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Karijinbba Nov 2018
You think?
Just a poet hidden in a rhyme?

No Poet nor Poetess can
describe me re-invent create me
disintegrate or compare me
nor understand me
I am you I am him
I am even all of us
yet very unique as each one
of us is
only one of me on earth
interconnected to everything and everyone by nature
like we all really are!

I do sparkle in my birth chart
with an April's diamond
I am a mystic daisy
Aries is my Constelation
I was born to lead and the opportunity blossomed obscured by great pain and untimely loss.

only my old true love decided to get to know me behind my back using his strange methods as oposed to giving me a chance one on one face to face to
get to know me
impossible to know me through the slanderous affiliations of selfish jealous people who don't have my best interest!
if bad men and women who might envy me or feel rejected by me must help you decide where your heart is about me
you'll never know me at all!
you will be lost in the maze of your own ignorance and lose a chance to know me as a great lover great parent great wife greatest friend that you could ever have.
This isn't any wild thought of mine here. NO. It's my life how it has unfolded how I experienced  great fortune great love great loss rejection admiration
and how I had to heal all alone
because friends came not to me in this life time at all.
Most masculine gender saught only to use me and I got tired of them playing their nasty impersonal text photo **** games requested leading nowhere
Most married women envied me and were sickly unecessarily jealous of my unmarried non challant status and sincere platonic friendly disposition.

My dogs cats crows and raccoons
remained my better friends then any humans could ever be.

My few diamonds are forever though their sparkle never lied steal cheat nor deceive or commit treason,
I tried singles adds for friendship but t.v's episodes of
"Mission Impossible" was
an easier task then finding even a friend much less a husband a best lover a good father
for my kids!
I tried chat lines most men seemed to be functioning through their ****** primarily and heartlessly offering to pay soliciting full trust so long as it was all between two strangers no strings attached, right unto instantly intimate chaotic
dangerous *** games
which I was never into any of it.

So I put my Kama-Zutra brain I inherited from my Mom and Dad inside a tini match box all to sleep.
A husband of my choice was forfeited
and a second one or third of my choice seldom materialized.
so I didn't settled never sold out.

My true love's diamond heart promised stayed in his coat pocket waiting for my
" jealous tears" now scintilates in another woman's finger.

I couldn't like her as a greedy drug user law liar manipulator much less be jealous of her answering your phone.
Much less be jealous of the *******'s calling photo card you showed me so I cry of jealousy and anger to earn your huge diamond ring!
You could have tried telling me
"I love you" then marry me,
filling my woumb with your beloved seed, and at last
stand by me;
  then I would be jealous only when and if, a real good reason to be jealous, existed!

Wasn't I ballanced in my emotions? beautiful in and out being self assured!?
Couldn't you reward that in me instead?
A beige yarn still wraps around my left ring finger today.
I guess in the end even my sparkling diamond betrayed me.

an ugly insecure jealous greedy woman won it.
what's left for me are my pets my grandkids and my 41 undeserved unprovoqued enemies to busy myself with praying for!
and to finish my books depicting my hell, my almost paradise
a new heaven on earth
painfully forfeited.
I never sold myself to men never sold out, no. I don't regret it

but I regret not playing one man's game to earn my man back at any cost because in the end I still
very much remain loving one man no matter what he put me through
his kind of love was all worth it .
Welcome to planet Earth
jump into life!
By: Karijinibba/ASG
All rights reserved.
Let's ransom positive energy from one another by understanding each other so we wont miss out on a perfect man and woman made for each other. I believe in rewarding the ability to ballance non destructive emotions instead of promoting unhealthy ones as means for a man to feel loved by a woman
or vise-verse.
Umi Mar 2018
Soft, gentle, like one of the fluffy clouds of the purest heaven above,
Free of all sin, of all filth of this earth and of what a demon holds in his desire or temptation within his wicked heart of devilish instinct,
While they carry you to your last judgement they glance at you,
Seemingly so dreamlike that it must be like a legendary illusion of an infinite being, cast upon you to grant you a splendid slumbering,
You will never be able to go back again, it has been decided that it should be this way, depart now my little soul, recieve your justice,
Recall your previous self, as these angels stare at you with roaming might, spreading their wings to appear more light, carefree and pure,
See into the dreams you saught to escape, now all agony, all sin and pride, envy and majesty are burnt away to rot within their light,
The luminousity coming from these fluttering wings, is so smooth it would likely make the worldly life appear to be in a darker shade,
Tirelessly, they are free from all needs, with no need for deep sleep,
Even if you tried you would be swept away by their sheer power,
These Angels had waited to carry you; until the moment you die!
When you reach your final destination, darkness or light will be what you may recieve, or may these wings which seem to be invaluable,
Be pure, then you are worthy of carrying angel wings.

~ Umi
Under the blanket
Of the cloak of night
I tended my garden
I reached for the seeds of the stars of night
And drew them down to Earth
To relish them forever
Sweet fruits, apples, and pomegranates
And rose buds in bloom
Permeated the air like sweet incense
I fed myself of the beautiful trees
Which grew too numerous to count
But nightmares arose from deep within
When I slumbered beneath the tree
I dreamt of falling
Fleeing to the ocean's depths
My bones were brittle
And my face was covered
In filth and stench
From roving in the desert
My hair was matted
And my eyes bulged from their sockets
My tears were running dry
I did not deserve this torment


So I sank and saught the truth


The bottoms were pleasantly beautiful
I befriended monsters there
And remember the seaweed
Toying with my hair
In time, I arose as Mother of the Sea,
As Venus
Yet another garden was claimed by me
And I harkened to their call
To come to know
This destiny of mine


I swelled in the gardens of others
Until I needed to return
When the student is ready
Their teacher appears
And I am a willing student of life!


That's when I saw him from afar
And my world would change forever
I peeked at him through the willows
He was shining iridescence itself
I've met others like him before
If I knew what was in store
Would I still approach?
Knowing me, probably!
He whispered that I was a wanted woman
He's the first that saw my soul as true
Everyone else misunderstood
Or feared my intentions
Towards them
While I hungered for fruits
I could never receive again


I am barred from the land by the river
Why would He do this to me?
The Universe's eyes aren't shut
And have 20/20 vision
His servant always maintained sure distance
From his most prized possession


He gave me his cloak
A garment of protection
The dark night
And elevated me thusly
I took on another form
As beautiful as any
I vowed not to harm his Master's garden

So I tended mine
With stars of night
And rain and snow
With bountiful deer and squirrels
If I knew the curses thrown
Would I have stayed in the sea
If I knew that ruling the skies of night
Would bring this upon me
I would still stay where I am today
I how this seventy tomes seven


My garden bears fruit gloriously
But I long to bring honor
To my garden
By making his mandrakes
My own


All hail to these
Three times three


The first pear I tasted
The first apple that fell
The first time I glowed
And knew the Never - Uttered

... the longing to be like Him! ...
.... the pang to be His mandrake!....
          The love we once shared
Please, God
Give me one more
Lord, what have I done?
He raised me up
And I dragged him down
Now we must spend eternity this way
In foxholes and carcasses
Always dying to relive the recent past
When morning glories were my favorite flower


... he shielded me
And I was cast away from the Garden
And it's fruits forever
I wander the desert once again
But this time
I am not alone


We roamed...
He offered me a desert flower
And bade me to plant
From it sprang a river stream  
To sustain our coagulating blood
It did not satisfy
We fell
And in each other's eyes we found the key
To drown out exile' s realities
I saw the sun's rays in his eyes again
The dark nights will not be gloomy anymore
The Name of God is no longer a four letter word
We fell down
Again and again
And the more we fell
The more, before our eyes
This garden
Our garden


We tended our garden
Until then


Contemplating on Jehovah
Grieves my heart
Until it rips open and I spill my blood
The animals retreat
My plants for
Because my blood has been spilled
Innocent blood
Within my own garden
My lover has left
My night lamp
To become the hunt
And perish
For the unspoken
.  The defiled .

We will never share our garden
Again evermore
This poem is long expect additions and edits
Based on Revelations of the Dark Mother
I rested my elbow upon my desk,
Thinking of times my mind could caress,
I came up with naught, and was impressed
With all the thoughts I could detest,
I sat and swept throughout my mind,
With what I could eventually find,
In peace, in life, in hatred, in kind,
And I fell through the cracks of spiteful time.
I hated how we spent time being oblivious and lolling,
This kept me forever,
And The Rain Kept Falling.
She walked along a road with bare feet,
Hoping some help there she would meet,
She evaded the devil in the house she escaped,
Her torso was lacerated, knees were scraped,
She was forced to perform for this man of hate,
He watched as he forced her to *******,
He ***** her, over, again and again,
She cried for help, to break free of his sins,
She wished for death but it wouldn't come,
She wished for just one chance to run,
Now being chased like a prisoner of old,
He would find and punish her for being so bold,
Her captor, with vigor, saught to mutilate,
this "little *****" for being late,
Upon finding the cell at where she was chained
Vacant, he saught to force the change,
He endeavored to find her with malicious will,
In vain hope, she hoped the police would ****
This ******* who had tied her up
And repeatedly forced her to sup
Upon the remains of his countless others,
That he had captured and forced on eachother,
She was found three days later with a bullet in her head,
And carved in her torso "the ***** is dead",
The syndrome, the sickness is all but enthralling,
She looked for hope but
The Rain Kept Falling.
Dismal, he sat and contemplated,
The way his life had reverberated,
He thought of the children his wife took from him,
She lied to her husband and put lust above him,
He was the best father that anyone could tell,
He loved his children, would do anything for them.
But because his wife had stolen their lives,
He couldn't sleep at all, but cried,
She escaped justice by pleading insanity,
She bragged of it later, bathing in vanity,
He decided that with nothing left,
To live for, except the greed for death,
That he would find and take her soul,
Send her to Hell and then control,
Every aspect of his suicide,
And stop her, being "sanctified",
He crept at night to her abode,
And then proceeded to invade her home,
He began by gagging her and tying her to posts,
Then pulling each extremity until, severed from host,
He ripped her apart for what she stole,
Then slit her throat to watch the flow,
Until the last bit of red-dripping evil,
Exited her body while she shook unstable,
Blank, his face, held no emotion,
But to this malice, he held devotion,
He had hoped this unholy retribution
Would spare his tears and be solution,
Alas, he was wrong, nothing was solved,
His children were still dead, rotting, embalmed,
Some nights he could hear his children calling,
He then took his life.
And The Rain Kept Falling.
This endless, boundless, ocean of rain,
The mist it created, like blood and feigned,
The recreation of hope and joy,
Rather, it only increased in ploy,
It never ended and still rains today,
Think of this while you laugh and play,
We live for no reason and surely die,
You will never leave alive,
For reasons unsure, we keep on stalling,
And ignore the fact
That The Rain Keeps Falling.
DC raw love Mar 2015
Get down off your thrown
Your feelings are now torn

From the love you brought
From the times you saught

For you have hurt many
With your fake loving heart
Petal pie May 2014
(This poem was brought to you by the letter...V!)
She vacuums the worn carpet
Her gaze on the surface vague and vacant
But when you lift the lid
She has been ****** into a vortex
Of whirling cosmic space dust.

She's entered a parallel universe
There her name is Vanessa
And her life's so diverse
By day she announces on
underground trains
  'mind the gap, next stop
Mornington crescent'
Her voice is sweet, virtuous,
clear and efficient
  But by evening her voice has
  more va va voom
She sings sultry jazz
in a smoky back room.
She looks almost the same
Voluptuous lines and a
red haired mane
But gone is any trace of mundane.  

Each verse of song she wraps in a sway of the hips side to side
and a ravishing smile
 And if the audience  try it on
or  become volatile
A valiant handsome trilby wearing
Can warn them off  
With a choice few nouns
And vexing verbs
make them run a mile

And after the show
She and the gentleman
Vanish from view
And as their heated passion grows
 They sink down onto A velveteen couch
 exploring her peaks n valleys
With his keen mouth
And she traces his muscles
Vivid veins, v lines
She reaches his peak further south.

Back out of the vortex
And back in the room
She is breathless
And her heart is fast and keen
She has stopped the vacuum
Instead saught solace
In the vibrations of her washing machine
This poem was brought to you by the letter V! ***
Karijinbba Apr 2019
Into life I emerged my fathers queen of his forest lands with his death suffered my Purepecha Tarazcan Mestizo gene mold
and my massive character
developed seared with scars;
first grand loss my father my land
Foe pierced my Teen
Mestizo cactus pear
by deceptive method
his ugly bitter tequila mix
second loss badboy with
a twist virgins his compulssion
the wise universe quickly RANSOMED my pain!
in Texan country songs and mariachi night parrandas
wedding promises galore
in Irish cream PA-dreams
entwined disavowed
drowned all this magic.
along came refuge an evil poisoning uzo on his dunkey
slandering Grecian mythology teaching his many medeas
executing premeditated cruel early death wasn't what I had in mind for restitution
leaping from foe to another one worse  and still I loved life repaying evil for my good
malicious slandering experts
stealing envious jealousy torturing my baby girls new born making pieces of me giving birth!
all this and more remained impune being dead calm in shock
All I ever saught in life was to love be loved cherished adored by one special human regadless of name nationality creed or social status and guess what!?
I found all the BEST all treasures all bank amidts all this saga.

Yes I was too battered to seize opportunity too rejected to say
" I love you- I am sorry,
I'll marry you." my beast!

twice husbands didn't call me wife first time I married only the ring I bought with my savings, tears and scars no husbands were they but foe covert enemy ****** sadist poisoner Greek
chicken **** Hen. in CA fed on******* agendas sold my baby girl coco to his infertile ex hell nurse bailing him out******* dues possing as Mother to my child invented a birth certificate 1983 then tried to ****** me each time I went to E R. smothering me during minor urgery 2009 in honor a covert life insurance criminals with a twist
many times they tried many times they failed I have more lives then a cat.
The Greek human trafficant
blackmailed by his medeas
for his ongoing crimes sadomised my baby girls I give this Greek geek ten traits of narcicistic personality more in his grave "haralobo"his kiriakis and many mistress
I escaped him inhell greece
I emerged seared with scars.
a fierce protective Mother
now a grandmother stern
but ever understanding
ever loving
I am not ranting
nor lamenting!

I survived where many other battered women died
seared with scars
I write.
O how many women do!
O how many Moms don't
survive covert enemies
with a twist.
By: Karjinbba
All rights reserved.
Dedicating this to my daughters nick named "Lala, Sassy, Coco."and to all a battered wife mothers single Moms wearing purple hearts and to all good loving caring men reading who love and protect their wife and children because you are the forcce that keeps Earth from going mad and to wabble out of orbit.
like my planet "motherhood" has wabbled and toppled over.
My girls hide head like Ostrich cant believe who fathered them to torture us child and Mom. My girls have scales in their eyes call Greece home and Mexican Moms cruel beast enemy. ( a hate crime?!)
they refuse to see their own body bone morrow seared with scars like mine or who is victim and who is coward. Denial assassination of character rules their troubled ego.
How I read your words and invision the taste of the lips that spoke them into a page scented with your essence.
I travel on road and gravel,
pavement im enslaved and it hurts,
the distance is far
like life under earth,
reachin for light and air
but cursed and trapped wanderin
and wondering, pondering
while sombering,
alive yets death is the sight far from your touch,
Whom I seek is the love not rushed but hushed soft like plush  that write rights with a right that was never left hangin wen pledging their soul infront of christ, is that too much? Im crushed..
A kiss for an eternity thatll leave the waves crashin the rocks on the spot we saw the sun set, a memory distant like mines from you, i rot.
Darken my thoughts seem but the intent to remain the same as the same I was wen we split, I am.
but change came in the appearance,
because im looking more for you than what I left behind.
Because I want a piece of you for me, and not what used to be mine.
You see im just here waiting the scene to take place,
where the rain will tickle my face,
trickle down in my past tears place and trace,
only to see you look back once and tell me I wasnt your mistake,
I made you better , something! Like sometimes It hard to leave when you still have alot to give , but time wasnt in the place to have those gifts be presented,
Now the presence is a wishlist of things thatll never live up too.
Like finding a love like you...

By Emmanuel  jv Hernandez
RyanMJenkins Mar 2012
Running endlessly through a buffet of what life has to offer
Yelling, screaming, kicking, pleading because they didn't get what they wanted
Anytime's fine, unless the time's right now
Never can get what you want boy, you know that's not allowed.

Making crafts out of what no one would take a chance on
Anything'll do right now under the right circumstance son
Teetering towards a heavily weighted decision.
This is what causes the opposing forces into collision.
He knew what many felt should happen, but he also knew what was in his heart.
Entering this mode of thinking he felt, "then why hadn't they all thought this way right from the start?"
"Winning" could bring about closure, but it could also bring proper exposure.

Jumping for joy because people were on the same page.
Every single person, an actor on life's stage.
Nevermind what had made them different before,
Kings and queens they now all are, with only the whole world to expore (and beyond)
Insight made everything feel right and all the people now did bond.
Nights and days, rang out cheers and praise to you and the stars above
Seeing to be true what was always saught, the utopia of love.
Curtis Gainey Feb 2010
They say sometimes in life you’re born with nothing
Since the beginning I’ve been determined to get something
There’s a lot of goals that I do want to accomplish
There’s so many things in the world that I missed
I may drive you crazy with the things that I want to do
I’m a man with a dream, I’m just hoping to get that soon
It’s time to forge my own path in life
I just want to make things right
Change my personality, change my ways
This is the path that I truly want to take
Don’t have a car so it’s hard to go find myself
If someone knew how much pain that I felt
Knowing that I’m not part of the world and stuff
I hate staying inside all day, I really had enough

I didn’t put this on my blog for sympathy
Even though I never got the amount that I need
I may be envious and yeah I mave greed
Respect is all I ever do want to recieve
I won’t settle for anything less, want to make it big
Enough being isolated because it’s making me tick
Mother’s intimidations is keeping me locked up
Laying on the living room couch like I’m knocked up
Waiting for the moment where I could finally lace up my boots
Where I can open the front door and tell my mom “see you soon”
Yeah I like girls and I’m hoping to get one
Don’t want to go through life with none
With the life I’m living I feel like I’m dead
Being outgoing is all that’s stuck in my head

Most kids my age are doing a lot of stuff
With my lifestyle I really just can’t adjust
Don’t feel like I’m alive, says so on my myspace
I don’t know how much pressure I can really take
Got a dude in college living the kid life
Having fun with people during the night
Another dude with a job earning money
While I’m stuck with nothing, kinda funny
I wasn’t born to do nithing with my life
Yeah I’m desperate I’m not gonna lie
I don’t want to be in my 50’s living this way
I’m sick of my dreams being put on delay
I’m sick of dreaming, I wanna live life
I’m told to be patient but time is tight
I ain’t gonna stay young forever that’s thing
So amped up about the future that I don’t think
Waiting for the rescue ladder to come to my window
I want live life normal you know, it’s just really simple

But I probably won’t get that because I’m autistic
So I’m limited to my choices that’s so sadistic
Being stuck with people on wheelchairs kinda clueless
Don’t hate those kids so don’t think of me as a big ******
And I know they can’t help it but that’s not my kind of crowd
Don’t want to be limited to those kind of people that’s how I feel now
Don’t want people to think those are the only friends I can make
I just want to be a normal people is all I ask for goodness sake
Don’t think of me as a kid who can’t control his emotions
I maybe a kid who has a hard time keeping things in focus
Because of this, mother doesn’t think I can drive
Not even letting me go ahead and give it a try
No way I’m relying on the bus to get around
Because I’m tired of always being let down
Hurts to have a lot of people have a lot of doubt
And to think that you shouldn’t even be out

What’s wrong with living simple that’s all I want
It’s all I’ve been working for all I want to saught
Willing to go through anything just to get it
My goal I have still not yet really met it
What’s wrong with being normal that’s what I desire
JMac Jan 2013
I was raised on a montage
Standing with roses on top of a grave
Sentimental afterfacts that neither care to give
Discipline that neither can ignore
Cyanide adorned curtain cats

Pictured in red and iridescent
Topped with normal cleansers and beauties
Saught all in fall and in the summer
The winter and the spring

Easter Egg knocks between broken wings
Philisophical differences on just cause
Topped with Red

Dynamite in far away caves
Fortune’s mistreatment

Piece of pie
Angela Moreno Feb 2017
I do not mean to be so difficult.
I do not mean to be irrational.
I do not mean to hide away from you,
And lie when you ask about my feelings.
It's not me.
It's you.
It's entirely you.
Because all I care about is you.
I pray for your well being
Far beyond my own.
You are my every waking thought.
You are my every peaceful dream.
You are every light I have ever seen
Since the day you vanished my darkness.
You are every perfect lovely thing
That not even in a hundred years
Could all the finest poets think up.
You are peace and perfection
And beauty incarnate.
You are my world.
But you are also every worry
That I have ever had.
You are every tear
That has ever fallen from my eye.
You are every heartache
I have ever endured.
You are every sleepless night
That has ever plagued me.
And yet I can not let you go.
For how could I let
Heaven's most beautiful creation
Slip through my fingers
As if I did not know what I had??
As if I did not know
That you are the miracle I saught.
As if I did not know
That I am blessed beyond all blessings.
I'm sorry I'm an *******.
How Apr 2010
All my life my heart has saught
A nameless feeling but received distraught
And now, at last
Alone with you,
Here comes that feeling back from outta' the blue,

Do I love you? Do you love me back?
Is this passion true, or just torment?
All rights reserved.

Please contact me if you want to use my poetry anywhere, thanks.

P.S. I'm really sorry for not writing lately, anyone who still reads my poems, I just haven't much felt like it lately. x
ZWS Jun 2013
I preach a sermon unheard of those herding
Filling the ever-expanding sky with a lesson worth learning
But willful do the people of the ground need to be
To pluck the thread of true happiness and glee
To bend the frame of minds, and alter the realm of their own time

Many collapse their own airways in fear of other frequencies interfering
But can we not see our voice is the only bearing in this mechanical clockwork we're fearing

Humble voices worth applauding hide behind the voices
Passive to all, in procrastination they fall
The reality of loss can only sober one briefly
Till we return to binge on our shallow lives so deeply

A predecessor forgotten imbues nothing but doubt
And all confidence you had will soon disperse
If you don't take a look at who you are and converse
Comparisons unneeded, will only leave you wrought
Your inner-being forever saught

A flock will the sapien always be rooted to
Wingspans of all lenghts suited
Every flight pattern a breeze transcended
Only in this will you find that you grew
Only in this will you find that you flew
Recording that of which time was spent,
It must be stated with some lament,
Mankind was never prepared for that
Which they saught so vehemently sat,
Upon the throne of their own faults,
Theology differentiated by default,
And by which we would derive
The definition of demise.
Annihilate me through my own inner goals,
And press upon my morals once told,
To keep my kin so lively and free,
Rid them of their depraved disease,
The freedoms and liberties of once passed down,
Caress the minds of a generation endowed,
Subject to sin and objectification,
Of an overly popular, judgmental nation,
An internal strife "To thineself always be true"
Yet knowing not what realties imbue,
Distressed, ingested ideals are formed
And peaceful requisitions are abhorred,
Selection is distraught and vague,
Left frustrated are those who live for today,
I must comment, request, and repent
That in honor of life, meaning is spent,
Lifeless are we, all left longing,
Know that in this life, there is nothing.
Title poem of the Lexicon collection in progress.
Chano Williams Apr 2014
She was always saught after
by the other guys,
with her long, dark hair
and beautifully dark eyes
They were always checkin' out
her wide hips and lean thighs
Everything about her body
was just at that right size,
but, to her life,
all those guys were inferior
All they cared about
was checkin' out her exterior,
but I became superior
by checkin' out her interior
Once I saw how she was
I had no more fear of her
Once I got into her brain
I saw a personality
She was smart, funny, polite,
full of originality
Not long after that
we became good friends,
but every chance that I got
the rules I would bend
I had strong feelings for her,
but did she have the same for me?
Was I even prepared
for the pain she could bring?
I'll never know
because I'm too shy to ask,
but I'm happy being her friend
for as long as it'll last
High school poem
Haydn Swan Nov 2016
Love slithered up my sleeve
like a sun parched python
coiling around my soul
making its home in the sanctuary found within
venemous words spit forth their guile
antitdote saught in nights comforting arms
the moons radiant smile comes forth from a bottle,
stars decadent radiance cascades from a tear,
I'll hide in a sucumbant dream,
on yesterdays and alibis I shall rest this weary head.
My heart says I can't deny
soft hearted, bluish eyed mortal,
this thine - kind -character-animal
where he got rescued wandering-
Inside a filthy cartoon box
meowing off the ground-
'twas thoroughbred teases me
solely to take care of him,
must we all -shout for joy
- for crying out loud!
Canst that sweet kitten-do
so thence catches my eye.
Surely reinvigorates..
Ah, with much ado-
Let alone my two kids loves it too,
I gotta take this opportunity
and start a tireless hobby,
having said it, amazingly
A pet at home-to enjoy-
sure isn't easy
to put in amity!

Anybody just can't help,  
or couldn't care less but
Nonetheless, to avail and
adore this cute..cougar.
Oh sweet mercy,whata gleamer
bestowing shyness and sweet ember!
Tameness and with gentle stare.
so that we are mesmerized
real quietness subsist
and looks at us-
even more,
So he talks
he tells me,
'hang in there'
sort of entices me..
and nods at me - reassuringly.
Sayeth- everything's be okay
even at night sits besides at bay.

I'm in immediate euphoria at boom
whilst writing poems for him
it just makes me wanna cuddle him
as he climbs high to my bed
and caresses my body and feet,
clings lots to my pillows and sheets
until I sneezed
and a look and no voice
he then glares
to get near me,
and be comforted.
(like I do)!

Having fondness
really makes sense
sweetly contemplates
me for thy cat's sake,
comely thoughts to take
alike oomph I breath,
Metaphorically speaking, life's
perpetual cause and effect
resonates and defines all the day's
stuffs, work and worries,
all's benighted - cooled-down..
from weaknesses that ease
as dreams farther off in distance
who we are- whom brings smile
of which I know is best
which rebounds-
such a true pleasure
that made us glad from heart-
be not to rescue-
Or feed an astray cat-
how much gratification can kindness-
-ones gives?
kills me inside out - if one cat is hungry-
----I feel guilty;
suffer the consequences that might
cause---if I violate it
nor ignore it
thence it begets
To be the greatest friend
if we try to understand it
yet it's foreboding effect -
It's the sublimest of all!

Alas he's smart and
I know it too
Did I do good work?
with all thine heart
So akin to Rearing
And Nurturing children
of my own when a call of duty
Like this measures, desperately.

So we all get excited
and gets along good,
mimes, mimics and
cleverness, o' course
and chuckles
he makes.
by far
these astray wild kitten's actions...
performs many daily bounce and animation,
muses sudden cure-to all stressful episodes.
Living life from thy cute creatures - magnifies
So we became in state of elation that heals!
I must re-learn not to be alone, again..
whereforth I discover creative solitude
borne in deep silence amid loneliness
soforth my life still counts
a noblest way to sacrifice.
So can we afford to keep him?
Aye, wonders of mother nature
what Divinity provides-venture
everly longing for love,
belonging to our home
saught not for nothing-
and of separateness-
but of acceptance!
Much more to my double-surprises-
my children named him-'Simba'
and the other cat-'Lucky'
I Thanked Thee God they came into our lives--
-Beholding Delight of laying eyes onto!
My kitty - Simba
Umi Feb 2019
Within an unclouded darkness,
This is where I'd find rest, a somber, unending sky above me leads the way into the everlasting night, promising a forgotten dream,
For it is warming, even comforting; the bitter grasp of loneliness,
Laughing endlessly, throbbing in the dark, this figure of hatred now resented by life itself wriggled in the lost moonlight of the abyss,
Unfading scars, pure fury are what has driven me this far and beyond, for a hellfire is burning me up inside, yet, this hole in my chest, this numbing, all consuming pain won't let me go,
A petty figure, who has gotten rid of all emotions just so she could awaken in this emotionless void as who she is now,
One after another my companions fell to the chains of fate,
They were just hopeful dreamers who saught a future of bliss,
And so my heart in love, consumed by agony and hate, died.
If I only forgave you of all people, I could be myself again!
But until then, I will wander around this pure dark,
To seek revenge for my reflection,
The abyss is a calming exile.

~ Umi
Karijinbba Mar 2020
A dog is outside just sitting there
food was left nearby
but dog just stands langidly
outside looking in
in it's hometown Kemah
the dog won't move nor bark
it's whining and whimpering
For too long a time the dog waited outside the red steel rddbba spare room building
where the master of the house
gets in a daily basis to write a love letter waiting for his first love to arrive to read them BBA/RDD.

naturally dog just sits there watching other women getting in there reading unauthorized his love letters
but dog dears not bark
fearing they might call the pond
the animal control to cage and
euthanize even

the winning dog outside looking in, understands something that
others inside there looking out
know too well to keep dog outside
looking in to die thinking victory
that it is too late to get inside the red building or to be taken in as a family member a pet to be loved protected
taken to the bet
for first aid to tend dogs old and new wounds given a collar a name
some bones toys and a bedding.

it's believed some people are
like big dane dogs arriving at the right time to a home not built for them and forcing their way in free to roam
begin to discover treasures never saught by it's original rightful intended ownner now outside looking in.

This battered smaller breed circus bagabund dog langidly looking in
forever waiting for the master
of the house to run out to pet feed protect the long awaited pet
the left behind
because it simply
seemed not to able to bark or to follow or beg for it all within time.

this circus dog whimpering
shivering cold
outside looking in

might just be the spirit soul
of the one who loves you
the most in this whole
wide world true love.
By: Karijinbba
Outside looking in langidly
In memory of us RDD/BBA
Fire under my skin: Clarity.
Solace forms in response.
Knowledge is something I never saught,
So keep my bones for yourself.
Now I am warm; filled with air.
White Balloons tied to the wrist of a child.
Let them float away now,
For the moon tonight is calling your name
And only the innocent can answer.
whoever Nov 2011
What if there's a fire...
And only two men left
Would it be me that he chose,
Or me he'd second guess
Am i worth a second chance,
Or not even worth a stone
Could i afford a single breath,
Or would that leave me all alone

May i ponder his own being?
His smile, his laugh, his touch.
Or is it still in the making?
A mold no one should touch.
I could offer my hand,
But he said my voice would be enough.
Am i the love of your life,
Or a girl you couldn't get rid of

If i saught out to fight,
With all my might,
Build up steam,
Would the wind ******* over
Because all i could gather
Was equivilant to a leaf?

If i called the call close,
Took some notes,
Changed my plea,
Would it be worth a try,
To find a guy,
Who was no
Different from me?

Could i forget my venialia?
Take a trip through the stars.
With i person i felt worthful.
Had he chose me,
This world would be ours.

May i continue my search,
My nubivagant adventure?
Unaware of what is around me.
Looking for hope in the middle.
Of everything we all knew
Everything that could be.

I took my trip through the stars...
And came out
I'm thinking of turning to god
could I seek the righteous path?
Can I get onto track?
The devils calling holds me back perhaps
Born into this universe
Neglected as I've grown
Into a man unloved by many
That might be why
if I've became unfriendly

I know that I have faults
I do not shy or blame the cosmos
I still love me for me and see
That quality within others
that I seek
I'm thinking about turning to god
Because i feel alone within my thoughts
I've thought outside and in the box
And perhaps 'god' is all that I have ever saught

All that I have ever got
Is what at first, is what I gave
when I leave this universe
'god' has not fired me
I just quit this silly game
Josh G Jan 2019
Gracefully sliding down your silver skin
It leaves a waste of blackness
That zig zags like a corn maze
A flame sets you into motion
Giving off your sought after euphoria
Our bond is one not saught after
Yet its a connection I yearned for
Nights spent on the bathroom floor
With desperation and a fiendish itch
You were there as my comfort
With tears in my eyes and a stain on my pride
We floated off into a temporary retreat
Wrote this looking back to a time in my life where I felt the full weight of the world on my shoulders. The weight became unbearable and I searched for every way out I could find. The door I opened was one of immense pain to myself and the ones I cared about. I'm proud of the man I've become now.
RhettlvScarlett Aug 2019
I believe her every word
here, there and everywhere
written spoken or silenced it's the truth!

Her surviving courage skill
a lesson of good and evil to all
in the face of cowardly
cold blooded assassins
demonizer slanderers
human predators

This beauty is my best friend
I am so blessed
my sister my doved eyed
an in and out beauty-rest
my beauty poetess is

much revered here in heart
her open minded nature
my inspiration she is!

This surviver was noones fool just hurting cornered and alone
in denial stunned
sacrificing all
for the ones she loved
So this lady parrot phrased
your culprits E-mailed
nasty notes  
cursing her mother birthing her!

thats all shes done wrong
to pay for it for lifetime long
is hellish travesty.

In the arena of the masked
the covert world of mirrors
granted a few final words
where compensation
she never sought!

My lady friend poetess
re-builds no sand castles to bridge no past disconnections

in this masked faceless cyber
H.P mirror
bridges tend to re-surfice spontaneously
unmasking key facts
completing past puzles
left unanswered

mis-sunderstanding innocent victims of crimes then left behind is very cruel.

It's induced evil fate
collapsing golden bridges
widening gaps
not even a two cent charity
for her pain was ever saught!
much less cash burried
a bank account could have help trace beloved kidnapped
How can someone valued so high
a genie in a bottle
not be protected
your lying significant other covert culprit
snake-eyed jeweled
is anchored to your bank
not to your heart.
no peaceful land!

No such viper's name can your heart carve
your master bed-room
has no tender grace

your picture painter
a Mom's nightmare ****** killer
shes is all yours to keep.

O I am only messanger on free will
platonic friendship
wins this beauty's trust.

friendship I offered gladly
no study subject intended
and these words are my own
my educated guess at best

yes knowing her
in and out beauty
is loving her!

Understanding her
is trusting her
this in and out beauty

her banner's of honor
is true love and to sacrifice her happiness for the benefit of all
even her enemies.

I remain loyal kneeling at this beauty's feet
whom you left behind
heartbroken trashed cursed

just to go romance
wine and believe
the bone fish stonefish real fool
cursing your beloved d M birthing her
insult she simply returned
to her the curser
not meant for you
oh why couldn't you ask
who sent that garbage to your beloved dreaming of you in that magestic bedroom downloaded copied and published
just to find you,
it hurt deeply
your Mom once called her your dignificant other  
you now call wife.
By: RhettlvScarkett
Reviced 03/20
I am a better bridge I unmasked and gave her protection and emotional support. Inspired and written for a great poetess on her true life events writing skills. Very fond of Karijinbba
JD Leishman Mar 2019

It was one minute past twelve when the first was fired,
By five minutes past twelve thousands had reached our atmosphere,
An apocolypse by our own hand that evil inspired,
Eight minutes past twelve cries from 9 billion frozen by fear,
What do we do as a race when at the precipice of extinction,
What power do those in power have at the end of human kind,
In less than one minute our world will be struck by our own mass destruction,
We are now all just brothers and sisters as the clock strikes nine,
though it was only in this moment we understood all, all the bad and all the wrong,
All the wars, all the killing and all the ignorence,
The world we saught to destroy held our unity all along,
The human race was now one of human benevolence,


Two hundred thousand years upon our world and it was at our last sixty seconds,
That we had known peace, we had known the heavens.

I am Jimmy.
World, human
in the presence of her love, the sun must ignite,
arising, he greets her from now receding night
where the beauty of the stars, blanketed her face
her aspect enshrouded by an image of delight

her arms spread wide like the wings of an eagle,
to hold and protect me from oncoming evils,
engulfed in her compassion, i boast no equal,
as a rose is among flowers she is among people,

you cannot fathom, her love which measures,
from cosmo to cosmo as high as the heavens,
even more so when we are together,
for time with her is timeless but time apart is forever

we are now one, our love not soon destraught,
we are love personified, which we have saught,
and if my heart be searched each and every part
what one is to find is another beating heart

the shade of the oak, where our names embossed
the light of the sun, which is guiding the lost,

and though my senses be strengthened by our immortal cause,
the sweetest sound remains the beat of her loving heart
Had a dream aged 17, complete darkness and myself and a mystery girl sitting at opposite ends of an oak tree, communicating exclusively with emotion, if there was commentary, i assume this would be it
Harry Roberts Aug 2017
& Fire.

I awaken, sliver light slivers
In slashes stark against skin.

I burn in the night
A Sun awakened by moonlight.

I am consumed completely,
Devoured deliciously,
The moon won't sustain
The sun it has awoken.

But the cycle continues
Caught in what I saught
& love how no one
"Day" is the same.

Life reminds me I'm sane
But I remember to ensure I live.

I remember to ensure I forgive,
Love and cleanse my pain.

& Fire,

Love in myself
My health
sparked true desire.

Eased, forget -
But am I pleased.

Life is what you make -
Happiness - I found for my own sake.

Moonlight  Sunlight
Shared in duality,
Happiness -
You shape your own
World in reality.
I personally like this poem. Perseverance, Love, Life, Forgiveness.
Jonathan Sep 2020
As the dust settled on the dim-lit floor,
So did the bodies of two.

Neither side saught out a victory,
Both were content in just knowing.

As the last splinter of sunlight faded,
Sweat joined with the dust on the floor.

Movements and minds were molded,
As pieces of passion collided Into place.
the truth of the search
no matter how long it took
is that everything you saught
was always in the last place you'd look
Sarra Mar 2020
When time outruns the last of your brothers, and the heart of a golden generation turns into stone. Your strained bones long to rest among your loved ones, but you're unable to answer their call.
There's worry lingering in your thoughts and straining your soul. You fear for stories too precious to leave behind, vulnerable to the ruthless fires of oblivion.
So you keep clinging tiredly to an uncertain future. Desperately, you wonder for a shelter, a sanctum to all the lessons that must endure.

Let go of these fears grandmother. Your history will live on.

Through emblems, talismans and charms carved in the blood of our nation, your beliefs will be embedded in the symbols of our ancestors. Your teachings will clear the path for understanding, and our bodies will carry on the knowledge you left us.
Through legends, tales and chants all forged from truth, your morals will resonate among frozen hearts. Your hopes will breathe life into our dying spirits, and the wisdom of our ancestry will guide our nation for eternities.

Go in peace grandmother. Your wishes will live on.

As your never-fading love warms us, harmony and peace will unite us again, and we will reach together to the glory you once saught.
As your never-dying spirit inspires us, bravery and confidence will guide our conquests, and our triumphs await in the lands you dreamt of exploring.
And as the blessings of your ancestors protect us, we'll pass on the knowledge to our children, and enlighten the path you've once shown us.

So rest assured grandmother. Our culture will live on.
Randy Nov 2018
You have a list though not long.
Of things you seek in a loved one.
They are all for nought.
Fleeting soon gone.
Your list sees only outward coverings.
Not one thought of inner things.
Wealth, looks, clothes. Dressings.
Things soon gone.
You've already broken my heart.
Without even a first kiss.
My inner worth not saught by you.
Not one word about who I am.
How can a woman be so shallow?
Will you find one to fit your list?
Will he be like you?
Seeing only you from the outside.
Never pearsing your inner soul.
Harry Roberts Nov 2017
Truth speaks,
Hell (.)
But the Currency is deafening.

People barely care
They're never not *******
or ever really listening.

But a grave we dug
No matter how grave,
When mud thuds I hope
We're snug.

What we made and
From that there's no reckoning.

A dark and dreary lane
But we saw and saught this
Figure beckoning.

Looking for release
And we only found
Another prison to lease.

Soon to be future
That has passed,
A shame for mud
But we couldn't last.
Nuclear & Toxic Mud
We Made.
For the Gift of life, To Gaia,
Death is what we paid.
Nehemiah Swaim Jun 2019
I’m obsessed with love and it’s habits yet I’m terrified of experiencing it
It feels odd, knowing all you can of a subject but still fearing its hold of you
You become obsessed with its agenda,
learning how it moves and breathes
Yet the idea of confrontation of it fills fear in us of how it will react.

Learning to love
It’s as if we have studied day n night yet the test was everything but
You know all there is to know
How to mend it, raise it, control it, yet we fear it
Love is unlike any being
Love has solidified itself as the most saught after suffering
We lose who we are, who we’ve made ourselves out to be to this point
For a figurative future version of ourselves we want
Love is the most unbiased experience anyone could interact with
It’s versatility has reached to personalities completely opposite of each other and brought them together
The only counter piece to love is failure
What if we fail in love
What if we mess up
The phrase “love is blinding” is beyond surface level
Love changes the most ignorant of men’s perspective
Maybe we fear being changed
Maybe we fear losing who we are once and for all
That’s what it seems to be

I will not love for I will lose myself again and I will not risk who I am
But what if I could become more
What if I’ve maxed out at my potential yet love shone through
The binding of two separate souls in agreement to become one through declaration in the name of love
What if love was named something else
Would all it’s definitions, synonyms, and relations follow or would some be left behind
Have we over evaluated love given it more than it’s deserving
Have we over complicated the act of love and the overwhelming qualities of love hinder us from it
I fear its changing abilities will fail me
I feel as if I could understand  
I pray I can reach that point but I fear more than I know yet I don’t

You see, love is in constant infinity
In the world of emotion; happiness, sadness, fear, and hope are all solidified equations and we are able wrap our minds around the properties of it
Yet love is a simple yet unsolvable equation that exists beyond our capabilities.
That’s why love is feared, we fear what we do not know
And in the nature of love it’s impact upon our lives is beyond any other.
And at its surface it is quite simple to reach yet we dive deeper and it pushes us beyond what we can evaluate
Maybe it’s better to love at a surface level
To love for lovings sake
To love to not be alone
To love to be happy
Love to have children
Love to be connected
Love to be secure
Love to be loved

Love is like pi
Not the food but 3.14159
Except every digit that follows the other is a vital detail in the pursuit of understanding love’s anatomy
We see love as 22/7
And we are happy with this
We love the way it looks and feels
Yet some will divide and settle for each numerical digit and settle as so
Yet some of us are not satisfied with this
We can’t handle with settling
We must find the extent to where it lies
As if it’s end is a revelation
We chase on, marking every detail yet we cannot write enough down to fill every page

Let alone understand
I do not refuse to love because I don’t believe in it
I refuse to love because I’m obsessed with what else it can do and I do not feel ready to love until I know all there is to it
@IsaiahChavezPoetry on insta
Hugo Jun 2019
She asked absentmindedly if he is happy truly
Through a dozen shields of complements and praises her question went through
The three words a catalyst to a stagnant volcano making it unruly
Once upon a time he wanted to be happy too

Not every thing is for sale and yet everything has a price
They say happiness can't be bought but to have it comes at a cost
He tried for so long to focus on things that brought him joy
A foux path led him so astray he could barely feel all he had lost

Blame may be relative but guilt is always true and final
The weight of his selfishness bore down on him
The result of so much time wasted on nothing sent him into a pity spiral
He learned that to want joy had become his greatest sin

Perhaps the type of happiness he saught was the problem
He met reality like a freed slave learning no one is really  free
'are you happy' she asked again wanting an answer
With a heavy smile, he said 'happy has never been for me'

True story, actually though this up while she was waiting for an answer, the last paragraph was written much later
Harry Roberts Jul 2017
Fake, snake
He's in the grass
I'm a rake.

The embers I stoke
On your soul I ****.

Saught you
Left with naught,
In a net caught.

Strings pulled taut
In the fire wrought,
But I love you.

I treat you like this,
You treat me like ****
But still it's you I miss.

I treat you like rolatyty,
No loyalty no love.
As far as the stars above.
Written after a night shift. If it's jumbled I apologise. Have a great day, Loce to All! )0(
Melanie Aug 2021
You find it as though you never left it
Left off, the truth you find
Left over
The lies you leave behind

I'll never be too old for dumb
For reasons of being too young
I anticipate to fall fate at a time too late
To experience sober

Come over, come over
My reluctance is high sprung
I tell you of trying times
For reasons of those which even I know not of why;
Left to chance, wasn't an option

Many times have I found try
Even if not among the rest, to be best
Tried & true, I still carry inside my chest
Lessons learned somehow still at rest
Little do I know
But experience, nonetheless

Cold shoulder to cold shoulder
How I cry, no matter the why

Exhibiting symptoms
Of past resentment

I bear down apprehension 
Though, not failing to mention
I put my pride up for trade
To bid wade, to draw attention
In place
In its place

All that I have lost; Redemption

                      Sick as sorrow
The needles vein I will borrow
Will beg & become of tomorrow;
But for today a heated drum
Banging words that go ***
Bitter shame 
Brighter shun

Perhaps I have come too far undone
I'm spun

The sun above
My feelings below
I think too much
I think
I think about my head hitting a pillow
Muffling the sounds my heart yearns to wallow
When ever I think of all I've done & said,
Of all I'm ashamed of
My hands are always holding my head

I reach for a release
A quick yet satisfying cease
Before long 
Sense begins to

I'm rich & famous
Were all lies, the blame is
Inside of me; the name is

All the times I've been awake to witness a new sunrise

I left the lies
I held hope up
But the feelings that surmise
Couldnt keep my head up
It just illuminized 
More revealutions, I came up
Brightened my eyes
I saught to see it all add up

That is the truth, I see

I say this as I see it
All lies left behind
One with, I've gone & done it
The truth, I've come to find  
Brings much ease of mind
I've become it
The truth was up to find
It knows not of bounds
Truth is where the heart lies

Founded truth, is homeward bound;
Lies I left behind, for truth to found

Left behind all the wonder
Lies awake
Shake, shiver, & without cover
Would be a mistake
Anything other
You're sure to discover
Lying awake;
Open enough to recover

tremble, you soon recover

Needs revised
Some gibberish I wrote a long time ago

— The End —