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Jolene Heather Nov 2014
If you feed the fire too much
You will lose control
Then things burn

If the earth does not get rain
She becomes brittle
Lending a fuel

So keep the fire low
Water the plants
And go
Jolene Heather Aug 2014
Don't let desire
Or loneliness
Cause you
To be moved
Jolene Heather Nov 2015
She was wild in a way that was swaying and ancient
It was not a crazy whipping about of emotion
But a building swell and a powerful and slow release
But most did not understand this
So when they touched her hips
They just held on
But she needed someone
To do so much more than hold on
She needed that slow
So slow you didn’t know it was happening
Slow steering
Gentle erosion
Like the water does to the mountain
The wind to the desert
She needed those ancient drums
To keep her rhythm
To loose her demons
To be free
Jolene Heather May 2014
There was this moment...
back at apartment 4
when i was ******* myself.

I was thin
and beautiful
and my ****** was unprecedented
and the light was golden...

And my heart left you.

Because it knew
that though you could see this beauty
I was seeing at the moment...

I knew you did not know
what to do with it.
You were like a baby
with a small pet.

You just did not know
that you were crushing it.
Jolene Heather Oct 2014
The first moment I out eyes met
an image that is forever burned into my memory
If I grow old
and forget everything else in this world
I am sure to be haunted by that moment
I could paint it from memory right now
Your stance
your smile
but mostly your eyes
They are what burn in my mind
all the little things that flash in my mind of you
they are all behind this image of your eyes
They leaped at me...
That one second was a million year
It was as though a voice whispered
"this is a soul you must know".
If I were to paint this moment
to capture the color that burned behind your eyes
I woul .not be able to do
They haunt me daily
piercing me
demanding I spill myself to you
And I can not hope to hold back
no matter how hard I try
My soul just opens to yours

What purpose is there to meeting such a soul
Such a moment
if nothing is to come of it...

Why were you even dropped into my life.
Jolene Heather Nov 2015
it is going down the drain
we all are
and always were
so **** it
might as well grab a few things along the way huh?
Why the hell not
There is no reason here
and there never was
doesn’t make any of it any less relevant
There are some things in these drains
so catch as much as you can
on your way down
You’re gonna need it

— The End —