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Mar 2016 · 737
Kissing in the rain..
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016

A little bored just having some fun.
Mar 2016 · 659
He said She said (pt.2)
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
She says: What surprised me most was that he matched me. He wasn't intimidated by my ferocity, my intensity, my deep dark desires. When our lips touched, the world filled with a silence that left only the sound of our satisfaction. I stared deep into his captivating eyes as we devoured each other, him finding places that had been untouched and he stared right back with the same power. His hands searched my skin, grabbed at my curves, kissed my body until my back arched. As he ****** inside of me and I moaned with every pleasure, we moved naturally, in sync, heartbeats racing as sweat began to fill the few crevices where our skin didn't touch. My body responds to his movements, to his breath, and every single push inside of me. Our breathing gets lost with one another until we are one body completely enveloped in a high that can't be matched. The high is delicious, *****, and euphoric. There's nothing scarier than being addicted to someone. His lips on mine, hands pulling at my hair forcing me deeper into a kiss I know will lead to our tangled bodies. Yet, within our tangled bodies we find our most animalistic instincts; we find our most wild freedom, and drunk off his lips, we reach that high.

He said She said is a two part original  poem about a man and woman who share a deep infatuation with one another. Hope you all enjoy....
Mar 2016 · 781
He said She said (pt.1)
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
He said she said-
.... everytime she turned around and looked at me with those glazed eyes I didn't want to let her leave. Eyes full of passion, desire, dreams. It felt like I could see the world in her eyes. She walks into my car eyes fixated on me the entire time. The sound of the car door slamming shut lets me know my fantasy has begun. It's like that dream you have over and over again, I know what happens next.  I could tell by the way her mouth pounced for my upper lip that she was a dominant one. She was rough and raw and ready. A lioness among kittens she was. The other girls where simply just that, girls. When I'm with this woman though my body just responds to her every touch, to her every kiss.  Its never long before one hand leads to the other, and her lips find their way around me because we have finnaly found our love again ;we complete each other. We burn in that raging fire that is love and enjoy each second of it. It's a wicked dangerous game we play but her and I walk the same path. We were opposite sides of the same spectrum making our way to each other with every touch, kiss, and ****. The way she straddled me feeling those thighs clutched tight along my side, nails digging deep into the dermis of my skin. I would bite her neck and chest leaving marks all over her body and her on mine. It was always rough and always passionate, and it didn't take me long before I realized I was looking in a mirror. I had finally found someone just like me. It was enough to make any man confuse the feeling with  love; and thats exactly what it was..

He said She said is a two part original  poem about a man and woman who share a deep infatuation with one another. Hope you all enjoy....
Mar 2016 · 702
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
I do not fear to be alone for i have been alone all my life before i met you, and i will be alone all my life after you.

But oh what a great feeling companionship is, thank you for that.
Mar 2016 · 574
Down -n- Out
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
Down and out they say
I Know that phrase too well
It seems my self destructive path does not end.
Once i think its over i reach a fork in the road.
Could it be maybe i continue to choose incorrectly, or is it that i have been cursed by the good souls I've left in the wreckage behind me.
©Joel Ochoa|March.3.2016
Nov 2015 · 603
Breaking Free
Joel Ochoa Nov 2015
These city streets are no place for me, this is what ive known all my life. This concrete jungle, this carnival of madness. This city is becoming a reflection of my soul, slowly engulfing me in its chaos. Not wanting me to break free of its shackles it tightens its grip hoping i will be defeated and submit. I am not so simple, i am no longer that young naive boy this city has raised. This passion is burning inside of me, my ambition will break those ties that bind me to the pavement. Success awaits me at the top of the world,
its form still unknown but my wings have just grown.
©Joel Ochoa|Nov.22.2015
Nov 2015 · 2.3k
Silent echoes
Joel Ochoa Nov 2015
In the back of my head i can hear them,
Tiny voices pulling me near them,
Asking me begging me to write these words.
The voices of dead poets all speaking to me at once
Telling me the words they were never able to speak.

Entrusting me with the words that remain unwritten and unknown.
Inside of me i can hear them growing louder and louder and behind each word the feeling, the passion that burned inside of them.

Like so many things in life the only way to silence them is to satisfy them.
So i desperately write until my hands begin to bleed.
Until tears run down my face and trickle onto the page.

When i run out of ink i will use my blood,
I will write and write until i cant anymore
then i will join them...
I will join the voices that once haunted me. I will become the voice that keeps YOU up at night.
I will become that voice that screams in the back of every writers mind.
©Joel Ochoa |Nov.21.2015
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Go on boy, dance.
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
I cant blame the guy, when the devil wants to dance you dont say no.
Poor sap.

Hope you can handle the heat.
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.24.2015
Oct 2015 · 683
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
The smell of your skin embedded deep into my brain, i often find myself alone wondering if you are thinking of the life we always wanted. The taste of your lips is the one thing I crave more than any other poison. Unlike any other you have a chain wrapped around my heart and you wont stop pulling on it. Keep pulling, i love the way that you hurt me. Pull so hard that my heart rips out of my chest and into my hands so i can hand it over to you, that is where my heart belongs. That is where my heart has always been, with you.
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.20.2015
Oct 2015 · 564
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
Smile with me, sing with me, laugh with me, cry with me.
Live with me, breathe with me, fall with me, rise with
Walk with me, crawl with me, run with me, jump with me.
Be with me, free with me, Die with me, all i
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.19.2015
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Acid Rain
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
This liquid falling from the sky the taste is rather bitter.
Close your eyes and open your mouth, give in to me and my words. I will take you away forever to a place so enchanting you will never again think of life as you know it now. Allow me to sway your current views on life and love. Come and follow me to all the dark thoughts that wander in your brain in the dead of night.
Let us travel to that place which is nor life or death but somewhere in between. Let me teach your soul to find (n)everlasting peace.... face your heads to the sky, take me in. Become one with me and all around you- wash away your sins in the acid rain.
Oct 2015 · 450
Blank Page
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
I always found it to be true what my professor once told me. "You write better when you just let the feelings pour out." This beautiful blank page. We are too familiar with each-other. It knows all my secrets and all my feelings.... It keeps it to its self and and doesn't offer any opinion. The page stares back at me and just listens as i decorate it with my ink. In this ink, in these lines that i create on the page are my true emotions. The emotions that I'm too afraid to show, the emotions that run deep through my mind body and soul. The blank page tells the story of my soul. As long as i have a pencil and a scrap of paper I've no need for anything else, because all I've ever wanted from the beginning was to empty these thoughts that flood my brain.
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.17.2015
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Love's A Beach
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
I lost it all fighting fate, picking up every pretty seashell along the way I had no room left for the beautiful Pearl that was waiting for me to pick it up.
I always ran off ahead of you to get there first when I should have walked along side you and enjoyed the journey.
I can still hear you now, crying out to me. Telling me to slow down.
When you are young and in love there are only two choices; you either make it FAST or you make it LAST.
Walk slowly on the sand.
© Joel Ochoa | Oct.16.2015
Oct 2015 · 862
Scared to Love Me
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
Falling short is something i know,
Doing wrong is something i do very well.
Never was very affectionate, because i never had that.
Always looked for love in all the wrong places.
Always made friends out of all the wrong faces.
Having it all, losing it all, Missing your calls, fight til we fall.
Thats scary.
It must be hard to love me.
With so many flaws just look at my soul everything just gets ugly.
Please don't be too scared to love me, sometimes at last doesn't come at first.
Suffer with me as we learn life and once i understand how im supposed to live ill make it so you never suffer again.
© Joel Ochoa | Oct.15.2015
Oct 2015 · 562
Trapped in The Bottle
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
Whiskey and wine I'm doing just fine, but how did we get in this bottle.
Sure this is great but it might be to late if we drink this thing down to the bottom.
***** and gin it might be a sin but drinking the drinks what we do.
So we drink and we drink and we throw up in sinks cause we hear that it helps with the blues.
It's like the more my throat burns; the more that I learn new things present and past.
The bottles all done and I've hit the bottom; please pull me out of here fast.
© Joel Ochoa | Oct.14.2015
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
The Sun & The Moon
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
The Sun & The Moon
She and i were like the sun and the moon
She shines bright for the world to see
And i circle the world night and night again longing for warmth.
© Joel Ochoa | Oct.14.2015

— The End —