Minds Golden, Minds Open,
Heart's fulfilled, yet hurt and swollen,
I try,
others deny,
"failure viewed as our only progress"
Making sensible souls cry,
"Mind's are allergic, soul's anemic...
To any source of Wisdom, souls not in agreement,
Self: not viewed as source of achievement,
Ourselves of course, a source of Truth: never convenient.
Actors: our politicians, revering, of only folly,
Stalling our hopes, for a future of love & glory
Unwritten stories, none making the attempt,
Of Liking self, of loving self, all have sins to repent,
Histories shallow, written by dark lords of shadows,
Books for/by crooks, truth send to the gallows,
all deceptive in action and looks, all heart hallowed,
Down to flesh and bone marrow, even beauty, ugly and sallow.
All fighting, what for? what are these rivalries?
Tragedies, parodies, None perceiving our true enemies,
Salute, debuts, soldier fighting with honor,
Notes taken, yet truth forsaken, orders issued by monsters & robbers.
Sure let's us all slander, to any, if any, speaks of truth,
Markets, targets, to spread poison, sickness to our youth.
Send soldiers abroad, let's watch them fight as we rob,
Soldiers die, leaders never cry. They're Problem Solved!
Yet, among a few: fortunate Mind's Golden,