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Apr 2021 · 443
inside the bubble
ce-walalang Apr 2021
borrow words from your best-loved poets.

choose to set your old heart free.

some things can’t be rushed.

all the world is made of
everything that keeps it alive,
and love --

the greatest of all is love.
notes from inside the bubble
Apr 2021 · 530
where do ideas die?
ce-walalang Apr 2021 a worn-out field notes the post-it you hid inside your field notes
...inside your head
...inside your head at 6PM the slides that took forever to create your bookmarks folder your untitled folder between deadlines meeting targets ‘on second thoughts’ fear of letting go
...don’t let them die
...these are the most likely places
Apr 2021 · 158
ce-walalang Apr 2021
...this is the perfect coffee i will never have
...this is the perfect poem i will never write
...this is the perfect story i will never draw
...this is the perfect tune i will never hear

...this is the perfect day i will completely miss
...this is the perfect person i will never become
...this is the perfect hand i will never hold
...beside you is the perfect spot i will always have to give up

...this is perfection: it’s an illusion.
Mar 2021 · 248
about (a speck)
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...and i know sometimes you feel you’re just a speck
...or a heartbeat
...and you try to build a wall brick after another
...but i know
...and i hope you do too make ripples your corner
...of the world
about a speck; about you
Mar 2021 · 243
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...i know sometimes you feel you’re invisible a stop light on a sunny afternoon
...a misplaced road sign
...a series of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects
...someone who escaped a calculation the changing of season
...a stranger in someone’s fiction a satellite so distant
...a thought bubble—here today, and then gone
dedicated to 99pi
Mar 2021 · 501
sounds i <3: vol. 2
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...the city at 4AM

...pages turning slowly

...a sigh of relief

...a heart beating

...the inaudible neighborhood

...leaves falling

...pen touching the paper

...the rain

...the silence after the rain

...the silence


Mar 2021 · 498
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...whether you hear the snow patrol live or you don’t
...whether you see the tigers win or you don’t
...whether you travel the world or you don’t
...whether you travel out of this world or you don’t
...whether you learn how to fly or you don’t
...whether you see the end of the rainbow or you don’t deserve to love deserve to be loved
words of reassurance but only if they’re true
Feb 2021 · 323
sounds i <3
ce-walalang Feb 2021
...the morning tv
...when your phone and your earphones connect cardiff singing, i carry your heart in my heart sung with every song
...the opening line of your favorite radio show

...your mispronounced name
...everything on mute each time you have coffee
...your hands typing
...your seatmate laughing

...all the steps you take on your afternoon walk
...the moment the day gives way to the night
...thought bubbles on your evening commute
...your eyes closing.
on days you want to tune out but you have to keep listening
ce-walalang Feb 2021
...i love thee with a head full of dreams i try to empty out the ocean with a spoon

...i love thee to the level of all i can think about is you
...where love is the only thing left that’s true

...i love thee with every teardrop that is a waterfall
...with every magic and miracles

...and with this feeling i live for, this everglow
...and as the scientist declares, nobody said it was easy

...i shall but love thee better after we face death and all his friends
how do i love thee coldplay
Feb 2021 · 438
i love thee
ce-walalang Feb 2021
...i love thee to the deepest blue
...with the speed of sound a sky full of stars

...i love thee from daylight to midnight clocks turn—a whisper of amazing day

...i love thee freely, as stars shine yellow

...i love thee purely, as charlie brown’s cartoon heart
part 1 of 2
ce-walalang Feb 2021
...a pillow
...another pillow
...mixtapes and re-runs
..."500 days of" DVD
...the TV on mute
...your restless hopeful heart
end of weekend companion
Feb 2021 · 338
i may love like her
ce-walalang Feb 2021
...her love knows no conditions, logic or loops
...she waits forever
...her habits are as endearing as her
...she knows that she just don't know
...she’s not afraid of always
...and even though generations come and go
...her love remains the same
...i pray that one day
...i may love like her
to nanay who knows no conditions, logic, or loops
Jan 2021 · 144
the modern shutterbug
ce-walalang Jan 2021
there were cups and the sunset
but you never saw them, really
no you never saw them at all
till there were filters
...then there was earlybird and wonderful x-pro ii, valencia, rise, hefe, amaro, hudson, brannan, nashville
Jan 2021 · 316
ce-walalang Jan 2021
...give back
...give a hand
...give it all
...give more than you could afford
...give your heart then change your mind
...give it time
...give even when it hurts not give up
...give; for wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
hoping they’d see through my trying-hard-barely-there rhyme
Jan 2021 · 350
ce-walalang Jan 2021 could have been
...every single word waiting to win the heart of another
...a gift saved for a special reason
...sometimes sentimental but often too shallow
...other times too deep -  i don't know what it means
...a gift saved to be given away
...not expecting anything and always hoping for the best
part 4 of 4
Jan 2021 · 299
move on
ce-walalang Jan 2021 could have been the last train, or
...the song on the radio i tuned in on too late

...a flower in spring that i saw in fall
...or every single thing i wait for

...but like all the well-written prose,
...good things move on
i need to move on. 3 of 4.
Dec 2020 · 296
a metaphor for midnight
ce-walalang Dec 2020 could have been the time between midnight and daylight
...the blue and white lights on the tv when all the shows wrapped up
...the silence between every song
...the space between every word
...the three dots between every message
...the missing that turns everything into something
2 of 4
Dec 2020 · 623
a metaphor for a gloomy day
ce-walalang Dec 2020
you could have been the gloomy day
beautiful in your own way
a blank palette
capable of becoming what we make of it

you could have been a time to reflect and
admire the beauty unnoticed on a sunny day
1 of 4
Dec 2020 · 319
ode to my city
ce-walalang Dec 2020

i promise to keep up.
“it’s just you and me, i’ll go wherever you take me”
Dec 2020 · 143
a certain darkness
ce-walalang Dec 2020
...a certain darkness is needed see the stars truly appreciate the vastness of the universe
...and the searching we might do in it
...and how feeble we are
...and out of all these stars
...we hope that somewhere
...on another planet exactly like this one
...someone is looking at the same sky,
...having the same thoughts.
...a sweet, perfect reminder that
...we are never truly alone.
...and whether we search on or wait still
...we will always have the same sky
...and that’s enough for me.
aliens, love -- where are they?
Nov 2020 · 292
any given john mayer
ce-walalang Nov 2020
...theory: there is a john mayer song for every stage in your life

...on always being told to stay inside the lines
...on living on your own for the first time
...on feeling like gravity wants to bring you down
...on wishing there is an over-the-counter test for your loneliness
...on wanting nothing more in life than to be 6yo again
...on fridays and going away for the weekend
...on finding love in a sandbox or a sidewalk
...on never going to find the perfect rhyme to heavier things
...on feeling like summer is what the whole year is all about
...on feeling like waking up is the hardest part of dreaming
...on dinnertime shadowing
...on being alright even when given an expiring ‘always’
...on never being scared to walk alone, and
...on never being scared to like it
...on pain throwing your heart to the ground, and
...on love turning it all around
...on being in repair, not together but getting there
john mayer
Nov 2020 · 247
ce-walalang Nov 2020
...i resolve to tune out
...write more
...nap more

...i resolve to embrace confusion
...keep discovering
...keep listening

...i resolve to be more self-aware
...refuse to act my age
...say less no and more yes

...but let my yes be yes and my no be no
for new year's
Nov 2020 · 314
thank you
ce-walalang Nov 2020 weekday wake-up calls monotonic wardrobe the smell of coffee blank spaces conversing chairs and empty benches long walks midnights back porch poetry and sonnets sunday morning bike rides gloomy days days without plans days with random plans stillness and invisibility taking chances gestures big and small love languages and unintentional kindness the right song at the right time words spoken and unspoken
...and to all i forgot to thank
...thank you.
thank you
Nov 2020 · 523
in december
ce-walalang Nov 2020
all the lights
all the songs
a promise of hope
in this strange time
i love christmas
Nov 2020 · 280
to us
ce-walalang Nov 2020
to us,
when it doesn’t matter,
it doesn’t matter...
but when it matters…
it matters big
too big,
we spend so much time on it -
away from real the world.

but we always come back home
i am an infp
Oct 2020 · 863
breathing space exploration
ce-walalang Oct 2020
need a break?
coffee break?
lunch break?
heart break?
summer break?
christmas break?
breaking bad?
i need a brek
Oct 2020 · 981
travel poem #1
ce-walalang Oct 2020
i want to travel the world one color at a time

...see the color of the first sunrise
...sip black tea on London rain
...linger at the heart of the Big Apple
...gaze at the pink skies of California
...cliff dive into the Aegean blue sea
...marvel at the green grass of the African safari
...get lost in the land with the whitest snow
...witness the sunset in Rio in space and walk the gray surface of the moon

but i’d rather pull all the shades and wander the great indoors
where the color of comfort is...

my unmade bed
i'll travel the world with words instead
Oct 2020 · 420
ce-walalang Oct 2020
loneliness creeps in the most inopportune time --
and we'd do anything to hide or run away from it

some would take sobriety for granted
some would keep "busy"
some would stay social -- always chasing what’s happy
but as we try, we lose our why

many things no longer mean anything
like poetry, sad songs and rainy days
unrequited love and other form of heartbreaks
and after a while, everything feels nothing

what if…
when we feel lonely -- feel lonely
when we feel disconnected -- fully disconnect
it’s probably not easy

consider our loneliest the time to
find meaning,
make sense of even the small things,
and on what really matters, continue reflecting
alternate title: the lonely prose masked as poetry
Oct 2020 · 1.2k
ce-walalang Oct 2020
being stuck, they say, is uncomfortable.
i believe it’s not necessarily true. for instance,

...i like getting stuck inside my room and read for a day or two or three or four, forever.
...i like getting that last song stuck in my head for a day or two or three or four, forever.
...i like getting stuck in traffic with my pen and paper.
...i like getting stuck in the moment...perhaps, with you.

getting stuck is an opportunity, staying stuck is unhealthy

staying stuck on a single story out of convenience regardless of its completeness is poison mistaken for remedy
the reclusive writer tells us a good writing day
ce-walalang Sep 2020
these are the things that fall,

an apple,
some leaves,
droplets of rain,
and then of tears.

almost all heavy objects,
(including) my sleepy eyes.
the sun at the close of day.
the stars on a dark sky.

the sky,

and my heart, for the only thing that didn’t (fall), your heart.
thank you gravity, thank you fall
Sep 2020 · 508
when you're gone
ce-walalang Sep 2020
i will miss...

...all the words even when they’re meant for someone else you make me read between the lines, the commas, the
parentheses and the semicolons

...the all-consuming feeling as i turn the last page you up to others
Sep 2020 · 151
these are things
ce-walalang Sep 2020
...that most people do

...wake up
...go to work
...think of you

...sit at desk
...listen to music
...think of you

...go home
...think of you

...please take notice
...i’m thinking of you
Sep 2020 · 108
a question
ce-walalang Sep 2020
will you
ever gaze
at the
same star
that i
Aug 2020 · 143
what often gets lost
ce-walalang Aug 2020
a well-loved pen,
the human mind,
the way, the time,
eventually, hope and faith.

then my words when you're finally near,
and myself whenever you're not here
Aug 2020 · 223
the day i did nothing
ce-walalang Aug 2020
today i will

…do nothing but
scroll mindlessly
to your recently played
hoping to get connection

today i will

…do nothing but
travel the world
through the window of this room
hoping to get inspiration

today i will

…do nothing but
type words
hoping to find the write one

today i will

…do nothing but
stare at the ceiling
and never leave this bed,

i would celebrate
the day i did nothing.
for any given 'someday'
Aug 2020 · 138
you asked for space
ce-walalang Aug 2020
space...beyond earth
space...a rectangular key
space...and time continuum
space...the distance
space...between the lines
space...neither black nor white
space...someplace cold
space...someplace empty
Aug 2020 · 78
some days
ce-walalang Aug 2020
some days it storms
some days it shines
some days cold
some days warm

some days you’re near
some days you’re far
some days you’re here to stay
some days you’re gone

— The End —