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Dec 2016 · 492
Sparkling Dust Dec 2016
When the sun left
you went with it
“In search for that warmth”
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Forgotten Days
Sparkling Dust Nov 2016
Droplets of rain falling on an abandoned umbrella
Mud puddles loved by little children
I look out the window, to our garden, missing that red gumamela
Now withered, like my days, forgotten
“Growing up and growing out of things”
Sparkling Dust Nov 2016
Words are not enough to express
Our sorrow, our joy, our advices
So here are three roses
For us to commemorate your past successes

Three, we are sad to see you go
The school will miss the love you've shown
The lessons you've taught us, how life's a bow
That we are arrows aiming high, not low

Two, even though you will be far
Know that you have a home, our hearts
We are happy that you were a part
Of our school, you are golden stars

One, we wish you luck
Don't waste time when opportunities knock
Time can be told by a clock
But moments, in our hearts, they are locked

Cherish yours

Words are not enough to express
How much we love you, through worst or best
So before you go, here are three roses
To the Golden ones, see you again
“For the teachers who left for another adventure.”
Nov 2016 · 578
Sparkling Dust Nov 2016
I stopped writing in a way that satisfies me
My writings are always hanging, empty
It's like I can't feel it
It *****
Maybe this is a "cool off"
Like how they do in relationships
Or a freaking divorce
I know it will come back someday
But not now
Not anytime soon
I need to take a break
Find myself
And be able to write again
“Drained out”
Sparkling Dust Jul 2016
I love a programmer
He is always there making codes
On different ways in order
To show how much he loves you so

There are times when he would
Just throw some complex hints at me
With utmost best I could
Try to find the meaning and see

See that maybe I'm right
With the theory that I have made
And maybe, just maybe
My words rhyme with what's in your head

But sometimes I want to
Just let go and then erase it
Sometimes I want you to
Be brave enough to just admit

That I'm something to you
Not a computer you play with
That your feelings are true
There's no condition that you need

I am afraid to feel
The tragic end of a sonnet
Where two lovers for real
Are mere strangers who'll never ever meet
“If we rhyme, then...”
Apr 2016 · 988
The Last Time
Sparkling Dust Apr 2016
It was a few days ago
The last time you touched my hair
I ignored it and told myself
"Doesn't really matter"

My grades were failing
I was not able to cope up
Prom was nearing
And no boy nor friends came up

Those were dark days Gran
I can barely recognize who I am
You told me that everything will get better
You told me I'm stronger than Mom

I can still remember
The last sweater you knitted
The last movie we watched
The last food you heated

You were there for me
When my friends left
When Luke and I broke up
The night I cried, you sang and I slept

Those were the good in the bad Gran
But now, you have to go
And I was not there for you
I was busy with myself, I did not know

I came home with the usual routine
Called you while the house is still dark
No answer
I placed my shoes under the rack

I saw you
On the floor
For what seems like forever

I think that was the first time
I got worried about you
It is also the last time
I would ever be able to

You stayed in the hospital for weeks
I went to school because I need to pass
Focusing was a hard task
I should be by your side, I must

The skies were gray above the sea of black
Everyone was crying
Saying "she was the nicest"
"You were lucky to have her when she was still breathing"

I took you for granted
I never appreciated the small things you did
I was always looking for something far away
When all this time, you were all that I needed

In this house, I'm haunted by memories of you
Cooking, cleaning, knitting, watching
The feeling never abandoned me
Constantly there, reminding

That I should treat everything like it would be the last

Cherish moments while we're alive

Because once we stop breathing, we will become a memory

And we can never bring it back

I miss you Gran

“For everyone that lost a loved one or is in the verge of losing one.”
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
The Mighty Painter
Sparkling Dust Jan 2016
What is life without color?
Just a blank paper, blown away by the wind
Without any story to tell
Without glory to share

And here, thy painter of might
Came swiftly by the night
A name not so familiar
A shadow never seen

This is a painter
Coming forth to art
These works he creates
are of truth and the heart

Many are like him
With a brush and a pen
But each one is unique
Their success? We cannot tell when

Bring out the paint
that you have been hiding
Fill the paper with wonderful colors
This is your painting

And you can only experience it once
That is a proof of your adventure
Resting at last
*A once mighty painter
"Our life is an art"
Nov 2015 · 2.6k
You Left Me Hanging
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015
I think it's been a while
Since the day it seemed to be over
And above all the sadness that piled
I still can't believe you did not say goodbye

No notes, no goodbyes
No notes to tell me that it is a lie
That I should not believe you will come back
That I should not listen to the same old soundtrack

Not a single word to remind me that it is gone
To remind me that you have already moved on
To remind me how stupid I was to trust you
You left me hanging

You left me
Without a word
Without a clue
“Below empty”
Nov 2015 · 559
Aphraeyd's Letter
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015
Dear You,

It was in your eyes, the color of bravery
The look that tells you, "I am capable"
But I am not
It was in your heart, the art of never letting go
The type of person that is willing to soar
But I am not
I am afraid
Too afraid to talk to you and feel your embrace
Because any second might be the last
And I cannot handle that
I am sorry
For being a coward
For being selfish
For being broken
For being me

“She's afraid”.
Nov 2015 · 530
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015

On the 22nd day, 10:22 in the evening
Who would have thought that out of a billion
I'm in your mind
And you're in mine
Who would have thought that?
If we, ourselves, do not even realize it

“Almost real”.
Nov 2015 · 590
When You Are Bored
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015
You tell me these words
that my ears want to hear
that my eyes want to witness
that my heart wants to feel

You act like this person
that really likes me
that actually cares for who I am
that gives importance to my existence

But the truth is that
your words are deceiving
your words are illusions
your words are insincere

Because I am just an option...
when you are bored
“Never fall for sweetness alone”.
Nov 2015 · 635
Train To You
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015
The clock ticks, we are far away from each other
I watched the trees as the skies went darker
In a few minutes, our eyes will meet
And in that moment my heart will skip a beat

Are you thinking of me now?
I wish I appear in your mind somehow
Because your figure resides inside
It's a part of me that I can never hide

As time goes by, as I travel by train
The thought of you causes me less pain
In just a few minutes we'll meet
In just a few minutes, this is it

I always remember how wide your smile was
How your eyes' brightness never lasts
How your voice gives comfort to my ears
And these little things rid me of my fears

Are you at the train station already?
Are you still waiting for me?
Do not worry, I'll be there soon
It's just a matter of time... until our world blooms
“Every mile feels like a second”.
Sep 2015 · 878
Count To Death
Sparkling Dust Sep 2015
Ten, I need to hold back my tears
My anger, my sadness and my fears
Because I have a feeling that anytime
In this room, I will commit a crime

Nine, I can hear their voices outside
I have to stay here and hide
Stay quiet, stay unnoticed
Seal the pain, like what I have promised

Eight, let me see what is in this place
A chair, a table, a notebook, a lace
A lace? No, keep calm  you cannot lose
You should not disappear in these shoes

Seven, I noticed that the lighting here
Is as dim as my current year
The friends I had were the ones I lost
Maybe even the ones I care about the most

Six, I decided to look outside the window
If there is even any window
I cannot remember when and why it is blocked
I cannot remember when and why my heart is locked

Five, get a hold of yourself
What you are thinking of will never help
Why did you even thought of that?
I am so curious with the aftermath

Four, my notebook lies open on the floor
What is written in it? I am not sure
I get these thoughts and I write them down
Mostly the times when in my tears, I drown

Three, I gathered the lace, the table and the chair
I am still not sure with what I am doing here
I want to know what will happen
Will I stop, will I move forward or will I go back to where I have been?

Two, I guess I cannot stay any longer
There is no reason left for me to stand here
Right now I am not angry or lonely
But I am also not excited nor am I happy

One, I attached the lace to the ceiling
Took a last look at home, if I only knew its true meaning
I wrote down my last words that may answer a question
So long to you, to me, and to these emotions
“I am not sure. ”
Special mention for @EdgarAllanPoenda, a friend of mine and a great poet.
Sep 2015 · 486
Would You?
Sparkling Dust Sep 2015
After many years
Would you still remember how we met?
Would you?
Would you still look at me
like the way you did
when we were fifteen?
Would you?
Would you still smile
and tell me I look great
even though I do not?
Would you?
Would you wait for me outside,
stare at me as I go down the stairs?
Would you?
Would you be my first
and my very last?
Would you?
Would you still love me
when my hair is gray,
my eyesight is poor
and I have lots of tooth decay?
Would you?
Would you stay with me
until our senses fail?
Would you?
Would you hold my hand
like you are going to lose me?
Would you?
Would you... please
“For 'Fall', that fell for a mess...”
Sep 2015 · 555
Sparkling Dust Sep 2015
There was an error
But it is unknown
How would I ever know
how to turn it back around
If I do not even know how it started

For it was hidden
Because they are afraid that I cannot bear the truth
There really was an error haha so I just filled the blank space.
Sep 2015 · 678
A Dream
Sparkling Dust Sep 2015
I had a dream about you and me
We sailed the oceans, we explored the galaxy

I had a dream about today's children
Where they are not hungry and forgotten

I had a dream about our country
It was clean and peaceful
not chaotic, not *****

I had a dream about dreaming
That it is not bad and we should keep trying

I had a dream
I have a dream
We all do
Sep 2015 · 2.5k
Sparkling Dust Sep 2015
"I do not want to close my eyes...", she says, thinking that this might be their last moment together.

"Please do. Dream of us, if reality would not let us be.", the boy says as he jumps off the window and settles for a ride.
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
I will find all the songs that would possibly fit
It does not matter if the right notes were not hit
Because the lyrics can drive away the pain
Keeping me far from this emotional drain

I will find those songs in the night sky
Right when the moment of daylight dies
Let me keep them inside my head
Let me bury them inside my casket

I will find those songs in your eyes
Before the light behind them dies
Let me keep them inside my heart
Let me keep them with every part

I will find all the songs that would possibly fit
It does not matter if the right notes were not hit
Because the lyrics can drive away the pain
Keeping me alive, keeping me sane
“These songs were never broken”
Aug 2015 · 4.3k
I Am Afraid
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
I am afraid that before I say this
You are already gone
You are already with her
You are already a stranger

I am afraid that after this confession
You will ignore me
You will leave me out here
You are already a stranger

I am afraid that while I'm speaking right now
You are not listening
You do not care
You are already a stranger

I am afraid, I'm afraid of what we will be
If there is anything that we will be
All the what ifs may come true
I am afraid... I cannot admit my feelings for you
“I think I'll just keep these feelings inside me.”

EDIT: Thank you lovely people, Sparkling Dust is happy that you liked her poem. ♡ -Roj, SD's other half.
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
I Came Late
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
We are a perfect pair
Interests and hobbies we both share
I'm Angelina and you are Brad Pitt
You are Romeo and I'm Juliet

But it seems like I came late
Someone's already holding your gate
I stopped and observed her appearance
"Prettier", obvious even at first glance

I try to erase my feelings for you
You'll never be mine, that's true
I guess I was just dreaming
It's just an illusion that my heart's been believing

Yet I keep coming back
To the place where I found this soundtrack
You're still the tune inside my head
The beginning of my sorrow's end
"He's already taken"
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Seems Like Forever
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
When distance does not matter
When time does not matter
When age does not matter
When we talk it seems like forever

When the heart beats faster
When the cars beside us move faster
When the daylight comes faster
When we talk it seems like forever
“If we talk, then let us build bridges between us”
Aug 2015 · 955
Under The Shade
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
There I sat under an unknown tree
A place so cozy and amazingly free
With a tired soul I looked around
And saw the beauty of nature's ground

How can something so fine and
be withered and ***** with color
The once elegant scent of fresh flowers
Turned into a dumpster of our wrong

I want to see how it was before, again
Back to the days when nature was sane
To when I was still able to see them
The sea that sparkles like precious gems

Here I sat under a shade
A once green shade, that now has fade
It used to be cozy and amazingly free
That one nature, I am dying to see
Did this some time ago. :)
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Our End, My Start
Sparkling Dust Aug 2015
At the end of the day, we will part ways
And walk a different path to an unknown place
Painful it may be for me to even see
I'll think of it as setting ourselves free

For I cannot move on with you still here
Because within my heart is a growing fear
The fear of losing someone I really love
Someone I love but I can never have

And with this poem, I want to end it all
Sorry my love, but you never heard my call
I am sorry but now I have to let go
To end this series and start a new show

I am not anyone special to you
I can't change that, there is nothing I can do
This is farewell and we are moving apart
It is our end, but this is just my start
“I have to move on. This is my last poem for you.”

— The End —