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4.2k · Dec 2014
Mystery of love
Many things yet to be discovered
But for now it stay hidden
Like the love a boy has for a girl
Few people know
Deep inside the mysteries lay
Waiting to be awakened
Rustling about creating volcanic eruptions
Or stirring up oceans causing hurricanes
Keeping still and out of sight
Many more years that might go by
And they wait
Robots, Cyborgs, Cross species
The future explodes with wonders
But for now we focus on the present
It will soon be the past
Soon forgotten
In the drift of modern mysteries
Like the boys' heart never at rest
As soon as I saw you I saw the lightning aura around you
The neon letting you flow from within
Properties of gadolinium are an excuse
A magnetic principle is what I say
Amazed at the oxygen that flows from your being
Yet shocked at the purity of life you support around you
Your smile like rubidium
Turning the light around you into energy
This helps fuel my inner battery
Which is possibly lined with lead
I'm able to feel the strong calcium within your body
Which is large enough to create multiple bones and beautiful shells
So perfect that you can go with anything gold
Which is why any jewelry is lucky to be yours
But your reach of perfection is further
As you go with any tellurium
Any coloring that's seen within a stained glass window
Just on you will make you look angelic
But to me your beauty is nothing but bromine
Nothing but *poisonous
Going back to the type of poet I truly am. A love poem that utlilizes elements and their uses in the real world.
1.4k · Dec 2014
South Dakota Beauty
Out in the middle of nowhere
Or that's what people will say
What they don't see
Is what stays unknown
The beauty that only those who seek it
It's nothing but high winds farms and livestock
But to those who live here it's more
To look out your window and see the sun
In the summer to look out and watch the birds fly
To walk down the street and say “Hi” to everyone
Drive and see water as blue as the sky
Watching a rodeo when it comes through
That is the beauty outsiders seek
That is the beauty that can be seen
Of course there are no Atlanta, no San Francisco, no New York
Only Mobridge, Selby, Glennon, Java
Peaceful places in which to live
This is the western plains cities
In northern South Dakota
1.1k · Mar 2021
I'm a hopeless romantic.
Trapped in my own mind.
Wanting romance,
Listening to music,
Reading web comics,
Wanting to feel the sensation,
Of romance.
What do I get in return?
Sadness from within,
Seeing others happy,
With what I want.
It truly is a want,
Not a need,
For romance.
But I guess we'll have to see,
If I truly am destined for romance.
1.0k · Dec 2021
Permission to love
May I hug you?
Like really hug you,
I mean we hold each other.
May I hold your hand?
Have our fingers interlocked,
My thumb running back and forth,
On the back of your hand,
Sorry about my clammy hands.
May I stare into your eyes?
Get lost within the depths,
Lost in a trance,
I promise I won't get lost.
May I have your company?
I'm lonely without you,
You cause so much within my mind.
But I'm lonely not desperate,
So I'm asking,
May you cure my lonely?
I will cure yours.
1.0k · Dec 2021
Teased by the weather
Stop it!
I get it,
You can be cold,
Freezing even.
But the rain?
The rain doesn't help.
Like at all.
I can't get warm in this,
I can only think of one way,
Well the only I want.
Warm body heat,
Spreading to one another,
Side by side,
Keep the freezing,
Words in my mind,
So you never want to part.
But those are only wishes,
For I am alone.
Curse you winter,
Curse you rain,
Curse you cold,
Curse being alone.
Well until next time.
947 · Dec 2021
I don't know (pt 2)
I don't know,
Unexpected feeling.
Rush of emotions.
Filling the container,
What are the contents?
I'm unable to tell.
That black box,
What's inside?
Why is it inside me?
What's the meaning.
One day it will spill.
Then all will be revealed.
Until then,
The black box will remain
A mystery.
858 · Dec 2023
May i Explore YOU?
i don't feel like,
how about

with YOUR Permission
continue but be Warned...
May i Explore YOU?
to me YOU are a
Unique, Beautiful, Lovely Being
no matter how Similar we are
we are Different,
i LOVE that.
isn't that Interesting?
well to me yea

back to Exploration
May i Explore YOUR Being?
YOUR Cute Eyes
stealing my gaze,
forced to pay Attention,
trapped to Learn Everything about YOU.

All YOUR Different Looks,
Happy, Sad, Scared, Strong, Weak,
May i Explore YOU?
One-Of-My Rules is i Trust Everyone
unless Shown-Otherwise,
i mean i want Everyone to

i don't know where to go from here,
Honest but i Feel i will have more.
YOU will know when i return
i will always ask you for Permission.
there's more of YOU to Explore
i hope i have caught YOUR Gaze!
i guess i capitalized All the words Important to me
795 · Dec 2014
Poetry Family
These are my people
This is my family
We sit around write words on paper
Speak fluent emotion
We automatically know one another
Despite just meeting each other
Paper binds us mentally
Vocally our words flow together
Like two rivers meeting at a bend
We are strange in the eyes of outsiders
But genius to each other
Our words moving one another
Shifting our views
Our voices chasing actions
We are a group of wonderful individuals
We are poets
And these are my people
This is my family
788 · Dec 2014
A day
If there was once a day
A day unlike all others
One that is captivating
Yet mysterious
But you could say living is this way
Mysterious on a daily aspect
Captivating you on he events
So I guess my type of day happens when I live
So I shall continue
To live within my perfect day
Such a day
What a day
703 · Dec 2021
Betrayal of a Dream
What is this?
Why would you do this?
It's just a dream,
But it just,
No it isn't real.
It all lines up,
No I'm going insane.
I need answers,
No I want answers.
Insanity will drive you mad,
Don't think to hard,
You know it was a dream,
It was just people close to you.
Maybe with a secret,
But why not just tell me,
I could care less,
I want your happiness.
So what if he's my best friend,
So what if she was my crush.
I do just believe it was just,
Betrayal of a dream.
My own betrayal,
My own dream.
688 · Aug 2023
I can say it now,
I officially feel it,
I am a coward.
No good reason either,
For am I not knowledgeable,
In how to approach a beautiful person?

When I wanted to smile towards you,
My face could only freeze blankly,
If you saw or not wouldn't have mattered.
The only thing was for me to do it,
A physically attractive person,
Someone who,
(Mind my language tis the best I have),
Forced the back of my tongue to swell,
So that I may not breathe,
Not to produce a sound,
Not for thought to escape,
And apparently,
Not for any emotion to show.

A coward that is what I am,
Never able to fight the weakness,
Yes a weakness,
Yet one that holds me,
For whenever I see a beauty,
One that my mind goes...
Bonkers for physically,
But then I face this wall,
Maybe I'm allergic,
That's it!
Just because I freeze around,
Physically attractive people doesn't mean,
I'm a coward,
It means I'm allergic,
My reaction is my swelling tongue,
But with all these beauty's,
I may need a cure...
662 · Dec 2014
The Voice of Love IV
Always taught love took you though carnage
Deep inside he is filled with damage
Now he knows love is cruel
The light that could have been lived
Is now dead deep inside itself killed
But the feeling will be back
And attack him like a heart attack
Until that day
He must be prepared any way possible
614 · Aug 2015
Questions (5 W's & 1 H)
Who cares what is asked
  In the duration of a conversation
What develops mentally
  Yet sticks within one's memory
When will these truly be answered
  While everyone moves along with life
Why state inner thoughts
  If once exposed they dissappear
How does one ask and recieve
  Without forgetting what was asked
601 · Mar 2015
Religious lives
When it comes to religion
Why do we have to proclaim it
Being the only other around one type
Very uncomfortable
I'm not as open as others
If I was I would be an outcast
Thrown by these beliefs
Yet I live
Within myself
For all the religion in the world
We just seek the one that helps us cope
With the troubles of this life
With a promise of better one
So I keep my religion
And outcast all others who possibly
Outcast me
585 · Sep 2016
Why bother?
Why bother
   If there's no reason to continue
Why bother
   When everything isn't as it seems
Why bother
   If she has already said no
Why bother
   When nothing has gone your way
Why bother
   If no matter what this is how it is
Why bother
   When everything crumbles
Why bother
   If you follow your heart
Why bother
   When you can't help it
Why bother
   If you fall in love
Why bother
   When it's already been done
Why bother
   With these thoughts
   They were always in my head
I bothered
   Myself because they felt right
565 · Dec 2014
A thousand faces swirled around me
Clamoring that my life be burned
Unable to make out the faces
Covered by the same veil found in the store
I hope that these men see my face
The horror that glows from my eyes
As if I died staring at the moon
Right now I hold the very oak
In which I locked eyes with her for the very first time
Memories of that first time rush through my mind
As the rope tightens around my neck, arms, and legs
Then I smell the fire from under me
I feel the heat on my soles
My feet start to sweat
The men throw their hats
They finally win
Like the town they pulled me from
I m also to go out as smoke and ash
The men laugh
They talk about a new world
One in which they rule
Was it about politics
Or as it about race
It doesn't matter now
My body now black from the flames
And me with no legacy to live on
This is a poem in the point of view of someone about to be burned during an age of oppression.
559 · Aug 2023
This is it,

Yea, yea, yeah,
It was understandable,
At first,
You were young,
Love was new,
Well unfamiliar love,
Or attraction,
That's a better word,
All you knew was looks,
Short kings don't go far,
No one wants a twig,
All you had was looks,
A cute face,
A nice voice,
Nice teeth,
Until 5th grade...

When you lost the gates,
The world free to explore,
The world inside your mouth,
A free pass,
Eh I just won't smile.
How long without smiling,
It's fine you have a smirk,
One you can easily change,
No worries you found something,
Well there was that temporary pause,
In highschool my sophomore year...

When I dislocated my shoulder,
Giving me another worry,
Without a smile,
Now without an arm,
Eh just another change,
Slowly losing confidence,
Yet forcing a change...

That leads us to now,
As an adult,
The man formed from it all,
The trauma,
The lost confidence,
It all formed an odd one,
Someone who writes it all,
Because any sight of you,
Well a beauty,
But now things happen...

To where I react,
Feeling of a swollen tongue,
At the sight of a beauty,
Or whoever my mind seems so,
The sudden freezing of my eyes,
Lost thoughts,
Unable to approach,
The hardest feeling to fight,
Yet I have been unable to do so,
I can only do things,
All in passing,
Hopefully you catch on,
Please do...

A punishment!
The closest I can get,
Words amongst each other,
With you in mind,
You within the words...
554 · Dec 2014
That moment
We all have had that moment
Time stands still
You staring at someone
Your body heats up
You feel your blood boil
Not from heat
But from love

We all have had that moment
We don't remember what we did
Our hearts take over our bodies
Artists hands throw paint
Poets create poems
And we have a creation

We all have had that moment
When we think
Yet do not know
But we wish to know
So we try to find it
And when we do we are lost

We all have had that moment
We follow our instincts
Try to show off
Get their hearts to go wild as well

We all have ad that moment
Wen we think we found the the one
Then we know they are he one
And we thank our instincts
For they brought us our perfect matches
And they thank theirs
For the same reason
541 · Aug 2023
What a bother
What do you do
When you're a bother
Nothing for anyone to enjoy
Something everyone can point out
They don't care for
It affects them

Is it how I look
The way I talk
Oh how about my ideas
My dress probably
Maybe the one thing to bother everyone
My smile

I should hide it once again
Only show it to the person who draws it out
Since it's unwelcome
It'll become a legend
Does it exist
What is the real smile
I have fakes to give
I can't just get rid of it
But the real one
Can be cloaked
Hidden amongst the clones
In order to spread some smile
It's the least I can do

As a bother to everyone
That's what I seem to be
I guess I'll be that way
I won't fully go blank as long as I

Remember the good
Everyone has a thing
But your good out ways the bad
Remember the good
Overcome the bad
Don't be consumed
Don't lose the smile
Remember the good
You are a fool to lose yourself
For no real reason
You forget the good?
You must fight it and
530 · Dec 2014
The Voice of Love III
A safe house is what he tries to find
Because in his eyes love is not kind
The light that radiates from in his chest
Looking around this glow of his exceeds the rest
People have told him that love is just a game
Waiting to be played so it calls your name
He turns his head away from the feeling
At this time his heart needs feeling
530 · Dec 2021
Beautiful Fantasy
My mind,
It wanders.
Cursing me with images.
Playing videos of,
Not moments that have happened,
But moments that,
I want.
For example,
One that always appears,
I wish to relax.
My head in someone's thighs,
Their hand in my hair,
The TV on,
Just in the moment.
Sitting beneath the night,
Us amongst nature.
Or on the hood of my car,
Looking into the vast beyond,
Talking about whatever.
Oh also.
Laying side by side,
My arm,
Being used for a pillow,
Drifting to sleep together.
But then again those are just,
Beautiful Fantasies.
529 · Dec 2014
Open your eyes
Allow me to open your eyes
By opening you up
Do things your way
Then you can see
It forms your own way
Like if you taste with your hands
Just think how ever it feels that's how it tastes
Allow your mind to take over
Talk to yourself about what you want
Let's see how open you get
And how the world looks to you
515 · Sep 2024
Am I Cursed?
I do wonder.
If I may possibly be...

Don't develop feelings anymore,
We're trapped in,

You talk to someone.
You get interested.
You start to get feelings,
But out of respect,
You hold them back.
We talk a lot,
Then out of nowhere,
A shift in the world...

Either one or both of these...
You get bored of me,
You see that I'm just,
For you.
You find someone,
I no longer catch your eye.
Yet for both,
It's just zero communication.

So now I have all this,
Small information of you,
Making me once again,
Get upset about being,
Too interested,
In making someone

I guess I must be,
I've been wanting to write this for a while. Finally just did it.
500 · Dec 2014
The Voice of Love II
People always told him that love is life
Now he sees that love can cut him like a knife
From his past he can stop and see
That love isn't all what it cuts out to be
It tells him to tell her
At the same time trying to deter
He walks toward her then takes a detour
Still attracted like positive to a negative core
From behind his conscience eggs him on
Now deep inside is his influence song
493 · Dec 2021
I don't know (pt 1)
Don't blink.
You might miss it.
What is it?
I don't know...
But I think I blinked.
484 · Dec 2014
The Voice of Love I
Love is located at the center of your heart
Beating hard and fast to be hit by a dart
It spreads its blood faster to the body
It explains why his cheeks turn rosy
The nervousness spreads around deep inside
He hears the voices of love which is why he runs and hide
Love tells him not to be scared
Over time his love gets demolished and fared
481 · Dec 2024
Love Pain
You ever get a
Sharp pain
Right in your
Then instead of
Freaking you instead that
Person pops up
And then you are
Instantly angry
But at the fact you
Want their presence
Their energy
How dare they tease
Mentally with their
Gorgeous appearance
In our heads
Ah crazy what the
Heart asks for
Nothing bad just that person driving you crazy and not knowing :)
478 · Mar 2021
Beautiful Fantasy
My mind,
It wanders.
Cursing me with images.
Playing videos of,
Not moments that have happened,
But moments that,
I want.
For example,
One that always appears,
I wish to relax.
My head in someone's thighs,
Their hand in my hair,
The TV on,
Just in the moment.
Sitting beneath the night,
Out amongst nature,
Or on the hood of my car,
Looking at the vast beyond,
Talking about whatever.
Oh also.
Laying side by side,
My arm,
Being used for a pillow,
Drifting to sleep together.
But then again those are just,
Beautiful Fantasies.
473 · Aug 2015
Back again
After a long silence
I am back
Was I missed
I feel like I was not
So little to tell
Not that I can feel a care
I should keep a voice
Just to your annoyance
Or disappear again
Maybe you all aren't ready for Azure
Or maybe my influence hasn't quite captured you
In due time I told myself
I should fade back to darkness
But I won't
For now my presence shall be known
Shall be felt
Everyone will speak of
The Poet Azure
A rebirth of my poetry
470 · Sep 2016
Loss of all trust
There was no way
No way to know
Weather or not you'd be different
If you'd be smart
Actually know what you're doing
Turns out I was wrong
You are just as clueless
Just as stupid
I'm left thinking once again
I could easily do your job
You have experience of 13 years
I've only been here for a little over a year
Yet I fear for your future
A mindless zombie
A dog looking for acceptance
It sickens me greatly
But I don't say much
I just sit back
Watch the day go by
As the manager looks like a headless chicken
457 · Dec 2020
I want
To fall for you,
Not your looks,
Your personality.
You to make me smile,
Uncontrollably smile,
Even when I don't want to.
To not feel alone,
Even when I am,
Just to know that,
You are there.
To be happy,
With you,
Because of you.
But what is us,
Because us hasn't happened.
To deserve you,
No matter what happens,
I'm not deserving of you,
I'm not deserving of happiness.
I want you to read it right. Only use the title after every period.
456 · Apr 2018
This is why
This is why I write
For times like this
When I have no idea
And you don't let me in
I'm left guessing
Out in the open
Confused and lost
Worried and saddened
This is why I write
When I don't know what else to do
Your happiness fleeing your body
Leaving this anger
For what reason I do not know
This is why I write
To let you know
When you won't listen
Its not just random occurance
On why I do it
This is why I write
455 · Dec 2024
Nothing Special
This is a poem
Nothing special honestly
I just wanna write
Or in this case type
Just letting my fingers move
All along my keyboard
Creating these lines
Mostly just letting them go
Do their thing before
Well before I have time
To change and alter them
I don't know
I guess this is a cool enough poem
I don't know I was just writing
429 · Dec 2020
Pokemon Romance
I want us to
Walk on the beach in Lilycove City
Watch the Luvdisc swim by
Dare each other to go into Lavender Town
Hold your hand in Floaroma Town
I want to be Volbeat
And you Illumise
In reality you're Milotic
And im just Carnivine
It'll hurt but relax in Snowbelle City
Spend the day at a Poké Spot
I'd figure out your favorite
Travel to the region and get you one
Us living happily in our roles
Our love growing through time
My Croagunk loving you
What more could you ask for
In a Pokémon world
404 · Jul 2020
To late
I feel like
To late
To say what I feel
To late
To act upon it
To late
To finally say anything
To late
To be happy
To late
To realize what they have
To late
To complete me
To late
Look forward to the future
To late
With you
To late
Maybe to move on
To late
Moved into my head
To late
So what should I do
To late
I'm sorry
To late
I feel like I'm in love
To late
So I truly believe that it's
To late
403 · Oct 2017
Worst fear exposed
Who does he think he is
Exposing my fear
A fear I didn't know I had
To be alone
Yet deeply in love
I hate how talking to you
Brought it out
Being with you
Leaks out the fear
I don't want to lose you
You tell me I won't
I believe you
Because I love you
I really love you
Don't let my fear come true
Living without you
And still in love with you
396 · Jul 2021
You think I fear you?
You are nothing,
I repeat you are nothing.
A dust mite.
Trapped, cornered, scared.
I am the mower.
Coming to do a job,
Cut the bad seed.
Save the crops.
But there you are.
This isn't Horton hears a Who.
For me this is just a normal day.
But you,
Well this is a horror film.
I'm the main villian,
Big difference is,
I leave no survivors,
I'm the only reoccurring character.
Now tell me who fears who...
391 · Oct 2017
Betrayal from within
Our minds
For some people
They hardly dive into it
For others
It drives them insane
Creating illusions
Nightmares of possibility
Real life being twisted
What if's being created
Making thoughts of sorrow
And for why
What does the mind get from this
Joy, happiness, enjoyment
Sometimes I hate my mind
What it makes me think
But I  just have to
Live and adapt
Just become bigger than my mind
387 · May 2015
The Way I Want To
I can't talk to you the way i want to
Because I don't want to be seen in a bad image

I can't look at you the way I want to
Because I would hate for my mind to wander

I can't touch you the way I want to
Because I would be ashamed of myself

In time I will be able to
Because by then we will be married

But as of right now I want to only stay
The Way I Want To
386 · Nov 2023
Why does it cry out,
Asking for me to find it.

Instructing me to just listen,
Telling me false tales,
Lies hidden under "promises".

What do I do?
Well I'll tell you one thing,
I won't look for you,
I've been there,
Searching for just that one thing,
A temptation strong,
Yet with a weak hold up on me,
Is it the interest keeping me.

Am I the reason you keep returning,
I wish for you to disappear,
But what if,
It's because of me?

You only respond,
When I call,
Well I don't even have to really call,
A craving,
We will call it,
But why for you?

Or better,
Why do you respond,
When I ask to feel,
Why is it you that answers,
As if I specifically wanted you,
What happened to have it be you,

I feel that real question should be,
Why do I cry out?
371 · Oct 2017
Why does my body do this
Tell me he's uninterested
I mean we're still together
But it feels like we might not be
The love is dying
The flame is burning out
Then it'll kick up again
Shoving my negative feelings back into the depths
But more often then not
It's this feeling
The worry
The hysterical beating of my heart
The annoying voices in my head
I want that burst to happen
The fire to rise up 10 feet
Because right now
It feels about 10 inches
369 · Aug 2016
A welcome back
This is my return to this website
After a long hiatus
A poem a week
My goal for all
Requests can be made
And they will be met
To everyone who loves poetry
All poets love you back

It feels great to be back
363 · May 2024
What is my life?
A rollercoaster of ups and downs,
A climb up a hill,
Only for gravity to pull me down,
Why does it feel this way?

Does the universe hate me?
Whenever I get happy,
I mean consistently happy,
Why does something crumble?
Starts as a small break,
Others are a siege upon my world,
A battle I'm unprepared for.

Then tell me,
Tell me what to do,
I wish to be happy,
I wish to smile,
Without fear of sadness.
How much more payback,
Do you require?

May I ask one thing then?
There is something,
Or someone,
I wish to find a piece of happiness,
With them.
May I have that as,
An untainted happiness,
My constant smile,
The only rollercoaster,
That never falls.
Idk I feel lost
361 · Apr 2018
Who are you
Who are you
Who do you think you are
Such a beauty
Making me feel quite odd
You're so out of reach
Yet within an arms reach
A look so complex
Yet so simple
A super cliche name
That fits you perfectly
I sound so struck
Yet you haven't attacked
You say let's take it slow
All I can say is how slow
You don't know it
But you mean a lot if this happens
If I make a poem because of you
355 · Jun 2019
Force it out
I want to force it out
But you have it under lock and key
Not with any lock and key
A skeleton key
A master lock
With no way to find them
Before i was uninterested
But now
Now something
I cant quite put my finger on it
But something has caught my eye
My attention
My motivation
To try my luck
Find the key
Open the lock
And release it
Whatever it is
That you feel needs to be locked
I want to know
I have to know
I need to know
352 · Nov 2024
Let's Go Crazy
Open your eyes
What do you see?
A good time
About  to happen
The question now
Where will you be?
Having such fun
Amongst us all
Or sat on the outside
Watching us all
Go crazy
338 · Oct 2017
My mind is insane
Crazy within its own self
I know it's not true
It makes me feel like a burden
I should downgrade myself
Make myself into less
Delegate myself to support
Support him
My heart destroys me
Aches when I feel this way
I feel like crying
I feel dead
I feel done
327 · Dec 2021
Very much of life is unknown,
walk into the darkness,
mistakes cling to your mind.
VIO understands,
disgraced in my own mind.

I will never be the same,
my mind has been destroyed,
now the time has come.
VIO is on a quest,
for my own forgiveness.

Only time will tell,
if my mind will accept me,
and grow with the new me.
VIO has to do this,
hello my name is Vio.
327 · Apr 2018
Trial and error
I try
I fail
I try
I fail
Eventually I will get it
But when
I try
I fail
Dont think about it
Just go
And you will succeed
Just do
Think later
I try
And wait for the next outcome
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