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Sep 2021 · 337
bliss of ignorance
pain only hurts
when you know it is pain
the bliss of ignorance
cancels out the ache
hurt me if you like
i will be ok
the not knowing is my silent saviour
the same way i don't know faith
the bliss of ignorance cancels out the ache
i was guilty of nothing
when i learnt everything
now i am guilty of anything
you teach me
a victim
if you tell me they hurt me
a liar
if you tell me i deceived
i was guilty of nothing
until you gave me something
to hate myself with
guilty until proven innocent
when innocence is suspended disbelief
now i am guilty of anything
Sep 2021 · 186
version of events
i do not need this
game of charades
it got too fake
it got too hard
i don't need this
version of events
to pose as reality
when it's only pretence
it's only pretence
Sep 2021 · 200
the moment
people were playing pretend
caught up in the moment
the moment passed
i had to ask
if the moment would happen again
i had to ask
Sep 2021 · 245
silence conquered
mouth, covered in tape
still, silence was conquered
noise can still be made
if you get creative
if you get creative
Sep 2021 · 298
where i reside
do not meet me
in the middle
for i will be
all the way over
on the far right side
you will never meet me
in the middle
when the middle
is not where i reside
in the middle
Sep 2021 · 442
what words cannot say
he says he doesn't hate her
while kicking her in the ribs
sometimes words are just words
and actions are everything
he says he doesn't want her dead
while handing her the blade
sometimes actions will tell you
what words cannot say
sometimes words are just words
Sep 2021 · 179
the fiction in prediction
fiction is fiction when there is no proof
fiction becomes prediction when it actually comes true
fiction becomes prediction when it actually comes true
Sep 2021 · 686
Comfortable Denial
I didn't want him to die
If only he'd had a survival guide

If such a guide existed
He wouldn't have been so twisted

It's painful to hear the truth
That he died because of you

So you choose to hide
In your comfortable denial
you choose to hide in your comfortable denial
Sep 2021 · 200
house of mirrors
when i look into the mirror
the glass begins to break
my appearance is beautiful
but my soul is fake
everyone believes me
but the mirror does not lie
so in a house of mirrors
there is no where to hide
there is nowhere to hide
Sep 2021 · 101
me in the after
is the you in the before
me in the after
is the you
that i am waiting for
me in the after is the you in the before
Sep 2021 · 141
people are so scared of each other
they can not make eye contact
in the super market
on a crowded train
they keep their heads bowed
praying i will leave
like i have a bomb hidden
underneath my sleeve
i take a crazy leap of faith
say hello
give a friendly wave
then wait for them to detonate
they keep their heads bowed
Sep 2021 · 313
a fair price
feed me lies like you feed me chocolate cake
make me a chocolate cake for each mistake
so you can feed me chocolate cake like you feed me lies
one lie per bite
a fair price
one lie per bite
Sep 2021 · 340
anger + pity = us
i used to get angry
until realisation hit me
you are stuck in this
you aren't controlling it
suddenly anger became pity
suddenly anger became pity
Sep 2021 · 157
the changing of time
i didn't know then
what i know now
the thoughts of an adult
aren't the same as a child
i wasn't the same person
as who i am now
time has a way
of changing things around
time has a way of changing things around
Sep 2021 · 421
no going back
once you choose to leave the closet
you can never crawl back inside
so he stays hidden
waiting for signs of change
the accepting sound of safety
it takes a certain level of brave
to leave that anonymous space
to know the closet will always be open
and choose to leave it anyway
you can never crawl back inside
Sep 2021 · 687
the side of no sides
pick a side
pick a side
pick a side

like sports teams
like equations
like war

pick a label
pick a gender
pick an orientation

what the hell
do we need sides for?

i'm on the side of acceptance
i'm on the side of love
i'm on the side of no sides

maybe one day that will be enough
she told me to pick a side
Sep 2021 · 688
biological clock
every drop i bleed
is another chance of life gone
every passing month
a sober reminder
of a clock that won't stop ticking
tick. tick. tick.
desperate hands
on a hollow womb
every drop i bleed
makes it harder for me
to meet you
desperate hands on a hollow womb
Sep 2021 · 271
motherhood envy
yelling at her child
in the market
how i wish to yell at you
a child.
so precious,
how i wish i had
a child to yell at
to take into my arms
to love
to kiss
to hug
to yell at,
never again.
be grateful for your children
Aug 2021 · 847
the light at the end of the tunnel
turned out to be the light
of a brand new dawn
blinding me,
i could not see
what was leading me
to this new beginning
light at the end of the tunnel
Aug 2021 · 215
the bombs went off
all chaos broke loose
just before the world exploded
she thought to herself
this is just how i thought it would be
what a dramatic way to die
what a perfect time to leave
what a perfect time to leave
Aug 2021 · 510
What would I do
If I could live this life again?
What would I do?
What would I say?
Who would I be?
Not much.
Not much.
I would be me
I would be a new born baby
i would be a new born baby
Aug 2021 · 555
and that was great
i wanted her to be skinnier
and that was great
because i was improving someone else
she didn't want to change
wanted to live her own life
but that was great
because i had a grand plan
i tied her to a chair
slit her throat
cut off her limbs
she was dead
but she was lighter
and that was great
she committed the sin of being over weight
so he taught her a lesson
Aug 2021 · 132
photographic memory
the only me you will ever know
is the woman in the photo
the only thing you'll keep of me
is the photo we took that day on the beach
the only me you will ever know
Aug 2021 · 132
Change (I Want)
I want change in my cup
I want change to the system
I want to change my perspective
I want to change a life

I want to change the record
I want a change of style
I want a change that has real meaning
I want to change your mind

I want to change the narrative
I want to change what is corrupt
I want to change their attitude
I want change in my cup
i want to change your mind
Aug 2021 · 549
Long Enough
Look at me just long enough to know you don't like what you see

Talk to me just long enough to know you want to leave

Keep me around just long enough to know I take up too much space

Find the words just cruel enough to let me know I am only a drain

Notice my absence just long enough to know that you made a mistake
you made a mistake
Aug 2021 · 579
grand prize
you wanted me dead,
rotting in the ground
you wanted me to sacrifice
my survival
in the spirit of goodbye
I admit to entertaining the thought
tempting as it was
but i know that my death would result in you winning
taking home the grand prize of corruption
that just would not do at all
so i chose to live on
taking home the grand prize of corruption
Aug 2021 · 161
everything about nothing
you say you know everything
so in fact
you know nothing
about humility
you know nothing
Aug 2021 · 102
a necessary deterrent indeed
Aug 2021 · 284
she leaves the diamond ring on the dresser
alongside the hand written letter
being his wife was meant to take a lifetime
but vows can be broken
people change their minds
being his wife was meant to take a lifetime
Aug 2021 · 1.2k
the beating
when you towered over my bleeding body
my fractures made you stronger
my vulnerability kept you secure
the bleeding stopped
The bones all healed
the bruises faded away
but you're still beating women down
long after i walked away
i had the strength to leave
i had enough self respect to survive
not every woman has that in her
that haunts me, even now
after all this time
i wonder who is in your trap
trying desperately to get free
sometimes i think i hear her whisper
sometimes i hear her calling me
i know you are towering over her
i know you think you've got the power
but you don't know the endurance
that comes from being female
babe, i'm on a rescue mission
we've got numbers on you now
we've got numbers on you now
Aug 2021 · 277
Peter Pan
You are not a man
You are a boy wearing adult clothing
Playing games
Putting on masks
Vowing never to grow up
You are not a man
You are a child
Playing make believe
Trying not to catch my cooties
Fly away,
Peter Pan
I need a man
I need a soldier
Someone willing to hold my crown
While preparing to battle
While defending me
You are not a man
You never will be
Now you know why
I am choosing to leave
You are not a man
I cannot wait for you to be
fly away,
peter pan
Aug 2021 · 370
Playing Dead
I tried to wake you up
You wouldn't stir
I thought you were sleeping
You weren't
You were playing dead
Messing with my head
Your sick game of pretend
So in my resentment
I pulled out a gun
I turned you into the real thing
i turned you into the real thing
Aug 2021 · 349
visited by truth
truth hunted me down
knocked on my door
forced me to look
at what i had ignored
truth handed me a mirror
i saw my real self
i was a monster
the truth visited me in hell
the truth visited me in hell
Aug 2021 · 307
5 senses
my face is shaped like a miracle
my voice sounds like pouring coffee
my touch feels like melted chocolate
my hair smells like all of your ex girlfriends rolled in one
my skin tastes like new beginnings
new beginnings
Aug 2021 · 140
kindness is easy
don't tell me it is easy
when i find it hard
i think kindness is easy
i guess you find it hard
i guess you find it hard
Aug 2021 · 209

make sure to pick

pick the right shade
Aug 2021 · 959
on the edge
teetering on the edge of forever
staring into the abyss of eternity
clutching onto the hope of growth
questioning evolution
in the search for truth
teetering on the edge of forever
spending eternity with you
teetering on the edge of forever
Aug 2021 · 495
self reflection
i once asked a friend
why people leave
he said the answer lay
in my own self reflection
as though the problem
was me
if a person rapes me
and i want to know why
should i self reflect?
did my behaviour attract that crime?
what if someone hits me?
does self reflection still apply?
i suppose i asked for it
i must have started the fight
why must i self reflect
on what another person did?
is their behaviour my fault?
it seems my friend thinks it is
now i'm reflecting on the holocaust
the second world war that i created
i wasn't even born yet
but it happened
so i must self reflect
i once asked a friend
Aug 2021 · 4.0k
life sentence
he slipped beneath my skin
pervading the depths of my psyche
he did so, silently
whilst I was sleeping
disturbingly unaware
of his spirit lurking within me
i was possessed
i was tainted
i was branded
with a scar shaped like a *****
all i can say
is that something like ****
comes with a ******* life sentence
**** comes with s ******* life sentence
Aug 2021 · 855
Arch Enemy
I knew you in a past life
We were arch enemies
Constantly fighting
You killed me in battle
You were filled with remorse
So you found me in this lifetime
Just to declare another war
i knew you in a past life
Aug 2021 · 241
the way to my insides
i wonder if you know the way to my insides
i wonder if you know the way to my soul
i wonder if you could find your way past the stop sign in my mind
speed through the traffic lights flashing
invade the secret hiding spots inside of my head
i wonder if you're capable of such disrespect
or would you politely ask me instead?
i wonder if you know the way to my insides
Aug 2021 · 844
I Am Female
I am female so it is hard to be respected

I am female so it is hard to feel safe

I am female so I am naturally guarded

I am female so I am locked in a cage

I am female so I am built like a soldier

I am female so my voice has been silenced

I am female so I can't  breast feed in public

I am female so I am no stranger to violence

I am female so it is hard to be respected

I am female so my body is public property

I am female so my life is one long  battle

I am female so the odds are against me
it is hard to be respected
Aug 2021 · 329
never tell someone they can't
unless you want them to succeed
in that case,
tell someone they can't
they will
they can
because you tried to tell them that they can't
because you tried to tell them that they can't
Aug 2021 · 229
trading places
if I were you
what would you have done?
would you have shut your mouth?
would you have conformed?
would you have won?

if I were you
would you have been counted
would I have needed to be brave?
would I have chosen to stay the same?
would I have found a reason to stay?

we can ask these questions
until questions no longer exist
either way,
we won't find out the answers
we will never be trading places
until questions don't exist
Aug 2021 · 142
Coffee addict
She loves like romance is a bad habit

Advocate for choice
She plays not to win but to enjoy

Forever on the outside
She'll linger in your vision even when she walks away
she will linger in your vision
Aug 2021 · 135
let's create a facility
call it something great
when its truth is horrid
wait a minute!
back up.
that idea is taken
it's already been done.
what psych wards taught me
Aug 2021 · 152
I am mystified by the selfishness

Confounded by the greed

I am puzzled by single mindedness

Encouraged by privilidge

Propelled by fear

You are mystified that I am still confounded

You are puzzled that I still care

This has been happening for centuries

So you wonder why I still promote peace

You wonder why I am still here
Aug 2021 · 221
Is it still a hazard if noone cares about the hazard?

Is it still the truth if noone believes it's the truth?

Is growth still growth if the very thing that made it grow, makes it die?

Is it still justice if the justice leads to crime?

Is it still an answer if it makes me question why?
Aug 2021 · 765
in the deep
in the deep i found a treasure
on the far side of never
never dared to venture
deeper than what's deemed safer
never been discovered
never been claimed
i didnt claim the treasure
it wasnt mine to own
so i swam back to the surface
back to the familiar
back to what is known
discovering a treasure
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