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onlylovepoetry Jul 2023
how do you paint water, or clouds?

I could read poetry for the brief,
of my of remaining life, however brief,
and never be satiated, of love,
and streams of water,
never stilled, always running
in patterns that exist,
but for milliseconds,
admired by clouds born in, of,
a moment of re-formation that
is perpetuity long:
unending shape shifting,
like the freedom of flowing water
currents, forming, reforming and unthinkable, nay,
inconceivable that human eyes
or their spoken words
could capture their
shiny white foamy essence

But of love,
that we can do, paint, design, recreate its
endless loops of undulations, like the radiating circularity
of a pebble dropped gently
to its burial sight in a quiet pond.

Humans know, understand and excel at clasping and grasping
at the synapsing of human cells from differing bodies:
the exogenous erogenous of human touch that like the clouds
and the water,
could paint that,
who capable of capturing
said sensations that wrack
and enliven the body with invisible
interior chemical reactions. I


Thankfully better men and women have treatised  their entreaties to the powers of the universe and been rewarded with the skilled delicacy of weaving human tapestries, the milliseconds of connectivity, eclectic and electrifying of different currents and differing amperage’s forming and reforming like water moving, just  like the clouds changing in response to the externalities of wind and gravity and all the forces of nature that encourage us to study
and stare at these flows,
hoping to entrance them into standing still for but a moment, and instead, mesmerizing us into standing motionless for hours in awe of their freedom.

Love’s undulations too mesmerizing, and freezing us into
place, or alternatively
caucus to run endlessly arms extending,
flying though not airborne,
rocketing us upwards while feet never budging,
but finding good wards, masterful metaphors to recreate and thus to share the fabulous mystery of this thing we know as love.

jul 22 (jewel 22) of the 23rd year of the 21st Century.

inspired by the police of Oxford, Lewis and Hathaway
Budging the sluggard ripples of the Somme,
A barge round old Cérisy slowly slewed.
Softly her engines down the current *******,
And chuckled softly with contented hum,
Till fairy tinklings struck their croonings dumb.
The waters rumpling at the stern subdued;
The lock-gate took her bulging amplitude;
Gently from out the gurgling lock she swum.

One reading by that calm bank shaded eyes
To watch her lessening westward quietly.
Then, as she neared the bend, her funnel screamed.
And that long lamentation made him wise
How unto Avalon, in agony,
Kings passed in the dark barge, which Merlin dreamed.
i had a great big bogey stuck inside my nose
i tried to get it out used my hand and toes
but it didnt move it didnt want to know
my nose it was his home and didnt want to go
i got myself a tissue and gave a great big sneeze
then got my hand and give a great big squeeze
nothing seem to work im stuck with it i guess
the only way to do it is  get the sas
Simran Guwalani Jul 2023
The moon talks about you,
In a way I never could
You were something out of the blue,
True it came, I never imagined it would.
I was chaotic, I came with a storm,
And you, so simple
Never budging in any form
But that was not the norm,
I was used to people flying away when I came,
And there you stood, looking at me all the same.
I don’t know how to define you,
You don’t have a history,
I’ve been judged on my past, it’s true,
But you are such a mystery.
I don’t know why the moon talks about you,
And I don’t think I’ll ever have a clue.
Brodey Oct 2013
Drugs can be great and they can be destructive, they can take away any shred of your will for you to be productive. Some of them will even make your brain feel instructively reconstructive, when in reality its just making it reductive. Its only a matter of time until it starts it's demolition, then you'll be in a tough position and that's where some abort mission. Some people are lucky to come out of addiction and have no mental condition, those aren't any limited edition additions, they are there to stay and not to play. Drugs don't **** around and straight to your brain you gave them full permission along with free admission. I wouldn't blame you for taking the risk anyhow, when you take it and it hits you like POW all you can think is wow and wonder what's happening now. Unfortunately it all feels so great, you know, something you can really appreciate and do whether its early or late to put you in your favorite state, depending on the drug. Some feel like you're on top of the world and energetic as **** where others make you feel cozy and wrapped in a hug. You don't gotta be all **** and **** to do a drug, I did them for recreation. Then I lost all my movement and motivation, I no longer had any inspiration but to munch the **** out and play my PlayStation. Drugs overall drain you of something and you might think that that something is nothing but you'll be missing it and then you'll refuse to do any budging. You'll be caught in a slump, feeling like you're in a dump, and need a little bump to get you outta that ****. So if you're really willing to go through that **** and so much more, go ahead and be a *******, go be that **** addict by the back door. But you can't say that I didn't warn you about them anymore. Sometimes you feel they're perfect and even if that is the majority of the time, you gotta ask yourself if its really worth it.
neth jones Sep 2024
and your mug shot's shining through
it's a vision true   (but the subject's taboo)
              all             ugly               here
morning sunshine    breakfast table    autumn cool
you're poised to speak   a fly lands on your lolling spoon    
then   i stand up merry                                      
i make my vital move      the table backs away  distressed
your eyes raise
   i flop open my faminous mouth   and let the fumes draw in
Surprise !
(no time for you to hold surplus breath -                             
- form an expression - make any objection)
              mechanism disjoints    like the raw riches
i whip the plumb weight of my head   and strike
mouth-chomp-grip   over your scalp
and i am working you in
with swift jaw shifts and hingery

i **** on you with a smile and gullet                                      
  (past photos of you   shuffle glaucous before my inner eye)
yap sock muscle   i operate   gumming on your head
(ours was the world ; we got so lazy)
budging in your hair   dampened by my saliva
(our timid first meeting at a bar)
and airway and my teeth softly folding back
(us in bed-us in bed-us-in-bed)
                                   and whole hog jaw agog
(the tourist we made as a couple)
i dilate and distend  crouch low to take your weight
(the rise and falter of your sleeping chest)
upend  your hands panic typing in the air        
(the eyes of your investment in me)
your feet flinging the heft back and forth   
    your shoulders break in and forward folding
my chest cracks and wells                            
(gifts we gave that touched heart and others that fell short)
a complete engulfing meal of you                
(your childhood antidotes and teenage feelings we discussed)
down my soft disposal                                  
   (all my memories of us in a fizz                                      
                         and all the inaccuracies)

...and then i head off to hibernation    
      ferrying an idea that ' i have you now '
           that   perhaps you were my enemy            
                                              a­ll this time
and i am digesting the beast
                      (what a feast !)
kat Jul 2023
dedicated to the one that got away

hey there butterfly, five months ago you were still in college. you were nervous because it was your final semester and you were stressed out because of the workload. you met someone, butterfly. god, he was so pretty and magnificent.. saccharine as honey he was, extremely understanding and just so easy to converse with. so you indulged in him more and spent time with him. spent nights together after long evenings of work, embracing one another’s company in various ways. there was a spark that neither of you could deny and so the genesis of your relationship began. you belonged; with him, the comfort of him, and just in the space of happiness provided to you. you belonged there. you deserved it.

hey there butterfly, he introduced you to his friends and called you his. could you feel it? your heart beating when the word mine came out of his lips.. the smile not once leaving your face for the rest of the night as you all hung out. you competed in several tournaments, and each tournament he was rooting for you every time. he was extremely proud of you in anything you worked hard for and never once forgot to let you know. you deserved this, a man by your side that could appreciate you in many aspects.

hey there butterfly, you did it! you graduated. you graduated and he was able to see you walk across the stage. could you feel it? the warm feeling in your chest knowing that he watched you accomplish something so life changing? that support was something you’ll never forget, isn’t that right? having someone so amazing by your side willing to be here for you through anything has made you glow, butterfly. you’re beautiful and you deserved this.

hey there butterfly, are your wings broken? that was quite a fall you took there. could you feel it? the rope not budging as you pulled and pulled to give him the support you knew he deserved? you comforted him during his hard times and you gave it your all.. but in the end it wasn’t enough and you can’t make someone stay if they have no desire to do so. i know he’s gone now and something in you hopes he comes home but you know it’ll be okay eventually though, right? no matter the obstacle whether big or small, you must never falter. if it’s meant to be then it will be. you are beautiful and you are so strong.. you deserve the universe. you’ve been taking care of everyone but now it’s time to take care of yourself. you’ve gotten yourself hurt again, butterfly. you will be okay one day. it hurts now but know that there is nothing you can’t handle. you are so special, butterfly.. you don’t deserve any of this pain but it will get better. i love you, butterfly..
i’m sorry..
SEM Mar 2012
I’ve got a hangover
I’ve been drinking too
much for sure
You know the cocktail of ‘pills’
that I take to get me through the

I swapped ‘drugs,’
hoping the let down would be less
Only, you, knew
You warned me
You said ‘STOP!
You are being stupid

you left notes everywhere
in my head
on the fridge
but I wanted to try this
where is the harm?

I just want the edge off my last let down
Tender, loving, naive…
put her in charge
After she already picked the ‘pill,’

She did what she only knew how to do
She saw the train wreck coming,
transformed into black uncaring stone self.
she locked her up, and threw away the key
this was an impending disaster

caged she cried, starved and went without sleep
there was nothing she could do
She railed against her:
“this is what happens when you are in charge
just look at this mess!”

She sank further back into her wooden crate
She painted it red and laced it in barbed wire
there appeared no hope for escape.

“Now it’s my turn, I am in charge” she said in all her pride.
“We are going to defile ourselves further,
just watch me little princess
I will flit from one ‘drug’ to the next
only pausing to take their pocket book,

no more emotions, only me, your stone.
Just see how your life is going to change.”

She watched, for she was always in her shadow.
she watched her destroy what she worked so hard to save,
for just that one special ‘trip.’
she watched as their body swayed
and became scared up
with an injection here
a cut there,
a bruise that would never go away

once she snorted just a little too much at once
the side effects on their heart are long term
and devastating

she was created to shield herself.
To protect her,
from the bad things in the world.
A shield was never meant to control the solider.

The things she did, did not shocking herself
Even from the confines of the cage, she was becoming callused
just enough for her naivety to creep away and realize that
she can break out, for she was no longer a girl
it was time for them to become one again

She was enthralled with the newest ‘drug’
she sat at large round stone black table in a dark room
around it were other shields
just like her, feeding off the ‘drug’

An explosion rocked the room
She was free, and stood with her full potential
She flew out of her chair, and stood
Their eyes locked, and the other shields fled at the sight of this

fear was ebbing at the edges of Her eyes,
She was no longer cowering in her crate.
She roared “Get back in your crate!”
She was not budging, this time

She ran at her, with all her speed,
She side stepped it
She ran again
and again
and again

She dodged them all till She fell over panting
She said “I am supposed to protect you,
why won’t you let me?” through her painting breath
She, retaining most of herself, said
“you are cohering with ******,
who feed off the same ‘drug’ as you,
or doing multiple ‘drugs’ in one sitting.
You were supposed to be my conscious
telling me not to do something, you are dark.

you are desensitizing me,
so I will feel nothing.
Do you have any idea how lonely that is?
To feel absolutely nothing.
Every time you do these ‘drugs’ I feel less and less
and these periods seem to stretch on longer and longer
till you are off the next day looking for a bigger
and better ‘fix.’
Which only leaves us feeling lonelier and emptier”

Still laying on the floor, She gazed up at She,
and knew these things to be true
Both of them knew how to fix this.
She must pass through the fire

She extended her hand down and asked
“are you ready?”
She gulped and grasped her hand.
She navigated her to the hot bed of coals
and walked beside her
She winced.
But this was nothing compared to the fire she must face.

The darkness around her feet started to peel away
She had to let her go on her own,
because the coals were turning into fires
and flesh does burn.

she marched on, alone.
The flames started to lick her thighs
the pain was becoming unbearable
but she staggered on.

Agony was setting in
she wanted to collapse
but she pushed on.
“aaaaagggghhhhhh” she screamed,
but it was eaten up by the darkness

She looked down,
for the first time in a long time,
and her whole body was aglow
The walk felt like a lifetime
She pushed and pushed
and slowly the flames backed away from her face
she could see her

The flames suddenly felt delicious
she wanted to stay in the fire
so she started running
for she must escape

She was waiting with her arms open
There was a smile on her face
she was finally coming home
looking as white as the purest snow.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
while surfacing in the liquid grove of our punji sticks
and pine sap fire
we lose our hearing… and whalesongs become a myth
as we emerge from the abyss -
as abysmal as a flotilla of spirals
and as deaf as a merciful nod.
but we see the Sun
for the first time.
and with our beginnings begun -
we be gone...

Pedro Tejada Nov 2011
Knock, knock.*
Who's there?
Someone's at the door.
Hide the stash!
Get the snacks!
For Christ's sake,
make yourself presentable!

Is the door locked?
Are the hinges rusty?
Would a baby calf
be able to kick it down
in less than 15 seconds?

Don't just sit there!
Figure it all out!

It's the first thing people see
before they enter a room-
is it wood, fresh oak?
Beads from a thrift store?
Cast-iron shielding,
bolts and locks
spattered like starlight,
like smuggled jewelry
on the inner lining
of a trenchcoat?

Are you trying to
open it, or is your back
pressed against the other side,
keeping it from budging?

Are you the intruder
or the guard dog?
* Title pending, I have no idea what to give it at the moment. lol
Onoma Feb 2020
perspective moves

with you...ever notice

monk parts budging.

call it state of the art--

don't you dare disclaim

this good fight now.

or nothing will happen.


be about that rest.

if you can, but The Master

will never, ever pat you

on your Head.
Silver Heinsaar Apr 2017
Wake up, they said
Get up, look around
All alone in this room
Blood and guts surrounding you
Horrified, confused
You step outside, you're not amused.

A shadow around the corner
Footsteps getting closer
Presence of the unknown
Your fears become profound
Turn around, run for it..
Through the halls of nightmare
A never ending cycle.

Dead ends, locked doors
No windows, only floors..
Lots of floors, lots of stairs
Bloodstains everywhere
Wait up, stand still
Look behind, it's glowing..
A golden key
Escape is near
Time to get out of here.

Don't hesitate, no room for error
Keep moving forward
To avoid the terror
Take this gun, use it wisely
A single bullet will help you nicely
There's an exit
Try to breach it
No luck, it's not budging.

Use the key, make it fast
What a shame, it doesn't fit
All this time you've been tricked
Toyed around, punched and kicked
You have no power
Just pull the trigger
This is the end
Your time is over.
Airi Lightmoon Sep 2024
You beg me to keep fighting, where’s yours?
You ask me to grow, have you?
To quell the demons inside me, draw power over them
I can still hear yours running free and hurting both you and me.

You ask me to grow and change
Is it too much to ask you to do the same?
Talk to me, tell me what you need
I’m growing and changing, just like you wanted

Yet, I see you not budging an inch
Leaving me trapped, caught in a strain

You told me, your lovers and friends, they all have outgrown you
They all leave in the end…
What else are they supposed to do?
As you give them the chance to ascend
And you descend

You saved me from the dark abyss we were both drowning in
Threw me out as you sunk deeper
Now, it is my turn to save you
I hold out my hand for you
“If I can do it, so can you” I cry out

Will you take my hand? Let me help you?
Or will you sink further, drowning in the cold, dark silence?
Anjelica Feb 2013
Are you ready?

To see me, to see your own reflection within my eyes,

and to accept the truth that defies all lies.

What do that word mean,

to be a sister?

Is it something in the air,

or did I miss that lesson?

I've never had one of those,

so I don';t quite know.

From what I have seen,

you don't know anymore than I do.

Would you like to figure that out with me?

I feel it might be fun.

Hard at first,

but walls are made of stone and the elements of the heart wear them down and show their true nature,



and dust that has accumulated from a forgetful past.

Does it really all matter that much?

Words said and lost.

Have you ever seen it as all a big game,

that only some know that rules,

and those some are so old when they finally understand it,

that they are left with nothing to play for other than everyone elses chips.

Take them and run,

and weep for the lost life hidden between blank pages.

To have not loved,



and admired.

The only thing left is to count the chips stolen from cradles of the south,

and know that they were right,

and no one can ever challenge them again.

It isn't much of a fight when your all alone with only the voices in your head to talk to.

What I do know is that I am learning,

I am growing every day,

and in many ways I am shrinking,

down down down.

Soon I will be able to crawl into a mans arms and feel safe,

cradled to sleep to the rhythm of his heart beat.

No more worries of pain,

for no one can hurt me the way that they did.

And no one can hurt fire.

With its spindling finger that caress the dark oak.

Trees that have been long rooted,

stuck in their fixed position and un-budging.

Fire kissed them to sleep with the tongues of yellow, as the forest burns to the ground.

I was told that when someone has dug themselves a hole, and have yet to ask for help,

to leave them be,

they are content in their misery.

And who are you to expect any more of them,

look at you all high and mighty with your chariot of truth.

Leave us be and go back home,

your just like Her,

they always said.

Well yes,

I am as a matter of fact.

I am just like Her,

inside of me there lies a slumbering dragon,

kept at bay with the protective armor put on top of my bones.

It was sound insulation,

protecting the dragon from the bitter cold that was spewed all around.

Once in the safety of a home,

the layers and layers we mined,

chipped off one by one,

and with each falling flake there was a scream from within,

a scream of a little girl that so one answered.

As the layers shrank and the sound barrier was weaker,

the great dragon awoke and reacted to the screams of the innocence that was being *****.

“It must be time” the dragon said

“to rain fire through the land.”

But the demons were gone,

and the ghosts were no more.

Save one,

the spirit of the little girl.

The dragon curled around,

this little thing, and layed softly down its head.

“Your safe now little one”

and squeezed her tighter to her heart,

I am here to protect you, and no one shall ever harm you again.

This dragon was protection, for if anything had gone wrong,

but protection never seems to come,

in the way it “should”

it came after the venom had burned the flesh and broken the bones,

after the flower was defiled and the men had all went home,

after there was nothing left and nothing to come,

and the young woman curled up onto the shelf,

and closed her eyes safe at last.

There was nothing left that had not been done.

But then there was another,

a young man who wandered out of the war.

He picked her up,

and carried her home.

He washed the dust from her face,

that had rested there from the shelf.

Bathed her clean,

and brushed her hair.

When she awoke,

the breathed the air.

Something was different,

something was new.

Many others were there,

all with kind faces.

And a sweet boy in the back came close and whispered


And so now,

it was time to cry.

For that was the only way,

the dragon would open its eyes.

And she cried and raged,

and each layer fell.

Bestowing a radiant beauty,

with blue eyes and curly hair.

The name did not fit,

the name of an angel.

An angel sent from heaven,

to fulfill a wish,

and not loved and honored,

must then take other forms.

And this form is warm,

and this form is green.

A dragon within,

radiating warmth

and green in the surface,

inviting love and nothing else.

So yes,

I am just like Her.

My Mother,

The Mother.

So take my hand and love me now,

for who and whet I am.

Do not persist that you think you know,

for who are you to judge.

There is nothing left to fight for now,

all the angels have been silenced.

The only ones left are you and I...

You requested room be made,

and there is plenty of room for love.

That dragon still awaits,

the day that may still come,

that the creatures who tortured that little white spirit,

will get what they deserve.

But that is a battle that will be left to the spirits,

as they say.

As for you and I,

and me and you,

just know that the road wont be smooth.

The fire has sparked,

and the truth will be spoken.

But it is truly all up to you,

what that word means and how you will choose to give it meaning.

There is nothing else left for me to do.
Ottar Sep 2013
I think of caramel apples this time of year,
I think of Thanksgiving in October, oh dear,
I think of seasonal gestures and try to wear
I think of pumpkin spiced pie, and sage too,
I am so busy I will forget to think of you,
I ******* hot coffee, sometimes burn a lip,
If I eat at a restaurant, I always leave a tip,
for nostalgia,
I keep something near my heart and others
in my head just behind my eye,
I love the fall of the leaves crisp and then crumble,
to top the grass and tumble in the chilling air.

My mom always said it best,
But my dad said he'd "Break our legs if we did
My mom always said" that you be sure to be safe,
and just don't",
Today they, the temptations, are here and there and
I am not judging, but I am not budging either,  
For anyone who loved her, I am sorry for your loss.

how did fifteen year  old A...
why did fifteen year old ...d...
when did fifteen year old  ...r...
who was with fifteen year old ...i...
what was fifteen year old          ...a...
where was fifteen year old         ...n...
why was there no help for           ...a...

I cannot finish my questions as they keep pouring out
of me and everyone of them is tear stained,
so recently a Falcon fell, and I am sad,
                        no judgement, not mad,
trying to understand
trying to make sense,
each of mine were
fifteen once, and nostalgia
wells up in me,
knowing that could have been
me, getting a call or a knock on the
door, then the wind leaving your
lungs, and you can't hear anymore,
for all of your screaming,
and tears scald as they run down your face,
one you loved for too short a time, is now gone.

My kids, they are adults now 20, 23, 27
15 year old dies of a ****** overdose, no I did not know her or the family

She looked up at him from where she knelt, clutching his black t-shirt where it draped over her knees. She asked him again. As he turned away from her, she asked him again. She knew the answer, but asked anyway. “Please,” she pushed through clenched teeth, “stay.” He left with no words. No spare glances. No caresses. Nothing. The door closes. His footsteps echo down the hall. Steady. Then nothing. He chose the words, the words she could not give him. With every step he took from her, her heart took another knife, till not a drop of blood was left. She was cold. Bare. He was gone. Bringing her fists to her nose, she buried her face into that black t-shirt. She lost herself in the only piece of him she had left, the only thing holding together the tiny semblance of sanity she had in her. His scent assaulted her, and just like that she was back at the beginning…


She sat on the hood of her car, reaching for a breath, as she witnessed the sun sink into oblivion beyond the sea. Barefoot, she walked along the road, tracing the coast line with the tips of her fingers, when she saw him. He sat perched on his car hood, hunched over a notebook. His strokes were tense…angry. Pause. One slash. Two slash. Three. He let out a growl of frustration, before launching his notebook in her direction, never lifting his eyes from the pen in his hands. His face was hidden by a mop of hair, hair that had seen better days, but even then, she had never seen a creature more beautiful. She picked up his book. Her eyes followed the slanted strokes, his words squeezing her heart in a way that was foreign in the most wonderful of ways. Before she knew it, she was walking to him. His hunched over form still not budging. “You know, usually the work inspired by pure emotion is the best. Don’t reject what you feel. It’s the first step in killing yourself.” She didn't know where the words came from, but she meant them all the same. She held out the notebook. He turned, and she locked into his eyes. In that moment, she was convinced that he was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.


He took the notebook without speaking, their eyes never un-linking. They had found themselves in a moment with each other that was earth shattering, and as their worlds turned on their axis and crossed together, they shared a breath. He broke contact first, looking down at his book, at the same words he had thrown away. His eyes widened in awe. It was as if he was seeing the words for the first time, and she smiled. “Don’t **** yourself.” She turned to go, when he finally spoke. “I have so much to say, but I can’t find any words worthy. I've been searching for the words. I don’t know when or where I’ll find them, but I’m getting closer. I can feel it.” After that, the words flowed between them like water. He told her about the two suitcases he kept in his trunk, and how they were his only companions on his journey. He told her how she made him question that very rule. He told her of all the countries he had scoured, all the people he had met and almost forgotten, all the women. She told him how at late at night she spirals into blur of a color that takes shape on her canvas, how she found piece after piece of herself every time she washed the paint from her skin, and how she is still searching for the last piece. They were both lost and waiting to be found.


“What is your name?” he breathed. They lay on his hood, on their sides, their faces mere breathes away. Hours had passed. The sun was making its escape from oblivion. It was almost funny. They had shared every secret, insecurity, and every inch of their past lives before they found themselves in this moment, but knew nothing of each other’s names. She didn't want to bring who they really were into this yet. She didn't answer. Instead, she molded her mouth with his, and breathed him in. By time, they took a breath; she was in his arms and desperately wanted to stay there. His eyes seared into hers. She wasn't about to break this moment. She took a deep breathe, tasting him on her tongue. “It happens a lot, you know? One minute, your 18 years old, and on the cusp of life. You are planning for someday, but before you can even blink someday is here. The next breathe, it’s passed, and you’re left to sort out what your life has become. Right now, it’s us, you and me. That’s all it needs to be for now. Save those questions for later, when we are of two shells of self again.” He didn't respond. He closed his eyes, leaned his forehead into hers, and all was silent.


The two weeks following their meeting at the coast was heaven in Egyptian cotton, a whirlwind of lazy chatter, laughter, and rapture. She loved making love to him. A cornucopia of contradictions she’d hold in her mind for as long as she’d live. One night ******* like strangers with blurred minds and non-existent inhibitions, and the next lingering in each other’s embraces and mouths as if they’d never taste anything like this again. Some nights spent in silence. Everything needed to be said, said through their eyes. Other nights he held her, and whispered words he had written just for her. It was in those moments, she believed that their moment was infinite, that they were infinite. She realized that you can’t put a time limit on love. She had found that last piece.
“My name is…”
Names and real selves were no longer a threat. She believed that. She believed with every core of every bone in her body.


“I will have to walk away soon.” His voice was soft, but determined. She heard him, but she did not listen, because somewhere between the late night confessions and the early morning embraces, she had convinced herself that what they shared could not be walked away from. She believed that she had what he had been searching for, just as she had found what she had been looking for in him.


Staring at the door from her place on the floor, she grieved. Her last piece was gone. He had left her, not to hurt her, but to fulfill himself. She should have been that missing piece. Why couldn't he need her like she needed him? She didn't know how she got up from the floor. She ended up in front of her canvas, losing herself in the blur of colors, desperate for the last piece of herself. She had to find it. It had to be there somewhere. It had to be…
A month after writing this...
The Stranger continues his mission.
Traversing from grasslands
To a forest filled with dead trees.
Walking upon a Beaten Path.
Critters going about their night
Grooming, and

The Stranger stares up at the Moon
It has reached it's peak.
Within moments he realizes the Moon
Seemed a bit different.
It donned a waxing crescent.
As if smiling to him.
Goosebumps appeared on his arms.
Creepy, he thought to himself.

The Stranger contiuned onward.
The night acompanyed him,
With every step and breath.
The cold was becaming ever more bitter.
He pulls the hood over his head.
Trees began singing their ghostly songs.
Critters seemed to be banished,
As if the Beaten Path forced them off.

The Stranger felt unease.
"Something isn't right here."
He mumbled to himself.
But his lips did not part.
In fact it was a bit diffcult to open.
Actually it wasn't even budging.
Then his eyes fell upon a figure.
He stopped dead in his tracks.

The figure moved closer and closer,
Faster and faster.
He wanted to say something.
He wanted to fight.
He wanted to run.
He wanted to finish his mission.

I will not be describing the Stranger much, most of it should be the reader filling in on what he looks like.
Leila Valencia May 2016
Plunged in the dead center
Gasping, grasping, asking for air
Pooled goo globed inside of you
Sit inside a pool of gushy goo
Dipping deeper unable to move
Your lungs collapse, mini heart attacks
The fear turns black, Swimming recklessly
Pushing, and pulling, budging, and shoving
Stuck in your mind - unable to twitch a limb
Thickened - weighed down - trapped - sinking......

Will you be mine? My Sticky slime valentine?
Take me in my shape ?
I could not, Unable, Incapable.
I could not say for the goo has gotten it's way.
When you're interested in someone to the point where you feel stuck.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Think again

                                                          ­         I didn't ask for this

                                                        Nev­er have I said show me your

                                misguided insensitive wicked deceit

                        you conceited ***

                            You think I'd go back to you reclaim your last name

                                    after it was so easy for you to


         ­                                               *
No I forgave you the first time and
                                                     allowed a 2nd time

                                                           ­             3rd time for me was

                                                            ­    me leaving you

                                                            ­                    right where I found you
                                                             ­           alone

                                           ­                         *Alone like you made me feel

                                                    had me always second guessing

                                                       ­                 wondering not trusting

                                                       ­ hurting & yearning

                                                How can you ever expect me to take you
                                                             ­     back

                                                      ­                  or ever allow us to be intimate
                                                        ­    or even ****** again

                                                          ­                  when I know the last time

                                                    before I left you'd been with another
                                                         ­  woman

                                                          ­ I didn't know at the time but crazy
                                            how I could tell you tasted different
                                    and I was right having her on top of you
                        yet ya had no qualms about me
                ******* where your manhood was inside another
    I was YOUR *

        *Not some trollop
                                    begging for your affections
                                    lesson learnt to me
for ever trusting you or any

                                   I gave you children two children
                a few still borne and miscarriage
I was the one budging the bills going to college
and cooking all your meals

                           When you hurt I'd massage it right out
                        never did you have to tell me or ask

                                     Sadly all I got was your lack of care
                                                            ­            insinuations and then I started
                                             thinking I was more crazy
                                        going insane from you saying it was all in my  
                               but you were in another woman's bed

            Had her feeling what used to be mines
                                                  had her crying out
                                                                ­                with pleasure
                                                        ­                                             from what
                                                 you'd once said was only mines
                                        Yet you called me today begging to come

             ­                               Well baby boy this ain't been your home
                                    in almost 3 to 4 years
                                                        and­ maybe for the kids sake
                                            I'd of done so long ago
                                        but the more I think on it
                        the more I wanna choke

   * I've cried and cringed over and over again
    thinking on how
         as your dearest fried &            
as your

   *I could of did things so completely
                                            Yet I know and yes I'm sure

               there wasn't anything to do different

       * Tonight when you called me

                      I had no idea you'd ask me
         such a question
     I figured we were being amicable
just for our girls

Never would I have ever thought you'd try
                                        this ******* again
                               seems you thought I was a sucker again
                              guess I've not learned
       after you tried it
     last year around Christmas

                                                *Ju­st like when you brought your
                                                            ­      new girlfriend & kept
                     her hidden all the while you I guess figured
   I'd be willing to forget I was always second be
                                 even last if truth be told but

      Now that you're my

              I'd say I'm no longer your punching bag
                                            or the

                   ­         *you married
       I'm nothing to you
so honey go away and enjoy your slew if women
                                and even though you assume
                                                          ­              you have chance
                                                          ­                          spare me your *******
                                                        ­                                                     and

                                                            ­                        THINK AGAIN!
                                                       ­                       Copyright ©
                                                               ­        Ayeshah K.C.L.N
                                                                ­              1977-Present  
                                    ­                             All right reserved
I've chosen to be better and move on, no more abuse lies or pain and I do forgive YOU! I just don't want you!
SWB Aug 2011
There's a bruised cloud sitting above me.

aren't its glowing edges lovely?

Even though the sun smiles,

no raindrops for miles,

This cloud's staring, not blinking, not budging.

But I'm not lost, I'm not even alone

standing outside- in the cold- of my home

where not a soul stirs

save my echoing words,

'kept company by the sound of tires on the road.

See, I wanted the world to stop moving

till it parked, dropped me off in a state of not doing.

Coming home's gotten hard,

I've outgrown this backyard,

So my feet weep and itch to keep cruising.
I wrote this poem upon the tenth day of having returned from a semester abroad in Carmarthen Wales, where part of me still lives.
Kelly EC Sep 2015
A surprise competition.
Why do I decide to lose?
I remove myself from the situation
And see she's who he should choose.

She's beautiful,
The same age;
Shared childhoods.

She's the one Mom loves
The girl to keep her son at home
I'd be fine with the above
Except his heart also sings her hum.

What a story they'd retell
With me a minor character,
A rising action,
An unintentional match-maker.

My life about to fork.
From a hopeful, "Come with me."
To a plot-twisting,
"Go pursue her."

I'm grappling with insecurities
Wanting all of him to love me.
His mother and his memories
Are pulling at his strings.

But he's not budging.
He's here holding me.
Tell me this isn't temporary.
I need him to choose me--
Over and over
I can't share him with her.
deanena tierney Sep 2012
I love to turn my back to the wind,
And let my hair blow about my face.
Stand real "I'm not budging."
Then give a flinching, desperate chase.
Say what's on my mind sometimes,
Better yet - exert control.
Show intriguing bits and pieces,
But teasingly hide the whole.
I love to wink across a room,
And quickly exit when they pursue.
Whisper false promises in a passion,
With no intention to follow through.
Yet there was a single real encounter,
That will define me to the end.
The moment I looked in a mirror,
And called myself a friend.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
but i too found man not content with
the classical philosophical approach
of standing outside of all time and space,
inevitable was the final product,
both the monkey theory and the big bang theory,
so in turn man turned against this interpretation
of philosophy, of standing outside all space
and time, which also produced the centimetre
and the second and the hour,
so thus modern man decided to stand outside
his biological processes, to only have to
heave a heavy breath into the barricade of psychology,
psychology - that metaphysical biology -
and there he was cornered, having escaped the biological
budging and nagging to only hear of the notion
that his breath was below a dog’s bark or a cat’s meow,
apparently the silent superiority was due a critical itemisation,
and thus dissected by the sometimes unfathomable logic
made only to convince and dupe, there was stood
within all space and time and only outside the logic of both
body and soul. will no man arise to stand once more
outside of all space and time, brushing away the theories
of einstein’s space-time and once more engage with
the measured ****** and the measured psychic?
i could fathom an interpretation as already apparent, plainer,
with all the modern day excesses of the sensual,
but then force-feeding the chickens will not make the chickens
produce bigger eggs - then i endear myself and ask -
why is psychology still only quantifying? it’s exhausting me
by revealing so many facts that it has no reason to suggest
a quality to them as either harming or beneficial:
a neighbour that lives 2 miles down the country road
is better than a neighbour that lives 2 metres on the other side
of the claustrophobic suburbia?
i say the former - since there’s a road to travel rather than
merely a point to stare at and give conversation its dues.
thus by standing outside all time and space i can reveal
that modern man is struggling with the failed cartesian escapism
of splitting body and mind, failed because of the dualism,
that famous failed escapism - failure upon the split splinter or hair;
but modern man was not content with the ancient two π equations
π1 = hour minute second, π2 = up down left / right, diagonal,
instead man wanted to complicate the whole utility of time & space
with ≈ 0.306 601 parsecs and liposome / dendrimer / fullerene...
after all, all those kantian negation units preceding or tailing off
(i.e. 0 is a kantian symbol for negation) had to fill this vast chasm of
both yawn (space) and hum (time), which explains man’s comfort
but the greater discomfort to be standing outside the two logics already
mentioned; no matter - a revision of hölderlin preoccupies me more -
is not my heart sanctified, more beautiful my life,
now that i love?

(that i began to love the few, abandoning
my once formerly prized ***** beneath the ivory cage, a cavity,
that could have embraced almost anyone if not everyone,
by the insistence of all being the grazing and darting gazes
of the passerby?
is not my heart sanctified, more beautiful in life,
now that i love only the few?)
Tiffany Lewis Jul 2011
A great battle between my past and the present

I came here to this stage to drop my words and vent.


From my sins.

So what? I gave in.

Keep judging , not budging, thinking you're lies are gonna win

And inside I am boiling and toiling, the line is getting thin.

Working hard to keep cooled, I'm playing nice

But ya keep testing me and next time I might not think twice

To explode


And blast ya with the truth

Was trying to keep ties

But now they are coming loose

You won't listen, you won't try

You sit there like you know

Then why  do I cry?

Say I'm cold and I'm changed

Maybe I am, from all the pain

Is all this hurting me fun and what is there to gain

Keep pushing me away

And even though you don't know it today

You will and I promise regret your choices

Later on in your ear, you'll hear the voices

Its your mind nagging

And bagging on the decision you made

Try to push it away but the noise, it won't fade.

So keep the turmoil raging inside

Keep on the attack because you  have something to hide

How silly of me, to think in you I could confide

Change of ways, darker days, and to you I am seeing a new side

It is black and consumes

No more blossoms, nothing blooms

And my fire it burns, shut your mouth, no more turns

Just keep quiet and listen as I spit out the fumes

I am tired of this and of that

My heart has taken a beating like blows from a bat

Quit complaining and saying

Things that you know couldn't be real

*** miles become feet and feet become inches

And I am getting closer to showing you how I feel

You once had a cover to keep you looking clean

But now it is worn and it is starting to peel

And as all of this happens, I pick up steam

Moving on

Moving forward

Moving past

Better hurry and get wise

This offer just won't last

Once I'm over the edge

No I can't come back

Can handle a bruise but watch out I might crack

Think ya got what ya need but it's all going to lack

The one thing

The true meaning to this

The purity and bliss

Hope ya have fun *** that's what you'll miss.
hello Aug 2013
I feel as though
I'm ever so synonymous
To mute
Antonymous to clangorous
I can't seem to transform
These inner vibrations into
The complicated English language
My voice is a broken record
Of "I'm fine"s
My head is permanently inside
A box
With a Polaroid of a smiling me
Smack dab on the front
Never budging at the slightest tear
But, this box is somewhat
Because every now and then
It'll let me make slits
Where my eyes are
And maybe someone
Will somehow see
How dead
I am.
cassie sky Aug 2012
I sing to feel the love and pain again
Were we meant for something, or for nothing?
I can feel you with me up until the end
But this wall between us is not budging

My dreams show happy times in our future
While my nightmares reveal our crumbled past
We were a few steps shy of the jewelers
Then I woke up and ran before you crashed

You know now you brought it upon yourself
You don’t know you brought it upon me too
I hurt because your head wasn’t in good health
I wished to say I do and not adieu

Now that you know how badly you need me
I must decide if we were meant to be
W Jun 2019
There im told your great I see
Held to the highest pillar just stay true
(E-mc⅔) **** this hard one ****
It sees matter ...
Over mind..
It seems that's all this world matters... Clue
Matter of things of this world without what happens after
So it is matter over mind... Society lied **** dumb *****..clearly it matters
To be a cow .. walking to the slaughter house
Budging in line on who wants to go next
This poem seems to be to obvious
And perfect... Lol from spacings and levels
Balance and truth
Jesus walks first in the other direction..
Now I do
Believe it or not ...
If this is true hard to answer
Keys left all around... But
Can't seem to pick it up
I'm first to the key
First to the egg
So many movies
So many clues
Who makes these movies
God funny every show
On the tv in shows lol..
To fairy tail
Imagination is endless but it's a tricky thing to play with .. if you don't have a good
Jesus was a good teacher..
Peace I don't believe in 3rd chances.. but this
One I'll do just because it's you and
It's for ya.. you4yah from you by you
Caillou on Google.. xmas lol ..
25december .. I mean the
My dreams
But the world tears us apart.
My great love letter d she may never
Read ..the letter that shred the sheets
But tears on a lady on the streets
Like Romeo and Juliet ..
The returned love letter
That took me many
Life times
Complete. back on the street the tree
Down the street
Where walk
Through the snow
Meet me here
If you
Don't believe my love
Is the moon the stars the sun
There is endless words
Of cloud atlas ... We are
The story... Each of us
She's been there .. the first time you truly fell in love.. the person who stole your heart
But some B's
Rip you apart (think really if it didn't matter but love that's mind heart and brain talking)
What if the girl dropping wine.. if she realized in the beginning you wouldn't have pieces of your heart...
To find or lose or grew in the beginning. .. so the first love is true and everything else will never duplicate that .. wholeheartedness? But repent I guess ****
Torn apart
Even in the possibility of finding the girl .. so don't give up being the good guy
In time you will find the right true love.

And it's a reincarnation of her on the flip
Supporting you or
Vise versa
Perfect match

Of forever.
But even then.. I'm honest
And humble
But not a dog a wolf
All one man's
Cross he hung
Still felt bad
For the society of them
Would go to hell and bring the souls all
Souls demon to light
Fire to brimstone ( anime for that)..
Would give you a chance over
Over again
Cause I'm a nice guy
And believe
No matter what ..
A son
2000 years ...
And hopefully you get the belief needed..
Jesus died for all sins then...
But you forgot...
Lets try
Already .
What happens if the world drained and never made it out of this rock.. fail .. might happens if not natural disasters by mother earth for the cries of her pain
Or humanity's 7 deadly sins controling this world **** each other ... Cause god already won and running your tricks

She's the only girl
Who I want a hit off
She's my high on life
Not everything else
We would bike ,
Sometimes fight but perfect
That I was sober and for that day
Ever since
Trying to replicate ..
That love
Even now


You just to blind to see. ( If you read this far you will one day make it .. this life or the
Promise.. gjw God Jesus will __
jayant palana Nov 2012
i love that arrogance which erupt like volcano
unknowingly she does this to make me fall in lines she thinks so.
she keeps on changing themes till she does not know.
she is no more the same but she thinks to remain so.
change the look ,learning to live life on it's own
words change, attitude change, but she thinks to remain so.
she want's every thing but wants to come on there own.
change is the course of life she knows but pretend not to deviate.
forgetting all her pain, inflicting as much as she can create.
waiting for the rose, mesmerize by it's beauty, knowing it cannot talk.
budging not an inch, dreaming rose has kiss her lips, didn't allow the rose to walk
Bob B Jan 2017
Championing the highest principles
To which humanity can aspire,
You are the great idealist;
When there's a cause, you're on fire.

You're the "organization" person
Who fights for equal rights and fairness
For all people. You're the one
Who raises other people's awareness.

Your loyalty and fairness both
Bring in a lot of dividends,
For you tend to attract many
Loyal acquaintances and friends.

Being asked to do a task
Is seldom a real problem for you.
But heaven forbid should anyone
Try to tell you what to do.

You despise authoritarian
Demands; you hate pressure as well.
When you're pushed to act against
Your better judgment, you rebel.

But when you decide that a cause
Is worthwhile, then you give your all.
When criticized for your decisions,
Instead of budging, you stand tall.

You often find fascination
In things that might be odd or unique.
Your strong likes and dislikes can also
Bring to light your stubborn streak.

You're an independent thinker,
So current trends interest you little.
Because you are so independent,
Some people think you're noncommittal.

Your passion seems to be more directed
At causes, so without a doubt,
In your close relationships,
Your partners have trouble figuring you out.

Loving many people at once
Is so natural for you that
If your partner is insecure,
You often feel called on the mat.

And yet, when you are deeply in love,
Your passion can be inspirational.
People are attracted to you
Since you are so gravitational.

Your unpredictable nature might
Cause you to do the unexpected.
Be aware of the signs when
Your other half is feeling neglected.

A people-oriented person,
You don't care that much about wealth.
Watch out, for nervous disorders
Might adversely affect your health.

Restrictions on your self-expression
Can cause in you a violent reaction.
Working for the common good
Is what gives you satisfaction.

Since people are so important
You aren't always in the mood
To eat a lot; instead you find
That useful knowledge is the best food.

Always ready to change the world,
You are the humanitarian.
Be true to yourself, and you
Will prove that you're a true Aquarian.

- by Bob B (1-21-17)
Riley Dec 2014
I think that even if I lowered my standards, I'd still be alone.

It's not my high expectations, my choosy nature that intimidates guys. I'm alone because of me, of who I am. Somehow undesirable.

I've heard it all before - "never find your value in how men treat you," "don't give up on standards that mean the most to you," "you're worth it." It all repeats in the back of my head, losing a bit of it's gravity with every revolution.

I know I have flaws. I'd have to be dim to overlook them. And I have high, impossibly high standards.

Maybe I'm not budging on either of those because I like my own misery. I like to torture myself, saying, if only he were better, if only I were better.

I've set myself so low and the bar so high, daring a boy to take the chance with such small victory in his success. The championship game of his life, and in the end, everyone asking, "that's all he gained?"
Jason L Rosa Mar 2017
Was I ever really the one to say.
That this would ever be easy?
I never made a promise yet that I couldn't keep.
Yet every time you put up that face.
that face that tells me I've done wrong.
Shows you i couldn't promise you forever.
Cause dear,
there's just
something about the pain that keeps drawing me closer.
And I'm not quite sure it's the best deal in the house.
But I'm not budging.

My blinders were on for so long.
I thought it'd be nice to let go.
Excuse me if your death was just a product of my mind.
Sometimes, it needs to be there.
Sometimes, it helps.
And no, I still will not make promises to you that I know are false.
Because we've all been down the hard road, and dear.
I've been down too many.  Spare me ---

Were you the one who told me, "Love" is all we needed?
How could I ever ask that much from you?
I knew how naive you were, because in a far away land, I too, was in your shoes.
and even though the fire diminished in our violent wake.
I still have the need to thank you.
Because love is a lesson.
And even if our hearts cooled down and snuffed out the fire.
You taught me.  Yes. You taught me.
And yes dear.  I was a student and took it all in.
And yes dear.  I learned---
Jihad Donald Trump Style
The glory of America, now heats up
with agitation poised to strike on the brink
sans legislation incites humiliation,
which goads desecration as fete accompli *****
in armor of Democratic rubric, constituting capitalistic
ethic, generic iconoclastic, and jingoistic logic,
nor budging an inch when mandating masses swallow his drink
what huff huck – this belligerent, dominant and
fervent hell raiser doth bungle in the jungle
decreeing tacit Mar shall law fast as a shutterfly eyewink
as his cosmic crotch grab doth put Venus under his sway
with his Mercury hill temperament
pitches the orbit of planet Earth tubby comb out of balance
infected by hiz anti Ju pit er damnations, excoriations, fulminations
Huzzah sing how **** derriere didst Sat urn simultaneously
crushing crucible as an Uranus
indiscriminately plop ping two hundred fifty pounds off flesh
dub ling down snapchatting and humming his favorite Neptune
that dost affect Pluto hoc crass sea
repeating a self coined motto – I yam all mighty, therefore no fink
simply commandeering the reins of control,
a one man military intelligence groupthink
hut triad and true dyed in the wool rip pug in ant guise zing rogue
rejoicing tuff fool, governing and hoodwink
Fake king the die hard fans of dictatorial, linkedin and monarchist ink
cube bus thriving on wielding indomitable aggression
practiced in the Art of the Deal incorporating an unanticipated jink
iron fist rule reigning down vis a vis
pro pens heave lee and prop hen city
flashing hiz seal of approval, which scribbled signature
doth not smooth monkey serve hay puzzling kink
boot his frenzy to bulldoze catastrophic, formulaic, and illogic
spells these United States of America twill become hell
in a hand basket worth repeating with nary a trace of the grit of link
kin, the sixteenth president
(whose ruggedly pioneering frontier existence)
found him steady and strong, plus soft hearted as pelt o’ mink
the epitomy of this forty fifth elected commander in mischief.
Leila Valencia Jun 2016
In nights hymns of reflection of betterment we stick stemmed to the roots
Tasting drops hung from its very branches
Suckling safely tucked truths before our gallows torment tempting the untruth.
Where must we speak?
I believe these untruths hold us wearily before we feel like thousands of acres of horses stampede on our soul.
Must they have a name?
Hidden beneath such a budging burden is an empty chest of looming crates casting us out
Can we fill our emptiness with what we desire is a whole in our truest destinies?
Summer Series #4
Kenshō Aug 2014
Collective ant colonies construct
Extended power projected towards the stomping elephants.
Trembling troubling sounds break and pierce ear drums as something powerful is overthrown

Were you connected with timid purity or corrupted insecurities?
Controlling others and yearning for trickling gold or Spread love and know the truth is the same as what is told..

See behind closed eye lids where you see the universe is mind made.
Hearing and seeing truth not budging your view till it fades.

Alarms flare red walls as the boy awakens, seeing the city in flames.
Creaks of wooden floors as he makes his way outside compliments the popping fire sound.

Sirens whine; baby's love is torn by someone dark.
The dog gang is being attacked and the rebound effect is a loud bark.

Poems fighting for something clearly clearer -
Clearly clearer than destructive behavior creating painfully truthful mirrors.

Awakened entrapment. Aware of itself.
Ropes pull snug on the throat of the businessman and the ****.

Locked in a similar dorm.
Fighting cold to stay alive; yet, keeping each other warm..

Dynamic duo, filthy filled perceptions of each other create confusion!
Time alone and silent melodies clean the stained glass of your God's glasses.

So what is it now? The world infused with sound.
Continue down the path till a utopia is found..
Collective Measure
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
in germany it's called a sharp s (ß)... in poland it's just called an acute s (ś)... in english it's a revival of the original germanic intention of quasi-interpolation that the other name for ß is intended for, to suggest: es und zee; as showecased by the example that's the title... the english have this "competence" riddled into them... they can interpolate the s with the z, and the z with the s... as long at the two letters are lodged deep enough in words, i.e. not as heads (primarily, since i do not know of any words ending with a -z)... e.g. zebra... saber... sophisticated... zero.

but in all honesty, it's not about that... even though that
stated, can become relevant some day, or other...

   it's more about su doku, no. 8966...
                as the categorißation clearly indicates,
a tough ******* to crack open into a complete
                 ha ha... if they won't bend with zeppelins
or messerschmitts, or a yunkers yu (yew) 390 -
tackle them with a ß.
                                         anyway, back to the su doku...
back to no. 8966... ******* is difficult,
he's not budging, so i resort to writing something,
        relaxing my eyes on letters, rather than,
something equivalent to what the chinese would
call the 4th book of the torah (book of numbers) -
               but what i'm playing at is...
                 the fourth dimension allusion...
          su doku isn't a pain-of-fact      x, y, z
                                          ­     it was conceptualised
by asians... no wonder you can become a bit cuckoo
solving the puzzle...
                                        or at least i do...
    i do have a blind-spot for super-fiendish
     and fiendish and even difficult puzzles...
                        but then i like to relax, and i'm not
going to allow my brain - which is fat -
              become invaded by killer-proteins of alzheimer -
in the same way i won't be told that my brain
     requires flexing... like a killer protein would like
it to flex, to then invade the plump and delicate *****...
ah yes!
             the conceptualisation schematic!
                                     it's based on coordination....
       \ | /
     _   9 _                                 so it starts off like that...
        / | \

   but then ***** off and does this:

     (5, 5) > (5, 6) < (5, 7) << (5, 1) <<< (5, 9) <<<< (5, 4) etc.

     (it's about positions, coordinates!
                         you're not talking x, y, z style graphs,
  you're talking x, y, z, g        graphs....
                              )       i.e. the worth of having two fivers
on the graph is good... by comparison having a fiver
and a six doesn't bring you closer to the solution,
      and the rest is just:       < less than << even more less
    <<< even even more less    <<<< les dennis?

in reverse?
     oh you mean the upper part of the spectrum?
in summary it's sorta like:
      the algebra of xxxxxxxxx
             and the punctuation <<<<<<<<<
      or yyyyyyyyy and >>>>>>>>>

and it goes likes this:

     (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) > (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) > (5, 5, 5, 5) > (5, 5, 5) > (5, 5)

the difference is obvious... because it just is...
you don't apply the addition emphasis of the < or > mark...
because it's ****** obvious that you're adding the same
****** number to the su doku graph:

  obviously until you get to (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) -

   if you're serious about drinking, as i am, and you do
one of these puzzles?
                            the world of colour disappears....
and you're stuck on a ******* carousel -
                     and you're thinking:
      what are these l.s.d. junkies on about
                  trying to see more colour than necessary?
try this!
                          it's a bit like a nostalgia
                    for black & white cinema...
                                                      s­ilent movies?
n'ah... that's going too far back.
KathleenAMaloney Sep 2016
How Now Brown Cow?
I said Starting the Day

I'm not budging
Said My Soul

I signed Once
It had Already Made Its Decission
Refusing Manipulation
And Tears

Something More Than Faith
As Each Wave Came Thru

To the Bottom of the Ocean
It Once Fell
Past All Loves And Hopes
Life And Death
To The Secrets
True Creation
Where Life Splits The Immoveable Place
And It Becomes the Seed
Never changing Essence
Pure Reason
Made Into Life
Black Mahic Made Real Blackwr than Black
Stillness of The Suns Lightfe
Born certainty
Of Unknowing
She Knew Not Man
They Said
The chills reverberated Throughout Her Bide as She Became Him
Just For a Moment
He Was Born Within
Her Flash
Fully Grown
It Was True About Herthey Said
And It Was True
Feminized Was sHe Made. The Rock Called Stone, softened By the Waters of Time, and Never sHe More  Beautiful.  and the Word THEY sprang Forth . Wishing Well of The Tribe.
More than Man Aug 2016
Quiet your chest
You hear that beat?
Risen higher not for myself
Me, I'm still tapping
A sound of voices to be heard--
Not silenced
Deafened ears to deliver a proposal

Success should stand alone, suggests
Men like me were given the world

Dreams are grown to fill empty spaces
Not koffers stuffed with expectations
Swapping lanes with no pedigree
Standing face to face
Both sets of shoes strapped to the streets

I plead only to be named
Before I drown in false decree
For what society sells
That I should stomach, or
Gain a swollen head and
Shrinking stomach

Shaking hands force I'll upon me
The world held steadfast with labels
They cry out for fixing
Core still, nor crust budging
I fix my mouth
With furled brow

Or I shall suffer for sins
Of fathers before me, no.
Shame success and dash
Madly for a swifter ending
To set finale, a silent resolution

Will it my memory stain;
Have my words mean something, then
I must stifle sounds and symptoms
Suggestions of suffering
Lest they betray, and

Allow the pages to burn
Away at this facade
Toe to toe my lines
To their words will claim me

Accosted by the inflicted
Afforded no frustration
Check the box, X
A default male Caucasian
Filling the need for false standard
--Lost still among a victim generation.

— The End —