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20.7k · Jan 2017
Shooting Star
East Wind Jan 2017
She's often in the dark, especially at night
But never has she seen a shooting star.
She sings her song every night
In hopes that one day she might.
        "I’ve never seen a shooting star.
          If I did, I would have wished
          for the wish I wish every night.
          That I wish I may I wish I might
          make a wish to see the light!"
19.8k · Mar 2019
Bad poetry
East Wind Mar 2019
Collections of my disorderly thoughts
gathered together with knots
of my ample desire
to make sense of my everyday life.
I write poetry, however bad they might be, to help me analyze my feelings.
5.6k · Oct 2018
Permission to Fail
East Wind Oct 2018
The old man said:
The key to contentment is to find yourself
deep within yourself until you can learn to drown out the voices of the world.
For so long, I was confused about what he was trying to say. Now I think I understand. It's all about believing in our own capability to handle life as it comes. Other people's validation may seem nice and sometimes it is but it is never to be our main source of motivation or strength. What other people think about us does not determine our ability to be sufficient. We have to understand who we are and be comfortable with ourselves; our hopes, dreams, strengths, and failures too. Because when we understand all of the beautiful, ugly, dark, and beautifully dark parts that live within us and learn to accept them, we can lovingly work to better ourselves. I read a quote today, "Wherever we're trying to go, we do not bully ourselves there. We believe ourselves there."-Leeana T. When we love our own self enough to stop listening to the chatters of world, we can finally let go of our self-loathing and take a step forward to being content.
1.9k · Jan 2017
One Giant Shooting Star
East Wind Jan 2017
If all the stars in the universe coalesced,
Would they make a giant shooting star?
and would it rain on us?
would it rain it's wrath down because we - didn't dream enough?
                                                                ­               didn't wish enough?
                     Or would it be because we wished for way too much?
1.5k · Aug 2018
My Ten Words Today
East Wind Aug 2018
Love unites us.
Hate poisons us.
And Time carries us.
1.2k · Aug 2018
Cooler than your Cold.
East Wind Aug 2018
I want to be cool...
at least, cooler than your demeaning gaze as I walked past you.
And as I sat by the river,
I penned down all the other reasons I want
to be cooler than you.

Cooler than your cold eyes
cooler than your cruel smile
cooler than your calculating mind
cooler than the chill you send
down my spine.
Cooler than your caved eyes
cooler than your crooked smile
cooler than your cautious mind
cooler than the cold water you pour
down my back.
cool cold calm and collected I'm not.
1.1k · Jun 2017
Dislike Season
East Wind Jun 2017
There are days when I strongly dislike everything
From the way I wake up to the sunlight outside  
From the way I brush my hair to the way I walk
From the coffee I drink to the reasons I can't sleep at night  
  I think you get the picture of my dislike season
   And it seems to me my dislike is for no reason
  Once in a while I feel like I don't belong here but-
    It stands to reason
  If I don't know where I belong
    Doesn't it  mean I just belong here?
1.1k · Nov 2016
Sincerely, Your Inner-Voice
East Wind Nov 2016
Nothing comes easily to me
except maybe impulsivity
it dawned on me recently
that my time on earth is transitory
I was depressed for a while, but
it is what it is so let it be it
I decided to chase my dreams
only, I didn't have the courage
it's too late to apologize to myself
for not realizing what my dreams were

My mind wanders a few times a day
I let it go wherever it may
I'm positive it will come back again

I wonder why people cry when they're happy
Isn't crying for sadness only?  
I remember when my friend passed
I asked God why it happened
I felt as though we would live forever
until the glass ceiling was shattered
I still do believe life has a purpose
if not, then what's the reason behind it?  

I sometimes pray I pass before he does
I know that's messed up but imagine the sorrow of loss  
I have low tolerance for pain hence why I take aspirin
I didn't understand addiction
until my coffee spilled

Life is a great big mystery
for anyone that lives it
If you're ever feeling alone
remember, we're all in this together
every time somebody tells you no
just get stronger

Honestly, I give advice more than I take
it's probably because I think way too far ahead
when I feel lost, I imagine I'm in this place
it's green and sunny, but kind of chilly
but it's cool, I like sweaters

I love you always
-Sincerely, your Inner voice
Conscious or is it Conscience?
East Wind Apr 2017
He will love you when
you're a tree in the winter
    bones without flesh
when you're not yet a butterfly
when you're slowly learning to smile

She will love you still when
  you're summer without the rain
    a boat without the sail
when you're a train-track without the train
Incomplete but love still remains
...but trees in the winter are still alive and well. Just taking the time to emerge through the storm towards the calm.
978 · Apr 2017
East Wind Apr 2017
Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep I stare
and think of all the things I could be doing instead.

If I had the money I would
come visit you today
I won't care that it's late
only that you're there
We would walk hand in hand
and maybe start running
Splash through the puddles
as people start staring

Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep, I ---
close  my eyes and think, "I could be doing a lot around this minute."

If I had the courage I would
leave everything I had (it's not much)
Board a plane or a train
and be a vagabond
Anywhere, any place
is the destination ahead
To be a face in the masses
but with purpose in my lens....

Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep...I dream of -
capturing life's very fleeting moments instead.
929 · Oct 2016
East Wind Oct 2016
with a headache
head in the clouds
always in a daze
dazzled by life
until the lights fade

Still in the clouds
still in a daze
however filtered through a darker haze.  

I space out
when I come back,
It's past my bedtime
but there's something about
watching clouds roll by
that makes me think,
Life may not be so bad.
Hope your headspaces' are filled with better things.
894 · Dec 2016
Post Test Anxiety
East Wind Dec 2016
There are questions I don't know
on an exam I studied for
the teacher told me,
When in doubt, go with C
but I see no way out
from the nightmare I'm dreaming
until, I wake up in fright
because I failed a test
for a class I never had
817 · Feb 2019
To the Song of Cicadas.
East Wind Feb 2019
Mist is in the air
seeping through my pores;
I look for you,
bathed in the cold.

Time and time again,
I hear eerie tones.
like the song of cicadas,
under Shumard oak.

Debated where you were
mystery unsolved.
The story of old,
Me vs. my own mind.

Afternoon fades off
still, debated unsolved.
to the song of cicadas,
to face each other once more.
783 · Oct 2018
completley crazy.
East Wind Oct 2018
Sometimes I think the only way someone can madly love me
is if they're completely crazy.
The Problem with Romantics is...
East Wind Aug 2018
The secret of life
Is simple and nice
She said I’ll tell it to you twice
Just so you know it ain’t a lie
     The upward battle
     The downward tumble
     The fight to finish
     The race you started
And days maybe getting darker
Time maybe ticking faster
Love maybe turning bitter
And sweet maybe turning sour
But life always has a controller.
     To hopeful travelers
     There is a road to take
     So baby don’t you cry
     There’s hope for you yet
And life maybe getting harder
Days maybe getting shorter
you keep waiting, waiting longer
Your heart beating, beating faster
But life always has a controller.
     So baby don’t you cry
     There’s hope for you yet
     The secret of life
     Is underneath your chest!
Life and her secrets.
756 · Jun 2017
City of Chances
East Wind Jun 2017
The greatest thing in life I've ever heard
Is when you said to me it doesn't hurt
to take the chances life throws your way
Now however, I have found my self
surrounded by stones in the city
Life refused to give me the chances I want to keep
so I keep running away to hide from everything

I don't like where I am right here right now
I took the wrong turn on my way up
Please stop telling me this is for me
I didn't even know who I would be

One minute I was there
The next minute I'm here
between here and there
I think I've lost everything.

Correct me if I'm wrong but was this a dream?
I saw a shadow pass up the stream
Her torch was burning bright like the Eternal flame
She said "come this way a better life awaits"
But like all the shadows her words were weightless
And the flames became stone-like and lightless.
Still there'll be more chances....
705 · Oct 2018
With You.
East Wind Oct 2018
I wish I can turn a day into
forever there with you.
Time moves fast when you're having fun...and also when you get older.
701 · Jun 2019
Lonely Freedom
East Wind Jun 2019
All I want is to roam
The skies like the hummingbirds birds do
    What’s out there that
     I want it more than
     I want you?
However lonely, Freedom.
674 · Oct 2016
Comfort food
East Wind Oct 2016
When I'm feeling sad
I don't tell you.
You notice anyway that I'm not being myself.
You don't push me to say what's bothering me or where
my head is lately.
Instead, you wait patiently for me to be ready.
And in the meantime,
you bake me cookies.
My roommate and best friend just baked me cookies and gave me several hugs in the past two hours. She deserves something better than this poem but until then...
East Wind Oct 2016
River banks
beach sands
muddy waters
loud laughs
all the things
I think about
when I'm awake at night

Rhyming words
fairy tales
true stories
laugh lines
all the things
I think about
when I'm daydreaming in class

Once in a while, my thoughts collide
the common thread,
is you by my side
655 · Aug 2018
Of substance.
East Wind Aug 2018
Are you eating anything else besides bubblegum?
Because you matter!
Greatly valued.
611 · Dec 2017
Like Wild Fire
East Wind Dec 2017
I want to be like Wild Fire
carried by wind, spreading further
enter your thoughts and leave desire
until the heat takes your body over.

I want to be like Wild Fire,
changing my mood with the weather
make your heart beat three times faster
I want to be like Wild Fire.
602 · Nov 2016
Run Away
East Wind Nov 2016
She goes, her legs taking her
running with no destination in mind.
She just wants to get away from everything-
and everyone. Especially, herself.
She runs and cries and runs some more
confusion and sadness urging her to go on.
She stops to dry her tear streaked face
and looks around to the new place.
She finds herself surrounded by-
bricks and walls and city lights.
She has gotten somewhere
reaching nowhere at the same time.
She realizes she's stuck where it all began
her thoughts gripping her like the prison cells they are.
She wondered where she went wrong while looking up at the sky
still trying to find a place to call home, where she can settle down
but alas, all She wants to do is to run away now.
570 · Oct 2016
More than we Know
East Wind Oct 2016
A sweet old lady told me that:
I've got a poet's heart and a wanderer's spirit
I don't know about that, but
I like to paint life
to be more than I see it
If time stops now,
I wonder if we'll know?
I think...,I think
we're all trying to freeze time
the best way we know how.
542 · Dec 2016
I'm Sane
East Wind Dec 2016
Feels like I'm running in place
sweating, but the treadmill is limiting my space
I wish I could but I can't see the future
and if I did,
I probably hate it
find myself debating
with the voice inside my head
                       and that's absurd
Because I'm sane
completely sane

yes, I know, I hear sometimes some chattering
but it's usually because I'm dreaming

But I'm still sane
I mean sometimes,
I feel loneliness creeping up my spine
like a spider with eight legs, wrapping itself around my heart
squeezing my soul and refusing to let go
But I'm sane

I feel fine
I know... I know  sometimes,
I feel the need to shout aloud
in the middle of a nice restaurant, in front of a crowd
the need expands until I just have to run outside
but I'm still sane

I pray to find peace of mind
and pray to those who asked me, 'how was I'
I find a few friends to unclench my soul
and take a deep breath to ward off feeling alone
I say, I'm fine  and  I'm good,
I'm not lost, just momentarily confused

But I'm Sane, completely sane
You know how I know?
Because when I look at you, I see the same Pain.
East Wind Jan 2019
I took a plane and a train to come find you.
you said "take a nap, we've got time"
and I said, "no thank you I'll stay awake,
lets take a walk instead."
six miles we went.
I, trying to avoid the jet lag
but really just scared that if I shut my eyes,
days will disappear like stars when night gives way to the day sky or
like warm cookies from a cookie jar.
You, laughing because you missed my laugh.
Later on,
As I sat in the metro
in a city I didn't know
trying to find my way back to your house
I wished I had the power to stretch a second into an hour
an hour into a day and a day into forever there with you!
528 · Oct 2016
Night people
East Wind Oct 2016
Body of water
you love the way it moves
feel it grow stronger
as the sun sets
Dark skies and bright moon
invite you to rest
but you feel alive
as the world sleeps

Waves crashing into rocks
making a roaring sound
captured in slow motion
deep within your mind
Dark skies and the blue moon
invite you to gaze
at the stars up above
until your troubles fade
522 · Oct 2017
East Wind Oct 2017
Wish a little wish
Turn it into a castle
Tread a little lightly
Blowing out the candle

I blew out the candles
The curtains caught fire
What I hoped was one day,
I will live to inspire

But I haven’t seen the sun
Since I closed my self inside
I thought it would be for a day
But it slipped into a drought
   doubts crept into my mind
I thought I heard my name but
The walls were proofed of sound

Will it be different
When tomorrow comes around?

~If you have a little flame, you can light up the world. Just make sure to close your eyes when you make a wish~ - someone I don’t remember.
522 · Jan 2017
Free as the Birds
East Wind Jan 2017
Occasionally I look upwards,
and wish to be as free as the birds.
I watch them fly with their blue tipped wings,
and wonder what the blue jays would think,
if they found out I wish to trade.
I think they will laugh and rightly so,
their life is hard, I just don't know.
494 · Nov 2016
Sand Imprint
East Wind Nov 2016
It showcases your footprints
your handwritten I love you's, and will you marry me's
you draw a smiley face and add follow you dreams
the possibilities are endless so you keep carving your messages

Then the wind blows and so the waves rise
they wash away the imprint you left behind
standing ashore, you watch the sand castles collapse
But your memories...your memories will stay intact
491 · Nov 2016
East Wind Nov 2016
Joe was a guy with a great smile
In fact, every time he smiled
the whole world shined.
His warm brown eyes,
sparkled bright
they made me think,  
I was the only one around.

But Joe scared me
he got too close
He would ask all these questions
about who I was
   Where do you want to go?
        Who do you want to be?
            What do you dream about
              when you go to sleep?
                  What do you fear the most
                    can you tell me?
                       What's your future like
                        do you see me?
Joe patiently listened
at my attempts to answer
my replies were broken
kind of lackluster.
I didn't know who I was
I mean ...I still don't
and every time Joe looked at me
I just felt lost

He would call me in the mornings
and to say his goodnights,
But no matter how much I liked Joe
I was not yet where he was at.

So I said goodbye to him,
and proceeded my life
Leaving Joe behind me,
while he shined somebody else's life.
461 · Dec 2016
Because It's Warm Outside.
East Wind Dec 2016
Your embrace is like the
warmth I get from
the sunshine.
456 · Mar 2017
To Save Me
East Wind Mar 2017
I want to write to save my life.
To put to rest what’s eating me up inside.
Pull it out from the traps within my heart and watch it unfold.
I pull it out with the might of my mind and the dexterity of my fingers. Good bye. So long.
They will finally stop scaring my sprits to the corners of my soul. They will no longer shiver. They are Reborn.
Maybe what saves me can save you. And what saves us can save them. A seed, a bud, a tree. I write so I save me.
454 · Nov 2018
Live for Today
East Wind Nov 2018
I wish to never worry about tomorrow
Never worry about the someday
Take the joy with the sorrow
And just live for today.
449 · Nov 2016
East Wind Nov 2016
Billy was a boy
I saw at a coffee place
I used to frequent
when I needed catharsis
He had long hair
with a freckled face
he played the guitar
and sang my favorites

I called him Billy
but that wasn't his name
I never got a chance
to talk with him face to face

I swear, sometimes I thought
He looked me in the eyes
we connected on a deeper level
than meets the eye
Suddenly I got busy
started going less and less
That one weekend I went?
he wasn't at the place

Billy was what I called him
that wasn't his name
every time I tried to talk to him,
my face caught flame

Next time I see Billy
I will definitely say Hi
or maybe, I will just start with a smile
I will compliment his voice
and ask him out for a bite
I'm forgetting something
I think I moved too fast
Before I proceed to ask him out,
I will ask Billy,
What name he goes by
447 · Dec 2016
East Wind Dec 2016
I hope one day, I can understand —
the paradoxical world in which we stand.

When that time comes, it might not matter,
but it will surely make me feel better.
443 · May 2017
East Wind May 2017
When I wanted to care
  I couldn't.
If you caught me yesterday
  I would've.
This happens sometimes. I want to care about something or someone desperately but I just don't seem to have the energy. Maybe it's because even if I do care, nothing changes and so it becomes easier just to (pretend) not to care.
439 · Dec 2016
Question (1)
East Wind Dec 2016
Your eyes are glistening.
are the tears from joy
or sadness?
Is this even a Quinzaine?
438 · Dec 2016
East Wind Dec 2016
My mind is in overdrive
All my thoughts are amplified
I need a megaphone
I don't really know what for
But I feel if I scream,
it will make my thoughts real

I have a sweet melody
playing in my head
I probably should work
on my life instead
but words keep echoing in my mind
My brain is always occupied
436 · Nov 2016
East Wind Nov 2016
You won't understand.
You might think you can and that's fine
   but when you ask me why? And I sigh,
It's because...
You won't understand.
436 · Sep 2018
East Wind Sep 2018
Are my words as dark as a stormy day's cloud?
Even gray clouds have feelings and emotions they hide
until they let loose and let it all pour out.
But I seem to be as blank as a white page...No. Better yet,
As a leaf caught underneath a rock with no escape
With a weight on my chest that can't be explained!
416 · Oct 2018
One Sided
East Wind Oct 2018
I like that you like me
I hate that I don't see
How good you are for me
So I doubt what this could be
and I embrace my lonely.
Why can't I just like you back?
407 · Apr 2019
You Make Life Better
East Wind Apr 2019
Life, although hard and fraught with a series of conflicts,
you make living it better.
Dedicated to Mr. Bryan C.
403 · Dec 2016
East Wind Dec 2016
"There is no guarantee you will be born into this world, but after you are born, there is a guarantee you will die."
Old-man Sol told me that, and I find his words to be true and wise because he ended with, *
"so live life and be thankful to God."
402 · Sep 2018
Broken Kite.
East Wind Sep 2018
I saw a girl playing alone
many of her toys scattered around
there was only one she bothered to pick up.

A paper kite that was broken
with edges folded and pieces fallen
she tried to fly it but it was for nothing.

I didn't see how long she tried to fly it
but I prayed she won't become crestfallen
when most things in the world seem broken.
399 · Aug 2019
East Wind Aug 2019
Absence came and hid the cracks.  
Wasn't she suppose to make the heart long?
she said fonder, bolder, tighter, closer...
She lied. She formed habits designed to hide.
379 · Feb 2019
To you, the travler
East Wind Feb 2019
Lost in your thoughts
and dreams
heading somewhere
that never seems to be reached...
     Write to me when you make it there,
       so that I know it's possible.
371 · Dec 2017
Sticky Note Poem 1: Friday
East Wind Dec 2017
It was Friday
I was...feeling lonely
   like a lovebug that lost its pair
   telling my self I was okay!
How did I let myself end up in parked boat
   somewhere in Tampa bay?

It was Saturday
you lifted your arms
  I saw your stretch marks and I thought...
I can finally take my clothes off in front of someone  
  Will it be okay?
368 · Oct 2016
Say The Right Thing
East Wind Oct 2016
I write
then delete
sometimes I shred
and repeat
Never once knowing  
the right words
that will give you peace
364 · Feb 2019
about Love...
East Wind Feb 2019
Question: How can Love be extremely simple yet severely complicated?
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