotic…? or  Handel and Bach?

(Lighten up. It’s the end of my bible-school lecture.

You’ve seen a few rooms of my castle-in-air,

and we ALL know it’s reggae they’re playing up there…)
more notes:♪♫♫♪
Open your mouth,
let a chorus of words fly.
Is it Navajo? Korean?
Indian? Or Spanish?
Armenian? Or Swahili?
Amharic? Or Bengali?
We need to open our eyes
Spheres of cultures dance around us
Reach up and pluck one
from the sky,
search within,
for an expansion
of your mind.

— The End —