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Jan 2017 · 426
In between
Isabelle Jan 2017
In between seconds and minutes,
     Lies an infinity of words we wished to say
     Are we going to leave it to the winds,
     To deliver our hearts messages?

     An instant connection, we feel it resonates
     Our eyes gave us away, screaming for attention, affection
     All the gravity in the universe
     Is pulling us towards each other

     You feel it too, are you listening?
     Will you walk through the storm of fate,
     That will lead us into each others embrace?
     I am listening, I will..
Will you walk towards me??

That one stare and you know that there is an instant connection..

Raw. First draft. I don't know where it should go.. i just feel the urge to write this.
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
This Heartbreak
Isabelle Jan 2017
This heartbreak
Unleashes the poet on me

i wrote a poem for you, even though i know that you will never read them
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Friday the 13th
Isabelle Jan 2017
Early clumsiness
Spilled coffee on my white shirt
Friday the 13th
Associating my clumsiness with Friday the 13th. Lol xD
Jan 2017 · 1.7k
Akala Ko..
Isabelle Jan 2017
Narinig ko lang pangalan mo
Kumirot na ang puso ko
Akala ko okay na ako
Akala ko lang pala
Masakit pa rin bes.
Jan 2017 · 9.1k
Walking Poetry
Isabelle Jan 2017
Her eyes are a metaphor,
   a conceit, fantasy

No shakespearean sonnet
   even a lyric, will suffice
   to describe the elegance she carries

Her smile, the greatest curve,
   all simile will be denied

Haikus and couplets
   even the long ones
   will not be enough

Her laughter is a song,
   a perfect harmony and melody

She is neither a hyperbole
   nor full of irony
   instead she is perfect rhyme

She is a walking poetry
   a personification of aesthetics

Almost an abstract
   unfathomable beauty
   out of the ordinary
So glad I'm able to write this one after a looonnngggg time.

***! ***! I can't believe this was selected as a Daily!!! I am beyond happy!! Never did I expect this to happen. Thank you everyone for taking time to read and appreciate this piece of mine ❤

Again, my overflowing gratitude to all of you
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
New Year
Isabelle Jan 2017
No more resolutions,
Just start taking actions

My motto for this year.
Happy New Year poet friends!
Dec 2016 · 425
Merry Christmas :)
Isabelle Dec 2016
Little kids are caroling
Joyful songs they are singing

Street lights are dancing
The sky is happily watching

Delicious smell, I'm inhaling
Busy houses, everyone is preparing

Sounds of gift wrapping
How nice is giving and sharing

Christmas is truly a blessing
Let us enjoy this serene feeling*

I've been so hooked with work and preparation for the holidays lately, that is why I wasn't able to read and write for quite some time.. I hope to back read all the poems I've missed lately..

And to all my poet friends here, it's better late than never, Seasons Greetings to all of you! Hope you all had a blessed season :)
Happy Holidays Hello Poetry ❤️
Dec 2016 · 492
Isabelle Dec 2016
*I am free,
Yet I am dumb
What do I do with this freedom?
Dec 2016 · 968
Evidence by Urbandub
Isabelle Dec 2016
Time has a way of healing, or so they say
So why am I still left here cryin'?

Caught in these ways of emotions as people stare
I find there's no real place for me to hide
Well I've been trying in vain
Was only fooling myself
With each passing day
The pain still stays the same

Caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you

Caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you

What more is it that you need
Right now clearly it's not me
With every minute that I gave to you
The punches that I took from you
Why was there no warning love?

What more is it that you need
Right now clearly it's not me
Despite everything I did for you
Excused if I'm surprised
with the moment that I found out that we were through

Caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you

Caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you

When everything seemed alright
You turn and break my heart
Did I deserve your love?
It kills me inside to think of his arms
Wrapped around you now,
Is he a better lover than I?

Well I've been trying in vain
Was only fooling myself
With each passing day
The pain still stays the same

Caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you
Caught you in the arms of another
I've found out about you

Time has a way of healing, or so they say
So why am I still left here?
Very very very beautiful song.
Dec 2016 · 333
On Suicide
Isabelle Dec 2016
I've read a post on facebook about a girl who committed suicide. As per the narrator, she was a good person, a good leader, a good friend and as they can see a perfect daughter. But little did they know that she was suffering because of her parents. Her parents were dissappointed because she was not intelligent enough to graduate with flying colors, the pressure was too much that she wasn't able to carry it all. So she ended it all by taking her life away.

It makes me sad whenever I hear/read stories like that. Sometimes, I think that they are so brave, but sometimes I think they are just stupid to do it. But who am I to judge??

And to all the parents, you are suppose to know, support and understand your children, not to chain them and definitely not to cause them to die..

this is my personal opinion, so an advance apology for the sensitive topic
I don't want it to happen to everyone else in here, so please if you are suffering from depression, anxiety or any disorder, please talk to me. I may not ease or lessen the pain/burden, but trust me, it will feel so much better to let it out.
Dec 2016 · 981
Isabelle Dec 2016
You left me hanging
In the middle of nothing
In between love-lust-friendship
I do not know what it is
But sure, it is more than something
Because I felt everything

When you touched me
When you kissed me
It is more than lust
When you held me
When you smiled at me
My feelings I trust

But suddenly you became a ghost in town
Haunting me from dusk to dawn
You left without footprints on the ground
You left without marks to be found
Like a thief you were gone
You stole my heart and left me undone

Holding on to something that is fading
Still believing it is more than something
It’s my only way to console myself
It’s my only way to redeem myself
I have been fooled, I have been fooled
Now I am gloom, I am in gloom

No words of goodbye
Only memories that haunts me
Is everything just a lie?
Why do you have to do this to me
Every night I wish you are at my side
Will  you comeback to me?
Will you?
Dec 2016 · 778
Isabelle Dec 2016
You can't retract words you've already spoke
Instead, you should take responsibility of what has been said
But if the responsibility is too burdensome
I guess an apology wouldn't harm
I owe you one.

This work thing is consuming me. Ughhh. I wish I could write more.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Isabelle Nov 2016
Life is brief

...and fleeting

...again fleeting

...and just fleeting
Live well. Easier said.
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Butterflies into Wasps
Isabelle Nov 2016
Back then, whenever I see you,
My stomach flutters and my cheeks turns into a red hue
It was like the butterflies
         are singing and dancing gracefully at the sight of you

But now, the butterflies turn into wasps
That whenever I see you, I am losing my grasp
Eating my whole system
          and instead of love, an excruciating pain
Butterflies and wasps, which is which?

Been very busy lately...
Nov 2016 · 2.7k
Love > Hate
Isabelle Nov 2016
I hate hating you
I love loving you

But sometimes,

I love hating you
I hate loving you

But most of the times

**No matter how much I hate loving you
I still love loving you
Isabelle Nov 2016
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
This is an old piece of mine. And yes Isabelle is my name. To all my friends here, I am officially dropping my pen name - Fallen One. Fallen One is very important and meaningful to me, and I will always be the "fallen one". But then, it will be freeing to let go of something that was holding you back for a long time.
Nov 2016 · 699
On losing..
Isabelle Nov 2016
Winning makes you slack
     while it is in losing
          that you become strong and stronger
Never be afraid of failure.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Your Lips..
Isabelle Nov 2016
I never thought that the lips
          I love to kiss
Would be the same lips to lie
          And say the word goodbye
Your lips.
Nov 2016 · 380
Isabelle Nov 2016
Drowning in depression
I could not swim
It was deep, very very deep
I could not see the depth
*Darkness, I am sinking
Someone save me please.
Nov 2016 · 396
Isabelle Nov 2016
How dare you to comeback just when I decided to forget you?
Just like that?? Gawd. I've been trying to get you off my system for almost 3 months. I thought I was starting to get over you, but no, you got me confused again. Somewhere in the bottom of my hypothalamus, I know, it wants you to comeback. And somewhere deep in my subconsciousness, if asked if I want you back, I found myself answering yes... I hate you for what you have done to me, yet I still love you..
Nov 2016 · 1.6k
Old Soul
Isabelle Nov 2016
*Dancing lights
Only hurt my eyes

Screaming and loud music
Disgusting to my ears

Vodkas, cocktails and whiskeys
Never wanted to feel frisky

***, dope, cigarettes
I will only regret

Dancing, party, bar
Never wanted to go that far

Yes I have been to parties
But never will it become my thing

Maybe my past life has an old soul
Who finds comfort in her own hole

Yes, sometimes an anti-social
And sometimes interacting is crucial

So next time you ask me out
Make sure you know what I'm about

Coffee or tea, movies and books
Exhibits and museums let's take a look

A good music or a storytelling
A walk in a park or just talking

Pick me a flower, don't buy me a bouquet
Just hold my hand and always stay
An old poem of mine.
Nov 2016 · 468
Isabelle Nov 2016
"There are only two kinds of people in our town. The stupid and the stuck."*
― Kami Garcia, Beautiful Creatures
Between stupid and stuck.
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Lyrics #7
Isabelle Nov 2016

One smile, then I died
Ony to be revived by you

Your Song by Parokya ni Edgar. Woke up to this lovely opm song :)
Nov 2016 · 2.9k
Vanilla Ice Cream
Isabelle Nov 2016
Familiar eyes staring at him
Instantly she was gone with the crowd
Haunted by her melancholic gaze
Like an animal, followed her scent from miles

He ended up in a small ice cream parlor
Dug dug dug dug dug dug dug
His heart singing a song of nervousness
He’s just 2 feet away from her

Four years ago, a boy met a girl..

“Two vanilla ice cream in the largest cone please”
The boy is in queue after her
Out of nowhere stars will light up the room
Only for the two of them

“Vanilla ice cream is my favorite”
“Good, I hate it” he answered back

And the conversation continued
Inside and outside the ice cream parlor
They just clicked for each other
They just..

It became their new favorite place
He started to love vanilla ice cream too
No need to state the obvious
Their eyes spoke of affection and love

He ended up in a small ice cream parlor
Dug dug dug dug dug dug dug
His heart singing a song of nervousness
He’s just 2 feet away from her

It was the place where they first met
Where they first talked
Where they realized they like each
Where they confessed their feelings
Where their love turned as sweet as a vanilla ice cream

Two years ago when he last visited that place
Two years ago when he last tasted vanilla ice cream
Two years ago when he last saw her
Two years ago when they broke up
They ended in the same place where they have started

Sweating despite the cold weather
Tongue seems to be tied
Palpitating heart, butterflies in his stomach
But it wasn’t her, it will never be her
Because she was gone, she was gone

He wakes up from the bittersweet dream
It was just a dream, a dream, a dream
A beautiful yet a sad dream that will haunt him forever
And then he remembers, it is her 2nd death anniversary today

And instead of flowers,
Vanilla ice cream is what he brings on her graveyard

She will forever haunt him,
For their love is a love that is hard to forget
- A once in a lifetime kind of love..
Nov 2016 · 677
Come to Me...
Isabelle Nov 2016
Come to me my love
When your smile dies
When the sun hides
Come to me
I’ll make you laugh
I’ll keep you warm

Come to me my love
When the rain falls hard
When the thunder is loud
Come to me
Let’s dance in the rain
Let’s sing like we’re insane

Come to me my love
When nobody hears you scream
When you wake up from a bad dream
Come to me
I’ll scream my lungs out with you
I’ll build the best dreams with you

Come to me my love
When your hair turns gray
When you start to forget each day
Come to me
Let’s dye our hair together
Let’s forget then remember

Come to me my love
When your knees are weak
When you get sick
Come to me
I’ll roll the wheelchair for you
I’ll take care of you

Come to me, come to me my love
Forever I laid out for you
Forever I laid out for you..
Nov 2016 · 843
Walking Corpse
Isabelle Nov 2016
I am a walking corpse
Looking for you
To take back my heart
Which I offered you before

Your cold hands
Your harsh words
Your dry feelings
Your empty heart
Is what killed me

I am a walking corpse
Looking for you
To take back my heart
Which I willingly gave you before

My want of attention
Your lack of affection
My want of action
Your lack of emotion
Is what killed me

I am a walking corpse
With a body and soul
Looking for you
To take back my heart
Halloween inspired.
Oct 2016 · 675
Dreams Die..
Isabelle Oct 2016
She is always afraid of waking up
Because her dreams die when she does
Her dreams fade away,
fades away into reality..
Her dreams die when she wakes up..
Oct 2016 · 513
Isabelle Oct 2016


It is the distance
That made him distant

Reiteration of what is obvious.
Oct 2016 · 796
Still Confused
Isabelle Oct 2016
Back then, I didn't understand what you said,
"You are thinking, instead of feeling"
"Woah that was deep", I answered back

And to be honest, until now
I'm still confused
Most of the times, what you are feeling is far different from what you are thinking. And I do not know if it is the mind or heart that betrays us.
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
First Cry (The Gift of Life)
Isabelle Oct 2016
Baby bump, little baby bump
She is so happy, very very happy
It is her first time to be a mom
And she doesn't want to be ******

She's excited to see her 1st born
9 months, it will take 9 months
Girl or boy, sure she will adore
9 months, it is only for 9 months

Everyday she talks to her angel
Sings a song or tells a story
She always wispher Mommy loves you baby
Wanting to reassure the little angel

Days are fast and the long wait is over
The gift of life is about to be unwrap
Little angel is about to be born
Little angel will bring smile to the world

The sky is beginning to light up
But there are still stars dispersed in the firmament
In the vast universe, a new gift carying her blood
She's so moved that she couldn’t stop crying

What a lovely sound she heard
The first cry sounded like an angel’s trumphet
The most beautiful melody of the moment
The music of the gift of life
Firts cry, confirmation of life and validation of her motherhood.
Oct 2016 · 321
Isabelle Oct 2016
She writes about
      S A D N E S S
to console herself
to find another who can
     R E L A T E

Why she writes.
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Isabelle Oct 2016
Call it magic
Call it true
Call it magic
When I'm with you
And I just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic
When I'm next to you
Magic by Coldplay. Very lovely song :))
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
Let Me Hold You
Isabelle Oct 2016
Let me hold you
During your starless night
When the moon is full

Let me hold you
During your waking hours
When the monsters crawl in your bed

Let me hold you
During winter, spring, summer and fall
When the season fails you

Let me hold you
Thru the good and bad times
Just let me
"Let Me" series ;)
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Prayer before the exam..
Isabelle Sep 2016
I pray for knowledge,
understanding and wisdom
     to answer each question

And in case of doubt and uncertainty,
please clear my mind
     and bring back my self confidence

I also pray that you keep me in good shape,
give me strength not only in physical
     but also in mental, emotional and spiritual aspects

Guide me on my way to the exam place
watch over me all through out the exam days
     and sent your angels to calm me

May I overcome the fear of failure
and help me dwell on my strenghts
     instead of my weaknesses and lackness

I pray for everyone who will also take the exams,
may we not take this as a competition,
     bless us with perseverance and humility

Almighty Father,
please hold my hand
     and sit beside me

I know I did my best,
please do the rest
     and let your will be done
Whatever your plan is, let it be done. I also pray that after the exams, please give me the courage to face the result. I'll be more than happy if I pass. But if not, I will try to understand and accept that there is a much better plan for me. May the good Lord bless me.
Sep 2016 · 649
LOVE #11
Isabelle Sep 2016

*Love is a drug,

That leaves you high and dry

Don't leave me high
Don't leave me dry
(- not sure if this is from radiohead..)
Sep 2016 · 307
Hear me..
Isabelle Sep 2016
I thought I was screaming
I thought I was loud enough

Maybe I was just screaming in silence
Maybe I was just loud in my mind

That's why nobody will hear me
Nobody will ever hear me..
I don't know where it should go.. It's my subconcious that is speaking, trying to decipher what my soul is telling me.
Sep 2016 · 705
Hands of Time
Isabelle Sep 2016
Hands of time, please stop
I want this moment to last
Coz it's worthy of a lifetime
Sep 2016 · 549
Almost There..
Isabelle Sep 2016
Working during daylight
Studying late night

Away from home
Makes me feel alone

Black circles under my eyes
Doing my best not to cry

There are times I almost gave up
There are times I wished I could go back

But the wind always whispers something
"You've come too far, you're almost there"

A flicker of smile
My hope didn't die
Almost there, almost. No matter what the result is, I will be proud of myself.
Sep 2016 · 358
Isabelle Sep 2016
*The world has reached it's death
"Wake me up when the world is green again"*
Billion years have passed
But still, she's in a deep sleep
The world never came to life again..
Sep 2016 · 458
It Cost Her Heart
Isabelle Sep 2016
*Piece by piece she picked herself up
Stitched each broken parts
Until she's whole again
There are holes and cracks
Marks and scars
But still, she's functional

Soon her tears will dry
Soon her soul will recover
Soon her wounds will heal

And when the healing process is over
She will be the best version of herself
That nobody expects her to be
Braver, stronger
Nobody can ever hurt her
Nobody can ever break her

Yes she will
She will recover
But she will be untouchable
Emotions will never consume her
And her heart
Her heart will turn into a stone
It cost her heart.
Revised old poem.
Sep 2016 · 331
Isabelle Sep 2016
I do not fit
I do not belong
They could not get my wit
It's the right kind of wrong
Throwback poem. My first entry here in HP :)
Sep 2016 · 509
The Fire in your Eyes
Isabelle Sep 2016
The intensity of your gaze
Could turn me into ashes
Wishing it's a stare of amaze
But darling, I know, we lost our chances

That look in your eyes
Are to cover the lies
And the look in my eyes
Are pretentious, a disguise
that I knew nothing of your crime

I'll take the fire in your eyes
Even if it will burn me alive
I don't want to hear the truth
Love me still, even if it's just a lie
Isabelle Sep 2016
All it brings her is tears and sorrow
So she demands Cupid to take back the **** arrow

Starting then,
She wears a heart armor
with a warning on it
*"Not this time Cupid, not this time"
Ohh stupid cupid!
Sep 2016 · 528
Isabelle Sep 2016
You are too busy spending too much
-too much time and effort for her, just for her

That's why you never see,
You never see that my love is free
I'm right in the corner, why can't you see me?
Sep 2016 · 484
Poetry to the rescue..
Isabelle Sep 2016
Amidst the intensive review,
Poetry is to the rescue

How I miss writing!
Gawd. Still a CPA in transit, 27 days left before the actual exams.. Praying to pass the licensure exam..
Aug 2016 · 685
Think of Me
Isabelle Aug 2016



Taking a break from writing. Will be gone for another month.
Aug 2016 · 2.6k
tapos na..
Isabelle Aug 2016
Paglipas ng oras
Paglipas ng araw
Paglipas ng buwan
Paglipas ng taon

Wala na
Tapos na
Ubos na ang mga salita
Ubos na ang mga luha

Sanayan lang naman yan
Ang mahalaga
Tapos na..
Maaring sayo, walang kwenta mga sinasabi ko. #nonsense
Aug 2016 · 230
Isabelle Aug 2016

We are a tragedy.
Aug 2016 · 408
Heartbreak Stories
Isabelle Aug 2016
It was supposed to be painful
I've seen it, I've read it

I've seen it in tv dramas
I've seen it in the movies
I've read it in fairytales
I've read it in novels

It seems painful
Sleepless night
Endless fight
Not able to eat
Not able to think

It seems painful
River of tears
Drowning with fears
Some gave it a try
Some continued to lie

It seems painful
Some still chase the other
Some becomes bitter
Some becomes a hater
Some turns into a monster

It seems painful
She cried
He begged
She never moved on
He never let go

Some have been cheated
Some have been left behind
Sometimes love is not enough
Sometimes a one sided love
And others, its just the fire was gone

Break-ups seems painful
I've seen it in movies
I've read it in books
Almost all types of love stories
Almost all types of heartbreaks

Different kinds of people
Different scenarios
Different endings
Common denominator is

Now I understand
Where all those stories came from
For every person is a different story
For every love is a different love
For every pain is a different pain

What I have watched, doesn't shows it all
What I have read, doesn't describes it all
For everything is a new one
And sometimes words are not enough
And some stories are yet to be done
But nothing came out. "Okay" was the only word I uttered. I walk away. It wasn't numbness, it's more like, I was empty and I can't describe it. Well, maybe that's how I broke my heart and maybe that's my definition of painful.
Aug 2016 · 290
It Ends Tonight
Isabelle Aug 2016
My soul starts to shake
My heart starts to ache

But my tears, my tears
*The tears stops falling
And I do not know if it is good or bad.

Empty. Feels like my heart has a hole.
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