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Mar 2020 · 165
save us now
Hello Prolly Mar 2020
if I am a verse
you are a petter

if you are a line
I’m this letter

a sonet
of a non poet

for worse
and better

the Poem's Ark
sail us now!
Dec 2019 · 311
meaning of life
Hello Prolly Dec 2019
I've been occupied
seeking the meaning of life,

reading it was forty-five
now, it doesn't matter,

so bare is the matter
I don't count the stars,

not even the scars
Nov 2019 · 421
Hello Prolly Nov 2019
Uspal jsem roky
uspal jsem tmu

uspal jsem těla
zůstává mu


anebo, samo nebe
a samo nebo tebe
Oct 2019 · 451
married and married
Hello Prolly Oct 2019
on the floor

no lore

no-one and nothing
still worth more than more

a silent parade of rain
the rain of heaven

in the circle of
woven limbs

now all in,
and out on the limb

Will just
marries Lara

now on)
Oct 2019 · 569
Hello Prolly Oct 2019
I've come
    to you
to meet
hence your
be my golden
Sep 2019 · 197
wants and haves
Hello Prolly Sep 2019
I don’t want to want you,
but want you when I have you

I have you as I’ll never have you,
never have to have you

Want is no red lava
Have is no pink love
Sep 2019 · 175
Hello Prolly Sep 2019
I am Victor,
the Virtuous or the Vicious

In my Victory
am I the Victim?

And you,
my Vicinity?
Kimi no na wa
Sep 2019 · 230
cry and fuck
Hello Prolly Sep 2019
they ******
them up
they cried
they ******
they’re up
they cry
and ****
what luck
Aug 2019 · 343
the threesome day
Hello Prolly Aug 2019
Hope the sound of crickets
resting near your head
won’t wake up the bed
or want it?

just to tell you
now looking for a name
to call the day
that went the distance of three

I felt I did
I felt I slept
and shined through
and walked right at

I lost my breath
subtle hurts underneath
around my head
and heartily heartened

found a friend in friends
so talking their strange lingos
made me see the closeness
in the foreign truth

that carries

on-times so unusual
coincidental timing
and all the gones
how me, my zones

being alone
so moving, so home
near others
sleepwalking lovers

nervous panics
wordy freaks
one sided
broken line

still don't know today
the name
of ******* scattered

thus this scattered fragments,
my scatterline,
I just want to whisper
to your resting mind

while still smelling you
on structures of my skin,
sound tenderly
the creaks of crickets!
talking to you, talking to me
Aug 2019 · 630
alone (the reasons)
Hello Prolly Aug 2019
thank you

for reminding me to be alone
the reason to be with you
Aug 2019 · 471
Hello Prolly Aug 2019
I love nonsense,
especially when it makes sense.
Jul 2019 · 214
on the road
Hello Prolly Jul 2019
on the road
and raw,
my body
your body,
and honestly
on the road
Jul 2019 · 125
the rope that you can climb
Hello Prolly Jul 2019
So many souls smile on me,
so many eyes look up on me,
those hands that hang on me
Why not me?

Want me to see going,
walking straight worth following,
moving presence, future doing
How can I?

Too much goodness
for you and everyone
turns to madness
for you my restless mind

Put me down
and stretch me in the line
Pick me up
the rope that you can climb
Jul 2019 · 211
grow for me
Hello Prolly Jul 2019
the world so big
overwhelmed of it
wanting to grasp a lot
be tangible part of it
makes me so petit
unable to change a bit

watching those
not only wanting or doing
but those
who have done
who have built
who have lived

seeing this all
you were born
to the wrong place
given no space
giving up the chance
to blossom in your way

I see you big
and followed
I see you walking steadily
people calling to you by name
**** if loved or hated
I see you black in colors

comes the time to change it?
I wish you cloud
I wish I could make you would
and would you make me could?
please grow for me
for you
Jun 2019 · 614
Hello Prolly Jun 2019
these, why seasons are
so many
why (we) changing
way too often

stepping out in sandals
enter freezing blizzards
wearing scarf and mittens
get burned by melting hot

about to smell the scent of lillies
breath in troubled dust
rushing out to driest desert
my naked knees soak through mud

being seasoned seasoner
seems not help enough
forseeing unseen-able
ends up rough

these, our seasons
reckless in motion
thus locking us
in motionless loops

thank mindseasons
Jun 2019 · 242
bubble down
Hello Prolly Jun 2019
once I'd wanted bubbles
so I made them true

from within couldn't taste a lot
and so I tied my knot

void from unseen choices
alluded swiftly by a single trail

now things I find in you, so rare
I never thought were in the air

walking my eyes open wide
unrecognized was you, walkable buddy

for this path
a pink bubble bath

nobody seem to understand
I don't mind, it's our land

bunch of sober junkies
hanabi against death row

you eat it fast
I eat it slow
Jun 2019 · 164
bare trust
Hello Prolly Jun 2019
Had had long paths
of sonnets

curvy roads
of thoughts

steep slopes
of doubts

a critical mass
of matters

reaching singularity
imploding to a dot

so I’ve kept with
bare trust
trust you, the only way to carry on
May 2019 · 255
burning blame
Hello Prolly May 2019
​​we live
​​in dreams
​​and fears
​​feeling hopeless
​​for not getting
​​what we desperately need
​​and we hardly know
​​other ways
​​to tell
​​They blame,
burning you

​​Listen to them,
​​and you'll see It.
​​Forgive them,
​​they don't mean it.
​​You blame yourself
burning too

​​Listen to yourself,
​​and you'll see It.
​​Forgive yourself,
​​you don't mean it.

​​so hopelessly in need,
​​being either
Them or You,

​​do feed the need
​​unless you need
not to live
May 2019 · 521
Le mur et l'amour
Hello Prolly May 2019
The picture de la France
roads were walked
lollipops were smiled

The fields of greens and yellow straw
gave ‘selves up to a breeze
that was not a breeze

The abandoned lawns, old military tent
how come they've become
a shelter for the hearts and hand

The painting of such vivid colours
a smell of french cousine
make the memories a lucid dream

The french flair - a mere coulisse
Où nous avons fixé un mur
et nous avons fait l'amour

Maite zaitut
et maintenant, nous avons eu un amour
et maintenant, nous ne savons pas réparer le mur
May 2019 · 340
love is and isn’t
Hello Prolly May 2019
why nobody’s taught us
the love we see is not a love?

why we are so keen on buying into
the love that’s a lie?

albeit love is, has wings,
is free and can fly
May 2019 · 283
a sheep
Hello Prolly May 2019
I don’t wanna be alone
wait for me
somewhere near the sheep

the sheep and her three
the sheep in the box
invisible to the eye

with love, unemphatically
in a good will shot
a headshot

hear me if survived
near, waiting there
dear, not to be alone
two cities, one sheep and few lil'ones
May 2019 · 249
common hate
Hello Prolly May 2019
One hates oneself
for what
one has ever done

One hates oneself
for all
the never done

One even hates oneself
for fantasies
one might have not yet done

One hates oneself
for hating
all of it

But still calling it on
and on
unavoidably wanting it

The one is me
the one is you
come, break through
Go hate this to keep the vibe ;) Jokingly.
May 2019 · 521
patience (part: helpless)
Hello Prolly May 2019
not allowed to see
not allowed to know
not to be told
in the rain
off pain closed door
I’d better be quiet
not to break in
not to hurt
just there patiently
close enough
reach for me
Apr 2019 · 400
peace in rest
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
we run long miles
run them fast
to the point

we run north and south
wave the crowd
to show them

we run west
believe in east
to believe in

take the peace in rest
so I did almost
Apr 2019 · 219
two guys
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
Thankfulness and Guilt
two guys much alike
easily confused

The one loves to take over,
and hurt
... now change one for another. Let's go!
Apr 2019 · 260
a girl from the sea
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
the ubiquitous drizzle
the wind and creeping cold
invited me
to dive into the raving waves

so I went and stayed
until I felt
like a girl
from the sea

thank you
rough nature pleasure
I will come
Smith & Thell - A girl from the sea
Apr 2019 · 258
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
So many feet
above white
flair of the peaks

So many feet
close to witness the clouds
from side and above

And how come? Tired eyes?
Where my dear?
Where are those all-holding strings?

Smile, they are, though
to be seen thru hearts
in mirrors, from below

Cause strings is holding
holding is strings
holding just enough

Got so much strength
now only to
make for us

Make sweet and bit salty
meat pancakes
Only if I could
Apr 2019 · 482
if girls only knew
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
Yes I’m a man, I checked it
the evidence is there

Still it does not really matter
what’s in your underwear

Quit playing the captivating pretty
you are way more than that

Underneath the nifty mask, the bait,
the shield it chokes to death

It’s a foolish trap of mating game
that´s gone terribly wrong

Know you are worth the gems inside of you
for those I crave and long

For what’s in your mind and bit behind
What’s there for us to share

There I find me, find you, the fields
I’ve seen once growing love with yields

Don’t get me wrong for having all this said
stll it’s rainbows unicorns

once bodies sing along,
surrendered free they become shared
... and if boys only knew too!
Apr 2019 · 294
six over sex
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
an exquisite time for a funeral
loud tolls of the sun
fresh morning breeze
here to dry moist faces

a great time to realize
you are a part of the scene
standing on the sloppy green
looking around all bewildering

the time 2 min after seven, you get it
it’s you - the one to bear the sorrows
to mourn for the loss
to carry the weight in guts

6 something
now the time does not matter
it’s you - burying your friend
the misbehaving devils angel
since ever a part of your hell

6 sins
only he could play all in one shot
magic up 6 deadly joys
the sinner and saviour
your very rare self

6 days
or even less
you contemplated and found
you shared the wisdom writing
on matters of truth and true love

6 guys
of yours in the meanwhile,
bricking him up, behind the scene
shutting the shy but calling friend out
lying you’d better live without

and now

Your guys were actually You
the blind and dead stupid You
who murdered your buddy in his best age
and 6, .... now makes no sense

All you could do is
speak to the mirror
asking for nothing
or everything

Hoping to reflect back maybe
it was just a call of mercy,
unordinary protection drill
that no one’s dead, not yet

Please please, but maybe...
you just missed the moment
to lay humbly the bouquet down
to say to rest in peace
The aches of this loss are yet to come my dear...
Apr 2019 · 452
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
Inhaled your bleeding coming out
the brave in black and white
that roughly occupied my brain

I wish you had never been
so quiet
but you were

Now glad to see you've walked
the path so long so far
today standing on your own

Still miles ahead to go
but you, girl, you will once
heal that **** and understand
... and i know now, where we have to go from here on
Apr 2019 · 155
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
oh these
unnecessary things
that has no meaning
or all the meaning
you make me do
Mar 2019 · 379
selfish for reasons
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
i know now why
the selfish you
while in heart you are not
and i know it too
... now she said boldly I'm wrong.
Mar 2019 · 332
my headlights?
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
I appreciate you share
can see what you can see
and maybe grasp your bits I dare

Yet got a dream, pics I foresee
about swimming, flowers
meanders and sea.

They are bold and they are bright
free to unfold for someone
who’s in need for some more light
Mar 2019 · 645
a typo
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
I miss you
                                 I kiss you, too
Oh, I love you )
                                     I live you, too
Mar 2019 · 623
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
a lovely place
of lovely memories
full of young future
Mar 2019 · 323
rainbow yours
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
look into my eyes
if you are close enough
you’ll see a rainbow
it’s little, but it’s there
it is yours
and yours too )
Mar 2019 · 313
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
naked souls over naked bodies,
naked bodies all over one another
Mar 2019 · 298
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
It's when 17
feels like 70
not the wisdom
not the count of teeth

but the way
friends passing away
shrivelling body
drying soul is what you feel

In the cold sun
at the bottom of the day
I think you think
I saw you there
when young feels like old
when I feel you
Mar 2019 · 853
beaver up
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
Today woke up to see,
if still here and breathe.

Shared the crazy colours
with those precious in the arms.

Raced the town to say,
the yellow train goodbye.

Visited the morning trees,
seeing the specks of light in beams.

Went to the banks of river
to dream a bit of lovely ******.

Speeded up just enough to take off,
to ****** up the day.

Because I've witnessed beavers to be gifts, make fireworks and save her day )
Have you?

— The End —