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985 · Aug 2022
VKBoy Aug 2022
He says he loves you
But he cannot walk in your steps
He always looks at you
Yet he cannot accompany you anywhere
He sleeps early but wakes up late
Even though he dreams of deserts and dry places
He says he sees himself in you
But his shadow never merges with yours
He asks you all sorts of questions
Yet he stays silent like a fallen flower to your questions
He smiles brightly like the sky
When it flashes lightning and rolls down thunder
And crashes on your hopes.
For he is a lying lover
With an angelic outside but a devilish inside.
432 · Jun 2019
VKBoy Jun 2019
Owner of
Eyes that even fish envy
For the allure they own

Holder of
Lips that even bees lust after
For the honey they always bathe in

Possessor of
A voice that even parrots adore
For the jolliness it embodies

Governor of
A fragrance that even flowers fall for
For the happiness it carries

Heiress of
A waist that even goddesses praise
For the curves of the world it can construct

Dear oh my dear
You are the only soul in the world
Who can mutate my madness
To a level never before seen or heard of
As you maneuver my fate
To the enamoring realm of rapture

Asthore oh my asthore
Come and pour your sweetness
On this sad shrinking heart
And breathe life into it
By branding me with thrilling bites
As much as you want
With no qualms or second thoughts
And drown me in the sea of love
Bound by a watertight embrace
Until we sink to the deepest depths of idyll
And explore all there is to experience.
"A thrilling bite is all it takes to lose your heart to another."
430 · Sep 2020
VKBoy Sep 2020
As he watched
The war began
And the warriors raged on
And slew a legion of enemies
Then came the song of the arrows
Flying over the fort walls
Setting fire to peace and beauty
Burning his kingdom to the ground
Leaving many dead within his mortal sight
Dragging his soul along
Into the dirt and what lay beyond
For ever and ever
To force him to holler and quiver
All because he refused to surrender
But he can’t do that ever
For he wasn’t just any warrior
But the king of them all
One who would rise and fall
Alongside his people and his kingdom.
Death in war is but an honor
To him, the warrior king
Who lives on through his supreme case.
417 · Jun 2019
VKBoy Jun 2019
Two lives
One dream
Four eyes
One sight
Two Tongues
One voice
Four legs
One stand
Two stomachs
One meal
Four claws
One foe
Two hearts
One beat
Four wings
One flight
Two birds
One love
Four directions
One destination.
"These birds may be ordinary, but their love ain't no joke."
405 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
There’s nothing bright
To warm us on this windy night.
So let us not fight
But instead use our smite
To turn this naked plight
Into a cozy ordeal outright.
"When you can’t have everything, you yield and make use of what you have."
- Sinario Vesta, Shambala Sect
394 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
What just happened?
Why does the mighty being look so small today?
Why are your usual bright eyes now shedding tears?
So many eyes deem you ferocious
But who among them could see your heart of butter?
You who once lead a pack
Who put your life on the line for every hunt
Who showed the way for the young ones to walk
Who once believed all the pack members to be your own
Is now roaming all alone.
The sun lost his brilliance out of sorrow
And the winds bore your tears
And the clouds brought rain to hide your heartbreak.
O, great wolf, can’t you see?
The world is wailing after your throes
But it is also wishing you to overcome the tribulation
For who else can if even you can’t conquer your heart?
O, mighty wolf, you may be alone
But you still have the heart of an alpha
So please keep moving forward
And prove all ill-wishers wrong.
348 · May 2019
VKBoy May 2019
There isn’t a day I didn’t hope
To come out of the delusions
The world has thrown at me.
Every day has been a struggle
For something more than just survival
More than just success
And it was to be loved.
I’ve given my all in every situation
To come out victorious as well as good
Yet here I am
Still feeling as miserable as ever
Breathing less and less freely
Surrounded by success
That had the stench of darkness
Which strengthened with every surmounted endeavor of my life
For no matter how hard I’ve been trying
To be a good guy
I still feel like
I’m living in a delusional world
Where I’ll forever be the one
Loves to hate
Hugs to steal
Talks to trick
Touches to taint
And possibly do much more
Than my eyes can make out.
I have no clue as to why
I can’t overcome this growing feeling
That is evolving into a severe reality
With each passing day.
But after so many years of pain
I think I finally know the answer.
Not all success stories can be treasured
Only the ones that hearts feel affection for.
Though I’ve changed a lot
Maybe I’m still wanting to be
Loved or hugged too hard
Talked or touched too much
And maybe it’s time
For me to stop trying to be good
And start trying to be who I am.
“What lies beyond victory is the victor’s heart.” ―  VKBoy
To look beyond success and taste the sweet life of it, we must start looking into our hearts first.
301 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
Like every *** has a limit
So does every existing heart
As to the weight of emotions
It can carelessly contain.
So let not the *** overflow
Or the heart over bloats.
Do often share sums of it
With the hearts that lack it
Or you’ll fail to handle
The hurdles God throws.
295 · May 2019
VKBoy May 2019
Like the glow of the moon
Glows the face of every woman
Like the grace of the moon
Goes above the fashion of every man
Alike in many ways
Be it in grace or in face
Woman and the moon go way back

Like the shine of the sun
Shines the semblance of every man
Like the service of the sun
Outvies the avail of every woman
Alike in many ways
Be it in service or semblance
Man and the sun go way back

Like the twin celestials of the skies
Must complement the man and the woman
Like the two lights sharing a full day
Must share the glee and the gloom
To make their two alright selves as one good self
And grow rich in the time they stay around
For the man and the woman go just as way back.
Man and woman share so many similarities with the sun and the moon. A full day isn’t complete without the sunlight during the day and the moonlight during the night, gracing us in turns. Earth wouldn’t exist much less prosper without any of the two. In the same way, the bond between man and woman cannot flourish if they don’t learn to complement each other. Man and woman are alike in many ways but aren’t the same. They must not try to outclass each other in every aspect. A man must do his work, the one he’s good at, and his woman must support him. A woman must do her work, the one she’s good at, and her man must support her. They are more complete together than alone.
This poem was taken from my novel Shambala Sect. A poem of the West that’s gotten ever so popular in the East. It’s written by a character named Surya Chand.
284 · Mar 2020
VKBoy Mar 2020
Never fall in love with money
For it will break your heart apart
Like gold does to hundred silvers
Silver to hundred coppers
And copper to twenty faces
The said pieces when put together
Never add up to the necessary.
A poem from the novel Shambala Sect.
281 · Sep 2020
VKBoy Sep 2020
Every life exists
To live and multiply.
Every note exists
To compose marvelous melodies.
Imagination exists
To see the worlds that cannot be seen.
Emotions exist
To express in languages that cannot be spoken.
Death, too, exists
To let the living taste the pain of losing.
All things exist for a reason
To make every mother’s son as they’re now.
So fret not, folks
For no one is an exception
To the wonders and woes of this world
Set in motion by the biggest yet gentlest hand of all.
By: Yohann Rosenthal, Shambala Sect
266 · Feb 2019
VKBoy Feb 2019
If you're in poorness, you're not alone
If you're in pain, you're not alone
If you're in a long chase, you're not alone
If you've wasted years of life, you're not alone
If your future is in doubt, you're not alone
If nobody helps you, you're not alone
If nothing seems to work, you're not alone
If the world seems to be crushing you, you're not alone
If you feel like a broken thing, you're not alone
If you're at your limit, you're not alone
If you wish to sleep forever, you're not alone
If you don't want to be alone, you're not alone
When you commit mistakes, you're not alone
When you can't find peace, you're not alone
When you're walking a lonely road, you're not alone
When you're in your own head, you're not alone
When you're smiling alone, you're not alone
When you're alone, you're not alone.
Author of this poem: Stussy, a character from my novel 'Shambala Sect'.
218 · Oct 2020
VKBoy Oct 2020
Say what?
Humans are evil?
Can’t say the same, monsieur.
After all, humans are good.
Let my tongue expound upon mankind
And cast away all the qualms of a piece.
Humans are good.
I dare say men are good
Just as women are good
That their children are extra good.
As a family, they are good some more.
As a whole, humanity is good—above all.
Thus we shall keep that in mind for good.
So long as we treasure it in our hearts, then it’s all good.
By: Yohann Rosenthal, Shambala Sect
215 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
They come as a dream in the night
And smile like a fresh flower
But beware if you sniff the wrong bloom
You’ll lose some of your beauty
More than just in the face
And it’s only the beginning of your worries
So always be cautious with what you breathe in.
183 · Sep 2020
VKBoy Sep 2020
A fox in the desert
A tiger in the mountains
A lion in the prairie
An owl in the sky
A river horse in the rivers
An orca in the ocean
And a human in the world at large.
By: Yohann Rosenthal, Shambala Sect
176 · Mar 2020
VKBoy Mar 2020
O, plebs and gentlefolks
Open your eyes to art
Finger your ears to tune
And lend your hearts to life
For she is on the way
To rock you every way
And rid you of cliche
With her feminal sway.
Have a gander at this wonder
But beware the hunger
O, busy humanity
As you hear my plea of spirity
Through the mandolin of clarity
So you salvage your sanity
Whip your vanity
And let go of mundanity
For hopeful cords are her hairs
Cyanic berries are her eyes
Blushing cherries are her lips
And so good is her smile
The next thing you know
Romance is on the rise.
A song by Yohann Rosenthal, a character of Shambala Sect.
175 · Oct 2020
VKBoy Oct 2020
O, plebs and gentlefolks
Open your eyes to art
Finger your ears to tune
And lend your hearts to life
For she is on the way
To rock you every way
And rid you of cliche
With her feminal sway.
Have a gander at this wonder
But beware the hunger
O, busy humanity
As you hear my plea of spirity
Through the mandolin of clarity
So you salvage your sanity
Whip your vanity
And let go of mundanity
For hopeful cords are her hairs
Cyanic berries are her eyes
Blushing cherries are her lips
And so good is her smile
The next thing you know
Romance is on the rise.
By: Yohann Rosenthal, Shambala Sect
142 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
Don’t know when it happened
But by all means believe it
A house has been built in my heart
And it's waiting for you to grace
And see the name on the walls
Before the blood washes them away
So please come promptly
And save my little love
Before it escapes the heart
That opens up not for all.
110 · Feb 2020
VKBoy Feb 2020
The sun shows
The night goes
The wind blows
The river flows
The flower grows
And the heart knows.
By Lirzod Basha, Shambala Sect

— The End —