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2.2k · Feb 2019
Letters to You
inreticence Feb 2019
If I were to send you all the letters I wrote,

the ones where my heart bled out the words

and where my tears painted the borders.

—where I laid out all my pain to rest,

you would know the depths my heart has tunneled,

just so I could make more space for you.

you would know the dreams I tucked away

for the day we reached our promise of forever.

you will find, there, the thousand different ways

I wish I could have said I loved you.
and a thousand
 more ways I wished
I could have made you stay.

call them prayers, the way I begged the heavens

if there was a way to save a sinking ship.

or heal all the wounds yet to be inflicted;
or take away the memories yet to be made;

If I had sent them, would you have understood?

that there was no way for me to love you 

any less than I did. That is the way that I am.
And there was no way for me to love you

and not lose myself. I’d have given you my soul.

and your glass would never have been empty

because I would have given you my all.
1.2k · Feb 2019
inreticence Feb 2019
the broken, ask God
not for forever.
but for another chance at love.
I think we get hurt to learn and grow. Not to run away from love.
866 · Feb 2019
Sometimes I forget
inreticence Feb 2019
Am I just
writing what I feel,
Or am I
writing to feel?
787 · Sep 2019
inreticence Sep 2019
is it worth it?

worth the ache in your chest,
worth the pain and the tears?

is it worth the sleepless nights,
and the shine from your eyes?

is it worth the weight on your soul?
is it worth giving your all?

is it worth your peace?
766 · Feb 2019
inreticence Feb 2019
we  missed  our chance
and  now  it  sits there,
stuck   in   the  past,
long   overdue.
sometimes you just have to go for it.
658 · Sep 2019
inreticence Sep 2019
You make me
both the happiest,
and the loneliest
person alive.
And that
is a terrifying power
to wield.
654 · Jun 2019
Love Casket
inreticence Jun 2019
Let me put us in a box
where memories run in loops.

Where, we never had to worry
about what comes next.

Where, forever was now
and now was forever.

Where, we couldn’t care less about tomorrow
because all that mattered was, we were together.

Let me put us in a box,
because, like all things dead,
that's where our love belong.

Like all things dead,
it was once beautiful.

Like all things dead,
it will be remembered.

Let me put us in a box,
so that even when the world goes on,
we know that, once, our love lived.
632 · Nov 2019
inreticence Nov 2019
I love you
in so many ways

that if one way
wasn't enough,

there would still be
a thousand different ways

for me to love you.
491 · Mar 2019
Dark days
inreticence Mar 2019
Chivalry dances
around its neighbor’s
fresh new grave.

       Integrity sits in silence.
       He has nothing more
       to stand up for.

              Empathy brings flowers
              but she can no longer feel.

                       And Hope’s cries fill the yard,
                       as she was the last one
                       keeping the new settler
                       from his grave.
                                  Today, the whole yard mourns,
                                  for everything is doomed
                                  once humanity is dead.
Don’t let humanity die.
466 · Feb 2019
Your Highness
inreticence Feb 2019
your happiness
was not
mine to give
and yet
i wanted to
serve it to you
in gold platter.
With love, I go above and beyond and there is just no other way for me to do it.
437 · Apr 2019
Forever in a Second
inreticence Apr 2019
Then, I looked at you and I understood
what it was; for time to stand still. And
I saw what it was like, to see forever
in a fracture of a second.
In that moment,
was you.
416 · Jun 2019
oh, the heart
inreticence Jun 2019
what a funny little thing.

stubborn, at most. 

reckless, always.

plowing through

all the excuses.

raging and carefree.

not at all clueless,
395 · Mar 2019
inreticence Mar 2019
Never again
will I ever
beg for love

but give me yours for free,
and I will return it doubled.
394 · Feb 2019
By default, infinite.
inreticence Feb 2019
If  I  ask you to count
the  stars  in  the  sky,
you would tell me the
number  is  unknown
to mankind. That it is,
by   default,    infinite.

That  is what  it's like,
when   you   ask   me
how much I love you.
384 · Mar 2019
Make it quick.
inreticence Mar 2019
Leave me dead or numb
instead of hurting.
380 · Feb 2019
It is what it is
inreticence Feb 2019
I think we both know
it won’t be us in the end

And that’s okay.
We almost had it.
We tried.

But I will not apologize
for hoping.

And I am not sorry
that my heart is fond of you.

Sometimes love
isn’t enough.

But it won’t change the fact
that I loved you.
Some things don't work out. And it hurts. But that's life.
375 · Dec 2019
inreticence Dec 2019
I hope you know
that every time I told you I loved you,
it came from deep down inside my heart.

So deep,
that every time I said it,
I could feel my heart ache.
326 · Mar 2019
inreticence Mar 2019
And here
we all stand
on the fragile surface
of mundane ideals;
a billion tiles
of hopes and dreams,
glued together by blind belief.
A safety net cradling you
from what is below;
the dark
numbing pit
of a meaningless existence
320 · Mar 2019
Leave it be.
inreticence Mar 2019
Some, come across broken souls,
unable to mend them.
Yet, insist they must.
Picking up the shattered pieces.
Inevitably, in the process,
wounding their own hands.
And through that pain
comes their lesson:
     If it is not yours to fix,
     it is okay to leave it broken.
I know you meant well.
320 · Apr 2019
Heaven or Hell.
inreticence Apr 2019
I have never known peace.
And never is a long time
to get used to the chaos.
Long enough, that I no longer
find the need to seek for sanctuary.
299 · Mar 2019
Love's not Luck
inreticence Mar 2019
It took me   three heartbreaks
to know: no time's the charm.
Not with love.
294 · Feb 2019
against all odds
inreticence Feb 2019
there are things in life
i cannot ever hope
to control

and i am fine with that.
but heavens know
if there was one thing
i could

i would chose
above all else
and against all odds
to be with you
I wish it was us in the end.
293 · Feb 2019
All Hail
inreticence Feb 2019
long live

the resilience

in you.
My Kings and Queens.
293 · Dec 2019
inreticence Dec 2019
I keep telling myself,
I'll leave when I am tired,
when I am done hurting,
when I have run out of love,
and yet here I am,
still clinging on to you.
285 · Feb 2019
Take a seat
inreticence Feb 2019
We are all a little lost,
                  a little tired,
                  and a little lonely,

                  You are not alone.
You'll be fine. Keep going.
272 · Feb 2019
You've always known
inreticence Feb 2019
There is something
more painful
than a heartbreak.

Something that hurts
even when the wounds
have already closed.

They last longer
than forever.
270 · Jun 2019
Dead or Alive
inreticence Jun 2019
On days that I make it through the storm,
slow death looms over me.

The aftermath leaves nothing unturned.
I am the dead man walking.

Moments turn into an endless cycle
of mournful days without the sun.

Days, when getting up hurts more
because in my dreams is where I am alive.

Days, when reality is the grave I am buried in.
Days, when it hurts more to be alive.
266 · Apr 2019
inreticence Apr 2019
The fact is,
flowers can thrive in the cold,
in the dessert,
in water or mud,
and even through concrete.

And you can survive through more.
264 · Feb 2019
inreticence Feb 2019
you need to look in the mirror
and ask yourself
if you are even worthy
of the love you are seeking
from someone else.
257 · Dec 2019
inreticence Dec 2019
I would go to sleep,
but I know,
I'd still miss you in my dreams.
235 · Feb 2019
What am I?
inreticence Feb 2019
my core is a well
of deep emotions
and i struggle to string
a raft made of words
to stay afloat.
A poet.
226 · Feb 2019
I "like" you
inreticence Feb 2019
I had to diminish
your entire existence
into minuscule words
in hopes to do the same
with how I feel about you.

But the ocean wasn't meant
to be bottled up,
as does the universe
refuses to be conquered.

And that's exactly what you are.
I was too afraid that love was too big of a word.
And it is.
225 · Mar 2019
inreticence Mar 2019
It  is  only       hopeless
when you stop hoping

and  you  only        fail,
when you   stop trying.
223 · Dec 2019
inreticence Dec 2019
What is it about my pain
that speaks to you?
220 · Feb 2019
Love me whole
inreticence Feb 2019
I want to know
how to love
my self whole,
so no one else
can love me
half meant.

I want to know
how to walk around
not feeling incomplete;
to not have to seek validation
in anyone else’s hands
but my own.

I want to hold my head up high,
and my heart on my sleeves.
I no longer want to fear
having someone take it away
only to never see it’s worth;
because I do.

I want to know
how to live my life,
without the hurt.

I want to heal,
and love my self,
enough to bring out
the courage
to take life head on.
207 · Feb 2019
say it with me
inreticence Feb 2019
there is
life in me
you cannot hope
to fathom

there is
light in me
a you cannot hope
to douse

there is
power in me
you cannot hope
to destroy
You got this.
200 · Feb 2019
let her grow
inreticence Feb 2019
I see you pluck heedless flowers

from the ground where they grow

dressing your narcissism as love. 

And you put it in a vase, to sooth

the gnawing fact that it is nothing

more than a casket. She waits do die.

You think her beautiful, so convinced

only you deserve to handle her charms,

yet in your watch she slowly withers.

Love, you can keep picking flowers 

but none of them will stay

until you realize it doesn’t need you. 

she thrives in the wild by her roots,

by the ground where she stands.

you can watch her bloom
without tearing her apart.

that is how you must love.
197 · Jul 2020
inreticence Jul 2020
My love,
your words are beautiful.
They are.
In so many ways.
They spark like fireworks.
Bright and warm.
So beautiful.

Until the dawn comes
and we go back to our own axis,
and you're a million miles away
even though, I am right beside you.
I would hold your hand for some semblance of connection.
But my heart can never seem to reach you.
And you would smile like you're here,
but the truth is, I am not your home.
Not anymore, my love.
And for a moment, through your journey's silence,
you'd hear the feint cries of my heart.
But only just. Like a whisper through the wind.
And then you would say all the words.
All the beautiful words,
like it would bandage the rift of galaxies between us,
but you don't realize
that at the end of every word's tune,
just as they could reach the stars,
they die.
Just like fireworks.
187 · Dec 2019
inreticence Dec 2019
Some days,
it's hard to tell,

if I lock my self
inside my head

to keep the monsters away,
or because I am
the monster.
181 · Feb 2019
inreticence Feb 2019
I do not understand
people's              fear
of being            alone.

Maybe,            I have
lived              the fear
for far          too long.
179 · Apr 2019
inreticence Apr 2019
And through the pain I learned
a couple things
about myself.

I learned that
when I told you,
"I will never ask for too much."
What I meant was,
I am afraid if I told you
what I wanted
and what I needed
you would have thought it was too much
and eventually,
you would leave.

So, I learned never to say it again.
172 · Sep 2020
inreticence Sep 2020
is a terrifying word.
Not so much, in the way that
you have no idea
of what is inevitable,
but instead,
in knowing that you have
even just the tiniest bit of power
to alter the course of things;
that even just a slight nudge
to whichever direction,
right or wrong,
there will always be
an eventually.
170 · Feb 2020
inreticence Feb 2020
I am on a journey backwards,

trying to retrace my footsteps

to where I might have lost myself.

So I can pick it up, and keep going.
160 · Mar 2019
inreticence Mar 2019
I have been broken
plenty of times before.
And my shell has hardened,
but I will remain soft in my core.
158 · Dec 2020
inreticence Dec 2020
And when I dream of you,

I dream of you in hopes and wishes,

laced in gold and glitters.

In images of warmth and laughters.

I dream of you while awake;

dream of you with so much love,

I could taste it on my lips

and I could feel you in my arms.

And when I dream,

I dream away the distance between us.

The uncertainty and the fear.

I dream of you so much,

I could almost conjure it up
into my reality.

Just… almost.

So I dream away.

And I hope.

And I wish.

Until it all comes true.
157 · Mar 2020
inreticence Mar 2020
all this talk of forever,
as if it's light years away
but it's right here.
right now.
with you.
and so on, it will go.
153 · Sep 2019
inreticence Sep 2019
I loved you so much
that even when
I saw the inevitable,

I stayed.
146 · Jan 2020
inreticence Jan 2020
I used to look at you
like you were an open book,
out in the open, for the world to see.

But the closer I got,
the more I saw.

I saw the walls around you.
I saw how you painted them to hide yourself.
I saw glimpses of the demons you try to keep at bay.

For the first time,
I saw the baggages you carried.
The scars you wear.

And I realized I have been looking at you
for the longest time,
without ever truly seeing you.
And I am sorry.

But I am here now.
I see you.
144 · Jan 2020
inreticence Jan 2020
It's a daunting thing,
          self awareness.

Especially, when you realize
                   you barely know yourself.
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