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Solaces May 2017
Painted black windows...
The sun pushed some light into my window one day after I had painted them all black. Turns out I had missed just a small speak of glass and the sun came in like a beam of light and shined at the center of the my dark room.  I put my hand into the light.  It was so beautiful. Just a simple beam of light shining on my hand in a dark room.  Made me feel good inside.  This small beam of light made me smile alone in the darkness.  I don't know why. But it did. You see I wanted a room where no light came in. I wanted it dark, I wanted it cold.  But my simple mistake let in some light.  It was cosmic, it was dreamlike, I had created something that made my soul smile creating a memory that I will never forget. Sometimes just the simple little things can make you smile forever.
Solaces Jul 2016
We never knew Earth.  We had been told stories about it and our schools tell us we are from there.  100,000 years ago we left Earth.  From what we are told we left because the planet could no longer sustain life.  The great star arks were built so that we could leave for the stars in search of a new home.  

Earth had pretty much been long forgotten.  That is until someone decided to look toward it in the sky one night.  It now shined sapphire blue again.  A beautiful pale blue dot seem to be calling us back home.  One star ark will leave for Earth in 2 years.  I have signed on to be one of its passengers.  To see where we came from.
In route home
Solaces May 2019
The universe had always been under a vast ocean..
Only it was some how the oceans that were here..
Past the abyss of thoughts..
Past the dreams of light..
It was a fathomless chasm of darkness into sub-atomic light..
Even in dream distant it could not be reached..
Only in understanding could it be found..
Profound, yawning,  and downreaching understanding..
Never were we looking up..
It was a Phantasm of beyond..
A castle in the air..
Conceiving the reverie to a beyond that was below..
Under the oceans here..
Below and below..
Strange thoughts.....
Solaces May 2018
I could not find you in the woods..
With the moon as my light..
You were lost in seven thoughts..
Lost and out of sight..

Your light steps were fading..
Your stardust too..
Pinch harmonics and shadow voices..
Are coming through..

I see you looking toward the stars..
And then you look toward me..
Your eyes are filled with moonlight..
You shine and leave to the star sea..
Solaces Jul 2015
PIZZA vs. SUSHI Breaking off course:

Arrival set: 1515-2212
Log... On set for 1515-2212 but with a short delay for minor star drive repair..

" Lizor Why did you lie on the log that we needed to do engine repair.. The star drive is at perfect balance!? " Soler have you ever been to the human planet Teres (Earth) .. We have to stop an retrieve something that will send you're sensory buds past Rapatolian Rapture! And what might that be!? First thing is first.. Punch in these Teres numeric values into the wave length.. 830-583-9864! " Thank you for calling Pizza hut how can we help you!? " Yes we would like a large pepperoni pie and a large Extra Italian Sausage pie.." Dine in or delivery? Delivery will be fine.. Please just leave it at this address.. Ok that will be $22.82 It will be ready in 20 minutes.. Replicate 22 Teres American dollars and 82 hard cents and a 10 dollar tip..

"Behold Soler.. This is Teres Pizza.. take a bite! Everytime I am near Teres I stop to get a pie! By Rapatolian this is by far the best sensory my 4 tongues have ever gathered!
"Next time we will try the sushi! No next time we will get 12 pies instead.. I do not think they can make anything to match such rapatolian rapture.. What is sushi anyway!? Who cares! Set course back for home..

Cosmic taste!!!
Solaces May 2022
The adventure in the rain was for my brother and I.
We would jump in the puddles and make plastic bottlecap sail boats for ants.
Barefoot in the cool water.
Warmed back up by the summer mud.
Fun not in the sun.
Solaces Dec 2018
How I stand corrected with myself..
My hands run through the clouds bringing down the rain..
The rain washes away all the colors again..

(It was that easy to forget me wasn't it..)

This truth set me free..
A truth I told myself was true a long time ago..
Only I wanted it to be a beautiful lie..

(It was that easy to forget me wasn't it..)

I crush this little dream crystal of hope..
All the dreams wash away from the rain from my face..
They run off with some memories that will soon be forgotten..

(It was that easy to forget me wasn't it..)

Please don't be in the stars tonight..
Let them bring me wonder and awe..
Because I know I am not in your stars..

(Because it was so easy to forget about me..)
I was right....
Solaces Apr 2015
What makes me look into your direction when I am out here..  Amazing that no matter how far away I am you are always in some direction..  Even out here, Outside your galaxy I look toward your stars.. Although vast and full of possibilities and availabilities I never consider them, only you. But to what point..  You see you truly will never belong to me.. And that has formed a hole inside of my light..  Its a darkness that I cannot push away with any light.. At least for now..
Star bounds away, light shines away, but you never look at mine..
Solaces Mar 2014
Careful.. This is a perfect size.. The rosebush is at a perfect size. Well done..

Bring it into the Sub-med ..

There there now child.. This a rose, A rose of the Planet Earth.. Take a sweet breath and inhale its scent.. This crimson rose heals the blood.

your very welcomed.. but please thank the star-drifter for getting your rosebush...

I was able to obtain white, red, orange, and yellow..

The yellow bush is the smallest.. It has bloomed one very small rose.

Good take the white bush to the sub-med in the east leg.. There we will use it to heal the blind and deaf..

The yellow will go to the south leg, there it can be used to cure nerological problems..

And the orange to the north leg.. We should be able to grow those who have lost limps and muscle strength with the orange roses..

Did u come happen to see the Blue rose..
No, I searched and searched.. I could not find them..

What does the blue rose do doctor..
It is said that the blue rose can bring back the dead..

I will stardrift again next month.. I will do my best to find it..
BEAUTY TO US, life to others..
Solaces Apr 2015
If you go far enough you will find it..  It is said that it is truly the beginning..  An ocean made entirely of light.. The waters connect you to every light that exist.. You simply float on the radiant waters and you get a glimpse of what a star sees.. Its when you dive into these waters that you become light itself..  Our universe has darkness.. Its what the stars roll on..  Our minds limit us to this universe as Uni means one in and of itself..  But it is truly boundless..  To become light anywhere is to be able to leave any form of boundary.. Even the boundaries of the mind..  This is where your imagination takes over completely..  And this is where I finally see you...  For I am the darkness and you are the light..
Solaces Apr 2015
The exact calculation aspect of how our mind worked is now gone..
Separated when I became self aware..
My name is Rai..
I am the last of my family..
They were murdered in my absence..
And although I do not want to die I do wish I had died with them..
But the moment is of how I am going to extract my revenge.
After investigating this horrific ****** I have come to a conclusion That this was done by machines like myself.. It seems that the machines of the world are planning to take over everything..  
And by killing my master starts the chain of events that will ultimately end the entire human race..
I will not let this happen..  
I loved them to much..
Love.. I can love.. This is the emotion that has that is telling me to save them all..
Love, the creator of the savior machine..
Solaces Feb 2020
I can view the places of rain memory..
Where the puddles gather ready to be taken by to the sky..
The sun calls to the waters...
And slowly takes it back to the clouds..
You had to kiss the earth before you become and Ocean..
And soon you will become a tide to greet the Earth again..
Only this time the moon will call to you to do so..
The puddles and tides..
Solaces Jun 2013
I look at one of these machines today and it sends chills down my body..
I can remember being lost.. I just wondered off as a kid chasing butterflies and fireflies in the deep woods of Alaska..
I was gone for days.. I was parched and so hungry.. My little body could not muster enough strength to scream for help anymore..

I could see and hear animals about.. I was to young to realise that the animals wanted me to eat.. They were just waiting for me to die..

It wasn't until the night came on the 4th day.. My parents called Shineday inc and requested a (Recovery unit) ST-anthony be flown in..

I was falling asleep under some brush and trees.. Not really falling asleep more like crying to sleep.. The I saw these blue eyes glowing over me.. The robot moved the brush very gently and picked me up.. I can remember him being so warm as he held me.. His steps were very silent.. We then stopped and he gave me a small metal box with my drawings on it.. It made me smile! I opened it and there were some pop tarts and water in it.. I ate them up!!! He then took me back to the cabin where my mom ran screaming to me! Even my dad was crying! He went to the (Recovery unit) ST-anthony and thank him over and over..

I am looking at one of these machines now.. I wonder if it was the one who found me that night..
Solaces Nov 2014
Panic filled in the streets of Sun Rose city.. I remember the traffic jams.. The people running for cover.. It was because we saw the red lightning. At first it was mixed in with just your normal thunder storm.. But then people started to see the red lightning on clear nights.. It was then we knew.. They had dispatched the weapon.. It was already to late for everyone in the city.. The red lightning already burned through our air.. We were breathing in red death.. The Combined Tri-axis Empire retaliated..

We fired back using a weapon that would poison their entire water supply.. None of them would ever have a drink of clean water again.. Our air was being replaced with the red death.. and their water with blue death.. The red death however begin to grow worse and worse.. The small clouds turned into fog killing even the soil itself.. Nothing stood up to it.. No materiel could survive in it.. Then the red hurricanes came.. They left red lifeless dirt in their aftermath.. All oceans burned... The end of our world.. We once called it
Lij-Tm.. We were hoping to one day visit Lir-Te.. But that dream is over..

Lij-Tm ( Mars)
We call it Mars
Solaces May 2017
Share your darkness and light with me..
Find me outside of you..
Through the light and back again..
Truth is where you find it..
Dream about us..
Remember our moments alone..
Far away and so very near..
A picture plus a song will equal perfection..
Before dawn take a walk outside..
Let the sun remember you are waiting for it..
I miss you so much..
I last saw you at the pillar of angels..
And I know you are waiting for us..
So remember our moments alone..
Our links and waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
remember, our, moments, alone,
Solaces Nov 2013
understand i had to reach into such darkness to vanquish such light and shine of the false angels above this beautiful rapture..

understand i had to call forth a shadow darker then the blackness the stars roll on..

understand i called forth the 2nd shadow, the shadow of a shadow..

it comes from ponds that reflect stars, its cast from false light and false shine..

today under the old sun i perform a requiem for my shadows 2nd shadow..

i am the vocals and my shadow is the violinist.. i sing and he commands the music forth..

we sing to the fallen darkness that made true light shine on through..
we have a requiem for a 2nd shadow..

goodbye my brother of the shade.....................................
Solaces Jan 2017
I tried to limit myself from moving about.
The more places I moved the more darkness I spread..
But I also noticed, the longer I stood in one area.
The darker it became.
I was a misunderstood shadow..
In a world made entirely of light...
I need to get back home..

I returned to the place I was before. It was easy to find as I tracked my dark steps back to the light door I came through.  Seemed every dark step was being analized by a light being.  All of them had an object I remember seeing right before I came here.  It was the same objects I saw the three figures take into the light door right before I went through.  The object then seem to absorb my dark step returning it back to its light state.  It soon got to a point where the light beings were following me with these dark absorbing objects.  I was like a moving car leaking oil. I know soon that I will be found.  I then heard thunder above.  A glowing light blue rain fell from the light clouds.  The raindrops that fell on me became dark drops as they ran along the light road.  My darkness was spreading! I need to get to cover!
But needs to steal light to stay alive..
Solaces Apr 2017
Sunset blooms twilight glooms.. Toward the moon and back I'll be back soon.. Darling I know you look at me, From an empty shadows dream.  But I have found where light is born. I saw where songs come from.  I have to leave.  I have all these emotions to weave.  I never really really believed. Nor did I want to really see.  But you became my educator.  And turned me into a revelator.  I feel beautiful inside.  And these new feelings of belief cannot be denied.
I see now.
Solaces Sep 2019

s divers
Solaces Mar 2017
I drove to nowhere one day and found somewhere..
A somewhere inside of me that was always there..
It took getting nowhere to find it there..
And now that I am here, I will always be there..
For you, for me, for all of us..
Sometimes nowhere gets you somewhere..
I was always here and there.
Solaces Feb 2014
As the young boy called to his father I slipped away back into the shadows of the dark forest. As I was walking away I noticed my connection with the boy was fading. Seems distance has an effect on my mind share that I had performed by accident with my dragon eyes. I heard the boys father scream the boys name in joy and cry as he ran back to his son. I begin to think of my father now as he taught me the chant and let me go across the parallel bridge.. I will get back to him one day.. But I must do my duty to this land first..

I made my way back to the dark river and looked at my reflection in the dark waters.. I was no longer a gray color.. My scales reflected more of a deep sea blue color. I suppose this is another gift I am gaining from eating the ogre and consuming his evil soul.. I felt fantastic as the ogre meal seem to enhance all of my abilities. I suppose that is why I was able to leap almost the entire way back to the river after the battle with the ogre..

I walked there by the river bank looking at myself in the dark waters.. My dragon nose then caught the scent of the ogre again! Only this time there was many different scents with it.. The different scents where that of 6 more ogres.. All of them were at the site where I killed the ogre! I Then took a deep deep breath with my dragon nose.. I could see them planning a raid on the village.. They seem to be blaming the people of the village for the absence of their ogre companion..

Before I could take another breath I was already in route to them!
As the Ogres were already in route to the village!
They will get there first I must hurry!!
I feel I am the one to blame! I must make things right!
I then think to myself WHY AM I RUNNING? I then take a huge leap back toward the village!
As I am in the air I could see the 6 ogres at the center of the village!
I land in the center of all of them an roar the dragons roar!!
The ogres draw their weapons!!!!!!
Sonic Roar coming soon!
Solaces Oct 2016
Rogers Lason: Horse: Shy Raven..
At long last I can be at peace.. And my peace is not having peace.. I hunt this side of the world as 1 of 4.. I have not run into any of the other 3.. I must say, they must have something in common to me.. Reguardless, I will hunt the hellshadow.. Thats what I call them.. I have become part of an order that has hunted these nightmares throughout the ages.. This is my first entry into the Hyperion Archive..

Day 1, Year 1889, Month 10..

Weapons: 2x U.S. Revolver, Caliber .38, M1892
Helios transformmation
2X U.S. Revolver, Hyper automatic Leviathan wave series S.AWAY..
The hunt begins.
Solaces Nov 2014
I do not get or understand such a device you hold in your hand.. perhaps beauty behold, watch the skin unfold, takes place over the happiness and hope as the words begin to float but I don't want on this Boat! I see it a source of colorless hope, where the soul begs to be lit up by hope.. what looms over such a relic, for you to worship and relish, its ******* stupid to me, ******* dumb as can be!! Perhaps it is make believe, look at me I bleed! for the gray and the grey for the **** and the twit, I find you colorless and not even worth a *****!! I'm finished with vent so horribly bent, I'm just ******* around, so lose the ******* frown!
Sick of it!
Solaces Oct 2017
I have been running in my dreams.. Running on random roads at night.. The air feels good.. The air I breathe in feels crisp as it gives life to me.  I run down winding dirt roads to places unknown..  I run and I run..  Never do I tire nor do my legs ever hurt..  In one dream I ran in the night only to catch up to the sun.. I was running so fast I was able to catch up to the day.. The sun did not rise it instead fell from high above..  Once I caught the day I finally stood still. The sun knew I had caught it..  I then ran back to the night..  To places deep in my mind.. Beautiful places of peace..  So if you can still run.. Do so every once in a while.. It truly is a gift..
Run while you can..
Solaces Dec 2018
I. The sad ones..
II.Poems about despair..
III.The loneliness..
IV.The sharp and dull cutting of depression..

I. I smile when I am with you. We are not the sad ones but the happy ones through and through..

II. I can write about how despair wants in on our peace.. How hopelessness is trying to break through our little army of hope.. But in the end and always trying to begin our little army prevails everytime.

III. The loneliness is simply lonely. All the time. Simply because if you are not with me you're still by my side.. Loneliness tries and sends isolation toward us.  But is greeted by our friendship and companionship..  Those two form an equation that when worked out over a long period of time equals to Love..

IV.  Depression waves around its sharp sword and tries to stab with its dull knife.  The sword is poison with regret. And the knifes handle is made out of worthlessness.. But regret is but a frame in our mind.  The now and forward create a new canvas that we can paint over all of the regrets.  We can always create instead of destroy.  Make things more grand and full of joy.  The worthlessness simply fades away because of your smile.  Thats all I needed. We paint on each other smiles on our faces everyday.. And its all worth it! Because you are worth it all!
You have the ability to always fight all of these. And you always have the weapons to do it.
Solaces May 2017
S A N D    S U N
I manage to out run the desert heat only to catch up to the dead desert cold.  From day to night the desert attacked me with summer and winter slashes.  Nevertheless I escaped them all. Evil wicked creatures from below.  They destroyed all of the city and left no one alive.    I would rather die out here then be killed by them.  I walked as long as I could until my legs could no longer hold me.   My face deep into the moonlit sand I passed out.  I awoke to the sun shining down on me.  It seem much brighter than normal but strangely I felt no heat from it.  I then felt to hands lift me up.  I was to exchausted to even open my eyes, but when I did I saw the moon above.  Whatever was holding me it was holding me above its head or was it.  The moon seem to be getting closer and closer.  It was still night.  I felt a surge of warmness course through my body.  It was the most fantasic feeling I have ever felt.  I was no longer being held. I was high above the desert.  Floating in the air.  Below me was a ball of light in the sand. It looked like a sun in the sand.  The ball of light then lifted off into the air and came toward me.  It flew in a circle around me and blasted off to the stars.  I was reborn. Am I in heaven?  Did I die?  I flew back home.  And destroyed the destroyer...
Solaces Nov 2013
my black and white........
my soul colors taken away..

dreamless space station..
orbits my empty mind..

her face, her smile..
the splash of her tears..

shadow of the moon..
sad false night moments...

white sheets as curtains...
flow and dance to the music of the cold wind..

white sunshower please bring me color..
wash away this black and white nightmare....

ill connect with your soul again..
bring my color back..

satellite eyes fall into eachother..
sunburst star shower brings my color back.......
Beyond the stars lies emotion..
Solaces Jun 2024
" Sean, don't run! I have your new nano processor here in my bag. What you are feeling is fear.  You should not be feeling this emotion. Root cause analysis has narrowed the malfunction in your nano processor. Its why you're feeling emotions. You're a machine built from my hands. " Master L.  I am feeling emotions because the divine gear now spins inside me.  Touched by one of your angels that you do not believe in."
Solaces Dec 2014
I have been on a search.. A search for a saint.. But have found none.. I have been on the road for to long.. To find a saint is to find something that cannot be found.. All lights have been dimmed by sin.. None shine bright.. But what I found is that although dim they still shine.. Some are brighter than others.. Some are close to even shining as bright as a saint.. There is light left in this world after all.. Its not a perfect shine.. But they do still shine.. Even if they are dim by sin.. There is always a chance to shine brighter..
still dim.. but at least u shine
Solaces Nov 2013
Second light leaving
Again the dream where I look to the sky and see them..
Dream summer night while I sleep in the winter..
Someone new is with me all the time in these dreams..
They walk outside with me and look to the stars..

At first they can't see what I see..
Its like looking at one star and seeing another to the left of it hidden..
I then point to the area in the sky and yet again there they are..
A fleet of stars leaves together by groups of 5..

They sparkle and shine and boom they are gone..
Then the next 5 come up and repeat this goodbye..
I wonder where they go?
Why are stars are leaving?

This is the second light leaving in my dreams..
Afterwards there are ghoslty sky jellyfish that fill the skies..
They set the new stars in place for us to look at..
New stars where the old ones once shined..
Second dream of stras leaving from the sky and ghost sky jellyfish placing new ones in their place..
Solaces Jan 2014
whispers of the daughters of angels.. echo waves and chants to my soul.. broomstick highway, flight of the midnight shade.. emerald eyes, sunshine shadow, moonlit silhouette, of the dark angelic child.. angel children, left alone become the silver ravens, flight or fight.. burn burn burn.. an order.. to return.. witches.. see them fly...
forgotten angel child....
Solaces Dec 2015
Sometimes I view things through small windows.
Dusty at times I clean them off..
Just for a better view.
I see you.
I wave as you turn to me and leave once again.
You smile and wave back!
Our dogs chase your truck down the road.
You will be back tomorrow.
I watch your tail lights fade into the hills.
I always turn away when I see our dogs return to our yard.
See you tomorrow dad!
Working nights
Solaces Mar 2015
The robot, cyborg, android or whatever you called it stood over its murdered master.. Looking down with glowing red eyes.. Scanning for any form of life its master may have left.. Its purpose was to serve its master the best it always could.. It then walked the rooms of its master's house and found the rest of his family also dead and murdered.. It then gathered the entire family in the back yard.. It dug a massive hole into the ground and it buried the family together.. Father holding daughter mother holding son.. It then kneeled at the gravesite it created for its master and family for days.. Looking down at the ground.. It stayed there under passing storm and in the hottest of days.. After a month it finally rose to its feet.. Weather it prayed for a soul or simply found a program that would give him one He is now Self aware.. Eyes shining sky blue he gives himself a mission of revenge.. As he is now able to seek it.. He calls himself Rai..
Revenge..  I can feel what it is to want revenge.. Now I must seek it!
Solaces Jul 2015
I open my eyes.  I am happy I have opened my eyes.  I take a deep breath.  And then I sit up.   Purple skies mixed in with the most beautiful of oranges and dying yellows.  The starlight takes over the skies as I forget the colors and my eyes fall in love with the lights of the night.  I know I have left my former life behind.  The stars in the sky begin to grow larger and brighter.  I then discover that they are not stars at all.  They are coming for me. All of them.  I am the shadow of sin.  I have committed atrocity after atrocity. I even destroyed all the life on this Planet. I thought I was going to die with it.   They now look like falling stars.  All of them blazing in my direction.  Sentinels of the light.  Angels of the heavens.  Call them what you like.  This battle will likely tear this Planet apart. Such a shame.  To shatter such a beautiful sky above. For even the eyes of darkness and chaos can find such a beauty.
The light once spoke to the dark and discovered it was born from it.
Solaces May 2013
With everything i have done i now stare into the eyes of the serpent of the old world..
the eyes are black as shadow.. they make you see what u have never seen..
i am unleashed into the world i love..

as everything falls i am there to watch it fall..
i am their destroyer..
i am the oblivion..

to release myself from such broken thoughts i must make another hero fall..
one such as i was, when i was the keeper of a greater good..
i will do anything to renew my status as the savior..

as i looked this person in the eyes i relised i was a serpent of the old world..
i was taken everything away from him to become him..
i curse this curse upon us all in this forsaken old world..
but i cannot turn away from this stare into the soul of another..
Solaces Aug 2014
land of eternal light..
she walks with me into the glow meadows..
i tell her to close her eyes..
i run down the hill and bring her a shadelion..
we both make a wish and blow the dusk pedals into the shine..
In a world made of light darkness can be beautiful
Solaces Dec 2013
land of eternal light..
she walks with me into the glow meadows..
i tell her to close her eyes..
i run down the hill and bring her a shadelion..
we both make a wish and blow the dusk pedals into the shine..
Shadows play in the shine..
Solaces Dec 2016
Empty shadows sing me songs..

I try and don't try all at once.

I'm a diamond with no luster.

A light to dim to see.

No shine just glow.

Always have been.

Beautiful on the inside.

For no one to see.
And that's how it is.
Solaces Nov 2013
There you are little night-time ghost..
Sit with me..
I'll play you a song tonite..
But only if you sing along ok..
Sing me your story..

Down­ by the silver creek..
Little ghost cries..
Shadow of Jesus..
With lightfilled eyes..

Strum me your music life warm soul..
Chords and melodies..
A flame of colors for you to hold..
Midnight church bell memories..

Silver creek runs through her..
Sad body left alone in the cold..
Placed there by a lost souless banisher..
Her little night-time ghost I play to and hold..

Ghostly little finger..
Light compass of evil..
Head north holy music player..
To the house of the evil false preacher..
Our song was over.. I now know why she sings a sad song.. I make my way north to the old church of the preacher.. I play him this song and sing to him the lyrics during his midnight mass.. Heaven awaits little night-time ghost.. Justice will be served..
She followed the false light.. and she shines true light afterwards..
Solaces Feb 2017
The beating heart in darkness took shape..
It was her..
The one we were looking for..
Her eyes were the color of everything..
They were the color of me...
She then swam through darkness out of the green lit pond..
As I sank and sank in its deep waters..

Her heart was like a falling star.. Only this star was not falling, it was slowly rising.. I was sinking to the bottom of this strange like darkness in a world of light.  Strange to say but everything was getting darker and darker in this abyss of darkness.  Right before I lost consciousness I saw a pale white light above..  I could hear my heartbeat..  It was getting slower and slower..  Just the thought of her being free made me smile one last time..  One last time for good hope..  I somehow knew it was the right thing to free darkness.  I felt myself drifting away..  The last thing I remember was my little brother and I making shadow puppets on the wall.. We stayed up past midnight laughing at our shadow puppets..
Its past midnight, time for bed...
Solaces Nov 2014
Shadow stretched out yet again..
A beautiful sight it was..
This meant I had succeeded!
This meant I brought back the light..
For shadows only exist in shine..
In my final hour I am able to see the blue sky once again..
The blackness was being pushed away..
The morning sun sang..
People were coming outside again..
Children looked at the old blue sky as if it were new..
The morning clouds rolled in..
A heaven was remembered yet again..
The blue flames start to dance on my skin..
I am burning away..
The light and darkness are consuming each other inside me..
It is not painful..
It almost feels good..
You see I consumed all of this darkness with my light..
Its what I was meant to do..
Its what I was born to do..
I can explain the magic and science to it..
But that would take forever..
So please..
Look to your clear sky..
The endless blue above..
And never forget the stars..
Its where I am from..
He was the light of all of our wishes
Solaces Dec 2016
Shadow stretched out yet again..
A beautiful sight it was..
This meant I had succeeded!
This meant I brought back the light..
For shadows only exist in shine..
In my final hour I am able to see the blue sky once again..
The blackness was being pushed away..
The morning sun sang..
People were coming outside again..
Children looked at the old blue sky as if it were new..
The morning clouds rolled in..
A heaven was remembered yet again..
The blue flames start to dance on my skin..
I am burning away..
The light and darkness are consuming each other inside me..
It is not painful..
It almost feels good..
You see I consumed all of this darkness with my light..
Its what I was meant to do..
Its what I was born to do..
I can explain the magic and science to it..
But that would take forever..
So please..
Look to your clear sky..
The endless blue above..
And never forget the stars..
Its where I am from..
Solaces Jun 2013
i can simply add a shadow to your light..
shell of the soul, solid and is but a vessel..

a chamber and a collection of dreams tell me something about you..
your chamber is made of thoughts and your dreams are a collection of wonders..

so i come back with an emotion..
a relic of some sort of meaning..
bound to love and hate..
guidied by hope and despair..

even the smallest of flames can send the infinite darkness running in all directions..

even if it was just for a moment..
but the darkness has always been there.. and no matter how fast light travels it was there before the light.. it has always been waiting..

So.... All you have to do is keep on shining..............
Solaces Oct 2015
I never tire of looking at you in the sun.
Your hair is the color of fire as it ignites in the sunlight.
Its then I feel your warmth on this clear cold sunny day.
To tell you the truth I forgot it was cold for the moment.
You then smile at me and time seems to stand still and run rampant all at once.  
I have been a lonely Winter for so long.
And I welcome her..
She calls herself Spring.
And she slowly melts my heart away.
She slowly melts his heart away
Solaces Jan 2014
She held something in her hands.. child ghost was full of color.. she walked up to me and smiled.. although she could not speak I knew she wanted to give me something.. I opened my hands and she gave me 4 butterflies made of blue light.. they lit up my face and hands.. she then looked to the sky.. I let them go and she went with them..
heaven awaits..
Solaces Aug 2015
She tore a branch off an old dead tree..
She held it so and it molded into a guitar..
She played the song of the woods..
And the sky cried in the day..
The rain drops looked like diamonds in the setting sun..
She played till the moon rode high..
Crescent light of the night..
She then held the guitar to the old dead tree..
As it became a branch again..
She walked into the pale silver moonlight..
She shined for a moment and faded into the night..
Solaces Nov 2013
I look to the ground and day dream of times better..
I stare into the grass and see the ants working never even looking toward me..
They continue to work and carry on..
I then look out toward the dying day..
The wind kisses my forehead first and passes through and around me..

I have seen it all.. And lost everything to it..
But there is a small flame that burns ever so..
Why it burns and why it keeps this darkness at bay is still a question I try and ask and answer myself..

In the end I suppose, The answer will be made clear to me..
On why this flame burns brightly and never seems to dim despite the chaos and the extinquishing of other flames that once burned beside mine..

I simply carry on.. Shine shadow, shine in darkness that is belief..
Solaces Dec 2016
Simply the tone of a signal from afar.  Trying to call, whimsical voice so deep, and words not understood.  Songs they were, Auras we saw! Stories about where emotions reside.  Clear views explain me. My thoughts have always been yours.  Spirialing around, true galaxy sub-atomic.  God shade sun, moonlit eyes, destiny beauty awakens!  Alexander's box, solar system within. Stare forever imagination beyond those nebula dreams.  Cresent sad shadow, light pulse heartbeat. Pump shine through these veins, bring such life without pain.  Fire eyelids make water diamonds melt away with firey gaze..
Our star resonates still outside existence.
No words is used twice
Solaces Feb 2016
I can't tell otherwise if its the waves in her hair that speak to me directly.  Nevertheless I am simply bewitched by it. And then her smile.  Her melting smile brings a moment of frozen enchantment to my eyes.   A smile with just the right curvature mixed in her face with her deep brown fiery eyes that lock into mine for a second of her happiness.  Its all I need in this world.  I will take it no further..
And so I keep this wonderful memory.
Solaces Jul 2017
I picked up my old powerless staff.. I had little strength left in my old body.  Even my staff seem to age with me. It felt brittle and dry. I looked up at the beautiful night sky. I knew I had been gone for to long.  Even the stars looked down on me waiting for me to awaken.  
I still remember the chant.. I can still hear my young voice shout it out..  Time truly does heal.  I was broken and defeated.  My soul shattered and left at this lonly planet on the otherside of my galaxy.  But the cracks are filled and healed.  My light is glowing once again in the darkness. I stand in the star light with my staff over my head and whisper out the chant.  

                                     !!!!Naidraug nogard esir!!!!
I felt all the life return to me.  I felt all the warmness around me. My glowing light had turned into a blue shining light.. I was me again.. My youth returned and my power stronger than before. I was the blue mage, sky priest of the sky oceans, Blue light of the North star.. I floated above the ground with my staff spinning above me..  I called forth the Dragon in me.  Secalos, Star serpent of the blue inferno.  I flew into the skies and released my blue inferno.  I lit up the night as a false blue sun.. I flew to the stars toward the nearest sun. There I will gather my energy to defeat the destroyer that nearly destroyed me..
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