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Sep 2020 · 527
what if
MayC Sep 2020
what if I told you
I saw a lioness with fire eyes?

what if I told you
I witnessed the collapse of a marble empire?

what if I told you
I saw ashes floating from a soul burned by passion?

what if I told you
I saw an ice-cold Phoenix raising from snow?

what if I told you
I saw a canary so joyful its melody charming even the shyest of sun rays?

what if I told you
I saw a golden but poisonous rose?

what if I told you
I saw waterfalls coming down from blue and green galaxies?

what if I told you
I saw honey dripping from a dark heart?

what if I told you
I saw a diamond so rare that its brilliance scared even the lightning?

would you believe me?
would you think I'm lying or fantasising or even creating metaphors of imagination?

what if I told you
to look in the mirror?
what if you see
what I once saw?
May 2020 · 246
MayC May 2020
you tried to hurt me
with poisonous tears.
you threw at me
your bravest fears,
unleashing your demons
on my bare shoulders
to **** my soul
with their tar black boulders.
-pieces from your spirit-
you made my worlds
and my words
perfectly playing your villainous part,
you can't believe
i still make
-and breathe-
but darling,
did you forget
i had a spiked heart?

-May Colde
Feb 2020 · 241
MayC Feb 2020
today's lunatics
are tomorrow's artists.

-May Colde
Jan 2020 · 190
MayC Jan 2020
it happened.
i screamed silently with my tears,
you hurt me with your fears.

you seemed to care,
but I'm afarid that you'll scare
my scarred heart,
my fragile art.

now a freezing fire burns in me
running softly
through my soul,
tar black coal,
hiding quietly ,
in old rusty tin,
the diamond within.

-May Colde
Masks were on the floor, but yours was still in your hands.
Jan 2020 · 185
MayC Jan 2020
take yourself some time:
-to admire the clear, pastel sky,
maybe tomorrow it'll rain.
-to smell the blooming flowers,
maybe tomorrow they'll wilt.
-to hear the melody of the birds,
maybe tomorrow they'll fly away.
-to live, not just to exist,
and you'll be grateful for what I say.
forever is not something made for humans.
but we can at least taste it.

-May Colde
Sep 2019 · 350
MayC Sep 2019
you burnt my eyes
so they poured oceans of water
to recover
but that’s ok
you are so proud of your flame
so I really hope that wherever you go
you leave fire behind your footsteps
not realising
that no one will dare
to follow you again.

-May Colde
Careful what you wish for.
Sep 2019 · 363
good in evil
MayC Sep 2019
how comes that
hell souds like angel
and heaven rhymes with devil
maybe there's not only one path
no mercy,
or wrath
or maybe there's only the human nature
who's just winning to lose
and forgetting not to choose.

-May Colde
"Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other."
-Eric Burdon

Only humans believe in good or evil, while there can be either bitterness or kindness that define their actions.
Sep 2019 · 308
MayC Sep 2019
you couldn't write your words
on my soul
so I put mine
on paper.

-May Colde
Sep 2019 · 311
Mona Lisa
MayC Sep 2019
not even Mona Lisa's eyes
can hypnotize me
like yours do.

-May Colde
Aug 2019 · 215
MayC Aug 2019
you are uselessly trying to learn
how to fly
when you’re living in a cage.

-May Colde
Even if it has golden bars and flowers inside, it’s still a prison.
Aug 2019 · 1.8k
MayC Aug 2019
I am sometimes angry,
sometimes sad
and at worst,
even afraid.
when I see everyone’s perfect lives,
ignoring their lies,
and their webs and
bewitching melodies,
gorgeous figures
and golden possessions.
I am not damaged by them,
or by their honey,
but by the idea
that I will never be enough,
not for me,
or my family,
or the society.
I am afraid that one time
she will finally catch me
with those long and sharp claws,
screaming, mocking voice
and slender but greedy figure.
but most of all
I’m afraid by her call
and her lies
and Jealousy’s mesmerizing
emerald eyes.

-May Colde
But I remember my own eyes, and my soul, stronger than even the sharpest diamond.
Aug 2019 · 728
MayC Aug 2019
don't let them fool you
with their sweet chamomile gold,
perfumed coffee,
elegant and attractive champagne
or even sparkling, fun Cola.
for you are not tea,
their source of energy,
their party flavour
or their soda.
they will consume you in an instant.
because darling,
you are whisky in a crystal glass.
liquid fire,
unable to be understood by many,
but oh, so addictive.

-May Colde
Stay wild and free.
Aug 2019 · 616
she is tired
MayC Aug 2019
she is tired.
she is tired of the Sun always shining
on the perfect figures of the forgotten ancient Gods
and their pagan daughters,
drowning in gold and in sparkling lava rivers.
she is tired
when everyone walks in the right direction
just to escape from the cold breeze of a pouring rain,
to arrive in their comfortable homes just to stay hours
and hours in a hot bathtub
"it's been a rough day",
tamed by the running water,
but afraid by the ever flowing
and alive rain.
she is tired of the perfect muses,
the ivory shapes of the perfect cover bodies nowadays,
who sacrifice their souls to the
hungry society,
who buys and sells them to the
even hungrier public,
being devoured alive and becoming a dark,
fearful and overly docile
she is tired of the
"you should take care more of yourself"
"you should act your age"
"you should do something with that pretty face of yours"
and she just feels like running,
but not running to someone,
but dancing
with the wind as her partner,
because no one can understand her power
and her shapshifting personality like him,
so she grooves unlike other people,
and she is not moved by them,
but they shudder and they are moved
by her dance.
she is tired
of people fearing the Unknown
and afraid to ask,
be curious,
and wild,
so she invites the Unknown
each night
to spend some time with her
and to watch the stars
and he teaches her about the fire they are made from
the celesital fire that exists within
each and every one of us
but it is put out
by every bitter,
as heavy as the ocean
tear, which drips from
the darkest and most hidden corners from our
beating, but oh, so wounded hearts.
she is tired by the gruesome horrors
that make some lives
just existential,
creating scared puppets,
with strings as painful as iron chains
hanging from their backs.
so she releases from them
with every new step that she takes.
she is tired of everyone comparing her
to a soft flower,
pink and naive,
not being allowed to fully bloom
or to grow her own thorns.
she is tired of everyone who
longs so much to fly,
that they forget how to walk,
barefoot on the wet grass,
among misty forests at dawn,
feeling the Father Earth beneath our feet.
yes, she is tired.
but this means that in this sleepy,
poisoned world,
she is awake.
And she will refuse to go to sleep. She is afighter who won't ever give up.
As long as she opens her eyes, she can see hope.
Aug 2019 · 313
poet #2
MayC Aug 2019
I am melting gold on my papers.
I’m wandering trough words of honey
to spread them on your soul,
just to make it a little more sweet.
There is an explosion of light
running trough a field of breadcrumbs
from my crumpled,
but rich like blood red jam
I write my sins with candy canes
sugarcoating them
‘cause I am only afraid
you won’t remember my good
but you will never forget my bad.
There is only hope,
hanging from a rope
and, of course,
who’s silently dripping from my heart,
oh, my heart,
my only enemy
destroying me,
turning my whole lighthearted existence
into a heavy tar abyss.
not only does it hurt,
but it also tastes bitter.
like coffee during golden hours,
hot and black,
but, oh so good
and so relieving,
it becomes my essence,
my blood.
So I return to honey and candy canes
and hide behind my fingers
and behind my lying eyes.
But I reveal myself at night,
being at my true self,
a sinner,
a liar,
a poet.

-May Colde
Who are you ?
Aug 2019 · 1.1k
MayC Aug 2019
one sheep
two sheep
and I’m trying to fall asleep.

three sheep
four sheep
I can’t remember what I’m waiting for.

five sheep
six sheep
but I can hear their howl.

seven sheep
eight sheep
there must be wolves at the door.

nine sheep
ten sheep
or my husband returned from war.

eleven sheep
twelve sheep
when did I get out in the hall?

another sheep
and a sheep
I don’t know what I’m looking for.

a sheep
and a sheep
and I hear a roar.

and sheep
why was I coming at the door ?

a sheep
another sheep
I must go and try to sleep.

one sheep
two sheep
and I’m trying to fall asleep.

-May Colde
There is no escape from the cage of the human mind.
Jul 2019 · 157
poet #1
MayC Jul 2019
I am writing my wounds
for others’ to heal.
I am turning my pain into ink
so that your tears will find my words
too beautiful to erase.
I am acting like a madman
for you to see that you’re not alone.
I am crying when I’m writing
so that you won’t need to do so.
I am smiling when I’m writing
so you can do it too.
I sprinkle hope over my art
so you can feel it too.
I store melancholy,
and secrets
behind my dark letters,
so they won’t steal the light from you.
I am writing for you,
the one filled with rage,
and fear.
Let my words heal you.  

-May Colde
Maybe after all I’m not acting. Maybe I am a madman.
Jul 2019 · 410
MayC Jul 2019
sometimes I just want
to be woken up at 3 a.m.
in the morning
just to watch the stars.
to see what are they doing
while we are asleep.
because no one knows how
they live
how they truly shine.
stardust on our eyelids
to make us fall
on purpose.
their energy may fill
the entire
and we,
so innocent,
so naive,
we may never know what they are
up to.
for they can bring life
with their warmth
and their light
but they can
give birth to chaos,
in an abyss of a black hole.
the death of a star,
we think we know them.
but how about their birth?
you never see their spells
how they conjure up and
sing together
and dance through constellations
to welcome their new sister.
no one knows.
not even the Giant
can predict what they can do.
no new stars.
the same light.
with the same speed.
billions and billions
light years
and the distance may come to us
and hunt our minds.
are they still alive ?
are they still emanating
pure, golden
for the heartbroken,
former lovers' eyes
represent the stars.
and oh, how tragic
and beautifully melancholic
it is
to better think that
the stars don't shine anymore.
if not for them,
than fo no one.
don't share the night sky with anyone.
don't wake up just to catch them.
don't dismiss their magic stardust
that puts you to sleep.
because they will enchant you
and make you wish
you never shared their secrets with anyone,
not even yourself.

-May Colde
Sorry for the possible mistakes.
Jun 2019 · 436
writer's block
MayC Jun 2019
my nerves are full of fire
but my hands are paralyzed.
my imagination is transforming into shapes
that do not exist yet,
but it is locked behind my eyes,
refusing to be exteriorised.
my feelings colour my heart,
pumping stardust in my blood,
making my whole existence
go mad.
I'm emotionless.

-May Colde
oh, what a tragedy for the writings.
Jun 2019 · 658
MayC Jun 2019
it may sound crazy, but
do you know how many
species of ducks are there ?
beautiful, gracious, colorful
well, of course not.
because you'd rather
spend your time
crying over another copy
of a swan.

-May Colde
try to find the beauty in the unique.
Jun 2019 · 321
MayC Jun 2019
beware of those
smile with sharp teeth,
gaze with arrows
and greet with claws.
theirs shadows cover
their souls.

-May Colde
Take care.
May 2019 · 207
MayC May 2019
my hands were too weak to write.
my eyes were drowning in salty waters.
my mind swam in chaos.
my heart pumped pain.
and a shadow eclipsed my soul.
but my feelings were too strong to stop.

-May Colde
Sorry for the possible grammar mistakes!
May 2019 · 198
MayC May 2019
"I would die for you"
is a coward's way
to show love.
Live for someone.
Bleed for them.
See the gold in their tar black shadows.
Have an icy mind
and fire blood.
Earth heart
and a character as strong
and sublime
as the ocean.
Death would be too simple.
Live, bloom.
Someone already lives for  you.

-May Colde
#love #art #new
Apr 2019 · 117
MayC Apr 2019
it is true.
the eyes really are
a window to one's soul,
but have you ever seen
their hands ?
with veins full of passion,
with delicate lightnings of age,
with roads and webs of life,
capable of creating,
of giving birth to art,
of feeling the warmth of the light,
of sensing the deep power of water,
of being controlled by feelings.
oh, how they shudder of fear,
how they lose blood and colour when
in love
or how they turn red of cold
or of anger.
bless them,
for they offer shape
to our mind's beautiful demons.

-May Colde
Eyes are windows. Hands are mirrors.
#create #art #new #hands #love #feelings
Feb 2019 · 394
MayC Feb 2019
not even the Eiffel Tower at night
can top
the light in your eyes.

-May Colde
Feb 2019 · 194
MayC Feb 2019
when I see you
the adrenaline lava rushes
and fills my body
with stellar electricity
just like the smoke
from your cigarette
pierces your lungs
with shadow poison.

-May Colde
#new #art #cigarette #adrenaline #stellar
Feb 2019 · 153
MayC Feb 2019
'you look better  with
no make-up on.'
say often the ones
who wear so much
'make-up', that they
create a full-mask
on their souls.
funny how I cover
my face,
but you cover
your whole existence.

-May Colde
Not even make-up can help dark souls.
#art #new #soul #mask
Feb 2019 · 157
black hole
MayC Feb 2019
when I was with you
I had my soul
filled up with
a light so pure
it could make you,
even myself go blind.
and when you left,
you stole it like a thief,
leaving nothing but
tar darkness and
                           but honey, don't you know
                                      how dangerous can a black hole be ?

-May Colde
There is an immense power in the emptiness of the void. You just need to feel it.
Jan 2019 · 215
MayC Jan 2019
bodies drown in water.
pain drowns in art (and bourbon ).

-May Colde
amber venom
Jan 2019 · 153
MayC Jan 2019
may you have
words of honey
and a chaos of a soul;
calm in your eyes
and fire in your heart,
clarity in mind
and magic at the top
of your fingertips.
may your imagination
be wild and free.
may you see
the light behind
the lurking shadows.
may you hear
the song of dandelions
and taste
the stardust.
may you run
through galaxies
and wander between
and may you feel everything
'cause, darling,
I see the sunlight
in your spirit.

-May Colde
Be your own muse and your own masterpiece at the same time.
#art #new #may
Jan 2019 · 208
MayC Jan 2019
blessed be
a sinner's mouth
for it speaks
the purest truth.

-May Colde
#art #new #sinner #truth
Jan 2019 · 179
MayC Jan 2019
open a book,
reveal a galaxy.

-May Colde
#art #new #book #galaxy
Jan 2019 · 246
MayC Jan 2019
the Sun sends
its light
to warm the Earth.
the clouds bless it
with rain
just like the trees
try to reach for
the Sky
with their branches.
the Earth and the Cosmos
can't touch each other.
we are their bridge.

-May Colde
#new #art #sun #sky #rain #trees
Jan 2019 · 267
MayC Jan 2019
waves and earthquakes
may have the power
to shake our world
and our bodies.
but nothing makes
our souls shudder
like words do.

-May Colde
#art #words #power #art #new
Jan 2019 · 220
MayC Jan 2019
'don't be so cold'
they often say.
better cold
dead inside
like you.

-May Colde
Look in the mirror before judging.
#art #new #cold
Jan 2019 · 154
MayC Jan 2019
we often think
about the honey
that's missing from
our cup of tea.
and we tend to deny
that it is the lemon
we put there
that adds so much

we often forget
to add happiness
to simplicity.

-May Colde
Happiness can't be found because it is not hiding. We forget that it exists.
#taste #new #art #tea #lemon #honey
Jan 2019 · 513
MayC Jan 2019
blossom flowers
melted hours
caramel sunsets
us reunited.
                                midnight kisses
                                slow whispers
                                dancing bodies
                                careless souls.
   such a summer grail.

-May Colde
Can't wait to make a poem out of summer.
#art #summer #new #flowers
Jan 2019 · 179
MayC Jan 2019
don't be fooled.
       broken hearts' tears
             sweet venom
to former lovers.

-May Colde
What did you expect ?
#art #love #venom #heart #new
Jan 2019 · 169
The Spectacular Paradox
MayC Jan 2019
the most dangerous
is called

-May Colde
Art unites and individualises us at the same time.

#art #tornado #new #paradox
Jan 2019 · 333
MayC Jan 2019
we adore her.
we worship the Moon
but we forget that
it is the Sun that
shines for her
and lets her
steal the show
every night.

-May Colde
Aspire to have an independent light.

#art #moon #sun #new
Jan 2019 · 97
MayC Jan 2019
checking my hopes
                      flying to the deepest galaxies
                                                           landing in poetry.

-May Colde
#art #galaxy #new
Jan 2019 · 335
MayC Jan 2019
first burn.
then catch fire.

-may colde
#art #fire #burn
Jan 2019 · 302
MayC Jan 2019
are a writer's brushstrokes.
and the library
is their museum.

-may colde
#art #exhibit #words #museum
Jan 2019 · 151
MayC Jan 2019
each and every one
of them
looks almost the same.

we are used to
a myriad of velvet petals,
lush, glossy leaves,
their angelic scent.

but maybe it's the thorns
that make a rose beautiful.

-May Colde
#art #new #rose
Jan 2019 · 408
MayC Jan 2019
sometimes I still remember
                                 that night.
the night when everything seemed perfect.
        when I felt like the universe gathered us.
the night when the cold sea breeze was kissing
                                                             the stardust.
     when the Moon was calling her Sun
      and even the darkest streets were melted in          
                                                                ­            hope.
the night when we felt love like time:
                              endless and unstoppable.

-May Colde
#fireworks #art #love #new
Jan 2019 · 195
MayC Jan 2019
everyone tries to
mimic the moon.
but honey,
open your eyes.
the stars are brighter
and alive.
and their light is endless
just like the human soul.

-May Colde
#art #moon #stars #new
Jan 2019 · 188
MayC Jan 2019
It's like a waterfall
                   coming from your chest.
it's like billions of colours
                   gave birth to a star.
it's like you created
                   a new Nature.
it's like a dive into
                   a pool of life.
and coming
with a diamond out of
                                        your soul.

And that, my darling, it's how it feels
to create.

-May Colde
#art #new #cosmic
Jan 2019 · 323
MayC Jan 2019
the heat of the summer
fades facing the cold moon.
but I like it here
on our rooftop
held by your arms.
reality seems far away
when you're waiting
for the stars.

-May Colde
#art #love #new #stars
Jan 2019 · 170
MayC Jan 2019
we want to be the Sun
but we are all waves
in this endless ocean
by the Moon.

-May Colde
#art #moon #sun #new

— The End —