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Apr 2022 · 289
Vic Apr 2022
A soft breeze of recognition
I finally understand the meaning of life
Three days before my death

It flows and flows
Bringing denial and love
Not knowing who recieves it

From the ocean to the river Styx
Then as I'll stare into the eyes of the gods,
I'll take a last, beautiful, empty breath
falling in love kinda mid tbh :/
Sep 2021 · 768
Vic Sep 2021
a touch so cold, it feels
as if dear lady winter touched me myself
but alas, it is you
ready to bring back spring
Sep 2021 · 234
Vic Sep 2021
My soul craves you
A deep aching in my chest
For my life in your eyes
My heart in your hands

                                                          ­           I have lived a thousand lives
                                                           ­    In none of which I've found you
                                                          My body vibrates with recognition
                                                     ­    Oh, how I wish you'd know me too

                 Lord, let us be ten minutes
                 Or let it be a lifetime
                 Just take my hand, and drink the wine
                 I shall pray to be in your prime
simping hours :/
Sep 2021 · 836
Vic Sep 2021
I am a foreigner
To all that once loved me
To all that once cared
To all that once observed me

A stranger who slept in your bed
Three weeks ago, a new eternity
I am a foreigner to you
You are a stranger to me

For a while I've been invisible
It started many many moons ago
The days pass and I fade away
It is quite something to undergo

You cannot be my lover
You 'wish' you'd be my friend
But you know like any other, it's over
These little white lies come to an end

There are many others that I've lost
Now, I am a foreigner to them all
They pretend they do not see me
Yet, I always respond when they call

Your name lingers in my mind
The aftertaste of a bittersweet drink
Every time you gaze through the window
But perhaps I overthink
i am just a little lad
Jul 2021 · 116
Vic Jul 2021
i want to be loved
and ******, and touched
just to be reminded
i am not dead

i need to be held
and kissed, and craved
i want to pray and never lose faith
but the temple is my bed

i have to forget time
eternity in your arms
i'll be alright in the morning
when the blue meets the red
Dec 2020 · 301
Note 605:
Vic Dec 2020
V of Swords
Empty victory

You won the fight, but not the battle
For you didn't fight with honesty
You weren't true to anyone
You're filled with anxiety, not modesty

You need to compromise to win
Don't break just because you can
You need to find what you stand for
You live like a boy, yet you say you're a man
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 276
Note 604:
Vic Dec 2020
V of Cups
Memories in the way

You grieve yesterday as if your life has ended
You sorrow like the world ended yesterday
Self pity consumes you like a pest
But for disappointment you don't sway

You mourn on your own grave
You don't trust anyone else to bring you flowers
You fear the future like the past
You and your lover's gravestone stand like towers
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 252
Note 603:
Vic Dec 2020
IV of Pentacles
Money on your mind

Security isn't physical
It isn't fancy robes or gold
You want all riches for yourself
Your soul has turned old

Wether you spend too much
Or save too much
Either way it is a problem
You crave words, no touch
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 243
Note 602:
Vic Dec 2020
IV of Wands
Celebrate your prestations

Stable like a rock on the sand
You reached the goal you'd always wanted
I see you're finally at the end
"To succes" the party toasters chanted

Like friend, Like family, they say
I wish it were that easy
What's in the middle of those ways
Your perfect choices have gotten creasy
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 246
Note 601:
Vic Dec 2020
IV of Swords
Regress from life

Did you fall or did you let go?
Or did you let the void absorb you?
Restore and then respond to me
You see, I'm a prisoner of the mind too

Life's full of adventures
And there's so much to do
Stay aware of what you're doing
As Icarus should've, when he flew
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 208
Note 600:
Vic Dec 2020
IV of Cups
Do not ignore chances

Your insecurity is your biggest flaw
It's frustrating you to the core
Take the chances before your eyes
See, life's not boring, it's so much more

Connections are scary
Because you cannot leave sometimes
You think to much, that's quick to say
Your expectations aren't worth dimes
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 206
Note 599:
Vic Dec 2020
III of Pentacles
Practice makes perfect

Underqualified, overqualified
It doesn't really matter
You have talent, that's important
Like coins, knowledge you scatter

It's certain you're overqualified now
Knowledge with no lessons
You know more than you think
Don't let your confidence lessen
A poem every day

god this was an awful card to write ab
Dec 2020 · 213
Note 598:
Vic Dec 2020
III of Wands
The edge of succes

Let the world inspire your soul
Like marriage inspires a painter
Your enthusiasm makes love worth it
Don't let your heart grow fainter

Caring is key right now
Taking charge and leadership
Quality over quantity
Follow the rules, don't skip
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 196
Note 597:
Vic Dec 2020
III of Swords
Broken heart

Don't cheat yourself like they did
Let them sail so far away
Your health won't improve with them
Their lies will crush your day

Be aware of the confusion
It hurts but it will better you
Get your heart away from them
Before they crush that too
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 211
Note 596:
Vic Dec 2020
III of Cups
A celebration of friendship

Celebrate everything you wish
Family is your closest friend
Go on a holiday or party
Because one day it will end

Share but don't gossip
Don't enjoy yourself too much
You'll fall into false friend's arms
They give you words, no touch
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 147
Note 595:
Vic Dec 2020
II of Pentacles
Juggling with life

You change your ways so often
To please not yourself but another
You take up all the extra work
Multitask like a stressed mother

You work but no money comes in
Life's killing you slowly each day
Handling it isn't a honest job
But look, here's a reason to stay
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 123
Note 594:
Vic Dec 2020
II of Wands

You wish for luck, but you must wait
For luck will start to show so soon
If you plan the route all the way there
Don't be slowed down by the moon

Be patient, you'll be rewarded
With sunrays and starshine
Your plans aren't working
Your work isn't fine
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 151
Note 593:
Vic Dec 2020
II of Swords
On a crossroad

Excitement runs through your veins
The future's unclear
Not sure if the weapons are down
Not sure if victory's near

Take your responsibility
Do not delay the choice
Indecisive and young
Responsibility brings rejoice
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 135
Note 592:
Vic Dec 2020
II of Cups
A lovely balance

The sea in harmony with the sand
Your heart in harmony with mind
Balance is the key to all
With balance, luck you'll find

Be careful and listen well
For you might mistake yourself
Like a divorce for a marriage
Make money, not pelf
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 130
Note 591:
Vic Dec 2020
Ace of Cups
Material business

Your best prestations result in welfare
The money rolls into your world
You finally got what you wanted
Money flowing, not being hurled

Stay aware of your spendings
The world isn't all yours
Gold dissapears from the mines
You're jealous, suddenly it's ours
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 181
Note 589:
Vic Dec 2020
Ace of Swords
The sword of truth

The fog in your head's clearing
Ideas appear, one after the other
It's a time of new changes
Let the world not be a bother

You always speak the truth,
Yet the truth can be painful
You musn't let it hurt you
New ideas be frightful
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 137
Note 588:
Vic Dec 2020
Ace of Pentacles
Your head is overflowing

The world is filled with love
With hapiness and new chances
With wine and food
So many beautiful dances

You refuse to listen
You think you're so pretty
Too unstable to hear
It's a shame, it's a pity
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 163
Note 590:
Vic Dec 2020
Ace of Wands
An eruption of energy

New energy floods your body
An adventure's on it's way
You must trust the melody
Let the energy stay

The energy floods out sometimes
You refuse to accept the faith
Accept your plans aren't working
Then you'll see your spirit's wraith
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 190
Note 587:
Vic Dec 2020
XXI - The world

Finally at the end of the path
Your wishes fulfilled
Your dreams reality
A fool, so thrilled

Done, but no closure
You miss too much of walking
The walking got you cloudy
But the voices stopped talking
A poem every day

moving on to the small arcana
Dec 2020 · 147
Note 586:
Vic Dec 2020
** - Judgement

Memories now long forgotten
Your past is finally the past
Judge without predjudice
You've forgiven yourself at last

You must still learn from it
Forgiveness doesnt make it go
If you can't love yourself because of guilt
Remember the world loves you so
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 179
Note 585:
Vic Dec 2020
XIX - The sun

Your prayers shall be answered
The sun will show your path
Succes is flooding your way
Warmth will fill your life, not wrath

But stay aware of the shadows
For they repress your inner child
They repress all the love you had
Remember when the sun rose, you smiled
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 143
Note 584:
Vic Dec 2020
XVIII - The moon

Listen to your inner self
Don't let the hidden dangers trick you
Listen to the ghosts in your head
And the moon and the stars, too

Take a step back and look at you
Is it in your head or in your heart?
Don't repress your faithful truth
The world will give you a new start
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 135
Note 583:
Vic Dec 2020
XVII - The star

Hard times have passed
Prosperity is on the way
You survived and have new insights
Trust the universe today

Hard times have passed
But problems appear
You mustn't doubt yourself
Help is right here
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 173
Note 582:
Vic Dec 2020
XVI - The tower

Shocked by change you fall
Down into the pits of fire
Chaos is the ruler
Of your comfort empire

The world will shift and shake
But do not fear this turn
Because the world will open new gates
If you behave you shall not burn
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 428
Note 581:
Vic Dec 2020
XV - The devil

Do not fear the devil, fear yourself
For you destruct your life like no one else
You must deal with your desires
Against responsibility your heart rebels

Intoxicated and easily manipulated
You wear your heart out on your sleeves
The fire around you shines brighter than the sun
You obsess, and the devil decieves
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 140
Note 580:
Vic Dec 2020
XIV - Temperance

This card represents moderation
Your life in perfect parity
The world sings in perfect harmony
Creativity is no longer a rarity

But the balance falls quite quick
You're scared you work too little
Calm down and get your eyes on track
This balance is quite brittle
A poem every day

my favorite card
Dec 2020 · 83
Note 579:
Vic Dec 2020
XIII - Death

Your life will overflow with change
Comfort deemed unnecessary
This is the start of a transition
Like ****** mary into Mary

You must let these changes happen
You're stagnating on this point
These changes are bound to come
Faillure and resistance come ajoint
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 88
Note 578:
Vic Dec 2020
XII - The hanged man

You know your mind from every perspective
But you don't know the world
You need reflection, not action
Your life is straight, you need to purl

You must learn to be patient
Don't let your ego get in the way
Teach them how to see the world
Right now you only cause them dismay
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 129
Note 577:
Vic Dec 2020
XI - Justice

You mustn't justify your actions
You are responsible for your future and past
If you stay honest through it all
Your life will come to peace at last

Judges and friends aren't always fair
So you must be your own advisor
They will not take responsibility
Listen to their lies, you will turn wiser
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 149
Note 576:
Vic Dec 2020
X - The wheel of fortune

Time has passed
Luck has come
Do not let is pass
Claim some

The luck might leave
You have no control
You must break the cycle
Your karma's full
A poem every day

not one of the best things i've written
Dec 2020 · 195
Note 575:
Vic Dec 2020
IX - The hermit

Withdraw from the world
Evaluate, reverberate your thoughts
Learn about what you already know
Before your soul is filled with droughts

You spend all your time alone
You're not alone but lonely
Open your eyes to the world
Just like your mind, it's lovely
A poem every day

one of my favorite cards tbh
Dec 2020 · 134
Note 574:
Vic Dec 2020
VIII - Strength

Your supply of inner power
Strengthens not the mind but the heart
You must be clear of your intentions
Because others might not get your part

Don't let agression take you over
Poison your heart with ego
If you follow your true feelings
No one can stop you once you go
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 111
Note 573:
Vic Dec 2020
VII - The chariot

Once you channel your inner power
Get your ambition and goal clear
The route there will be easy
And victory shall be near

Watch yourself and your course
A moment of losing focus and you're lost
Your attention span is short
You won, but at what cost?
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 121
Note 572:
Vic Dec 2020
VI - The lovers

Your love is stronger than the wind
Full of rythm and harmony
But an important choice must be made
It's a choice to change your life, you must be ready

Do not be tempted by the devil
For their love is sour like an apple
Listen to your lover and yourself
Before your choices make your love ripple
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 97
Note 571:
Vic Dec 2020
V - The Hierophant

Your eyes fixated on your rules
Your rules and study, nothing else
You educate and teach the world
Only knowledge and truth, no magic or spells

You teach, but don't know who learns
Don't know how to trust
You must learn to give power away
Or your head will bust
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 117
Note 570:
Vic Dec 2020
IV - The Emperor

No knowledge but authority
You tower above the nation
Taking up the holy father's space
Leaving it is your liberation

The weak influence your mind
To choose the path wrong for you
It might be your arrogance
But it could be someone near you too
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 165
Note 569:
Vic Dec 2020
III - The Empress

Your world is blooming full
Swirling colors fill your mind
You'll speak a new language of love
Like a mother's words, soft and kind

But your creativity has been repressed
You need to spend some time in nature
You must feed your soul with love
Because your lover isn't pure
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 111
Note 568:
Vic Dec 2020
II - The High Priestess

You're filled with mystery and knowlegde
Full of spiritual love, and youth
You use your heart and not your mind
To find the answers and the truth

Yet you keep the secrets locked
Painful gossip starts to fill the air
Your thoughts irrational and self destructive
You must learn how to share fair
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 364
Note 567:
Vic Dec 2020
I - The Magician

A new cycle in your life
A new romance or new beginning
You must accept your inner power
And soon inspiration will be winning

Yet I warn you for your pride
Your ego, and abuse of power
I show that someone might be tricking you
Watch yourself, this lonely hour
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 134
Note 566:
Vic Dec 2020
O - The Fool

The start of a journey
Through mind and through heart
The longing for adventure
To seek for true art

You walk yet you're not free
Like a kid in a mother's embrace
Irresponsible and naive
Or are you the mother in this place?
A poem every day

gonna write poems about the meaning of tarot cards so hopefully I remember them
Dec 2020 · 89
Note 565:
Vic Dec 2020
The world might shift
But my love for you never will
A poem every day

dec 21 amirite
Dec 2020 · 206
Note 564:
Vic Dec 2020
loving you is like looking both ways when crossing the street....
                     .....and then getting hit by a plane
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 76
Note 563:
Vic Dec 2020
*screams into the void
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 193
Note 562:
Vic Dec 2020
I'd light the world on fire to be with you
Which is slightly problematic
Because then we'd have nowhere to stay
Unless you'll take me to the moon someday
A poem every day
Dec 2020 · 129
Note 561:
Vic Dec 2020
Be my Orpheus
Come save me
From the wind that's caving in
Be my Apollo
Come shelter me
From the cold the skies pour down
Be my Pygmalion
Come sculpt me
Hold my body like it's yours
Be my Ianthe
Come love me
I'll change my ways to hold you close
Be my Eros
And fall in love with me
As I fall in love with you
A poem every day

Iphis and Ianthe is one of my favorite greek myths.
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