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Aug 2016 · 220
Realization #1
Isabelle Aug 2016
Love never made me a fool,
It was my choices that made me a fool.

It ends tonight.
Aug 2016 · 253
Isabelle Aug 2016

Forever is a long time
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side

I Wouldn't Mind by He Is We ;)
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Love in a circle..
Isabelle Aug 2016

If I run from the other side of the earth
And you run from the other half of it
And then we meet somewhere in between or in the end,
Does we prove that the world is round?

Love, i'd rather believe this,
So that you can't run away from me
My love will be just right inside the circle
No escape,  just a cycle, round and round


Imagine if the earth is flat,
If I walk away to the south
And you walk away to the north
How can we see each other again?
Aug 2016 · 763
I Stop Here
Isabelle Aug 2016
I will stop smelling the clothes you left
I will stop doodling your name in every paper
I will stop looking for your face in the crowd
I will stop wishing for you in every shooting star

I will stop here, I will

I will stop writing poems about you
I will stop writing songs for you
I will stop sending messages
I will stop calling your name

I will stop here, I will

I will stop thinking about you every morning
I will stop calling you my sun
I will stop dreaming about you every night
I will stop calling you my moon

How I wish I can stop right here, right now
How I wish..
I can't stop here, but I know, soon I will.
Aug 2016 · 2.2k
On stupidity
Isabelle Aug 2016
It took me one hundred stupid acts
Before I finally realize that I was indeed stupid
Stupid enough.
Aug 2016 · 616
Isabelle Aug 2016
1994- ..

2nd day, August of 1994
Around pm, at four
A girl was born

The sun smiled
Her parents cried
Then, laughters can't be hide


And for a little girl
The world is big
And it’s easy to be lost in it

But soon she will grow
Soon she will glow
Soon she will know

About peace, about fight
About wrong, about right
About love, about life

School, work, friend
Learn how to bend
Explore what’s on the other end

Surely, time always knocks on the door
She, a little girl no more
And now, on the way to the life she longed for

And finally she found her own place
In this world full of maze
Today, I decided to walk away.. Walk away from all the negative thoughts, people and things that surrounds me.. Cheers to change!
Aug 2016 · 508
Age and Time (Repost)
Isabelle Aug 2016
"Things take time, 
But time takes things"


*When I was a child

I always wanted to grow up fast

But now, feels like I'm in the wild

Lost in the world so vast

Growing old, adding numbers to my life

Afraid to be an adult and it's strife

They say age brings wisdom
But I~ just getting dumb

I am moving

Yet I go nowhere

I do not know if I'm improving

Or if I'm off to somewhere

Turning 22 isn't a big deal

But why does it terrifies me?
The idea of life getting more real

Transition to adulthood I can not see

Maybe I'm not yet ready
 of a bigger world and responsibilities

Because my feet aren't always steady
 and unsure of my abilities

I was not innocent
 and definitely not immature
But I always face an awkward predicament

Because my life, is constantly unsure

Yes, 22 is not young, but not too old enough

to have a clear mind and smart tongue

So I just have to shrug this feeling of rough

And enjoy the feeling of young

Age and time, we could not defy

So as life and its formula

Running out of time, is a big lie

And age is nothing but a numeral

Age and time, definitely
Does not define maturity, nor brings wisdom
And I couldn't tell much, technically

Because, as I've said, I still lack in wisdom
So yeah I turned 22 today. Happy Birthday to me. I wrote this after my graduation day, and up to now, now that I am 22, I still feel the same way.
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
Word Thief
Isabelle Jul 2016
Is it a crime,
If I do not rhyme?

Will I be put to jail if my metaphors are lame?
Will I be put to jail because I steal your fame?
Or my life will forever be in shame?

I borrowed your words
Well, technically not really your words

I am not a word thief
Unless the Dictionary will sue me
Unless my own mind sue me
Hmmm. I always put a credit or cite the source whenever I used/borrowed something that isn't mine. But sometimes we've got exactly the same thoughts of what has been already read or written, would you still call that plagiarism? If you honestly didn't know that something like that already exist?
Jul 2016 · 517
The Magic Word (Part II)
Isabelle Jul 2016
She remembered, she even counted
“Five times, he said it five times”

She remembered the first and second
It was when he was kissing her
In between the passionate scene
He wisphered the words twice

As for the third time,
When they were eating together
“Tatlong piraso para sayo kasi mahal kita
(3 pieces for you because I love you)”
She just smiled at him

And as for the fourth and fifth
It was when they were making love
In between the amorous moments
“I love you, I love you” he told her

Five times, he said it five times
He said the magic words

It was the magic word
That changed her world
She finally believed it
She finally accepted it

But she didn’t told him
She kept it to herself
She was afraid to say the words
She was afraid of the consequences

She waited again for him to say it
“I love you too” she even practiced
But that time never came
He never said it, he never said it again

What happened?
She asked herself
Was it too late to say
“I love you too”?

The magic word
Has lost its power
Has lost its meaning
Has lost its purpose

Who's to blame?
The one who answered late
Or the one that seems insincere?

Jul 2016 · 474
Find Me...
Isabelle Jul 2016
And in a sea of people
You will search for me
That every girl you see
You'll wish it was me

That every eyes you stare
You'll wish it was my glare
That every smile you make
You'll wish its for me to take

That every girl you kiss
You'll compare my luscious lips
That every hand you hold
Will all feel cold

You will look for me in the crowd
You will miss the warmth of my hug
You will search my scent in every girl
You will crave the times we had spent together

You will find traces of me in every girl
But you will never find another me
And I promise you that
You will never find another me

And I promise that every time you will think of me, you will wish you should not have let me go..
Isabelle Jul 2016
You cannot give what you do not have

So don't offer me the stars
Don't even bother to catch the moon
Or steal the sun

You cannot give what you do not have

So don't promise me a garden of roses
Don't even tell me you'll climb the highest mountains
Or swim the deepest oceans

You cannot give what you do not have

So don't tell me you'll write poems for me
Don't even adore me with your words
Or ****** me with your wordplay

You cannot give what you do not have*

So don't dare offer me your love
Don't even dare to give me your love
For I know, she still have your heart
You still love her, I knew..
Jul 2016 · 367
Writer's Block
Isabelle Jul 2016
I've been trying to write stories
then my mind wanders into fantasies
I could not find a perfect subject
so I looked everywhere for an object

But still..

Another writer's block
tik tok tik tok said the clock
write a line, write a line
and find a rhyme, find a rhyme
Oh! I found a dime, I found a dime!
Lets buy some wine!

tik tok tik tok said the clock

Delete the first two verses
Because it was all nonsense
Please give me a concept!
In return I will try to write you a sonnet
Said, I WILL TRY to write you a sonnet

tik tok tik tok said the clock

I am running out of time
I am running out of lines
Sorry for the rumbling
I really am struggling
Couldn't find a perfect subject
So my papers here are wrecked
Haven't written anything good since the past few weeks. Ughh.
Jul 2016 · 8.5k
Huling Sayaw..
Isabelle Jul 2016
Sa mga sinambit **** salita
Sa mga ngiting ipinakita
Unti-unti, ako'y nabiktima
Unti-unti ako'y nahulog na

Oo gusto kita, pinili pa nga kita
Minahal nga ata kita
Ayoko lang aminin sa sarili ko
Ayoko lang pakinggan ang puso ko

Takot ang nangibabaw

Takot masaktan
Takot maiwan
Takot na maging ikaw ang mundo
Takot na mahalin ka ng todo

Kasi sa pag-ibig, ganoon ako
Buo, buong-buo
Yung wala ng para sa sarili ko
Yung lahat ibibigay ko

Nagustuhan mo din naman ako diba?
Ikaw naman ang unang nagsabi diba?
Ikaw naman ang nagpakita ng interest diba?
Ikaw naman ang nauna diba?

May mga plano na nga ako
Para sa iyo
Para sa akin
Para sa atin

Kasi sa tingin ko handa na ako
Handa na ako

Pero wala
Bigla na lang nagbago
Wala na tayong magagawa
Wala pa ngang "tayo" ay naghiwalay na tayo

Sana totoong nagustuhan mo ako
Sana totoo lahat ng ipinakita mo
Sana totoo lahat ng sinabi mo
Sana, sana, sana

Hindi ako galit sa'yo
Galit ako sa sarili ko
Kasi pinili kita
Kasi nagustuhan kita

Ang huling hiling ko na lang sa'yo
ay sabihin mo na ginamit mo lang ako
baka sakali ay matauhan ako
at ako na mismo ang lumayo
Para sa'yo. Ikaw lang, alam mo yan. Kaya kong maghintay, sabihin mo lang.

Paalam sa ating huling sayaw,
may dulo pala ang langit,
kaya't  sabay tayong bibitaw...
Jul 2016 · 477
Towards You..
Isabelle Jul 2016

I burnt the bridge to never cross again
I drew a line between us

Yet unknowingly the bridge was built again
And the line was meant to be crossed again

There and back again
You'll see me

Passing the bridge towards you
Crossing the line between us

Only to come back to you..

Because I can't turn away...
Jul 2016 · 397
Isabelle Jul 2016



Just a pure heart and soul..
Jul 2016 · 991
Isabelle Jul 2016
She was a hoarder
-of memories

And it was good and bad
Holding on to memories..
Isabelle Jul 2016
*Because when I do,
I always end up with thoughts of you
Because when I do,
I always end up writing about you

And you see,
My words will be tinted with you
You will see a hint of you in every story
Every stanza will be inspired by you

You see,
I'll end up writing about you
That's why I don't want to write anymore
I'll just end up missing you
I'll just end up thinking what we could have been

I don't want to write anymore,
Each line is heartbreaking
Every word is killing me
Because it was all for you

I don't want to write anymore,
I just miss you so bad
That it hurts so much

I don't want to write anymore,
Surely  everything I will write
Will be all for you
And it will mean I can't move on

Remembering how to forget you.
Jul 2016 · 249
Loving You..
Isabelle Jul 2016
(a true confession of mine)

I am a coward for pushing you away
The truth is,
I am starting to lose myself in loving you,
And I am afraid of what I might become because of you
I am falling fast and hard,
That if I fall for you, I will never be the same again
This is for you. Sorry, I am afraid. My heart is clouded by fears and questions. I like you so much, really, but I could not trust you enough. I am me when I am with you, that's the best part of it. And to end it all, I think I love you too, but I had to say goodbye.
Jul 2016 · 613
The Magic Word
Isabelle Jul 2016
Just like the movies,
Everything went in a slow motion
Teary eyes and wet cheeks
Unexplained emotions

3 words
He’s about to spill
The air was cold
The room went still

“I love you”
He wishpered

It was the magic word
That changed her world

Never did she expect
To hear those words
For she always thought
That she was never enough

She felt loved
She felt wanted
Yet she was terrified
Yet she was overwhelmed

"I love you"
He repeated

It was the magic word
That changed her world

But the magic word,
didn't work
Silence was her answer
Questions were her answer

For I know nothing of love.
Jul 2016 · 311
The Possibility of US
Isabelle Jul 2016

Because every night
I stare at the glittering sky
constantly asking the moon and stars
about the possibility of us

And if the stars could speak
they would probably told me
to stop asking the same question
over and over again

And maybe, the moon
is also bored of watching me swoon,
me being a hopeless romantic,
delusional like a lunatic

Dream catchers on my window
Doodles of your name under my pillow
The same wish on every shooting star
I am willing, no matter how far

I could stay like this forever
Because illusions are way better
Better than the reality
That there will never be a possibility
Of you and me

I'll just admire you from afar, my love.
Jul 2016 · 273
LOVE #10
Isabelle Jul 2016
*I got you by love,
but I also lost you by love
The pros and cons.
Jun 2016 · 4.1k
Game of Thrones (Haiku)
Isabelle Jun 2016
Dragons are on fire
Winter has finally come
War is to begin
Season 6 is just epic.. Gawd I can't contain my excitement!
Jun 2016 · 280
Writing in Between
Isabelle Jun 2016
Writing in between dusk and dawn
late night and early morning thoughts
all things I should have done
all things I should have said
ends up in a sheet of paper

Writing in between fantasy and reality
distinguishing facts from dreams
separating actual events from things that happened only in mind
drawing a line between possible and impossible
all ends up in a black ink

Writing in between, with an angel and a devil beside
they look at me saying
"decide which side to take, decide which bridge to burn"
it takes a lot of wisdom to choose
it takes a lot of understanding to do

Writing in between seconds and minutes
of how time takes things and how things takes time
of how time is sometimes too slow
and sometimes too fast
writing about how time has betrayed me

Writing in between good and evil
of what is angelic and sinister
of what is moral and immoral
of what is accepted and not
all written, but all don't matter

Writing in between life and death
still couldn't define what is living
still couldn't define what comes with death
writing in between inhales and exhales
grasping for words and air
So hard to make a stand
So hard to choose a side
So for now, writing in between glory and what bores me.

I don't know where it should go. Random thoughts of mine. Hope it make sense.
Jun 2016 · 707
We Remain
Isabelle Jun 2016

We remain,
And in WE
It supposed to include you and me

We remain,
-our memories
-our laughters

Yes we remain,
You and Me

But that WE
Doesn't include you and me
We remain,
But not us

We remain,
You and Me
But not together
Instead, away from each other

I love the repetitiveness of this. Sometimes, the "we" doesn't include you and me. We remain, but with our own separate lives to mend.
Jun 2016 · 2.1k
Love and Hate
Isabelle Jun 2016
Love is the absence of Hate
And hate is the absence of Love
What happens when love and hate collide???
Love and hate. Hate and love.
Jun 2016 · 627
Isabelle Jun 2016

Stuck on my throat

Left unsaid

**It's killing me
Haunting. Burdensome.
Jun 2016 · 351
All I Need (edited)
Isabelle Jun 2016
I don't need a palace
Your arms is my house
You are my home

I don't need cars
Even it's a hundred yards
As long as I walk with you

I don't need jewelries
I am wealthy enough
To have you is a treasure

I don't need forever
For each moment feels like a forever
When I am with you

I don't need much
Only your attention
Only your affection
Only your love

I don't need much
All I need is YOU...
all I need is YOU..
Jun 2016 · 2.4k
Unkiss Me..
Isabelle Jun 2016
Luscious lips
Your hands on my hips
My heart beats in skips
I feel your tongue slips

Your kiss
On my lips
On my cheek
Instantly I feel weak

Your kiss
Stop it
Unkiss me
(Unkiss me, untouch me, untake this heart- maroon5.)
Inspired by my chapped lips.
Jun 2016 · 269
Isabelle Jun 2016
Define happiness....
**I couldn't.
I just can't.
Isabelle Jun 2016
Love of recognition
Love of appreciation

Love of power
Love of being above other

Love of luxury
Love of money

Love of success
Love of progress

Loving way too much
Of earthly things and title

Loving way too much
Of things that supposed to be should not matter

Loving way too much
Of life that you forget to actually live

Love is the greatest thing of all
Yet love is the most horrible of all
It all boils down to love after all.
Jun 2016 · 426
Isabelle Jun 2016
When she was 5 years old,
She was made to believe that
An ice cream can make someone stop crying

When she was 10 years old,
She was made to believe that
Girls should be modest and simple

When she was 15 years old,
She was made to believe that
She's too young to fall in love

When she was 20 years old
She was made to believe that
Real life, she could not handle

Now that she was 25
She had realized that everything
She was made to believe
Were nothing but all lies and opinions

Now that she was wise enough
She realized that an ice cream wouldn't solve a problem
That women can be whatever they want to be
That falling in love was just a normal thing
That the real world is complicated but manageable

Now that she was old enough
She will never believe
Anything or anyone
Unless she had experienced it
Unless she had seen it in her own eyes

She will never believe again
Because everything she was made to believe were all lies..
I do not know where it should go. Just a first draft, i'll try to edit this one. And I am not mature enough to know it all.
Jun 2016 · 262
Isabelle Jun 2016
And her only hope is
to hope

Hope??? Eh. Rumblings of a mad mind.
Jun 2016 · 935
The Color of Blue
Isabelle Jun 2016
Her color of blue is not the color of serenity,
neither the color of the calm sky
nor the color of the cool oceans

Her color of blue is black and gray
A sad blue eyes and a faint smile
A heavy heart and a wandering soul

Her color of blue is sadness,

So tell me,
how come the color of blue depicts peace and calmness?
When the other meaning of it is the opposite?
I talk nonsense. I just feel blue today, and when I said blue, I mean I just feel sad today.
Jun 2016 · 581
Exit (Haiku)
Isabelle Jun 2016
I entered a room
But surprised to find out that
There is no exit
Trapped inside. Could not escape. There is only one way, there is no turning back..
Jun 2016 · 411
Today's Advice
Isabelle Jun 2016
Waking up is always a burden to her
For she never wanted the life she is living now
They say that life has so many choices to offer
But she was left with only one choice
-to accept what was left to her

Dreaming is supposed to be free,
But now, it became a luxury
Only for those who can afford it
And those who can't, it's a fantasy
-illusion, delusional

Ridicule me, laugh at me, tease me, bully me
It will be your last chance
Call me simpleton, call me poor, call me ugly
It will be your last chance
You won't be able to do it again

She had finally decided to end it all
She was just waiting for a cue to start the fall
And that day, wandering around the city
A signboard caught her attention

Today's Advice: HANG IN THERE ;)
A faint smile then crosses her lips
It was the cue she was waiting for

Later that night
Literally, she followed the advice
The only witness is the moon
*She hangs herself in her room
Another write about suicide. Are they weak for losing the battle? Or are they strong enough to end it all?
Jun 2016 · 3.1k
Himala (Miracle)
Isabelle Jun 2016

Kasalanan bang
Is it wrong,

Humingi ako sa langit ng
To ask the high heavens,

Isang himala..?
*for a miracle?
OPm morning! Himala by Rivermaya.. Miracles do happen everyday :)
Jun 2016 · 616
tired.. (haiku)
Isabelle Jun 2016
Working M to F
Studying during Sat and Sun
Starting to feel tired
I need motivation, inspiration, moral support and HUG right now. It's my choice, but why do i get tired of it??
Jun 2016 · 251
Love #9
Isabelle Jun 2016
*I will never be afraid to fall,
If it's in your arms I will fall
If it's in your heart I will land
Don't be afraid to fall, I will catch you..
Jun 2016 · 713
All For Him
Isabelle Jun 2016
I can't carry the world
I only have two hands
To hold me and to hold him

I can't cry it all
I only have two eyes
My tears,  I save for him

I can't say it all
I only have a mouth
My words, all for his ears

I can't love you all,
I only have one heart
And it is made for him
All for you my love.. How I wished you will say the same to me..
Jun 2016 · 536
Throw it all away
Isabelle Jun 2016
Un-lonely nights
Romantic moments
The love, the love
What about them?
Throw it all away
The perfect dates
The sweetest kisses
The love, the love
What about them?
Throw it all away

song by Typecast..


I heard that song from the radio
I wrote down the lyrics, and sent to you
You just laughed at me
You threw away the letter,
Just like how you threw away our forever

Nights are now lonely
Romantic moments into daily fights
Dates, conversation, all coldly
No more random kisses at night

I asked you what and where did I lacked
You told me none, instead
You told me I was too much
I always knew that too much of everything
is not good, but what can I do?
That's how much I loved you

Will you throw it all away,
Will you throw it all away??
All we've been through
All my love for you,
All my love for you??
Throw away all my love for you.
Jun 2016 · 356
Isabelle Jun 2016
I was at your door, I almost knock to say sorry.

But you didn't. You let the night pass without us fixing the damage

I almost called you, it took me so much effort not to.

But still you didn't. You let the night pass without us communicating our thoughts.

You see, your "almost" are never enough and as much as you want me to understand that you tried your best, that you almost do, it was never ever a consolation.

*It hurts to know that you almost did but the fact that you didn't is what hurts me the most.
The point is you never did.
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
On Dating a Good Guy
Isabelle Jun 2016
Good guys are not boring,
*****, you are just a *****, girl
This is for the girl who cheated on her boyfriend. She said that her man is a good man then added that good men are boring. In the first place, why answer his courtship if you find him boring? And why do you have to let the whole social media know that you cheated on him? Gawd, you are so proud being a cheater. That guy doesn't deserve you.
Jun 2016 · 442
Pieces of you..
Isabelle Jun 2016
*Cut open my head
And you'll see
My mind is full of thoughts of you.

Remove my thoughts of you
My brain wouldn't function well
My mind isn't complete then

Cut open my chest
And you'll see
My heart is made of pieces of you

Remove the pieces of you
My heart will skip a beat then
My heart will die then
You will always find pieces of you in me... Removing you is equal to killing me..
Jun 2016 · 342
My current state..
Isabelle Jun 2016
I used to be the Fallen One
I got this name from a book
Fallen One is a male character
Who for sure got a good look
But his life consist of awful chapter


Since then, I used it as my pseudonym
We are not totally the same
I just love the darkness of him
I just love personalities that's dim

Let us say, I maybe depressed
Or I just find beauty in everything that falls
Or I just find comfort being a messed
That is why I've got this high walls

Maybe my words mean nothing
Cause I honestly don't know what I want to say
I just want somebody to hear me crying
And tell me it's going to be okay
(even tho it's a lie)

Silent pleas, save me from my own miseries
Self destruction button activated
Maybe I am made to be like this
To recover and then again devastated

I am always the fallen one
Never the rising one
Beauty I find in destruction
Peace I find in confusion

This is me, and I couldn't run away
I couldn't climb, I always fall
Maybe that's how I am supposed to be
Maybe that's how it is supposed to be
Sorry I talked nonsense. I mean "fall" in a very broad sense in there. Lost in thoughts and words. Lost in this world I am. Drowning in my own blood of miseries. I just want to let it all out. Oh LIFE.
Jun 2016 · 352
5 hours.. (Haiku)
Isabelle Jun 2016
I now consider,
Luxury- five hours of sleep
I'll be happy then
A good sleep please.
Jun 2016 · 622
Tears (Haiku 2x)
Isabelle Jun 2016
You don't need long words
To tell the saddest stories
Tears sometimes are enough

You don't need long words
To describe your happiness
Tears sometimes are enough
No words.. Just tears..
Isabelle Jun 2016
The cold wind touched my skin and my body trembled
As you removed the last piece of my clothing
You also removed my eyeglasses and asked
"Can you see me?"
I slowly nod even everything was a blur
The curve in your lips says that you smiled upon seeing me naked

You started kissing me
And I stand still because it was my first kiss
and I don't know how to respond
Kissing. Deeper. Harder
I found myself craving for more
Faster. Stop. Breath

You asked me to close my eyes
But I didn't (because everything is blur without my eyeglasses)
Instead I put my feet on your waist
Then hugged you tightly
Mainly for support and to make sure I will not fall

Slowly our body collided
It was your trap, a sweet pitfall
Your hands all over me
touching every part of me

You stopped on my *******
and started fondling
one more caress and I totally fall
in your sinful trap
****. Lick. Mash
And I can't make you stop
No, I don't want you to stop

So wrong yet feels so good..

My body starts to shake
As you put your hands in between
Fingers in and out
I'm losing my mind
Fingers in and out
Faster. Breathless
Fingers in and out
Exploring every part of me
Which I don't let anybody see

I'm in ecstasy
Pain and pleasure
never felt this way before

Panting. Wanting
You drop to your knees
and position your head in between
You bury your face
and started to taste
Lick. Lick. Lick
You said I taste like heaven
So I was in heaven
Lick. Lick. Lick
Pain and pleasure
never felt this way before

But you're not yet done
And I don't want you to be done
You asked me again
"Can you see me?"
Again, I nod even you're just a shape in my vision

You lay me down
I just stare into vagueness
Then I felt it
You pushed inside me
Pain and pleasure
Pain and pleasure
I'm losing control
With every ******, I can feel you all over me
As you bury yourself inside me
you also touch my heart
In and out. Harder. Deeper
Breathless. Wanting. Moaning
The world is spinning

"Can you see me?"
I finally answered
"No, but it's not important
as long as I feel you near me is enough"
I was staring at the shadow of him as I said the words
It was dark, only heartbeats and ****

I'm sure you touched my heart
But you said it's just my body
that's pain and pleasure, I guess
I thought you touched my heart
but as you said, you just touched my body
I made love to you, but you just f_cked me
I thought it was love
Pleasure is all you see

The morning comes
Knowing you won't be beside me
But still I looked around
To make sure that what happened was real
Yes, it is indeed real, you were real
For you left marks
crumpled bed sheet
red marks on my skin
and bloodstains..

I wore my eyeglasses
my vision becomes clear
But no specs can clear what happened
under the moonlight

*Innocence gone
Pain and pleasure
The euphoria of last night..
An old piece of mine.. This was originally a Tagalog poem which I just translated in English. I admit that the theme wasn't mine but the translation is purely my own I also added and edited some parts..
May 2016 · 1.1k
Kung Wala Ka..
Isabelle May 2016
Nariyan ka pa ba?
Hindi ka na matanaw..

*Love, are you still there?
Why can't I see you?
Why can't I feel you?
Forever fan of Hale.. I will try to translate this song into English.
May 2016 · 810
Dead Star..
Isabelle May 2016
You were once amongst the brightest star
That illuminated the world from afar
But now, they call you a dead one
Long ago exploded and gone

But still we see your light
You still twinkle in the night
You still light up the dark
Still a beautiful piece of art

They call you a dead star
But beauty I found in your destruction
How I will love explosion
If light will still be seen after a billion of years

They call you a dead star
But you still shine with the other
What a lovely death indeed
To die but still light will be seen
Late night thoughts. How lovely is the sky tonight.
May 2016 · 790
Morning Routine
Isabelle May 2016
There was a lone child
Who wakes up even before the sun does
Who writes something in her room
Then inflates a red balloon

Only to find out
That a prayer, she has written down
Will tie it to the balloon
Then set it free to the sky dome

It was her morning routine
Thinking the angels above
Will easily hear and see her prayers
Because she always pray and gets nothing

It was her morning routine
Thinking that the earlier she prays
The earlier she'll be answered
Because she always wait, wait and wait

It was her daily routine
She never gets tired of it
She will always knot a prayer to a balloon
Until someday, that someone might finally hear her
First draft. Written out of randomness. Never get tired of praying. He knows what and when he will give what we asked for. Perfect timing and of course if we deserve it, he will give it
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