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Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
Initially she began contacting me over the course of a year or so and increasingly over the last few months she started visiting me, helping me, caring for me and occasionally employing me in different ways.

She’d just had a break up a few weeks before, explaining that things hadn’t been right in the relationship for some time!

She presents herself as respectful, thoughtful, gentle, kind and considerate and after what seemed to be a very short length of time; unexpectedly declared that she had feelings for me; regarding love, admiration, desire and some other adventures.

She then began to bombarded me with love talk; occupying around 70% of my time gaining my trust, I was swept off my feet; she took a great deal of interest in me, learning everything about me, what I liked, where I would go, always asking what I was thinking feeling, how she could help and I was flattered and she was charming, though a little awkward at times.

As our friendship grew she started sharing her back story, including some tragic life experiences; she vilified her past lovers, and ex-partners and branded them as crazy, or bitter liars and troubled souls; slowly gaining my sympathy, whilst securing my allegiance, and keeping me on side; keeping me close; drawing on my compassion loyalty & trust!

During intimate moments she would sometimes seem a little awkward, false, over enthusiastic or a little insincere, and I made allowances for this given my knowledge of her backstory.
Re: (tragic events & experiences)

She began to choose and buy me clothes; outfits, take me shopping, gradually altering my outward image and appearance.

She introduced me to her friends; but was careful to keep me and them at arms-length, I realise (((Now))) that she was building an alternative profile of me in their minds and that the people she introduced to me rarely exhibited the behaviors or characteristic that I was led to expect.

She soon started to embroil me in her own rituals and compulsive behavior's, explaining that tasks needed to be performing in very specific ways to prevent her getting distressed!

She made many promises : ‘The hook’ It was my expectation i.e. waiting for some of those promises to materialise, that kept me hanging on the hook; As this increased her control and I think exited her too.
(Next to none of her promises came to fruition!)

She gradually had a hand in almost every aspect of my life i.e. my home, my work, my friends, family, my finances, the way I dressed, the food I ate and many other things besides, much of which I didn’t realise until our relationship was finally over. and I was left empty.
(In every way)

She often took immense pleasure in duping, individuals or companies out of something through theft, shoplifting, or getting something for nothing, a profiteer, a chancer!

To question or challenge her authority would result in seeing her facade slip and watch her decline into meltdown. It's at that point, she would lose composure, and I would see her irrationality come to the fore; revealing the real person underneath; childish, contrived and very fragile; It’s as if control is the glue that holds her together, without it she just falls apart, during this time she can’t be consoled and it’s impossible to calm this escalating situation; in fact; at this point that she would attempt to regain control by ‘gas-lighting’ me, she would distort the truth; re: who said what; in an attempt to damage my self-esteem, to make me question my own mind, my words, my intention and any actions, apportioning blame, pointing fingers, making me feel guilty, use rejection, or using hurt, sorrow, tears, shame and even threaten liable or legal action, and then use *** to pacify or regain control over me and my actions.

These episodes would appear often; though irregular and without provocation, I would always be deemed at fault!
I found silent compliance was less stressful than engaging in discussion.    

She never took responsibility or made any apologies for her conduct.

She would set me tasks, and go out a lot, and lie or bend the truth, as to where she had been; I never once challenged this behaviour!

When the relationship was finally deemed over; I was both devastated and relieved.

I began to see my new position in the cycle; as she immediately begin to vilify me in order to give credence to her new backstory, I felt very confused, disorientated and emotionally fraught, shell shocked! questioning, how much of our relationship was true and how much was a lie? For everything I thought I knew was now knitted together with a very complex web of loyalties, lies and half-truths.

Her pattern of repetitive and controlling behaviors have seemingly remained unchanging throughout all her relationships;
(I was covertly contacted by many of her previous partners and various other casualties since leaving her, and they offered shared many familiar experiences.

Within two weeks of being apart (ostracised) she informed me that she had fallen in love (And that my replacement) some-one she admires, someone kept just within the circle, a mutual acquaintance and she even thanked me for bringing them together.

My assumption is that: The grooming of her new lover will have commenced some time ago; her M.O. (Her pattern of behaviors, her techniques have remained fixed.)

She’s incredibly self-conscious, her biggest fear is that other people will find out about her true demeanour, as her image and appearance is everything to her. She's afraid that people will shun her for being so very, very different.
She is a wolf, that’s not to say she is a malevolent creature par-say; she is awesome, beautiful and beguiling in many ways, but you don’t want to be pray.

Full circle:
I too have joined the ranks of the discredited; labelled a liar, troubled, bitter and crazy; she contacted members of my, family, friends and some fellow musicians; and a few folks shared some of these conversations accusations with me.)
I suspect that she may even attempt to vilify me with authorities or threaten some form of legal action; as she has to other lovers in the past.

Despite everything I'm still drawn to her charismatic boldness, her awkward ****** power, her intelligence, and so…I have blocked all means of contact to curtail my own almost pathological interest, for despite everything that’s transpired, her lies, her infidelity, her deceit and appalling behaviour, I'm still drawn, intrigued, bewitched, beguiled by the person hiding underneath the façade.

Now the dust has finally settled; I’ve somehow remained sound of mind.

I don’t feel guilty or loyalty anymore; I’m aware that I’ve been manipulated into thinking and acting in ways that don’t truly represent my character; and that I’m just one of many people seduced by a sociopath; (((another natural human variant)) a person devoid of empathy for others, an entity that’s developed a narrow set of skills and mirroring behaviors, that allows her to blend into mainstream society in order to feel safe, secure and in control.

She would have preferred to keep me hanging on, like many other dependents, adding me to the hareem; a bank of beguiled individuals that she occasionally calls upon to perform simple tasks, or perhaps to monitor and re-assess her clever handwork.

The last time we met she opened with nervous politeness and finished with pleasure and veiled cruelty.
I left feeling drained, uncomfortable and quite fazed.

I’ve written this diary account to help further understand what had transpired during this complicated relationship.
(I’ve published it here with no names, because I think it’s worth understanding, it’s not a warning or a vengeful act.

In any case, Her next lover will ignore any pre-warnings as just bitter ramblings, as most individuals are driven by the natural pursuit of love, which consists of caring intellectual loyalty, *** and romance rather than following advice of some seemingly bitter ex. ( And rightfully so)

Good kind or exciting people further enhance the image and status of a sociopath and they will orbit your small shiny star, tapping into your  valuable energy before  slingshotting into a larger, more attractive orbit of a lager star.
Sadly love, *** and desire is simply a tool for manipulation and gain, it's all about prestige.

I wish her well, like every creature.

Expect high drama.
She loves to watch you come unstuck
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
I see you!
You’re a chancer, an unusual impulsive, persuasive & promiscuous soul; unconcerned with remorse or guilt!
You’ve created a life & career through crazy schemes and dreams!
You have a certain glib, superficial charm and an impressive sense of self-worth and I liked that; but not the drama.
If only you’d had the gumption to formally introduce me to the genuine you, without fear of rejection; you ****** fool!
A stark reminder of just how far you penetrated my heart & mind!
I have to remind myself that your hearts as cold as ice.
Sara Kellie May 2019
Then comes the danger,
pretends it's a friend.
Infamous liars,
ultimate desires.
and the ******' rest.

Hours and hours
to be the best.
A balance to be re-dressed.
The best ******' dancer,
******' chancer.
Don't get ****** . .
. in
Good luck!

Good luck fuckerssss
Abelonia Oct 2014
Chancer er det, der gør livet, til noget at leve for.*
Chances is what, makes life, something worth living for
Abelonia Oct 2014
træet står så bart udenfor, de få blade der er tilbage på det fine lille træ har den flotteste røde farve, de minder mig om et eventyr. Bare mit liv var et eventyr. Jeg ville være et varmt sted, min hud ville være gylden og mit hår ville være lyst efter solens blegende stråler.  Ved min side ville der står en mystisk fyr. Høj, slank, gyldenbrun hud og mørkt pjusket hår. Ja, det ville være et eventyr jeg gerne ville være en del af. Men sådan er livet bare ikke.
Lige nu sidder jeg midt i et skriftligt modul. Vejret er gråt. Varmen er forsvunder og erstattet med bidende kulde. Hvorfor sidder jeg her lige nu? hvad skal jeg overhoved bruge det til. Han snakker om fremtiden, lige for tiden, er det det eneste alle tænker på. FREMTIDEN. Du er ikke noget hvis du ikke har en fremtid foran dig bla. bla. Jeg fatter ikke hvorfor det skal være sådan, tænker du nogensinde over hvor meget vi glemmer nuet. De ting vi elsker er væk på få sekunder, og de kommer nok aldrig tilbage igen, men det værste er ikke at de ikke kommer igen, men at du ikke nød dem da du havde dem. Vi nød det ikke fuldt ud, vi er så grådige, vil vil have mere og mere og til sidst har vi intet. Jeg har ikke lyst til at tale om min fremtid. Jeg hader det virkelig. For jeg ved virkelig ikke hvad jeg vil bruge mit liv på og jeg har faktisk heller ikke lyst til at vide det. jeg vil gerne have det kommer, som det skal komme. Så plat som det lyder, vil jeg bare have at skæbnen skal lede min vej, for vi alle har en skæbne. Noget vi skal udrette i livet men som vi ikke selv kender til. Hvis vi vikrleig vidste alt, hvad var der så at lære og hvad kunne vi overhoved opleve? Den største ting vi glemmer er at tage chancer. Vi går og er bange for alt og alle og derfor tør vi aldrig gøre noget ud over det sædvanlige. Jeg tror det er noget som medierne har skabt. Medierne har fået os til at blive vanefaste mennesker uden personlighed og egne holdninger. Jeg hader det. Det er virkelig gået op for mig at der er meget jeg ikke kan lide ved vores samfund. Alt handler om status og om hvad folk synes om en. Men hvad nu hvis ingen synes om en? Hvad gør man så? skal man så bare lægge sig til og dø… Døden er en ting jeg har tænkt meget over på det sidste, men grunden til at jeg har tænkt over det er fordi jeg ikke forstår livet. Hvorfor lever vi overhoved. Vi skal jo alligevel dø og livet er sku næsten altid noget lort fordi vi ikke kan finde ud af at fokuserer på de små glæder og levet i nuet på grund af medierne som kun fremhæver alt lortet. Livet er ikke forståeligt. Det bliver det nok aldrig og hvis jeg skulle være ærlig ville jeg også være ligeglad om det sluttede nu, for jeg ser ikke frem til fremtiden og jeg kan ikke engang leve i nuet. Jeg skaber en silhuet af det jeg gerne vil. At gå hjem til en fremmede og ryge **** er nok  ikke at tage chancer og leve, selvom at jeg prøver at gøre det til det. Jeg troede virkelig ting som det ville gøre mig lykkelig og det gør det da også, men kun tildels. Jeg føler mig så tom, jeg føler ikke jeg har noget at byde verdenen og mine medmennesker. Jeg  ser virkelig op til de folk som gør det, folk som gerne vil være et forbillede for andre. De er sku cool. Men jeg har det bare ikke på den måde. Når jeg tænker over det, minder jeg nok meget om Hassel fra the fault in our stars. Døden er intet jeg frygter og jeg er egentlig også ligeglad om jeg bliver husket.
Bathsheba Dec 2010
Rob the ***’s an ignorant man
Ill educated
chancer’s dripping pan

The day he fell in lust with a Roman Catholic *****
He entrapped her as his prisoner
So men could not gaze at her no more

Within a month
A life was spawned
Up the aisle they did flee
This is
my friend
Just the start
Of the
???????? dynasty

Deserted by their families
Cast out
To breed alone
Rob was dictatorial
A king upon his throne

No longer would she work for Smedleys up the road
Her life to now be governed by her husband’s crazy code

First came a boy  “1”
Followed by a girl  “2”
Followed by a girl  “3”
Followed by a girl  “4”
Followed by a girl  “5”
Followed by a boy  “6”
Followed by a boy  “7”

Now “I” stand in this pecking order
somewhere at the top
The inheritance of madness
Nobody can stop
The boys were brainwashed daily
Taunted with being gay
Withdrawal kicked in very quick
And with them it did stay
The girls were ****** and *****
Irrespective of attire
Educated so very young to
all natural desires

After the birth of the firstborn
Rob decided to no longer work
His job was in the house now
In shadows he would lurk
Rules and regulations
Beaten with a stick
Quite an achievement really

FOR    A    MAN    SO    *******    THICK

Do you remember No1?
How you practised with your fists
Smashed his ******* head in
Til he was shrouded in a mist
He wore 4 jumpers every day
Because you told him he was puny
Are you proud of your inheritance?
You raving ******* loony

Note: No1’s best friend turned out to be a *******
but that’s a whole new chapter

Do you remember No2?
What happened when she was seven?
I don’t know what’s wrong or right
The truth lies in the vaults of heaven
She cut a blackbird’s head off
And danced with manic glee
You created all of us
One great big ****** up family

Note: No2 ended her marriage after falling in love with
her 15 year old baby sitter

Do you remember No3?
How you decided she was loose
So she crawled inside a bottle
of alcoholic juice
Every day she went out thieving
just to feed her habit
Rob do you remember the day that
you made her eat her rabbit?
Could not put down roots
So roamed from town to town
Keeping her head above the sewer
For fear that she might drown

Note: No3 is happy and leaves the past in the past where
it belongs ... for now

Do you remember No4?
That must have been some job
for her to have been sectioned so many times
When you stand before your maker
Will you admit
to all of your crimes?
Or will you shrivel up?
Try to pass the buck?
Well … listen up here Rob
You’re running out of ******* luck

Note: No4 is now living with another fellow loony and
trying to normalise her existence

Do you remember No5
The girl now thinks that every man is a *******
Can you imagine anything that really is more vile?
You turned the girl into a cunning compulsive liar
Lost forever behind the shield of the constant surface fire
Are you proud of all your children?
Does your heart not swell with pride?
Is this what you envisaged?
On that day you took your bride

Note: No5 is on the lookout for a rich farmer to impregnate
her so that she can live of off his money

Do you remember No6
Oh yes, of course, he lives on the same estate
But he won’t give you the time of day
Is it time yet to contemplate?
He keeps his family separate
Tries to keep them pure
Antidote was easy
Separation from you was this man’s cure
Feeling any guilt yet?
Shame for what you’ve done?
Or do you still think that we are all *******
Each and every one

Note: No6 lives on happily with his family and has
had no contact for 15 years ... for now

Do you remember No7
The 7th child of the 7th child
Now where do I begin?
Fed him sweets and biscuits
Smirking with that evil grin
Kicked him out the house all day
Come the rain or shine
No wonder that he ended up
With a mind that’s much maligned
This man was surely worth a punt?
But not by you
****** up ******* ****

Note: No7 continues trying to slay the dragon and is more
grounded due to the love of his son

So ******* Rob and **** your ways
I will hate you til the end of days
You had no right to **** up the lives
Of your children
Or your ***** of a wife
And when you die
When the time is right
When Beelzebub has you in his sight
That’s the point the cork will blow
Time slows down and you will know
Your wicked ways were not a given
You will never ever be forgiven
Into the bowels of hell you’ll burn
To late for lessons to be learned

This poem has become deeply personal to me because as a consequence of penning this ..... my loving parents decided in their wisdom to divorce me and my brother Jack .... Oh ... how we laughed !!!
I reckon she
will beckon me
but I could
be wrong.
Karen Hamilton Feb 2016
I'm afraid to be here
At home all alone
When the man in the dark
Could be roaming so close

I'm afraid to be here
After last night
When the man in the dark
Gave me a fright

I'm afraid to be here
With eyes open wide
If the man in the woods
Is lurking outside

I'm afraid to be here
Tell me why did he come
Look up at my window
Hiding for fun

I'm afraid to be here
Without my best friend
Who witnessed him too
Sent our minds in a bend

I'm afraid to be here
Tell me how does he know
The best way to creep
To see my window

I'm afraid to be here
Tell me why was he here?
A chancer, a pervert
A stalker I fear
© Karen L Hamilton, February 2016
Qualia, if they exist, describe experience.

Perceptions are frames of consciousness
that define experience: would they be given a number
representing frames per second [FPS].

There must be something to perceive
for there to be experience, and the perceiver:
A machine/dreamer through which energy flows
for perception to occur; neural oscillation cycles
equating to perceptual frames of consciousness
where a frequency would equal a certain FPS.

A moment in a dream, a quale.
The realm of the Oneiroi beckons:

During REM sleep there is no experiential context,
Suppose a dream's content is be sourced from memory:
Thence memory morphs into dreaming. Perhaps the actions
of acetylcholine during sleep disrupt temporality, meanwhile
serotonin and norepinephrine play another role in dream activity;
Were dopamine ever-so minutely implicit in lucidity?

If a dream could be quantized could we identify a quale?
The goal, to prove that qualia exist. Perhaps this 'heavy realm'
could then be described using this qualitative formula, we strive
to produce a quantum of experience.

As analogue is to digital, so digital should be to quanta.
Ah, but who would ever listen
to my nonsense.

I'm just a dreamer
and such a chancer. (Aren't we all?)
Still working on a plausible explanation for SupCom.
Cry Sebastian Dec 2009
Baby just born,
this new world you won,
destiny's is open,
your journeys begun.

You cry for the sorrow you're still going to feel,
for all the confusion and broken souls that kneel.

You cry for the beautiful sunsets you will see,
the pain of love's passion and the horrors that be.

So much anticipation that you don't understand,
so much expectations of what will be wrought by your hands.

Will you be a hero who will rise and break through?
Or just another chancer with nothing to do?
Will you be a saviour defining this age?
Or just another traveler sailing the page?

The thorns pierce you deep as you churn in your sleep,
The future still open for the power you keep.

But for now enjoy the agony of just trying to survive,
be consumed with the wonder of being alive,
pierce our hearts with your intense and innocent glare,
let us carry you on to the cross you will bare.

We will build you up with the best that we have,
we will give you our dreams and the best of our rags,
you will eat our truths and mimic our faults,
You will sift our souls and take what is yours.

And then just like that your colours will fade,
disappearing in the mist all the wonders you made,
even as you entered your life's ticking down,
it is appointed to all to receive our burial crown.

I pray you will make your mark on the history books
of a rich beautiful life breathing beyond the boundaries
of your mortality and being remembered just a bit longer
until this world is passed too and all is forgotten.

Never lose the wonder,
never lose the tears,
never forget you were carried
until the day you're buried.

You are our hope for something new and something different,
a creative spark to erase our failures and apathy,
Namaste, we bow to you,
Be, my boy, and take what's due to you.
When we left, the anger was courageous
Tears shrugged off their ducts and ran a river  
And was an adopted day. Lopsided
Out of kilter, hard boiled, the reflux swallowed

Spite spat out its tabloid journal and spanked me
A chancer on a long haul flight of emotion. A broken limb
A ball of 'Nastiness' bit into my flesh. Stamping dishonesty
A clear winter blue sky......guarding its frosty secret

The guns shot their bullets, cracking the air between us
Hitting the eye of the bull.  The red rag waved at a tangent
Calling in all favours.  Bystanders gorged.  Rubber necked
As your heart parted company with your soul and bounced

When you undid the latch, the safety catch broke and hit the floor
Purged. Vented. Filling the air with blemishes. The stars fell
Short of their place in the universe; befriended and hung out
With blackened bark as debris hit. Now minus will only equal minus
                                                           ­                                                              .......equal minus
I want to melt a wax Viking,
with a piece of sword shaped kindling.
Watch the face drip, sag run into a
droopy frown of fluid features.

To saw the head from a celebrity mannequin.
Watch fall it to the floor,
with it's perfect teeth and face;
plastic smooth skin.
Almost as plastic and smooth as the “real” thing.

To tear the words from the mouth
of a liar, cheat, chancer and con-man.
Rearrange the words to spell out the truth.
watch the eyes and puffy face spasm,
as if possessed by a phantasm.
O'Reily Jun 2014
A secret is an instrumental with each note clue,
A tone of human nature and what it could do to you,
A spiritual essence, a recipe addresses,
A method in its madness, an ounce of its...

The clue.

A headache switching over, while your mulling read things over,
Through your eyes take a wander read its just for you.
Cliché layers binding what else can she be finding,
Bureaucratic red tape riddles all sewn up start fiddling for...

The clue.

Puzzled by the clue she walks on up to you,
'Tell me what's the clue?'
A secret all for you.
She said, 'I'll listen to your tune, your clue instrumental in what you do'.
Speak up and at last she sings so class so fast her body starts to swing,
She holds on to task for another word so she can find...

The clue.

For your eyes only come think of it as first.
In true best of me we can make it work, Each clue of maybe is written on my shirt, each button represent each undoing separate hurt.
Slip slide on to me she hunters me the rest,
Slowly shows me her trinity for its her fetching best,
Her hands, her touch and her last request not before her sweet caress,
If only she knew, maybe she did knew, only to know this life...

The clue.

Concentrate don't hesitate not ready to make the fall,
Pump frustrate her loving wait scream out to it all.
Decorate the body sweet crying out to you,
My word is my word on all that you've heard as she is still waiting for....

The clue.

Tantalising he's providing, energising the clue.
Shackle up in en twine as most we both enjoy the view.
Sweet nourished your constant stares as you look for the clues up stairs.
Our lips, our kiss and my fingertips all clued up to tickle you.
For somewhere's lies...

The Clue.

Curled up here for hours making more home brew, hot so wet it crawls not interrogated as here it all lies stew,
The bed sheet covers over ours still without a clue.
For waiting midnight hours for as long as we can snooze.
She questions no more answers she leaves a pretty play and then more she dances if only she could stay.
I can go on for hours each minute of the day,
the clue for in which it matters shows in every single way,
My heart pumps...

The Clue

I'm lost, she's lost,
I'm lost, she's lost,
we both have fought a loving cross.
I'm lost, she's lost,
I'm lost, she's lost
In two we have both come across,
To sea to land,
To shore to sand and that we demand,
Inside and out it feels too soon,
Until he reveals out what's all of...

The Clue.

You can tell by her answer,
its you she wants,
in all come chancer in self confidence,
So soon she will answer in my president.
Her smile, her laughter and her quaint elegance,
So sweet surrender in the clue forever, fresh skin and bone so soft and so tender,
In to life's golden wonder!
To be everything In love with...

The Clue.
Pagan Paul Oct 2019
Two Knights out and two Knights in,
two Knights in the tourney ring.
With a lance and sword and shield,
no quarter must either Knight yield.

With each muscle and each breath
they must fight on until death.
With mace chain and insult calls,
two Knights stand 'til one of them falls.

The white Knight is a charmer,
black Knight in polished armour,
to win a fair Princess to wed.

The white Knight is a chancer,
the black Knight is a dancer,
who will die on a grassy bed?

© Pagan Paul (25/05/19)
jinjahman Jul 2010
The dork just stood there, Man!
Peeling back his mask
Then folding it back down again.

What a chancer!
Breaking in klangers;
Tip toeing through hoops;
Belching on tap;
Crapping on sand paper;
Bleaching hot tap,
With water-eye presentation
Flown from afar
In the cargo hold for Mr. Black,
Mount Nero;
Cnoc Dubh.

What's the fuzz?
what's the craic?

Let him have it
In 2's and 3's
End of:
'Life's a breeze'

Corporate jingomuggery
Daylight shrubbery
Catchall quantum thuggery
"Put him back in the hold"
Goodbye Mr.Black,
Mount Nero;
Cnoc Dubh.

What's the craic?
What the fuzz?
perhaps a hint of disdain for Chancers, though we've all been there in one form or another, so a sliver of respect at the same time!!
I can sense excess epinephrine, or
norepinphrine, clouding my judgement,
These adrenergic sons of Entactus;
The cathinone is but
simple amphetamine's
beta-ketone younger-cousin.

Replaced a methyl group with a fluoro one
and mephedrone's little brother was born:
The adorable flephedrone, don't be fooled though.

The stimulant is a chancer and a trickster,
Though this one seems more empathogenic than its brother;
I may be in danger of learning something.
I maintain there is less to learn than they would take
but perhaps I can moderate a fair trade. Hard to say.
Of 4-MethylMethCathinone and 4-FluoroMethCathinone,
Both entactogens promote ego but whereas
4-MMC is closer to speed-amphetamine
4-FMC has some empathogenic quality.

Interesting that such a small change in molecule
creates such noticeably differing subjective effect.
Any difference in toxicity must also be accounted for.
Liam hopson Jan 2021
I lie here alone, to let my imagination wander
I see my thoughts sewn, there power is like thunder
The pain I was hiding, from the trauma I had suffered
So I leave it all behind, so the truth can be discovered.

I waited for a reason, at a door without a key
I endured the many seasons, when there was nothing left of me
I suppressed, and then reassessed my feelings
So I could make some sense, of this reality
Then I guessed, and I obsessed with the meaning
Of what it truly means, to be free.

The waiting gave me my answer, of what lay behind that door
I could hear the sound of laughter, and I felt the lions roar
I saw a beautiful dancer, and I could smell the sea by the shore
The victor will be a chancer, who is clearly self-assured.

So now I walk around smiling, there is such a place within me
Finally, I can stop fighting, the truth was always the key
The  reasons I just kept writing, I fell in love with my poetry
My words became exciting, they were my remedy
As my passion continued rising, to align with destiny.
Katie Eustace May 2010
Drinking, smoking, skipping college,
Getting into fights that you don't start,
You put play before your work,
But that's just the way you are.

"Get out of my sight" or off the stage,
Your wink is soft, your anger's hard,
It seems to most, you've lost control,
But that's just the way you are.

I don't fit in, I never have,
You rebuke me, leave a mark,
Chancer, messing, cheeky, sly,
But that's just the way you are.

Yet all of this, and all of you'd
Miss half your worth by far,
It's senseless and you won't agree,
But that's just the way you are.

"How did she end up with him?"
And when did all this start?
Your play is work you want to keep,
But that's just the way you are.

And so we'll wait to tell the world,
Our lethargic, secret plan.
Sure, I could take it in my stride,
But that's not the way I am.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
Unpolished Ink Aug 2021
Scarlet cinnabar
wanton reds and ***** you pinks
Vermilion is a libertine
a go it alone chancer
who lives free and to hell with the consequence
condemn him if you will
for he is already ******
The devil has his own team colours
I live in the realms of night
where dreams come true
I should be committed
in static as a who is who

I play loser
I play chancer
does it matter any ways
for my name is black

My name begins with an X
not what is seen on the pages I write
and yes I am living
living in the twilight zone

By Xristos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris
© 2011 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Stella Stardust Jun 2016
This life is a dream that has no end, beginning
With all of the loss I've had, somehow I'm winning
I stood at the station waiting for your footsteps
But somehow I found myself on a moving doorstep

Heading out west, it had seemed the only answer
The story my mind told was that I am a chancer
I stepped off the ledge that had long been the steepest hell
Shedding the skin of my past like an empty shell

I can't go farther when I've now gone all the way
So, I guess that I'll stay.

The words that I wanted from you back when it mattered
Come spilling from your mouth to me now where they shatter
The irony is; there's no bliss or a kiss they deserve
I cant feel the pain, there's no drain from the break that I've cured

When I turned my back and left you fading in the distance
I failed to make space with the time leading up to this instant
I laugh to myself as it seems we were always here
The one difference now is that I could not lesser care

The world keeps on spinning, but I'm stuck in some old place
It circles around as I stare into Karma's face.
No need to fear counting years, as if time is a race
There's no out of bounds, lost or found, like a cloud up in space

I'll see it again, theres no end, rounds the bend in full circle
Olivia Kent May 2015
Hollow echoes,
roaring silence.
Vacant faces
Empty spaces.
Drowning souls
Crying screaming,
Entering into death's dolls house.
Swamped inferno.
Endless noise.
Dropped suggestions
The living care.
They care not.
They never did
Ad, okay  

All immortal souls cry ,left alone.
Shadows trickle painfully into regrettable existence.
Lost between here and there and into the distance.
Distance never reached, as only demons screech.
Eternity wails as banshees play.
Wraiths warbling,  Playing as evil humming birds.
The undead walk.
They're dragging their chains.
Closely attached to their mortal remains.

Rattling and crying
The long dead are sighing.
Prepared or not for judgment day.
Not the place to be.
They calling out loudly
They want to be free.

A scream it seems they plead for sweet freedom.
Pleas for forgiveness.
Begging broken children
Crying and calling for mothers they left long ago.
Dripping blood of victims of ******.
She screamed for a life time.
Nobody heard her.
Victims of hanging their banging the walls.
Trying hard to reply as sweet angel calls.
Angels, archangels, none of them know.
They're calling for mercy.
Don't want to visit the fires in the pit.
Hell be spared.
Heaven be sent.
Noisy dead sinners give up.
Just repent.
While you had your chances necromancy black magic.
Romances. and chancers.
Your times be they hard,
You were always the chancer.
Wailing impaled on moments of madness.
The eagles are soaring.
The dead men are snoring.

To calls of the cats
And wolves that are baying at a cloudy blue moon.
Shouted out loudly they all died to soon.
Beep beep beep.
The rally to save those who misbehave.
Cracks and chinks.
Missing links.
Hollow tomorrows.

Necropsy kiss.
Breaking down.
Released to silence.
Absolved of sin.
Giving in.
And so the next batch arrived.
The candles lit.
Which pathway will they take.
A guiding vulture waits to steal their souls away.
He's crowing and calling and scratching at dust.
Tina ford Jun 2014
The words he spoke made me choke, I don't wanna croak, not under the cancer cloak,
My eyes they streamed,  water of dreams and sun beams but I know what it all means,
It's not a day out or a way out not even when I scream and shout,
My ears hear fears, stupid words and things obsurd,
I can't be a chancer, not with cancer, im not gonna be a dancer,
In heaven or hell, I don't wanna dwell.on the ledge of diseases,
I will fight day and night, I'll put it right, it's within my sight, it is my rite,
Rewind a day behind, I was in sane mind, but now I'm one of the special kind,
Can you hear me breath in every sin, they come knocking coz im a locking out death,
He can wait for a date with me or your mate,
I'm no longer dreaming this feeling, the burnin the churning my body is yearning and turning,
Give me pills, no frills, chase them angels of me window sills,
Lights getting dimmer, my breathing getting thinner, but I still want to eat the medicine dinner,
Family all gathered round my body looking tattered there all so worn and all so shattered,
I'm to ******* and to wired up to give them kind words, of hope, I, they can't cope, it's not a soap,
This is life and death in a breath as I choke under the cloak, that dreaded cancer cloak
brandon nagley May 2015
Xenophilias most beautiful attributes, where countries become as one, wunderkinds where thunder shines, vivid heroes of hot day's sun!
Will-call merchandise traded for disregard, where tags are hung on branches, as newly weds drive old cars! Licensures practice giveaways freely. Are we suckered into believing old wives tales? Lidocaine pick up lines to be accustomed to man to Man life tables!
Lieutenancies so vacantly are closed to high file cases, where concentrated faces smile!!! Young daughters are made for ruin while the cruel oil stays piled!!!
Maturate littlest of seeds, where gokers cook to perfections... Prospire of direction where the arrows pointing down.
Mazarine eyes, a chancer of fairest lies, I miss the caressing of the small talk you lay on me lover!!!!sister,sister are you of your own brother?
Picture this Apr 2016
I questioned fate and found no answer,
As fate was unpredictable,
A doubtful fickle chancer,
Unstable and unreliable.

Reliable stability,
With chance I keep my date,
A fickle predictability,
Was my answer when I questioned fate.
Jack Smith Mar 2016
Love is not simple, love is not easy...
Emotions are frustrating and turn you crazy!
Love has many forms, there's more than one figure.
Love is intimate, a passion with a trigger.
Love is no tale, Princess to Queen.
So do not believe everything you have seen...

Love is no word for happiness make no mistake, but without it we are sillouettes, no emotions, so fake!

Love won't come easy, so try real hard...
Because losing your lover will shatter your heart to shards!
Don't think twice when making an effort.
For when you're on that knee and hoping for that yes, nothing will **** more than not have tried your best...

Love is a choice, a decision and answer!
Never be shy, become a chancer x
i love you x
Mark Penfold Jan 2017
For those of us who recall the reason why we wish to leave this existence and for those of us who have just given up.
The time acts still until the moment some chancer fills himself with gusto and decides " this is his time".
But what young ones should learn and are never taught is to never cause trouble with the quiet slow walking ones with dead black eyes.
They may appear as vulnerable but this is simply how they stalk their prey.
Talk to and learn from these, you will be surprised, as you find they are not all they seem.
For I was you, hotheaded once, and was nearly installed in a stream.
Harry Roberts Nov 2018
I Call To The Angels,
I Call To The Fates,
I'm On My Knees Begging,
While The Concrete Grates.

I Ask For A Sign,
I Will For An Answer,
On Doubt I Dine,
I'm Not A Chancer.

I Wilt In The Rain,
I Rise In The Light,
Life Is Like Pain,
We All Bare That Fight.

So What Is The Meaning,
Which Way Is Right,
Overbalanced I'm Leaning,
I Break In The Night.
Harry Roberts - Break In The Night © 14/11/18
life is
but the pretence and
wingin' it
consequence of it,
it is
the me in it and
because of it,

a constant theme running
through me
is poetry

a journey through emotions

skylarks above oceans.

but don't you confuse me with a poet
I'll know it is wrong,
I'm just a chancer who chances his arm
all along I knew this to be.

I read avidly, prose, free verse poetry
and it feels there is some of me
in there,

It could be so or just so it could not,
life, the pretence is the life that I've got

I also read comic books,
looks like Superman, but
sinks like Prince Namor.

Orwell, room 101
and hell follows on
shooting the angels who dance at
the flip end of in

I begin or began when I ran away
tomorrow may come,
but it's just another day

Scarlett has a lot to answer for
when there's famine and war where
the victims want more
than two rhymes in a bowl
with their rice.
Aa Harvey May 2018
An illusion of perfect.

Have you ever met someone so **** cool,
That she makes you feel like such a tool?
You can aim for her heart,
But she is flying through stars
And she would never notice you.

Still you dream of what might have been,
If you learned to speak her language and knew what she means,
When she says she likes you.
You know she is nothing like you,
But hot ****! If I ain’t one mixed up dude.
She is a dudess, maybe the best you have ever met
And if she only took a chance on you,
Your love you would confess.

You know there is none better suited,
So when you see her you are all suited and booted,
Because this is pure bliss, love exists,
Inside a dream of her kiss.

But those words she never says,
Because there is no way she could ever be into someone so lame.
So you mosey on to the next love rendezvous.
You find a woman that you love
And she truly loves you too.
All the while the ******* discovers more.

Then late one night she comes a knocking on your door,
But there is no answer to a one time dancer,
Because your heart has passed those wishes to romance her
And no matter what she may say,
You ain’t no two-time chancer.
So she never gets to be with the one who would always have loved her.

Beauty comes and beauty goes;
I fall in love with the big-**** yo-yo’s,
Whose idea of love goes up and down,
Just like the bed springs that are broken now.

When love is good, up it will stay,
But when love is up to no good, I am left broken down
And my name remains the same…
Hers was never truly going to change.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —