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Isabelle May 2016
I came. I saw. I conquered*

You came into my life
Like the flash of lightning
- fast, ephemeral

You saw me
Like I was just a stardust
- beautiful and ugly

You conquered
- my life, my heart
and it was lasting
You capture my heart in just a short span of time..
May 2016 · 959
Lust (Haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
Confuse it with love
identity mistaken
7 Deadly Sins Haiku Series :)
May 2016 · 423
Leap of Faith
Isabelle May 2016
I will never say NO
Instead, I'll tell you to wait my child.*

Today I pray that you'll give me the patience to wait
I may not know your plans for me, but in your will I trust
I believe in your perfect timing
I believe that everything happens for a reason
I believe and trust in You
Please cast all my doubts, help me believe and trust in myself too
I'll leave everything to You
Today, I finally decided to continue the battle. Got an iron will today.
May 2016 · 239
Not In A Relationship
Isabelle May 2016
Sure I saved myself from all the heartbreaks
Sure I saved myself from all the pains
Sure I saved myself from sleepless nights
Sure I saved myself from nonsense fights

I do not know if I'm really saving myself
Or just depriving myself of love
I do not know if I make sense anymore.
May 2016 · 289
Sunday Mass- Homily #2
Isabelle May 2016
Happiness is best when shared
Love is best when shared*

Life is meant to be shared
Individual differences is what unites us
Each of us is a complement to another
And that is how life is supposed to be
Words worth hearing.. Share the blessings, share your smile.. Life will be less cruel if we learn how to share ;)
May 2016 · 320
Isabelle May 2016
Jessie J~ Who You Are

*Tears don't mean you're losing
Everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are
I do not own any of these lines. Those are lyrics from songs that I found beautiful or songs that I can relate too.
May 2016 · 1.0k
Misery and Lonely
Isabelle May 2016
Wrapped myself in a red velvet dress and a flower in my hair
Ready for the night with a guest
Lips twitching to a ghostly glare
Bit frighten, my hollow chest

As I opened the door,
Misery enters confidently
Bringing with him an emotional distress, I could not ignore
So I welcomed him, paradoxically

The second night, Misery came again
This time, bringing his friend, Lonely
I let them in again and didn't complain
No choice at all, I endured their company

Each night I would embrace Misery
And instead of dancing with my shadow
Now I tango with Lonely

Misery and Lonely, my visitors at night
Consistent like the moon, they are
in their company I find solace and delight
I could not escape, the light is too far
What a lovely company.
May 2016 · 450
Isabelle May 2016
I paused for a while, but everything around me didn't stop
I paused, but the time didn't even bother to stop
I just want to hibernate. Pause button in life please.
May 2016 · 1.1k
TGIF (haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
Thank God it's friday
Finally I'm going home
Place where I belong
excited. this is why i love fridays...
May 2016 · 1.0k
The Fallen Angel
Isabelle May 2016
Falling from the sky
like a rain, the ashes
from the forest- in flames
A fallen angel
trying to survive,
and breath through the fire
burning is her wings
burning is her lungs
she is bleeding blue
Didn't knew, angel's blood are blue
She realized, it was not a forest
instead, she's at the center of hell
it was a pandemonium
She definitely is not a Lucifer
But sure she was an angel
Slowly, she remembered,
Lucifer is her lover
Blinded by his promises,
She followed him
literally, in hell
She studied the place
wondering if she could dwell in it
in exchange of his lovers promising promises
She was giddy and excited
She's a different angel
Her lover then came
and called her the Angel of Death
She loved the new name
and decided to stay
How could an angel loved him?
I wonder what was his promises.
It is the first draft, I couldn't add more, so I'll leave it like this..
Sorry for the ramblings :)
May 2016 · 548
Into Nothingness
Isabelle May 2016
Dancing with my own shadow
To the beat of my breaking heart
My silence is screaming to be heard
My soul wanting to be freed

I do not know to what should I be freed
I do not know to where should I be freed
I do not know what I seek
I do not know why I seek

Sure there is a hole,
But I do not know my goal
So how can I be whole?

I'm in the middle of chaos
Am I considered loss?
Or I really am a dross?

My body is losing my soul
And my soul is drifting from my body
My mind doesn't have a heart
And my heart doesn't have a mind

Yeah, my body, mind, heart and soul
Are always in contradiction
So I always end up in mess
Drifting into abyss of nothingness
All I see is chaos..
May 2016 · 745
On the way to Success..
Isabelle May 2016
Study while others are playing
Plan while others sleeping

Start while others are procrastinating
Decide while others are delaying

Listen while others are talking
Talk while others are babbling

Smile while others are frowning
Appreciate while others are complaining

Act while others are daydreaming
Believe while others are doubting

Rest while others are stopping
Persist while others are quitting
Rest, but don't stop.. The thing is, never ever quit. But make sure to know your limitations, when you choose to stop or quit, it doesn't necessarily means you lose.
May 2016 · 316
Press Play
Isabelle May 2016
"If I lay here
if I just lay here,
would you lie with me and just forget the world?"*

I never knew that song before, until you sang it to me
It used to be our favorite song
And now, I could not listen to it without remembering you

As the lyrics flow to my ears
I was drowning in my own tears
Even if it brings so much hurt
I played the song again
to reminisce our memories
to remember our love

I pressed play again and again
to rewind our story
And it hurts so much
that our relationship has now become a story

It saddens me that to be with you again is to go back to our memories
It saddens me that to be with you again is to play the song again
It saddens me that this song can bring so much emotions and feelings, but never an *us
The first stanza was a lyrics from Snow Patrols Chasing Cars..
Songs are definitely a hoarder of memories..
May 2016 · 622
Decisions (Personal)
Isabelle May 2016
This thing is bothering me for quite long
I couldn't decide whether to go on
My mind is too tired to analyze
All the possible result of this in my life

It is just a matter of yes or no
But when I say yes
Endless what if's will bombard me
And when I say no
What about the possibilities?

I could not focus on the present
I think too much of the future
I worried too much of the unknown
And I couldn't stop myself

Maybe it is really not a matter of yes or no
Instead I should ask myself
If these decisions, will even matter in the future
And when I try to answer myself
There you go, I'll try to foresee the future again
And the cycle will continue, on and on
The result is, I worry too much. So here I am undecided, confused, lost and wandering about my messed up life. Ughh.
May 2016 · 218
Love #8
Isabelle May 2016
When I asked you if you still love me,
I knew it from the way you hesitate to answer..
It hurts because it's true. Why asked? Why wanna hear? If the heart already knew the answer??
May 2016 · 313
Isabelle May 2016
Hey Yats, are you there??

Yes*, he will always answer back..

That's where I got his nickname
He always STAY for me, so I called him YATS

Time passes by,
Growing up away from each other
The "always" turns into "sometimes"

But we managed to keep each other
And whenever we had a time to meet,
It always feels HOME

I still call him Yats,
He may not be physically present
but I know, he will always be there
He may not always stay, but I know
I just know, he's there..
There are people in our lives that no matter how long we haven't seen or talked to them, still it feels like home upon seeing them again. There is always a sense of familiarity.
May 2016 · 512
Like the Moon
Isabelle May 2016
Your love is like the moon
I will only see it soon
When the night comes full
I do not know, but I always admire the moon.
May 2016 · 454
Going out! (Haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
Going out today
Summery air on my hair
Beating the hot sun
Out for today. Meet up with a friend :) Sa bahay pa lang pawis na, grabe ang init!
May 2016 · 2.8k
Isabelle May 2016
Like a candle,
She burns herself just to give light to others
Like a star,
Long dead, she brightens the dark sky

She cuts her wings,
to let others fly
She even takes a bullet,
to save someone's life

She is a keeper, selfless
She gives her hand to the unfortunate
without anything in exchange
She's willing to give her all

She gives her mind, heart and soul
But there is a part of her, she doesn't show
She is lost in her little universe
And every night she shivers

No one would know,
No one notices, the tears she holds
Yes, she is selfless
But no one dares, to look back at her
Taken for granted. Yes that was me. This is life.
May 2016 · 412
First Light..
Isabelle May 2016
Departing from the night
the moon kissed the sun
whispered either good night or good morning
cold day's air is born
waking up the flowers
from the dim light of the dawn

Hello, said the rising sun
Eyes were drunk from the orange juice sky,
a lovely sight, serenity at its best
The birds started chirping, peace it brings to my heart
Smell of coffee and tea
Lingers in the morning air

A very calming effect of the first light
brings a genuine joy to my being
simple moments like this
are always worthy of appreciation
are a proof that there is more to life
Good Morning Friday ;) Stay positive!
May 2016 · 296
Love #7
Isabelle May 2016
We used to see love in each other's eyes
Now, we are blinded by lies
Love and lies.
May 2016 · 650
To Give..
Isabelle May 2016
"I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise"
~Anais Nin*

Some give
because they wanted to be recognize
and to be called kind

Some give
because they have a hidden agenda
and will use you in their propaganda

Some give
so that soon
they have something to take
Admit it, we are all driven by selfishness sometimes. Just a matter of personal motive/intention.
May 2016 · 1.0k
A Time For Everything
Isabelle May 2016
A butterfly was first a cocoon, then an ugly caterpillar
Before it becomes a beautiful butterfly
Before it developed wings and fly

After the lightning and thunder and the rain
After the sky unveils its wrath
A rainbow will be seen, the sun will definitely shine

A lovely flower
Was first a small flower bud
Before it can showcase the colorful petals

See how things work?
See how time controls everything?

Don't hurry up things
For there is definitely
a time for everything

Grow your wings,
Wait for the rain to stop
Wait for your beauty to glow

Not too early, never too late
Just in the perfect time
You will shine
Just make sure to sharpen your skills while waiting :)
May 2016 · 444
Isabelle May 2016
As I sat,
and watch the clock
tik tok, tik tok
a visitor knocks

Soon as I opened the door
Loneliness steps on the floor
I welcomed him just like before
For he's always there to watch for

Loneliness is consistent
Loneliness is loyal
Loneliness is a friend
Loneliness is always there
I maybe be alone most of the times, but I don't always feel lonely..
May 2016 · 314
I see Fire..
Isabelle May 2016
I heard the city screaming
My brothers are burning
If this is to end in fire
Then lets all burn together

I see fire
Bringing light
Taking away life

I see fire
color is red
everyone's bled

I see fire
flames high
into the night

I see fire
turning into charcoals
hollowing souls

I see fire
Cover my eyes
Ashes are falling down
from the sky of the town

I heard the city screaming
My brothers are burning
If this is to end in fire
Then lets all burn together
With reference to The Hobbit soundtrack, I See Fire.
I've been hearing firetrucks since yesterday.
May 2016 · 646
Pretending to Work
Isabelle May 2016
Here I sat in my office chair
at the laptop I stare
wailing in despair
counting the time to spare

Meanwhile, when my boss passes by
I act alive and high
put on a smile
and tell him I'm fine

Pretending to work
But in my seat I lurk
An old poem of mine. So hard to pretend. Haha!
May 2016 · 4.9k
I'm In love with the Moon
Isabelle May 2016
I’m in love with the moon
For it never leaves me when the night comes full
It gives light in the dark sky
Which makes me love even more the night

I’m in love with moon
For it shows up every night
When I’m all alone and wanted to plight
When I’m sad and there is no one beside

And I am wishing that you are the moon
So that you’ll never leave me when the night comes full
And you will give me light
Under the sky of the night

But you will never be the moon
For the moon is consistent every night
While you are away and not by my side
Lunatic. Well, atleast the moon is consistent.
May 2016 · 2.0k
Random Guy
Isabelle May 2016
Pag mulat ng mga mata
Mukha mo ang nakita
Sandaling nagkatitigan
Natalo, inalis aking mga mata
Samantalang ika'y patuloy sa pagsulyap
Hanggang sa nakababa kana pala ng bus
Paglingon ko'y wala kana
Lumingon sa paligid, anino mo'y di makita

Ako'y nagsisi
Sana ako'y ngumiti
Nauna ang hiya
Tuloy ika'y nawala
Hindi ko alam
Kung bakit ganoon aking pakiramdam
Ng ika'y biglang nawala
Hindi ka man lang nakilala
Ito ay para sa lalaking naka dilaw sa bus. Ng ako ay magising sa pagkakaidlip at dahil narin malapit na akong bumaba, mga mata nya ang tumambad sa akin. Assuming lang ako, pero ramdam ko may kuryente. Hahaha. Pero sa totoo lang, ang tagal nya kasi nakatingin, para bang kilala nya ako at kilala ko din sya. Since that day, bigla ko na lang syang maiiisip tapos napanaginipan ko na din sya. Sino ka nga ba??
May 2016 · 1.7k
Revenge (haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
Give her all of you
Love her for the last time then
Suddenly leave her
Don't ever do this to anyone.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Isabelle May 2016
As the sky is turning black
I check my clock
It was almost midnight- twelve
Still in my office I dwell
Table with a pile of paper
Wish I could burn in hell
I wanted to go home
But I think nobody is home
We all work
Thinking its all worth
Overtime, overtime
Then I have no right
To complain about time
I wrote this during working hours. Funny thing is we always complain about running out of time.
May 2016 · 886
For My Nanay (Mother)
Isabelle May 2016
Celine Dion- Because You Loved Me

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
My safe haven is in her arms. She is my everything. I love you nanay.
May 2016 · 390
Isabelle May 2016
I dreamt of you
You were so blue
No flowers in bloom
The weather is gloom

Tears in the eyes
Pain and lies
Cuts like a knife
Takes away my life

I was hurt
Now with a broken heart
Now you were gone
And I am left undone
This is my first ever poem, I think 6 years ago? I like it for it's simple rhyme scheme.
May 2016 · 243
Internal (Haiku)
Isabelle May 2016
The scars may have fade
But I still bleed inside me
I still feel the ache
Too far from recovery.
May 2016 · 607
Love #6
Isabelle May 2016
I always free my time to talk to you, to hear your voice,
But darling, you only talk to me when you have a free time
See the difference??? You can't even make a time for me.
May 2016 · 2.7k
Isabelle May 2016

Naging ngiwi



Wala ng tayo.
Wala lang, kung ano anong naiisip ko.
May 2016 · 697
Please, don't get over me
Isabelle May 2016
She cried and begged,
"Please, don't get over me yet"

But he didn't hear
And it breaks her

She cried and begged
"Please, don't get over me yet"

But he already moved on
And her life didn't go on

"Please, don't get over me yet"
It became her mantra
But it will never bring him back

For he found a new love
And she was left with a broken heart
Nothing else you can do about it. Just let go and move on, no matter how long it will take you..
Isabelle May 2016
No bottle of pain reliever,
Can cure the pain I feel.

This jaded soul of mine,
Even therapy cannot heal.

And no medicine
can ever cure,
This broken heart I carry
each exhausting long mile.

My only pain reliever
is found within your smile.

My only therapy
is your company,
My only healer is your love.

Your existence
I truly do cherish,
It fits me like a glove.

The only antidote
to counteract
this lonely endless pain,

Is the love & joy
you shower me with,
Each raindrop full of hope,
A love-filled pouring rain.
A Collaboration
By Fallen One & R.F ©2016
This piece is a collaboration by Fallen One and Lady R.F
Thank you Fallen One, it was a pleasure to share my ink with you! ***

Thank you so much Lady R for this collab, a pleasure working with you  ;)
May 2016 · 708
Moonlight (Cinquain)
Isabelle May 2016
Reflects the sun
Lightens the lone dark sky
Which makes the night more bearable
Light up
My third Cinquain. Lunatic.
May 2016 · 4.2k
Until We Meet Again
Isabelle May 2016
Thank you for the laughs
And the times we’ve shared together
Thank you for the hugs
And the crying shoulder
Thank you for the stories
Worth sharing to others
Thank you for the memories
Worth remembering forever

Thank you my dearest friend
For the life we’ve shared as one
For respecting our differences
For understanding each other
Thank you my dearest friend
For everything, for being you
It’s a privilege, to be called your friend
It’s a blessing to know you

I will surely miss you
But no distance can destroy
A friendship that was build with stones
I will not say farewell
For this is definitely not a goodbye
I know, we will see each other again
So for now, my dearest friend
Until we meet again 
To a friend :) No need to say goodbye.
May 2016 · 1.7k
Like the Sky
Isabelle May 2016
Your love is like the sky
Up above so high
I can't even climb
You climb too high, you fall too hard.
You fall too hard, you'll crash into pieces.
May 2016 · 361
Isabelle May 2016
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
There you go, for those who kept on asking, yes that's my name.. But still, you will never know my story.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Sana (UDD)
Isabelle May 2016
Anong silbi ng narito
'Di mo na kailangan

*What is the sense of me being here,
If you don't even need me at all?
Lunchtime random thought.
May 2016 · 1.8k
Like the Sun
Isabelle May 2016
Your love is like the sun
It gives me light and warmth
But I can't even come
Unless I choose to burn
Another short write.
May 2016 · 3.9k
Secret Love
Isabelle May 2016
Secret love, are you there?
Please take me away from here
Secret love, my escape
Will you take me far, far away?
Secret love, are you there,
Will you answer my prayer?
Refer to Mayday Parade's song Anywhere But Here.
May 2016 · 882
Like the Star
Isabelle May 2016
Your love is like the star
It twinkles in the dark
But all I can do is gaze
Until it's gone in the haze
Short writings for the whole week.
May 2016 · 2.8k
Little Star (Cinquain)
Isabelle May 2016
Little Star, shine
Show how bright you can be
Show how you light up the dark sky
Shine bright
May 2016 · 1.4k
Fireflies (Cinquain)
Isabelle May 2016
Light up the night
Spread thy wings and fly high
Away from the fire that destroys
Your wings
Just trying new styles. Hope I gave justice to cinquains.
May 2016 · 536
Isabelle May 2016
by Anth Melo

You don't even need a gun
You don't even need a pill
If you wanna die
*Fall in love and you'll get killed
I do not own any of these. I'll be posting lyrics from songs I wished I had written. So basically, songs that I find beautiful or those that I can relate too.
Apr 2016 · 873
Mind Your Own Style
Isabelle Apr 2016
So what if I use simple words?
So what if I use cliche scenarios?
So what if I do not rhyme?
So what if my metaphors are lame?
So what if my stories are incoherent?
So what if my thoughts are obscure?
So what if I prefer free verse than iambic pentameters?

I write to express,
not to impress
So please, mind your own style.
Another old poem of mine. No worries, I take any kind of criticism.
Apr 2016 · 396
Afire Love..
Isabelle Apr 2016
Picture perfect memories
Hanging on the wall
All burnt, all turned into ashes
We tried to run back to the fire
But there is nothing left to save

But baby, it isn't the fire that killed us
It is the lack of fire in our love that burnt us
The fire has gone, died
Frozen hearts, cold feelings
Can't we lit the fire again?
I'd rather be burn with your love
Can't we lit the fire again?
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