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Jolene Heather Nov 2014
Jolene Heather Nov 2014
Don't write
Love/hate poems
While drunkm
Literally opened my phone after drinking an amazing amount of liquor and this was up but I had not posted it. It made me laugh so I had to post.
Jolene Heather May 2017
Sometime I sit here waiting
For either you
Or trouble to come
Foolishly hoping
That it is you that appears
To tell me you have loved me all along
I make sure to check my back
Just in case it is the boogie man

I don't know what I would do
If he did in fact show up
But I carry this knife
And I'd like to think I'd stab him with it
It has a hook ya know
Something to grab hold on the way back out
Stabbing at the chance
For your love
Hoping to grab you
In such a way
You can not let go
Just so the wound can be mutual

Did you realize that your knife had a hook too?
Cause I am not allowed to forget
No matter how hard I try
4am park poems creepy love
Jolene Heather May 2017
I am no back burner girl
I better be taking up the whole stove
I want what we are cooking to feed a multitude
I want it to be good enough and big enough
to share and pass around
I want my meat slow cooked and laced with butter
Dripping and falling off the bone
Everyone seems to be looking for a microwave meal
Which really is just being afraid and settling
Scared to not get that home cooked meal right
But here is the thing about a slow cooked meal
You get time to reverse your mistakes
You get to soak some things in
And the warmth it gives you
Surpasses all your desires to be right and perfect
Allowing you to just surrender into what is
Giving you understanding that the bitter complements the sweet
That it is just as necessary.

So I want to have fought with you before we had ***
And when we do get there
I want to break upon each other
Because we are practicing letting go
I want to know what happens when you blackout drink
And I liking knowing how you kiss other girls
I hope you know how I am when I am thirsty
I want you to know what it looks like when I am careless
And how it goes when I pick myself back up
I need to know the exact flushing shade of your shame
I want you to know how I hide mine
I want to know what it is to doubt you
I would also like to know what it is to forgive you
Or for you to have to forgive me

I don't want you in the bar bathroom
I don't want to be bent over holding the wall up with eyes closed
I wanted to be so deep in your eyes that it truly feels like we are one
I want you in my bed
Completely naked, physically and emotionally
With sunlight pouring through the window
I don't want to be ******* for an ******
I want to meander and explore and be fascinated
I want to be so in tune with you that when you opened yourself to me
I get to appreciate every beautiful
and even ugly molecule of it.
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
Oh Water-bearer
let her sit at your feet
the lion is thirsty
the ****** is sweet

Pet her and love her
let your wonders be shown
for the lion is hungry
and the ****** unknown

Oh Water-bearer
your fountains surrender
let the lion lap your waters
and the ****** bath in your splendor
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
She wanted him.

Of course she did, they were drunk and he had his hand up her skirt
But she didn't want him in the bar bathroom

She wanted him in her bed
Completely naked, physically and emotionally
With sunlight pouring through the window

She didn't want to be bent over holding the wall up with eyes closed
She wanted to be so deep in his eyes that it truly felt like they were one

She didn't want to be ******* for an ******
She wanted to meander and explore and be fascinated

She wanted to be so in tune with him that when he opened himself to her she got to appreciate every beautiful
and even ugly molecule of it.
Jolene Heather May 2014
I haven't been able to sleep at night
and you say it must be nightmares
but who needs monsters in dreams
when im sleeping next to you.
Used to be I could fill those scary hours
with dreams of ecstasy
but now that high is dry
and is leaving only despairing
nights of twisting and turning
and arms of empty air
a numbness slowly creeps
its vines climbing down my throat
wrapping a death grip on my soul
making a prison of fear
and starving all my dreams
which were offered up as a sacrifice
to live with the nightmare of you.
Get me out of this bed
and give me strength to run.
Break these chains
and shake these cobwebs
put a heat in my blood
to revive my cold heart.
and a fire in the lungs
to burn away the fog
and to release the scream
to wake me up.
Jolene Heather Jun 2017
Let me send you a dream?
One where we are all lips and hands
But we keep our eyes wide open
So that we may touch souls.
Come for me….

Into deeper waters
Let's find treasures together
Jewels no one has ever heard of
Ones that have been buried so deep…

Deep inside. Cravings and caves…
Hungry holes, paths enchanted
By emerald green and rushing waters
Dappled and caressed with
Midday sun that stretches
Our growing souls up to the light

We climb together
And over each other
Gently and gingerly
As though we are covered
By treacherous walls

Come for me
To conquer these walls
And catch a peek
Of the nakedness of the universe
Sprawling on the other side
Open and reaching
Pulling you into her warm waters
Floating in a sea of cosmic
Light and pulsing
Like sun beams on a naked body

Come for me
Come for me
And get me
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
Put your head on my lap
I will brush your hair
And sing you a song
Let your tears fall
As you grip my thigh
And release your heart's sorrowful sigh
Jolene Heather May 2014
And then one day I just loved you
I looked at you and it all came together
I saw us
as old people
having made it through so many trials but still holding on
It was the first time I had ever looked at a man
and saw the future version of him
all old
and fat
and LOVED him
I knew this old man had hurt me
probably had an affair or two
but I still loved him
I knew that we had suffered major grief
maybe there was a child lost
but I still loved him
We had survived babies
and putting kids through college
We probably both had times
where we were so distant from each other
that hope was momentarily lost
but I still loved him
I saw this old man and all his imperfections
and me
old with all my imperfections
and I still loved us
And that is love
To know that this person will deeply hurt you
and you will deeply hurt them
and you see yourself loving them through it all
Even after you get bored with the ***
and you or they get fat
lose hair
or manufacture an abundance of nose hair
you still want them at your side
through thick and thin
That is love.
Coming of age, to grow and one day realize that love is not perfect, like everything in the this world, it has it's flaws.  But it is worth it.  Don't give up on love. Because if you do you give up on yourself.  Let your heart be broken and then let it heal. Then repeat. Love again, and again, and again. And one day true love will reveal itself to you, and you will be ready to accept it when you find it. And then every heartbreak will be worth it, every tear cried, every embrassing moment, every hurtful word, every horrendous act, every lie, every thing... it is what brought you to the place where love can be found. So embrace your broken heart, embrace your struggle, so one day you can embrace love.

resist the bitter.
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
You make me want to strip down
Yes physically
Slowly wrapping my self around you
And in you

But not just that

You make me want to peel away
The layers of my soul
And lay her
trembling before you

I want to expose all the corners
Hidden in my mind
Make them open wide
Grasping for you

I want to surrender my heart
Raw and uncovered
Yearning to experience the ecstasy
Of being yours
Jolene Heather Sep 2014
A man can detach from ***
he can hold your face in his hands
whisper to you how beautiful you are
as he gently showers you with kisses
and walk away

and your poor heart
that traitorous *****
follows him where he goes
and they both forsake you.
Jolene Heather May 2014
It slips into my veins
Like a hit of ******
Spreading warmth through my body
As feelings of ecstasy and euphoria
Roll up my back
Stopping to kiss my neck
Making the night velvet
And its brush so soft
As it leave a trail of fireflies
And pleasing memories on my lips and eyes
But come morning wake
It’s all a regretful haze
As I fall into the desert and dry
Blinking away the searing white sun.
The thin ache
The coming down
So scared to really feel
So scared to not feel anything at all.
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
If the King can be generous with her subjects
And the Angel can be shocked and titillated

If the Lion can lead
And the ****** reign in

The two can live
In harmony
Jolene Heather Jul 2015
I fell in love with you
the way i would
a book, a painting, a song

How upon first glance
one becomes flooded with fascination
by all the colors and complexities
each detail I fall on
blooms into more
so that my soul
feels like it is visiting
a well planned garden
where it is that:
something is always opening up
and revealing it's mysteries to me
Jolene Heather Jul 2015
Open to me
very gentle
and softly I will explore
the painful parts
we will be quick there
just enough to heal

Undress to me
shyly pulling
the many curtains away
and I will cover
your nakedness with mine
and we will be warm

Reveal to me
very cleverly
the blue pathways
behind your eyes
and pour your wisdom-water
into the pathways of mine

Unveil to me
that light
that splendor, treasure of soul
let me bath in warm waters
of existence and light
so we can return to The Whole
Jolene Heather Jun 2017
You cannot control how you are loved
Only how you love
Dance with me?
Move me
And move around me?
Put your hands on my body

Let us touch pulses

Let our cells meet and mingle

Maybe a few of the singles ones
Can hook up
Jolene Heather Feb 2015
We are broken
But all things that grow
Must be broken
So let us be broken
And let us grow
I will show you how

You must look at what broke you
Forgive it
Love it
And then you will both grow
Jolene Heather May 2015
You are loved just because
There is no defined reason for it
Its edges are misty
Like those of a cloud
But it is heavy
And pressing
At the middle
Ready to give up
Its burden
And someday
It will release it's waters
Revealing the sun to us both
The light will hit your face
And what a sight it will be
My heart bursts thinking of it.
Jolene Heather Sep 2015
Oh the moon
Oh the sky
Oh the air
It all breaks my heart

Because my kisses are in the air
My tears are in the sky
And my love is in the moon.
Jolene Heather Aug 2014
Always trying to be main *****
Needs to realize she is bottom *****
Don't call me
I'll call you when I need you.
Jolene Heather May 2017
God is all of us collectively

collectively we are all of God

Engaged in a dance

of inhaling and exhaling

curling and stretching

imploding and exploding

Occasionally He and we...


in the middle

blurring the lines between universe and atom

The pressing of atoms against

other atoms in a desire to feel

something other than themselves

To still their loneliness

they seek *******

they crash into one another

abandoning duality and embracing oneness

You cannot tell where one ends and one begins

They become alpha and omega

horizon and sky

the ******

Love’s confusing joy

Where it all end


And where it all begins

That explosive ecstasy

that moment and eternity

that *******

gives focus to an energy and new life is born

Movement happens creating waves of sound

Their patterns and rhythms being the song that you hear right now

Shadow, light, line, texture, color, shape, space, and form

create the ballroom dance of the image before your eyes

And then there is breath

The caress of memory on your Inhale

the crashing release of the Exhale

and the undulating attempt to fill the Void in between

The hunger... the longing… the suffering...

for a turkey sandwich in your mouth right now…

Yearning for a human touch is what creates a new world

a new Universe and the cycles repeats

An element is born and somewhere

a star explodes scattering its seed across the universe


“I AM…”
Jolene Heather Dec 2014
You in your head
Is the most beautiful
Moment I have ever seen
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
and to you
i send a kiss
on your left temple
for peace
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
I am fire and earth
You are water and fire
I am molten lava
You are warm ocean waters
Do you realize love
What happens when the two meet?
They make islands of paradise
Jolene Heather Jan 2015
It is about
How well Your demons
Play with my demons
Can I swallow your darkness
Can you swallow mine
Jolene Heather Jul 2015
We find our Beloved
In stillness
In peace
In love
In a sound mind
A mind so sound
It does not need to speak
It just is
And in that stillness
In that peace
In that love
In that sound
A river flows
And it washes to The Ocean
Where everything is cleaned
It washes us of our weights
Of our rituals
Our crutches
Our adornments
We are baptized
Then reborn in the heavens
Filled with manna
When the earth crys for water
Heaven releases its holy clouds
And mixes its pureness with the dirt
And the Beloved is reborn
Over and over and over
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
She could not abide a stupid man.
If you could not feed her curious mind
then you would never satisfy her in any manner.
If you looked like a Greek god but were basically a dolt,
she might have a motherly affection to you,
but you never would truly able to pull at her lust.
No, it was not a man's physical beauty
but his brains that turned her on.

If, when she was with you,
her mind could stretch deep into a galaxy
or swim in an ocean of philosophy
then you had what it took to open her up.
And when she did,
open up,
well ****!
It was like a 3D Georgia O'Keeffe painting.
You were lost in folds, creases, valleys, and fascination.
And then that's it,
you were ruined to all other women.
You would love her until the end of time.
Jolene Heather Jun 2014
Wild man
Where is my wild man
Lets stand at the end of the world
And conquer it together
Jolene Heather Jun 2014
She had no desire to be a kept woman in a Tahoe with two point five kids
Give her a car that runs, a man to sing to her, and the open road

She doesn't want a house in the burbs and a gang of desperate housewives
She's rather live in a van or a tent and carry on with a man that can hunt

She doesn't want a wedding day and a white picket fence
Let her run in the wild and make love under the stars

*"Wild man
Where is my wild man
Lets stand at the edge of the world
and conquer it together."
Jolene Heather May 2014
She was brown of eye and red in the hair.
She had hate in her heart,
But didn't know from where.
To her the sky was pink
And the trees were blue,
Lovers were demons,
And fear was all that was true.
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
Is okay if we just lay here
And you miss her
And I'll miss him
And if a tear falls
There won't be a jealous heart
For all your loves
Are what you are
And I love what you are
So how could I hate her?

Does that scare you?
It used to scare me too
It seemed so empty and cold
To be so detached
And yet still so in love
But let me tell you
It is so beautiful here
Because to love someone
For all that they are
Means someone can love you
For all that you are
Which means God loves you
Just the way you are
And it's okay if you make a mistake
Because there is always forgiveness
And you are saved!
And you are free
But you are free together
So you are not attached
Like something that can't get away
But you are dancing
Touching when you want to touch
And moving when you want to move

So it's okay if you miss her
And if I miss him
Because I would always
Miss you more.
Jolene Heather Jan 2016
All these dark people
Cant find their own light
Hidden there
Right between their eyes
Jolene Heather Jul 2014
It was like his hands tickling her were two children playing in the woods, squealing and full of laughter. All around her body the hands played. Until One reached the breast and the Other the hip. There these two children paused in an instant of Steven Spielberg movie magic. You know, those ones where the characters are stopped in their tracks, jaws wide open, and then the camera pans up and out and your eyes are feasting on something beyond your wildest dreams? And the world is filled with awe and wonder? But a brief moment it was and swiftly the hands lost their innocence and transformed into experienced and passionate lovers. Her then squeals of laughter halted into a gasp that be and rumbling moans of pleasure. And that is what she loved about him...them. These swirling moments of childhood and adult experience. They kept her both young and wise.
Jolene Heather Mar 2015
Even the sun cannot penetrate the ocean's depths
And cats don't care for water
But the earth can hold and know the sea's capacity.
Jolene Heather Feb 2015
He watched
Her weaving hips
Mate his slow
Powerful slaps of the drum
Torso twisting
Pausing, wild
In a ritualistic
Hedonistic sacrament
Where the harvest
Fertility and very prosperity
Of mankind
Depended on the lecherous
Undulating movement of her hips
He became hyponotized
By her dance
Unable to tell
If her hips or his hands
Set the beat
Seeming as one
She rode the archaic
Bumps and bends
With an unearthly
Intuition and grace
And his hands hunted
Her spiraling body
With a lion's
Agility and finesse
Until they climaxed
Into perfection
And becoming one
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
i am a blank canvas 
he is the painter to my soul
caresses of color
bring wonder to the minds eye
a focusing of self 
and it all locks into place
a moment of perfection
that brilliantly shines rapidly outwards
golden, and pink,
and soft cream
followed by wine red
soft and dark purple and ripples of silver
covered in deep liquid prussian blue
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
The fear of what you keep from me
and how it could hurt me
the devastation of the lack of your touch
the unbelief at the weapons you have formed against me
that name on your lips
cause me such swells of depression
my heart breaks everyday
but it needs you so much
that it always calls on phoenix to rise from the ashes
and the magnetism of your heart
pulls on mine
and she yields like she did for the first time
like she never had the scar
Jolene Heather May 2014
she was no longer desperate
for just anyone to love her
she could no longer accept almost
It had to be him
or something way better

Problem was
she could not imagine anything better
How could anyone awaken her
the way his soul had

Not to say it wasn't out there
but now she would have to be one of those lonely people
that realized something special
something that was a once in a lifetime
and could not hold on to it
So they sit there waiting
with fingers crossed
that this had not been
that once in a life time thing

But we all know that it is...
Jolene Heather Apr 2014
when John saw the ***** of Babylon
she was wearing your face
sitting, legs spread, like a ***** on a bed
riding the beast, in a lewd warmongering chase.
with demonic glee you pounce on your prey
and dig your teeth deep.
one taste of blood, a frenzy, a flood
an **** on the soul that you seep.
your skirts in place to cover your legs
and the rottenness in-between
all your pretentious decisions, with cold incisions
you think your grave sins unseen.
pancake your makeup to cover your disease
but try as you might
to hide, it shows, for everyone in the world knows,
you just don't hold up in this light.
Jolene Heather Aug 2014
I guess if I'm not sure
I should walk away

I am not yet ready for you
Divided is my heart

Your whispers are warm in my ears
Your knife in my back

Your something I never want to lose
But your a slippery one

Stay far away from me
Hope... Hope.. Hope
Jolene Heather Jul 2015
I tenderly hold these leaves
and have watered them
with my joys and sorrows
This is a strong
and determined little sprout
it has lived off of only
moments of the sunshine
that is your face
imagine where this sprout
could grow if it
were to bask in your warmth often.
Jolene Heather Jun 2014
Come with me
As we walk these streets
Of a city not so fair

I'll tell you a tale
Of a vagabond
Though I shouldn't dare

Magic was his gaze
But a warning
Remember deceiving he be

Love in those baby blues
Is what a certain maid
Of innocent heart would see

Whirls and twhirls
And rhythms of gold
His gypsy song weaved to her heart

And there was born
A romance be sure
Sealed with his scorpion dart

Oh how he stirred
This young maid's soul
And her naive heart gave in

But she was not
Without charms of her own
And in his wandering heart love began

He saw the maid
For what she was
A trap for his gypsy soul

So in haste departed he
Taking his tinkling songs
Leaving on fair maids heart his toll

So fair maids beware
Of this vagabond
An his gypsy stare
Critiques welcomed
Jolene Heather Aug 2014
It is the light behind your eyes that makes you beautiful
It is the sun settling on the fine hairs of your face
It is the strange meddlings of your mind,
And the faces you make when you put them into words.
It is the silent note of your sigh when your impatient
It is the tears on your face that you hurry to wipe away
It is the trembling lip with a heartbreaking gasp
It is the snort that slips out when you laugh too hard
It is you banging your head and how you try to keep your cool
It is the blush and hiding of your face when something has embarrassed you
It is these
And not the way your hip curves
Not how fullness of your lips
Not the color your eyes or hair
Not the pink lace *******
Not your unmessed hair
That make you beautiful
Someone he wants to know.
It is you!
You are beautiful!
Jolene Heather Jun 2014
You chose the wrong girl
Even I can see I am perfect for you
I would have taken all your darkness
And swallowed it whole
If you needed a fight
I would have given it to you
And baby we both know
I am a pro at making you feel like a man
I could have stood in a room with your crazy
And we would shake hands
**** that
We would have torn each others clothes off
And ****** like animals
Like a mad symphony
In its chaotic way
It would have worked
You stupid man
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
I get it
your right in a way
i mean, yes your confusing...
but only if i don't try to put myself in your shoes
But when i step outside my own feelings
your actions make complete sense...

your heartbroken
your not trying to play games
your trying to let go
but your heart isn't ready
you miss her, I am sure
I bet that it kills you
that she got to leave and you are here...
trapped in a snow globe of memories
and not even just her memories
but every person that has broke your heart's memories
because breakups tend to do that...
they ******* dredge up **** we thought was over

and so you met this woman who was pretty
and interesting
and open
and hurting too
and she made you forget...
or maybe not even that
but she allowed you to remember in a way you could bear
She made you feel good
and feeling good made you want to kiss her
so you did
and all the things that happen when you kiss someone happened
and before you knew it
you were standing at the doorstep of something
something more
and there was alarm
you had made yourself a promise...
and if you don't honor that
you are just gonna repeat your patterns
and hurt yourself again
and her too....

so you made the healthy choice
so you could heal
and it wasn't easy
she did tempt you but you had
for once
to chose yourself
and that baby is not confusing at all
I understand it completely
Sometimes letting go is the hardest thing, but it is also the most loving thing you can do.
Jolene Heather Apr 2016
It wasn't sober
Soft morning sunlight
Pouring through the bedroom window
Your eyes were closed
Jolene Heather Aug 2014
I am falling in love.
I am falling in love with myself.
I am falling in love with you...
yes you.

my family, my acquaintances
my friends, my enemies
my exes, my potentials
my abusers, my up-lifters
my holy-rollers, my ***** folks
my competition, my stepping stones teachers.

I fall more in love with you each day.
You have healed me, all in your own little way and I will work hard to return the favor.

The more I heal others the more I am healed.

heal and be healed
love and be loved

heal and be healed
love and be loved

heal and be healed
love and be loved.
Jolene Heather Nov 2014
When the water crests
And falls
it's white skirts swirl
Invisible hands
Flinging the folds
And feet patter
Hands clap
The waters dance
Jolene Heather Nov 2014
If you feed the fire too much
You will lose control
Then things burn

If the earth does not get rain
She becomes brittle
Lending a fuel

So keep the fire low
Water the plants
And go
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