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18.3k · Jul 2014
Alvira Perdita Jul 2014
Trust is a lot like a glass
Some take strength to break
Some are plastic and almost eternally strong
and some shatter into little shards within an instant
Can we pretend that it made sense?
17.4k · Nov 2015
i'm always alone though
Alvira Perdita Nov 2015
i've never felt
more alone
than when
you leave
4.3k · Mar 2014
My View on Dating
Alvira Perdita Mar 2014
I'm not against dating,
I'm not against people being happy,
I'm against pointless relationships
because it's a lot of time
and no emotions
2.9k · Apr 2014
Fluttering Eyelashes
Alvira Perdita Apr 2014
Some people are so easily convinced by others
with simple, fluttering eyelashes
Thoughts put to words.
2.7k · Jul 2014
Alvira Perdita Jul 2014
It's truly terrifying how
ignorant people can be when they
make fun of others and then
wonder why that person
was found dead
a few days
2.1k · Sep 2013
Alvira Perdita Sep 2013
I find that the simplest
Challenges are the
2.0k · Apr 2014
Light of Hope
Alvira Perdita Apr 2014
A burning light leads the way
And we follow it helplessly
For without that light of hope
We're completely blind
Does that actually make sense?
Alvira Perdita Apr 2014
A dream just out of reach,
Just out of your comfort zone,
and you have to stop
and ask yourself
"Is it worth it?"
1.7k · Sep 2013
Alvira Perdita Sep 2013
I'm like the prefix mono
I can be put with other people
Oh, so many others
But I'll always be alone
Don't you just love English?
"mono-: a combining form meaning “one, single, lone” (monochromatic; monogamy)"
1.6k · Mar 2018
I Share My Mind
Alvira Perdita Mar 2018
i share my body,
i share my mind,
i don't have privacy
from the person inside.

she's a demon,
a ***** to the core,
she forces bad thoughts
and a whole lot more.

it's a a constant struggle,
it's always a fight,
sometimes i wish she'd go
but mostly at night.

i don't want her inside,
i just want to be free,
i'm tired of her ruining everything,
i just want to be me.
i'm beginning to get scared of her.
1.6k · Jun 2016
Alvira Perdita Jun 2016
she could feel each and every cell in her body
and as she thought about her existence,
about how difficult life had been,
about all the pleasant moments,
and the less pleasant,
she began to wonder about him.

he was someone who could have lead a
short time in her life, someone who
phased in and out of contact through
each month and maybe one day they
would hang out and catch up over
coffee, living life in an adultier way
because she would have had to move
out nonetheless.

he could have meant nothing more than
a best friend from one time and nothing
more than a friend in another time, but
instead he meant the world to her and
she fought for him with everything in
her being and she couldn't understand
how he meant to so much to her.

was it normal to put your dreams on
pause so that you can be with someone
who may or may not stick around?
it terrified her, but she loved him
with every cell in her body.
1.6k · Apr 2017
she's mine, too.
Alvira Perdita Apr 2017
i'm going to fight for her
to keep her by my side
you don't deserve her;
her love, her effort, her dedication.

if break her again, or force
her into this kind of situation,
i'm going to take her from you
because she deserves happiness,
love, kindness and someone
who can stand up for her; who
will stand up for her.

i will take her from you,
because she is my sister,
my best friend, my soul mate mermaid.
i love her too much to let this keep happening.
1.5k · Oct 2013
To Every Girl Out There
Alvira Perdita Oct 2013
You don't need to bend over
Your ***** falling out your shirt
Exposing your body, and your image
You don't need to pretend to be a ****
So that people will like you
Because in those cases, they don't like you
They like who they think you are
And you're not that person
You've still got self dignity
Hold on to it
One of my favourite poets on here has a profile pic and it just makes me really sad.
1.5k · Oct 2013
Alvira Perdita Oct 2013
Look in the mirror
And tell yourself
That you are beauty
That you are the face
The mind, and the body
Of beauty

Here's a secret
You, that girl who thinks
That she's fat, and that
Anorexic girl
Yeah, you're all the
Definition of beauty
1.5k · Sep 2013
Alvira Perdita Sep 2013
Closing your eyes and listening
To a hungry stomach
And hungry heart
A hungry mind
Oh, why do we starve ourselves?
1.5k · Mar 2014
Alvira Perdita Mar 2014
Glasses are the international sign for nerd
But also for genius, and if we're to be honest
It all makes sense, the two go hand in hand
Those who read generally have a wider knowledge

But I've been brought up with the thought
That everyone has the same level of intelligence
And I like that idea, because we're all different
And we're all good at different things

Some people are arty, and others are businessy
And I think the world is perfect the way it is
Because everyone is the same, in their own way
With, or without glasses.
Alvira Perdita Jan 2017
i want to crawl out of my skin,
out of my body,
and leave it all behind.

farewell to the flaws,
to the walls,
that have kept me so confined.
3 a.m. thoughts.
1.3k · Jun 2017
those three little words.
Alvira Perdita Jun 2017
i watch people throw those three words
around like they're nothing but decoration.
'i love you' spilling out in the middle of the night,
instead of 'thank you for listening'.

'i love you' instead of 'i like us',
because nobody wants to feel unloved,
and nobody wants to admit they're afraid
of being alone, of being forgotten.

so he says those words to her, trusting
that when she says them back, she'll mean them.
it seems that he hopes that when he says those words,
that she'll stay; that she'll continue to love him.

but what if, in the end, we're all lying?
what if we're all pinning those words in hopes,
hopes that they will stay, and we plaster on a smile,
hoping that they can love us, as we need.

broken and left behind, we pin our hopes
onto those three little words and we listen intently
for them to be said back. we seem to trust, all too much,
in the shared words.

but, when we find out that things won't work,
and the relationship crumbles, we struggle to be okay.
we lose the hope that someone can love us as we need,
we lose the hope that we can love as someone else needs.
i feel like this is more of a train of thought than a poem.
Alvira Perdita Sep 2015
I was young, gullible, naive
When you promised forever,
I believed you with everything

I fell ******* a flat surface
You said you'd fallen,
But you had a safety net

Now, I'm broken and alone
And you're perfectly fine
And hate who I am
I'm sorry.
Alvira Perdita Apr 2021
when we sit in the shade
from the burning sun on the
autumn afternoon, listening
to the children hunt for eggs,
all i can think is that you all
belong here.

i am the imposter, i can feel that they know. your jokes are all funny and i can't find the energy to laugh.

i don't want to be here, i hate 'family lunch'es, i hate pretending to be alright when i just want to sit in my room, alone.

family is always priority for me,
but i cannot place them in my life.
so we sit, laughing with all your loved ones,
and i pretend not to feel alone.
i dont think i'll see 2022 if things carry on this way.
Alvira Perdita Aug 2015
I honestly can't handle this any more:
I can't take crying so often,
I can't keep waking up in the middle of the night shaking from fear,
I'm done with constantly trying to stay positive and act happy when all I want to do is cry,
I hate that the only time I can be honest about how I feel is when I've almost completely lost hope,
I'm sick of holding on by nails to the false promises of everyone,
I'm done with hoping that for once someone isn't lying;
I don't want people to be disappointed in me any more.

I'm done.
I'm done with it all,
with everything.
Since coming to New Zealand, I've thought more about dying than I have of anything else.
1.2k · Jun 2018
Alvira Perdita Jun 2018
i was lying with my head on your chest,
listening to your heartbeat,
when i was overwhelmed by sadness.

a sadness so deep i could feel it cutting
through me. a sadness so strong that i
felt like i was suffocating.

i balled a fist with your shirt, holding
tightly in case you slipped away; you,
the last thing that i have to keep me sane.
please dont go.
1.2k · Mar 2015
Alvira Perdita Mar 2015
Matt, why didn't you talk to someone?
Why didn't tell a friend how you were feeling?
You could have let out all the sadness
You could have stayed, you could still be here

Matt, your mom is broken
She cries a lot
She wonders about you
She misses you
I miss you

Matt, your little brother is struggling
He doesn't smile as much
And his eyes tell you that he's seen too much
Ryan needs you

*Matt, I need you
Why did you have to go?
1.2k · Oct 2013
Alvira Perdita Oct 2013
I want your fingers
In my hair as I lie
With my head on
Your shoulder
While we watch
Comedies late
At night
1.1k · Aug 2013
Alvira Perdita Aug 2013
He looked around before he whispered in your ear
His voice was soft as he told you, "Don't you dare fear."
You didn't understand, and you grew scared
And he took over your mind as you hid beneath your bed

Your nails scratched loudly against the wall, like a cat
And you closed your eyes as the tears fell and hit your mat
How had it come to this, you wonder aloud
But he warned you, and you remember as you hit the ground
1.1k · Apr 2015
Alvira Perdita Apr 2015
a waste of ink
the positive darkness
the ink lines on my skin
covered with a dark red

draw positive thing on yourself
when you feel the need to hurt yourself
i tried
but now I have both
blood and ink
running down my arms
1.1k · Mar 2014
Alvira Perdita Mar 2014
Reality tapped
Me on the shoulder
As it gained my
Attention and
Slapped me
As hard as
1.1k · Apr 2016
3 am thoughts of the past
Alvira Perdita Apr 2016
with a mouth of
you pronouce
your love
a history that won't be relived
1.1k · Nov 2015
I'm not a very good writer.
Alvira Perdita Nov 2015
I'm not angry,
not even annoyed,
I'm simply hurt.

Do I mean so little
that you enjoy
playing games with
my heart?

It hurts that sometimes
you care, and other
times you couldn't
give less of a ****.

Sometimes I'm your
and sometimes I'm
the rain on your

In the end, I know
that it's my fault,
I'm the one giving
you the power to
break me.
Sometimes I'm a good truther though.
1.0k · Mar 2016
i've missed you
Alvira Perdita Mar 2016
all those promises of forever,
and the words whispered.
the shared secrets, the glances,
the looks when we knew what
the other was thinking.

the days spent pretending
that the rest of the world didn't
exist and the nights of talking.
the mornings of tired silence,
the random texts that were only
half a thought, and the brokenness
that we share but refuse to acknowledge
childhood bestie.
Alvira Perdita Feb 2014
With eyes that glistened like ocean itself
You were beauty inside and out
You had a strong heart,
And a stronger backbone.

Your love was like no other,
That much, I know is true
And I hope that where ever you are, you're happy

And one day I'll join you
Is heaven what they say it's like?
Surely, a soul as perfect as your is there

My family will grieve, for me,  like we are for you
And I'll be with you and smile down to Earth
Knowing that being with you makes it all worth it

And once I'm there, you can tell me stories
About when you were a little girl in England
But until then, our parting words will be the same as always:
*“I love you”
In loving memory of Wendy, a loving mother, a funny grandmother, and the best great grandmother
1.0k · Mar 2016
i don't care anymore
Alvira Perdita Mar 2016
nobody else is accountable
for my happiness
and that's why i'm happiest
when i think of death
because i give just as much
of a ****
as everybody else does
about me
i have zero ***** to give
1.0k · Aug 2013
When I'm Gone
Alvira Perdita Aug 2013
When I'm gone,
Don't say how sad it is.
When I'm gone,
Don't say you miss me.
Don't you dare.

You drove me to it,
You drove me to the point of insanity
Left me clawing at the walls of my mind
Trying to break free

So, when I'm gone,
Don't worry yourself over pretending to morn
After all, you were the one who told me
"Go **** yourself"
1.0k · Aug 2014
In Memory of an Old Mate
Alvira Perdita Aug 2014
The thing is, we never understand people
We never seem to take the time to appreciate them
To appreciate their humour, their laugh,
their general beauty and perfection

In all honesty, I wish I'd known you better
I wish I had known you well enough to love
and miss, and to be more than just stunned by your death
You were great, funny, handsome and perfect in every way

I don't know where you go when you die
But I hope that where ever you are, it's great
I hope you're happy there, and I hope you haven't forgotten
Those that are still here, those that lost you
R.I.P Matt, you were a grand lad.
1.0k · Aug 2013
I'm Sorry
Alvira Perdita Aug 2013
I'm sorry that nothing I do is good enough
I honesty wish it wasn't like that
And I'm sorry I'm a constant let down
I honestly wish I was better at life, too
And I'm sorry I can't live up to your expectations
I know I'd be liked better if I could
Basically, what I'm trying to say is
I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment
To everybody
1.0k · Mar 2014
Alvira Perdita Mar 2014
I have many

**but the future scares me *most
964 · Jun 2015
goodbye world
Alvira Perdita Jun 2015
My heart is beating in my chest
The blood is pulsing through my veins
Tears threaten to make their appearance
My fingers shake as I turn up the volume
Making my music loud enough to forget the world
On second thought, I'm not okay.
958 · Jun 2015
life and death
Alvira Perdita Jun 2015
I wrote how I felt
on a small slip of paper
and I threw it
into the ocean
to never been seen
954 · Mar 2014
Alvira Perdita Mar 2014
Imagine your favourite celebrity bumped into you
On a busy side walk, and quietly apologised
Before slipping off, back into the crowd
And stole your heart in the process

Imagine your favourite actor bumped into you
Looking for a place to lay low for a while
And to pass the time you got to know them
And the whole time, they seemed impressed

Imagine accidentally dialling the wrong number
And your favourite singer answers the phone
And shyly you apologise, and they tell you it's fine
And the whole time you're mentally celebrating

Now, imagine after all this has happened
Or only one of the above
And you didn't have a friend to share it with
Friend appreciation poem!
Love you my pumpkins.
916 · Aug 2014
Tick Tock
Alvira Perdita Aug 2014
Tick tock
The clock on the wall is mocking me
Telling me that I'm wasting time
Making it known that I could do so much more

Tick tock
The clock on the wall is laughing at me
Telling me that my life is wasting away
Making it known that everything I love is gone

Tick tock
The clock on the wall is at my feet
Telling me that my anger is misdirected
Making it known that whatever I do is worthless

Tick tock
The clock is in pieces
Telling me that my life is over
As my feet hang limply
909 · Apr 2014
Alvira Perdita Apr 2014
The sun was shining outside
and the world looked so bright
and welcoming
I had this urge, this desire
To run outside into the garden
and just dance in the sunlight
but I couldn't because there was darkness
in my heart
Follow me on Twitter: LittleLambii
858 · Jan 2016
La Dee Da Dum Da Dee
Alvira Perdita Jan 2016
2016 is a joke
Been a hell already
I've lost too much
It's only been five days
But my goodness
What will the rest of the year
do to me?
Too much pain. Too much death. Too much rejection.
Alvira Perdita Jul 2015
i miss us, the way we were before
i miss the way you used to understand me
i miss the way i could sit for hours and talk
i miss how i used to turn to you first

i miss the way we knew where we stood with each other
i miss the way i could tell you anything
i miss sitting up until 2 am stalking celebrities together
i miss feeling at home in your presence

i miss our friendship
i miss the trust we had
i miss you
i miss us
833 · Sep 2013
Alvira Perdita Sep 2013
I hate how easily I scare
Especially at the little things
It may have been cute and funny
Back when I was oh-so-young
But not any more
Now I'm nothing more than a mere
Annoyance to everyone else
830 · Apr 2015
Alvira Perdita Apr 2015
You called me fake, and I smiled,
because knowing that you know the truth
made me endlessly happy.

Because you're the only one I wanted to know,
the only one who I wanted to know the real me;
the one who's opinion I valued a strangely large amount.
Jay,go **** yourself.
828 · Sep 2013
Tear Drops
Alvira Perdita Sep 2013
Tear drops
My eyelashes
Like jewels
827 · May 2017
Alvira Perdita May 2017
i can't go to a bathroom by myself,
the overcrowdedness sets me off
like a firework on new years.

the fear that bubbles inside,
panics me to the point
of not being able to breathe.

is this what my life is?
being afraid of being alone
in a crowded room?

is this what i have become?
a walking ball of anxiety,
afraid of merely existing.

it's a living hell.
why can't i just be okay?
i wish i was okay.
boy, what a horrible day it was.
809 · Jan 2017
beaten down
Alvira Perdita Jan 2017
when you're stuck
and reaching up,
knowing that everyone
who walks past
is pretending not
to see the
in your eyes
i hate this place. i wish i could be done with it.
788 · Mar 2017
holding on
Alvira Perdita Mar 2017
i can barely breathe
the weight inside my chest
is weighing me down
dragging me further
into the darkness below
and i don't know
how much longer i can
hold on
letting go.
Alvira Perdita Nov 2015
it's not that you don't care
it's that you constantly pretend
as though I'm blind to it
that's what hurts most
breathing hurts.
existing hurts even more.
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