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Apr 2019 · 892
Happy birthday Jupiter.
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
The striped
Coloured planet
With that crazy red dot
So round
So perfect
That one is called Jupiter
My pearl.  
Happy birthday.
Apr 2019 · 349
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
A fingerprint
That just happens
It does not need
The official seal of approval.  
Just be unique.
Apr 2019 · 298
Head space.
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
I just want
To go on
A freakin’ vacation
Far away
Just to be outside of my
Apr 2019 · 239
Mayhem nature
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
I am the tornado
Destructive and causes mayhem
Don’t cross me
What ever you do

I am fire
I will eat up everything
With my flames
And cause mayhem
Don’t cross me
What ever you do

I am a tsunami
I am water
And I will swallow
Everything up
And cause mayhem
Don’t cross me
What ever you do.
Apr 2019 · 260
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
‪Why is there something ‬
So freakishly unusual
Of two people in love
With eachother
Who met as friends??
Apr 2019 · 299
Snooping dogs
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
A lot of stupid people
Ask stupid freakin’
Like why do you
Do this
Or what makes you tick
Or if I believe what I say
If you believe those questions
Its none of your business.  
Apr 2019 · 292
My alphabet
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
‪A is for apples ‬
B is for *******
C is for cat
D is for dog
E is for electricity
F is for food
G is for good
H is for heaven
I is for intelligent
J is for jewels
K is kick
L is for love
M is for mother
N is for no way
O is for oh jeez
P is Poppy
Q is for Queen b
R is for red
S is for shitstorm
T is television
U is for unique
V is for valued
W is for witch
X is for x files
Y is for yoda
Z is for catching zees.
Apr 2019 · 162
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
What attracted you too me
Or why you were attracted by me

Was it my personality
My poems or that we
Share same interests
Not my charm because I have a ***** mouth.

The is something fun flirting you.
Apr 2019 · 505
Lady pathologist
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Dearest Ranoldie
I didn’t know that
Someone like you
Ever existed
I have been waiting
To meet some like you
Where we love the same things
In life.
My lady pathologist.
Apr 2019 · 160
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
When I was walking
I tripped over the darnedest
A pile of daisies growing
In the side walk
**** near broke my
Pretty little neck.
Apr 2019 · 197
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
No two Mermaids are
A Like
When two mermaids
Saw that they were
Exactly like eachother
they fell in love.
Apr 2019 · 323
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Thank you miss
For the flowers

Thank you miss
For your support

Thank you miss
For you love

Thank you miss
for the crystals.
Apr 2019 · 145
Go with the flow
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
At conflict
I don’t know
If I should pursue love or
I’ll go with the flow.
Apr 2019 · 194
Jupiter’s rising
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Rob was swimming
And floating in
His infinity pool
At sunset
Little does Rob
Jupiter is raising.
Apr 2019 · 168
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
As I walk down the eerie forest
In broad daylight
I see a hologram
Of a purple tree
It looked like a coin
So I walk over
And see the hologram
A gateway into
Another dimension.
Apr 2019 · 630
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
As the girl
Looks over the view
Over top
Of her head is a
Was an upside down forest in the sky.  
She just didn’t look
Apr 2019 · 167
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
The Prohodna cave
Full moon
In one of the eyes
An old shamanic
Myths says that
When the full moon is in the eye
You can
Here the
Voices of the spirits.
Apr 2019 · 579
Sun rise
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
The sun breaks the
Uncovering a latent
Pair of eyes
Looking over the farm.
Apr 2019 · 567
Eyes of autumn
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Over an autumn
The sun shines
But people
Report seeing two
Mystical eyes
Watching the forest.  
Apr 2019 · 725
The edge.
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
As I stand on the
Edge of a cliff
I am standing between
Life and death
I am staring into light
And darkness

As I stand on the
Edge of a cliff
I am standing on the
Edge of the universe
I stare in to infinity

As I stand on the
Edge of a cliff
I am standing on the edge
Of earth staring into
The solar system.  
I am in awww.
Apr 2019 · 167
The multiples.
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
I have three names
But I have one personality
The nicknames
That suit
My personality

I have one birthday
Yet many lives
From the past
Some noble
And some embarrassing

I may have 46 chromosomes
But in the inside I
Am half human
And I am half wolf
Loyal into death.
Apr 2019 · 339
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Why do I want to
Learn Tibetan
Why do I want to
Lear dazongka
Why do I want to learn
And uyger
To connect to my
Apr 2019 · 512
Tantric demoness
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
As I sleep
I dream I was visiting
A friend
Alas I She comes
Closer she becomes
This tantric demon
Trying to choke me
Wakes me up
From a death like sleep.
Apr 2019 · 146
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
The cheetah runs
To the food
And to the future

I do the same but I run
Away from something
To catch my food
And to my goals.
Apr 2019 · 213
Mind games
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
Why to you
Have to come into my life
Ruin my dreams
And fool with my head

Why do you
Have to come into my life
And tear down my trade centre
That is my self esteem
And give a hard life

Do you
Take me to the edge of
My sanity and pull
Me back and
Torment me more

I don’t want you in my life any more.
Apr 2019 · 257
April fools day horrors
Toxic yeti Apr 2019
As the young me see
That horrid video
I see the woman
Skin and bones
I have compassion
For a cannot imagine
Her suffering
Before her end.
Why can’t we see the inner beauty
Instead of outer.
Mar 2019 · 566
The dipper and Jupiter
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I stargaze
In my back yard
I see a rare
Beside the great Dipper
There floats
In the night sky
Mar 2019 · 390
Spring snow
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As the flowers
Spring up from the ground
I breathe a sigh
Of relief
Hated that snow.
Mar 2019 · 176
Stress balls
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Just swirling them Baodings
I hope I have a better day tomorrow
Thus the Baoding *****.
Mar 2019 · 177
Way I am.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
I am a canadian woman
Hoping to be an ME
I am a canadian woman
Wanting to help the world
Through my art
I am saving for a drone
Maybe a new hobbie
Will get me some where.
Mar 2019 · 356
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Love life
Weather it
Is easy or
For with out it
It be dull
Without its complexities.
Mar 2019 · 201
Where is it.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Is the love
In this world
It is hidden
Use force to find
Mar 2019 · 294
Flushing hate.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I swirl
My boadings
I thinking
Of flushing your
Hate down the toilet

Please please
Flush the toilet
For hate only breeds hate.
Like disease.
Mar 2019 · 289
Sticks and stones
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Sticks and stones will break
My bones
But the names you called
Me hurt.  

Sticks and stones will break
My bones
But the pranks you
Pulled where traumatic

Sticks and stones
Will break my bones
But the cat fights
have scarred me.
Mar 2019 · 347
Jupiter’s love.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As the poppies
Grown in
The crack
If a side walk
Swaying in the breeze
Jupiter comes
Letting the clouds water
Them and the sun to shine.
For Jupiter cares.
Mar 2019 · 149
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
The wolf runs
To the edge of the cliff
To greet
The full moon
After it’s meal.
The howling
A thank you to the moon
For its food.
Mar 2019 · 199
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
To my fellow
Asper people
You are great
You are creative
You are straight forward
You are intelligent
Not toxic
Nor biohazardous
Or evil.
Mar 2019 · 211
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I tell my story
Of my stigma
And of my past
I release
The squirrels
Out of my head
And into the Wild.  

Where they belong.
Mar 2019 · 180
Letting go
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
When you let go
Of the past
And it’s villains
It’s best not
To mention the names
According to the ancient
For you will
Being them back to life.
Mar 2019 · 186
Haunting characters
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I sleep
I see the face
Of the fictional
Woman who I created
Green eyes
Firey red hair
Looks like a young Scully.
Mar 2019 · 273
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
In a crack
In the side walk
A few poppies
Grow out the crack
And sway in the summer
Mar 2019 · 271
Lotus in the mud.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Childhood did not unfold
The way I wanted to
But come eighteen
I blossom
Like a lotus
In the mud.
Mar 2019 · 184
Flower girl.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As the girl wondering
Away for her mother
Lured not by evil
But by the beauty
Of the spring blossoms.
Mar 2019 · 190
Innocence lost.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
That is what I can
Describe my nightmares
But this took
The cake
When life long friends talk to
Al the while her child
Was lured away
I couldn’t do anything about
Except cry.
Mar 2019 · 263
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
You have broken my body
My spirit
The manner of death: homicide
You forgot
About my fangs.
Mar 2019 · 181
Skinny nobody.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I look in
The mirror
I don’t see a 30 year old
Curvy woman
I see the 13 year old
Mad coroner
Who was skinny
No use
But to **** friendships.
What should I do.
Mar 2019 · 244
Spirit of Autumn
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I and my worker
Take a walk
At the local trail
The leave change
And we see
The goddess of autumn.
Dresssed in a dress of fall
Mar 2019 · 148
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
In the middle of the night
A girl
Wakes up to a gold orb
With cherubs swimming in it
With out touching it
The orb floats
In her hands.
Mar 2019 · 335
Dracula’s Plague Inc
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As the janicrary
Come to
Claim Wallachia
And again the notice a
Forest of impaled plague
Vlad’s why of terror
Through Plague.
Terrified the enemy runs away.
Mar 2019 · 2.9k
Photo shoot.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
A model
Does a photo shoot
In the step of
Marble stair not knowing
Until she turns around
And seeing that she is in
deep space.
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