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Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
A lways there
u can talk to him
s ays he is always there
t alks non stop to make you happy
i like him to be there when I need someone to talk to
n eeds time to think about what you tell him about
A mazing person
d eserves a good girl
a lways nice!
m eets your needs as a listener
s its there through tough times
He is Awesome!!!!
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Have you ever said you were board than someone says save them you might need them later to build a house then you say ******* I have it's not fun tho..
Build a house y
Desiree Jackson May 2015
They can be fun but annoying and they are okay and they get a little wild and crazy.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
I cut and I cut and I bleed and so I got told to do the butterfly project where I wanna cut I have to draw a butterfly and name it someone I care about and if I cut before it gone away I **** the butterfly and that person so I won't cut intell it is done and I probably won't cut then either I will always keep a butterfly on my rist and arms and legs and stomach and other places I don't have family my best friend shot himself at age 13 the day was March 22 2012 I had just left the hospital from seeing him it wasn't even 10 minutes after I left his mom called crying and I knew what she was going to say I started to cry and said he is dead anti he and she said yes he is it was my boyfriend at the time he died so yeah...
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
D oes not need anyone
a lways there even though gone
n eeded to be heard
i still love him
e ven tho he is gone
l oved me when he was alive
S aw my pain
h as his own way of helping me
w as always there
He Is Still Here
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Dreams come to mind when you are asleep some people can't dream but when i do i have nightmares either i die get killed or other people get killed most of the time i dream of  killing my two dead best friends Isaac and Daniel which Daniel shot himself and Isaac died from a really bad sickness
                 R.I.P love yall
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
You are a good writer and a good friend so far it feels so good to have someone to talk to and they listen like he does sometimes but we have not been talking for very long but he still a good person so far. Thank you for being there.
Good person
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
I'm underwater he won't let me up he won't stop I'm almost dead I can't breath I need help can't anyone see this I guess not I need your help come ******* help already you for real can not see this **** well when u need help ******* to oh my ******* God please help me please its to late I'm dead he killed me and no one helped me
Desiree Jackson Jan 2017
As I lay in bed.
Head on my pillow
Eyes our closed.
I lay here and think is this really
What I want to do with my life?
Is there anything else I want to be?
Is this the real me?
Can't I be better?
I hurt everyone I love.
Everyone I love either dies or walks out.
I grew up with out a father and I barley had a mother.
Times like these are the hardest times.
Please help me.
I am dying inside.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She is a good friend she listens to what I have to say she never judges me she loves me for me not me for someone else she says I'm sweet and nice to her and I love her cuz she believes in me she is amazing she sits there and listens to my pain I love you Elsa.
Best friend....
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
He is so cute he is awesome even tho I just started to talk to him he is cute and cool as **** *** he is so cute
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
I've made a lot of friends in the last two days it ****** him off so ******* bad but I don't give a **** what he thinks I'm my own person he ain't my dad or my mom so he can shut the **** up with his talking thanks if you are my friend
He is fake
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay listen here **** u and ur **** I will hurt u come between me and them **** u
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay I love you I don't no how to really show you but just no I do and I always will I don't wanna lose you and. You say I won't but I'm afraid I will do something to make u hate me I love you I really really do please take me back I will do anything just please
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Have you ever felt like you are hated by everyone I have I'm a lonely person I'm a nobody I have no friends I have no one. Like ever when I need them and well it's hard to get it out for real
Desiree Jackson Oct 2016
When i look in her eyes its like im looking into the beautiful dark night.
She completes me.
She has my heart.
I love her.
She don't notice how much she really means to me.
Her name is unmentioned.
She is called unknown.
She is my love.
And her name is tattooed crossed my heart..
She is my one and my only.
She is amazing.
She is unknown.
She is the sum that shines down she is the whisper in the wind.
She is my breath and my protection.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay how would you feel if I left you in the position im in right now I thought u didn't leave I thought you stayed but that was a lie as well why the **** would u like to me about easy **** for real it hurts some time ******
Desiree Jackson Sep 2015
I am sorry I didn't mean to do this to you.
I hurt you it's not your fault it was my fault.
I am so sorry I don't understand why I did it.
I really did hurt you and I didn't mean to.
Will you please forgive me.
I will never hurt you again.
Please just give me another chance.
I will never hurt you again I am so sorry.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
If I die tonight I will be there with you
If I die tomorrow just no I love you
If I die just no I care.
If I wake in the morning remember i'm here because of you  
If I wake next week it's because I love you
If I die tonight just remember i'm here for you because I love you!!
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
If my heart could speak
It tell you how the sun reflects in your eyes
How your voice sounds like a love song

If my heart could speak
It would tell you poem of my love for you
It would use adjectives like "Divine" and nouns like "Royalty"

If my heart could speak
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay I liked this boy.
He was the best boy I had ever liked.
But he broke my heart this morning.
In the morning I hope I will forget him.
Forgetting him is the hardest thing to do ever.
I wish I had someone to heal me.
Can u hear me can u feel me.
I'm screaming for help.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay so she my ex and I call him my dad but I love both if them and im happy I might seem sad bout it but im not congrates both of you love ya both
Desiree Jackson May 2015
Nice, Pretty, she is one of my best friends like ever. She understands me and she don't judge what I do
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
K ind
y ou can talk
l ikes to be silly
e asy going
R ight there for you
i like to hang out with him
g oes crazy when mad and he is protective of people
i love him for him
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
It ***** there is no point of life there really in not no point it's pointless really you fight with everyone and no one wants to fight... I know that it ***** I wish it was over the pain the heartache you break up and make up and break up again oh my ******* God it's stupid as ******* hell I swear it is what is the point of it there isn't one I don't really think....!!!!?????!!!
Desiree Jackson May 2015
I love to
1) Sing
2) Dance
3) To do other peoples hair and makeup
4) Hang out with friends
5) My hair (even though its really thick and short)
6) Im friendly, nice, I tell you what you want to hear
7) I like that I can take a song and make it my own and I can remix it
These are things i like
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Why should I look back at all my memories all it is, is him betting the living **** out of my **** that I'm 13 years old and my ex boyfriend beats the hell out of me so why should I ******* try oh wait I should not **** him and his stupid *** self he can rotte in hell just ******* saying.
**** this
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Why is it so hard to stay loyal to someone you love well thought you love and I'm asking mainly the guys why do you ask a girl about then break up with her 5 days later ot the same day its ******* I swear. All you got to do is love me for me baby.
Why just why
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
L aughing is amazing
O ut of this world girl
V ery pretty as well
E verything I ever wanted
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Love is just a word you can't feel love even tho u thing your in love but your not love is just something you think u feel or no it's what brings you together like.Okay you live your family but like not people that u date unless you are married.
No love
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Okay I might not be perfect but everyone is perfectly incomplete I will fall on my face but I will get back up and try again in life okay NO ONE IS PERFECT WE ARE ALL INCOMPLETE and we have to live with it you might have a voice in your head that is telling you negative things but you need to avoid it and just walk away from it...
I will never be perfect
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
When I wake up in the morning your up when I go to bed at night your still up when I am sick you take care of me.
When I am upset your there when I am to the point where I wanna **** someone your still there when I lay there wondering how you feel you don't answer.
When I come to figure out that your in pain and upset I'm there for you well sometimes but that's what moms are for and that is what daughters are for as well. We love you mom... We all love you for you.
        Love always, Desiree, Austin, Mason,Timothy
We Love You For You..
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Music is my life it's what I do all is listen to music I love the sound of music. It's my heart my soul my future I listen to it when I wake up I listen to it before I go to bed I just love the sound of music I love all music but I like Rick but serten types of rock.
My love for music is strong
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
My heart it broke.
My heart is now broken.
Who can fix my heart I hope you can.
Please if your out there fix my heart.
The doctor told me it can't be fixed but I want to prove him wrong.
So will you please fix this heart it is very broken.
It is my broken heart.
To my ex love
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Okay my heart is empty and it is broken the blood is out of it completely I have been forgotten by everyone and it hurts me that I have no body at all.
It's true
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Okay his name is Ian he is 7'4 1/2 7 foot 4 1/2 inches tall so he is amout compared to me I love him even though he can be a pain in the *** some times but I still love him he is always there for me when I need him the most so yeah he is amazing.... I love him...!!!!!!!!?????
My buddy
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Oh my god I'm going crazy he locked me in this **** house I can't leave I'm locked I feel like I am anyway I ******* hate him he should feel my ******* pain its his fault my life has gone to **** and he calls me a slute and **** **** him for real.
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Some people can make me happy but some people make me mad and so I'm in the middle and people don't understand when I say I'm mad to leave me alone for a little because I will snap on you and probably  blackout but that's not good but there are people who make me happy like, Jadien, sometimes Zach, LORIE, Alexis, Alyssa
People r crazy I know cuz I am
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
R ight there for me
H onest with me
I love her and wanna be with her
A n it hurts but idc
N othing will separate us
N ever in
O ne millon years
N ice to know she dont like me
*** DO I DO NOW???
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Life can be rough and sad.
But it can also be happy and moving for people.
To and well there can be a long period of time and it can be a short period of time.
Mine has been a 7 year period and I'm glad that it is all over and done.
With and all that what I'm talking about is 10 years ago.
My mom met this guy and for the last 7 years he treated us like crap.
He would not let us do any thing and he was always mad and grouchy.
So 7 months ago my mom left him took my brothers and just left and I was really happy so yeah!!!!!!!
Its been a good time now that I have Tim back again
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
S he is kind
H as a great personality
A good person
Y ou would like her
L ayed back
A some
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She is always there like a ghost on a cool summer night.
She is there when you need her to be.
She really understands you.
She can break a heart like it even there.
She is not afraid of anything.
She is just she.
She is life even when she isn't really alive.
She is my best friend she is just she.
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She said she loves me ik its weird but im happy bout it she loves me!!!
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She noticed that I love her she knows I do she just dont know what to do anymore she is just in the wrong wright now she needs time to think and I respect that but she has not realized I am not like other people I will keep it 100 with her for real its hard to watch the person you love walk away from you it really is she says she cant lose me well why cant she, she dont want to be with me so why does it matter what I do wright now I want to throw my life away and say **** it for real I want to say that I really do I love her but she dont love me :'( crying face all the time she says she wants to take my pain and well she cant without loving me.
Desiree Jackson May 2015
She is a person who listens to me and she understands me and she tells me what is wrong and right and she will always be right next to me through out everything. She always makes me happy when I'm sad thank you for doing that sky
she is awesome
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
She is a great girl she is a person who I can feel the pain of the love the sickness if she tells me something I can picture it she is a good listener herself she has listened to me and one love her for it....
Good personality
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Ok so I have many positive things that some people don't know about me like.
1. I like to sing
2. I like to dance speaking of dancing I had a school dance last Friday and I was dancing and a lot of people saw it and so they told one of my friends because she didn't see it so she asked me to dance so I did what I was doing.
3. I like fishing witch guys think its weird that I like fishing cuz I don't seem like I do but I do.
4. I love to cook.
5. I love to babysit kids but not like raise them.
6. I like going for walks like with my dog lady or with my moms boyfriend or with Monte.
7. I like to draw.
8. I like to wright.
9. I'm a good listener if you need to talk to me about anything.
10. I love to fun....(party)
11. I am a good influence.
12. I love to read..
Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Things that make me happy?
Listening to music
Hanging out with friends
Getting support from people
Being with my brothers
Playing games
Going for walks
Cleaning (sometimes)
Sitting outside and listening to nature
Going to church
Taking a shower
Watching the Voice
Things that make me happy?
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Have u ever had a time limit but u don't get it done when it needs to be done I have I've also failed sever things and well I'm not a good person I'm a person that no one likes and no one cares to. No so it is hard being here so yeah.
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