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Oct 2018 · 628
Still Slugging
Where does one go
when there is no new show?
A lack of an act
in which to invest in your time
Eats your soul away
with the loss of every silver dime.
I have the fight left to fight the "life's thieves"
You feel punch drunk
like a fighter fighting just to stay in one click of a moment
of joy and fellowship.
Here it goes..let's get this slug fest over
and let me be free to have freedom of movement...
Into life's light and partnership.
Oct 2018 · 304
Toss me a rope
Lying in this cage.
Lost on closed off ways
in which to succeed and to thrive
I fall into myself and do a head dive
Inside the depths of sadness
No one seems to have the time or investment to place in you
you have talents
but when you cannot prove them
you start to fade empty too.
How do I escape this debt and pain of the lack of people?
How do I prove myself as I do try so very hard
as I still feel chained like a car inside an impound yard
you have the strength of hope and grab ******* strength
trying to pull yourself out of hell by light's rope.
Send me a signal
and I'll work hard to repay you
Leave me to fear another tick of the clock
and you have sat back to watch a good soul
waste away
as your failure to aid in his darkest hours
take on his sanity..a heavy toll.
Oct 2018 · 264
I shall live, forever.
My spirit has touched and warmed , many.
Hearts connect across the world.
Warmth of connected souls shall separate, never.
I once was blind..wearing the dark glasses of addiction
with despair and the rush of dodging oblivion.
I broke out of this shell. A clear mind. Sober.
By his own design and need.
The shell broke easily to see the inner beauty.
The need to obsess over money and missed obscenities..the moments I ruined became a mixed drink adding to my "depressaholism."
He shines, even brighter. As he is now more "real."
Intoxicated by the future and the bright opportunity
of world and ,with me, it's unity.
I am proud to have "woken up"
and "place asside the need for too much materialistic hunting"
The need for a "count of hearts I grew into fans"
Superficial ego grew into Mr.Hyde.
As I write this, tonight, with all my energy and truth.
I've found, through open eyes and seeing the true future and it's brighter ways.
I have found my Fountain of Youth.
My mind becomes cluttered.
Since I was a kid.. the simplest of thoughts add on  top of one another.

even though there is a big lack of stimulus
Like a television with one hundred channels demanding "A  view"
the "medical clicker" is lost and your brain seem's "too full to align with clearing itself back to  complicity..".
You are full in the head..newer ideas are next to impossible
temperament becomes askew
The "treatment" is "stimulus"
the doctors mistake such as "mania"
Since a hyperactive child never grows..the energies never cease, as well.
Blind eyes, who fail to "look outside an unorganized box of practioner's recycled thoughts,"
could ever help (neither the victim nor the prescribe)
to place on the right pair of glasses
Such failed views .. clarity.. shall never be  something that  they "see" in order "to grow" or are willing to "grow with" refusing newer education and treatment grounds  
An open page of a "still unfinished book"
Such meanings
which all who need to be "open eyed" enough to be able to show them in order "for  them to ever  know"
To teach the afflicted
"How to channel the energies and the focus"
as you mind's eyes are "in need of glasses"
Give the wrong treatment
and the medicine can burn out clearer views
than the regimens he's tried and deemed "the only one"
Not one size fits all
Look to the old, however, might be a mix with the new?
"Not every remedy is addictive or harmful"
"nor does one pair of glasses clear the visions of all.."

just as these so called "experts say"
to " save your life is the quota"
not "how many cases in which the practitioners have half-way  saved.. walking on save  their own careers"

It makes another successful life
from a once cluttered mind
to loyalty and honor of the one who had helped him
Such a a once lost patient does keep in his now "clearer mind."
Who cared more for the advancement and quality of life of the one who asked for his "helpful hands"
Not "Magic hands"
"openness" is always the "better mixture" of "pills and therapy"
The vision cure that always seems to be the math equation that leads to successful medical group and their great sounding cliche and "medical change and reprimands."
Not afraid in sticking up for the betterment of their one client
then such additions of success become an army
of the "grown children"
with the right "pair of glasses"
that see more than just a "glass" half full, however, "the world."

Now, this bright and more colorfully lit world will shed light to those left "in the blurred dark"
as the once lost were found and the found shall become part in healing
those professionals who chase "selective cases" like "hungry sharks."
This long poetic entry is in support of those with Adult or Childhood Adhd and have received the wrong treatment. Until the right and trustful treatment regimens and practitioner was found.
  Adhd is hell. A lot of doctors protect themselves, instead of who they are fighting for. I know that with the right treatment (older medication  and therapy" or newer medications and treatment" A doctor must be open to even invent a treatment process, that can help, rather be routine and destructive.
Oct 2018 · 230
Empty or Full?
Days of empty stomachs...
Years to empty a once fuller soul...
It grows to a head
The aftermath of  the blow...
The question of blame comes..
Nobody playing the game...
Ever tried to stop and see
the hell, flames, and destruction
That was the life they left for me.
What are you today?
You look into the mirror every morning....
You wonder what and to where you belong
You are forced to beg to get something to eat...
Beg to have what you need...
A humiliating record playing on a skip repeat
You are not a scale that stops to measure
who has what,where, or how better
It's this path that seems to never stop.
Can you see yourself having to live this way?
I don't seem to know.
I am almost always left..there..
stripped to the bone...alone..
Building energies up with what little that I have to work with..
Why don't you walk this hellish road with me..
As beside feels..
just a little more better than while walking such, alone...
And be someone who witness a soul that longs to be free.
Oct 2018 · 1.8k
I will fight to succeed!
I shall fight to succeed...
A warming to those who seem to hold me back....
The is the promise... I shall proceed.
I have "done things your way"
For to long...
In the shadows... I have an iron will...
I have been studying you... to find this way...
To press onward......still..
Through your "smoke and mirrors.."
You thought you had me trapped in fear....
The "war inside of me..."
That such caused?
Why take such credit?
It shall be you that will see
see me clear
That I shall keep my passions.....
A better life "dream?"
Such will never die.....
"Keep this fashion"
Not in clothing....  such in soul...
After keeping me "under your control"
I shall rise up... at the last moment...
Take down your "magic show.."
and take self control
Of my life...
which shall soon be worth a fortune..
Stay with me? By My side?"
Or stay behind me,now, through your overwhelming blind pride.
Oct 2018 · 95
Prisoner of Debt
Prisoner of debt
Inmate with ghosts
Talking aloud from  boredom
Only for myself to be his guest.
A lost bet
Days added.
Where is my payroll?
So I can seek out my best of days?
Smothered by stale air
Choking from lack of assets
I am the actor in this play
Trust seems to always be the factor.
It's all an insane glee
as you hear those "paid back"
Sing to "win back"
Their empty days.
Honor spent to agree to this sentence
After years of such
I need this intermission
To enjoy it's fruits at the snack bar
It's all cheers to this "system"
"Hail To the pay-or."
Oct 2018 · 179
Never Too Comforted
Never too comforted
Signs the changes of times
The clock signals
"musical Chairs"
For those who are on the clock's list of ones "confronted."
A part of this "great machine"
the whistle of the Factory marks the start
of the end of the old "rhythm"
Collides with the flow of "adjustment"
to the Era's last Mark
to the "Comfort" calendar Back to the
"scheduled news" flashing the once "in pace soul"
Back to another "tired pace start."
Might we call this rat race dinner title
"Future's Salad Al a Carte?"
Sep 2018 · 620
That Remains
That Remains..
Of my soul... ****** dry by the leeches of disaster
My blood is gone... My Zombie-fied  body aches to bleed, once again.
I'm a sponge dried out. Under the Sun.
I need water, to drink. To get back to the fluid master...
of getting "back to life"
Becoming more human.. this boil sets to bust
In need of relief of the torment of walking on eggshells
To avoid a nuclear chain reaction..
Caught in the middle of the battle grounds....
I'm the old and dying car that has been left in the junkyard to rust.
To have the ability to smell the roses, once again..
As my nose has been cut off to spite my face
My rebellion to ask for a "helping hand"
Infected me..then the community like a deadly virus..
It spread throughout my loving community and infected
all to grow green, sick, hard, and drug into crazy days
As an army of those who tossed away their hearts..
Not only destroyed his and their brains..
Hungry for more of "true Feeling" Hunger ways..
"Give me the vaccine or cure"
So I can become beautifully flawed as a Human
Since this Monster's once Human heart
Seems like a bright light which is now dulled to a Memories Blur
Sep 2018 · 183
Behind a Brighter Smile
Sweeter Times
Sweeter times
Warmer winds flowing through my hair
Bright sun and feelings
in my eyes shines a light inside of me
A once darker soul
That was in there.
Stuck within stains of blood and torn wounds
Scars showing
That I tried to hide
I proudly wear.
It is a badge of honor that I chose to display, proudly.
Never to hold within a mist of sickness
and self-pity and despair
I hold up, proudly, this “wrestling trophy”
That I hold up, in the ring, of life’s ring.
With my smile lit up
so brightly.
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Waiting for Oblivion
Waiting for Oblivion
A force starting to become drown
in oceans of silence around him
A "time clown"
Laughter, inside of his insanity grows from the halls of uncertainty

Cold waters of future's question pour from his soul
Back into the already unpredictable waters of existence
No boat to carry him
Tight inside..his life situated like a goldfish inside a goldfish bowl
Across and all over a bitter salt-drenched Soul It remains..Raining..
Waters flowing..A dark force growing
Lack of relief as help through these tortuous hours
His darkness cannot run from it
What light that is left inside of him....the force aims to discard such

Knowing...Feeling faded from never being heard from his loud cries
Those about who fail to understand why he calls them out
He remains as strong as he can remain
doggy Paddling
Until his head is drug down and his muscles start to fail
to paddle him afloat
He shall keep in this cycle of pain
Which is like a beautiful castle kept unvisited by a deadly
and dark moat
The test is "now" in such quiet and lengthy times
As he copes until the answer to his shouted question arrives
Through these long and untested rimes.
Sep 2018 · 2.0k
The Joker rising From Within
The quiet hours stack like parts of blocks in "Tetris."
The one they took less "seriously" as the "dying Joker"
Has a powerful and energetic heart
What it has shared was out of beauty and loving creation...
Every time he stood back up to start creating "Interruption"
His fists are clenched with rage and anger
The "Chernobyl" ready for it's "Fatal Nuclear Eruption."
Right at the most inconvenient of moments..
"I want this and you are not getting that"
"You are spoiled and without a conscious"
That's not it..
"Where are you at?"
If a question is asked to the days interrupted
You get the punishment and are forced to fore fill to their "fall"
as they wish for their "rules to be iron clad"
Not based upon Rational "Movement"
Universal "treatment" scars rather than heals..
and you are the Joker "rising" who they refuse to listen to or fail to see that he does "Feel"
Trying to be "real"
He returns to this moment of thought and quiet
where he yet "fights onward" for what he knows is truly what he needs
"can these people meet you half way"
before forcing you into their music
like a broken reed
on a wind piper
can't this world see that this is far from what is right..
it's too far down "wrong"
I cannot say
For I've been silenced
I laugh to myself in my silence
waiting for their next movement to to have to become more insane and fight
all due to to their "beliefs" and "works" in which they force in "vain?"
I's insane.
As I put this pen down.."At least my voice is the stain..."
Maybe another face will come along
that will walk with me instead of in front
and we both can live with each other
"in equal confidence?"
Sep 2018 · 502
Trustful Demons?
I jumped too high...too far
I fell to the ground.
Dusting myself off..the demons of fear attacked.
Putting up my Fists
On Flaming Grounds..

Jack Flash failed to jump his candlestick
Hitting those who tried to drag him under from all sides..
He is trying
With what little strength is left
He grows weary and sick.

He knows not who closest to turn too
As he reached out a hand..they laughed and scolded him
In his face....Blasted flames upon his reaching fingertips

Trust chains' links broken
He begs for another tomorrow
As he brushes the chard burns off of his hips...

"Must you expect everyone to be the same?"
"Must I be cheated from my future?"
:Must I be afraid to ask for help?"
"Because you fail to believe in my truths?"
"I tried to show you, such..I'm Broken."

I walked far behind those leading...
They push me to fore fill what the don't understand
The ways they think I am roaming, aren't
the processes to health aren't worth the much
truth flows through the cracks...
as I battle those demons, still.. "Trust?"
"For the ones who listen...who don't attack"
"Finally seeing the me"
and then I'll follow..
if rewards find us both..
Sep 2018 · 1.8k
Astral Space Ships
Free Flying above
the clouds
Soaring above the Earth and through the stars.
Past all of the known planets
Those  out of our galaxy
The new planets I view
The new and hotter suns I see
Blaze more energies to fill the empty regions
of my mind
called "mystery."
Fuel my spirit and make it run harder
To new found inhabitants and their newer worlds.
Astral planes of spirit that don't require a vessel
or star ship to hold in or hold back
the soul that travels as it's own transport
Faster than any "law of physics"
Realer than the factual brought in by third party satellites.
I gather more and more brighter and true information
Later to bring such forth in my grounded and non-traveling form
Waiting to share my results to those who don't limit their beliefs
to any said "rule" or "fenced in logic formula"
I ride the waves to the calling gates of astral transport
As my soul escapes my heavy and limited physical self
Late in the night
The recordings of fact stored in the logics of my soul
Are vivid and ready to be replayed
to share such gifts of learning to those eager to believe in it's payload
and form.
Sep 2018 · 204
I am grateful for all the souls who ran into my journey in life.
Flowing freely, forward, full of light by your energies..
I am recharged through the meetings and friendly energies added to my passions along my way...
These souls that have since inspired me
Create new reasons to add to my creativities and blessings..
to lighten up a once thought of "lost  world"
Your memories prove to me the innocence and purity remaining on this planet
The same as the scientists plan to escape or
stamp in their books as "******."
I set forth not just to fore-fill to the reasoning and to the finishing of my journey, no.
I add your uniqueness of flavor to my ingredients
bold and pure energies...
as I engage new cities and souls along my soul's path
I think of you..
I am able to fight and win against disrepair's
cruelty to this land and I fight back....Against his evil wrath.
Sep 2018 · 391
Open Ears to Empath's Radio
Energies from one to another
are powerful and fluid
Just like a radio
They are used in the same manner
to share feelings and news
However noble
no one ever watches how the use
such a powerful force
that another hurts another
even through another
misunderstanding the voice over the air waves
until the designated listener is destroyed in silent craves
that some sick or some angered chose to use as a weapon
to silence another energy not quite as shady or
as of what form of disease that the announcer directs
their audiences at..
After such voices, from the announced message, are silenced
There goes another misunderstood energy and voice
over your "empathic radio receiver" which was people
never took time to weigh out the true power or reason of
makes the subject dedicated to from all of the announcer's
"sources and feeling"
Die in vein from treason.
I tripped over a traffic speed bump
as I fell to the ground as I was walking
Such a fall felt like a mountain
when the vocal   fires of rebellion, toward me, started talking.
After caring ears failed to listen to my innocence
and then turned their backs torwards me
I started to build a wall.
As I was halfway through blocking out the world
I woke from this nightmare and listened to my heart
I smashed such bricks to pieces
and decided to make a fresher, and newer, start.
You are a link in the chains of my life.
What happens to me
It happens to you
So feel th winds of Karma return to you.
I shall still be waiting for you, standing.
As I am not a phony. I'm indebted to you friends to the very end.
When you are down with the mistake
The small one which I have made that you are now branding...
Feel like a puny fool as you walk back when you need me
and I am the one, only pone there...still standing
Aug 2018 · 221
Bold Rescues
Strength is a reward
to the rights we defend
the people we care for
up until the very end.
Waves of light in every pathway lit
to the wholesome end of one travel way
to the start of the next
Brick-ways formed of gold
True Virtues and heart
given to each day's start
An open mind to understand why the darkness temps another
you rescue another from a horrific future
as the are your spirits sister's and brothers.
The month of my Birth and first shine
of my soul upon the spirits around me.
Like a star
I shine and flicker in this "galaxy of Living Energy"
Human beings and our friends, the animals...
I draw in their signals of energy
and fuse with those I know of, in soulful energies the best.
Binding in Symbian waves
energies that protect and that nurture our hunger for another soulful energy to help nourish, grow brighter with, and to share peaceful moments upon this Earth
I was never an "Accidental Life Form"
When my parents looked down at my helpless physical body at my birth.
I was created for reasons I have yet to know about or to yet understand.
To better our world, country, and society..yes.
In unique and Empowering ways...I have just figured out those purposeful definitions of my existence on this planet.
As every time I look down on my mistakes, Human Ways, and even "Stormy Moments"
I reboot my passions and remembrances stored in my memory
of the stronger and much more powerful reality
I was born on this month, even on the very this "birthing anniversary"
For plenty more miraculous reasons than just being "the human" in me.
I see my Energies of hope, helpful abilities, and our creator's eye for added gifts that are of more than what scientists could ever explain...
I am a Humanity... The tool within it... To help it from every allowing itself to die or war in vain.
Aug 2018 · 210
Sunlight Flames
The sun feels warm and tingling from its Bright Ways
Waves of remembrance of the day still proceeding
Create a smile on this groggy and weary  Face
A soul which has been idle and worn
Becoming fluid with energy and schemes
Entertaining itself with creative imagination
stares into my empathic senses
I need never try to scientifically provide anyone a reality
conforming explanation.
The summer air sneaks through our sliding glass door escape
to an eight-floor deck
If I were able to fly, like Superman, I would now be in Japan.
South Korea
Enjoying the Asian music, company, and people
Two cultures better becoming acquainted with each other
A heart longing to reach out to those I sense lost
through my third eye view
Even though the still of each warm Summer or any Season's Portions of time Called "Night"
One shall never be alone... I do see you...
As the Sun has signaled the inner me that now is an ignited flame
roaring brightly, onward, through the upcoming night.
My life seems to be looked at by those closest to me
Like their corporation
My assets are their assets.
I have to "do as I am asked from. Eat and Plan Vacations as they want me to.
I see people, who try and help by action, as a board of Higher Legislation
I am living a job without a say in fear of no friendship, this employment
Go through termination.
I have had been outvoted many times
to what I request.
Freedom to socialize with others openly
Requests of Transportation
And Groceries
Basic Feelings of Feeling Suffocated
"They are unfounded and untrue. You will think and Live Your Days As we have instructed. Or be terminated.
Lose our help..Have no family.
See who else who would help you or even be near you?"
A deeply hurting link to powers of acting like a "Company"
Just to have help...There are hefty interest charges.
In spirit and in Pocketbook.
I try to communicate
Even to those who, on the outside looking in, can and would help..
If the chose me as worthy
To have a healthier and Free Existence
If I could only fit the criteria
Just once.
For others to see why granting me open heart and choice in my life as I serve
to be a loyal friend as I live out my days in this invisible cage...
Just maybe my emotions, nutrition, career, and social progression
would be worth more than how they view "this weakling on Minimum wage."
It would help them and myself
Out of loyalty.
I always question escape.
For where does one fly to without Superman's Cape?
Waters of Visualizations flow through my soul
Slumbering, peacefully, winds of energies from afar
The call and whisk me away
To those astral planes allowing us to walk
and travel without tolls. without limitations.
As I touched your hands and I looked into your eyes
Your face appeared that it was not of this Earth
It was Human in looks and her beauty was quite breathtaking
She spoke in a language which seemed as if it were from ancient times.
Beautiful sounding words.
At first, my brain could not comprehend the messages that she was trying to convey to me
After holding her right hand, a glow, to my temple
A short while talk and in understandings of each other
We had no limitations and were free.
She spoke of the lack of appreciation
For the gifts of being placed in a new and beautiful world
Underappreciating the intelligence that "our family" was given
However, it had not dared to even tap within the childlike entry into such logic and learning.
How she reached out to me as I had been one of the few who tried to reach above this limits in which our family had been proud to watch me frow and overstep
I realized then.. we were not of this Earth.
We were a race from beyond the stars and were, to the openness to see such, were unwilling.
After strolling for what appeared to be many hours
It, was indeed many years on our real planet, which she spoke the name of "Xinix"
"Remain off course and watch the downfall of your world and extended family through useless wars and power greed. Refuse to see our true native tongue..not in words..but in telekinetic Communual Speech of Connected Minds."
"Spread the word. You have the brain knowledge I shared and the willingness to see our second planet grow. We shall always be in touch. Even past the measurement of stars...Through our Living Souls...
I know, Xenopus (your Xinic Race Name. To slow down or stop this infinite, childlike  insanity...or be the rescued while those about you destroy their own existence."
"I'll be looking after you."
The winds threw me back into my "ordinary and Logical World.."
This time, I "knew such travels were not of a dream"
As looking at my chest in the mirror - I saw the glowing blue heart beating from inside of me...
My true Family crest of one who Shall Help Teach the world. To those who would be able to understand and listen.
So I might be able to save, much more of our family, to reach the joining of a peaceful and loving race, true blue.
I had a weird Astral Travel (dream state). After awaking from this dream, I decided to share, such a miraculous message from it, with you - my loyal readers.
Age is a man made measurement
Called "the calendar and clock of life.".
Age never defines as to what portion of from when we were born
To when "We should" be "able to do"
As we compare to other's development
We seek determined to reach before or after In the usage of measuring
Unique beings steps upward
To what timely pace we need to make these steps of evolvement
The age measurement never supported
When or at what measurement of such who we should or should not love
When to love
Consider ourselves at what steps
On the ladder of life we should be at
In youthful strides or to when we should from
Activities of life or energies we are
Supposed to obtain, keep, have, or retire from
Clear the calender and clocks from
Who and  what we have left
Are Human Beings
Who all deserve their choice above ages definition of scheduling
As our souls always have the last say and assignment of what,when, and how life is explored and what energies  it is able to keep hold off.
Aug 2018 · 393
Passions of patience
Patience is rough
Fear blocks the warm and soothing energies from such.
What we value or have been toiling hard to work torward what we weighed  as gold
We have a ways to go
We rush through the better paths
As we rush to have what we want so much
Now...not later
I set myself up for a fall
And failing to keep energies and
Moments in balance and my eye on the true picture of my prize..
Love,career,money,and success
Has already chosen me
If I stop to smell the roses
And wisely pace and use my time
My emotions
I shall earn this reward
And without the measuring
The time and o erwhelming steps to such
I'll have my goals to the prize
I know what and whom in my life I seen
For the right reasons and passions
In which wisely enjoyed patience Nd labors
I'll have such things To possess
Jul 2018 · 1.2k
Superman’s Cape
I once was lost

Through superman’s cape….I flew

Crashed Down….Overwhelming weight
A heavy Cost…Placing too much
on emotion’s plate.

Saving The world….Never Myself.
Guilt then flooded  my once clear mind…

I left my once colorful heart
Upon a dusty and barren shelf.

The views in the mirror was opposites of myself.

I threw down the cape..I am human once again.
Wanting release from this jail

lost and locked away …

This place was where the real me had been.

Peace in my mind…A real me emerged.

Flying to meet the fate…hope’s light.
Electric Lighted freedom….Strong Wisdom

My true destiny ..I’m flying to

A future in the world…it is now bright.
Dedicated To Demi Lovato
Jul 2018 · 410
The Vampire Warrior
The Vampire rises from his sleeping chambers.
He's not after good red fluids
He fights to thirst on those "bad Bloods"
Battling the actual evil
outside of his After Life Traveled muds
In the towns that once feared him
Watching the vigilante rise and protect
those in which who feared his brothers and sisters
his Creature's Reputation
They were once to it blind
Taking down the pigs of society
The cheer drinks at the village bar with him
The Vampire warrior
Has become the King of Society's Sorority.
Vampire warrior,kevin michael kappler
Jul 2018 · 270
Alive Concrete
The sunlight
It warms my face
Strengthens my confidence
even in the craziest of life's paces.
The warmth of the roads and the sidewalk concrete
makes the senses come alive
you feel Human
even if you are the stranger in town
Now your moment of fight in time is complete.
Jul 2018 · 145
Time Crime
Time's hands
measured with a clock
Spin so fast
when one enjoys his time
and at the moment's end
Enjoying the next timed moment of  his  life
shall be the trick.
Hear the sounds that Father Time
Breathed life into our mechanical scale of life
It sometimes is the most hated invention
Humanity ever made
What a crime
Wasted clicks measured on your path of timed allotments
of when your hourglass sands fall
one grain at a time
See them fall...
For without filling such markers
in the rise in time
you have had nothing in which you had gained.
The struggles are weights
which strengthen our reach into the finer realms in life
We lift and lift
To maintain a stronger grip on our true missions and
to strengthen our legs to dance the dance
to prosperous gifts.
Which we earn for the mutual benefit of us and all we hold dear around us.
Travels to distant lands to spread our light
of truth and passions to help those lost find their way
A well-spent way and ticket
aboard life's selfless causes on the Karma's Bus
We explore many different paths
as we strengthen our muscles of heart and soul
to swim the currents
and not drift down to the bottom of the rivers of life
called sadness and evil
in life, we constantly are outrunning the temptations'
race to engulf our souls to permanent blackness.
we train as we go
we learn as we swim life's rough waters
to seas so beautifully warm and relaxingly calm
Our destination at the end of our physical life
We depart to the life after such
we have won the race if at this point we see true and golden lights
and gifts are given to yourself and others
We have won through our inner strength's glow
and have earned additions to not just friend lists and family members
But, we connect with all we brighten across.
Our true proven partners
and parts completed within our empty selves
Pieces defined as "new sisters and true brothers"
We battled the worst.
Look how far we have come to a better future?
Focus not on the cold that freezes us
in these moments we question to darkness..
However, we must focus on the small warm glows of hope
that we sometimes overlook
within the strength that desperation and hopeless energies bring
as weights upon our backs
we become stronger, still
as we use moments as such as tools to strengthen
ties with our comrades and truer self-heart
We are the children of the Miracle called "Iron Will."
Jul 2018 · 171
Summer Stories
The morning started
Dreams slowed to the waking visions
of the scenery around me.
Dreamland departed.
Taking in some fresh breaths
I prepare for the day
Enjoying the view from my window
A summer sun
and activities
A profound show
The artistic vibe comes
as does the summer feeling of thrill
the warm of the sun
the freshness of the summer winds that blow
my feet walking the grounds
Are fresh views and journey, to me, still.
The days last long to provide us with less sleep at night
it is worth the energies
as with this season of fun and family
A true and beautiful life story.
Chapters added with each moment
with each event we attend
with just simple and enjoyable hours of relaxation
True and wisely used vacations
From the cold and rigid
the shorter days in a rush
more hours to sleep
However, I long for the three months of each year...
For this season called "Summer"
I long for such within past and vivid
stories which I define as "Memories."
Jul 2018 · 209
Captives No Longer
Sunshine and Blue Clouds
Gulls Flying Over Blue seas
Pictures of warmth and Blue Skies
Are the true definition of utter beauty
Holding hands
Running for the tides
Laughing as The waves crash us to shore
We are captives no longer.
Jul 2018 · 163
The Dance Of Independance
Independence Day is Freedom's Dance
The Dance of our Country
To the songs from our Founding Fathers
Liberty and Equality
Through problems and Victories
Losses and Turmoil
We endure and become stronger
For Independence doesn't limit celebration to one day
It is a way of life
Smiles of those passing by
Sharing this great land
Supporting one another
Is a dream we share
As we dance this dance of Everyday Living
In the land of the Brave
The Land of The Inventors
The land of the Dreamers
The Land of The Hard Worker
The Land of Expansion and Helping Hands
America the Powerful
America The Imperfect
America The Welcoming Hand
Those who simply Ask for a part
to become one with other Proud Members
Of an Empire of Promise
The Celebration, every day,  in this land of Liberty
Jul 2018 · 229
Movements of Day
The sun warms my once chilled body
Through pains of glass in a fast food pain glass window.
The activity of life is artistic scenes
rows of color
Fresh Smells of exhaust
The sounds of engines roaring
The chatter of the morning customers
The sweet laughed of children and grandfathers
My heart beats with pride
Simply seeing new visions of a day
Out and about
Alive and simply being a witness
to the activity of life
A visitor amongst the crowd
Feeling the summer days start from the night.
I feel truly alive and deeply spirited.
Jul 2018 · 650
Soul's Kitchen
A fresh and new awakening
I have released from my inner glow
A personality recipe with added seasoning
A new taste for the me that no one knows
such an untried cookie
a new dish to present beauty in untried ways
I present in my soul's kitchen
as I live out each and every newer day.
So, come to my Restaurant and order up a dish
You shall be glad you tried my "soul's Glow"
For a taste of my tasteful new menu
One that shall surpass even the most stubborn of soul tastes
A worthwhile soup from me to you.
Visit today
or any time you like
My Soul's Kitchen is hot on the world's scene
Don't "knock my recipes until you've tried them"
You might miss out on a new award-winning bowl
Of my tasty new signature restaurant feature
In each hearty bowl.
Jul 2018 · 739
Summer Dreams
Warmth covers me
as summer progresses this night.
Relaxing my souls to dreamland
A new and refreshing dream-land
is now in my sights.
Crickets chirping
the blinking of bright stars above
Are beacons of security
I feel free as a Dove.
May 2018 · 341
The Marble Block
I am still a marble block
Being sculpted into a beautiful bust
My creator chips away
at these rough edges
To illustrate a new and inventive "crust."
At this time, such is merely a face and half a block.
Artistic Beauty
Such as Individualism takes time
There can be no Race against a clock
Aristotle, Socrates, and Di Vinci took their gift of time
to create
as a gift
Some of them, these artists were not discovered until years after their deaths
and their works remain dusty in a supply closet
Sometimes discovery happens by accident
It is not always planned
Isn't such evident?

Not for fame..But for inventiveness and a view to finally be seen by naked eyes
A name added to those legends who changed the world.

Rays of light under darkened skies.

Society takes too much "pride" in only mingling with "equal levels"
as far as fear of being "weighed" in as lower than they demand
If they unearth a newer rookie or are seen conversing with what "appears"
to be dusty paintings, sculptures, and creations that are considered "Not yet"
When such comes to the rules of the "social books."
The Lady law is blind for a reason
The scales are run by her for a reason
If each one of us would have a chance to make sure that we end our fears of someone else taking our "rightful spot"
By defrauding the art community and success-social life balance
Then, we, ourselves, have committed treason.
May 2018 · 321
Life's Complicated Dance
Where does a heart beat when all about it simply misunderstand
why it has been beating
what it needs to keep beating
and a direction pointed to a better time and place
where it isn't constantly battered and compared
"You haven't earned your space"
"You are one in a thousand trying to do the same thing."
However, the love for what you wish to do and create
From blood,sweat,and tears
it is a song that's hard to sing
years of perfection
Vocal practice
Before the created products are discarded as "Unneeded"
What about my heart frightens you?
Never the same as all the others
Never employing the same routine as the others
I am sick of being the one pushed out as the "sudden example"
to the flock
Where does one fill the emptiness without sisters and brothers?
Maybe a new fresh idea on the block frightens you since it might
"be the next best thing.. or maybe not."
One never knows unless chances are given
Without openness, the albatross has now a completed knot.

We must not need to define a "shelf" on Life's Display Case of
In order to get along and mingle

If we interact, right
Hey, this might be the "newest of Jingles?"

Open your hand and give a true chance.
Alike a sweat soaked Tango... Such a "Dance" is quite complex
In life, most things are a "complicated Dance."
May 2018 · 147
Butterfly Fly
Nature has its way of calling.
Sometime's its words are only picked up by our instincts.
To survive and become beautiful and more...
More than the caterpillar
However, no more than emerging as a Butterfly.
We fly in these creatively thought up layouts of sky and landscapes..
as freedom knows only truer beauty..
To accept our true and unhidden soul..
Let us flow upon the sweet winds
and fly to our futures of Sunshine and Details...
To a more detailed and artistic dignity.
May 2018 · 151
Stormy Weather with Pizazz
The storms raged throughout the city skies.
So many colors and musical beats
Hidden in Nature's Disguise.
Look at her details
as Mother Nature paints us a unique backdrop
Pouring rains
Liquid colors melting into one creative ***.
She deserves a lot of credit.
For this project.
I call this "Stormy weather with Pizazz."
Don't you?
why does he remain so dark?
why can he not see the light?
"pssst....stay away from that, he'll pull you down."
"people like that want attention."
is this an amusement park?
is this too real to be anything but your sick entertainment?
this is a human..,,
demanded from .. ,
like used nuclear fuel rods rotting in "forever's " containment.
i try to smile
when i do feel the sun
no medicine can ease the feelings of human absence
nor the weight of laughs as they say, "hello?"
expect my worst
for the best you have never tried to stay and "watch"
for this "act" is through entertaining
the parts so easily seen by eyes that are half closed.
i am a being...
isn't my pain a tribute to us lost souls you neglect?
from your questions?
this is what a soul gets, "staining."
May 2018 · 142
cuts to the real
they tell me "fake a smile and thats the way"
they don't live this isolated and discarded style.
not by choice
as i cut flesh as that is my medicine of choice.
i cannot be fake or have to be so...
shun me... I've already been left like trash for pick up day.
talk about your lovers, show off your photos, and never answer a letter.
as the tears fall upon this blade
as the skin tears and it distracts the pain
live my confined and abused up life and then that game you can play.
my age might be a barrier
my looks
or some excuse like such...
I've heard it all and hit too many road blocks..
i want out of this badly....
and miss the sun shine so **** much.
i never needed sympathy
i never needed silence
or remarks of faking a smile...
think of why, if you care and truly understand these words....
i need a true friend to support me
not just this knife which is my new prescription..
isn't Mr. sun  real enough to set this imprisoned
soul free?!
May 2018 · 600
Bleeding to almost death
I hibernated for almost 4 days
Stressed to a breakdown
Reminders of what people want
Money lost
What a taunt
Defeat and anger
you wish to show your weakness
Curling into a ball
Dreams flow
Of what you want and miss in your life
You feel as if you lost
the battle of succeeding in your life
Bleeding from the cuts of debt and your artistic words remaining uncounted
Hemorrhaging  to the almost death of your talents was your cost
You try to resurrect your skills and expression to the world
these "bloodsucker" leaches hit you once, again
The fight that's left inside of you
is all that's left to keep this life source from dying out
Now, I'll give back to you what you gave
I refuse to let my love of expression be buried in any grave.
May 2018 · 314
Memorial remains
Memorial Remains
What particles of visual and the glory days
Left on this floppy disc inserted of the lost days
Here it loads
and such does the feelings in weird and wild ways.
Take it for what it is
a glory kept for the falling soldier and his remaining family
who has memory stored like a computer
however, the Human feeling part remains.
So define it as you wish.
These scraps of data, excuse me, "Memories.."
they still are celebrated and retold the best in the ways in which we can in "Life's Drama Part."
Now, as the audience remembers, this is the start.
Of what is left. Years later
As the brain strains
to recall the memories flashed from many years of missing and surviving after that one had fallen
So, to the next chapter to write of survival
Only the power of self-preservation is what constraints
from one to jump aboard
the Grim Reeper's Train.
Memorial Day Poem. We miss you, Leo Kappler of The Naval Peacekeepers and Helping both sides in the Korean Conflict.
May 2018 · 185
Words flow from this pounding heart.
Vultures take from my Soul
Like 1,000 Dementors  demanding their Tolls
To be collected for riding their
Soul Train
Paying Up
I feel like I'm starting to grow insane
Harpies lecture me on how Happiness can be used like *****
They tell you to feel "Half of the sad"
To balance and create the soul's Equilibrium.
Laughing in their old and lack of street educated faces...
I lean in my seat, proudly, "I've earned my scars"
"I've traveled these roads.."
Like "Frogger" and "His Game"
I've paid the prices for everyday trifles...
"With stronger powers than you..."
"I deserve to intoxicate myself in these "odes..."
Of "The Drug you call Happiness.."
So educate that "Dimwitted Someone"
"Who doesn't know as much as I "
"Or has no hands-on training."
"On life's battlefields."
For "I've been drafted many times"
"Sit. Let me teach you, teachers.."
"Experience sometimes deserves trust.."
"moments of enjoyment for the ease of weight.."
"For you, teachers, have become 'the students'
who I am about to re-educate."
Daffy Duck... where have you been?
If you were here... You would ask, am I crazier than this has-been?
I am crazier than Daffy Duck.
I have lived in color
and In ****** Luck
I might be older...I'm bolder
as the winds grow warmer
See my swarm
I am the King Bee
I shall rule you when you are on one
on  your weakest day
Celebrate with you on your strongest...
For we are the swarm...
Feel our sting.
as we bring on you the reel thing.
May 2018 · 95
Sleeping Disaster
Nightmares Ally
The flights in my sleep are crashing down
To darker grounds
a battle zone
he screams in fright
as those around him
wake from the sweaty sight
The emotions electrocute my soul
as an explosion
alike Chernobyl has just occurred
in my head
I feel dark, numb, and dead.
I awaken just in time
to verify that I am still alive
I fail to see the logic of counting sheep
after days of trauma to my emotions
knocks me out like a sedative
Here I is all relative.
May 2018 · 68
Taking the waking breath into my lungs
I feel the sting of life pumping through my veins
My eyes open to see the colors of my reality
An entrance into the daily world...
A feeling so thrilling to my soul .....
A great force brought forth to me as it also entertains.
I continue a legacy
A story
To my future and the world around me
Building a living memory
Energies passed to others along my ways
Colors pouring from my psychic
that warms and brings forth extra tasteful details
to those in which I interact with
as they experience their fresh new days...
My presence shall change your visions of "what things shall remain routine"
from my projection of contributions
from the heart and within the expressions of the Human  Soul.
Numbers begin to rise to the team of Engineering Life's Future Arrangements of Experienced waves of freshly defining moments
to future living souls...
The world of Life...
Now more enhanced, interactive, and stronger in energies
Invites the children of the future
The Newest  roles
to make additions to this foundation to the future
that we have created
as gifts to the children of the future...
we offer such
to better this still brilliant and exciting world of united souls
creating experiences fresh along days unfolding
New and enhanced awakenings to days like such
will empower the newer pathways in souls journeys
events and wills map's strolls.
May 2018 · 375
We all bleed red
The life-giving substance
which glows from foods of strength
and beautiful sunlight upon our heads.
Details are but pages in history's and suspicion's books
which people investigate due to insecurity....
Self-pride hurt before
So good things are not expected to be of what they seem...
We need to express the feeling
instead of acting on impulses leading to cut-throat
paranoia and hostility.
Mistakes are natural..
Unless the person didn't notice his effect on the other....
unless questions are asked and emotions are shared, as they are in the heart, and not building a selfish wall.
Humans try to be who they are
unless they allow corruption and the intoxication
of Quick Snack filled power
to feed their Hunger and Frustrations..
As change does not just coin in a pocket....
they are corrections of the noticed negativity
slip of the footing of another's natural way
and redirecting them, selflessly, to the right
way to their health and stronger department.
Like a department store
We offer much for people to buy
Hard times can harm what defective items
we wish to place on discount
in the front of all
With a sale's mask
behind their protective walls..
Returns can be made..
Try and fix the item purchased at first...
Instead of filling
anger or wrong felt deductions in or of what is in their true market
of their souls..
If true, they will fix their sold products..
Work hard to keep what they have bought from others and have seen from true and clearer eyes
Instead of swimming in a circle as a lone fish  
in a habit - filled fishbowl.
Seek from the source
Need the source
Enjoy the source
Of the parts of their life's book of information that is
a big and broad park
their work with another
and feelings have shown in a true light
is a "ranger."
Don't become lost
or lose a person due to reading "outside these lines"
As humans, we form a bond through intimate research
As anger, hurt, and being tired from misunderstanding make us thirsty and can lead to dangers..
We must stop at "compromise's and Opening Listening Ear's" "Rest Stops"
To fill this dry and empty thirst in relations
Filling the dry and water draining energies
of quick separation or judgment's deeply harming weapons
Through, mutually, grabbing a drink as we find our future in this forest of care and standing as "Human,"
dosing fiery thirsts.
with a rest and slow enacted interaction
Becoming two fishes in that fishbowl in both merging life's department store chains
and swim, forever, in true and healing synergy.
Let us all be Human and work, tirelessly, selflessly, and strong; together.
Let us enjoy one another on a small Earth...
As we need to keep the forest of life growing.
May 2018 · 329
Judge By Knowing
Judge by knowing...
Growing like a tree ...
Such to form a branch to grow another friend..
Another Space to love...
Another space to judge by seeds you are sowing
Eyes can entrance...
Ears can deceive.
Lips Can Lie
Suspicion can cut down the sprouts that the heart's tree
took so much strength and time to grow...
Don't cut it with quickly jumping off the deep end...
Jump into warm waters...
Watering your heart's Tree to Relations....
After time and growing to yearn for the other parts of your seed
yearn for the right part.
which you have found...
Instead of quick needs filled upon desperate vacations.
Questions answer fears...
Time can be well spent or It can Overdraft your heart's Bank.
Shallow Pools can break the stem or branches of the life's heart tree
Which could need healing from becoming damaged
for many years
Take your feelings straight to the one you seek.
Clearly and consistently communicate.
Don't fear how the heart you seek to nurture your tree
and step back with brutal hesitation.
Become open as anything great which you look for in life
takes chances to gain...
Actions don't always speak and enact all the motives in a heart..
Break past your past and it's expectations..
Answer a calling..
The voice that says "Hello"
Glance into those eyes as you first become interested
in peering into their heart's windows...
Walk with them and openly share your life...
Step by step... the seeds are planted..
To grow or add to your heart's tree garden...
For branches that appear from the allowance

of such partner's interests.
Both mutually cutting a hole for planting...
Don't allow the storms to rain due to quick minded intolerance
Due to your instrument to open up life's relationship's sowing grounds
To remain dull......sharpen such with fresh ways interacting..
with a new start and a freshly sharpened knife.

They thought that they could keep me down
None of those mother-******* could make me wear a frown
Here he comes..the insanity
The defined profanity
Without vanity...
He tried to care for you.
You failed to see how deeply he was true
So now there is that empty place
where that forsaken ******* took up that space
Now cry to the heavens and beg for a miracle
For this vanilla survivor
Is better than a fantasy or a poorly earned nickel
Or fancy property or autos
Here he'll pass you by
He rises higher than at the level that you are on
He is now full of the light with his no motos
"Get stung once, fine..Get stung twice...Never nice...
Stung three times? Will not happen.... maybe to you.
On this evil trick, you tried to hang me by.
Now it is you that shall get stung by the actions you thought you could freeze me in captivity until I die."
Now freeze in the cold without me there
The forsaken man that brought laughs to your day
Now that I'm the sane one
where are they gonna commit you?
When the loneliness causes your insanity...
When I was there and I never got warmth from you...
now your skies are dark instead of blue.
Understand that this Vanilla Wonder shall never fold or fall
to the pointing of fingers or false promises
Broken trust and crazy actions...
No more interactions.....
Now define my vulgarity through better reactions
then what we had between each other.
Find someone to bring down and keep as your puppet.
For you are going to regret.
The day you lost your brother.
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