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668 · Dec 2018
Reap what you Sow
Nyx Dec 2018
When emotions well up
Annoyance and anger hits me
Recentment burns
Yearning to be set free

And reluctantly I let it
Slowly seep its way through the cracks
Waiting for the perfect moment
Where it can launch its final attack

Silently it brews
Subtly it shows it way
Be attentive and pick it up
As then we can begin our play

Where we act so innocent
Oblivious to what surrounds
Hands over our eyes
Refusing to make a sound

Let's see what you can do
Tho your actions won't go unanswered
In the end you'll reap what you sow
But until then nobody has to know

Except for me my dear

When the flames around you roar
And you scream out to the sky
There will be nobody left around
Who will listen to your cries

Its funny how things change people
Into beings they use to resent
And when their time comes
Its their turn to repent

And you hear the little whispers
Amongst the friends that you hold dear
No longer knowing the reason
They refused to keep you near

You never could see it though
You were always searching for more
Taking for granted everything you had
There is nobody left to adore

I hold no sympathy
As this was your doing

You reap what you sow

667 · Aug 2018
He held my hand
Nyx Aug 2018
He held my hand gently
Though as tightly as can be
Hidden in the background
Where nobody else could see

I remember not noticing
Until the photo was finally done
He was unwilling to let go
Emotions on his face showed none

Holding on so desperately
As if with all of his might
I was unable to pry my hand away
Thought it was but for a moment in that night

His face was a void
Showing little to no emotion
I've no idea what it was
Luckily there wasnt a big commotion

Maybe it was for balance
As we were in skates
But he didnt have any on
Maybe its because we're mates?

Either way he felt so distant
Throughout the entire night
I'm convinced that our love is dead
Though that did spark a little light

I've left it in the dark
Let the flame burn itself out
That way I won't live my life
Filling it with such doubt

Though him holding my hand
Sometimes makes me thinks
What exactly was the point
Was he trying to rekindle our link

Forget it, never mind
I dont want to think about it
Those words that fill our void
Were so incredible slow
And somewhat dead

Though my last memory will be this
Him holding on so tightly
while i gently pulled away
That after all this i was finally the one
The one who didnt decide to stay
652 · Aug 2023
Quench your Thirst
Nyx Aug 2023
Like a vampire, I'd met him in the night
Seated by a fireplace filled with flickering light
The silence lulled as if drawing me in
Broken by his voice, dripping with sin

Dark hair beautifully framing his face
clear white skin, like an old portrait filled with grace
As if looking through me with those piercing blue eyes
Revealing the secrets that within me, they lie

To brandish a stake, to hold it tightly in my hand
Desire to pierce the still-beating heart, return it to the land
Unlike a gentle melody dancing in the night
The taste of iron on my lips wouldn't feel right

Trace the lines of my body, call me mine with those lips
Enchant me with that sweet tongue, Let my reality begin to slip
Caress me with those cold hands, Hold me tightly in embrace
Tell me all your heart desires, what you dare not face

Close your eyes for but a moment, Feel the warmth of my skin
Let it radiate around you, Breath it all in
Now run away quickly, Flee while you can
Before the prey falls captive, to this hunter of a man

Quench your thirst

It's such an obvious honeytrap
635 · May 2018
Thrill of the night
Nyx May 2018
Stadium overflowing
voices echoing throughout
Music reverberates around us
The intensity of our body heat
Each heart beating in perfect synch
Chants and screams
The lyrics of the songs
Confetti shooting out from above
Surrounding us with a blur of colour
Softly gently drifting down upon us
Jumping and swaying to the rythem
Flashing bright lights
The camera panning across the crowd
The smiles and the laughter
Pure happiness spread across their faces
Losing ourself within the masses
Surrendering our very soul
To the artists that through their songs
Helps us to stand up
Allowed us to feel needed
Gave us hope
The passion and the fury of the night
Where everyone was connected as one
An arena full of strangers
But through this music
Freedom and Happiness is born
The thrill of the night
This is what I live for
I've never felt more happy or excited in my life
610 · Mar 2018
You sold me a lie
Nyx Mar 2018

The Two of us had a interesting start
It began in a peculiar way
Our gazes met from across the class
A stupid look glued on my face
An amused grin took over you
As I realised my fatal mistake
My best friend was sitting next to me
Laughing and beginning to shake

Walking out of class together
You still thinking it was great
Don't tell anybody what you saw today
I tried to keep a straight face

Imitating that dumb look
That you saw upon that day
Every time we glanced at each other
You would pull that ******* face

Weeks pasted by and you continued
Playing the same old game
But slowly we talked to one another
and eventually a friendship came

You had walls that I smashed down
Breaking down each one
At first you knocked me back
And you were an absolute ****
Insulting me and pushing away
as if a child who didn't want to play  

But eventually you grew close
And slowly opened up
It made me so **** happy
As if I were a playful pup

A year flew by quite quickly
And we had a strong bond of trust
Telling each other everything
and I helping with your crush

But there came a day where it stopped
And things began to change
You began to ignore me completely
And i found it particularly strange

I saw that I was replaced
I saw that look on your face
This one you treated differently
and my whole world began to change

Through now I know better
You sold me a lie
A lie that you attempt to keep
You're still trying to act quite sly

But now I've left you within the past
The boy who use to make me day
I've found people who love me dear
I'm no longer willing to be your prey
609 · Aug 2018
Within the Tower
Nyx Aug 2018
Break and tear at my skin
Pull down the covers
Reveal my true sins
I'm not a real lover

Chip at my fortress
That I've build high in the sky
Knock down the door
Its within there I hide

Fight the dragon
That stands in your way
Pass by him with ease
As he's quite easy prey

Scale to the furthest tower
Within there I lay
A lonely girl hiding
This is where I stay

The walls mean nothing
Nor the doors that are bolted
That dragon so fierce
Is weak though devoted

Its easy to break through
Its simple to get in
But the real question is
How do you win?

The real challenge wasn't
The doors and the riddles
It was whether or not
You could cure me, even just a little

To rid me of this curse
Lay upon by a witch
To forever feel this loneliness
Though I am a complete *****

So tell me darling do you know
The way to set me free?
Or will you be like the rest of them
If so, go on and flee

I'll stay in this tower
Dont you worry
You weren't the prince for me
I know that the truth is that I'm the one
The only one who can set myself free
Nyx Sep 2018
I'm suffocating again
Gasping for breath
Unable to inhaul the air
That I so desperately need
I feel my lungs burning bright
A flame roaring in my chest
Desperate to escape
I have to leave.

I need to spread my wings
I need to feel the cool breeze
Rushing through my hair
I need to have the clear view of the sky
To fly to where I want to be
I can't be held down by chains again
This isint where I belong

I can't breath

I'm too close to the edge
Push me now and I'll fall
Pulling my feathers one by one
I'm slowly losing my ability of flight
Please let me go
I'm losing my will to fight

Stop it

Dont hold me in your embrace
Its not love and warmth that I'm searching for
Its the freedom that sets my heart ablaze
Not to continue to see the same face

Let me go

Dont ask me what's wrong
Dont tell me the words that you think will persuade me
Just silently stand by
And allow me to be free

I want to be alone
I want to be with me
I need time to think
I need to recover

I can't keep doing this...


I just can't anymore...

Just let me breath the air that I so desperately desire
Just let me be me

I'm going to disappear again
Me just screaming and freaking the **** because im a mess and life is just getting to a crashing point
Nyx Apr 2019
You've hurt me greatly
Though your desperate needs,
You yearned for affection
Detesting the weight of your words
leading my heart on the run
False propositions of a title
Lies slandering our names
Associated with whats fake
Clearly it was all give and no take
I was always just a maybe
Always unsure

To you I was never a certain
Dare not define the word love
More the need to fill the void
With a heart that seemed to care
Take it carefully within your hands
Though without warning you begin to tear
Piece. by. piece.
The parts begin to fall
Blood dripping from within your palms
Before discarding it on the floor
Staining you with a rich crimson red
As you vanish off into the night
I dare not gaze upon your face again
Knowing the truth I would rather not fight
Settling the pain within me
Thats conjured up a storm
Swallow my pride and my despair
I'll let it go and move on
Though never again will I feel
The same gentle patient care
For dear sir, you have hurt me greatly
And on the second time round
I refuse to fight fair.

Not a single tear will fall for you again
I shall not waste myself on you

555 · Oct 2018
Turned and Walked Away
Nyx Oct 2018
The moment I turned
and walked away
I felt my heart break a little
He didn't chase

Slowly taking steps
Without looking back
I couldn't hear his footsteps
But I couldn't backtrack

I felt my feet getting heavy
dragging them along
Desperately wanting to run
Back to where I belong

Within his arms safely
Standing side by side
Contently drifting along
As gentle waves by the seaside

The happiest they've ever seen me
Most carefree I've ever been
I was completely in love
A world consisting of just me and him

Though a raging river stood
Between our hearts
And in the end I was
The one left behind in the dark

As I raised my head high
Marching along to a beat
I've learnt to smile yet again
At last I can feel complete

Time has passed over
And not once did he chase
But the moment he did
It was already to late

I grew tired of running
Trailing after him
Was it really to much effort
To try and run after me too?

When I got up
Letting go of his hand
he didn't try to stop me
I guess this was where he stands

I knew then
He doesn't love me
And he never will

We have reached our limits
He no longer needs me
I've given all that I can give
So no matter what happens now

I'm not turning back

If you spend all your time running after somebody else
And the moment you stop chasing them and turn to walk away
If they don't chase or even try to stop you
then they aren't worth it
You deserve so much more then that
553 · Mar 2018
Nyx Mar 2018

We all wear a mask
To hide whats beneath
locking away our true selves
Setting it in place, with hard concrete

Painting and decorating
It becomes colourful and bright
Our own unique mask
That we work on each night

Enhancing the features
Till its just perfect and right
It hides away our feelings
So everything will be alright.

Our souls are ugly and broke
Boring. Ghastly. Shameful.
Don't allow them to be uncloaked
Everyone else will surely revoke

Everyone will hate you
Everyone will lie
Nobody will love you
So don't even try

Is it really everyone else who made you this way?
From the way that I see it
Its you,
who lead yourself astray

I've been betrayed and forgotten
Thats what we say
Blaming everyone else
As we carry on with our childish play

A life so caught up on the outer appearance
just leaves you feeling empty
And you forget your own existence

Don't allow yourself to live this way
Because surely there will come a day
You're mask will become forgotten
And your hard work will be undone

Where your mask will slip
and crash to the ground
The decorations will shatter
and be scattered all around

And at this certain point you will come to learn
You worked on your mask so everyone could see
But you forgot that you're true self will always break free
You never allowed anyone to love you from the start
And yet you expected them to learn what was  hidden under your Beautiful Mask.
550 · Jan 9
Nyx Jan 9
Honeysuckles blooming
In the harsh summer heat
Luring the butterflies near
All eager to eat

Honey-like nectar
An alluringly tender treat
I wonder if those lips will taste
As irresistibly sweet

Vines creeping and trailing
Covering me from head to toe
lacing into the divets of my skin
Choking me slow

A beading drop of honey
Gliding gently on my tongue
Soft fragrance lingers
All from when we were young

He is entangled in my soul
Just a taste
548 · Mar 2018
Nyx Mar 2018
You have got yourself into a quite a mess
But you still want to cause some trouble
Two girls perfectly in love with you
Yet you just sit there, and simply begin to chuckle

Your reputation gone
Since you cheated on you last girlfriend
But you simply made it worse
cause the girl you cheated with was my friend
You ****** over two year levels in a single day
But you refuse to stray from your fuckboi ways

You got drunk and cried at your last party
I want a long term relationship but I always **** it up
Well no **** sherlock your kind of a stud

I feel slight pity for him tho
As hes been completely outcasts
But as soon as I begin talking to him
He attempts to slide in real fast

Now his game begins again
Except this times its with his childhood friend
Another girl from our year level
Fresh out of a bad relationship
And now they will fight for him
A battle I know they will never win
Cause this boy won't be held down,
he's enjoying this
Watching with an amused grin

Both know of his boyish ways
And neither believe they will be betrayed
Here they are both telling me their woes
And how much they hate each other
Fighting for his affection
When instead his eyes are wondering in another direction

He flirted and wants to hookup with me
We made plans to do it tonight, there is a big party on, and that's seems like the perfect time
but that in itself, its own kind of mess
I don't particularly want to create
I don't fancy being another one of those girls
that he puts into his trophy case

Boy, Your trying to play me
But you somehow forget who I am
I am the one that finds out everything
That is the advantage I have
You are a pretty smooth talker
I agree, that's true

but next time you decide to play this, take aim
Attempt to pick players who don't know the game
Cause simply I'm the one of the ones that do
So this round of the games is kind of *******
Just a random fuckboi, attempting to get in my a bunch of my friends, and they all have a thing for him but I found out hes flirting with all of them but isint intetested
535 · Jun 2018
Dear Little Heart
Nyx Jun 2018
Its finally done
At the break of dawn
everything we had
Now riddled and gone

After all that we were
The torment and lies
Corrupted hearts entwined
And our toxic love dies

It hurts deep within my soul
My heart begins to cry
How many times
Must I have to die?

Why is it that
They never decide to stay
Our all to them we give
Though they leave at the end of each day

Piece by piece
We give ourselves away
To fill the broken voids
Of people who have swayed

Smaller and smaller
We are dying inside
Trapped but willingly
caged from the skies

A Hefty price we happily pay
To see a simply smile upon their face
In return we are left with nothing
We gently fall from grace

Love and affection
thats all we ever wanted
Use us, Abuse us
Then leave us forgotten

Hush now be silent
another has come along
Maybe you should ask them
Before blaming them for being wrong

Open up and let them in
Let them see what's truly beneath
Show them what you truly hide
Behind that beautiful mask you keep

Broken and wounded
My dear little heart
But its okay to try again
This time you wont fall apart
Nyx Jun 2018
Silence my darling
I'll keep you safe
hide you away
You won't have to show your face

I'll wipe away your tears
Using the back of my hand
Its okay love
Things dont always go as planned

I'll hold you tightly
Within my arms
Its warm and gentle
I'll wait till your calm

A gentle kiss on your head
As you drift off to sleep
Enough crying for the day
Its okay to be weak

This happens again
Over the weeks
We sit together with ice cream
As you continue to weep

You slowly move on
Growing strong and independent
Then you leave me
As you are no longer dependent

Go have your fun
Let lose and party
Do everything you wanted to
Be upbeat and quirky

Do as you will
Put on your brave face
Cause I know you will always
Return into my embrace
Nyx Jun 2018

Whats the point in giving my heart away
Whats the point of giving it to a boy who wont stay
A boy that is full of lies and deceit
A boy that somehow I found to be sweet

What is it about the dangerous and the bad
The hurt, the broken and all of the cheats
What is it about them that draws us in
What is it that causes our hearts to skip a beat

Though they lie, manipulate
We fall for their traps
Too perfectly set up
There are no gaps

Our hearts are drawn in
Its so perfect and right
Sweet whispers in the air
Cold kiss of the night

Within their dark and stormy eyes
We see our reflection
They hold the same hurt, Same pain
The desperate need for affection
Though these feeling are in vain

We can fix them, Help them
We can be the one who changes their ways
And there we are trapped
imprisoned within that deceitful gaze

Intoxicated by sugar coated words
convincing ourselves we want nothing more
That we are more then just any other girl
That we can feel their love deep within our core

It takes time and pain to realise the truth
The harsh, cruel reality that knocks on our door
Just a game to them, it was never anything more
To them we are no different to a common *****

Suffering in silence, crying a flood of tears
Then being filled with anger, the rage and the fears
Questioning ourself worth as we thought we knew better
But all of these feelings just seem to bring them pleasure

A never ending cycle of victims and pain
Hopefully karma catches up to them one day
As too many have fallen as they decided to play
To All have been enslaved within this Sadistic game
515 · Apr 2018
Thats what hell is
Nyx Apr 2018
Hell is loving you in my sleep
Filling my dreams and mind with only you
Your very existence bringing me overwhelming happiness
Loving you with all my might
And when I finally have you in my arms
I'll wake up all alone.
512 · Jul 2018
What we have is dead
Nyx Jul 2018

What we have is dead
An emotionless attachment
A void of meaningless reasons
A life of broken fragments

Touching you doesn't feel the same
Your touch, It's Cold. Empty.
Your movement no longer sync with mine
We have lost our flow of rhythm

Our hearts no longer beat the same
We have vanished from our own existence
Your hair isint as soft as before
Maybe its due to our distance

You no longer melt under my touch
You no longer smile with glee
Your actions no longer match your words
Maybe this is the truth I finally needed to see

You came all this way it must count for something
But I know its because you think you owe me
Standing by your side through it all
You feel like you had to do this for me

Though I can feel the tension in the air
We aren't the people we use to be
7 months can really change a person
You leaving was what set me free

Now your voice is empty
And so are your words
Dead end lies
Coated with sugar

What we have is dead
We are clingying to who we were
What we had, what we did
Even though now its all but a blur

what's dead is meant to be buried
Deep within the ground
Leave it there, locked away
Where it can no longer can be found.

Let's not try and resurrect the dead
Because what's gone is gone
And quite frankly
Its never coming back.

When something dies there is no way to bring it back
So what good will it bring trying again
499 · Mar 2018
Too Sober
Nyx Mar 2018

Wandering outside
The fresh air caresses my skin
Music blaring from the shed
The celebration in full swing

Intoxicated teens dancing about
You can hear them all shout

Roaming towards the bonfire
The flames dimly glow
I sit down quietly
Completely on my own

Warm arms wrap around me
Enclosed from both sides
who could this be?
I feel a calming vibe

I recognise his voice
Musky and deep
He whispers sweet nothings
My heart skips a beat

He speaks with a hushed tone
Lips brushing against my neck
Each word that is spoken
I've got to keep myself in check

The coarse stubble of his chin
Sends shivers down my spine
As the words become kisses
I wanted him to be mine

Holding myself back
As I wanted to kiss him right there
I couldn't betray my friend
And he began to stare

Exchanging a few more words
We spoke softly with each other
Trapped in his embrace
My cheeks filled with colour

Contentment fell over us
As we sat in peaceful silence
You Deserve at least this
He said, with a tender kiss

Dancing away the night
Still thinking about that kiss
We were both far too sober
To be making mistakes such as this.
498 · Apr 2019
Life Boat
Nyx Apr 2019
I float in a boat
In a raging black ocean
Low in the water
With no where to go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know

Cold, clammy, and crowded
The people smell desperate
We'll sink any minute
So someone must go
The tiniest lifeboat
With the people I know

Everyone's pushing
Everyone's fighting
Storms are approaching
There's nowhere to hide
If I say the wrong thing
Or I wear the wrong outfit
They'll throw me right over the side
491 · Apr 2018
It all ends with a Thud
Nyx Apr 2018

Unscrewing the sharpener
Removing the blade
The cool clean metal
Makes me feel less afraid

Inspecting the metallic silver
That could end all my pain
I take a deep breath
Before finding a vein

A hidden cut lies
Among all my burns
Nobody will notices
No heads will turn

The blood welling up
Dripping down my arm
I can feel my thoughts loosen
Ive let down my guard

The door sealed closed
Music blaring in the back
I've stooped so low
It seems I've finally cracked

I've cried and I've screamed
My voice stuck on mute
My depression has returned
I'm still stuck in a loop

There's nothing to be sad over
There's no reason to cry
Just keep your head up
Just look to the sky

In time it will pass
I swear you'll be okay
A voice in my mind
Continues to say

But what if I can't?
Can't handle the pain
Not this time, Not again
Its all in vain

Its finally all happened
I let the last petal drop
But still a tiny little voice
Still screams for me to stop

But it seems I can't stop
This addiction to blood
I feel myself fall
It all ends with a Thud
Nyx Jul 2018

In the forgotten words
That grace our tongue
So pleasant and so sweet
Let's not forget to who it was
That lead our hearts to skip a beat
The battles of the lovers
Who's love seems so strong and true
The friendship of the forgotten
Now banished and taboo
Beautifully crafted poems
Expressions of the heart
Cigarettes and strong liquor
Fill the void of those falling apart
Photographs framed and titled
Happily ever after
Broken glass and burning flames
Its all lead to quite a disaster
Perfectly in sync, beating as one
A flawlessly orchestrated symphony
Though another refuses to be undone
Holding nothing left, Salvaging his dignity
The depression and sadness
Morphed into something more
Angression and anger
Nothing lingering of the man he was before
Now the sweethearts they sing
Unaware of that they impart
Flaunting and praising their love
While he's become a man without a heart.
Nyx Apr 22
Almost like it was etched into my soul
My mind refuses to forget.

I see you.
I see your smile.
And ****.
It consumes me again.

Dripping with that sickeningly sweet nectar
Reviving that lingering taste of honey on my tongue
Sparking that chaos that breeds like wildfire
For that foolish love that I once clung

Intoxicated by that familiar scent
Inebriating my mind of incoherent thought
Indulging in this irresistible poison
All sense of caution came to nought

That smile.
That ******* smile is what does me in

Blooming like honeysuckles on a vine
Vibrant in colour, alluring to the eyes
these blossoms aren't all new, just dormant for a time
lying in wait for the worst timing to arise

Entwining itself into the crevices of my heart
Spreading across my body it twirls and intertwines
Desperately trying to pull away as I might
But its futile against the ever tightening vines

You smile at me

Halting my breath but for a moment
As if encapsulating us in time
It feels almost as if the world is composed
completely of just you and I

I'm unable to resist

Big weld
479 · Jul 2019
I'm Certain
Nyx Jul 2019
My heart keeps beating
Whenever you're around
As if butterfly's keep flutter
I can hear their gentle sounds
Flushing pink and red
Grinning wide from ear to ear
Hiding my face within my sleeve
Peaking out to see you near
Warmth amitting
Hands tightly held
Guiding gentle circles
It's pleasant, It's sweet
Like a syrup dipped candy
You're an overwhelming treat
I'm addicted to your taste
I can't get enough
Kissing you with much haste
A mixture of soft and rough
And I've never felt this way
This feeling that consumes me
Wanting to be near you
To see you, to feel you
I want to be your everything
Though only if you'd be mine
Slow and steady we go
There is no need to rush
But my feelings are certain this time
478 · Feb 2019
Like them
Nyx Feb 2019
I always wished to be like them
To hear those sweet words enveloped with love
Feeling safe within that embrace
To stand tall by your side

But all I could do was keep running
Chasing after a dream so unreal
Longing simply to be like them
To have what they both had

Like the petals of the spring
A voice I've missed so dearly
Finally I hear his calls
Carefully they grace my ears

Though I know you're not mine to love
So I'll settle with hearing the sound of your voice
And that ever lasting happiness
That she seems to bring you
All I ever wanted was to be the treated the same way that he treated you.
471 · Apr 2018
Nyx Apr 2018
I'm walking through the days
Feeling nothing at all
I'm not sure how long ive been like this
I cant seem to recall

Its quite odd you see
As it doesnt bother me
Its just a void of nothing
Is it just being carefree?

I'm not hot
I'm not cold
I'm not sad
I'm not happy
I'm not depressed
I'm not broken

Its just nothing

I don't understand
How a person can be so empty
I smile and laugh, I cry and scream
I do all those normal things
And everyone believes
What good does that bring?
That I can put on a show
I'm like a robot learning human movements  
No matter what, there is room for improvement

I'm a shell of a person
A shadow of who I am
Am I meant to feel emotions
Am I meant to know who I am
Because its really quite odd
Learning all these actions
For everything thing that I do
Leads to human interactions

They say I am trustworthy
They say I am kind
They say that they know me
So why do they lie

You're the only one I trust
Thats not true
I won't tell anyone
Its obvious you will
You understand better then anyone
I really don't
I need you
No you don't
Stay with me
I'll do my best

I Love you
You're feeding me words laced with poison

The pain, the hurt, the happiness
The anger, the betrayal, the lies
But knowing everything
I still do nothing
I merely watch.
Tying my own hands
Securing them behind my back
I feel and see everything.
But these feelings are not mine

I'm lost within myself
I know no other life
I forget my own problems
By taking on someone else's life

So where are my own feelings?
Where are my problems?
Where are all the things that make me human?
For I have nothing, Nothing on my own
I'm just an empty void

I sold everything
For the need to be W A N T E D.
I'm myself but I'm not
This is who I am
I ignore my own problems by focusing on others
Its not healthy but its the way I work
I have been at it for so long that without it
I feel nothing, Nothing at all
All of this just because I wanted to feel needed and wanted by other people
Its pretty pathetic if you ask me
Nyx Sep 2018
Screams of pain can't be heard in a storm
Nor tears of sadness within in the Rain

Like how writing poetry won't heal our broken hearts
Though they sure as hell prevent us from falling Apart

Slicing our wrists till we bleed and cry
Wont stop this Terrifying pain inside

Putting on a mask filled with beautiful creations
Even if everyone knows its merely an Illustration

Alcohol and spirits only dull our inner feelings
Its a temporary solutions that prevents us from healing

Hardening our shell and pushing people away
Only sets ourselves up to be Betrayed

Relying on drugs and substances unknown
Burdens us down to the very bone

Though we know that these things wont help
We desperately try everything in an attempt to save ourselves

Though some survive and others move on
There are still many fighting, struggling to stay Strong

And so whatever pushes you through the day
The good the bad or whatever comes your way

Get through till the dawn of the morning
That way we won't leave anyone behind Mourning

So through the screams in the storms and the tears in the rain
Just do your best to ignite your Flame

457 · Jul 2019
What a silly little heart
Nyx Jul 2019
You know
its really stupid
but after all this time
my heart still beats for you
What a silly little heart
He doesn't want you
and he never will.
How stupid I am
450 · Oct 2018
French Owl
Nyx Oct 2018
My Second family
Thats how I think of you
You'll be forever dear to my heart
Even when the world seems blue

Its been a rough few years
With a lot of torment and lies
But we managed through it
All the lows and the highs

We don't see each other as often
As we once did in the past
though when we do
We try to make the moment last

Barely any words are spoken
On our brief interactions
Though we hug every time
To make up for the time missed
Even if its just a fraction

Tightly we hold on
Letting go but a moment to soon
But our lives counteract one another
We only see each other once in a blue moon

Though we have time to make
Our future is far ahead
We can rekindle our sparks
And try to help it mend

I still love you with all my heart
My dear old friend
And I miss you dearly
I hope we can make our amends

Because I miss when we would laugh
Over dumb stories and things
Talk about our crazy family tree
You would tell me of your flings

We would hang off each other
During casual conversations
We were once so close
Thinking of it now fills me with frustration

Though its neither of our faults
Or maybe both at the same time
that we left ourselves drift apart
Over this long period of time

But you have other people
You have higher priorities in your life
I can't keep asking to be
The same key person that you need

Because sometimes life gets in the way
whether we want it to or not
All we can do is try and work with it
While trying not to be caught

You keep strumming your guitar
and chasing after your dream girl
I'll still be around though
When the whole world beings to whirl

The trio of us three
Will forever remain in peace
The family of all of us
Has begun to cease

Though fight against it we might
With all the strength that we have
We are the only ones who can change this
Slowly this time we can try again
Otherwise we can just remiss

So to my dear friend
Let's do our best from here on out
I refuse to let our friendship die
Filled with endless doubt

Of the what if we tried a little more?
Or could we have changed the fates?
Was this the only way?
Could we have stayed mates?

Though whatever happens I'll love you
From your striking blue eyes
To your overly sensitive knees
One of my first french owl allies

It'll be there for your sock dropping self
A soft spot laid within my heart
And hopefully no matter the end
It won't end up tearing me apart

I miss you.

447 · Jun 2018
Kill me, Heal me
Nyx Jun 2018

**** me.
Words calmly exiting my mouth
Staring you dead in the eyes
My feeble form reflected
Within your teary blue eyes

I can see myself
Collapsed on the floor
No strength left in my body
No will left to fight anymore

You're holding it
Firmly in your hand
The sharp edged blade
Its so cold and so smooth

My crimson red blood dripping down
You're standing in horror
Unable to make a sound
Towering above me

The bathroom is silence
As my words echo throughout
You're shaking with such anger
With such confusion and doubt

W h y
You say in the most fragile voice
Its like you're the one breaking
I thought you would rejoice

Because you're the only one who can do it
The only one who can help me

The air around us tightens
Surrounding us with pressure
Its making me breathless
He's the only one who can put me together

I'm staring him down
I'm just a void of emotion
No visible feelings
Its so clear that I'm broken

**** me.
I repeat
He falls to his knees
He crawls over to me

Holds me within his embrace
Squeezing me tightly
As if I am to disappear
Before whispering quietly

We can get through this
Get through this together

My tears begin to pour
As my mask begins to break
Pain and sadness overwhelms me
All the cuts and scars begin to ache

But I was relieved
As he knew the truth behind what I said
That my desperate plea was for help
Rather then wanting to be dead

He knew
That while I sat there
Holding tightly
onto that blade

That while I was screaming **** me
He heard the words  Heal me

He knew the true meaning behind all the words that I said
As while I was screaming **** me, He heard the words heal me instead
440 · Mar 2018
Show Off
Nyx Mar 2018
You were always the show off
I knew from the very start
But that nickname didn't quite takeoff
Until your first work of Art

You usually kept to yourself
At least you did back then
But before long, I found myself
Slowly becoming your friend

You gained the title of hottest guy
And for that you should be proud
So many girls want to be with you
except their way to loud

Your best friends a Gentle Giant
At least thats how it seems
I wouldn't be surprised if a bromance
Sprouted from those hidden seams

You have dimples in your cheeks
that show whenever you smile
Your eyes will slightly squint
As we talk about your lifestyle

A white apple watch, adores your left wrist
But for some reason your always fiddling with this
Always checking the time, as if you were late
Is it really that difficult to slow down and wait?

You're really quite an Athlete
Your never second best
But I really cant help but wonder
Do you ever get stressed?

You do chemistry and business
You run track everyday
You work two jobs on weekends
And yet, you don't seem to be in disarray

Does it ever get to difficult?
Putting up such an act
Cause surely one point in time
Your reputation cracked

Sure you make your bad jokes
And everything seems fine
But does there ever come a point
Where your two lives entwine

A perfect boy doesn't exist
So what i would like to know
Is there something about you
that you never dared to show?

Cause many sit here wondering
And many wish to know
What hides beneath that facade of yours?
whats hidden deep below?
Nyx Oct 2018
A thousand petals
Flow through the sky
Gracefully floating
In and out of sight  

Behind the walls
Of roses a gleam
A labyrinth awaits
Filled with the wildest dreams  

Clicking of heels
Running upon a stoney little path
He's calling your name
Simply follow along the footpath

You can see his smile
As he turns another corner
Ever so slightly out of reach
Keep going you're getting warmer

The sun streams down
Following at each turn
It seems so hopeless now
But determination is stern

He's teasing you
You can hear his voice in the wind
Like a mere whisper by your ear
Its drawing you in

To a place that you thought
Was only within fairy tales
And finally you reach him
Taking in all of the details

Capturing this moment
Like a photograph and image
Forever engraved into your mind
You can hear them all saying

Love can be blind

Forgetting the past
History of you and him
He's the one you want
Even if all odds seem dim

In the moment you let him hold you
Gently within his arms
And you truly believe then
He could never do you harm

Though when the world seems to fade
And you've been hurt time and time again
You're willing to believe anything
Allowing yourself to fall victim to sin

But in this rose filled garden
Where the sun is beautifully bright
You forget about the reality
And allow yourself to bask in the light  

Closing your eyes
Here he's standing handsome and tall
But when you open you're eyes
There will be nothing at all

Within this Rose Filled Garden

430 · Apr 2018
Where am I?
Nyx Apr 2018
Did I fall down the rabbit hole?
Am I lost within this land?
Because everyone around me
Is completely and utterly mad

Am I wondering through the forest
Talking to the Cheshire cat
Tell me the right way to go
But he's preoccupied by a rat

Did I stumble upon the mad hatter
With his sanity wearing thin
Its a very happy unbirthday
he wearig this painful grin

Did I run into the Queen of hearts
Interrupting a croquet game
Off with their heads
She's giving me the blame

Did I run into tweedle dum and dee
Singing me their stories
how do ya do shakehands
Listening to them fills me worries

Did I finally meet another the same
The dearly beloved Alice
Who in the world am I
But its clear she's merely followed the rabbit

A white rabbit leading the way
Do i follow him, will he lead me astray
I'm late! I'm Late! for a very important date
The way he's going I'll never escape

So why am I trapped here
In such a world of madness
The more I think about it
I'm just trapped in my own sadness

So how do I escape from myself
From a world of pure imagination
How do I run from this
Run, From my own creations

There is no possible exit
From a world I don't understand
So I'll sit here and wait
Until I figure out a plan
Idk what I where I was going with this one
428 · Aug 2018
Coffee and Vanilla
Nyx Aug 2018
We are
Simply like
Coffee and Vanilla
One so Bitter and One so Sweet
Though together we make quite a treat
424 · Mar 2018
Nyx Mar 2018

I need to leave
I've ought to say goodbye
This unrequited love
Simply must to die

I've completely slipped your mind
Fallen through the cracks
My only existence now
Is a forgotten name in your contacts

Below all those studs, that you call your great friends
And underneath all those girls you call at 3am
Covered in dust as it grows old with age
I sit here and wait, patiently within this stone cold cage

Transienting through life, days pass like any other
Sleepless nights, Friendships bite, Its simply quite a bother
Messages from others, blowing up my phone
Yet without yours, I feel so alone

I thought I had forgotten you
Moved on from my past
I was going to find another
But that was never going to last

It seems I cant escape
no matter how far I run
Is this merely my fate
Or is it karma having fun

What can I do?
What can I say?
Because a simple text from you
Consumes my waking days

Is this intentional?
Are you leading me on for fun?
Our texts are quite stale, answers are close to none
Every time we talk now, You always seem so done

But once in a blue moon
We call for a single night
Forgetting the conflict
Our souls filled with delight

I'll put it all behind me, Let it fade from my mind
I'll dwell in emptiness and move on with my life
Even though these feelings, cut through me like a knife
Acting like nothings wrong, Everything okay
Just force on a smile
It doesn't bother me anyway.
420 · Jun 2018
Don't blame me
Nyx Jun 2018

You threw me away
What was I meant to do?
So don't tell me that
I was the one that gave up on you

You Disappeared
Completely vanished from my life
Tearing my soul piece by piece
Cutting my heartstrings with a knife

Flaunting about your amazing new life
Telling me how the grass is greener
Manipulating me with those sugar coated words
Though those words couldn't taste any sweeter

Forgetting me, Running away
Thats the least you could do
Yet as I walk these lonely halls
Everything I see reminds me of you

The classrooms and paths
Our spot that was meant forever
broken wood and metal music
These held no meaning for you whatsoever

He's Gone and never coming back

I know that better than anyone
I've painted all our memories black
They've been poisoned by the eroding pain
The fear of my heart starting to crack

Its Pathetic to keep clawing
Trying to hold your place in their heart
Screaming and crying so desperately
When all they want is to be apart

At one point he did care
It wasn't all a lie

I guess to him, I'm just one of a million stars
That twinkle within the night sky

Reflecting on our good times
The times where he did cared
Though we are but strangers now
I miss the good times that we shared

I know that within his life
There is no place for me
Though I have given him my heart
Its now my turn to be free

So when you finally do realise
That my heart no longer belongs to you
Don't blame me for leaving
As you were the first to say Adieu.

At a certain point you have to stop putting your heart and soul into somebody who wouldn't ever do the same for you.
416 · Apr 23
Where I refuse to stay
Nyx Apr 23
The blisters formed and bubbled, Your skin began to burn,
Desperately trying to extinguish all light,
While feigning such concern.

Smothering out the flame, cutting off the air,
the charring smell is making me sick.
No, It's pretending that you care.

Your hands once so soft, have now grown callus,
harden from the "home" you built around me,
Each brick tainted with malice.

Gasping tightly around my ever failing, feeble form,
Looking around frantically,
only to be met with your cloudy eyes filled with scorn.

I lay there in the ashes, the remnants of me,
Darkened sky of smoke surrounding my vision,
All thats left is seared debris

And that is where you left me.

But that's where I refuse to stay.

Flicker in the ashes
Ready to burn brighter then before
413 · May 2018
Nyx May 2018

R u n
Avoid him at all costs
Pretend that nothing happened
That in that moment you didnt get lost
H i d e
His Feelings have changed
He left his heart in your hands
This boy must be deranged
S t o p
Halt, Don't panic
Why are you freaking out?
His motives aren't satanic
W h y
He's in love with you
You played along
Didnt you want this too?
How can you pretend nothing wrong
H e a r t l e s s
You lead them on
Fill them with delight
Crush them the next day
Make them dread that wonderful night
F r i g h t e n e d
Acting like a monster
A Cold. Cruel. *****.
But in reality your just afraid
Afraid, to be the one left in a ditch
D e c i d e
Don't do it unless your certain
If you don't love him, don't try
Your not ready for commitment
There is no need to lie
L o v e
Don't pick at the faults
All the what ifs, the possibilities
Take things slow, fall for him
Accept the responsibility
T r u s t
In him and yourself
He won't hurt you
He won't expose or leave you for dead
Just be ready, together you'll face what's ahead

I'm bad at commitment and relationships
I always get so afraid and panicked
I simply want to escape
406 · May 2018
Tell me
Nyx May 2018
Tell me something
Would you dear?
Tell me something
I want to hear

Tell me I'm beautiful
That i'm better then the rest
Tell me I'm unique
That I'm incredibly blessed

Tell me that I'm creative
With all my writing skills and Art
Tell me that I'm amazing
That I'm insanely smart

Tell me that I'm special
The only one for you
Tell me that you don't need them
That you'll never tell me adieu

Tell me that I'm kind
That I'm tender and sincere
Tell me that I'm innocent
Even though I'm someone to be feared

Tell me that I'm not a mess
That I'm not broken inside
Tell me that I'm perfect as I am
That it doesn't matter that I lied

Tell me that I'm not unwanted
That my friends actually need me
Tell me that my soul isn't black
That you understand and can see me

So tell me with pure honesty
What is hidden within my eyes
Tell me that you know the truth
That there is more underneath my disguise
Tell me what you truly see
406 · Jun 2018
Am I Evil... Or was it you?
Nyx Jun 2018

Am I evil For feeling something I shouldnt?

For knowing the truth
The unerving fears
The roaring rivers
Full of my lonely tears

Am I evil For stealing away your light

I took you away
Rid you of this personal hell
As this place was like a jail
Within it you silently dwell

Am I evil For wanting to be yours?

I wanted you
That's all I ever asked
Even though for you
My memory is long passed

Am I evil For longing to hold you tight?

To hide you away
Hidden quietly within my arms
Though you were difficult to contain
As you were your own storm

Am I Evil
For loving you with all my might
For allowing you to fly
And letting you fill my mind each night

Am I really that Evil
For giving you my heart
Or are you the evil one
For breaking it apart

Maybe I am Evil
For trying to give you the blame
For reasoning with myself
Saying its not just a game

Am I Evil... Or is it you?
My minds driving me insane
Trying to figure out who is who, thought
We both held the key to each others chains

Could it be that we both are evil
As we each had a role to play
That our fragile yet manipulative souls
Were the thing that lead ourselves astray

It seems that
We are both Evil

405 · Sep 2018
Drenched in colours
Nyx Sep 2018
Roaring with colours
Wonderful and bright
Filled with the people
Who bring me such light

Dyed with their colours
All the reds and the blues
Staining my heart
Creating a wonderful work of art

A little bit of each person
Some a little more
Mixing new tones everyday
As each day its like an all out war

The colors they contrast
Making me who I am
Though some overpower me
Destroying parts of who I am

Though in the end I'm still me
Influence and painted by the people
Even if some parts are grey, dark and black
The rest is beautiful filled with the light of my history

From the colors of the rainbow and everything unseen
A walking masterpiece of colors
Drenched with dripping paint
Leaving my own mark on many others

Adding my own touch to who they are
391 · Jul 2018
A Monster shrouded in lies
Nyx Jul 2018

They say you're a Monster
A vile villain, A Hideous Beast

And that might be true
You've painted a fearsome picture
An image that chills people to their very core
Guarding your soul in deceit
Surrounding yourself within a den of lies
though the whispers of the shadows
This power bestowed from above
But you love this Fear
The fear that you create
That stirs the souls of the weak
And kills everything made in the name of love
I'm standing here with you
I should be afraid
I know.
You expect me to tremble
To cower at your feet
But this fear wont stop me from seeing
It wont stop me from unveiling the truth
The reality behind that mask that you wear
This power and persona that you've fabricated
Is hiding the real you within there
You may not be forgiven for everything you've done
But I'm willing to stand by you, I'll stay with you
I'll promise you that I'll never run
And though I may fear the consequences of seeing
And in a fleeting moment you could tear me apart
but this fear that beats simply wont stop me
It wont stop me from finding your Heart

You're more than
A Monster shrouded in lies.

People build up an image to protect themselves from getting hurt and though through protecting themselves they hurt others and paint a cruel image of themselves for the world to see
Deep down underneath all of that you can see who they truly are
They are what you call a Monster shrouded in lies
They've made themselves into a monster and the life they live is all a lie
389 · May 2018
Nyx May 2018

Homework piling up
Deadlines all right ahead
Overdue assignments needed
All I can feel is absolute dread

I have so much to do
Yet so little time
But you know what I'll do
I'll simply wait to the deadline

Let's write some poetry
Scroll through Facebook
Watch a movie
Maybe read a book?

Let's talk to friends
Play some games
Finally clean my room
Leaving my future in flames

I should get around to that
I should probably start
Oh hey look!
Here's my old works of art

Let's look through a photo album
Do some online shopping
Maybe I'll even bake some sweets
I'm showing no signs of stopping

I've got a SAC tomorrow
Exams are around the corner
How is it 3am already!?
I'm surely a goner

I'm so lost
What are we studying?
We had homework?
What does it all mean!!!

But after all these years
Countless days of procrastination
I still haven't learnt my lesson
Spending each day in complete frustration

I'll leave it all to the night before
Ah, I love throwing myself into a panic
Freak out, Cry and repeat
My mindset is satanic

Even right now
As I write this poem
Avoiding my priorities
My stress is forever ongoing

I should probably get onto that

I swear I spent most of my life procrastinating about homework and avoiding my responsibilities like rn
389 · Dec 2023
Nyx Dec 2023
Deep within the pit
Front and centre to the stage
Music blasting around you
Your mind starts to engage

Time slows around you
Forgetting your in a crowd
You feel your heart pumping in your chest
The surroundings no longer loud

Feeling like your soul is being lifted
higher up and up into the sky
The colours flooding your atmosphere
You feel as if you can fly

Sweat beading in your hands
Temperature on your skin is rising
hands wrapped around your waist
Spirits are energizing

You tune into the music there
Surrounding you with its soul
I never realized it before
How the rhythm can make you feel so whole

The exhilarating feeling
the rush that it entails
Hooked on this version of me
That is free to go off the rails

Run Free, Be Free
Everything in my soul is Free.
The taste of being this new untamed version,
The Freedom of being truly me

383 · Apr 2018
hurt me
Nyx Apr 2018

I gave you the power to destroy me
To make me tremble at your feet
I'll allow you to rip out my heart
And watch it as it bleeds

I'll let you use me
Time and time again
To make you feel a little better
So you can make it to the end

You can throw me away like yesterdays trash
When I am no longer of any use
Unrequited and useless to you
You can tighten the noose

You can light me on fire
Tear away at my flesh
Let my screams be heard
As the pain is raw and fresh

You can do anything you want
As I am helpless to stop you
For I gave you this power
From the beginning I knew

You torment me
Without batting an eye
But I'll bare through this torture
Just for this one special guy

Love is such a foolish thing
But then again I am a Fool
The consequences of falling in love
Are really far too cruel

Although I know all of this
I'll do it, Just for you
So I'll let you hurt me all you want
In hopes you will love me too.

Hurt me
383 · Oct 2018
The wind isint cold!
Nyx Oct 2018

You're going to catch a cold and die
He laughed it off with a gentle sigh
It's not that cold
It really is!!!
And so our little argument begins

The wind isint cold

A confident tone within his voice
Wearing an amused smile
Stop right there kid
Its too early to rejoice

But the wind itself IS cold

That's not how it works

An endless back and forth verbal fight
Dragging on into the dark hours of the night
This was clearly going no where
We made the call to look it up
Its stated that

wind and air which has heated up,
slightly is moved and replaced for new air which is colder

Grinning like a Cheshire cat
Thinking he had won the Game
That almost taunting smile
I swear its driving me insane

But... It says its cold

Groaning in frustration
He yells out loud
I give up!
Now he's not too proud

Burying his head
Into his arms
I'm laughing away
Trying not to do anymore harm

I don't understand how you don't get it at all

I just dont want you to catch a cold

He signs as he goes out yet again
Getting into his car
He sends me a picture
He'd put on his jacket
Are you happy now?


The wind isint cold

374 · Mar 2018
Untitled I
Nyx Mar 2018
Its like being in a box
A cube made of glass
looking out at the world and thinking
how could i possible last?
I wanted to die in that moment
Returning to nothing instead
Being replaced isn't quite so pleasant  
I would be better off dead
I wanted to leave this world
I've tried once to escape
But that didn't end too well
I was like a child screaming out ****
Death seemed so nice
So silent and precise
This whole thing could be over
With just a single slice
My mind filled with them
The friends i held so dear
I was there everyday with them
and my heart filled with fear
I stopped them from doing this
Listening to their woes
But now that i've lost my mind
not a single one shows
Not once did they realise
Not once did they know
Because clearly if they were true friends
then surely they would impose
A hug, a hand or even a word of goodbye
They just up and left, taking off to the sky
My love, My world, I gave everything they asked
But simply where that got me was just being outcasted
Who am I?
What am I?
Simply what do you want?
I know I'm not the brightest but I just merely care a lot
I'm done
It's over
That is what i thought
I'll see you at my funeral then lets see who's distraught
363 · Aug 2019
It seem to be so
Nyx Aug 2019
I'm tired of pondering, pestering over what's gone
Meaningless small talk, Give another yawn
Distance is feeling, forever unyielding
Just another unsalvagable friendship
I'm better off just leaving

Walk me around the river bend
Lockets in your hand, Tell of your wondrous life,
Oh and the things that cause you strife
I can hear it in your tone of voice, see it in your smile
I use to love to see you, Now it isn't worth my while

Now tell me that you love me, cry that you care
But in the moments I needed you, were you ever really there?
And it breaks my heart to tell you, It hurts my soul to know
But what we had is gone, encased within the winter snow.
362 · Nov 2019
Not yet
Nyx Nov 2019
I can't love you, Not yet
How can I when your words are so hard to forget?
They aren't malicious, or cruel
they aren't filled with bad intent
But her name keeps ringing in my head

You've fallen in love with me you say

You wouldn't tell me such lies
Though I can't bring myself to believe
Even with that heartfelt look in your eyes
You warm my heart, make me smile
You've shone a new light into my life
You are kind to me, good to me

Though your words conjure strife

I know in your heart you still love her dearly
I would have to be blind in order not to see it so clearly
There is no future in me, as you hurt from the one of her
And perhaps in the years to come you say

Who knows what will happen with her

I don't expect or want plans for a wedding or a family
I just wish that while with me now
You'd think of the us of now
, not a future of her
So how can I love someone who's heart can't choose?
She's like a haunting ghost that's long overdue

And you know it hurts me, it tears me apart
That you're still longing for her not so deep down in your heart
So forgive me for being hesitant and unable to return those words
But I'm only trying to protect myself from the hurt
Because I care about you so dearly it drives me insane
But I can't allow myself to fall in love with you
Not yet

I'm sorry that I'm trying so hard to protect myself, but I know if I allow myself to fall in love I will just be more torn apart in the future. There is no security blanket or safety for being with him forever, I know that and I don't expect that of him, I just want him to believe in us of now, but his longing for her and that future hope of getting back together is what kills me. He cares for me and loves me, but he still loves her as well, So how can I allow myself to be so vulnerable and to give my all to a boy who see's me only as tempory.
I'll never match up to her, so again I'm sorry but I can't allow myself to fall in love with you. Not yet.
361 · Mar 2018
Nyx Mar 2018

You were hungover and drunk one day
And were forced to go to school
I remember sitting beside you
During our Physical science class
I was gently drawing circles on your palm
Before the teacher decided to asked
What occurs when you fire a gun?
Would you care to explain?
You being quite out of it
Couldn't find the right words to say
Sitting up straight in your chair
A glazed look coating your eyes
You raised your hand up in the air
as you began to explain
You fire the gun like this
Throwing your body across the desk
And then it comes back and hits you like this
Hitting yourself in your chest
Holding back my laughter
You looked dead in my eyes
Giving me your classic grin
As you leaned against me again
And what is that action called?
she edged you on again
You were already half way gone
So I whispered it in your ear
you shouted out
Before she moved on with her class
You may of been my best friend
But hell you were a pain in the ***
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