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ce-walalang Apr 2021
borrow words from your best-loved poets.

choose to set your old heart free.

some things can’t be rushed.

all the world is made of
everything that keeps it alive,
and love --

the greatest of all is love.
notes from inside the bubble
ce-walalang Apr 2021 a worn-out field notes the post-it you hid inside your field notes
...inside your head
...inside your head at 6PM the slides that took forever to create your bookmarks folder your untitled folder between deadlines meeting targets ‘on second thoughts’ fear of letting go
...don’t let them die
...these are the most likely places
ce-walalang Apr 2021
...this is the perfect coffee i will never have
...this is the perfect poem i will never write
...this is the perfect story i will never draw
...this is the perfect tune i will never hear

...this is the perfect day i will completely miss
...this is the perfect person i will never become
...this is the perfect hand i will never hold
...beside you is the perfect spot i will always have to give up

...this is perfection: it’s an illusion.
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...and i know sometimes you feel you’re just a speck
...or a heartbeat
...and you try to build a wall brick after another
...but i know
...and i hope you do too make ripples your corner
...of the world
about a speck; about you
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...i know sometimes you feel you’re invisible a stop light on a sunny afternoon
...a misplaced road sign
...a series of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects
...someone who escaped a calculation the changing of season
...a stranger in someone’s fiction a satellite so distant
...a thought bubble—here today, and then gone
dedicated to 99pi
ce-walalang Mar 2021
...the city at 4AM

...pages turning slowly

...a sigh of relief

...a heart beating

...the inaudible neighborhood

...leaves falling

...pen touching the paper

...the rain

...the silence after the rain

...the silence


ce-walalang Mar 2021
...whether you hear the snow patrol live or you don’t
...whether you see the tigers win or you don’t
...whether you travel the world or you don’t
...whether you travel out of this world or you don’t
...whether you learn how to fly or you don’t
...whether you see the end of the rainbow or you don’t deserve to love deserve to be loved
words of reassurance but only if they’re true
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