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Cheyenne Najee Feb 2014
trigger warning: bullying, alcoholism**

i went adventuring today looking for a creek but i could not find it and it reminded me of looking for salvation in green eyes and looking for hope in blonde haired beauties and being disappointed when everyone turned out to be only human
i went adventuring today and i took my dog with me and he seemed content but the eleven year old boy walking with me seemed afraid, seemed anxious, afraid to be with the leaves and the trees and i feel bad for this kid
he gets bullied at school cause he smells like kerosene because his no good dad won’t clean up the house and hides his alcoholism under the guise of ‘back pain’
the kid has started hanging out with a man that his mom used to date, his birth father, and when he talks about things they do together, he says birth father, but the way it is said you can tell he means real father
the boy has always gone by his birth father’s last name, even when he didn’t know him
i hope this boy doesn’t look for salvation in blue eyes and brown haired beauties. i hope he finds salvation within himself
Clive Feb 2014
There once was a rabbit named bunny
From nose to his toes he was amazingly fluffy
He was raised with tales of adventure
Of places his grandfather used to venture
He spent days and nights listening to his tales
Of pirates, princesses and magnificent space whales!

One day bunny decided to leave his home
He was determined to go on an adventure alone!
Bunny was a strong rabbit he didn't need any help!
And off he went with all his things strapped to his belt
Games, candy and blankets for when it was night
Binoculars for things just out of his sight

And off to he went to the places his grandpa had seen
He traveled at day, crossing a ridge almost losing a shoe
At night he discovered all his games were meant for two!
Adventuring was not as fun as it seemed

Bunny hopped around not knowing what to do
So he hopped up a tree to see the full moon
Not realizing that his loneliness would be ending soon
That was when Bunny met a cat named Roo

Roo, Some would say, was a very strange cat
He never left home without his strung out hat
His fluffy furry belly was covered in spots
Roo's strung out gaze made him look permenantly lost

Roo was a bright cat, a bit of a loon
Bunny was skeptical of this Roo had no doubt
As he pointed to the sky and gave out a shout
Bunny my buddy we're going to the moon!

Roo and Bunny wasted no time!
They built the though that came into Roo's mind
Rope, engines and wood they needed it all
The Things they gathered made a pile mighty tall

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into days
Bunny could never tell, Roo's calender told time in a very weird way
Both friends happy as can be, oh my how they shone
Looking at their spaceship, they were finally done!

Bunny and Roo we're ready at dawn
The ship went forward it began to shake
Bunny imagined the clouds they would soon overtake
there was a sky to be won!

They pierce the clouds as if they were open gates
Then it finally hit them
they were in space!

He could not believe he was seeing things from his grandfathers tales
Out in the distance he could make out a space whale!
There it was flying above the skies
A pool of wisdom hidden deep within his eyes

There they were admiring the stars
Roo took a wrong turn and they ended up in Mars!
there they met a very fine mouse
Who was married to a sweet and chubby spouse

They stayed at their home for days
While the mice showed them their martian ways

They traveled up and down mars together
and found that the whole planet was made of cheddar!
All their food came from a huge river of cheese
It gave them more food than the mice could possibly eat

Bunny and Roo enjoyed this martian weather
Although they knew, they could not stay there forever
So they gathered their stuff and packed up their bags
They said goodbye to the mice who were very good chaps

The duo was back in space!
Who knew the form their next adventure would take?

I'd like to tell you something, Roo
and this is true
I am so glad that I travel together with you

He smiled, Bunny learned something, Roo was glad
Wisdom was about to come from this very strange cat

Adventurers know this, they know it full well
To share an adventure with someone is absolutely swell!
Because even if the adventure might come to an end
What you gain is not only a story but also a friend

Even though they might eventually part
An end eventually comes to every start
A time will come where one or the other might go home
Both of them knew that from then on they'd never be alone
Sam Hawkins Oct 2018
Who would have guessed — when I tilted my heart
toward baby lizard, perched on a colored desert stone,
she’d blink one eye at me, turn to smile, it seemed,
and lend a listening ear?

I’d only said in a lizard way
“I love you”.

Who would have thought — when that stone had heard me
loving her, it would, it seem, speak back?
Loving stone too, I was!

Stone, I so admire your villages.
I smile toward your many stone peoples.

I eavesdrop on universal questions posed
around sacred fires carefully tended.

And around one hearth, among
cinder specks scattered – one minute wisp,
one grain of cinder there.

Dare I say I love you too?

For in that cinder grain I hear —
worlds of stars, sweetly singing!

By way of explanation, reader friend,
such is what a practice of
Loving All Beings Equally
has made of me.

A crazy being?
Could be.

But would you nonetheless
accept the possibilities
and likewise go love adventuring?

If you’d prefer, we all could earnestly
and objectivity talk it through.

Or say ~ Love come! Come!

Speak through us.
We are listening.
In Thich Nhat Hanh's book "Present Moment Wonderful Moment" he teaches (among many "gatha" practices) Mindful Eating. With the fourth mouthful one recites in head "I practice equal love for all beings".  This has been challenging for me, this "equal love". I like what has happened to me!
Red Bergan Mar 2014
I was born Of  a broken family.
Surviving on the skills,
You taught me.

Now I stand in the valley.
Beside the red stream.
Awaiting the arrival.
Of the Dov.

My daggers twirl in my hands,
As I dance with zeal.
Brave but reckless.
Because of youth.

I await thy path,
I must pursue.

The journey ahead,
Will be new.

I am Imperial,
Daughter of the wolves.
My home was Solitude.
Skyrims Capital hold.

I travel this weary path,
Adventuring beyond death.
I doth not fear you,
Dragon of hearthfire.

May my path pay,
The debts of my partners.

They deserve better,
Than the blasted Jarl.
Pagan Paul Jan 2019
Morfine and Choklut were trapped,
searching for a sword,
they somehow hit a dead end
and were being attacked by fear.
The fear of being Lost.
But Choklut had an escape plan
“Quick!” he said “head for stanza 4,
we have some friends waiting there”.

Kelm was a difficult child.
“Ten green woggles round ten boy-scouts necks,
ten green woggles round ten boy-scouts necks,
and if one green woggle should accidentally
be ripped from the throat by a giant killer wolf,
there'll be nine green woggles round nine boy-scouts necks”.
He sang,
as he pulled the legs off a centipede.
He wanted a worm to go fishing,
but couldn't be bothered to dig.

Jerrica also sought a sword.
She was a Princess!
But she had a point to prove.
A very deliberate point about girl power.
Girls can go adventuring too!
She championed Girlyism.
'Herb up your life!'
Her favourite slogan.
Why was it always a sword?
It was just so … fallick.
Why not a magick singing cup?

They waited. And waited.
Then they lurked about a bit.
They waited and lurked for ages.
Then they went down the Tavern.

The words ******* and sheep
crept into his little mind.
Though not necessarily in that order.
It happened when he met Bruce.
Bruce was on Walkabout.
Kelm was fishing by the river
and was thinking his luck would change
if he fished in the river.
That must be where the fish were hiding.
Bruce had walked straight passed Kelm
as he was watering a tree.
He zipped up and slapped the tree.
Bruce had an accident.
“Geez mate, I thought you was a croc”.
Kelm suddenly felt intellectually superior
“Its salt water, so I'm an alligator”
he paused “or a camen”.

Morfine and Choklut missed stanza 4,
had slid right through 5,
and slapped 6 right in the face.
It got in a huff and walked away …

Jerrica put out her herbal cigarette,
she took her slogan seriously,
today's herb was marjoram.
Now she was hungry
so she wrote the word 'lunch'
on  a piece of paper.
And swallowed it.
Completely veggie and only 3 calories.
Jerrica flinched when she saw the males.
The first – late teens, silly shorts,
carrying an Abbey Winters catalogue.
The second – pre-teen boy with a big stick.
She sneakily approached, circuitously,
she could hear them talking.
“Maybe I'll turn you into a pair of shoes”
“I think a clutch bag would suit you more mister”
“My name is Bruce” said Bruce.
“Bruce? Kinda boring name
for a fantasy farce poem isn't it?”
“Oh yeah. I suppose you got given a better one?”
“I” stated the boy “am Kelm the Barbarian”
Bruce felt sobriquetiously inadequate.
Jerrica watched.
And asked herself girl questions.
About boys.

It seemed there was a lack of interest,
nobody wanted to know their story.
Morfine and Choklut couldn't find
a welcoming stanza anywhere.
Its seems they were all full.
Dejected they trudged to a Tavern.

As she withdrew she wondered
'What is the ****** point of boys?'
It was during her retreat, circuitously,
that she found a Poet.
He was underneath a rock,
so she put him in her breast pocket,
for safe keeping.
Boys were useless, but Poets were useful.
They knew all about love and romance.
And for some reason
feather pens excited Jerrica.

After a long day waiting and lurking
Shadow Boxer had got drunk,
tipped a serving girl a wink,
and retired to bed.
Slim Grainy was drinking alone.
He was rather miffed.
All that waiting and lurking in stanza 4
and his mates hadn't shown up.
Maybe Shad had had the right idea.
Drink and bed.
The door of the Tavern opened,
his friends walked in.
Morfine saw him and smiled
and greeted him with a hiya.
Slim fixed him with a baleful look and spoke
“Of all the stanza's in all the poems,
you had to walk into mine”.

Somewhere under a bridge too far
an anxious troll shook and shivered.
He wouldn't make it. He would never recover.
Why had he agreed to hear their story?
3 ****** days to tell 3 ****** segments
of a quest that could have been summarised
in 3 ****** phrases.
Went there. Found it. Came home.
Over egging the pudding.
Spinning a pointlessly long yarn.
A thought struck him,
in the head.
A rare occurrence for a troll.
He was going to devour
Morfine and Choklut.

© Pagan Paul (11/01/19)
2nd poem in my 'Strange World' collection.

Part 2 out soon!
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
One brisk spring afternoon, a boy found himself adventuring down a local forested path. The sun beamed down through the trees, creating golden stips of light that fought their way through the newly grown greenery. The crunch of the earth beneath his feet could be heard from a distance as unimportant thoughts drifted through his mind.
He paused and set himself down on a large rock by a bubbling stream. The water created an ambiance that made a rush of calm flow over his mind. His eyes drifted around a bit, taking in his surroundings when suddenly a butterfly flittered down and flew around his face. A smile spread wide across his features as he lifted up his hand to try to catch it.
The butterfly grazed his hand, but then flew away as fast as it could, as it was afraid of the boy. He frowned in disappointment, wanting nothing more than the butterfly itself to flutter down onto his hand so he could admire it once more; But he was left in despair.
Two more butterflies of the same pattern found themselves drifting along the face of the boy, and he tried to catch them as well, for maybe they would fill in the gap that the first had left. He caught them both, but only briefly, as all butterflies were beautiful, but fleeting.
The boy tilted his head in disappointment, and sat there alone for some time, an array of butterflies coming and going, none of them filling the void left by the first.
Suddenly, a pure white moth came into view.
The boy scowled, unsure of what to make of the moth as it was nothing like the other butterflies that he had encountered before. The moth flittered around his face, and he raised his hands slightly, prepared to swipe the creature away.
The moth found itself landing softly on the nose of the boy, its fuzzy little wings tickling his skin upon contact.
He couldn’t help but smile, but felt a little uneasy, as he was only used to butterflies.
The boy lifted the moth gently from his nose, and perched it on a nearby branch. It’s little wings lifted its body from the perch, and tried to fly back toward the boy, but he gently shood the creature away. Finally, it gave up and landed itself back onto the branch in which the boy had placed it. There the moth stayed, watching the boy chase butterflies endlessly until he could chase no more.
Samantha Jan 2018
They said that since I play certain games,
I'm worth a broken shoe.
They judge people for being fans!
Think about that. Would you?

My heart's pounding like a drum,
But my blood is running cold.
I came here with a question;
The answer I must be told.
The air is filled with music
As I slash to the beat.
Getting past just one zone
Has got to be a feat!
Searching for my long-lost Dad
I need to find the answer...
First, I must groove through the Crypt
Of the NecroDancer!

I play my games; all I want
Is to have some fun.
There are seven deadly sins,
And my passion isn't one.

My annoying childhood friend
Sees me walking down the street.
She overslept again!
Now we finally meet.
She told me I should join
A club after school.
I don't really want to,
But if it makes her happy, it's cool.
Turns out, it's full of adorable girls!
My poem may be a stub...
But it's all worth it for
Doki Doki Literature Club.

I have tried other hobbies.
How many I liked: none!
There are twelve horrid curses,
And adventuring isn't one.

I may just be one small Protector,
But now that we've been attacked,
My ship was broken, destroyed!
I had barely time to react.
Stranded in space, thought I was lost.
So I gave myself the quest
To beam down, fix the ship,
And save all the rest.
Now the universe is in danger,
Six artifacts must be found.
I explore space to find them all.
I am truly Starbound!

They say it's better for me
To get my own things done.
There are 4 apocalyptic horsemen
And my high score isn't one.

I tripped and fell into a hole
Forever going down...
A small yellow flower
Welcomed me Underground.
Along the way, I met these beasts,
Heard tales of those above.
Learned of their search for humankind
With SOULs full of LOVE.
Long ago, we lived in peace
With monsters, though that failed.
It's up to me to free them
In my little UNDERTALE.

You may think that all these games
Would weigh on me a ton.
I have 99 problems,
And gaming isn't one.
Lily Catalini Apr 2015
Have you ever been asked if you wanted something?
for water,dessert,money,cloths or for a session of adventuring,
or cheese.

Did you reply yes with glee
or reply no with ease?
how would you reply to cheese?

You reply a yes with joy
but then they employ
that what you wanted isn't there,

you feel as though you have been led astray
led to a depressing day,
they said they had cheese.

but the cheese was not there
for your salad was left bare.
how could this happen to you!?

All you wanted was cheese
its simple you see
that is all you wanted...

They didn't have cheese for my salad
such actions are not valid
my poor salad.
nutella and bread
riding next to you
as we traveled to the school ahead
adventuring the same path
every break of day
I wore a scarf and a coat
to contain my heartbreak
it was winter after all
you drove me insane
I was helplessly in love with our past
it was as if I was mourning the loss
of when I had you last
while we were still intertwined
looking back now
my love for you never died
I could love you forever
and we still wouldn't be
my handfuls of surrender
aren't enough for you and me
Last week I got an urge to lay on a rooftop, and drink ***** under the stars,
so I packed an empty backpack with svedka, a notebook, and a cellphone; and went on a mission.
I spent an afternoon looking around.
Taking notes on how in the hell, I could get up to a place that was flat, a roof, and could see the stars.

As it turns out,
the rooftops are not a place Freeport wants you to be.

in fact, one staircase directly leading to the top of a building specifically said
"No Trespassing"
Keeping me out with a locked metal door.

so I kept adventuring.

It did not occur to me until after I had already spent quite awhile scribbling down notes on locations of
milk crates I could use,
ledges low enough to grab,
dumpsters I could maybe move over just a bit,

how illegal it may be,
(I'M still not sure)
Or how dangerous it may be
(probably quite very)
To go on this adventure.

I texted a beautiful girl and asked if she wanted to drink ***** under the stars.

being the suave romantic that I am,

Having spent my whole morning surveying different routes to the rooftops.

Having planned out such a storybook evening, obviously her answer was,

"nah, I'd rather stay home, smoke ****, and watch the new season of Orange is the new black."

*******, Ruby Rose...
Stop. stealing. my dates.

After introducing myself to a handful of other potential candidates, I finally find a woman who believes climbing onto a rooftop and drinking ***** would be a swell time.

By the time I pick her up and get back to the spot,
it's late enough that Freeport is a ghost town.
We run down the middle of the street, me dragging her, doctor and companion style towards the first flawless plan:

Milkcrates behind linda beans.

We stack them up like steps and walk up to the top of a metal ceiling
Affixed perfectly above a flight of stairs that leads to the top floor.
I thought, "maybe we could climb the metal ceiling like a ramp."

it turns out
that not only is it
incredibly difficult not to
fall off of a slanted flimsy ramp
with no handles. But it is also: Terrifying!

Eventually I make it to the top and realize:
"****, There is still a tall ledge I have to hoist myself onto"
I look down to the short brunette quivering
on the ramp's lowest tier and decide that there is no way either of us were going to make it.

"Hey rose, " (That wasn't her real name)
Let's try a different way up.

attempting to crawl down slowly,
my **** scoots forward, hands behind me,
I slip and start gliding down like a children's slide.
flailing and attempting to catch myself before
falling off the edge and plummeting onto a dumpster.

(Whistling noises)


She screams.
I laugh uncontrollably.

She slowly descends our statuesque landmark milkcrate staircase.
Like an angel coming from ghetto heaven.

I lift myself up and hop down off the dumpster.

putting my backpack down,
I check to see if the ***** bottle is okay.
It's fine.

"Good job, *******."
"We're fine."
"You're an idiot."
"I could have died, don't I at least get a kiss or something?"

She gives me a disapproving look, then kisses me.

eventually we did
make it up to a rooftop,
Where we laid and watched the stars.
They were warm, distant, and beautiful.

I liked feeling their glow on my skin.
But I loved taking the journey to meet them.
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
I admit that in the past I was a nice guy
But I think it's time I better make a switch
So you'll find that nowadays
I've changed all my ways!
I've slaughtered, spilled their blood, oh yes a switch!
Oh Yes!
And I fortunately don't care about you
It's a feeling that I do not posses
Oh my fans, I think it's time
To end them all just like those Limes
Of all the Trolls so the story can progress

Poor Unfortunate Trolls!
In Pain,In Need!
D--> That one longing to be less Sweaty
This one wwants to get the girl
Should I help them?

Poor Unfortunate Trolls
So sad, so true
they come flocking to the fourth wall crying
Please Hussie, Please!
and do I help them?

Now it's happened once or twice
I did something really nice
but then next update

And I hear your sighs and complaints
but I simply am a Saint! (I made them after all)
To these Poor Unfortunate Trolls


Every Troll in either Session will be Slaughtered!
There's a lot of trolls to ****, that's for sure.
The Kids in either session may stay
but I will **** them another day
and if they die then they'll go god tier *yawn

Until you all adore you Huss
say goodbye since Haitus, my dear fans
In a sweep, and a song
the story will move along
and the pain, yes the pain will start again!

Come on you
Poor Unfortunate Fans
Go ahead
hail your Huss!
I'm the creator
Their Maker
and I've got Eternal life*

If you speak against me
then boohoo

You Poor Unfortunate Trolls
Life *****, for you
If you want to go adventuring
then you have to pay the toll

**** it up and get to dying for me
since I'm in full control!
And with my precious power, dear
All their heads will roll!

*Lime Bloods, they're all dead btw
The one who longs to be less Sweaty is Equius, thats why I put the Bow and Arrow. And Eridan Ampora is the one wwho wwants to get the girl. The --- part is where Dialouge which I'll fix later, comment some lines and I'll thank ya for em Plus I found the center option! WOO,
**read this as agan, not again.
***Inside Joke about Andrew
Zemyachis Nov 2013
Yes I jumped in those leaves
crunchy, fluffy, autumn leaves
Waded in the decorative fountain
Climbed on the public art

Yes I danced swing in the BART station
Hid in the grocery store among rolls of
toilet paper
Had to *** a ride after the Dicken's faire
Played in the rain
Hugged my mother
Made my dad take me to see Tangled in 3D

Yes I measured the baking soda for those
dinosaur chocolate chip cookies
Loved Steve Irwin will all my childhood admiration
Was afraid of the Deep End
Memorized Shel Silverstein

Remember my sister reading me Harry Potter
Gripping my best friend on Tower of Terror, Indiana Jones, Space Mountain
Sang Christmas Carols in October
And I'm not even sorry

I was a pirate paleontologist pop-star
pokemon master steampunk rocker renaissance girl who
time-traveled, hunting T-rex
adventuring with Christopher Robin, Calvin and Hobbes

Made two corsages for my junior prom, fed ducks,
ate at Mels, posed in the dollar store, watched
the Avengers in our glittering dresses for the second

Laughed so hard I cried about the stupidest things
I doubted, got lost in Costco, found my faith
Had my prayers answered
For the bestest, most faithful friends
I have the "simple human relief of knowing you’ve done wrong, and living through it"

And don't take this the wrong way
It's not like I'm going to jump off a bridge
Well, maybe with a bungee cord?

But if I died right now
****! Gone.
I wouldn't say I envied anybody
Not really

We've had a pretty **** great time
haven't we?

Oh sure I'd protest
Places to go, people to see, things to eat, but...

As long as You forgive me
my faults

Whose to say,
There is anything else I HAVE to do
Before I have lived a GREAT life

I have nothing to prove
besides that I am grateful
for this breath of life
which may pass at any moment
We see it
As a victory
Of the human spirit,
Tales of glory
That makes us proud.
But it’s a pity
She’s denuded bare,
Ravaged her virginity,
And up there
There’s a crowd.
The height is made to pale,
They’re dwarfing the peak,
Adventurers on glory’s trail
Litter the path they scale.
We take it as a test
Of man’s superior might
That would not rest
Till it scales the greatest height.
But the mountain is no more clean,
Tons of wastes scar its air,
She’s turned into a dustbin
By the crowd going up there.
Should we feel proud,
And not hear the warning bell,
As the mountain is trodden like hell
By the mindlessly adventuring crowd?
Elise Jun 2014
I woke up wanting to kiss you...
oh wait, I never went to sleep,
and if you were missing me in your dreams
it's because you were walking on moonbeams with me.

You've not yet left my thoughts,
not once since the first time we spoke,
and that's no exaggeration, baby,
I would crack under the pressure of that tasteless joke.

But how can I sleep,
your name keeps ringing in my ears,
you're like one of those bees you want to swat away but you're too cute
and you help make the flowers grow so how the hell could I say 'no'?

These flowers that you planted in my chest
keep me rooted but my petals are always willing
to take flight on your flitting wings to new lands
because adventuring with you would be the best new beginning.

And at the end of the day we'd collapse into bed
and you'd whisper, 'buzz, buzz, buzz,' in my ear
right before you pull my lips to yours and kiss me
but there you go again drifting off to sleep.
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Two pilgrims tread the trail of life
Hands entwining heads held high
Strength together striving forward
Eagerly stride into light
Future paths extend before them
Myriad choices at their feet
Ahead the ground may lie uneven
Storm clouds rolling over head
Bonds of marriage defend strongly
Pro-tect through all hardship flung
Growing close through life’s unfolding
Protect inward leaning hold
One mind one thought defining purpose
Each support defend uphold
Strength of heart and resolution
Adventuring .........  two lives as one!

Perinion Dwy cerdd mas i bywyd
Dwy llaw yn gafel pennau lan
Gyda'i gilydd yw y Cryfder
Awyddus cerrdd i golau claer ....
Llwybur yn dyfodol estyn
Efallai *** y llwybyr’n creigiog
Tu blaen eu traid mau dewis glan
Cumylau stormydd dros ben pennau
Cryfder priodas bydd y calon
Cadw’n dau mewn pob afrwyddineb
Yn tyfu’n ddau  dros gyda  n’gilydd
Cyd gafael iawn am cymorth  glir
Un meddwl rhwng y ddau su’n priod
Cariad glan cyfnogi llawn
Calon gryf am penderfynnu
Gyda'i gilydd yn bywyd mawr!
Written for a wedding with Wesh translation

©2010 Robert Clapham
Alex Apples Jun 2013
I want to grow young with you
Watch superhero movies when
Our hairs turn silver blue

I want you to sing silly songs
Snort with laughter at my accents
When the days get long

I want to color in books with you
Read aloud our favorite tales
When the moon is full and new

I want to be your partner-in-crime
Canes tapping in synchronicity
When it's adventuring time

I want us to skydive, soar, be bold
so you and I will be growing young
long after our children have grown old
Savio Feb 2013
It was 5:59 AM when the night ended,
When the night was completely quiet,
Yet, a song moaned incomprehensible verses,
and the portable heater vibrated,
the living room,
like a garden with fresh soil,
ready to be planted with thoughts ideas theories and laughs,
cigarettes half smoked in cups,
a few still swan-ly maneuvering smoke from the neck of the beer bottle,
Everything was good,
an accomplished sensation rushed over me,
with the warm sway of bourbon,
jackets socks shoes pants were sprawled across the floor,
no *** but still,
the sensation of ***, the mind. ******* itself,
being undressed by other Mad Like minds:
lust starving, love adventuring, money coasting, wisdom hungry.
Beside me the trashed 20 dollar sofas occupied by ***** blankets with *** stains and tiny shards of glass with two wise mad men, passionately sleeping, passionately dreaming.
A skinny tall window is in my peripheral vision,
a peripheral vision of the waking city,
of street lights flickering on and off,
the occasional beat-up car trudging along sadly with the wheels and eyes tired,
the car comes to a parking space,
behind the dumpster and it is lost,

The day was pure,
for 30 minutes to an hour,
the day was pure,
I had spent my 10 dollars on bourbon and cheap malt liquor,
which was gas money,
now it was fuel,
for the soul,
the body,
the path,
the vision,
the beauty,
we drove downtown in a blue Oldsmobile with the left tail light out,
while listening to classical music as homeless women and men,
walked heavily in their thin clothes,thin bodies,and torn clothes,
the liquor store was beautiful.
Sad, beautiful, in the way Beethoven's violin sonata No. 5 is,
the building was small,
originally a tiny home,
with a window destined by the Theological Gods,
to be gazed out of by a youthful girl,
completely fascinated by the world,
the occasional insect that would crawl across the window unknowing,
Unknowing of suffer, of girl, of boy, ***, good teeth, nice shoes, women, lovers, success,failure,death, and oil.
The insect crosses the window perhaps returning to its home,

Hauntingly Georg Trakl divine dead vines engulf the back, like a missing boy hugged by his Grandmother her old aged timed hands holding tight, the sides, where the rib cage of a naked women would be, and the roof of the remodeled destined window girl gazing house,

dead tired, and dead plastic blue and black and red milk crates are thrown out into backyard,
romantically sad,
the only sign of life is the neon 'OPEN' gleaming maliciously on the front door,

Driving back to Anthony's apartment,
made up whiskey jugs,
jugs crafted to be drunken by a platoon of war hungry sailors,
with letter perfumed coated writing lover girls in dresses,
waving their hands, their hearts, their ****** loyalty,
waiting for their man to return,

But Anthony was no sailor,
he could out drink a platoon of sailors and still make love to a girl named Clementine with avocado eyes,

as we drive, passing dry and grayed used car lots, and pedestrians. Anthony asks,over the piano and violin,if we should go on a walk through the forest with our freshly purchased liquor.
I agree.
The piano continues on, as does an old black man at the bus stop,
mixing whiskey and orange juice, secretly between his old legs.

We laugh, and both praise him.

Our adventure beginning late in the night,
already drunk on the strong cheap malt liquor,
we bravely enter,
either the mouth,
the bowels,
the ****,
of the forest,
taking a tall can of liquor with us,
avoiding the sharp thin snapping tree limbs from our faces while lighting cigarettes,
passing the liquor between on another,

At peace finally,
comforted by the physical mix of chaos and beauty,
the drunk howling God cursing yelling mad hobo,
some where deep in the thick hairs of the forest,
the freight train smoothing by,
like a mothers eye,
and the distant trickle of a stream waterfall,
we sat in the wet,muddy ground,
monk like,
passing the cigarette,
the cheap malt liquor,
two mad,
wisdom monks,
the chaos,
the beauty,
our dharma,
our christ,
our buddha,
our temple.
User Not Found Feb 2015
I love you more than the sun loves the moon
I love you more than plants love water
I love you more than mickey loves minnie
I love you more than there are stars in the sky
I love you more than my heart loves beating
I love you more than snow loves cold
I love you more than peeta loves katniss
I love you more than bilbo loves adventuring
I love you more than every grass blade on earth
I love you more than i love breathing
I love you more than anyone has loved anything
And that will never change
Ashley Boss Sep 2013
Cuddling under the stars,
Kissing in the rain,
Sleeping in bed,
Holding hands at the zoo,
I spend my days dreaming.
Dreaming of **you.
Kailee something May 2015
Flowers are alone, yet beautiful.
They are free, yet fragile.
Every season they explore,
Adventuring with the sun some more.
Bee’s and the self determination to keep them alive.
Flowers are bright in the middle of July,
They know they are special, they know they are important.
Flowers shine most with love in their eyes.
The soil is loyal, the water is the father.
With so much sovereignty, they are leading their sons and daughters.
I thank these flowers because they bloom and are free, just as I like to be.
Flowers are alone and beautiful,
They are free yet fragile.
Talya Bartlett Oct 2013
Home - what is home?
Most people equate it with where they live,
but I have a different idea.
Home is where the heart is, right?
And what's to stop your heart from going to some place you've never been?
Just as you can't help falling in love with people,
neither can you help falling in love with places.
That's why, to me, Hogwarts is home.
221B Baker Street is home.
The TARDIS, the Shire, the Burrow.
All are home.
The USS Enterprise is my home away from home.
Same with the Winchester's 1967 Chevy Impala.

They say you can feel homesick for places you've never been.
Most people can't quite understand how that works,
but I know what it's like.
While I may get to visit all of these places in my mind,
thanks to the stories surrounding them,
I'll never be able to physically visit these places.
They're real to me. They just don't exist.
But I have been there - to all of them.
Through words on a page or through scenes playing out on a screen,
the stories surrounding these places have allowed me to visit them.
I know from these stories what it's like to travel through time and space.
To live in King Arthur's court.
To witness Sherlock Holmes bored.
Stressing over Potions essays, adventuring to Mordor,
bonding through hours-long drives across country.
These things, these experiences;
they've filled gaps in my soul that I didn't even realize were there.
And that, I think, is why I call them home.
So that even when their stories are over,
I'll still have that connection to them.
UnknownButKnown Apr 2017
Oh, he travels this dark path,
Adventuring beyond death.
He’s the champion of
Molag Bal to Sheogorath.
Oh, The Dragonborn with a dark path.
He’s prepared for the battle.
His legs, torso and head
Covered in metal.

Hands on his sword
Covered in snow.
He’s prepared
To cover his hands with blood

Another war
Heads roll on the floor.
Ulfric on his knees
Praying to the gods.
Killed his own wife
In cold blood
Ripping off her head
With his own hands.
Oh, The Dragonborn with a dark path.
jaden Jun 2014
That night went by so fast, almost as if it never happened.
Yet it went so slow that every single word and thought and emotion was processed like the meat you buy from the supermarket.
Yet some things are still so unclear.
The adventuring must have meant nothing to you.
The hours we spent laying on the hammock were so bittersweet.
Sweet when you held me in your warm embrace,
and bitter when you got up and walked away.

I still hear the sound of your voice and think of earthquakes.
I remember the low rumble coming from my heart;
or was it my lungs?
Either way, there was a very unnatural disaster occurring somewhere within my chest that day and I can’t help but think of the bike rides in the woods.
The winding roads, the rocks and branches, the trips and falls, the scratches and cuts, and how you kissed every single one.
Your lips were like a dream and I remember how your eyes looked when you told me about your father.
I didn't think someone so magnificent was capable of feeling that much pain and loneliness and maybe now I understand why you couldn't stay.

But that doesn't explain why you left me there almost as if to say,
"I changed my mind. Loving you is impossible. It’s too much work, it’s too much pain."
But if that's true, then why is it my heart being shattered between your teeth?
All I wanted was a little more time.
Clay Face Mar 2019
Jesus Christ.
I blame it on my personality
funny, but romantically inept in using it
Smart, but overbearing
Curious, but boundless in exploration
All of these are virtues I have but cannot manipulate.
It haunts me. I hate myself.

Introspection invites pain
Introspection invites healing

I am a gutless fool.
I wallow in excuses.
“I never have the opportunity to talk to her”
Make them.
“I’m not good enough for her”
She stares at you in class.

I love that feeling.
Whenever our eyes meet.
My heart drops. And so does my stomach.
It feels like the floor beneath me.
For that split second. Falls away. It scares me.
Inviting us both into our own world of benevolence.
A flash I wish could be eternity.
Then our gazes dash away just as quickly as they collided.
“Did she notice?”
“Did he notice?”

We “flirted” a lot in 7th grade.
Then we’re separated by schedule.

Didn’t matter.
My pea sized mind...
It couldn’t fathom or even comprehend love.
I didn’t know what I wanted.
I hope you still might want me.

English assignment: write a soliloquy about a personal decision.
I write one about my in complacence and unsureness of sharing my opinion.
You write one about dying your hair blue.
Through your short work you’re funny and shy.

Oh my ******* god. I adore you to death.

At the end you show a stick figure drawing of you next to a college with blue hair.
Labeled: me in college with blue hair.
******* goofy.
I absolutely love it.

If you had blue hair I wouldn’t care.
You’d still be jaw dropping.
Though it would match your eyes.
You have the most gorgeous blue eyes in the entire world.
I literally could get lost in them forever.
They’re so...
Deep like I try to make my poems.


Anything I create though could not be as exquisite.
An ecstasy one could die from.

I feel so creepy reflecting on your looks without you knowing. Like I’m stalking you in my mind?

I haven’t flirted since that math class we shared.
I’m afraid I’m rusty. Dilapidated.
I would say something that would push you away.


I tap your shoulder.
Be hypnotized by your eyes and stand there.


And the sweat.
My palms would be moister than an oyster.
I’d be beet red.
My voice would quiver.
And boom. It’s awkward for both of us.

Awkward can be nice. Just.
At appropriate times.

I’m so weak.
I have no map to a reservoir of strength.
I have no courage to confront you.
I desperately want it.
I need assistance in acquiring it.

I’m a curious guy.
Always looking for adventure in books etc.
But I’m haunted by adventuring toward you.
I see a treacherous path that with one mistake.
I die.

If I make no mistakes.
I win a prize I see myself as undeserving of.

So excuses I make.
And withering inside I drool over you.

We both never talk to the other ***.
I want to talk to you.
And I think you might want to talk to me.
But I block our mingling through fear I cannot control even if it might benefit us both.

I need help.
I’m afraid of getting help.
Then I’d try something and mess up.

Oh my god. Help me.
Thanks if you read it. I’ve never felt this way about someone for so long. I do not know how to approach this. It’s so uncomfortable to me.
Whovianimeniac Apr 2019
Slowly wandering,
From near to far.
Slowing not stopping,
We all drift
Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear.
What! is it she which on the other shore
Goes richly painted? or which, robb'd and tore,
Laments and mourns in Germany and here?
Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps up one year?
Is she self-truth, and errs? now new, now outwore?
Doth she, and did she, and shall she evermore
On one, on seven, or on no hill appear?
Dwells she with us, or like adventuring knights
First travel we to seek, and then make love?
Betray, kind husband, thy spouse to our sights,
And let mine amorous soul court thy mild Dove,
Who is most true and pleasing to thee then
When she'is embrac'd and open to most men.
Night Owl Dec 2012
Sleek are the dragon scales
small as a leaf
Grey like the coming storm
Bright lights pulse my way

Clicking in its own weird talk,
Understanding proves impossible
Talkative one stops jabbering
When night consumes the day

Memory is impeccable
The shell as strong as rock
Many times adventuring
But always returning to stay

Shivering when left alone
Erupting fury when it’s not
Talking again in that language
Quivering where it lay

Replacement after replacement
Each smarter than the last
But impatience with each in turn
As their lives slip away
Chloë Fuller Mar 2015
that **** pond green flannel, those coal mine grey sweatpants
how quickly they lost your scent
of ever adventuring knees and out-stretched arms
usually in my direction
they lost your scent
as soon as I lost you
Animal’s vigor increased
Remaining as the chief companion
Legends of wrecked havoc to a costly treat
No vitality as great the beast

Furred consistency pieced
Shining cylinder eyes, intuition and love
A collectively heartfelt living bundle of fleece
No consistence as great the beast

Faithful affection released
Glistening socket filled up of lively torso
Balanced ***** of warmth and vibrational elite
No fidelity as great the beast

Wildly flippant priest
Adventuring nature’s airy crusade
Marks each day with undertakings to police
No journey as great the beast

Fruitfully sincere beliefs
Flapping the soul of tail and flexing ears  
Man need emulate comrade of hellish defeats
No profit as great the beast

Once utterly deceased
Wallowing the fallen with lathered guilt
Sorrow units form a structure colorfully greased
No replacement as difficult as replacing the beast
PYG's Whisper Sep 2018
I was a kid when I looked up at the sky
I was a kid when I pointed my finger at that star
I was a kid when I made that solemn vow that night
I was just a little kid with a big dream
A small body with a huge energy
I was innocent but my eyes were a mystery
All that was flashing through my mind was success
I was feeling a twinge of envy for those TV superstars
I was praying to god help me confess
Until that day when courage filled my heart
And my lips finally whispered my plan
Mama, I do remember that look in your eyes,
That surge of anxiety you felt,
That lack of confidence you had in me,
Those questions written on your face,
Would I be able to survive?
Would I make it alive?
Papa, I still think about what you wanted me to be,
An open-minded child with a brighter destiny,
You were standing still like a silent hill,
It smashed my hope but it didn’t tear my faith apart
I was running through blurry woods
Looking for the right door
To take me where I thought I belong,
Yes I made it that time
Mother father, drew that smile but it was obviously fake
I wasn’t ready to quit
I was fully aware, it was my journey,
I swore that I would be the pride of my family
I ignored my adventuring youth and work hard for the glory
I endured the pain and aches in order to write my story
After everything I’ve done, here I am,
Felt like my fingertips are barely touching my childhood star
But visibly, it ain’t my Betelgeuse supernova
I’m swimming in an ocean of doubts
Still wondering if this is really what I chose
Day by day I keep questioning myself
Did I make a mistake?
Those people who have been walking just half of my path
Are already holding their shooting stars
Shining like a diamond
Just tell me who’s to blame?
Give me just one answer, why I’m stuck here going nowhere?
I’ve got a million queries choking me
I tried to run away but they keep following me
As soon as I blink my eyelids, I see my dreams fly away
Every day they price my talent but still underrated
You say it’s not my fault so tell me why I can’t keep moving on?
My future is covered by those heavy clouds
So what could happen if I lost myself in the middle of this road?
What if I fall down and live like a forgotten shadow?
I’m completely lost but I’m not strong enough to start over
Maybe I should come through this **** until my life’s nightmare winds up
Would I be able to see the light at the end of this show?
Or maybe die midway with an extensive regret?
My Betelgeuse Supernova, is a poem adaptation of a short story written by Rose Bleue, We both worked together for this project, I proudly had the honor to choose the title of this piece, this prose poem talks about a childhood dream that I referred to a Betelgeuse star, and how after many years of hardships, hard work and fights, that dream can't reach the ****** of its climb, that I described as a "Betelgeuse supernova" because astronomically that star is supposed to explode and to cause a supernova but no one knows when or how , and this is what happened with that kid's dream who's waiting for his supernova." ― PYG's Whisper

"As a writer of the main story “My Betelgeuse Supernova” this has always been my dream to help the readers out there to express their feelings about those who try to achieve their dreams. I know many readers want to catch them but talent isn’t enough to catch your childhood star.
From my personal experience I always dreamed to be someone who can express emotions using my voice. I’m working very hard to get there, and at the moment, I’m one step near to what I’m looking for but the closer I get to my dream the more I’m getting confused. Is this the right path? Is this what I really want? Until today I still can’t find the correct answer. But I realized something important, everything we see is not as good as we’re expecting.
To be honest I hesitated and thought a lot before writing this but thanks to PYG’s support in terms of emotion I bravely made this tough decision to write this story. I would like to say thank you to PYG’s Whisper and her team for make one of my dreams become true. I’m inexperienced in lot of terms but they're helping me with a lot of things. I believe that writing and poetry are both connected as one and I know PYG’s poetic spirit will deliver a deeper meaning of my story.
I hope that my collaboration with PYG’s Whisper will inspire you and help you ease your tension."
― Rose Bleue
Show me, dear Christ, thy Spouse, so bright and clear.
What! is it She, which on the other shore
Goes richly painted? or which, robbed and tore,
Laments and mourns in Germany and here?
Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps up one year?
Is she self-truth and errs? now new, now outwore?
Doth she, and did she, and shall she evermore
On one, on seven, or on no hill appear?
Dwells she with us, or like adventuring knights
First travail we to seek and then make love?
Betray, kind husband, thy spouse to our sights,
And let mine amorous soul court thy mild dove,
Who is most true and pleasing to thee then
When she’s embraced and open to most men.
Lotus Mar 2015
Yesterday morning I awoke like a sparkle.
I rose from my floor mattress and danced and sang!
My clumsy fingers rummaged through the piles of clothing
Making decision a difficult annoyance.
Then finally, dressed simply and breathing heavily,
A knock sounded on my door.
There he was!
A knight so handsome and youthful it made my heart flutter.

So, my heart aflutter and my eyes a sparkle, I took steps
Side by side this gallant knight,
Off to make whatever would be made of that most beautiful day.


The knight and I walked under the trees and
Along the shallow stream.
Walked and talked of many things.
That was the simplest afternoon I can conjure in my mind,
And it was absolutely perfect!

By the end of that afternoon we had already made
A bucket list of adventures for the coming days.
And now,
As I sit on my floor mattress typing away my heart-flutters,
I know I look forward to nothing more than adventuring and discovering
With this handsome youthful gallant knight.
Felicia C Jul 2014
I like when we are alone together.
I like to be alone with you.
I like to be safe and adventuring at the same time, when my head meets the mountain and my feet meet the rock.

my moonbeam mountain boots fell apart the moment I left home, but I picked up my blueberry pail and I took to the fields like I always do.

He picked up your knife and he stabbed a man in the stomach of his heart, where he kept his daughter’s pocket mouse nomenclature. He kept the cells in a jar next to his collection of Roald Dahl stories.

Probably. Maybe not.

I like when I can sleep in your bed and feel absolutely balanced. You tip my femininity when you scratch my back with your stubble before you shave in the mornings and it is so lovely to be near one who can cry.
October 2013
Wilted Seaweed Dec 2013
I'd like to run away from here
Not because life is so bad
But there's so many adventures to be had
I'd need a friend or two to come along
We could go to the beach
We'll sift through murky tide pools
Collect seashells for our hair
Feel the waves against our legs
Make sandcastles and surf
We could go to the redwood forests
We'd awe at the great heights of nature
The smell of rain and earth
It feels like we're the last people left
Alone in silence
We could go around the world
Think of it!
Just the best of friends
Together through thick and thin
Adventuring around the world
No one to stop us
Or tell us we're too young
We can be free
And happy
So what do you say
Let's run away?
Lee Jan 2013
Inside my head
is like a fish bowl.
There's something swimming around
and looking for more
in that one cubic foot of liquid.
Its excreting disgust
and wide eyed
attempting to calculate
the world outside
seven seconds at a time.
There are other things in there
small sharp pebbles of shame
lining the bottom of my existence,
its bedrock.
A fake chest
full of fake treasure
letting out little bubbles of hope
to keep me distracted when ever I try to look out.
All these things seem to be deemed necessary
for one reason
or another
but what if they aren't.
What if I could just dump my fishbowl brain
out onto the counter
and watch my ambition
and courage
do a final death dance
flopping and gasping
in a pool of fake treasure
and little rocks of shame
surrounded by the chilly pool of my memories
on the malted surface of a linoleum counter.
They say the brain
takes fifteen minutes to die.
Could I only experience it
seven seconds
at a time?
Fah Dec 2013
I've swapped:

Blue skies/\Grey Skies
Monsoon Rain/\Drizzle

and it makes me tired, but i should not complain, it's a strange kind of beauty.

All this's something i asked for... but it carries with it a kind of intoxicating nostalgia.

On one hand , it's a most free feeling , the nomadic journey.
One see's with eyes wide open , to the new oldness of a place , and the new oldness of the people who reside there.
You, with cut throat precision come to terms with the fact that,
whilst you have been adventuring, feeling the motions..routine has stood time still...

On the other hand. I yearn for a key to my own front door, where my bags are not packed, and i can invite people over, where i can cook, and clean and maybe fall asleep on the kitchen floor if i feel so inclined.

For there are more gains then losses and i am thankful , for my lesson filled  escapade that is this fictitious life.


I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

I - in all my running , nothing has really worked out the way i'd hoped.
But i have become fierce , like a panther.

I stalk the quiet night time hours , i seek the cover of darkness, i want to fly under the radar.

I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

Don't waste energy talking about something , just do it.
Watchful like a fox, notice the energetic frequencies of actions , of places of emotions , of times , of days.

I've been told many things but i have felt a few more.

People are always warning me ,
you need to remember you were made to have a mortal life.

As if i can escape it.
i've written very little - in a space where usually i would use writing as my funnel to make sense of this strange world...i guess it's all starting to flow now... Swapped Bali for London and another swap in 2 days..
jordyn Dec 2015
a balloon floats over a child’s birthday party that the fat girl wasn’t invited to.
the balloon is the art of maintenance.
let some air out, blow some in, until it’s just right, and then tie it off.

when i was born, i weighed ever so slightly more than six pounds.
that was the last time i’d be slight.
i grew big and grew bigger
years of eating, years of blowing hot air into a balloon hard and fast
with thick, humid inside filling and filling
no longer clear but cloudy and clotted and sick and bigger, and bigger, skin ripping, breaths uncaring, breaths unwavering—

my mother was terrified i’d pop.

i came close in high school, weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds
at the doctor, when i accidentally saw the chart that i was so afraid to see
that i hadn’t seen it in years
and now, here, i saw the weight that i was so afraid, all of this time, to know that i carried.

but i felt it qualitatively
not in the knees, where they tell you you’ll feel it
not in the tightening and narrowing of my overstuffed clothes and arteries
plaque lining them, hardening into tunnels that the blood
can’t find a way through in more than needle thin streams
little brooks in a body born with rivers

not in the heart pumping hard to keep up
not in the swollen, alien stomach that i am sure does not belong to Kate Moss
but i am unsure truly belongs to me.
it looks nothing like the plus size model’s tanned, toned, macro version of a micro Moss
flawless and shiny and glazed with the flecks of photoshopped light
i am a photographer myself, i know the tricks
i felt it in the way the world treated me.

and i know that woman, my designated sister in size who couldn’t fit in my pants and whose shirt I’d drown in, the predetermined champion of my cause,
my implied, targeted marketing role model gimmick and plea to the outraged girls with thick thighs to settle
for someone shopped, just like everyone else.
edited, audited for body parts like stretch marks and pale skin and lines of hair
called happy trails but are sad
that scream desperately for air and an ending when someone,
someone they call brave, runs his tongue along the clearing where they ripped out our flowers and called them weeds, a sad reminder
that i call him brave, too, because they told me he was.

they told me he was brave for adventuring my hills and valleys.
he is no explorer, most of the time.
he is simply a tourist.

they tell me to settle for a woman who still doesn’t look like me.
and they set me a new standard to aspire to—

so i looked in the mirror, ****** it in, twisted, manipulated, tried on this bra and these underwear
and yes, my waist looked slim and yes, my hips had breadth and yes, my ******* were massive and yes, I looked like her.

but then, my mother screamed.

“you are going to die! this is so unhealthy! we have to do something!”
because my high school sent a letter home telling my mother that i was abominable based on three letters and three digits:
BMI- 37.1
i took off my control top *******.
i undid the latch on my push up, padded bra.
i deflated my stomach.
i deflated my pride.
i looked in the mirror in shock and horror like viewing an old time slasher flick in the back of a drive in in the middle of the night in the days where maybe there’d be a hook on the handle when he came to open my door.
i did not look like her.

i let out the air in slow and painful pinches.
and sometimes it swam, doing pirouettes in the bowl like a little dancer
a teaser of the kind of thin lean woman i am not unless these dinners keep spinning
clockwise down the toilet before i feel them weigh in my stomach
and i am wise to the clock – wait just 30 minutes and you take up half the calories.
do it now, now, now, you have to, you have to – and you’ll take up half the space.
Ana told me to and she is only looking out for me.
the numbers decline to 199 and i think 189 could be mine if i put in the time
and i’m wise to the clock so i start the countdown from 199 to 189 to 177 and i quit

because i let the air out, and for once in my life, when i left my house in two months’ time for the first time,
for once in my life, i wanted to let it in.

some days it leaks out of me.
one more laxative won’t hurt and i don’t care if the weight is fat, water, or ****, it still counts
155, 159, 163…161, 159, 155
and sometimes i still think
Ana is my friend.

but when i’m weak and jealous and out of my head
and angry at the explorer i’ve met who tells me he has so enjoyed his visit
that he’s decided to move in forever, enchanted with the landscape and the history and culture in the area, in the country i’ve built through disorder and plants and bread and loss and skin bunching and ribs you can feel and an *** you can grab so hard sometimes it hurts
sometimes i still think Ana is my friend.

but when i am deflated and counting and wearing out my plastic, and I think one way or another, I’m going to die
I’ll **** myself, with razor blades or Ativan or cancer from these ******* laxatives or these appetite suppressant menthol 100 cigarettes or maybe I’ll just jump like I wanted to
But any day, if I keep going, I’m going to pop—
I realize something about my friend Ana.
when i’m sickly and tired and ******* my brains out
and wishing i hadn’t hurt and built walls to keep out the man that filled the vacancy in my hotel heart who i promised to marry to keep in my country, the one built from feminist strength, brick and bone and stars and skin and roses and muscle and fat and beauty,

baby, take your visa back and let’s knock down these walls and we can tie me off.
Ana is not my friend.
She’s holding the pin.

— The End —