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Nov 2018 · 277
Merwin Nikad Nov 2018
Rain drop centipede
Trailing down my window
I fear bugs
With too many legs
But you're a friend to my future
Telling me my past friend
Might be in my future
Youre an odd creature
Making your way
Down my looking glass
A sort of looking pass
Letting me see
Whats outside
So I dont have to be
When to be isnt the question
I am only around
When others think about me
The truth
Lies in a memory
What is to exist
But to be known
Some sort of
Existence is currency
Bought and sold currently
I want much more
Than what I have
But I fear
The reaper comes
Before a rising sun
The nights grow colder
And i grow older
Oct 2018 · 201
An Ode to Thought
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Gently my skin is dressed
In chilling realization
Through condensation of the fog
That I walk through every day
Drenching me in Ideas
I hold thought within me
As humanity clouds my soul
I hold thought within me
As inanity invades the bowl
That is my skull
Where resides a machine
Infinite and confined
Violent and gentle
Through persistent nettle
I travel
To hear the kettle
Warning me
Telling me
Showing me
What is my own
And how I should hear
My own tone
You which is what makes me
Without what could I be
No ocean wild and free
No boundless fields
Without you how could I see
The beauty of the stars
How could I see
The planted tree
And your magnificent seeds
You which is what creates
What is you but to be
In nature you are out
Unnatural to the world
Yet you make sense of it all
With such perfection
Such precision
Black sheep of the universe
Rejected by every world you touch
But accepted by those you clutch
And become
You which is what makes me
How much more every day
Could you be
How much more normalcy
Could you need
Than thought
It's complete persistence
Always and forever
A clock that will never unwind
The breath of the mind
Grasped from a need to survive
A treasure picked from a random bag
So much different
Than the world it is from
You are wonderful
A lover
And a foe
My best friend
And my worst enemy
I hate you with all I have
And I give you all I know
For to be is to hate and love
To know is to think
To think is to have thought
And with thought
Is to be human
To have thought is to have all
Oct 2018 · 169
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Just to prove to you
How good I am at what I do
For every three ill give you five
For every four ill give you nine
For every time i breath i inhale
Glory hallelujah
Who am I too ya?
Should you think me
No longer present
A disease
A dream
A cannonball soaring through
Ocean air and beyond
The **** bang boom crack
The attack from each ship
I am not just a cannonball but a captain
So tell me why I let my thoughts lead me
Ode to the mind
All will concede to me
Because I am heavy
My words weight a ton
My print is never done
Within my eyes burns the sun
Two bright beautiful stars of greatness
I am greek thought
From my eyes shoot beams of light
The opposite of what you expect
Of what you know i am not
A force of nature I cannot stop
I am on top
The son of the universe
Jewel of the earth
I can do so much to show you my worth
But for so many
I shine less bright
I slow down
For you for every three ill give you four
For every four ill give you five
With you I can make sense of what I mean
What it is to be
Sometimes im too much
A burning raging fire
Ready to incinerate all in its path
But for you
I am a covered camp fire
Made calm by your weather
I guess the reason I love the rain so much
Is because I see the planet every time
I look into your eyes
With cloudy skies
And drops of rain
Gently dropping by
I guess the reason I love the rain so much
Is because I burn so hot
And its nice
To cool down every once in a while
I write this for the world and for my love
Oct 2018 · 341
Deep within us
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
When we look above
And see the sky
So loudly we hear its call
Whispering our name
Inviting us to bathe
In the glory of its lights
When the sky is painted
We sigh at its beauty
In love with its dizzying dsiplay
A concert of colors
For the soul to listen to
And when the light gently fades
Over the hill top
A new world arises
Cool and dark
Gentle and mesmerizing
We are washed
In our ancestors glow
One could not know so little
Of our sky
Always beautiful
Always with us
Deep in our minds
Deep in our hearts
The sky knows us
And we know it
I love the sky. A canvas painted new every day everywhere.
What would we be without its lull and its rise
Oct 2018 · 220
What will I do
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
When I am just a bit older
What will I do
Everything I try
Never falls through
So will i be starving
On the streets of berkeley
Will I be freezing
In new York
On christmas
What will I do
When my words run out
And theres no more paper
For me to use
What will I do
Am I another vagabond
Bound for hard labor
Could I ever tame the tides
To work in my favor
I fear
That my want
Is crumbling
To dust
And I fear
That my envy
Is consuming
My fragile mind
What will I do
What will I do
When my lines dont sell
And my heart has fell
What will I do
What can I do
I want there to be something out there for me
But i fear that theres nothing
Oct 2018 · 270
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I do not need your words
I do not need your negativity
I grace your pathetic existence
With my very being
You cannot drag me to refuse
For with me is light
And holiness
I scorn you
With all I have
You are nothing
Under my boot
My wrath to your anger
Is an ocean to a drop
Everything within me
Is greater than you'll ever be
I speak with other gods
And we may talk of our works
And lament our words
But you
Are an insect
Your speech is the sorry echo
Of all the bugs before you
Disgusting and insignificant
Do not bother me
With your shallow petty mind
Sometimes i get angry and i try and think of the most spirit breaking words i can
Oct 2018 · 228
Justice for Nature
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Today is a day for writing
I tell myself this
As if it actually means anything
Instead I take a walk
The air is crisp
The trees gently sway
With the soft october wind
And I sigh
For how could I ever describe
The architecture of nature
The careful precision of tree roots
How could I describe
The luminous patterns I see
In every creature
Every plant
What justice could I bring
So I walk home
And I tell myself
Today is a day for writing
And you will try your best
The world is beautiful in so many ways
And i want to see and tell of all those ways
Oct 2018 · 235
Star Song
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Every night
The sky plays a celestial song
A silent melody
For the eyes to listen to
I love a night sky with no lights but the ones above
Oct 2018 · 217
To Garner a Thought
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Hatred encompassing our being
No being exempt from seeing
The tortue of earth
Capitalistic communists
Preaching iphone sermons
And latte speeches
While corporations leave plastic on our beaches
What kind of message this practice teaches
Is that its okay to be government leeches
And corprate zombies
In that  its all cream and peaches
But fact is within the care
And truth is just outside of that
To know is to suffer
But to not is to buffer
Stuttering smoothly through life
Questions arise but are stuffed away
All answers lay in elected hands
No introspection
Illegal to question discretion
Be discrete when realizing the world
The  eyes are watching
And the ears are listening
The last thing they want
Is to see your knowledge
The last thing they want
Is to hear your power
I believe the earth can be fixed. My opinion may be wrong, but i have faith in humans
Oct 2018 · 197
How could?
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
How could I ever compare
To epic tales
Or ten page poems
How could I ever be
A leader
A teacher
Someone who's knowledge matches
Their confidence
How could I ever see
Millions of copies sold
A view that comes with piña colada
How could someone like me
With nothing to bring
Or give
Who's prideful facade
Will cascade with the dust
How could something so sweet
A dream so sought
And craved
Ever come to be
A dream is only a dream as long as you keep it that way
Oct 2018 · 331
The Apples Journey
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
No one
Would think less of you
If you did not know
He cries every night
For the universe rests in his hands
The sounds and colors
The people the feelings
So many images all right there
In the palm of his hands
Yet no words do it justice
He can try
But he only feels failure
He can see it all in a second
Its all so real
He can almost touch it
In his mind
He practices
Holding an apple in his hand
He turns it green
And blue
He gives it wings
Throwing it
With all his force
All his anger
Every bit of firey passion be has
He throws it
And watches it float down golden hills
Into a chasam
Then gliding up mountain winds
Meeting each cloud
With the kiss
Only an apple could give
Sweet and sharp
Crisp, clean and pure
Despite all this
Despite seeing the apple
And its winged journey
All he feels is failure
He has failed to truly show you
The beauty of the apples colors
The shine of the golden fields
The drop of the chasam
And the rise of the mountains
The glorius meeting
Of apple and cloud
A sight deserving of scripture
But a sight only he can see
No one would blame you
If you did not know
He cries every night
I have constant intense daydreams and being unable to express these images i see through visual art feels quite painful
But i try my best with my words
Oct 2018 · 333
This is Your Garden
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
This is your garden
A kingdom with a court of fireflies
Flowers bloom
For lightening bugs
Keep drinking coffee
From your best friends mug
Watching your garden grow
You're so warm
I can see it in your eyes
Everything you touch goes green
Every time I speak
Things turn blue
Lets go sit on a rose petal
Forget about
The *** on the stove
Just keep on watching
Your garden grow
Life is worries and wonders
Focus on the wonders sometimes
Oct 2018 · 973
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Laying here
Listening to caves sing
I hope you're alright

Watching the sky turn
Pushing the clouds away
I hope you're alright

Still tasting vanilla
Dripping from my mouth
I hope you're alright

Theres something I wanna say
You're still there
Even when I know you're not

I hope you're alright

I hope you're alright
I hope they're alright
Oct 2018 · 348
Can you hear me?
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Can you hear me?
Ill ask that question every time
Can you hear me?
Im still here
Asking you questions
Wondering if somethings up there
Some being
But being is too human
Some incredible energy
Shaping the stars
And blowing the universe away
Each and every day
Can you hear me?
Because im still here
Begging you
For some sort of boon
Some relief
I need you
I need to know im not alone
That its gonna be okay
Are you you?
Are you me?
Just us waiting to see?
Waiting to be
Can you hear me?
Calling in the night
Calling from my dreams
Breaking at my seams
Im so frustrated right now
And im not looking for a god
A father
A figure
Im not looking for anyone
Anyone but you
An ancient state of life
Something so deep and old
Older than the earth
Than the stars
I need you
I am just a child
Looking outwards upon your great expanse
As I forever will be
But more than I ever have
Now is when I need you
Can you hear me?
Maybe im grasping in the dark
But i wish there was something out there for me
Oct 2018 · 229
The world belongs to no one
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
The world belongs to no one
And theres is nothing we can do
To change that fact
The world will keep going
The earth will change
Grass will grow
Water will rise
And water will low
The world belongs to no one
None at all can say
That they have it in their palm
For the world has they
Nature does not care
Because nature will keep going
Or without us
Nature will keep going
Because the world belongs to no one
People dont seem to understand that life and nature will keep going, with or without human intervention
No matter what, it all keeps going
Oct 2018 · 223
Part Time Star Maker
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Someone who can see
The stars in his room
Anywhere he wanted
Or didn't
The stars follow him
Someone who's so exhausted
But the lights wont relent
And the world is bent
Every moment
Bursting with energy
New thoughts and ideas
Each one a star
That follows him
Because they wish to be free
Free from his gravity
From this dark aura
That surrounds his every word
Coats his every gaze
At night he cries
How badly he wants to set his creations free
How badly he wants them to see
The world unfiltered
He wishes everyone could see
These beautiful little lights
That feel all he does
For now, it will only be him
Him and his stars
Sometimes I feel like I belong with the stars. A constellation to be told about, but never truly known.
Oct 2018 · 163
Lion Heart
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Young Lion Heart
Nothing without your words
So boldly you speak
If you lost it all
What would you be?
No more prodigy
No more cacophony
Of claps and shouts
Just you and your silence
Maybe one day you'll choose that
And see who comes
To hear the mute poet
Acting out his words
Young Lion Heart
You shine so bright
Can you even see
The darkness that presides in you?
Talking to yourself
You're too confident
Lower your voice
No more words
Just quiet
Just quit
Would be so much easier
What is up to chance? Could I ever be something to the world? I want to make a good life and this is the only way I know how
Oct 2018 · 152
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I was once nothing
But no one saw me
Become something
So being that something
Means absolutely nothing
Just another nothing
Waiting for something
To happen to them
But its already happened
So I
The world praises a triumphant pariah but never a silent usurper of tyrany
Oct 2018 · 501
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I see the world so differently
Than anyone else
I see the things I was told
The earth so bold
I see it all so differently
All the interconnected things
The colors and shapes
The reflection on the lakes
This vision I hold
Only I can see
Let me paint a picture with my words
Ill start with a background
A deep black and blue
Water is dark at its core
Next comes the red
A violent sunrise
The world hums
As something new is realized
Then theres the scarlet
Scattered on the canvas
Drops of life
Uneven with nature
After its green
Green touching everything
Growing and changing
Shifting shades with seasonss
There it is
A painting only I can see
Only I can know only I could be
The artist
That would be me
Vivid imaginations brings vivid frustrations
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
People like me
I feel wanted
But at the same time
Nothing could matter less
And nothing could matter more
Nothing could matter more
Than the bitter need
To be wanted
To want
To give
So much frustration
A depressed conglomeration
Of hormones and talent
Stuffed into anxiety
With a side of want
But that want
It looks so big on the plate
It makes things seem all over the place
Nothing seems
I cant get a grip
On what I need to think about
Theres so much on this plate
I cant even bother with the next thing
The next trial
The next sleepless night
The next missing light
Or keys
Or i lost my wallet
I dont know how long i can do it
Maybe it'll all come crashing down
And ill just sleep
Life is a stressful thing. Its best not to think about eternity. Maybe immortality doesnt sound that great after all
Oct 2018 · 220
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Sunflower hearts
Only a field apart
Connected by the roots
Mine go back to the icy north
Yours the aromatic city of love
Each flower before us a step closer
A day forward
Until our leaves meet
And our loves tangle
Sunflower hearts
Rose petal eyes
Thorned veins
A million tries
A thousand goodbyes
Just as many hellos
And enough to have us
Someday we'll grow
In our very own garden
Our fields endless
Our expressions will never harden
We will drink from bountiful sunlight
And sip on drunkening moonlight
We will feast on rich soil
And never know toil
Forever with you
Our love's tangled
And now our roots
A poem for my love, my rose, my beautiful flower
Oct 2018 · 233
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Its been a day
One of those gray
A day where the rest
Doesnt feel needed
And the taste in your mouth
Of misery and doubt
Doesnt leave
Its been one of those days
Where every word you write
Every word you hear
Every word you read
Is just mush
Gray soggy mush
And everything that you love
Is faded
Its been one of those days
Where want and need
Are one in the same
And the lack of everything
Drills in your skull
Knocking away
Reminding you of your prison
Of how you're trapped
Until the next day
Or the next
Its like you're always looking forward
To the next big thing in your life
But sometimes you stop
And lay down
And the whole world turns gray
And theres nothing you can do
So you wait
Until the next big moment
Then you do it all over again
Oct 2018 · 455
Little Witch Boy
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Little witch boy
Dancing near the fire
Your golden hair
Couldnt shine any brighter

Little witch boy
Playing in the west sea
You watch the tide pools
Magic only you can see

Little witch boy
Walking through the trees
The spells you cast
Let you hear the leaves

Little witch boy
Raised by a coven
Your heart is warm
Like a *** belly oven

Little witch boy
Now you've grown
And your magic is strong
You know what you own

Little witch boy
What will you do
Lead your life
Or let darkness come for you
Being raised by a seaside coven gives you an interesting attitude towards life
Oct 2018 · 314
After a Ride In The Rain
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I am drenched
Soaked to the bone
Even though I am inside
And my clothes are dry
I can still feel the cold

Seeping into me
Weighing me down
I push and push
But I am pulled back

This watery illness
A beautiful friend
Turned abusive and frigid
I loved you

I would watch you
Change the world around you
You are dark and cloudy
You smell of home

Why do you hurt me now?
When I have praised you
And loved you
Given you so many words

I wish you cared
And gave me comfort
Like you always have
Instead you chill me to my bones

I miss you
And when you're gone
I'll miss you
But for now
I will watch you from afar
Waiting for you to come back to me
Rain comes and goes, as easily as the wind and with it, time to think and reflect on the clouds that have passed you by
Oct 2018 · 565
Spatula in the sky
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
To live another day
In remembrance of my past
There is pain in these words
I miss the moments
Of nervous limbs
And questioning thoughts

I wish to relive
That nostalgia
Fire mear by
And you were just a little high
With that moment
I felt happy

Now I am far away
The south of the north
And you are where I was
Before we met
I could only ask
To relive that moment

Curious eyes
Starry skies
Nervous limbs
Fire nearby
And questioning thoughts
For a friend i havent seen in a while and that i miss dearly
Oct 2018 · 137
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
It is raw
White hot and blind
Dark cold and deaf
Impossible to grasp
Barely a rasp
So easily it comes
As gently as it goes

It is refined
Deep warm and soft
Shallow cool and solid
So gently we hold
These tender souls
Deep in our chest
Volatile they rest

It is decayed
Withered temperate and knowing
Light fragile and old
How vibrant they were
Bursting with life
A fruitless feat
No one will know if they ever keep
Oct 2018 · 155
My questions
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Is it I who guides my hand
Towards greatness or doom
A life ahead
Or does drudgery loom
Tell me who you are
Creator or destroyer
Your presence looms
I look for you
Your reconnoitre
Do I weep or jump
Do I keep or do I stump
Tell me who you are
Oh greatness oh liar
Oh universe
Some force
Embers from the bonfire
Are you love
Or do you hate
I wish for your love
Oh being of infinite weight
I wish for your voice
Are we abandoned?
Have you left?
Are we just juveniles
That live to seek
To feel and sing
Your personal choir
We were made
To be your desire
Oct 2018 · 272
Fire on the mountain
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I am a fire
So brightly i burn
So blindly i yearn
My embers know no empty
My warmth is plenty
So brightly i yearn
So blindly i burn
I will burn
All you have
I will search and scour
For one more path
To burn and take
Ravage and shake
The world is mine
I will burn
Until there is nothing
And i am an ash
Floating in the wind
So brightly i burned
So blindly i yearned
I am a fire
And i will burn
Oct 2018 · 258
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
To be something
Everything that was
Never could be
Doors dont always answer


Perchance you could
Open a door
Ear for an ear
Moss for moss
Sleep for sleep
Sneaky sneaky
Oct 2018 · 265
A shower for gods
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
At that moment
The world was devine
Its battered brittle colors
Shed away
To reveal a shower for gods

The sun shone
So soft and gentle
It carressed my skin
With delicate strands
Of light

The rain fell
A cascade of golden drops
One could only describe
In unmeasurable awe
As a shower for gods

Washing away every fear
No more monsters drew near
And I rested
My hands free
In a shower for gods

It was one of the few miracles
That slipped out of the heavens
For I had cried for help
And the universe gave me
A shower for gods
While i was on my bike after a streasful day, i witneased a beautiful act of nature in the form of a beautiful sun on the mountains, letting its light turn the rain into a shower meant for gods
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Soft sugar erotica
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
You're so soft
so smooth
your skin is like moonlight
and it pulls my heart like a moth to flame

how it hurts, only being able to reach
how it cuts me to pieces to long for you
your body is honey and clouds
and puts me in pain

you're so sweet
but your curves and creases could never be mine
your gentle lips kissing down my chest
the loving pain of nails against my back
we could never be untame

Your hot breath, your panting
your moans are my music
your hips are my rhythm
the love in your eyes is my sugar
Loneliness can cause the mind to wander
Oct 2018 · 254
Magnus Hibiscus
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I have only my mind's sight to create words that could be carried by winds and air
No sleep induced by nectar, no thick plants grown after a midnights rain
The green and blue of breads do not belong to me
I keep the edges of cliffs sharp in my eye’s lair
For voices sing to me and me myself of flames under my skin
Their muse being the thick plants, their instruments the nectar and their breath of my demise the greens and blues
From the drum in a barrel comes the red that looks blue under the light and heats the tendons of what could be a metal giant
Under the helm, these voices dance in their prison, throwing bolts of lightning, igniting horrors only seen in darkness
From whence these calls came is unknown to the drones clad in blue green and white
I have only these calls to create words
My metal body holds strings of hellfire, leaking lava onto the Yggdrasil of white and touch
This lava turns bees to hornets that sting the branches in which they live when the sky turns to a kiln
Rivers that fall from the ceiling cannot soothe the hornets wrath.
I reach for the celestial lights, my metal hands crude, my fingers outreached. My metal hands. My metal body
That drum aches for a time when it was more than a beat. When it felt more than the emptiness
When it beat with the sound of laughter
I wade through galaxies of blue and green. My hands glide through the stars, feeling the life of each lifeless planet
My legs brush against the serpents of the nebula, baring their teeth, they pierce my metal legs with with fangs of supernovae
Their bright venom fills my body with light that soon becomes black and is ****** into the void of the drum
When I lay my head and close my eyes, nymphs speak to me in voices that leave when I realize them
I keep their messages in my head, unable to discern their warnings from the life inside of my mind
When I wake, I hear them, I remember their distant messages and say them to the rivers of green in the sky, with beds of bright stars
Sending them back to where they came from, telling the nymphs that because I am a metal giant
Does not mean I am not from their same earth
We all swallow our sins
I am no exception
I may be of this mother but I have taken the highest stairway, to the outside, only to see it's slopes flatten and others, reach past the clouds
A poem I wrote when I was younger. It details my mind as I was dealing with drugs, depression, isolation, insomnia and anxiety
I take light inspiration from the poem Kubla Khan
Oct 2018 · 329
Will O' the wisps
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
Rain drop fantasy
I gently weep
In the morning
Spirits are closer
The sky has no end
And from it the hills emerge
Willows with me
Wisps in the fog
Willows with me
Theres something near
Willows with me
Now I can hear
The willows with me
I am there again
On the road
So far down
One light glowed
I walked
And walked and walked
Only the willows talked
Only the willows
Would ever talk
Often the convoluted nature of time and memories creates patterns in memories that match with contemporary life
Oct 2018 · 352
Merwin Nikad Oct 2018
I can't feel warmth anymore
Peel me back to the cold core
My engines don't start
My cogs won't turn
I can't feel the warmth anymore
I remember shade in the trees
I can still think of the frost on the wood
But all that's with me now
All that's with me now
Let me soak
Let me soak
Leave me to rust
Let me lie
Let flowers groom my sodden corpse

— The End —