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1.3k · Jul 2015
Appreciation (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
Appreciation costs so little yet but always means so much!
I truly appreciate all of you, my Hello Poetry friend's :)
1.3k · Jan 2014
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I am not normally one to be at a loss of words
The funny thing is around you I get tongue tied
I wonder what do I fear we have been friends for many years
I wonder do I fear rejection, or am I seeking protection for my heart?
I am wondering if maybe, I don't want to lose such a great friend
Life is so complicated sometimes
If I don't take a chance I will never know
I don't want to be haunted by the should have done
I will muster up the courage and send you a message
I hope that sometime soon I can do a happy dance
1.3k · Dec 2016
Faith, Hope & Love
Ann M Johnson Dec 2016
Faith believing in things though unseen
Hope expecting only the best thus giving faith wings
Love is interwoven throughout faith and hope and stitches them  together to  make them complete
What wonderful things can happen with Faith Hope and Love truely a gift sent from above.
Wishing you all Faith, Hope & Love during this season and always.
You are all such a blessing my Hello Poetry family & friends!
   Thank you for reading my postings :< )
1.3k · Oct 2013
A Mere Reflection
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I have heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.
I believe they are a mere reflection of what's inside
No one can see what we choose to hide our doubts, fears, pain and insecurities
No one truly knows  unless we choose to share and let someone care about us
We at times look at our reflection and we do not like, what we see because we are not like those on TV
We might feel like we are too short, or not thin enough or not beautiful or handsome
The reflection lies as we unjustly compare ourselves with others
We need to remember true beauty is inside
  We need to be know for our unique qualities and how we care for those around us
   We are individuals and their is no one else just like us
    Our eyes are but a mere reflection of whats inside
1.3k · Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I am searching for something long lasting in this disposable world.
We have instant messages and fast food.
we are lacking things that are longer lasting things are made of cheap plastic , not anything fantastic or made to last.
Our friendship's can be too quickly pushed aside or become like strangers when the tide comes in.
When will we want something more permanent
When will we hold onto something more lasting, instead of things like cheap plastic and the disposable.
We need to hang on and hold on to what is worthwhile and not what can just be bought.
It is just a cheap Imitation and is just disposable.
It is time to reach for what is real and tell your Loved ones how you feel.
I was just thinking about the state of things in this world compared to what is truly important.
1.3k · Apr 2016
My Favorite Quote
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
(Written by my daughter Gwen)
As it appears on my wall lovingly written and painted with a Butterfly wing and roses hand painted by my daughter on a small canvas. The words are carefully inscribed in white.
I placed the picture lovingly and carefully below her picture.
Her Quote reads:

    Don't spend your life
    wondering if you'll be missed
    spend your life
    being so amazing you don't miss your chance

I hope by sharing this quote it might inspire others.
   Gwen, if you are reading this you inspire me with your beautiful words. Your encouragement to reach for my dreams continually gives me wings especially on rough days and gives me the courage to overcome obstacles that I face in life. I hope that my belief in you gives you wings also.
I love you more than words can adequately express.
  Sincerely your Butterfly mom,
This quote is written by my daughter Gwen who posts her work here on Hello poetry when she gets a chance to. She never posted her quote. I am posting this quote because I think it is beautiful and inspiring too. Please feel free to comment. I will share the comments with her when I talk to her next, or if she visits this site soon she will read them. If you want to check out my daughter's poems her name is: Gwen Johnson on this site.  Thank You for reading :)
1.3k · Jul 2015
Lost Poem (Repost)
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
I have been looking for my poem all day
I think she may have run away
She is lost of that I am sure
The details are a bit of a blur
Her and I went on a Google search
We wanted to do a little research
We disagreed about who wrote A Poison Tree
She thought it was Frost
I thought she was wrong
The search should not have took this long
We went to different poetry sites
I went to famous poets and
I don't know what went wrong
I recently browsed the computers history
I found some reference to  Expedia
I wonder if she felt the need to get away
If I called Expedia to find out if she booked a cruise
I would not know quite to say the problem is I had not named her yet
In the future I will have to remember to name a poem right away
I never would have guessed her desire to roam
If she desires to visit you ,could you let her know she is missed at home
I got the answer for what we disagreed on A Poison Tree by William Blake
I think in the future I should not argue with a poem
I want my poems to stay at home!
1.3k · Jun 2014
Chess ( 10 Word)
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
Life is like a chess game, plan your moves carefully
1.2k · Sep 2013
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Random words fly off my pen
Random thoughts run through my head
I pick a random song and sing along
I dance a random dance( I'm lucky no one sees me)
My favorite random thing, random acts of kindness
I'm sorry, if this is not very good, I wrote it at 4:00 am
1.2k · Feb 2014
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
Wishing on a star
Throwing change in a fountain
I never saw a *** of gold at the end of the rainbow
Chasing dreams, even though it seems impossible, at times
I might have some luck for a change, or do you think it strange?
What did you wish to be when you were younger?
Feel free to comment
1.2k · Apr 2016
Tranform (15 word)
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
Heal me
  Restore me with your Love
   Transform me from a seagull
     into a Dove
Another late night poem drafted while half awake. I hope it speaks to you anyway. Thank you for reading :)
1.2k · May 2016
A Shout Out of Thanks
Ann M Johnson May 2016
I was making out a list of things I am grateful for which includes many things but I will list a few:
   Good friends
   Friends here on Hello Poetry
It made me think that one person on Hello Poetry deserves my Thank You and the Thank You of all of us here on Hello Poetry, the founder Eliot York who faithfully maintains this site that we all utilize. We might not always think about expressing gratitude for this site that we enjoy so much. There is no time like the present to do so.
Here's a Shout out to Eliot York who is responsible for all of us having this Great site to use to share our poetry!
With sincere, Gratitude this Shout out of Thanks goes to You!
Maybe you could join me and write a shout out or tribute to our sites founder Eliot York.
1.2k · Aug 2014
The Tastes Of Childhood
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
Their are times when I wish I could recapture some of the past
and have good memories that would always last and not fade over time
There are times when I can recapture something if only for a moment
A taste a smell, reminding me of a loved one lost, but for a little while at least I feel happy and content and in a way feel somehow transported back in time.
I call it the tastes of childhood, like when I was in Grandma's kitchen I remember the smell of her M&M; cookies, I have never since tasted cookies so fine
I remember my Dad making polish sausages bought fresh from the local sausage house, my mouth just waters just thinking about it even though I just ate.
Then on Sundays we would all gather around the table together as a family and eat together which was quite a feat, considering a family  of nine children, and everyone seemed to scream out I want a leg all at once, which was a problem being chicken fryers back them did not consist of all legs; I still don't know how my parents managed the chaos of all us  children

I also remember my dad smelling of Old Spice and I think it was nice
I wonder if you to will be transported down memory lane, if only for a moment
What are your tastes of childhood? feel free to share
Feel free to share or write something on your own with a similar theme and if you do please share it with me, I would Love to read it,
I thought of this after eating some local meat market Polish Sausage this morning.
1.2k · Aug 2015
The Poetry Storm ( Revised)
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
I see the lightning flash across my screen
There is a storm brewing of that I am sure
This storm has no warning except notifications
I have to check this forecast
I may or may not see many notifications on my page this time
Of this I am sure there is a storm coming
A storm is brewing it is raining down creativity
I see the effects of this storm when I read your poems
The ideas are like tornado swirling in our minds
Instead of destruction our words take a toll, on others minds and souls
There is no need to take cover and hide from this storm
We have no cause for alarm
We can grab a pen or computer and play in this type of rain
Let creativity rain on us and may it reign in our minds
May we drown in the floods of inspiration
May we stay away from the clouds of doubt
I think the poetry storm is brewing, you can shout with joy when it rains on you!
This poem is revised and dedicated to all of you MY Hello Poetry Friends, my the Poetry Storm rain on you and Inspiration never end.
I greatly appreciate you all my friends and mentors, in poetry we are united.
1.2k · Sep 2013
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I see the pendulum slowly sway back in forth keeping up with the hands on the Grandfather clock.
My life seemed to be going along just fine just seeming to keep up with the time
It feels lately that it is not swaying quite right, since I have been having problems with someone who I thought was a friend, now she won't talk to me, she also said not to call
I wish I could be like a pendulum and have everything sway right again
I wish I could, go back in time and make everything right with perfect insight  
I guess for now I have to be patient and wait and watch the pendulum sway and remember better days
1.2k · Apr 2016
The Race
Ann M Johnson Apr 2016
Sometimes there are obstacles in this race called life
that I need to overcome
Sometimes the journey is just beginning even when I feel like the race is done
Sometimes the road seems lonely
Sometimes the hills seem too steep
Sometimes I long to quit running and just want to sleep

The race is like a marathon
It is best taken one step at a time
It is best to go at my own pace
and not  by comparing myself with the other runners along the way
If I take my eyes off of the goal
I will quickly lose my place
It is good to seek encouragement displayed on the faces of friends along the way
It drives me to press forward on otherwise darkened days
I need to persevere even when the path is rough and the goal seems way too far away
This seemingly uphill battle builds strength and endurance for this long distance race
I don't have to be the best runner that there ever was
I just need to do my best to run and keep the prize in sight
when I finally cross the finish line
I hope to hear I'm glad you made it
If I'm fortunate I might even hear  Well Done
for now, I will keep running taking it one step at a time.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Oh eyes will you see the beauty in front of me
Oh ears will you hear the laughter of family and friends
Oh tongue will you taste all sorts of delicacies
Oh mind will you perceive all I need to learn
Oh feet will you walk as if in another's shoes
Oh from one another we learn so much in life
I am going in for eye surgery today and was thinking and this poem came out. I am having Cataract surgery.
1.2k · Nov 2015
Poetic Water
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
I thought of a great poem
while in the shower
I felt a bit overcome by it's power
I thought of flowers and love
I think it was something in the water
because as soon as the water dried
the poem died
I cried
because I did not remember it anymore.
I am wondering has anything like this ever happened to you?
1.2k · Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I signed  up  one of my socks for because it was missing it's match, after doing laundry.
I hate it when that happens
I hope it will find it's match and that they will make a perfect pair.
I swear the washing machine gets hungry and eats socks
I hope you enjoy this comic relief, I wrote.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
D: is for delightful
A: is for Angelbaby The nickname you had when you were little
U: is for uniquely special
G: is for graceful like when you dance
H: is for helpful
T: is for thankful, I am thankful for you
E: is for encouraging me to follow my dreams
R: is for respectful, I appreciate you respecting me and others too
There is not enough letters to describe you and how I feel about you!!!
  I Love You <3 <3 <3
1.2k · May 2017
Ann M Johnson May 2017
After too much noise we learn to appreciate the silence
After  experiencing chaos we embrace peace
After the rain, we search for the rainbow
After a long cold winter, we look forward to spring
After we experience heartache, we learn to appreciate the happiness of love if we experience it again
After a long solitude, we enjoy the company of a few close friends
After we truly appreciate all the little things
We can more fully experience the bigger things that life may bring.
I wrote this  awhile back but I recently found an old notebook with this poem in it. I hope you like reading it my friends.
1.2k · Sep 2015
We Are United
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Sometimes poet's leave us for a short time
   Sometimes they leave us for quite awhile
   We are blessed that while they take a rest
    that some of them choose to leave their poems
    for us to read
    We have a need to stay connected to our poetry community
     We are not perfect, but we like family are joined by a common bond
     Our love for writing and reading and our commitment to the written words are so strong  
   We are united even when we are apart
    We hold each others words close to our hearts
     Each other's words make a lasting impression on our mind and emotions, and often times our very soul
   We complete each other making all of us a part of the whole
    We are all united... all of us of various creeds and race
    We all are one Community ...We are all Hello Poetry
Thank You, Eliot for bringing us all together in one place and helping us become Hello Poetry
This is dedicated to Eliot all of Us Poet's on Hello Poetry !
1.2k · Jan 2015
Mother Nature's Cold
Ann M Johnson Jan 2015
Mother nature has a cold
Mother nature has a cold that fact is getting old
Mother nature is getting moody
She gladly shared her cold with Jack Frost and assigned him some of her duties
He soon became mad and dumped some frigid temperatures on the Northern States
When he found out that the North is used to the cold temperatures
He thought it would be fun to send some snow to the Southern states
He watched the people scratch their heads wondering how to deal with this unexpected surprise, with a hint of mischief in his eyes
Mother nature has a cold I hope she gets better soon
Mother natures cold is making me wish for the month of June
I am sick with the Influenza and thought of this, maybe this one was Fever inspired
Hope you like it anyway
1.1k · Jan 2017
One Of Those Days?
Ann M Johnson Jan 2017
Have you ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong?
Have you had one of those days when you felt anything but strong?
Have you had one of those days when it seemed like you were a human ping pong?
Have you had one of those days whenever you tried to move forward things went backwards way too fast?
One of those days are not meant to stay but will to quickly pass, be encouraged this kind of day will not last.
This present day itself will be gone before you know it. Please, hold on a little longer.
One of these days when the current hardships are over you should wake up feeling a little bit stronger.
Inspired by having one of those days.
Ann M Johnson May 2016
( Feat Syd Rivers)
    (Feat Gwen Johnson)

Blast of bright flames
glowing in the horizon,
igniting the trees

A prayer to God
releasing celestial drops,
water saves the land.

Blowing is the wind
carrying seeds of new life
gently caressing

Today’s barren tree
tomorrow’s fruitful harvest
live expectantly.
It was such a pleasure to work as a part of a trio on this Poetry collaboration of Haikus with both Syd Rivers and Gwen Johnson who are both talented writers and great people too! Thank you, so much for working with me and for challenging me to work on something new to me the Haikus. It was so much fun! :)
1.1k · Jan 2014
Occupational Hazard
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I had cut my fingernails, to prevent a occupational hazard
My long fingernails kept getting in the way of the cash register keys at work.
I miss the way they looked though .
1.1k · Sep 2015
Choose Tranquility
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
Take a dip in the peaceful waters found in another's poems
find refreshment for the soul
Avoid the tempest troubled waters contained in the jealous sea
instead choose peace and tranquility
1.1k · Nov 2014
Thanksgiving Wishes
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
Thanksgiving wishes I send your way
Thanksgiving wishes for a joyous day
May your day be peaceful
May good food be plentiful
May your have enough without getting too stuffed
May you enjoy your day
May you come back refreshed and renewed
May you have lots of great things to write about
Happy Thanksgiving to You
1.1k · May 2015
I Thank Thee
Ann M Johnson May 2015
I thank thee all my faithful friends for your following my poems
I thank thee for your comments
I thank thee for your likes
I thank thee for reposting
I thank thee for your encouragement
I thank thee for your friendship
I thank thee for being here and for your poems
I thank thee for bringing encouragement through your inspired writings
I thank thee for being yourself and sharing your unique self here
I thank thee for all these things and many more
I thank thee and your poetry which I so adore!
This is dedicated to all of you my poetry friends, my gratitude for
you never ends......
1.1k · Oct 2015
Thoughts On Friendship
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
It has been described that New friends are like Silver and Old friends like Gold.
Maybe it is because new friends like a new Silver Coin add sparkle to our lives.
Over time we realize their true value and we realize what a Treasure they really are and we now know that they are worth more than Gold!
At times new friends come into our lives but stay for a short while when we need them the most, but seem too quickly to depart but make a lasting impression on our hearts. They seem like Angels heaven sent to guide us through difficult moments and to walk beside us or help carry us through life's trials.
I want to thank you all my Hello Poetry friends for being Silver and Gold, you are all precious treasures and have been like Angels when I have had difficult times.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Your My Shinning Star
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I want you to know that your my shinning star
You fill my heart with your magnificent light
You brighten my day and night with your dazzling light
You may not know it but you are my muse
You are my inspiration in many ways
Thoughts of you keep me going on difficult days
You brighten my days and night with dazzling light
I want you to know that whether you are near and far
You are my shinning star
You fill my heart with magnificent light
I want you to know that even though our time together is to brief
I always believe in you, and hold you dear in my heart
It is hard to part from you
You may not know it, or I might not show it but after we say Goodbye
I start to cry,then i remember, that i can not hold onto you forever
because you are a shinning star and are destined for greatness
Your my shinning star you fill my heart with magnificent light
I know that you encourage me to follow my dreams
I want you to know that a very big dream already came true
The day I first held you in my arms, and looked in your eyes and saw
that light there, and I am sure my eyes were glowing too,
I remember that day in December like it was yesterday
Always remember your a shinning star
I want you to know your my shinning star
you fill my heart with your magnificent light
you brighten my day and night with your  dazzling light
This poem is one I wrote for my daughter whose Birthday was earlier this week.
I hope she reads it soon, I think she will be surprised, I hope she likes it!!
1.1k · Dec 2014
He Was Born ( Reposted)
Ann M Johnson Dec 2014
He was born in a stable humble and lowly, though he was the one most holy
He was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, crown and jewels did not embrace his head, instead he was lain in a manger where animals were fed
Yet at his birth the Angels did sing and the shepherds came to worship him
  A star was put in the sky as a sign to draw us nigh unto him
  The savior was born, Jesus Christ the Lord, so let us come to the manger and realize what he's done for  
   you and me
   He's the holy one born to set us free, come one come all, rich or poor he loves us all
   He wants to give us Joy, peace and love, let us draw nigh unto him and let him draw nigh unto us
   Let us open our hearts and receive the Christ child and let his love be born anew in our hearts
1.1k · Jan 2014
Warm Up
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I want to warm up on the inside
I think i will stay indoors
I need to grab a cup
I need to curl up with a blanket
I need to drink a cup of luxury
I need to drink some Hot chocolate with whipped cream on top
I should have sweet dreams tonight
1.1k · Aug 2015
Splash (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Made a real Splash today on campus at Carribou Coffee
I spilled a coffee named , "True Inspiration, all over my shirt and book bag at the campus Carribou Coffee, You could say that I am literally drenched in " True Inspiration". What a way to make a " Splashing" , first impression. I joked with the coffee store clerk "that I made a real splash on campus and it was not even the "First Day", yet.
( I went to campus to meet with a Graduate assistant, for tips on making my transition into my new school easier).
1.1k · Aug 2015
First Step
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Life is not a spectator sport
If an injustice bothers you
don't just sit on the sidelines
take action

If you want to see changes in the world
don't just wait for others to act take the first step

Don't wait too long
You don't want to die
wishing that you had done more
that if only you had truly lived
and made an impact on others
living selflessly
instead of selfishly

Hero's are often found in ordinary people
who have the courage to do
seemly extraordinary things
We all have the same potential to take action
to preserve our basic human rights and the rights
of those around us and the potential to make a Global impact
  If you observe discrimination  and injustice
don't simply be a bystander
instead take action
By not taking action you are being part of the problem
instead of the solution
If you are not sure what to do
talk to a trustworthy person that can help you
if you need to make a formal complaint
muster up the courage to do so
You may discover that you are stronger
than you thought you were
more courageous than you believed yourself
to be
Make a difference the world is counting on you  
the first step in making a chance is often taking
action locally
  Now is the time to make a positive change
if you have not started already
You may inspire others to take action
but don't wait for others
Make your first step today
even a marathon starts with a first step .......
I recently had to make a stand against some discrimination and injustice that I recently observed. I am not a hero but I did not feel like I could just be a bystander but instead talked with people about how I could make a statement in the hopes of making a positive change and hopefully in the long run make a difference.
1.1k · Sep 2013
Love Through Out The Year
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
January: Love is an intricate design on a snowflake
February: Love is like a heart shaped box of chocolates
March: Love is like a clover full of promise of good things to come
April: Love is like a gentle rain
May: Love is like a fresh flower
June: Love is like a nuptial kiss
July: Love is colorful like fireworks
August: Love is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day
September: Love is a time to prepare for positive change
October: Love is gentle like falling leaves
November: Love is being thankful
December: Love is giving
1.1k · Nov 2016
Autumn Sun
Ann M Johnson Nov 2016
The sun is shining brightly while the last of the leaves fall gently
it makes me feel like breaking out in spontaneous song, all seems calm and right under the light of the autumn sun.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
Sometimes things go as planned
Other times things turn out unexpectedly
We then have to take the good with the bad
because that's life
not every thing is scheduled and planned
like a sudden sickness or emergency or injury
time like that it is helpful to take the hand of a family member
or friend, and pray for the best
We all know at times life can be a test

It helps  to do your best to think positive when it seems that you are faced with the worst
You can sometimes get stronger from things unplanned
Some great things that are unplanned are a Surprise visit from a family member you love
Or a unexpected visit with a friend
Or a pleasant and unexpected phone call or message
The pleasant unplanned moment's can help you get through
the difficult unplanned times of life
I hold the pleasant unplanned moments close to my heart
It makes life worth living  after all
My original planned birthday plans had  fallen apart, but led to a surprise although brief visit from my daughter, and later watching a movie with my neighbor friend.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Holiday Anxiety
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
I am experiencing some Holiday anxiety
It is not over finding the right gift
Not over making a list
Not over cards I need to write
Not over the baking I have to do
I think my holiday stress is effecting my baked goods
They burned in the oven just today
I threw them away
The biggest source of Holiday stress
Visiting family I have not seen in a long time
It just might be a test of my patience
I guess I will wait and see what tomorrow brings
Visiting Family for Thanksgiving
Ann M Johnson Mar 2015
January: Love is an intricate design on a snowflake
February: Love is like a heart shaped box of chocolates
March: Love is like a clover full of promise of good things to come
April: Love is like a gentle rain
May: Love is like a fresh flower
June: Love is like a nuptial kiss
July: Love is colorful like fireworks
August: Love is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day
September: Love is a time to prepare for positive change
October: Love is gentle like falling leaves
November: Love is being thankful
December: Love is giving
This was chosen for Poet's Corner for a newspaper in my state.
I wanted to share it again with all of my poetry friends.
  Thank You for being encouraging and my friends.
   You are AWESOME :)
1.0k · Aug 2013
Chocolate Dreams
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
Sometimes it seems I have chocolate dreams
In the dream I can swim in a chocolate river
I watch chocolate fountains
I climb many chocolate mountains
I pick chocolate flowers
I eat endless chocolate bars, pies and cakes
I watch  chocolate stars
I hope you have sweet dreams too
Please like if you love chocolate too
1.0k · Aug 2015
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Love. Com  
(Progressive Poem)
Feat Elizabeth Squires

Data is a gal’s best friend
All the info input tells her what profiles trend
Tall handsome ones can intrench in the heart
Buyer beware in the matters of the heart try to avoid
Online dating schemes for they crush a fragile ladies
Fairy book dreams
A guy’s dream of a perfect date
Can too quickly crumble and crash
Because too soon he runs out of cash
Lost is a true soul who stands by the office
Water cooler hoping that a
Gal catches his eye
The everyday good guy
Seems not to rate
He hasn’t got the perfect
Ideal of a PC’s mate
The truth is true beauty
Comes in all shapes and sizes
Too many people fall
For model like disguises
Instead of the beauty within
That could be found in the friend
Just right in front of them
A gal should never overlook the guy
Who is respectful of him she’ll
Not ever be regretful
The love he’ll show is genuinely lasting
There is for him no http// imaginary casting
True love survives long beyond ones passing
True love is everlasting
Thank You Elizabeth for responding to my Progressive poem Challenge, it was fun to work with you.
1.0k · Oct 2014
I'll Do It Anyway
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
Some days it is a struggle to get out of bed, but I'll do it anyway
Sometimes it is hard to concentrate and keep my focus, I'll do it anyway
Some days I don't feel like studying and would rather do sometime fun but I'll do it anyway
Someday I  struggle with self doubt or feel like things are not going right
I might be tempted to give up, I don't feel like overcoming another obstacle but I'll do it anyway
Some days I feel I lack the zeal the finish line of my goals seem so far away It seems tough to get back on track but I'll do it anyway
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
Dear Depression,
It has been about 6 months of being away from you
I would breathe a sigh of relief
but I am afraid to let down my guard
If I give you an inch you would take ten miles
You are like a lion seeking to devour me
You are like a cobra waiting to strike
They say that misery loves company
You hang around with doubt and despair
You are close chums with Anxiety who I know to well
I have know you since I was a kid
Your connection to me grew stronger in my teens
I had a few good years apart from you here and there
Then all of a sudden you were back with all your bad friends
  and my life fell apart again even worse than before
  You robbed me in regards to my relationships with family and
  Sending me into isolation
  I have to make it clear I don't want you around
  I have had a taste of happiness and peace without you
  I don't want to give it up
  I will be better without you
  I will be in the company of family and friends and with other
  people who understand
  I will be the one wearing a genuine smile
  I will be the one encouraging others when they have a bad day
  I will be a shoulder to cry on for my friends and family or for any one else who needs a friend
I will be the one who is grateful for each new day
I will be the one who is hopeful that I will part ways with you forever
I am the one who is finally pursuing my hopes and dreams
That is why I need to be away from you and all your friends
Goodbye depression I will not cry, I need to part from you
In favor of an improved life
I know at times I will have bad days but I had worse ones with you
1.0k · Oct 2013
Desserts (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts pass them now please, Yummy!
When I am stressed I crave desserts.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Hey Princess my name is Han, I picture us together in a Galaxy Far Far Away
I  promise you adventure to say the least
I'm not saying the courtship will be all filled with peace
I will fly you in a spaceship which is very nice
I hope you are able to withstand some strife
I have to let you know  that I have a kind of pet he is quite unique
He is a Wookie  you may in fact rather kiss him than me
If my mannerisms get under your skin
I feel I should warn you about the competition that is interested in You
I heard about a fat ugly guy named Jabba The Hut, he might even want to imprison you
Well I heard you once were interested in your brother, I am willing to overlook that fact
I can tell you that dating me is not boring to say the least
We will fight against The Empire and you will get to meet many Jedi Knights
You and I together will have to dodge fire from Storm trooper  guns
Not to mention the dictator Darth Vader wants to **** both me and you
I will let you know if this don't appeal to you or sound like to much fun
You could date a certain doctor named DR. Who and see were he and his Tardis might take you.

This is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big science fiction fans, and my daughter who likes DR. Who
I also give credit to George Lucas who created the Star Wars films and Whoever created DR. Who
#science   #star   #personal   #wars   #fiction   #ad
Reposting due to new Star Wars Movie
1.0k · Nov 2015
Blaze Of Glory
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
A lonely leaf blowing in the wind
tossed to and fro by the seasons change
you eventually land
become faded over time
but you never felt jaded
by the changes you faced

You grew from a tiny bud
shined upon by the suns love
you drank deeply
from heaven's rain
You remained free
from any human pain

When your time was up
You went out in a
Blaze of glory
in wonderful colors
for others to enjoy

someday when my time
earth is up
I can only
go out
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I see grandpa as I look up to the sky
I can envision him as he greets Jesus eye to eye as love and joy fills the air
The Angel's sing welcome songs and the anthems reach the heavenly throngs
as Jesus and Grandpa walk along the streets of gold as they passed through the Golden gate
They stood for a moment and stared into the Crystal lake, I heard Grandpa exclaim , I can
hardly wait to tell my children about this beautiful place
They traveled along a little further and  joy and peace filled the air
He turned and saw grandma standing there, smiling from ear to ear as she said "I've been waiting to see you, here there are no tears, no sorrows, nor fears here there is only happiness, love, joy and peace eternally
I heard that up in heaven Jesus has prepared, the things that make his children happy
I am sure for grandpa  there will be many 500 card games and they will be the best ever
i wrote and read this poem for my grandpa's funeral.
I hope you like it my friends!
1.0k · Sep 2013
My retreat
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
It was great to gather with the gals at the camp
Some gals I knew others were new to me
We gathered together under one theme for the weekend
One gal in particular was fired up about her dream starting to come true
She reminded me of a rosebud starting to bloom as she shared her dream with me
We don't realize sometimes how we touch one another lives either for the good or bad
I know she impacted my life for the good, I may never see her again but that's OK
Her sharing helped make my day even better and when we had free time we learned some about hand massage from a former massage therapist and we were partners to massage each others hands  
One night we had a banquet at the retreat and got treated to steak and scrimp
We bid on a silent auction and purse auction for a good cause, I bid on a Prada purse and won  I hope it is a real one not  a mock one, either way I like it anyway; I feel rich from the experience of the retreat
I left feeling renewed and peaceful and restored, it was hard to come back to real life
I went to a women's camp over the weekend and it was great,there were about 250 or more women there.
1.0k · Aug 2015
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Butterflies in my stomach
I could try to contain them
or  I could let them surround me
and lift me to new heights
I am having some anxiety about starting at a college that is new to me.
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