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5.4k · Aug 2018
Where the Turtles Fly
Amanda Aug 2018
Laying on a bed of sand
Soft as feather downing
You take hold of my hand
I am floating, drowning
Feeling the blue salt fill me
Your breath kisses my eye
Taking me down to see
Where the turtles fly
Amongst rainbow coral
And fish, timid and shy
Hide amongst a skeletons hull

Gossamer clouds waft over
Driven by a sun tanned breeze
As we lay, cocooned in our ardour
Surrounded by quiet seas
I can feel the blue salt fill me
As your breath kisses my eye
And it’s taking me down to see
Where the turtles fly
Amongst the rainbow coral
And see the fish so shy
Hiding in a shipwrecked hull
4.2k · May 2019
Amanda May 2019
I will always
Look for sun after rain
As it flashes through the prism vein
Of the coloured bow

I will always
Look for trust amongst a betray
For conscience will always have its way
And regret will show

I will always
Look for angers smiling frown
As turns a shout upside down
Allowing laughter to exhale

I will always
Let love control hearts hate
Over a constant populace of hate lovers
Hoping love will prevail
3.5k · Aug 2018
Picnic by the Sea
Amanda Aug 2018
Endless days of summer sun
Finally school is done
Picnic by the sea
With the dog and family
Toes dipped in salted pool
As dad acts the fool
Sand buried up to his head
As the tide edges to his bed
Then running with ball at play
Amongst the frothy tidal spray
Laughing until it hurt
As we rolled amongst the gritty dirt
My brothers, sister and me
A perfect day by the sea
Ended with a sun dipped in pink edged gold
As we headed home on a darkening road
2.8k · Jun 2019
Night Train
Amanda Jun 2019
Looking through the window
I am surging ahead, fast forward
Flying straight as a crow

Clickerty Clack, Clickerty

A rhythm like a heart beat
Takes me to a future not know
From a past I left incomplete

Clickerty, Clack

I am held, as the world turns below me
Frozen in time, I can stay
Where I can be hidden, No-one can see


Bags are heavy, but guilt is a weightier load
Left you, and your angry days
Sorry, I wont be there when your fists off-load

2.1k · Nov 2018
Amanda Nov 2018
Night folds over another day
And fireflies burst into glow
Amongst soft summer trees
They shine like living stars
And my eyes turn to the universe
As warm winds sigh across my hair
I breathe in the warm perfume
Of Earths rich and golden season
1.9k · Aug 2018
Amanda Aug 2018
Restless in spirit, no calm to be found
Fighting against the normal, trapped and bound
Mind screaming to be free
Need to be me, only me

So you traverse the mountain pass
Wading through heavy snowfall mass
Do you feel the chill?
Of a lake frozen still.

Then walking through desert, liquid dry
Where hot winds whip up sand in your eye
Can you see journeys end?
Is it around the roads next bend?

Looking with lighthouse gaze
Across a restless sea, dipped in silver haze
Can you see the distant land?
Is this what you planned?

Can you see the grass, so green?
Is it really greener than you’ve seen?
Or are the perfect strands plastic and hollow?
Is this the dream you wanted to follow?

Suddenly the heart knows what the mind must
And tears cleanse away the dust
Heart is the home
It can’t be lived in alone
1.7k · Dec 2018
The Island
Amanda Dec 2018
Water falls into turquoise lagoons
Where softly dusted butterfly wings
Chastely kiss a blue sky mirror
As the sun admires its reflection
Dressed up in cotton white clouds
Vibrant birds fluff out their feathered costumes
Listening as warm winds pass through talking trees
Hidden in a desert of lush green foliage
Enclosed in a ring of bleach white sand
As deep blue water guards the periphery
Of this last of Eden’s islands
1.4k · Sep 2018
Plastic Rules!
Amanda Sep 2018
Modern life is killing me
Yawn, yawn, block out the TV
Pictures of bears, wales and lion
Dial the number, save the newest extinction
Money wanted for the latest charity
Save the children, comes the plea

It’s all too much for the heart to take
So it’s numbed in ice, to prevent the break
I am now part of the world’s population
Where denial is guaranteed self-preservation
But here we go with another newsbreak
Money needed after a recent earthquake

So I will travel upon my merry way
Living in ignorance every day
Paddle in an ocean where plastic rules
Ignoring the singing of dolphin blues
Don’t want to hear about what’s at stake
I can’t make a change, put in the firebreak

But to the next generation, what can be said?
When they look at oceans a long time dead
And a lion’s roar can only be seen
In a cartoon film shown on the big screen
The only animals in the world are biped
Trying to survive on this floating sickbed

I am not one to name and shame
Or make judgement, place the blame
But don’t want to leave the world as I found it
Hand it on, like it’s a gambit
So I will make one change, I hereby claim
I leave it up to you to do the same
1.2k · Jun 2018
A Journey Travelled
Amanda Jun 2018
Lay down your head
On soft velvet clover
Breathe in the perfume bed
As cotton white clouds drift over

Slowly walls break stone by stone
As the silence hits, hard as a hammer
Are you lonely? You are alone
Amidst the wreckage, as memories stir

A journey travelled by crooked road
Each turn a choice, or was it destiny woven
Every step taken carries a load
And the weight grows with the path chosen

Regrets? There were a few rocks in the road
Second chances are like fairy powder
You don’t get chance to reload
A life lived, is a life, so live it louder

At the end when peace is searched for
Lay down in a perfumed bed
Of soft velvet clover
While white cotton clouds drift overhead
1.2k · Mar 2018
Take Me to the Moon
Amanda Mar 2018
Take me to the moon
I want to listen to the silence
And walk where I can’t fall
Build me a rocket
Want to go where life makes sense
No one to talk to, no one to call

Leave a Planet
A hundred billion bodies full
No sign of stopping the grow
It’s not like rabbits
You can’t control with a cull
Humans reap what they sow and sow

Living in a bubble
A thousand years from now
No trees, concrete will rule
Build me a rocket
I am heading into space for my final bow
Yes, you may laugh, may think I’m a fool

But I’m a spaceman
I am going to fly into space
Going to take my chances in the voids
Find the peace
Leave behind this disillusioned human race
Moon, population one, how will that look in the tabloids.
1.1k · Jul 2018
Tell me the Story
Amanda Jul 2018
Tell me about the day I was born
Was it raining or sunny
On this mid-summer morn
Did I cry and whimper
In this world that was new
Or did I reach for the embrace
In the warm smell of you

Tell me about my childhood
Did we laugh and play games?
Was I a bad child, or good?
Did I go to school to learn my sums?
Do my chores and homework each day
When I fell, was it to you that I ran
To kiss the hurt away

Tell me about when I was grown
Did you shed a tear, or two?
When I left the family home
And did you reach out to catch me?
As I stumbled through this adult life
Learning about responsibility to earn enough
To support my new family, husband and wife

Now let me tell you my story
Memories start from when I was young
Of being loved and protected
In arms that were strong
Encouraged to be, who I wanted to be
Every step guided, with a nod and a smile
So I hope i have lived a life, to make you proud of me

For my Mum
1.0k · Jan 2018
Empty Spaces
Amanda Jan 2018
I look for you
In my morning
For the smile across a coffee mug
As I sit listening, yawning
To your chatter about the day

Empty spaces
Is all there is to see
A place in the home
Where you used to be

I look for you
At the end of day
For the hug as I cross the door
So tight, it takes my breath away
Welcoming me home

Empty spaces
Is all there is to see
A place in the home
Where you used to be

I look for you
When I‘m feeling down
For the jokes you will tell
To make me laugh, you’re such a clown
You always know the way

Empty Spaces
Is all there is to see
A place in the home
Where you used to be

I look for you
As I do each day
Visiting the grave, is my only release
So I can tell you about my day
My one and only

Empty spaces
Is all there is to see
A place in the home
Where you used to be
1.0k · Nov 2018
Amanda Nov 2018
I want to walk down sunlit paths
Where birds talk about the weather
In a living land of ancient trees
And warm breezes carry a scent of green
Amongst rising domes of fungi
Heartbeats can be heard amongst the ferns
As feet scurry to hidden homes
And sharp eyes watch the passing
Of the predator human
Silence as the first tree falls
And the birds weep
1.0k · Feb 2019
Doubt is a Falling Stone
Amanda Feb 2019
I can hear the wind as it whistles
Through my inner spinning cycle
Of questions, as they turn around

I hope the answers can be truth
But doubt is a falling stone
And I feel the weight of a pebble rain
As I am pressed into the dark

I look for the spark of confidence
But it flutters, a bug in a glass
No escape from inside, looking out

I am told they speak a truth
But truth is a promise not yet fulfilled
So how can sincerity be accomplished
In a world full of honest liars
967 · Oct 2018
Poetry Is...
Amanda Oct 2018
When I was young I wasn’t taught
How poems are written using thought
I have no idea what the poetic terms mean
And lines should be worked until pristine

Alliteration, Anapest, Assonance, Blank verse
Too much for the mind to traverse
Tercet, Trochee, Refrain and stanza line
Apparently free verse means lines don’t rhyme

I feel it’s all a bit clinical and cool
And poetry shouldn’t follow a written rule
It’s not something than can be planned
Like an essay written on demand

Poetry is love, lost and found
It’s anger, regret, a human battleground
It’s all of you, written down on a blank page
It’s grief, laughter, hope and rage

Poetry is a flow of all your fears
Written with ink of salted tears
And emotions tumble into cyber space
Searching for a connection, they cannot trace

Every poet travels the downward dip
Of the emotional power trip
Feels the soul of the written word
That bleeds more freely than the cut of a sword
936 · Feb 2019
Counting Sheep
Amanda Feb 2019
Spend my nights counting sheep
Might as well change my name to Little Bo Beep
I have flocks of hundreds, leaping over fences
Counting them all, as the bleating overwhelms my senses
But they don’t lead me to the land of sleep
All these baa-ing, stinking woolly sheep
I’m sure they are sniggering, as they prance in my head
And I lay fighting with the covers in my bed
Eyes red turn to a window, lit with early dawn
Another night passed and the sheep have withdrawn
I head out, another day, clothes dressed inside out
Too late to change, too busy dealing with the fallout
Of arriving late to work, and to the boss’s rant and rave
God I can’t remember his name, is it Brian or Dave?
But slowly his voice fades to the sound of a bleating lamb
And his head takes on the form of an angry woolly ram
Baa, Baa, Blacksheep, the nursery rhyme sings
In my head.  I feel sudden expresso cravings
I battle through the rest of the day, coffee on tap
And at lunchtime I manage a ten-minute power nap.
Then home and an early night put into place
Hot milk, no TV, a book to create a relaxing base
I am primed for the perfect night’s sleep.
But two hours later, I am wide awake. Counting sheep.
900 · Apr 2018
I Am A Wicked Witch
Amanda Apr 2018
I am a wicked witch
With black hair, crooked teeth
My friends call me Myrtle
My cat Jinks, who can’t spell, calls me Keith
I can turn an ugly, fat frog into prince
When I spend my nights making spells
But it’s much funnier and more often, than not
The prince is turned into a frog, don’t tell.

I am a wicked witch
I have princesses knocking at my door
Looking for true loves first kiss. Yuk!
So, they buy apples and spinning wheels
Hoping to find their prince, tough luck!
The princes are living in my pond, eating flies.
But I tell them eat the apples, ***** their fingers
One day their prince will come. Wicked me, what lies!

I am a wicked witch
The king has arrived at my door
He isn’t looking happy. I best make ready to run.
Witch Myrtle, he says, I need your help
I don’t know what to do. You are the only one
That I can rely on, no-one else can do.
A Dragon is roaming the kingdom
He roars fire, eats sheep, I need you.

I am a wicked witch
But I say kindly, my King there is no need to worry
I have the just the thing that can help
But you must promise to do everything I say
You can have no misgivings, no doubt
I have a sword that will cut through dragon scaling
And flame-proof armour, nothing like you’ve seen
So stop your crying and no more wailing
Now listen carefully. Good, he seems keen

I am such a wicked witch
Word has come back from the town
Telling of the meeting between the king and dragon
How the king stood tall and proud, despite the titters all around
Dressed in a flame proof diaper and holding a green snake tail rattle
How the dragon looked at the king, before slowly falling to the ground
People say in all their years, they had never seen the sight
Of a dragon rolling in laughter, there is no stranger sound.

Oh dear, I am a wicked witch
The king sent solders to arrest me. But I have sent them back
As rats dressed in ballet shoes and fluffy white tatu’s.
I am sure the King will like them. But then again, maybe not.
I think it’s time I left this house and pack up all my things.
I am ready to go with Jinks on my shoulder. But this broom’s too small
So, I call in a favour from a friend, and he is happy to oblige
Because dragon, really is the best way to fly, after all.
Another one written just for fun
834 · Aug 2018
Hours in the Sun
Amanda Aug 2018
Under a shadowed bower
Of olive green scented leaves
I fall into morose reflection
As the heart grieves
For a love that was barely begun

For there was a time of you and me
In summer fields of broken hay
Where we spent our childhood years
Dancing amongst butterflies at play
And laughter came before the tears

How brief those hours in the sun
Before clouds gathered over the summer day
And a letter arrived at your door
I can still see the words pulling you away
A call for country, a call for war

I remember the day I said goodbye
There were no promises given
A brief hug, a touch of a hand
Then the train steamed out of the station
Taking you away to a distant land

For a year we kept in touch. Though
Letters were few and far between
I remember how the ink was smeared
On paper that had once been clean
Then the last, the last that came
Words written strong and unfeared

I opened the letter, to find crushed
Petals, placed between each page
A memory of our sweet meadow summer
While around you a war continued to rage
Words written, as if love would give you armour

Your body came home soon after
Your time with me frozen, as you were laid
To rest under branches of an old summer tree
I bring flowers each day, so the scent won’t fade
A reminder of summer, and you and me
824 · Feb 2022
Amanda Feb 2022
I am young, my eyes gilded
Cannot see the way clear
So far to go, and the path is broken
As I walk in soft cotton shoes
Crushing the rocks underfoot
Like popcorn

Sparks of light, have interrupted
the membrane, I can sense
My world, this world
Being old in its infancy
As the universe throws rocks
Like popped corn

Burnt like the sun
Life, ours, broke the skin
We are all children, born with closed eyes
Heavy is the weight of our steps
As the world turns to dust behind us
Like crushed popcorn
How heavy do we walk across the world
756 · Oct 2018
A Herald of Horns
Amanda Oct 2018
I sometimes wonder about morality
How each life circle slows to a final crawl
Now, I know this is how it’s meant to be
Because life must end, for creatures all
For some, their beliefs will make them fearless
They will live a life after with reunited family
And a herald of horns will light up the darkness
Isn’t that what the preachers say, how it’s going to be?
But I don’t hold with the religious tract
It’s a big, wide world of varying faith and customs
Just too many versions out there to take as fact
But choosing is but one of the many freedoms
As a human, that we have, I give thanks for.
But I am not here to beat a drum
I just hope when I finally meet deaths door
I can look back and see a life lived that was awesome.
752 · Jun 2019
Dancing Queen
Amanda Jun 2019
Spending time in solitude
Alone with my scattering thoughts
Ears filled with music from
A Favourite playlist

My mood fitting the songs as I
Dance full pelt in the kitchen
Hope the neighbours can’t see
Oops, too late! Grin and wave
As I pass the window again.

But I am the queen of my castle
And the moat is just a dream
So, I spend my nights in solitude
Dancing like an Abba queen
723 · Jan 2019
The Magic Kingdom
Amanda Jan 2019
Kicking the leaves under the tree
As we laugh out loud with abandoned glee
I can smell the dirt as it fills my nose
And the falling leaves cover my toes
Listening as the forest creaks with dancing beech
And the Oak branches stretch up out of reach
Games played where we each take a turn
At seeking and hiding amongst the fern
The forest is our play pen, we visit each day
It’s the magic kingdom of fantasy
Where stories of our younger years
Can be brought to life without any fears
Knights can battle with shield and blade
And pixies are found in a hidden glade
Dragons fly and giants stomp around
Battles lost and won and kings are crowned
Then the day ends with a sunset dusted in gold
And we are brought back into realities cold
720 · Jan 2018
Amanda Jan 2018
Like wine, intoxicating
I am an addict.
The look of you
The smell of you
My heat burns against ice
There is no thaw.
I give all to you
My very soul to you
I am distant in your eyes
A tracing paper image
Unknown to you
Not known to you
It is a lie, deceit bruises your lips
As they tumble in haste
I am torn from you
Restrained from you
In torturous fire I watch
As you walk away with her
She is nothing to you
She is nothing
Tomorrow, you will see
I will show her fickle heart
Then you and I, we will be
711 · Oct 2018
Amanda Oct 2018
Dimmed lights and soft leather sheen
As voices fade to a murmur
Music booms out from a panoramic screen
As we are pulled into an electric adventure
Popcorn spills onto worn out carpet ply
And ice creams licks fill the silent pauses
Then a mobile ring causes an angry outcry
And the guilty party leaves, to quiet applauses
Magically we are transported into imagined worlds
Where Aliens live and spaceships fly solo
We watch as the good and evil story unfolds
The twists and turns as our hero fights his foe
Then the end and our hero survives
And we cheer and whoop at the final battle
An evening of excitement in our everyday lives
And we leave counting days to the sequel
706 · Dec 2020
Christmas Tree
Amanda Dec 2020
Under the boughs of prickly green
Golden spheres of glass, set the scene
Catching light in prism sparks
As fairy lights bloom amongst the dark
They twist and turn, a glittering glow
Like stars exploding in a Cosmic show
As voices sing the joy of the season
Wonder is seen through eyes of children
For dressed in magnificence for all to see
This living, shimmering Christmas tree
Tis the Season
690 · Jun 2019
Salt Blind
Amanda Jun 2019
Pale tears fill a salted sea
You are lost from me
Grief scattered in rock filled pools
Lit by sunlight shards
They glitter and spark
I am blinded
My sight of you lost to me
As tears salt a pale rising sea
632 · Aug 2018
Crystal Glass
Amanda Aug 2018
My heart is
Crystal glass
Hear it
Sing with
Loves clear tone
Then shattering
At the break
How deep
Splinters cut
Creating the scars
Under the cover
Of a toughening skin
622 · Feb 2018
Amanda Feb 2018
Too long have I waited
The heat of you, the smell of you
You make me
Miss you
This yearning, longing for you
I cannot quiet the fire
You make me
I see the smoulder in your eyes
Taste the desperate need on your lips
You make me
I feel your body, contours so familiar
As your arms wrap around me
You make me
Feel alive
In a deep tidal rhythm that ebbs and flows
I am rising, racing up high, higher
You make me
Arms entangled, our hearts slowly fall to a quiet beat
As breath deepens, readying for sleep. You kiss me.
You make me
Love you
604 · Feb 2019
Telling Tales
Amanda Feb 2019
I feel my history flow through me
Telling the tales of how my years played
Out, a theatre production of life. You see
I am the villain, the hero, the setting is staged  
A plastic reproduction of where I performed
To an ever, changing crowd of folks
An audience of friendships lost and formed
Sometimes I’ve been the jester, they laughed at my jokes
Then drama, as my voice filled with emotion
I have danced for joy and danced for love
I have been the lover, and I have been a nun
I have been strong like a tiger, soft like a dove
Final act, and I can feel the spotlight glare
I feel the warmth of the audience glow
I can’t see you, but I know you are there.
Thank you all for sharing, this wonderful show
601 · Jan 2019
Morning Is Broken
Amanda Jan 2019
Morning is broken
A lifetime almost done
A red bloated sun begins to rise
Its body fills the cloudless skies
Carrying the weight of its years
Unable to show sadness, cries no tears

It was there at beginning
When it was a new shiny, sparkling thing
Witnessing a floating rock spark to life
Then fill with seas, forests and wildlife
Eons of watching the little human things
Through winters, summers, autumns and springs

It had been loved, adored
Worshiped by a constant changing human horde
But many years have now passed by
It’s no longer looked at with a welcoming eye
Life had faded away under its growing, killing rays
Now it lights up a world filled with silent days

It can feel the weighted load
Only minutes away from the explode
But what a show, it will play to the crowd
It will go with a bang so thunderous loud
And the light will be seen galaxies away
So they will know this star had its day
559 · Nov 2018
Amanda Nov 2018
Silence blows across the arena
Killing the fire and destruction
Into a uneasy calm
And men rouse as if from sleep
And gaze with new born eyes
Across a land that is childless

Tears quench the hurt soul
As the dust of the dead
Are cast into a forgiving wind
And heart weary, they turn for home
Back to a life no longer familiar
And a world changed anew

The arena of battle left deserted
And a bird dares to break the silence
Singing with joyful song
As trees bud in promise and flowers
Bloom in a blaze of heart red
Covering the land, a healing balm
556 · Mar 2019
Colour Blind
Amanda Mar 2019
Blunt words can bruise my mind
But looks can cut like scissors
I am colour-blind
But can see your hate glowing red
In the thoughts pre-defined
Of who you see through covered eyes
Do you see a woman of humankind?
Or I am the alien born of your ignorance?
How can you live in a world so confined?
Where hate lives under a tainted rainbow
Was it rooted when young, or was it streamlined?
I wonder how would it have been, if you had awoken
Into a world that was colour-blind.
To see we are living in the same human skin
553 · Oct 2017
Would You?
Amanda Oct 2017
If you had chance to change a word
That was spoken in anger or hate
Would you?
If you had chance to go back in time
And change a historic date
Should you?

What if the word was invasion
Given in a speech of war
Should you?
What if the date was August nineteen thirty nine
And a fifty-year old man made hate a law.
Would you?

What if that word could be erased
And a war never begun
Would you?
What if that man could be taught to love, not hate
So that all that came to be, could be undone
Should you?

What if there is a man of power and celebrity.
Who beguiles with speeches of such truth, sincerely spoken
Should You
But power gained the speeches change to anger and mistrust
And hate and fear once again threaten a world being broken.
Would you?

I Would
I Should
Too Late.
534 · Sep 2018
Amanda Sep 2018
Driving through the de-stress of another day
I can feel miles of worry fall away

Home, I am coming home

As tyres tread the familiar pass
The minutes drip through the hourglass
Only five more minutes to the underpass

Cars swarm like bees in honeycomb
Following the scent, the path leading home

Feeling the pull of your cologne

I can see the hug in your eyes
As your smile lights the world like fireflies
And your kiss rewires the heart ties

I am home.
513 · Sep 2018
Walking the Wire
Amanda Sep 2018
Balancing on a fragile wire
So high above me
Looking down on the pain
As I try to stop the fall
I know is coming
Tears, not mine, flood the plain

Focus, one step at a time
Sleep a forgotten language
As I walk in dreams
And figures in shaded form
Visit my days
Where nothing is at seems

Walking the tightrope
Silently amongst the loss
Breathing the air
Of a life planned absent
Of your voice
I can no longer share

I walk the wire
Waiting for the freefall
Into sedated black
So I can dive into oceans
Of saline dreams
And bring you back
487 · Mar 2019
Tri -Angle
Amanda Mar 2019
Kisses trace my lips like paper
They are distant in their touch
And your smile, barely shows
On your face, it says so much

Your words in their normal flow
Say you are here, but I feel you go
Eyes already looking to see the third angle
In this emotional waring tangle

Does she feel the same pull of me
As you leave her, does she see
How the tug of war plays out
When you say I love you, to her, to me

I saw her today in the park
Her toddler in her arms, his hair was dark,
And his eyes were your colour, warm brown
I sank into tears so deep, I could drown

I should cut the chord, let you go
But you have been so long part of my heart flow
It’s no easy break, No easy cut
But I know you love her. Isn’t there’s always a but!

So, a choice is what now faces me
Sharing the heart, you no longer share exclusively
Or let you go to be the father and husband
You can’t be with me.  But, isn't the choice already planned?
485 · Aug 2018
Amanda Aug 2018
Weightless in a vacuum void
Floating above the pressure valve
About to erupt
I am the negative of the polaroid
There is no healing salve
For this life overdeveloped

A nucleus of the storm
Pulled claustrophobic taut
My eyes closed wide open
Traversing this daily norm
With the fleshy juggernaut
And the day has barely begun
478 · Apr 2019
Amanda Apr 2019
Running down your face
Candlewax melted tears
You wipe them away
But they stick to your hand

Hurt is finding the truth in the blame
I am overflowing with acrid shame

Taking the trust that we had
And throwing it all away
I can see the opaque gauze fall
And your blue vision dims

Your smile unravels, love is packed
You are gone under a barrier of thickening wax

Sorry can’t hold the heat to burn it away
So, I will pull down the sun and swallow it whole
Take you in my arms, try to reignite the love heat
As I beg a thousand pardons for my infidelity
477 · Aug 2018
Here's Summer
Amanda Aug 2018
Air thick with the suns glow
As grass once green is scorched into brown
Birds wade in dust that was once liquid blue
Amongst the dead of the sea
Summer’s here

Heat hits land like a hammer blow
As ancient trees push roots deep into ground
Thirstily looking for the trapped liquid dew
As birds shade under crumbling leaves
Here’s summer

In the shadow of a mountain weeping ice
Red dancing fingers race across a dying meadow
Roaring in delight as the life is eaten
Its blackened breath rises up into a cloudless sky
Summer’s here

Where is the rain to release us from this burning vice?
Where is the hail, where is the snow?
Where are the storm clouds, to cover this murderous sun?
They are lost forever under this climate of change
Here is Summer.
467 · Oct 2018
Amanda Oct 2018
I saw the birth of a rainbow
On a stormy day in July
In a blaze of spectral hues
Spheres rose up from a rain soaked land
They stretched up in an arc of beauty
Bowing in front of a sunlit cloud
Then slowly they fell through the rain
Until they kissed the welcoming ground
464 · Dec 2018
Amanda Dec 2018
In the early dew I see a world reflected
A living sphere of possibilities
And as a new days sun traverses the horizon
Joy is born within its gleams of golden red
Breathing in the crisp morning breezes
I watch the day warm. Another day has begun.
460 · Dec 2018
Making Waves
Amanda Dec 2018
I am treading water between the islands
She is locked in her private paradise
While a swim against the current
Words ripple to her shore
But she blows against the tide
Fighting an internal changing tempest

She used to swim with me in harmony
Synchronist in stroke
But she says I am making waves
Blocking her leap into the fresh air
She can’t see that she is like me
Who also wants to feel the open water

I know the struggle she is fighting
The urge to fly and the pull to stay
I have travelled the route she is going
And I want to guide her on her way
But she thinks I am making waves
Blocking her leap into fresh air

I watch from the shallows
As she heads into the deep blue
She strikes out strong and true, then turns
I know she feels the pull
And I smile as only a mother can do
Watching as she takes her first leap
452 · Feb 2022
Love's Folly
Amanda Feb 2022
Let not love take to flight
Consuming thought and reason
For it can burn with fiery might

Pray. do not heed the poet’s delight
As he fervently pens his newest obsession
Let not love take to flight

Guard your fledging heart, so bright
How easily it can be scorched by loves passion.
For it can burn with fiery might

Blinded, by rose tinted sight
Too lost in he, too late to see his seduction
Let not love take to flight

His words, his lips, excite
Desire ignites into molten combustion
For it can burn with fiery might

But, how hard will the break smite?
How far the fall into tears? I beg, take caution
Let not love take to flight
For it can burn with fiery might
Beware the break of a fragile heart
438 · Aug 2018
Love and Marriage
Amanda Aug 2018
Life turns into a lyrical
Orchestra of song, as blissful
Violins play across the heartstring
Ever promising it can be lasting

Adore you
Need you
Desire you

Minds made, choice done
Aligned hearts become one
Ritual of old taken
Romantic words spoken
I give to you
All of me, I do
Growing into age
Every step a travelled page
424 · Sep 2018
Amanda Sep 2018
I can see the reflection of the world’s heart
As light struggles through the shadow
Breaking the diseased tumour apart
Love being the life cure, generously applied
Through the human population flow
And Earths orbit turns into a joyride
422 · Nov 2018
Apple Cider
Amanda Nov 2018
Want to get drunk on apple cider
Fall into the haze of apple scent
Want to dance the two step
Until my legs are spent
Want to forget my name
As I am carried to my bed
Left to sleep in a spinning cycle
That revolves around my head
Then the morning breaks
Hits my brain with a sonic boom
And splinters pierce my eyes
As the sun cracks into the room
Birds scream out full throttle
And my eye twitches with each tweet
Want to run to the window screaming
But can’t seem to feel my feet
Ten minutes later I have moved
A foot away from the bed
I know what must be done
To cure this hanging head
Get drunk on apple cider
Fall into the haze of apple scent
Then dance the two step
Until my legs are spent
411 · Mar 2019
Amanda Mar 2019
Sequential flows of soft fluid yellow
Fill my hours of mind, restful mellow
Blank verse of limpid conversation
Fall silently into meditation
Electric nerves warm to a heated sun
And spark up against the pulsing electron
Sophoric I live in a world of blue shaded glow
It fills my mind and calms my soul
For I am to be lost in the yellow.
See me leave, Here I go.
406 · Jan 2021
The Dutchman
Amanda Jan 2021
How quiet is the rolling breath
Of foam upon it’s seeping death
The grey winds taken from the shore
As sand and rock are left no more
For life will not tally beneath the sail
Of crisp white linen, slashed by rusted mail
No more, no more the bell will chime
Upon the passing winds of time
The dead are sailing upon quiet seas
Their hopes are scattered in the breeze
Far from home and far to go
These unquiet souls lie below
Cursed forever, to sail and roam
This Flying Dutchman will hold no home
No port awaits this journey’s end
No harbour sits around the bend
It sails through twilight, night and day
The bow holds its course, the star leads the way
397 · Dec 2018
Into The Well
Amanda Dec 2018
Contemplating the dreams of memories
As they float on a cloud of slumber
Picking out the A B C’s
Of spoken promises as they stir
Amongst the swirl of conversations
Brought to mind from the day
Sinking deeper into feather down cushions
My mind looks for a favourite dream to stay
So it can lift me from the clutter
Of a mind that’s lost control
Filled with voices as they ramble and mutter
Smothering my body and my soul
Dreams please take me deep, into the well
Of warm waters of an enchanted vale
Where forget-me-not purple flowers dwell
And there I can fade into the misted pale.
385 · Nov 2018
Amanda Nov 2018
In a land of silent birdsong
Where happiness dies
And the living share the dead
With a community of flies
Where the explosions deafen the silence
And whispers of forgotten hope
Watch as fire welcomes the dawn
And float away like bubbles of soap
Too young to vote, but grown enough to die
Stand strong, stand true, their sergeant sings
So proud and brave they face the flurry
Of killing hornet stings
And as they charge across the killing field
They can’t know at that dark time
How their sacrifice would change
All the lives, ever after. That’s yours and mine
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