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362 · Jun 2017
Sunrise on the West
East Wind Jun 2017
Things will change when...
             the sun rises on the West.
Part of a poem I haven't started yet.
351 · Oct 2016
East Wind Oct 2016
Why do I feel restless
whenever I'm near you?
Why do I feel hopeless
like I don't deserve you ?
Why do I care too much
about what you think of me?
Does this mean I like you
or that I don't like me?
Is it love or maybe not?
344 · Oct 2016
East Wind Oct 2016
Hot weather and humid air
friends that love you and care
talking all night above the covers
eating pizza and drinking cold drinks
           Stairs creak when it's time to go
I will miss this place
and the memories it holds
Do I want to leave? Not really, No
But sometimes leaving is necessary to grow
344 · Jan 2017
Walk on Shards
East Wind Jan 2017
I feel okay today!!!
and, if the earth shatters,
I will learn to walk on shards.
Or if it decides to open up and swallow me,
I will build a city underground.
The Frida Kahlo exhibition motivated me today. This feeling may go away tomorrow, but maybe If it's written down, I will be able to recapture it.
342 · Mar 2018
Sticky Note Poetry 2: Alas
East Wind Mar 2018
He said I had the curliest hair
                        the sweetest smile
                        the warmest eyes and
                        the kindest soul
All was good and well until he said:
No matter how much he tried,
he couldn’t jump the fence around my heart.
338 · Oct 2018
Alma’s Song
East Wind Oct 2018
For a cough,
Breathe in the Sea air.
For a headache,
Breathe in the Ocean.
For life,
Breathe in Oxygen.
338 · Aug 2019
Try (Jump)
East Wind Aug 2019
Give it a shot
Why not?
In time, you’ll feel it
If you just let go
Go mad
Let love
Get married
Have children
I’ll be proud
As your maker
Your raiser
I say when,
You should just jump

But I can’t
I doubted my self
Far too often
But now I know not
I forgot what it was
But my memory
Flooded back
Thank God
I know what it’s like
To look deep in the eyes
And just know
Without having to try
That I like him
And I am willing to
Give love a shot or maybe not...regardless, don't let the pressure you to just give it a try.
I guess that one person was right, "You'll know when you know because it will bite you in the ***."
335 · Jan 2019
The Trees Talk.
East Wind Jan 2019
How do I find it?
the way home seems so hard.
walk over mountains,
hope the mountains won't collapse.
what day is today?
the day I meet my chance...
the chances are, I don't know how
far I can walk

I know the trees talk
              the trees talk
they call my name so clear and proud
what do they say when I'm not around?

Find me a willow tree
so I can rest my head
when the morning breaks
hope to find my bed instead
what day is today?
the day I find my place
but the chances are, I don't know how far
I can walk

I know the trees talk
              the trees talk
I wonder if they'll answer if I ask
Don't leave here
fruits may be poison
don't leave me here
the way home is what I seek
    Find me a house with the lights on
                                  with the food warm
                                  with the bed firm
    Find me a house with the clock on
                                  compass north
               So I can find my way home.
East Wind Oct 2018
crystal clear like the springs
Pouring in downward motion
salty like the ocean...
I want to go up and away
anywhere from today
I feel sadness echoing  
    my thoughts trolling
      my sprit crawling  
I am back with the sad songs again
     dancing with my demons again
        whirling through emotions therein
I think life is,
twisting me up like a chord and
minor chords keep playing in my soul.
I probably can't use therein there but oh well...Here is to the dreary times when all we do is sit, sip, and cry.
328 · Aug 2019
Lonely Freedom part.2
East Wind Aug 2019
I thought I wanted this
but most birds don't fly
without their flocks.
I am taking off.
I'm journeying to mountain tops.
I say my dears, I'll be back
When I find the shell
that hides my prize,
only to wonder why I am lost
caging myself from  
passing life.
328 · Sep 2018
Word of the Day: Frazzled
East Wind Sep 2018
Hands on my head, panicked.
Heart rhythm indicates:
328 · May 2019
You can Snort
East Wind May 2019
If they tell you,
Make it pretty
Make it nice
Be subtle and precise  
Shiny but not too bright
Smile then laugh, but don’t snort -
Not ladylike
One more thing... don’t cry,
Black streaks will ruin your attire.
You can tell them,
I can make it pretty and loud
Assertive and proud
Ladylike if I like  
Be boisterous if I must
I can dress it up, dress it down
Twirl and dance around  
Show my tears to the crowd
And then laugh because that’s life
          I can snort, that’s allowed!
327 · May 2019
Fleeting Pleasures
East Wind May 2019
....Fleeting pleasures hunt me to destroy the contentment I have built thus far.
326 · Nov 2016
soaked shirt
East Wind Nov 2016
I rarely feel like crying
but the past two days had me dying
a little bit inside.
I let my tears fall like waterfalls
and like waterfalls,
they headed towards the nearest gathering place;
under my chin, towards my shirt.
East Wind Sep 2019
Believing it won't happen again
I planned to paint myself in the corner.
The little girl that could was no longer visible.
In her place is me,
too afraid to say no, too afraid to be alone.
No poetic way to say,
I run away even from my own shadow.
I Decided,
You will become my security blanket.
Relentless, unapologetic, and just conniving enough
to stay until you go.
Warm at first, then sung, then sleepless nights ensue
until it feels like I'm nestled in a straitjacket.
It will be of my own making, I'm afraid
that I'll wake up with no wiggle room.
Too afraid to say no, Too afraid to be alone.

The little girl that could, where did she go?
The little girl that could, where did she go?
319 · Mar 2019
Here is to spring.
East Wind Mar 2019
It was raining
light shower drops
falling away.
The leafless trees
with open arms,
welcomed the drizzle
until midnight.
I stayed awake
because I could;
The soothing sound
told me I should -
write to you
one last goodbye
till I see you
Next winter time.
"After winter, must come spring" - Everything is Everything by Lauren Hill.
313 · Nov 2018
East Wind Nov 2018
"You made it this far" you said.
Yes! I made it this far...
it was the first time
I heard it said out loud by someone else.
and Oh what solace it was to hear
that I'm still alive
and able to thrive.
Yes! I made this Far!
299 · May 2023
East Wind May 2023
Don't be scared to try because you're scared of falling;
Scrapes heal and life happens anyway.
283 · Nov 2016
East Wind Nov 2016
Sometimes, I try to find words that rhyme with
          whom, zoom, loom, groom, spume...
But none of them describe they way I feel
when I'm sitting alone in my room.
283 · Feb 2017
East Wind Feb 2017
Words are just words
but sometimes we hurl them until they hurt
and whoever said "sticks and stones" --
well...they were swift enough to dodge bullet shaped words.
276 · Oct 2016
I don't know how
East Wind Oct 2016
I count stars
to pass my days
because I don't know
what else to do
I count sheep
to fall asleep
because I don't know
how else to breathe
I stay in a haze
to navigate inside my head
because I don't know
how else to live
And whenever you walk by
I stay low
because I don't know
how to say hello
272 · Aug 2018
East Wind Aug 2018
I'm new to town
I don't know how
to hold my head sideways
you flash a smile
your pearly whites
but they disappear like lightning
I'm learning fast
to be a fraud
how to counterfeit my laugh lines
the time will come
when this faux attire
will be worn like my coat of arms.
Wearing a fake smile can become a difficult task and a hard habit to break.
East Wind Nov 2017
love is like Tropical Weather
Deceitfully warm and burning hot,
It hides the rain until the night.
It drenches us to the core
and we tell ourselves we like rainfall
until we’re stuck in a Thunderstorm.
East Wind Dec 2020
Life is but chance and a few rain drops
granulated what if's and why -
knots us in a circuitous march.
With trumpet sounds that blur the lines
between ups and downs and lefts and -
writes no formula to sojourn by.
258 · Nov 2019
Venture On
East Wind Nov 2019
Life gives opportune moments to be taken
regardless of the fortunes left unattended.
Leaving behind unassuming faces
to be faced with the hunting of oasis.
Taken from a poem I'm working on … Leaving what you know is hard, daring to go is even harder.
256 · Oct 2016
Only Beginning
East Wind Oct 2016
I'm only just starting to see what I can do with my pen
There was a great language barrier that was holding me still
But it's time now, I think, to let my mind wander
And see what I can do when my ink meets paper
East Wind Nov 2017
I start with, “I don’t know if this will work”
I gradually move to, “This might not work”
A little later I will say, “This won’t work”
And I end it with, “I knew it would’t Work!!”
~Do you start doing something with as little hope as possible? And if so, is it because you don’t want to end up disappointed?~
256 · Jun 2020
East Wind Jun 2020
Thrown off the beaten path,
I'm slowly surrendering to lull of
insouciance that slithered into my limbs.
Heart palpitates, then settles
dampened by the trickle of rain outside;
time still runs like she does.
Always forward never back:
to do, to be, to say, to sweat, to grind,
to chase,
to chase,
to chase...
To what end?
Until we run out of breath?
Or we can sit, and wait, and ponder...
to what end?
Until we run out of breath!
I'm always asking why, but now I'm asking "to what end?"
East Wind Dec 2019
I thought that I could keep changing my name
until I found the one that fits.
    The name that will make me stand tall,
     be bold. Not fold...
Aha, but...that power doesn't rest in the name
I have to garner it from within.
250 · Jan 2019
Feeling: Hazy
East Wind Jan 2019
droopy eyelids
lazy smile
slowed down thoughts
words... I can't find!
East Wind Oct 2018
Why you?
Why now?
Was it the dark, the lack of light?
Well, there was the moon glow through the the window!
So it has to be what was on my mind.
Was it the ***?
Cursed truth serum
That burned my mind with the Polaroids of my insecure past?
When I had doubts of not good enough
When I lied more than I told the truth
Changing my name from town to town
Changing my face from friend to friend
Whatever the reason must’ve been fleeting
I don’t remember now or am I repressing?
Only time will tell if I start admitting
that I have problems that might need fixing.
Admitting you have a problem might be the first step but it's still very hard!
243 · Dec 2016
We Dance
East Wind Dec 2016
And we danced
and we roamed
.... and we found a way to feel alone.

Just for a second,
our guards were down
We embraced the moment
like cranes fly high
      we soared!
Then we...crashed
our wings folded on us.

But we're us
and we dance
and we don't give up on looking up
at what makes us want to love.
#love #us and #papercranes
241 · Sep 2019
Melancholy Tuesday
East Wind Sep 2019
Melancholy Tuesday
Please comeback on Friday,
This weekly march
is somewhat fraught
with tempestuous waters
that make it hard
to surface from -
   The lake of blah-ness
   The sea of staleness
   The nights of - no word sadness
I call it, Melancholy Tuesday
I’ll ask you to please...
     Don’t leave me yet today.
239 · Nov 2017
Fairytale True
East Wind Nov 2017
Fairytale true
I would die for you
Then I found my self facing
           The fountain of truth
Fairy tell true
I guess I lied to you
And fairies don’t play fair
        When you break the rules
224 · May 2019
East Wind May 2019
The wheels may never
start turning,
nor the stars aligning,
or the winds whispering,
to guide me to where I need to be.
But may I be able to
gather the courage
to dust off my boots and
bandage my wounds to keep trekking,
clearing the trail that I should lead.

East Wind Sep 2018
Rejection my kryptonite
Keeps me from reaching for your hands.
220 · Dec 2016
Oh my, me, I
East Wind Dec 2016
Me, I
almost confused
sleep, think, eat, pray, and drink
I don't know where to go from here
oh my!
213 · Feb 2020
Right Now,
East Wind Feb 2020
Everything seems urgent but it's not.
211 · Apr 2019
Only you.
East Wind Apr 2019
“Always see the glass as half full”
said the Lady to the kid
And the kid replied,  
“But life is a draining thing.”
The Lady, not taken aback
Looked at the kid and smiled
“Always see the glass half full,
Because you’re the only you.
What happens today will shape the
Future you- And you...,
You are going to change the world.

So the kid grew up, moving home to home
Could’ve been a sad tale forgotten, unknown
But a voice echoed “you are going to change the world.”
And although the kid never saw the Lady again,
    She lived, and loved, and learned
Because she knew, somewhere out there
Lived someone who believed in her.
You are the only you. 5e-9.
East Wind Sep 2018
Being pulled wistfully, by
the invisible hands
of fractured
206 · Sep 2018
Sad Flowers Bloom.
East Wind Sep 2018
Sad flowers bloom in the night
You wonder how you’ve come this far
You stay up late till the dawn
To watch the sun rise.
Loose change behind the cracks
You pick them up, rinse them off
Don’t give up now you’ve come this far
******* tight and take a flight.
  Emotionally depleated-
  Anything goes in this town
  But like clockwork you repeat it
  And tears fall from your eyes like waterfalls to the river...
Sad flowers bloom in the night
I know your kind the classic type
You walk around head in the clouds
You chase your dreams
Till they become
The driving force
That wake you up.
198 · Aug 2018
East Wind Aug 2018
Your embrace is like
the warmth I get
from sunshine!
192 · Sep 2018
Sticky Note Poetry 3: Blue
East Wind Sep 2018
Color Blue is my best friend
I'll keep him with me until the end
We'll walk down the streets hand in hand
I'll tell them all it's what I want.
I want the sadness and the pain
The pensive looks that we share
The sweet sorrow, the jazzy blues
All that comes with being Blue's.
Hey Blue...? I say once or twice a day,
You're my armor, my dark knight
Your lullabies drown out life...but
you're all I know Don't leave me behind.
East Wind Oct 2018
You can sell me your lies
I’ll bite,
I will let you take me down your path of
Yellow daisy flowers and red bright roses
Even though I find out-
too little too late,
They’ve all been painted
to deceitfully entice and trap me behind
The facade you call love.
178 · Oct 2018
It’s okay.
East Wind Oct 2018
You’re human
You falter
It’s Okay!
170 · Dec 2018
East Wind Dec 2018
I did not appreciate you
when I had you close
now you're everything
I can't recall.
Like, was it blue or was it turquoise?
when we hanged around the river til the sun rose.
And roses were red, yellow, and pink,
we were warned not to touch them for we might bleed.
But we didn't care covered in dust
we held the world in our palms,
and we drew on them with sticks we found
in the neighbors yard.

I did not appreciate you
when I had you close
now the scenery is everything
I can't afford.
Like, willow birds and fast paced steeds
grass evergreen and trees that could sing.
Hiding from the moon that was trailing us
in search for treasures,  gold and bronze
So we can trade them for paper ships
to sail across the the rain oceans...

Now as I am glancing back
at my fractured past history ,
I wished I captured your essences
to last as lifelong memory.
To the days of playing with pebbles and tin cans,
mud houses and sling shots...
161 · Apr 2019
East Wind Apr 2019
I was writing about a river
then the pictures I run over
crossed my mind like a hangover
the hesitation ever so clearer
but it helps to start over
a side of aspirin the answer
to hurdles I need to crossover
to put my life back together again!
Errrr,  Just thought I should mention, I luck concentration, hence this poem.
161 · May 2023
Good, not perfect.
East Wind May 2023
The sweat
The tapping
The squeeze
The timing
The breath
The holding
  then comes -
The inward mapping
Draw in, breath out
Pull in, jump out
A chance, a dream
A dance... a resolution-
A rose, purple or violet, followed by a trumpet
that says- good, not perfect.
Here is to for all the good things and not overthinking...but also thinking just not overthinking.
160 · Sep 2018
Why do the good suffer?
East Wind Sep 2018
It seems the ones that profit the most
never pay the price.
I hate that.
And I hate hate because it lurks behind
everybody's heart.
156 · Dec 2018
On Earth Again.
East Wind Dec 2018
To the moon and back you said -
I guess you've landed on earth again.

— The End —