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Winter Silk Jul 2014
"I'm a weak tower in a flat field,
battling the elements
without a single tree to protect me!"

"Well, maybe you should've
planted more seeds"
I may not be Chinese or Hebrew,
but I can make a proverb.
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
She was unmistakably clever,
People strolling past her on the street
would ponder to themselves briefly,
She must be a professor or a lawyer.
But it wasn't her round glasses,
Or her fitted blazer that convinced them.
It was her yellow shoes,
and the way they seemed to float
above the stained pavement.
Patricia Vaz Jun 2014
My heart thrives to be strong
but it’s simply just too hard.
It’s living a life of its own,
feeling as if its lonely in the dark.

No other soul to share its feelings with
so instead it sits and watches from a far.

It may feel lonely at times
but my heart’s pretty smart

it has a censor of its own
that goes past your disguise

as it watches from a far
it picks out all of your lies
tries to figure you out inside.

so next time you try to play me
remember that my heart
has seen and done it all
while it was thriving to be strong
quietly yelling Jun 2014
He is so very smart for such a young man.....
Always saying a kind word to me whenever he can..
Always a sweet text almost each day when I awake....
Reminds me of the things you did for me.....I wonder if it was real or just REAL FAKE!!!
I enjoy talking to him cuz I am always alone.....
Wanting you back but you you erased my number from your phone.
He can't replace you not that he tries.......
He just enjoys talking to me and in silence my heart silently cries.
I want you but you won't let me love you even though it's not fair the way it went out all went down and ended.
Forgotten Dreams Jun 2014
I could never be a poet,
I don't seem to have a way with words.
They don't flow like a river...
Or come to me on a breeze...
I just stumble upon them,
Purely by mistake.

I could never be a poet,
Because my work is just for me.
Call me selfish...or stupid...
To both I would agree,
Because I seem to spout stupidity,
And I keep it all to me...

I could never be a poet,
My words are not beautiful nor smart,
So I look to you in awe,
Your words drifting along,
Fitting together perfectly...
Because you, my friend, are a Poet.
J M Surgent May 2014
I’m too smart to fall in love,
Because let’s face it well all know
It belongs on the T.V. screens
And in between pages
And in thoughts and dreams
And for other people around the world
And for the birds and the bees
And for our parents
And grandparents
And their parents before
And well, just not for me.
An old poem, but I found it in a portfolio of mine from a few years ago and wanted to share.

I was so arrogant and so wrong.
Katie Biesiada Apr 2014
You can hate me because I'm beautiful,
You can hate me because I'm smart,
And you can hate me because I'm me
But don't hate me because you aren't.
Daylight 4U2C Apr 2014
The first kid was a rat. Oh he was so crude and mean. He said:
"Make her eat that!" and pointed to dirt-drenched, ice cream.
The second kid was a sucker for shows. He laughed and such a stupid pose.
But girls have power too ya know.
Girls tend to be smart, and...oh no...
She scooped the food, tears down her eyes, bidding her last goodbyes. Up it went, leaving no traces....

Up to the sky! "Wham!" Into their faces. She laughed and ran on full speed. Jumped a bush and climbed a tree.

"She's like a squirrel!" The first boy yelled.
"Well get up there and push her down!"

The second boy was looking high.
The girl giggled and mocked "So boys do cry."
The second boy ran off, and chickened out.
The first boy said," I can get you no doubt!"
He hopped and hopped and grasped the first branch, then he swung and swung, but couldn't touch the next.
While he struggled so hard the girl, quietly climbed down.
He'd never figure, she was on the other side, on the ground.
She slowly tipped away and went on, back home.
The boys best learn their lessons, and leave this girl **alone
Comments? Hearts?
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