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Jul 2017 · 225
Cerasium Jul 2017
No longer am I surrounded
By the sweet embrace of Joy
But forevermore clinched
In the painful grip of sorrow

The agonizing maze of despair
The ripping tides of pain
These have come to me
And all I feel is null

The tears once shed
Have all but gone
Leaving hollow voids
And salt stained walls

Seeing through the distance
Feeling what once was
Lost in a space of forgotten
Hoping to begin anew
Jul 2017 · 281
Failed Connection
Cerasium Jul 2017
My head is ignoring my heart
Yet my heart screams it's sorrow
Hoping for my head to hear
The agonizing pain it's in

Yet all my head can do
Is dream of a far off place
Where there is no sadness
Pain or dismay

Where there is only forgiveness
Love and compassion
A place that is kind
And free of worry
Jul 2017 · 520
Terrifying Distance
Cerasium Jul 2017
Distance is such a cruel mistress
It can make you feel great
Or it can bring great sadness
For me it is a mixture of both

The love of my life
At such distance
Makes sorrow come alive
And take root in my soul

But the pain of my existence
At such a distance
Brings joy to my soul
And forms a conflict

The soul now in turmoil
Fighting for control
The pain slowly wins
As the joy slowly dies

Lost in thought
The head does wander
To places we must not tread
Great sorrow lives in those walls

For when the minds wanders
It gets lost for what seems eternity
Breaking the silence
With screams of dismay

Running around this maze
Fleeing from the pain
Easier to say
Much harder to do

We fall into a pit
In which there is no escape
Crying out in pain
For the love in the distance
Jul 2017 · 392
Hearts Craving
Cerasium Jul 2017
The heart aches
For the love it craves
Holding fast to the dream
Of one day feeling it's embrace

Hold fast to the passion
The cravings and kindness
The hearts a curious thing
For those who want to listen

Hide in the shadows
It does no good
When the heart wants
There is no running

Embrace the passion
Embrace the love
For if you do
Compassion will be yours
Jul 2017 · 328
Loveless Void
Cerasium Jul 2017
Such a fragile thing
It can be made from a single spark
Or broken by a simple act

These traits carry with us
The pain we endure
The joys we seek
All from a single spark

Love can fade into despair
For me that has already begun
Love is no more tragic
than the falling petals of a rose

Diseased by compassion
Lost without a cause
We seek which we can't find
To fill in the void

The pain we feel
Only to comfort us
To tell us that
We are in fact alive

Love is null and void
Taken away by tragedy
Knowing not where it leads us
But feeling empty again
Jul 2017 · 232
Darkness Burns
Cerasium Jul 2017
Flowing down the river
Blackness all around
Is it night?
Or am I just blind

Blind to the love
The hate
The passion of those around me
Or am I seeing the truth

The bleak truth
The truth that love is gone
That all in which remains
Is a burning hate

Holding tight to where my heart once sat
Feeling the burn of pain
Bleeding through the hole
In which was made

Ripping and clawing
I see the truth
No love is here
Only destruction in my wake

When will this end?
When will the light come back
The bright warmth of compassion
The tender embrace of love
Jul 2017 · 471
Cerasium Jul 2017
The dark beckons
Whispering its sweet silence
Drawing me closer
Hoping I fall into its embrace

Sadness and misery
They seem so peaceful
Pushing me over the edge
Just to watch me fall

Spiraling downward
Head over heels
No end in sight
For this eternal descent
Jul 2017 · 609
Words of a Poet
Cerasium Jul 2017
My words fill you with emotions
The very depth of your soul aches for understanding
Yet no one sees the shallow waters we make
Never get to taste the salt we live in

To see the sky turn red
And fade into a glorious purple
We seek not the future of salvation
But the relief of our present

My heart is breaking
That is why I'm letting my words ensnare
No one can heal this ache
No presence can fill the void

Ask us not for our sovereign grace
The shallow pools help so much
Feeling something rather than nothing
The only way for us to feel alive

Yet we crave for something deeper
A purpose in life
A place of grandeur
To end all of our suffering

We crave a love unconditional
To have our voices heard
To end the darkness
That ensnares our soul

To bask in the light of true want
To be free and accepted
To walk without fear
To love without hate

Peace and love
Are all we seek
To be ourselves
Without judgement or chains
Jul 2017 · 446
Cerasium Jul 2017
Dead soul
Lost and then found
Blessed for eternity
With love compassion and dignity

Soaking wet
Tears of black
Cheeks swollen red
Heart snapped in two

Life comes so swift
For this Baffled soul
Longing for peace
Always getting resolve
To be honest this is how I feel just about every day
Jun 2017 · 663
My Love
Cerasium Jun 2017
You are the sparkle in my eye and the beacon of my love
The holiness of my grail and the salvation of my freedom
You are the love in my life and the beauty in my horizon
The love in my soul and the air in my lungs

You are the lift beneath my wings and the wind in my sails
You are my true love and the only one around
You can make me laugh when no one else can
Every time i see you my sorrow is one once again

From the first time i met you I knew that you were the one
I had no cherish or laughter in my life until you blossomed into my sight
You have the gift of happiness and there is no way to take that back
What I feel in my heart is the most I have felt for another person

From your love to the laughter you bring the world never turns when you are near
time ceases to exist and the spaces are filled my heart will never more be empty and hollow
For you the love of my life I will cherish until the end of time
These moments you bring and the happiness that follows
Jun 2017 · 574
The Creature And The Child
Cerasium Jun 2017
The sun shine rose in the dark rainy night
The wind howled and the dogs snapped
Out from the shadows a creature stalks
Only to find a weeping child

The creature leaned in and there was a shudder
The cold from his hands frightened the child
The creature looked at the weeping child
The child looked up to see a face

The face the child did see was familiar
There was none in the world just like it
The creature smiled and said come back to me
The child nodded and put his hand in the creature's

They walked toward the sunshine and the creature became a man
The child grew taller and taller than the creature he grew
Until they were no longer child and creature
But became love's first hand
Jun 2017 · 609
My Heart And Soul
Cerasium Jun 2017
So much as the great fire needs air to flourish
You'll have my heart and soul to nourish


if you stray aside
my heart and soul will surely die


in the ashes of my pain and suffer
New hope and love will surely buffer


if in the ashes more pain comes near
I will be forced to end it here


once it ends my heart will see
All the love that is free
For in this world there is peace and love


far more beauty to behold from above
Jun 2017 · 749
The Shattered Heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
In the beginning we found each other
You stole my heart then willingly gave me yours
Though we seemed to be in love
You slowly wandered away drifting from my heart

Then I made a mistake and hurt you when i didn't mean to
And you want your heart back
So in a saddened state I give it back
To hear you have found another

With your slight of hand you ****** my heart
From your eternal pocket and give it back
But the thing that you never saw
Was that it had cracked

Time went slowly and I wanted you back
But the crack always remained
So the crack turned for the worse
I saw I could never get you back

For you see that tiny crack you left in my heart
Began to grow and stop it never did
The crack grew larger until it began to break
I see now that it can never be fixed

The crack widens as I wait for you to see
No matter what I will always be true
That even though my heart is shattering
I will always love you

But now I see that my wish is child
That you will never come back
So my heart breaks even more each time
I see you or hear your name

The lights go out in my child like wish
I see the truth that I will never have you
You have gone away and left me here
Sullen and broke with a shattering heart

Now you've gone and I will never see
My heart finished breaking
And now is sand
For that single crack you left in my heart
Caused it to become a shattered heart.
Jun 2017 · 247
Undying Love
Cerasium Jun 2017
To those who look beyond my pain
They see a light
A light of simmering hope
Hope symbolizing the rebirth of love

But not one dared to touch it
Yet one day a man
With pain in his heart came upon me
He ****** his heart to mine

The pain in his heart vanished
As the pain in mine touched his
We looked at each other
The sparkles in our eyes glistened as we stared
Unable to break away

He told me his troubles
I told him mine
That instance the pain and sorrow we both felt
vanished like mist in the heat of the sun
He leaned to me as I wondered
what would it be like if he were mine

He told me that he loved me
Then a tear rolled down my face
For I knew he was saying the truth
For all to hear his heart

My heart stopped
I looked to him and smiled
I love you too spilled out of my mouth
We are the perfect two
And that is no lie but true
Jun 2017 · 236
The Searching Soul
Cerasium Jun 2017
The winds of time are not kind
On the withered heart of this poor soul
To those who are seeing the torture it endures
It is harmless fun

The soul wanders endlessly
Looking for its way out
Some ways may be easy
But they are far to painful to travel

The shallow emptiness that lies ahead
Filled with loss and misfortune
From years of suffering

It's one true goal out of all others
Find the one who will take the pain away
Jun 2017 · 255
Spreading Crack
Cerasium Jun 2017
My heart cracks with every moment I speak to him
The passing of time stands still
The pain worsens as the cracks spread

Throughout all this pain I have put upon myself
I can not let him go

My soul yearns for the return of its match
To fix this cracked heart once and for all
For only he can fix this spreading crack
Jun 2017 · 368
This Hurt Inside
Cerasium Jun 2017
Through all this kindness and happiness one thing is true
The love I felt and the the happiness we shared
Those times took away the blue
But now these thoughts

About us being afar have hurt me bad
So it's best if we go apart
Though I don't want to it is easy to see
that it is the only way from hurting you
Jun 2017 · 365
Never Dying Love
Cerasium Jun 2017
These tears that are shed and the hurt that's between us
The unseen problems we have yet to face
The things of hurt and denial
heartache and suffering

And yet as long as we have a person
The one person that matters most
Nothing can hurt us forever
With their loving embrace as we look at each other

The world is never the same
It is hard to tell
but throughout it all my love will only grow
Jun 2017 · 239
Star Lit Sky
Cerasium Jun 2017
Through that which has never traveled
This lonely path of self inflicted pain
We see the clear night sky
And the treasure of the star

For with their light brings
The hope of a new beginning
The prosper of a new loving relationship

Though many may ignore
The true spark of friendship
It will never elude the soul
Jun 2017 · 352
Perfect Mask
Cerasium Jun 2017
Everyone is leaving
My heart is breaking
the torture inside is heavy weighing
This life has gone to the point of torture
yet the tears remain silent

My face is a mask to hide what I feel
No one must know the pain that is real
The face who shows boredom and laughter
The face that everyone sees

Just shows the mirage that a tortured soul created
All who think I am a happy soul has not learned
To look past my perfect mask
The mask of happiness
Love and laughter
Jun 2017 · 251
The Breaking Mask
Cerasium Jun 2017
I see you there
saying your crying and yet
The laughter on your face says different
I longed to be with you and yet you have another

I hide my pain and it boils up
till it is ready to flow over
I hold back the tears for they betray the mask
My perfect mask is going to snap

A crack starts spreading and spreading far
And yet you can't see this pain leaking out
My tears are flowing and flowing hard
Yet you laugh just the same

When will you see that you are to blame
My tears turn cold and flow even faster
My heart feels stabbing and yet you stay the same
I loved you from the beginning and you said you did to

You wanted me forever and yet you're a sunder
My life is crashing and you still don't care
The pain I feel
The tears I shed
Or the love I gave
Jun 2017 · 325
By True Love's Touch
Cerasium Jun 2017
The tears that fall are just a symbol
The symbol of real love and affection
Some tears are great and yet some are fake
The tears that I was, am and will be shedding are true

These tears are genuine and will be forever
They mean more than anything I can ever say or do
The only question is
do you see?

See these tears that never cease
The tears of sadness and pain
Tears of lost and confusion

And yet
tears of hope
Of love
Of compassion

Tears that wish
That pray
That dream of your return
Tears that beg you to be the only one

The one who cares
Who loves
Who caresses
Who holds

These tears are a blessing
Not just a curse
They tell you that someone cares
That someone love
Someone understands

These tears can only be swept away
Thrown away
Cast out
Banished to oblivion
Only by true love's touch

And yet
True love
Is the hardest
To find.
Jun 2017 · 2.0k
Falling Tear
Cerasium Jun 2017
Times were perfect
they were kind and loving
You had a sparkle in your eye
That made the world bright with love

The distance was great
Yet it wasn't an issue till one day
You told me its hard
You want us closer
But to be friend is enough for now

The pain worsened the more we were friends
The ***** ups I did just made things worse
My love has grown stronger and stronger
Yet it is not enough

In order to get you back I must be by your side
Times are tough and greater still
I love you so much that time stands still
I see you there alone

No one by your side and I crave
That someone will be me again
This pain and misery is far to great
Yet I long your your touch
your kissing embrace

These nights without you have made me miserable
I just wish once you see my tears
These tears of love and pure of heart
They yearn for you to wipe them away

They look to you with a tortured soul
Leaking through the glistening light
They wish you would come back to wipe them away
Even if it is just one more time
Jun 2017 · 236
Burning Soul
Cerasium Jun 2017
My soul hast gone and yet on fire
The burning remains in its place
Where thy soul has gone

Has left me to wonder
Where is the love
That once made me shudder
Jun 2017 · 196
Wandering Souls
Cerasium Jun 2017
To the wandering souls
Who lay in the valley of death
they to have seen my torture

To those lucky few
Who fall with the morning dew
Thy wishes you can see
The suffering we endure

To the souls of mankind
To each us own but together alike
We wander this land
In search of refugee

From the pain
The misery
And most of all ourselves

For we are the ones
Who can heal ourselves
We just have to choose

Do we lay down with the rest?
Or do we fall
With the beautiful grace of snow
Jun 2017 · 179
Darkness That Lurks
Cerasium Jun 2017
I am an empty soul longing for a purpose
To each their life may be love and happiness
But until now is scattered
With darkness and chaos through the vine

And to which is lost but never found
Hast my heart begun to pound
To thus my life and home are a gift

For they do not see the darkness in the shadows
The lurking in my heart and the hurt in my soul
Jun 2017 · 681
Matching Soul
Cerasium Jun 2017
There you are
A shadowed figure
Lost in time though so close to me
hast fate come to me
Brought you to me

Only the three of fates can know
You lifted my heart
Though in pieces they were
And fixed them up
While holding them close

You make me feel whole
Although I don't know why
Are you my savior
The one to help me bring love

You fixed my heart
So you must be
My perfect matching soul
Jun 2017 · 367
Aching Suspicion
Cerasium Jun 2017
My life was empty and uneventful.
Then you walk right into my heart.
The world turned to color.
And I rose out of my rut.

My life turned happy.
Though I could not believe it.
My heart grew to love.
And to why I'll never know.

You came to me when my heart ached.
Patched it up and made it new.
You loved me for the way it looked.
But how do I know you truly do.

My heart starts to ache watching these things.
Things that appear to prove you don't.
My breathing fastens as my heart beats.
How do I ask you about this?

I wonder painfully about the thoughts.
That keep poking into my heart.
I ask myself the question that I fear.
Is he really doing this or not?
Jun 2017 · 236
Pain of a Broken Heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
Thou love has gone for never more
To be return to thee a shallow's pawn
Though thy heart is gone in shattered tangles
My love for thee is forever eternal

And in thou wake of hardheartedness
No life shall begin a new
For thy spark of love hast dissipated
Into a shadowed hole in which life is non-existent

For thou hast splashed it with
Thy lovers tears of adultery
And never more shall it become ablaze
Jun 2017 · 241
My love for you
Cerasium Jun 2017
The great sun of the east may pass over
And turn it's rays to your shining smile
But it's vast depths of rays
Will never penetrate my heart like you have

The great sun of the west may set off the western mountains
And leave a beautiful glow of color
But it will never compare
To the beauty I see in you

The mother of all may cry
When she sees what her children have done
To her gift to them but she will never cry
As hard as I do when I see you hurt

The father of all time may scream
When the end comes near
But he will never scream as loud
As me when I feel your pain
Jun 2017 · 285
Traded Hearts
Cerasium Jun 2017
My heart and soul
The beating within each
The love once lost
Now found anew

With you in my life
There is nothing that can fail
I know that this is true
And forever it will be

The love between us
Is all that is
Set in stone for
All of time to bestow

We seek comfort in each other
The caring passion
We long to show
The tender embrace
We thrive to give

The sweet kiss of everlasting love
Though miles apart we stand tall and ready
To say we are never apart
For our hearts are with the other
Jun 2017 · 259
Fading Light
Cerasium Jun 2017
Though this light shine brightly
My heart is pulled
To the darkness it once was

The light slowly fading
Souls withering away
Hearts turning to dust
With the breaking of sorrow waters

The rush of great fear
Agony and despair
Though looking to the light
None can be seen

All that is now
The darkness is here
Glancing around for just a little
The light once was there
Is now gone for good

Where it has gone
there is no telling
Jun 2017 · 641
Stone Cold Heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
Why must my heart
In which has been hardened to stone
Feel heated and crack
When my ears
Hear about your betrayal

My mind begs not to listen
To my hearts petty cries
And yet I can't help but hear
The sorrow and stabbing you left behind

My heart burns and tugs
Yet I try to ignore
That my love is not yours
For my heart has found something better

Someone who will not cheat
Will not lie
Will not ignore the pain you have left
And the melted magma that was once
My stone cold heart
Jun 2017 · 220
The Sacred Heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
My heart aches and yet it burns
My love slowly burning and dying
This world has been nothing but cruel and evil
My love yet given is never returned

My soul set to blaze and my tears know no bound
The taunting heart in which I haven
I beg for the day
In which you all see

No matter the cost of myself
I will be with that heart
And finally be free
Jun 2017 · 178
The Cursed
Cerasium Jun 2017
Death be out into the night
For those who dare to cross my path
The shadowed fate of all man kind
We are many yet we are all one

The children of the night
The sacred beings of lust and death
We are the un-dead
Yet we are well alive

We feed on the souls of mankind
And play with their hearts
We are your darkest fears
Your most hated nightmares

We are man kind.
Jun 2017 · 250
Burning Desire
Cerasium Jun 2017
Resign in death for thy soul to burn
Thy agonizing sorrow has yet un-twine
As time flies by across the heart which bursts
Thy burning desire

The love that thirsts
To which evermore
Grow still thy life and soul collide
To thou heart is of hard cold stone inside
Yet thy warmth alone can't set you free

It maybe time to just let you be
The tears alone can't make you see
All the love for you
In which is inside of thee.
Jun 2017 · 282
Do I Really..
Cerasium Jun 2017
These nights are changing and as we grow a far
My soul find no happiness in the night time star
My being
a once happy and joyful one

Has now turned to the revolting demon in which we hate
I craved to be with you and still you chose him
I longed for your touch and yet you still touched him
I begged for your loving embrace for just one more time

And yet you just go off to him
The one who doesn't love
The one who manipulates and destroys
The one in which never loved you
But the attention you gave him

Why must this be
When will you see
All I ever did was love to no end
And you pushed me away to be with him
I cry every night

I still dream of his sweet smile
In which had always made me smile and blush
Now only turned into my heart snapping
And me wanting the pain to cease

I ask of thee..
Do I really exist?
Jun 2017 · 232
Dying Heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
...Dead hearts for dead hope...

The angels of Darkness
Surround our souls
And free the pain
In which never died...

...The love in which
We once knew is gone
No hope for it will never come back...

...Thy heart and soul are dead
So why must thy body live?
It is a curse...
A plague...

...One that spreads like wild fire
Till nothing is left...
Heartache and misery
To be one with us for all eternity...

...The heart no longer can be free
To love and cherish
It will only die...
Jun 2017 · 280
Everlasting Light
Cerasium Jun 2017
I have fallen
Fallen to far
Where there is no salvation
Down to where
There is darkness and death

Though I sought a way out
I could never find one
Till one day you walked into my life
The beam of hope I was longing for

The love that blossomed in me filled me with joy
I had finally found the light
In this never ending darkness
Though it is difficult
Times have turned darker than before

The kindled love in which you sparked
In my now forever burning soul
Will remain my light for you
Never will the darkness
In which hurt me before ever hurt you
We are one and forever will remain
Jun 2017 · 197
Two Makes One
Cerasium Jun 2017
This life is dark
Bleak at best
We scour the world
For the one being we crave

The other half to the dying soul
In which is inside us all
Some may never find the other
Some have already given up
The other half for a fake

This soul can say the fakes are now over
The true test of time
Has shown its beautiful face
The other half in which this soul
Has longed for so hast finally shown

By a stretch of luck
a sliver in time
These two souls have found one another
And soon will be one again
Jun 2017 · 208
At First Glance
Cerasium Jun 2017
The thought of love at first sight
Most believe to be false
The longing one feels
The passion in their hearts

Unbearable pain
From loss of their presence
Churning and tugging
Their heartstrings entwine

Undeniable to the heart
Naked to the eye
We pull ourselves along
Hoping for the thought

Of gazing in ones eyes
As they casually walk by
The heart flutters and aches
For their tender embrace
Apr 2017 · 366
Unknown Mask
Cerasium Apr 2017
Why must I always mourn on this day
Is it not a joyous day of remembrance
A day to rejoice and celebrate
So then why does thy soul weep

Why must it bear such misery
Hardening into a dark hobble
Of which it once was

Swollen eyes and puffy cheeks
Trails of salt staining the skin
Or so it would be if one was able
To bare their emotions true

Hiding by smiles and laughter outside
Breaking into pieces inside
Pain that shows no bound
Always hiding beneath the surface

No one has found this truth before
And soon I fear it will overtake

Casting away that lovely face
Breaking the smile that everyone sees

Lifeless eyes take over
As body goes limp with grace
Apr 2017 · 426
Fake Smiles
Cerasium Apr 2017
Another day spent hiding
Waiting to be found

Blinded by fake smiles
Searching through the sea of uncaring eyes
Hoping to find the one most sincere

Past has taught us the truth
For most every smile is a gesture
A face we adorn for society
Hiding out true virtue
Seeking that which is real

Real compassion
Real love
Real hope
Real joy

Kindness from the heart of truth
Not the heart of peers view
Ask not to appease others sight
But to relish in the truest sense

Trust your own heart
For that is where the truth hides
Waiting to be let free
To grace in divine sight
Jan 2017 · 362
Cerasium Jan 2017
The ebb and flow of movement
In which we measure
We count the ticks of a clock
As it sways throughout history

Fading nevermore as the face gazes onward
In a never ending trance
Transcending the fabric of space
Urning to be denied its existence

Ignoring its pleas we lock it up
Dissect it into smaller parts
Smaller and smaller still
We give these fragments a name.

The list goes on

As time starts to fade
We begin to question
why we did it in the first place
We ask ourselves
Is the measurement of time really worth it?

We focus so much in it that
We ourselves fell into time itself
Losing our immortal selves
We embraced a life of death and pain

And for what?
Just to have ourselves locked away in a cell?
Lost in the confines of which we call. . .
Time. . .
Dec 2016 · 654
Arc of Betrayal
Cerasium Dec 2016
The age of betrayal
Unbefitting of a king
Passed down from gen to gen
The curse of never-ending pain

Solitude takes hold
As trust runs dry
The knifes of many
To heavy to bare

Seconds turn to hours
Time slips away
The ache in the heart
Remains to this day

Years go by
The suffering never ceases
Knives remain stuck
In this target on our back

Ever so casually
It grows bigger and bigger
Soon taking over
So nothing else remains

Betrayal hurts the most
From those you hold so dear
For when their knife slips in
Your heart shatters in two
Dec 2016 · 419
Neverending Battle
Cerasium Dec 2016
Drowning in fear
The weak hunger for power
Burdened by their pain and suffering
Lost in a time with no remorse

We live as one
Hate and regression filling our lives
We find ourselves lost in turmoil
Begging to be saved in silence.

Urning for the sweet flavor
Of a rich life untold
A life with love
Passion and grace

Finding oneself sullen
In bitter defeat
Our stolen voices
Silenced by fear

Fear of others
Fear of pain
Fear of sorrow and heartache
We hid ourselves where no one can find us

Helpless we pounder the unknown
Urning for the courage to face our fears
Wishing for a miracle
To unchain us from our binds

Soul in agony and indigenous suffering
Long since lived we face these threats
Broken inside we struggle for freedom
Lost forever in a bitter cold world of hate

Broken the chains fall
Grace filling the air
We gaze upon the sight
And realize we've always been the hero
Always saved ourselves from utter damnation

Lost and confused no longer
Free from the pain and torture
We gaze at the marvel
Of a world born anew

Knowing the pain of the past
Protecting our future from damnation
Sensing the dangers from far beyond
We ready ourselves for the battle once again
Sep 2016 · 575
True Worth
Cerasium Sep 2016
We are all beings of self destruction
May it be small
Or may it be big
There is no difference

War is coming
Prepare youself
For when it comes
We are all doomed

Death and dismay
Suffering and damnation
All these things
To come in time

The world dying
We do not see
The life is fleeting
Yet we do not care

Open your eyes
See what really is
Gaze upon the destruction
We have created

The deaths we've caused
The lives we ruined
The hell that is to come
And the grace we long forgotten

Though it may seem abysmal
We gaze through the debris
To see the glory
We use to be
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Beat of Life
Cerasium Sep 2016
Echoing through my heart
The beat of the drums
Pounding louder
Filling my lungs with ecstasy

Passion burning
Thy turmoil spilling
Overflowing the cup
Life is bliss

The echos grow louder
Sparking the candle
Igniting the flame
And sending us higher

Mellow does the beats flow
The drums go silent
Life stands still
The darkness sets in

Silence fills the air
The fountain of life
Flowing waters of gold
Cease to exist
Sep 2016 · 453
The Past's Failure
Cerasium Sep 2016
The love is growing and growing fast.
The past is coming up to last.
It wanders slowly back to us.
With hopes of taking us back.
Time stands still as the past waits.
But for most the past is done.
For I the past is trouble.
It shall never take me back.
For some, the past is endearing.
The past finds it's ways.
However the past tries.
It will never get me.
Throughout this temptation it brings to me.
The past will stay in the past.
It will never get me.
For I have found something better.
The love I longed for.
The caring I craved.
The happiness that eluded me.
And the one I will never lose.
Sep 2016 · 352
Spark of Joy
Cerasium Sep 2016
Division of passion
The passion of hate
The world in turmoil
Life seems to dissipate

Beyond the pain
We see the light
Glimmers of hope
Born in utter darkness

Faded the light may be
Dim the hope may feel
Just follow your inner desires
And begin life again

The love we shared
The pain we endure
The hope we breathe
And the passion we crave

Darkness breaks
The light glows brighter
Despair fades away
As joy takes flight

The past is painful
And yet it stays
Haunting our thoughts
Our dreams and our nightmares

Hold on to that light
As tight as you can
For just in time
All is forgotten

For all the past torture
The pain and loss
The suffering we endured
Fades away with a single spark
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