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m Dec 2018
My mind could not conjure up the notion that the word, the name, meant something. A-n-n-a. I looked. I looked: she stared back the same. Unknowing, unfamiliar. I wanted to remember, I wanted to.

7 a.m, in the crawlspace underneath the house, flashlight grasped in my hand, sweat from my forehead plastering my hair against it. It smelled like dust. I inched forward on my stomach, writhing as a worm. My body seizing against dirt and webs. I yelled out her name. Just to see. Just to test if my mouth still knew how to speak.



There. In the corner. I flicked my light against a box with tape on the side and her name written on over it in marker. I whispered it to make sure. Anna. One more time. Anna. I sunk my face into the ground. My breath, soft from my lips but coarse in form, disrupt the filth, made me cough. I crawled over to her with ease, as if the bones in my body were pushing me, the muscles guiding me; these pulsing veins, telling me.

When I opened the box, the first thing I saw was her, smiling back at me in the form of a memory. July 1996, our wedding framed around sanded wood, with splinters etching at the sides, aching for a hold on them. And I cradled her, despite this. Despite my skin giving in.


I almost forgot.

My head was hurting again. I blamed it on the suffocating of the casket underground enveloping me, not the staples buried into the skin of my skull, not the remembrance that underneath piles of dirt, her body was just a stack of old bones with only a stone to tag her as proof she was once living.

Anna. My Anna. I cradled the picture against my chest. I clung to her.

My light began to flicker, a spider crawled across my finger. Anna was diminishing, like a ghost, like a gentle sweep of navigating headlights turning a corner, creeping away, and suddenly gone.

Anna. A-n-n-a. I shut my eyes. I could finally remember.
moments descend on me.
Lynn Greyling Jan 2015
I anointed you with the essence
of my deepest love,
my  very being was poured into
your ultimate happiness.

My burning desire was for you
to be exalted to your best,
to be in a realm where you could
surpass mere mediocrity.

Where you could encompass the
totality of unending intensity,
feel the burning emotions
etching your heart and mind.

I afforded you more
than the Lion’s share!
With  me, you could have
walked taller than any man!
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
I'm just a dreamer under the moon
Etching out lines on a paper, no one knows.
They see me in another world,
Far off, aloof, distant and forlorn.
You look at me, with the eyes of a spectator,
Do I look so funny to you?
Can you see these sad eyes,
Watching you make no difference
As you go on with your taunts
And poorly worded chants?
I'm a dreamer, with a world inside my head
I can create a magic, within.
Then bring it out with just some words.
I am a dreamer, under the moon,
Penchant to writing,
Adding colors and dimensions
To dimly lit corridors,
To green fields that
welcome the morning sun.
Painting darkness and light with
The subtle strokes of my mind.
Sculpturing a woman or a man
Their life, and all their strife.
I am a dreamer, under the moon
The pen, to me, is definitely
*Mightier than the sword.
Skaidrum Jun 2015
I am fluent in
the tongues of
    my lost willow language.

No one can remember
what patience has done
to my

So let me be your kindred scribe,
let me endure the ******* eternal wrath of taming a demon such as the one that runs like the Volga river in your honeysuckle veins,
I'll die trying,---  
  for you.

“Ahkira, I'll set this mirror up for you--"

"Lycan, it'll skew my beauty."

Quote on quote you howled the December
lyrics & spun my name in the elements of the atmosphere &
Aurora borealis.
"I promised, didn't I?"
Etching your voice in the hollow
drums I call my
mind & skai.

It's always been there.

Eyes catching the coals of
foam and lust
driving your
shadow-bitten sanity.

Hostile under the wax of the moon,
burning like matches you stumble
in my constellation.

   "i spy
lovely sleeves of poetry
raindrops slipping into weeping veins
lungs of january
& silver bucket eyes."

You tattooed this on your arm,

“It’s the moon that pulls our waters,
distance doesn’t count.”

I tattooed this on mine.

Arching up the sky ladder
I'll climb it to show you
I'm worthy.
Movement No. 3.
Written on June 8th, 2015.

I'm struck by the
beast staring back at me
Let me stargaze,
It's always been you.

© Copywrited.
Sam McCullough Feb 2013
I am a teenage introvert:

My bed is unkempt and I long for forgiveness - mainly from myself and possibly my mirror

I worship the cynical and complain how much I hate school - even though I hate when I stay home

My fingers are etching maps in my head, while I form an excuse to skip, even though I never do

I look for acceptance, anywhere. No one uses words anymore and the rooms are silent.

Miscommunication starts fights so I never speak up. Late nights on Netflix - succeeding at nothing

I am a teenage stereotype:

I save for concerts and buy cd’s. I long to drive someday and having the prospects of college. Filled with wanderlust I cry myself to sleep. Dreaming of not waking up - but getting home sick at home.

I am confused.
I wish I could sink my teeth in,
Become lockjawed,
A parasite,
Anything known to stay
Beyond its welcome.
I will carve my name on your heart
With a blade
Rather than write it in lead,
So you cannot simply erase me.
You'll never find my fingerprints
But you can be **** sure
I'll leave a scar.
I will teach myself to be permanent
Even if it means being painful.
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Caught between the mesh of rays
Light plays with the life’s existence
Oscillating between dawn, twilight and night
Etching out the horizon of life
Intrinsic influence on all the souls
This celestial space is swathed in new light
From the unknown origin, its journey
Cradles every life with equal benevolence
Kindles hope in every heart
Rays of light travels deeper into us
It heralds the beauty of every being here
Touches us with nimble rays
It’s an eternal repetition of the charmed circle
Tristan Rethman Apr 2016
The bench, made of many things, like support,
From loved ones, or others very close, or hopes,
Of the same, etching into the legs, of this bench.

Strongest metal, I dare to say, composes the legs,
Of this bench, upon which I sit, among other things,
Like the wood, from the strongest oak, that's unbending.

Yes I sit, upon this beautiful piece, of collaboration
Of my family, I admire their dedication, but I dash it,
I apologize, but you see I sadly, must reject it.

This because, what sits upon this bench, is not me,
at least, not entirely or only me, but the visitor,
it's silent, an aura of death surround it, ghastly.

It sits, this bench that used to hold, now folds,
The visitor, quite happily enjoys, the sight
Of falling, I'm falling down, onto ground.

Nowhere, that's where I land, for I have done
the deed, I am no more unfortunately, my regrets,
The visitor, he has claimed victory, and I defeat.

I lay, breathless and unliving, quite ugly,
Not only that, but this beautiful bench, a waste,
My last blunder, I've sparked the fire asunder, Goodbye.
engraved on my heart*
a love tattoo
this deep etching
says I love you

I'll stay with you
I'll stay with you
cause the tattoo
is your clue

darling see
the autograph on my heart
its carving reads
we'll never part

I'll stay with you
I'll stay with you
cause the tattoo
is your clue

the red ink lasting
over a long span
I'm in it for keeps
that's my plan

an undying tattoo
its wording
written of love's
*endless due
Alice Nov 2012
Eclipsed by ecstasy,
etching ourselves,
from corner to corner,
we drew out the figures of our present,
and scribbled out the plagues of our past.
We marched in unison,
eager to cry out to the world,
All we had learnt,
and all that we had taught,
but could no longer remember.
Faces seemed to exhale wisdom,
Because not only the people,
But the air understood what we knew.
What we had always known,
Yet had somehow trapped away.
Purging our unconscious,
Spewing our fears.
The world as we knew it was in mid-applause
and ready to erupt.

Erupt to only find ourselves,
On the journey back from where we came.
As if we were molten hardening back to reality,
Where regrets and headaches,
fail to numb the truth.
This poem is about my experience of taking ecstasy or MDMA with groups of people r at festivals and how it makes you feel. The first part is being high, the second is the comedown.
Bailey B Apr 2010
Compiled of all the parts
No one wishes to have
Fiery ropes that refuse to rest
Spidery fingers that worry too much
Freckles etching countless constellations undiscovered
Eyelashes that a cactus wouldn't be proud of
Emerald eyes, woeful, or so I've been told,
that reflect all the unsung symphonies of the past
and of the yet to come
Long, awkward torso that curves in all the wrong places
Skin paler and mire transparent than the surface of a pond
Dancer's thighs with an octogenarian's knees
The smile of a Chinese ten-year-old
paired with the beak of a toucan.
That, at least, is good for something:
Sniffing out your lies and following them
through the thick blue veins that map
straight to my heart.
Jazzelle Monae Apr 2014
Rest these weary thoughts away
The ones that knock
The ones that stay
The ones that lurk until it's night
Creep and crawl until it's bright
The sun, it shatters the reverie
Of sleepless dreams that never flee
They wait at bay, inching, itching
Etching, scratching,
clawing, stitching
When at night and all alone
They hit the ball, run it home
Leaving bags under your eyes
Thoughts annoy, like summer flies
No sleep, again
A rerun that will never end.
© 2014 by Jazzelle Monae. All rights reserved.
Keith Mitchell Feb 2019
first glance
beast out of the darkness
frozen in time
majestic seahorse
carrying Aphrodite
grace rising effortlessly
abysses grip released with ease
wielding her magic over moon goddess
while she imagines the first eclipse
illuminated ring circling
shades of darkness
dominating the sky
goddess Selene rests her motion
etching love in eyes
through lasting heartbeats
reflecting the rings
true brilliance
setting the sky on fire
one in the sameness
Frieda P Jan 2014
You know where I live and breathe,

enchantment in your eye led us amid a field of poppies,

etching my skin with wildflowers I flourish'd

we languished amongst meadow's feathery pillows

moon shone upon our charm'd sensual dalliance

skies of apricot nectar loom'd brilliant as we merged,

as ethereal stars connected of our primal yearnings,*

breathless, we paused in desire's transcendent afterglow
Rapunzoll May 2015
I wonder if like a storm you are
unaware of the damage you inflict.
Flooding these walls with screams,
shattering the fragility of our home.

I assume you are too caught up
within your own struggles to break free.
The wrath of your thoughts and those
calculating fingers rake your flesh.

Etching violent artistry's to your soulless
voids. Little needles which pin-***** at
the dark corners of your mind; awakening
the dormant cruelty sheltered within.

It is only through the cusp of night that
apologies emerge as you feign delicacy.
Your liquid skies fade to hellish hues as
you tell me not to lust after hurricanes.
© copyright
Andi Oct 2014
The way i look at you

I look at you like the roaring fire that we sat together by whispering the tune of the prison we subject ourselves to because that was when i felt every bit of your rare smile projected onto my skin
I look at you like I look at the night sky that we looked up at that one night when you told me you might never come back because looking at you makes me feel a little bit nostalgic in the best way i can muster to interpret you
I look at you the way i look at the waves crashing on the rocks because you bring so much chaos to my fingers when i type out that response to a one word text at 11:57 on a monday night
I look at you like I'm looking at the wooden paneled lodge i survive on because i linger off of every syllable you don't say like i linger off of every moment i don't spend in that room with you on the moon
I look at you like I look at the view from the boat when arriving each morning because i dissect every word that slips from your tongue like I dissect every detail of that island etching it into my brain the way i scrawled every detail of you into my mind, your rough hands, your tanned back, your blue eyes, and the curve of your lips, your coffee order, your taped up converse, your sunglasses, just you
I look at you like you are where I want to be 24/7 because thats what you remind me of

you remind me of home
Annie Jul 2013
Be weary of the boys
that show that they care,
for those are the most
dangerous ones.

They slowly work their
way into your thoughts
until they envelope
your heart with an
iron grip that won't let

And when you plead
for them to just forget you,
they do. But the problem
is that they've left bruises
and scars imprinted on
your skin and in your bones
and all throughout your mind,
permanently etching themselves
into everything you do.

So while the caring boy moves
on exactly as you asked, you're
left to pick up the pieces of
heart you begged him to break.
Firefly Jan 2016
I stroke these flames,
And pat my tail,
Tapping the dust away.
I whisper to these dead flames,
And look above,
Begging for the relieve by day.
No longer do I glow in Night,
It was sudden, this cold,
And the darkness in here scares me,
The flutter of my wings echo in hollowed oak,
Making me jump,
Making me wish to rip them from this back,
If only I could reach; stretch further,
But ah! I cannot.
But as my heart took another leap,
And I saw shadows on my wooden walls,
I looked to the skies with watering eyes,
As seven billon lights floated in the night,
And the world was lit,
As if it were day.
A smile appeared to my lampyridae lips,
I was barely conscious of the wind leading me away,
I was humming a beautiful melody of my forefathers,
A song sung with the restoration of hope,
The world can light itself during dark!
They are finally here,
People! Man! **** sapiens!
And the world has lit the dark for them,
The sun is warm;
The wind is sweet, for them.
And though sad, we are happy to no longer be needed,
We love this world, but others await, dormant, eager to be lit.
So we disappear this day,
Hardly noticing the return of bioluminescence,
Etching in our memories,
Seven billion stars and the Moon's beautiful crescence.

                      Love and Light
                            from firefly
There are currently more than 7 billion people in this world, who are capable of producing bioluminescence when they do good deeds; help each other_; hug someone who is sad, give that homeless guy on the street warm blankets and hot soup, take an orphaned child in and love him as your own, give a sweet rose to a girl crying because the "beautiful" skinny girl at her school called her ugly..... Will we ever be seven billion but one...and not one species separated so thoroughly?
Please love! Please produce light! Please let's change.

Crescence was a word used by H. Brooke in his poem 'Universal Beauty' ...a poem this one is only a meek imitation of....I'll post it after this one, please read :)
Black Swan Oct 2010
Graceful swan,
On skates,
You stately glide;
Etching your past
For the world to see.
You exhilarate
In your moment;
Refusing to yield
To the bond of earth.
Twirling, swirling,
Poetry is manifest
Into exquisite motion.
Your rhythm and beat
Cut through the ice;
Body and spirit become
One with the element.

(Dedicated to Michelle Kwan)
Black Swan © 2010
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
Needles on my skin
Needles on him
Oh god, I’m so sorry.

Etching words of love
Etching words of trust
No, don’t ever worry.

A painful conversation
A painful detonation
Darling, I’m sorry.

Little did I know
Little did he show
A misunderstanding.

Taking me to bed
It echoes in my head
“When it rains, it pours”.

But I will be okay
And you will be the same
Today was not our day.
we haven't spoken in days
onlylovepoetry Jul 2016
"unconditional love dinner-dance"

so names the advert for an evening of a
big shot, posh charitable event,
which the glossy Gatsby East Egg magazine implies,
if you fail to attend said soirée, you nobody, will have no way to claim truly understanding the composition of an
unconditional love dinner dance

laugh internally, swirling,
riffing on eat love pray,
this ditty is what I instantaneously say...

what do these swells,
with their self-appointed importance,
know to probe/defame my claim,
to this poem's title?

these are the factors,
the stepping stones from
my minute to the minute next


am I not oathed, bound
by my very own name,
which life bestowed upon me at birth,
to compose of this love
in every etching lineage, signed verse kissed upon our faces,
then, as well, oh so well, so swell,
to kiss our babies
whose smooth skin has no familiarity with
time and all my love
all my love,
uncritically makes no distinction


she loves me through the silence
of my oohing and ahhing,
these sounds,
escaping willingly,
as delight unconstrained at the delicate deliciousness her love
has implanted in the dishes she preps,
with which she
preserves us


she love to dine upon
her laughter at
my akimbo'd imitation of
'so idiot, you think you can dance'
hip hop
begging me between crinkling boisterous hardy laughter,
please, not to hurt myself

she, a Martha Graham educated,
Argentine Tango ballet mistress,
a life long dancer whose genes forbid her
to pass by the sound of music
without breaking out, breaking into dance,
in perfect synchronicity
to whatever the composer calls upon her,
to present the music, to inform us,
in body graphic form,
what they intended us to
see within and between each note

I need no tuxedo,
no fancy dress,
no permissions to comprehend
the meaning, the actuality,
the unconditionally of

unconditional love dinner dance

I dine and dance with love daily,
and yes, to be very sure,
for is there any other kind?
Ayad Gharbawi Dec 2009

Ayad Gharbawi


Silent Martyr!
How can I hear you, then
If all the Tears
You speak of
My Face
Their Hatreds
All over
My brain?
Two Blue Beams
rise in the twilight
from dark recesses
of a wounded city

astral projections
paint night clouds
in looming hues
of temporal intent

declarative beams
affirm a bold portent
of an insistent will
and timeless aspirations

one thrusting light
projects wanton determination
bequeathed from unhealed wounds
of a lacerated city

the other casts fervent hope
onto the vast celestial sea
boldly etching upon the heavens
an earnest nations highest ideals

the pillars of light
reveal the dual nature
fixing our place
in a turbulent universe

the brighter light
affirms the beneficence
of liberty's eternal grace
so divinely conferred

received by a higher self
accepted with gratitude
the gracious anointing
of freedoms rich abundance

ride this beam with angry cries
conjure ghosts from a dead past
channel a full measure of resent
its power of restoration is quelled

stirred from nagging agonies
nursed with righteous indignation
untreated wounds fester
the weak blue spire cannot heal

a bleak azure apparition
screams for selfish retribution
heed this dire admonition
a promised fury of
full demonic dimension

the rankled city
yearns to come together
united in communion
around these lights

drawn to the blue flames
like swirling moths
unconscious of what
compels shock and awe

earnest yearnings
flutter to exhaustion
struggle toward the light
aspiring to heal in the inviting glow

transcending the fissures
of our fractured nation
the waning resolve
of a national will

a restless Zeitgeist
cannot be repressed
nor will it relinquish
its will to manifest

a city's fondest hopes
entombed in collective memory
is foretold again
around these bold lights

entranced by the light
a solemn urban campfire
transfixed and sealed
we speak our hearts

holding hands
gnashing teeth
we bite into
our bent knees
tucked up
to sullen chests
heavy hearts
bear pains of loss
dreary tears wash
ash stained cloths
crumpled photos
dear bereavements
of faded memories
and expired hope

resolve is renewed
in bursts of pride
incendiary nationalism
suppress dissent
pummel thoughts
of perceived sedition
pump iron fists as
zealous sledgehammers
forged with conviction
in kilns of
righteous indignation
seething with infected
emotional hangovers
from prurient
tribal diatribes

these sweet sentiments
swing between the polls
of the vast pendulum's arc
along a narrow celestial scale

too and fro
angst and expectation
ebbs and flows
in this astral assignation

the heavenly helix
a set of blue axles
a modern vision
of Ezekiel's Wheel

the rung-less vertices
of our Jacob's Ladder
invites all citizens
to climb again

ascend this pathway
in the company of angels
arrive transfigured
renewed again

build new cities
transcendent destinations
new Edens await
pioneers to explore

fearless pilgrims
sojourn onward
moving to secure
liberty for all

conscious stewards
of the blessed good earth
celebrate rich diversity
of all the beloved

descending back
to an expired past
is a ridged stasis
anchored in Hell

witness flitting
nostalgic phantoms
pathetic pantomimes
of histrionic fictions

the downward path
of the lesser light
tethers us to the place
we cannot leave

The upward light
abhors a hells decent
resolved to vacate
acrimony and hate

the dancing helix opens
a blue portal to heaven
don saintly garb
wing upward in light

transcendence calls us
to traverse with angels
touch the luminescent hem
of God's divine robe


Music Selection:
Aaron Copland: Appalachian Spring , Simple Gifts

Nik Bland Apr 2013
I am not alone here, these words accompany
Always close at hand, sitting right next to me
Ringing in the silence of the room behind closed doors
Bouncing off the walls and off of the hardwood floor

Tenderly caressing what is left of my heart
Nudging my hand to the pencil, telling me to start
Wiping tears from my eyes and connecting the drops
Presenting the painter poet with a vision of art

Not today, oh not today, the sore is much too deep
The artist in me cries that the fall is much too steep
But inspiration beckons me this grim and lonely night
Inclining me, between the tears, are the words which I must write

Goodnight, Goodnight

Each and every etching is a tearing truth to me
Falling again and again into a tragedy
But on I go as pain does grow and ease at the same time
Escaping my mind and etching on my heart with every line

This is not depression, this is a cleansing thing
See how the words choose to echo love to me
A losing game, a crying shame, a message wrapped in tears
A courageous allegation surrounded by constant fear

I will be done wih my sitting with my words soon
As they float in the midnight sky up to the moon
I will never see you again inside the tears I cry
Only in the words on paper that you left behind

Goodnight, Goodnight
Color me rainbow and brighten up my day, take a little sunshine to chase away the grey.sign me a letter and post it at my door, seal your words in lovers kisses making ever sure.smoother my heart with an embracing smile, your mouth tantalise with words that will beguile.Paint me a potrait your body as a guide, etching every detail my heart to yours will bindLovers secret illusions seen only from within, breathless anticipations for the seductive grinhold my hand in yours, touch me at your will, shivers ripple through me so sensual the thrill let us catch our eyes and draw deeply into the view, my heart to yours i meld, alone and ever truebubbles circle and enclose us, together we are alone, screened and protected our life is ours to ownEtch your words upon my heart, entwined in your embrace our love shall not departstill our lives together keep them fresh and young, let it be forever as we have just beguntake this day into tomorrow, letting our love chase away all that does sorrowPaint us a potrait our life together as a guide, etching every detail our heart together will bindBy Deeanne **
Dont steal it...written for and about my daughter and her experience with first love
Ben Sep 2018
I was at an art museum and
I saw these girls snickering around a
Collection of black and white photographs
In a corner of the gallery

As I approached they moved on
But not before I heard one of them say
"Who wants to look at pictures of an old guy's ****"

The photographs in question did have a rather large picture
Of an old man's *****, but there we’re others
Pictures of his hands, feet, face
All zoomed in enough that you could see his skin
In detail

In the wrinkles, freckles, and weathered lines
Of this old man you could see an entire
Lifetime on display
The time etching into his surface
Like the needle into a warm wax cylinder
The song of his years played as lines and furrows

A venerable road map of a life lived

As for the ****
I'm sure that thing had some miles put
On it too.
Poetic T Nov 2016
For it was but a figurine of blue nothing majestic
in its stance until a fateful day upon its happening
of beleaguered figure with eyes that shone beyond
this vacant etching. Without a yearning it picked at
this still supple flesh and devoured the beauty within.

Coexisting motions interlaced from a form of nothingness
to an existence of beauty that birthed in form and a weave
of colour liberated from its anatomy. Once it has given into
repulsive convulsions of what had perspired it saw with
what new eyes. But where one feather lingered it needed more.

A craving of beauty even though needed through means
that weren't intentional. But elegance is an obscurity of
vain ambitions that once reflected upon is need to be kept
within the grasp of moments now corroding at these delicate
frames whisper in sight and where one fluttered now, more do.

So many feathers adorned its foliage, and seen was the beauty
that extended past its virtues that were as corrupted as its on
moral compass that was dipped in blood, you should fear a
Peacock of no foliage for it needs to be hole to see its feathers
grace the air and only the inevitable craving will fulfil this plumage.
For it see with many eyes that aren't its own but fulfil it plumage.

*"So many see nothing, but a world where beauty is constructed
from the eyes of others and even they do not truly see,
Sophia Jun 2014
It's just one of those days;

Those days you feel
the passage of time etching
its mark on humanity,

Days where you
realise how
much the
world has wronged you

Stained your
face and body
empty promises
and overbearing

It's one of those days
where you feel

(This was originally made as a comic page panel I made, so I tried to change the structure a bit to fit as a poem without pictures etc. Hope it doesn't ruin it!)
Janette Aug 2012
The black silk of spiders web,
Intricate as fallen dreams,
Where petals cling to sweetened breath,
And whispers tickle sleep,
Spilling amber into the chenille of my shadow...

A midnight sun melts horizons,
Veiled in colour rush
Clouds peel, silver edges,
Yesterday's half light fingers reach out,
Touching me;
Intoxicating my restless need...

I unfold
Sepals bending beneath folds of memory,
A sirocco wind twirled in hazy lace,
Brushes my breast,
A sigh upon the dip of my throat;
Like sutras, mouthed upon bare skin...
"Yours", he whispered.....

The peak and flow of timelessness never touched me;
Touched US; just
Syllables laying soft on skin, brushing silk,
Sliding into softened togetherness;
Blush rising the caress, of
Flesh against flesh, searing the stain
Of crimson sighs....

I yearned his breath,
An ivory utterance,
Kissing the back of my throat,
Teasing the primitive chant;
Wild, I was;
I am... flaunting the lascivious
Scorching nature of Woman...

Lathering love, scintillating a sugar melt,
Lapping 'The love pulse';
Each pause, a flame licking my skin;
I have become,
A fascination of steel in lace,
As passion's bite pierces...

Darkened eyes roam my face,
Painting me with lust's stain,
Moons glow, whispers, slowly across male sinew,
A whisper of breath, dances my arching neck;
A lovers kiss rests in my throats hollow;
My heart rages to
Free the fury pounding...yet still I whisper.......

Dark heat blooms;
A waltz of wildness, that strains at each whimper,
And moisture, slides to quiver,
A pulsing ache, echoing,
Throbbing to the beat of a lustful song;
Sighs etching upon peach satin essence
As dew drops fuse,
Layered on air...

The raw drum beat of two pulses;
My body, curved for his blessing,
Skin glistening on this wheel of rhythms;
I am...slave to his craving mouth;
Nails bite palms in clenched fists,
"Don't stop,
Shuddering, trembling,
The keening cry of euphoric bliss.........
A wish, a yearn, a lullaby waiting……..once again upon a whisper-play of fingers caressed.....tranquil are your eyes, cradling me..... finding the trail of lines, my scars of life from diaphragm to button smiles... a line that defines your fingers' journey... I am, lain upon the canvas where you first fell into the muse's summons....when daydream moments fell in an undulation of tempest winds……… J
C E Ford Mar 2023
Somewhere out in another universe,
I'm 12 years old
and I'm sitting on my bed listening to something through
a hopelessly tangled white headphone string,
flipping through the dog-eared pages
of my favorite book while everyone is sleeping.

The sticky, syrupy air of summer floats through an open window
and nothing bad has happened to me,
no scalding words or hot fingers
etching their prints into my skin.

I haven't menstruated or fallen in love or  yet shrunk myself down
or any of the things that made me a woman.

I am warm in my white tank top
and the blue satin shorts with the printed clouds
wondering about trips to the beach
and sticker placements on my new notebook from Borders.

And I hope she's always able to stay like this,
that she never knows of the kinds of stains
that won't wash out of her white tank top.

And that every once in a while,
I might just catch a second of her laughing
from the room next door.
Grief is never linear. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of your workday thinking of how another you in another universe is doing.

And I really hope that she's doing okay.
Tony Luxton Mar 2016
A dusty box full of paperbacks,
a cheap auction haul, an archive
of someone's memories,
old enthusiasms, enchanting
stories, exciting action yarns.

Time was too short to read them again,
more recent ones waiting attention,
unread juniors ambitious for
promotion, leaning out of bending shelves.

These dog-eared browning pages, acid etched
in someone's memory, ready to serve
again, resisting pulping or
landfilling illiterate soil.
sam common Oct 2010
Living life for the sounds.

grind i mind

absolute audio-rhythmic beats pound a dance through an etching ring.

beats box across the field and further across a synapse

fill up my cup to the fuzzing auto-metric top

meters into yards into miles into years zoom fumble into wall and leak without gravity.

naked.****.phat.spat you out like good stat.( ic.)
betterdays Apr 2014
i carry you, with me.....
etched on my bones.
anywhere, everywhere,

i go

you are my strength, my solidity.


my musings, mutterings,
my sonances, my oratory


to your, soulful simplicity.


my waiting,
for you to...come.... become
is, as, was,
done by groaning
or is, as, was
birthing ecstasy
no redemption, from loving
no surcease, from lustful longings

(for you are my line,
my is, as, was, will be....)




before you... beneath you...

no page unturned
no secret lies fallow
no place unplough-ed
their you are... there you be

(my again, my line, my always was, my is)

and it's you... it is you...

you are....  
letters and numbers and music and coda
it always of is you

here is us,
we be here


the graphite secrets
now engraved we have
upon one another
for of the ordering of
the paper-ed hearts


the inordanate wonder 
of an unspent page and lucent lines of lovers worth
we write,(wrote) and write again ..... 

(a mulling, mewling, mumuring togetherness line)

steaming, sensual, searing
filliagreed upon my bones to the isolation of the world we are lost, torn apart, asunder...

be we here, together be,

my soul

knows your love
etched upon my bones
we are never apart
we are all
we are line,
entwined together.
Robby Cale Feb 2010
Somewhere up in here,
All is not well.
It's just a bit too much,
What with those pesky dunce capped gnomes
Prancing about,
Bending gears,
Building steam,
boiling my brain to a blistering sizzling simmer.
I wake up thinner,
Drenched in sweat,
Knowing this will all unfold again tomorrow.
And somewhere up in here,
My friends might actually care about our ever fading dreams,
Because somewhere up in here,
A slip winking sandman keeps whispering my name,
Beckoning me off to New Nevermore
To make peace between the
High minded
Time biding Rhymenians,
And the ever aggressive
Yet articulate Alliterations,
And somewhere up in here,
I Houdini shall lull you into trance.
Ladies and gentlemen!
This shpeel is going just great
As it grates against your senses
Like white wine and cheese
At a dinner party execution.
See I am but a savory hor dourve.
A fleeting morsel between meals
As *** hurts the ones it loves,
A walking talking come on *** conundrum
To come chew you up and stress you out.
Because somewhere up in here,
I mark hours lost in response
To Craigslist fembot synothstitutes..
Wow! You're single too?
We should chat sometime.
Just sign up or register here.
And somewhere up in here,
I'm walk mouthing these very words.
Etching perfection as ogling onlookers
Or misguided miscreants
Manage to mistake me  
For a bumbling bluetooth businessman,
Or maybe just another tired old transient
Mumbling profanities to the wind.
And somewhere up in here,
A cop car could almost pass
For a techno rave on wheels,
While your toothbrush keeps taunting
The spinach fondeaux
Haunting my bicuspids.
And somewhere up in here,
I'm sinking these very teeth
Into a good ol' fashioned mystery.
The hunt for the black hounding hole
Wreaking havoc by hide and seeking
From behind my couch,
Pulling back slowly
Only to
Pounce upon my keys, wallet,
Anything in reach.
And somewhere up in here,
My confidential caseload clients
May someday taste freedom
From their self-induced CIA phone taps,
And from those clasp howling clowns in wolves clothing,
Clawing and skat skrat skratching
From behind those thin plaster walls,
impatiently playing for their in-patient souls.
And thinking of them,
Somewhere up in here,
I find good reason to be happy.
As if God truly cares
Even if and when misfortune falls.
So somewhere way down deep,
Below the basement,
Buried beneath old grocery lists and aspirations,
Behind my rusty hotwheels and broken jalopy dreams,
There is a perfect ending
Where you know
Exactly what I'm thinking.
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
The recognition of becoming great...
                                  and having the fortitude -
     The determination to strive after your hopes and dreams...
           Hopes and dreams
that link your mind and soul to the captioned greatness looming beneath your skin...
                            Illuminating to everyone -
                                                  even illuminating time itself -
Etching your name in the realms of another dimension -
                                                                 A dimension unseen, yet greatly admired and feared....
Filling the spaces between the foundation in which we stand and the ceiling over head...
              Spaces which were once defined as "potential,"  
                                  but are now simply known as....
                                                                                                     common ground...
Poetic T Aug 2015
You kept me entombed in a coffin of thought
Never free cockroaches of doubt crawled
Around my chained thoughts.

The nails rough on my mind, jaggedly etching
oxidized stagnation of my embalmed understanding.
Why would you keep me in the dark.

I am solitary in this shallow wash of waning moments
Could I just crawl in to this sea of disbelief and
Drown slowly in my entombed darkened thoughts.
Some times my thoughts are deep down locked away
The wave,
Not slow, not rolling,
All the sudden crashing,
Crashing over me, All of me

It's this day
There's a feeling about it
One all its own
It holds the truth...
You're gone

I walk, ever so steady
One foot in front, then switch
A concentration...Just to not fall
Past concrete and marble,
To one etching

This one etching
Not only engraved in stone,
But the most in my mind
A name, a few dates
The last date lining up
With the day my wave hit

The rain sinks into cotton
Drenching my shoulders, my heart
I stand, I'm still, I weep
Weep with the rain.

My sorrow,
My maddness
Is not because of you.
No, it's because of
The absence of you

Retrace my steps
No looking back
My moan marking your eternal place
I'm done tumbling through the water
Though I still can not find breath

Everything else today
Everything felt, everything thought,
All took flight
Because all that matters
Is I miss you.
I love you.
I can never have you.

This wave, this wave I feel
Swept you away with the tide
No sweet endings,
No goodbyes.

Today, I remember
Times fought, and times lost
On this day, I remember you
Your lovely, smiling face
But the wave will wash that smile
Maybe from the sand,
But not from my heart.
Never this heart.
JadedSoul Aug 2014

The feeling you end up with after pulling life's layers apart,
staring into the abyss
and drink your fill
of a reality you could neither foresee,
plan for or rectify.

Being left in a state of disillusionment, your hopes and dreams nought but dust.
The spectres of others' lives and happiness
gnaw at your soul, etching away at your precious delusions
Steve D'Beard Jun 2014
We are the ***** purveyors of other peoples lives
renouncing the living breathing beating heart
in exchange for another photo of craft ale
and home-cooked food with a foot note description
as if it would fill our bellies and sate our hunger.

We are the dark wave tsunami of digital information
waxing lyrical about that holiday in Spanish sunshine
and a rant about car parking attendants and traffic jams
rather than the outstretched palm to jaw caress of realness
instead we line up perspectives of another bottle of wine.

We are the breeders of the optic L'enfant terrible
gorging on the memories of other worlds in 140 characters
snap shots of the life we could have had outside of the screens
the spineless automatons of digitized free love
the could've been, would've been lumbering electronic has-been.

We are the tumultuous storm rising fighting against the unknown power
we unite to save bees and coral reefs
and explore the concepts of actually doing something humanitarian
all we need do is sign the petition before the 11th hour
and be one of the thousand voices saying:
NO. We won't take this any more!

We are the saviours of our time and the rescue merchants of lost dogs
imbibed by Scrabble and Candy Crush weaving the elusive like a band aid
the tapestry of memes and images of cute kitteh's in boxes
chasing the shadows of reality on a stick for kicks
and all the while the moon is out there somewhere shinning her light
glorious silver light etching through the hash tag of cloud formations.

We are no longer what we thought we were. We are each other.
A haemoglobin gelatinous mass of misinformation and forgotten dreams
You are not alone. Even if you wanted to be,
my friend, my sister, my lover, my brother
quoting movies as if it were an inner wisdom speaking in tongues.

— The End —