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Kuvar Jun 2023
my emotions dread for peace
this space is so tight
I seem lifeless

why prickly numb and burning
are my toes writing a story
spare me a niddle to escape

For my fears are dead
Today I question life
Now I got my answer

Live today
Live today
Live today

(c) Olu Daniels -KUVAR
I felt so depressed but I found hope again, today , and tomorrow and forever. TO LIVE
Kuvar Nov 2017
For seven  hours I was dead
Dead in my Luxury lord's bed
I did not care of weather or bread
Life Lynchs me, she's  so rude

I turned left to the wrath of hell
I must tell you, hell is already here
My flesh cozy  but my soul yell
This is the earth that we do share

I had said Kamar is nothing but a myth
I am twice correct But today we meet
Call the priest who collects my tithe
Should I be blind after I paid for sight

The poor man, honey do pour
His healthy heart in tattered coat
The rich man, stings do pour
His thorny heart in costly coat

I stole from myself, the truth
For I am blind of the lamb birth
I chose the Golden crown of earth
For I am sightful of the lustful fruit

I woke up to the man in the mirror
Tears roll his eyes while I smile
Seven hours and it was lemon without fresh lime
Sour and bitter saint of the carcass in the mirror
If the needle eye will fit a camel., why so hard for the rich?
Kuvar Nov 2017
The speaker and mic and tongue
They think is enough to make music
So when it beats and sounds and sings
They will jump and rock and roll

The speaker and mic and tongue
They think is enough to make music
So when it beebs and Cracks and stops
They will hiss and shout and leave

The speaker and mic and tongue
They think is enough to make music
Their music is down but still we dance
Dance To the unending music of our heart
- [ ] © Kuvar
The DJ stopped playing but these two kept dancing till i saw music in them.
Kuvar Feb 2018
I don't need a geographer
To take me round the world
I don't need a compass
To direct me south west east north
I don't need a sailor
To sail me in the dark light seas
I don't need a pilot
To fly me all way above the earth
Let me whisper the truth in your  ears
My lady is the world
Inside her is the map
She takes me round the world
She magenetizes me to the paths
She sails my heart through the storms
She flies my mind out of the earth
And she whispers the truth in my ears
You must travel round me my Love
(c) Kuvar
Kuvar Feb 2018
Valentino! will you stop the calender to cry
all red out of the stream of dates bay, Will you shut up your wet red lips and wine soaked tongue, Dip your hand in your mouth and if you can bring out those words you plan to profess that " I LOVE YOU"  Not a big teddy made out of God's forsaken cotton that won't last forever do I want or a Brandy mixed in cake shaped in heart for me to Eat so long as it can and throw away when it Losses taste and turns old and tiring., NO, that i dont want for VALENTINE And VALENTINO turns to me And that big smile paints the carpet red with no gifts but a written note not saying I love you but here saying thank you for staying even in NOTHING
My Valentine !
You just hit the button with no dime
© Kuvar
Kuvar Aug 2018
It made a Father a Woman  
It made a Mother a man
O death!
How unfortunate you are  
A winner of those who race in flesh
Doesn’t the soul mock you yet ?
Kuvar Aug 2018
reality is a devil’s lie
It sprouts questions hauling
“where is your God??? “
Job resisted those lies  
Lucifer fled away from him
So when the devils sows
realistic seeds in your life
Face him with the truth
Jesus is the truth
The devil will lie to you in the name of death of a loved one but this is the time you should hold on to the truth of this trials.. don’t let you faith shake.
Kuvar Nov 2017
I found love in the *** of snow
Beautifully cut in snowflakes
Her pointy nose pokes my heart
Snuggled up so cozy and warm

She makes me rich with the gold in her hair
Mind-blowing filters in winter
Her ******* are timbres for the soul
Milky magnets attracting angels to Earth

Eyes of a dove engrossed in rose
Sputters silence out of a withered tongue
Her fleecy hands as feathers of dove
Gently Wipe away tears of wild fire

Rainbow treasures in her rolling tears
Her Voice wheeze out of birds in spring
Her breath is why air breathe
Sail eternal in the depth of her heart

And if I come when fire owns your soul
Unable to afford a yacht, I sail in a canoe
Seeking haven a survivor of your volcano
Will you take my hands despite I am coal?

- [ ] ©️Kuvar
Kuvar Feb 2018
On the tree of Life
grows the fruit of death
The fleshy branch on the right end
Where man hangs in perfection
The most beautiful fruit on the tree of life
Who caught the eyes of death
Death climbs like a shadow
Eager to sniff her scent
And in showing her love
Death took her to herself
© Kuvar
Kuvar Jan 2018
Cattle’s rear by men
Ask for less yes grass and water
Fulani herdsmen in my country
Agitates for too much for their cattle’s  
Their taste for human blood
70 gallons the last they drank
And innocent yokes of unborn fetus
Sat there my over 70 president
His hand fastened to his chin
All he can do is chew his cud
And cows coup and cheerfully moo
If we all die who will eat their beef
I can smell the blood of my brother
Wasted on the map of Nigeria
Do you find rest in the Aso Rock
While many continue to die in cold blood

70 people were killed and all in the name of what does the world need to know cattles don't live in Castles.    It is painful that we live in a world of probleming solutions
Kuvar Jan 2018
I have been to hell and I'm back
I wish salvation still got my back
As the judge sat here in Kamar's court
The fire was not hot that it hurt
Nor the flames wild blue to burn
Is it late to be born again or again born
My sin readily served as red hot pasta
that I reggae like an unwell Bob's rasta
I salivate for repentance but know it is late
My soul suffers my gone worldly gait
Hell is the beacon to this lie we call life
stab at my back my hand helped the knife  

Lord Jesus help me in this strife to make heaven.
Kuvar Aug 2018
Life is a circle of lessons
Happy learning to us
Death is one of those bitter lessons...
Kuvar May 2018
Love is the only sacrifice
To make us
The monster
We must truly be
And those who never loved
Are no better
Than weaklings
Kuvar Mar 2019
The mirror is a story
Of a body with smooth scars
So it appears on smooth glass

The mirror is a story
Of a mind to remind man
Of his thoughts unforeseen

The mirror is a story
Of an heart of darkness
And the give and take of kamar

The mirror is a story
Of beauty and ugliness
For those with eyes to see

The mirror is a story
Of our past and our now
And of those lies we lie  

The mirror is a story
Of those who dine
At the corner of lost glory

The mirror is a story
Of a skeletally written matter
With an opportunity to wear death

Kuvar Jan 2018
Today i woke up to death
Her claws seductive to my flesh
She said " come and let us make love"
She took down my pants with her words
Her eyes holds fire without fear
I was lost in her ******* suffocating in there
Myself didn't want to leave in despair
Her tongue scold lies away from my tongue
She kisses my pains inbetween breathe
She shave my beards to the ground without blades
As an infant mouth in a ****** hole it appears
I am not dead but I live everywhere
The very night I embraced death
Flesh and blood pressure I overcame
On love I stood and the clouds purelight
Waving goodbye to deadly life now
How do I know you smile when to death you bow?

Kuvar Jan 2018
I woke up to an image of God
worried from bed of the phrase
That There is but one God
I hear the pastor and imam say
I serve the greater God
This is the only way to Heaven
I brood on this poo of faith
Why deficate in the minds of men
I am sure at least
There is but one me
When men sin against men
Backed up with a verse of belief
Swing and Stone away the world
The mischief of the good one
It wasn't faith who wronged us
Men needed an instrument of war
Faith happens to be the best of it all
And why has it been so successful
Shut your ears and listen with your breathe
Because there is but one God
And he can't save us all
For there is too many of us
Who refuse to believe
That there is but one God
© Kuvar
Religion is an excellent instrument to cause war when men hate peace.
Kuvar Jan 2018
I will be the garden
If you were the butterfly
I will be the tree
If you were the bird
I will be the sky
If you were the stars
I will be the ocean
If you were the fish
I will be the ring
If you were the finger
If love were to be what is wants to be...
Kuvar Jan 2018
Today is not Christmas
But fireworks Crack in my heart
Today is not Sunday
But bells of worship ring in my heart
Today is not valentine
But candles lit up in my heart
Today that I know
That I am special
To someone special
Today like no other day

The day I csnt explain more...
Kuvar Feb 2018
Old age taught me a forceful humility
That my spine bows to both men and trees
The wrinkles on my face sunk down my smile
Making it impossible to give a happy face
Hopeless of a grin since my teeth obituary
It is not about the dying body that you imagine
But the good young days I played away in the bin
This Rotten Crispy reward of a wayward youth
© Kuvar

— The End —