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Kushal Jun 2021
I Hate It.

Somewhere along the line I must have sinned,
What other explanation is there for this situation I'm in.
Imprisoned, in shackles, while one or both above and below cackle.

I am not permitted anything more than a glimpse,
Slivers of light through silver bars
That only remind me how dark is Dark.

I looking longingly towards solitude without temptation,
Yet I cannot separate the two.

Now I have an answer to a question I never before thought to ask...

Limbo is worse than Hell,
For you may still glimpse at the beauty of worlds above.
Kushal Aug 2023
The drums beat a familiar melody,
And everything sways in rhythm.

It's as if I've been here before,
Cradled by the warmth of a thousand stars.
The flowers are always in bloom,
And even at sunset, the stars sparkle bright.

The hand that holds my heart...
I hope you don't go far,
For you've stolen my everything with that smile of yours.
Kushal Sep 2018
They don't understand,
They never could.
They set me on a path,
Now I walk with my head down.
Personification of a sigh,
In a world worse to live in than die.
Tell me,
When last did you see me smile?
Kushal Mar 2019
The kids run amok
Setting fire and flame.
Trying to fix the world to which they lay claim,
Yet burn to ground all the good that remains.

Ignorance is the very thing that they oppose,
Yet ignorantly they justify the way that it is shown.
Pulling close the blackout curtains,
No light dare reach their shallow minds,
Filled with dreams of A freedom,
Yet robbing it blind.

All the things defended,
Yet they remain so easily offended.
When words don't come out as clear as intended
They twist it and turn till it is all but mended,
Then fight valiantly for its defeat
Looking not at any of the good,
But only at bad tweets.

Following the crowd,
A mob that only looks down at their feet.
March for it all and fill the streets,
Never looking at the facts,
Because it does not fit the narrative that they preach.

These kids run amok.
Kushal Jan 2019
I laugh through my words
So my pain goes unheard.
I joke through my darkest hour,
To drain the pain of power.

You won't see me frown,
But that doesn't mean I'm okay.
I'll take the crown,
"King of laughs,"you say.
I'll take the crown,
But the pain doesn't wash away.
Kushal Apr 2023
There’s so much waffle in my brain.

Disorientated and distracted by an endless barrage.
A mixture of inane and insane, I’m unsure of neither heads nor tails.

High on a pedestal that sits safely above the rocky waves, I act as if ignorance could take me far from this hellish place.
Kushal Mar 2019
Under a tree he sits and sings,
strumming away to his heart's desire.
A man with a thought,
And a heart filled with fire.

You can hear it in his voice,
Both the pain and the pleasure.
The roughness from his throat,
As he tells you what he treasures.

You'll never see him without that guitar at his side.
He may lie when he speaks,
But there's no mistaking the truth when he sings.
Kushal Jan 2019
Would you be willing to pay for a smile?
For something that blinds you of pain for a while?

Would you be willing to fit the bill,
To feel atop the highest hill?

Would you be able to take the fall,
When it all wears out,
And your demon's call?

How long will you pay to keep running?
How long before your time runs out?
How long before what you snort in,
Can no longer pull you out?

All the while with a wide grin,
He'll stand at the sidelines and sell you a sin.
And you'll breath in and hold another hit,
Then one day you'll breath in...

And that will be it.
I wrote this with a type of happy rhyme scheme with the intention of showing a contrast between reality and how good drugs can make you feel, Like poison with a candy coating.
Kushal Jan 2019
Bells ring in my head.
The sound echoes infinitely throughout my mind.
A thought I can't forget,
That lingers on all other thoughts.

It leeches from the world around,
Stealing the sound and leaving naught but silence...
And the ringing.

Taken from the present,
It pulls me far into the depths of my mind,
Where sight does not reach
And so too, are the other senses blind.

I'm too scared to open that door.
Kushal Aug 2019
A heart always tempted,
Forever that which loves.
Broken hearts lay in the wake.

Insecurity breeds fear,
When nothing has ever proved to be
What you wish it to be.

The world revolves,
So too do its people.
Till one day,
Two hearts meet,
Two hearts beat.
And now all around me they stand,
As I stare down at my feet,
Waiting for someone to walk my way.
Kushal Apr 2019
I know all too well what it's like
To feel sidelined.
Walking on the outlines
Of the portrait of a lifetime,
Part of the background,
With muted sound.
Feeling like there's nowhere to look,
But down.

I get it.
Feeling your heart beat,
But your hearts don't meet,
And you wish the feeling was not this sweet.
Your mind tells your heart to retreat
But it's not as simple a feat,
And as you walk away
So to does your mind stray,
Till you can all but see the light of day.

It hurts to be the watcher.
Kushal Feb 2023
For a mind unclear and sitting in wait,
A drip of exposition
Settles into a calmer state.

Questions asked, with answers that weigh
No bearing.
Although the clarity come with peace,
It would be better not to care.

Tell me what to do, where to go
And how to steer
Or help me come to terms
"Things don't have to be clear"
Kushal Oct 2020
The smell of roses,
So sweet a scent.
Yet held in hand,
You insist on pricking my skin.
A poem for those who've been hurt by the ones they held so close to their vulnerabilities.
Kushal Jul 2023
This kingdom of mine is cast in shadow,
Ruined by the sight of a light that once was.

The jester rambles on with has tales.
None bring smiles,
Not even to himself.

The king sends his men to war.
Battles fought with little purpose in victory.

The people suffer.
Lost and without guidance,
They lack even the will to fight.

This kingdom of mine is cast in shadow,
Ruined by the sight of a light that once was.

I wish I knew how to rule.
Kushal Nov 2020
Maybe the timing was wrong,
Or maybe it was perfect
For what's to come.
Kushal Apr 2021



Lash me with my hopes and dreams.
Kushal Sep 2019
If there's a god,
I hope you hear me.
I'm accusing you,
Present your testimony.

You torture me,
Cut me then watch me bleed.
And all around,
You're rubbing salt in the wound.
I see what I don't want to,
Everyone else found what I was looking for,
And I'm still left with nothing in my hands.

I don't want to be patient,
They say good things to those who wait,
But I think you're a little bit late.
Oh god,
Why do you torture me?
Kushal Oct 2018
Prints march forward two at a time,
Soothingly setting one paw after another,
In a manner so sublime.

“It’s beautiful,” you’d say.
Yet only watch from a distance.
As does his kind,
So he lives a solitary existence.

Beauty admired by all,
Yet he walks alone till he does fall.
Until then he hunts alone.
Elegance trailing him,
As nothing else will.

Watch the trail of the leopard.
Watch it sneak through the grass,
Watch the tracks it leaves behind,
As it runs alone
With not a soul intertwined.
Watch it walk this solitary line.
The leopard is one of the most solitary creatures in the world. Not a soul can doubt its beauty, yet it is always alone. I just found some sort of attachment to this thought.
Kushal Sep 2019
I'm scratching over pages,
The words just won't come out.
I'm running out of patience,
And my fear's paired with my doubt.
I'm losing track of time,
But I still know that it's been too long.

When was the last time, I tried to write a love song?
When was the last time, I tried and it all went wrong?
I'm losing my grip on my heart,
My lonely heart,
It's tearing me apart.

I don't remember how it felt last time,
Just that you felt like mine,
And then it all went wrong.
I guess i waited too long,
Didn't take my chance,
But oh, how I wished to see the stars with you,
And hoped that we could dance.
I could see forever,
But you couldn't see me,
And now I'm out here,
Writing songs while feeling lonely.

So now I try to hold on,
To the glimpse I knew,
I remember all the trauma that followed,
But I was always happy...
With you.
Kushal Sep 2018
We looked up at the stars,
Undisturbed by the sound of passing cars.
They shimmered across the night sky
As by and by
Crickets chirped, as birds nestled into the night.

The cold grass countered the warm breeze,
And the ground caved ever so slightly,
Molding to our shape with ease.

She lay down with her head upon my chest
As we both starred into the vastness of the sky.
Its majesty, its magnificence.

I'd glance to my side at her,
Knowing full well
That she captivated me more than the sky ever could.

                                                                                      And then I'd wake.
                                                                                         Back into reality.
                                         But never for a moment let go of that dream.
                                      Never stop searching for that perfect moment,
                                                                        With that perfect someone.
Kushal Sep 2018
It lives in its entirety
Throughout eternity.
In a multiverse of possibilities,
It remains steadfast in its certainty.

Never faltering
Never fading.
Come the storm when it's lightning and raining,
Let the world beat down with not a thing refraining.

It holds steady,
It holds fast,
As one does with things meant to last.

And even when death does us part,
Forever and always
You'll have my heart.
Kushal Oct 2018
A boy,
Sat in the corner if his room,
Huddle up in his blanket,
His head hung beneath the gloom.

Dreaming of love as love songs played,
Yet feeling as though it was not his to claim.
Teary eyed with a face clung to pillow,
He felt  he'd done all he could, yet none loved him all the same.

With a face shoved in the pillows soft fabric,
He yelled the words to a song, "Give me love".
Praying, " Let me feel this magic!"
Knowing all to well what it meant to love,
But never to be loved.
A feeling most tragic.
Kushal Jul 2019
What's in a name?
Oh I can tell you that it holds some heartbreak.
When you here that name that's not yours,
And then your heart aches.
Shakes me to the core,
I don't want to be here anymore.
I just can't bare these tears,
Maybe if you could see my heart
Then you would understand my fears.

So please don't disrupt me,
I'm thinking and losing my mind at the same time.
I'm trying to piece together, the pieces that broke, my heart is intertwined, with all these thorns stuck at the side
Of a heart still beating,
So I hurt whenever i feel the high.

I don't know what to do this time,
Just know my heart is not just mine,
For I would not poison myself with a potion so potent it makes me die.
But i do whisper truths to those at my side,
Little did I know that when the sun goes out they run and hide.

Please don't leave me to my own devices,
I fall fast and I spiral,
Till I lose track of what life is.
I need someone to watch my face and I hope that they know,
Sometimes you'll see me cry, with not a tear in sight.
Kushal Jan 2019
Where do I go from here,
When I'm standing at the edge of my fear.

Drowning in an ocean of regret,
From this dismal course I've set.

Kushal Nov 2018
I feel my heart on the decline.
My love for love recedes into the deepest crevices of my mind.
It hurts too much to leave your heart open.
In a world so cold,
The breeze only makes it frozen.

I'd rather walk steady with a heart of stone,
A lone wanderer through the night.
It hurts less when you've chosen to be alone.
I'll have those close to me,
But never too close.
I'll keep my heart at a distance.
And hold affection I suppose.

As long as I no longer have to feel this way,
For thoughts of finding love come and ruin my day.
No longer do I wish to fall in love,
No longer do I wish to be hurt.
Kushal Oct 2021
Kushal Oct 2020
I don't know what to write,
The title came first and now I'm at a loss for words.
My madness feels constrained,
This house turned from haven to hell
And now I wish only to run.

The days go by but the landmarks are deadlines,
And I feel like some days it's going to be me with the flatline.
I switch it all off,
Say I need some alone time,
But in these lonely times I feel like it's always just mine.

So I wake,
I eat.
Then repeat.
Sometimes it feels like hell with covid around, especially when you have only been allowed out of the house 1 time since march ...
Kushal Mar 2019
I'm tired of walking in the dark.
Marching through the abyss,
With my sight set on light.
Hoping I'll find dawn at the end of the night.

It's cold when the sun doesn't shine.
So I wrap my arms around myself,
And say that I'm fine.

I struggle to dream of the light...
So long gone that it seems out of sight.
Kushal Aug 2019
Standing steady as the wind blows,
Holding back the storm,
Keeping the calm.

Unnoticed as it goes,
Fading away as the world beats upon its back,
Sheltering those unaware of its kindness.

The wall in the wind,
That slowly withers away.
Kushal Oct 2018
I'd send you morning texts,
Using a cute yet slightly mean nickname for you.
I'll ask what you're doing today,
You'll saying," Nothing"
So I'll ask if you wanted to do nothing with me.

We'd go to university.
I'd skip some classes if it meant I could see you.
We'd go sit somewhere on the grass beneath the shade.
None of that romantic *******,
Just enjoying each other's company.

On weekends we'd go shopping together.
You'd pester me every time I lifted a sweet,
Sometimes I wouldn't listen,
Other times I'd sigh, "Fine".
We'd get some fast food before heading home,
Standing in front of menus looking for the best deal.

But sometimes I'd take you out.
We'd go somewhere with a dress code,
Where the waiters wore suits and a candle sat on each table.
I'd sit in front of you, mesmerized.
And as I do everyday, I'd say you look beautiful.
You'd smile and blush and it would warm my heart.

Night would come,
We'd sit beside each other if we had the time.
Talking absolute ******* and laughing over the stupidest things.
Sometimes you'd fall asleep in my arms over a movie,
I loved those times.
Sometimes you'd say you have to leave,
And even then we'd sit texting till one of us fell asleep.
But oh how I dreaded the moments I had to see you leave,
Though it made me cherish the moments when you'd approach me.
Kushal Oct 2023
I've been thinking about what love is...
And I've not a clue.

A home, safe from the tides that bash against shores?
Where one may rest a heavy head, without a need for alertness?

Or is it a challenge, one fought with an eager grin?
A back and forth where blades are forged sharper than before?

What of a mix? The two intertwined?
What or why? Oh, what and why?
When a tug beckons the heart
What does it mean?
I've not a clue.
Old timey phrasings feel more poetic and dramatic in my head, like an elegant performance set forth upon a stage, where chandeliers light a performance un-needing of further brightness.
Kushal Jul 2023
Woe is me.
Oh, where is me?
Out of sight and gone with the breeze.

Woe is me.
Oh, where is me?
Danced on off into distance,
Your wonder has taken you far from home.

Woe is me.
Oh, where is me?
How far come,
How far gone.

Now a mirage under desert sun.
Woe is me.
Oh, where is me?

I think it's time to head back.
Kushal May 2023
Where’s my whimsy and wonder?
There’s just fire and thunder.
Lost up in my head on every single blunder.

Did I do it wrong? Did I do it right?
I’ll stay up contemplating all night.

Never reach an answer,
But it’ll never leave my mind.
And through all this struggle, I realise I can’t find,
The wonder and whimsy I used to have inside.
Kushal Oct 2018
In my spare time I look for quotes,
Words truly worthy of note.
Love is where i land,
Looking for thoughts with an outreaching hand
To tell me I'm not alone.

I think hard and fall deep
As i stare at these words,
Envisioning what they speak.

"I'll tell you what love is," they say.
I agree in a way.
But it always leaves me running through a Labyrinth in my mind,
Searching for the love that I wish to find.

What do I want that's worthy of note,
That someone will someday see,
And feel the emotion in what I've wrote?

"Love is stupid. It's illogical. It's broken. Yet somehow it's the most fulfilling feeling there is. Love is when a smile is enough, and you'd do anything for it."
Kushal Oct 2020
There's a box we all have in our chests,
And every time we get hurt,
We put our hearts inside.
And as it happens more,
We wrap it closed,
Till we forget the joy of opening presents.
Never forget that joy.
A reminder to never lose faith in love.
Kushal Jan 2021
I don't want to fall first again,
Palms always getting sweaty from the thinking in my head.
Never understood the situations that I read,
So I guess I'll hold my tongue instead.

Too tired of a broken heart,
And hitting restart.
Never found love,
But always found myself in it.
This time I'd rather wait.

I'll risk missing it,
If they cant see my heart
Then maybe it isn't meant to be.
I am not willing to participate once more in futility.

— The End —