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24.2k · Apr 2014
[I accidentally deleted this, so now I'm reposting it]
This is not an attack, it is expression.
This apparently isn't a very popular subject,
but then again, when has popularity changed anyone's mind..

**** the 'Selective Service System'; the SSS.
It's neo-conscription.
FDR made us a deal we couldn't refuse
which included a stipulation
that about half of us still cannot refuse:

Selective Service
also known as
Peacetime Draft

But only for males. Only the males.
Not the females, though. Oh, no, not the females;

We need the Females
to bake the next batch of mindless soldiers/housewives/neoslaves.
We need the women to uphold the status-quo.
We need our women
to remain passive, docile, and beautiful ******* doormats
for our glorious and infallible western society.
We need our women
to be complaint, subservient, ***-starved, archaic-gender-role embodiments.

I see it as overtly 'cherry-picking' as well as misogyny both ways;
sexist, selfish, and prejudiced on both sides:

'Feminists' (read: Feminazis) claim to plea for true gender equality, but here is my plea:
If such is true, where then are their demands for mandatory selective service?
Why do they feel above reproach when it comes to the unsavory sides of society?
Why do they turn a blind eye to the ******* Draft if they ***** up such a storm about equality?
Why is it not a federal offense punishable by a $250,000 fine as well as up to 5 years in prison
for a female to not sign their life away to the military from when they turn 18 until at least 25?

How is that 'gender equality'?
They, too, are cherry-picking.
Sieg Heil the SSS!
Sieg Heil Amerika!
Amerika über alles!
Wir lieben unsere Gewehren!
Wir lieben unsere Götter!
Wir lieben unsere Regierung!
A bit of this is me playing Devil's advocate, but at the same time I find that there is some innate truth to it.
All hail the SSS (play on the SS, the Schutzstaffeln, ******'s personal semi-secret paramilitary Police)
All hail America!
America over [it] all!
We love our guns!
We love our Gods! (hah! Monotheists.. get it?)
We love our Government!
20.6k · May 2015
One, who can point a finger at One's Self,
shall find sources of many problems,
and many plausible genuine solutions,
quicker and more often than any who cannot.
19.0k · May 2014
Sexism in Clothing
Why must Mens' pants and Womens' pants be separate categories?
Why can't pants be unisex?
What the **** is this obsession with gender roles?

I can understand cuts of fabric being different measurements due to ****** dimorphism, but still, this is ridiculous.

Women get the best fabric patterns, the best stylism and the widest selection.
As a male who digs on style, I find this sexist.
18.2k · Feb 2015
Respect and Gratitude
Give thanks for your Family

Give thanks for your Water

Give thanks for your Body

Give thanks for the Earth

Give thanks for the Air

Give thanks for Others

Give thanks for Mind

Give thanks for Food

Give thanks for Life

Give thanks for Fire

Give thanks for Art

Whatever it is
for which you give thanks,
I beseech of us all:
just please show
some respect and gratitude!
15.4k · Jul 2013
"What's one of your favorite hobbies?"
"I dunno.. taking an eighth of 'Shrooms and proceeding to clean the house
once each few months is a pretty fun and enlightening hobby."
12.9k · Feb 2014
Sexism should be bred out
can endure childbirth,
yet some Men call them
'the weaker ***.'

How arrogant!

Even still,
Women who opt
to be sexist in return
be no better:

Yin and Yang
are interdependent.
Written on a napkin at work.
11.9k · Apr 2015
Heart, Mind, and Soul
Follow thy Heart
Temper Heart with Mind
Hone Mind with Soul
Focus on the Positive
but do not shun Negative.

Respect the Negative
by way of Positive reflection.

And, indeed, vice versa;
as if some twisted cosmic joke,
yin and yang shall interplay
e'ermore, ad infinitum.
'Vice versa:'
Latin; "the other way around."

'Ad infinitum:'
also Latin; "to infinity; forevermore."
10.5k · Sep 2013
"The surest way to corrupt a Youth
is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem
those who think alike, rather than those who think differently."
"It is the mark of an educated Mind
to be able to entertain a thought
without agreeing with it."
10.2k · Apr 2014
Maturity is not relative to Age,
it is relative only to Self Awareness.

Maturity is, then,
a task indeed
in a world of losing one's Self.
Hark! Take heed, for this cake be both mighty and magnificent!

1.75 cups flour
2 cups white sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
0.75 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 cup (as in 8 fl.oz/250mL.) strongly brewed coffee (make more and drink it!)
1 cup buttermilk (or 1 tbs. white vinegar+1 cup milk mixed well, blah blah)
0.5 cups cocoanut oil (or 0.33 cups basicallywhatever oil), a little less if ***
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2-3 shots (60-90mL; 0.2-0.33 cups) black spiced *** (Kraken, if at all possible)
I also want to experiment with whiskey/burbon.. if you try it, let me know!

--Flour, sugar cocoa powder, baking soda+powder, salt mixed in one bowl
-- eggs, coffee, ***, buttermilk, oil, vanilla in another

Slowly mix the dry into the wet until as homogenous as possible.
I use an 8"x8" (20cmx20cm) pan @350F (175 C) for about 40 minutes, but I check on it at round 30 minutes because some variance may well apply. If you use olive oil, or avocado oil, or whatever other more fluid oil, I find a slightly hotter oven (375 F/190 C) can be advisable, but pay attention to your specific scenario! The worst that's happened for me is the top gets a bit crusty, but that pleasantly works with the overall moisture of the cake, especially with olive oil and the *** addition.
Do the toothpick test to see if it's ready!

Frosting is applicable, as well, because this Magical Cake is not horribly sweet for how horribly sweet it sure is. I usually just sprinkle some confectioner's sugar on it to make it look all fancy for my classy friends and band-mates.
Bake responsibly, but have some fun.
Also, suffer the decimals!
This cake made my night, so I wanted to share what I can. The recipe!
Bet you didn't see that **** comin'! Hah!
Chemistry! Delicious chemistry!
9.9k · Mar 2014
It is certainly an exercise in control for One to willingly forgo control.
And, for some, it seems to be an exercise in futility.
A certain level of disassociation is healthy,
but that is a threshold too easily perforated.
Entheogens, such as:
Tetrahydrocannabinol, Lysergic Acid, Dimethyltryptamine, Mescaline and Psilocybin,
(of Cannabis, LSD, DMT, Peyote and Mushrooms, respectively)
(None of which Firefox thinks are spelled correctly, including 'Entheogen'..)
have many unfounded and illogical taboos about them
for the seemingly sole reasons that those who;
do not know themselves well enough,
do not realize the magnitude of what they are getting themselves into,
make themselves seem crazy or otherwise endangered or dangerous while having Revelations.

Heed not the Fear-Mongers:
(they generally fear for their own sake)

An Entheogen is a psychoactive substance that brings forth the Divine within one's self;
it is a temporary death of Ego
a temporary glimpse of Heaven
a brief window of Enlightenment.

An Entheogen is the basis for each major Religion on this planet.
Many established Religions have in turn proceeded to attempt to stamp them out
as if to eliminate healthy competition for their precious power hungry Dogmas
(similar to Wal-Mart, but in terms of Religion as opposed to Business, which is eerily similar)

Vines with DMT in them inspired early philosophers in Southeast Asia and South and Middle America.
Mushrooms crammed with Psilocybin were the basis of the monotheisms of the Middle East.
LSD has been a major pivotal factor in many mediums of art since it's 'accidental' synthesis in the 1930s.
Peyote has been a staple for North American shamen and mystics for thousands of years.
Cannabis, as well, has many mystical applications and medicinal properties used worldwide.

And yet,
all of these things are a massive no-no in commonplace Law worldwide
which is a detrimentally terrible turn
for the Spirituality, interconnectivity and thus Enlightenment
of Humanity.

The lack of unbiased, scientific, accurate and up-to-date information about Entheogens
is a tragedy paralleled only by the unnecessary loss of Rights, Freedom and Life,
not to mention the forgone personal lessons one can gain from Entheogens,
as a result of the censorship of sensible, reliable, consistent, fact-based Information.

Entheogens are only an inherently bad idea
if an individual is so ignorant of themselves as well as the nature of their Reality
that they wouldn't be able to handle the aspects of either
brought forth so abruptly by the Entheogens.

Entheogen: To make manifest the Inner Divine
Psychedelic: To make manifest the Mind

These two things are one in the same; yet one is far more stigmatized:

Entheogens/Psychedelics are vital
if we are ever to learn about the parts of ourselves and our Reality
which are too obscure to recognize in everyday life.

Entheogens make apparent the interconnectedness of the Universe;
They break down the superficial and illusory barriers 'twixt Self and Godself:

They are Death of Ego,
which is frightening to Egoslaves;
They are disillusionment,
temporary Enlightenment;
Mystic Teachers.
Shamen in Botanical form.

Entheogens are Divine gifts:
Terrestrial Shepherds for the Soul, Prisms of Divinity;
Ignored, excommunicated, exiled and squandered by Societies
in the supposed name of 'safety';

Safety for those wrongfully in Power, perhaps

We have truly crucified the Prophets.
It didn't just happen in Mythological history;
it has never stopped happening,
it's still happening right here and now.

What personal freedoms are we willing forgo in the name of totalitarianism?
None, I would hope.

To further illustrate the blinding absurdity:

Should we trade in our legs just so we wouldn't need to worry about stepping on pinecones?
I sure wouldn't.
Should we trade in our eyes to preclude seeing things we find uncomfortable?
I sure wouldn't
Should we trade in our voices in fear that we won't be heard?
I sure wouldn't
Should we lay down and accept Authoritarianism?
I sure won't

Would you, were it law?
though I would sure hope not,
many have

Law of this sort is an appeal to both Fear and Authority,
all of which are arbitrary
yet all of which mutually and relatively define each other.

Thus I implore of thee to heed these words:

*Civil Disobedience is a Virtue.
Reflections of cultural Biases are everywhere.
Culture like this tends to suffocate Humanity.
Culture is a Cult that 'ure' (you're) in.
9.0k · Mar 2015
Many are called to it-
a craft, an art, a way of life,
but very few are chosen by it.
Should ye prove thyself worthy,
it will take you into consideration:
it's called a discipline for a reason.
Get to know it.
Suffer for it.
Impress it.

Loyal disciples tend to gain blessings.
Inspired by the saying
"many are called but few are chosen."

Hashtag storm:
8.7k · May 2013
Self-Discipline as a Factor
Things can only disrupt you as much as you allow.
If this seems hard to see or needlessly abstract,
consider the Factor that is Self-Discipline:

If any factor equals Zero,
the product is also Zero.
I mean this in a general sense; applied over time.
Things can be extremely bothersome in any given moment
but once those bothersome moments
reach forwards (and maybe even backwards) in time
******* up a perfect good "Now" then,
I say that it's a bothersome burden
which is (most probably) a result of unresolved internalized conflicts or Shadow.

This is where Self-Discipline becomes a Factor
and my analogy takes flight, in context.

Maybe it's only true for me, but I have my suspicions that I am not so unique in this way.
Right. Listen to this:

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown,
and things seem hard or tough,
and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
and you feel that you've had quite enough!

Just remember that you're standing
on a planet that's evolving
and revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!
It's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned,
a Sun that it the source of all our power.

The Sun, and you and me,
and all the stars that we can see
are moving at a Million miles a day
in an outer spiral arm at forty thousand miles an hour
of the Galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our Galaxy, itself,
contains a hundred Billion stars.
It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side.
It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,
but out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.

We're thirty thousand light-years
from Galactic Central Point,
we go round every two hundred Million years!
And our Galaxy is only one of Millions of Billions
in this amazing and expanding Universe!

The Universe, itself,
keeps on expanding and expanding
in all of the directions it can ****.
As fast as it can go,
the speed of Light, you know
twelve Million miles a minute,
and that's the fastest speed there is!

So, remember when you're feeling
very small and insecure,
how amazingly unlikely is your birth!
And prey that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
because there's ****** all down here on Earth!
8.5k · Jan 2014
"To each his own,
but I'm ******' keeping mine."
8.5k · Apr 2014
Make Time
8.2k · Apr 2013
more generally, Mathematics,
is a Scientific way of breaking down and explaining
the beautiful and infinite complexity
of our reality.
I  just don't understand
why so many Guitarists,
and moreover Musicians,
so disdain drop tunings;

Just because that technique
may well differ from yours
does not necessarily mean
either is inherently inferior.
7.7k · Mar 2015
Do as ye do because thou loveth it,
and compete foremost with thyself.

Should ye happen to best many others:
Great. Good for thee. Consider teaching.

If ye happen to be worse than others:
Keep yer chin up. Seek to learn from it.

Become neither hubristic nor discouraged!
Hark! I shall be waiting at the finish line!
7.1k · Apr 2013
'Tis indeed a shame that Americans are seen as so Materialistic,
not because of the sickening nature of our Consumerism and One-upsmanship,
but because we have now lost sight of the original meaning of Materialistic.

It once meant (and still in Philosophy means)
that if one is Materialistic,
one assumes that the matter of the universe
is all there is to the universe.

In this sense, many Americans are not Materialistic
because they believe in some para-natural God/Satan duality
neither of which exist in the Material realm.
6.7k · Apr 2014
The Calculus of Life itself.
There is an inherent discrepancy
'twixt the World in One's Mind
and the World that simply Is.

That is, however,
no intrinsically bad thing.
For, I find, that the world Within
needs the world Without,
though they inderdepend
and thus are not mutually exclusive.

There needs to be a discrepancy
for the pressures, as it were,
to have any room or excuse
to neutralize:
to move towards equilibrium;
it is not linear,
nor is it parabolic:

this, I believe,
is where Calculus
becomes a valid allegory
for Life,
Thanks for reading.
"From a very young age, I've thought
some videogames can be a little too reminiscent of 'Enders Game.'"

"Yeah, it could easily be a real war and you'd possibly never even know it."

"Especially when the games are basically an interactive recruitment tool. Call of Duty and the later Halo games leap to mind."

"Actually, my cousin-in-law just signed up for the army."

"Hah, did he cite Call of Duty as his reasoning?"

"Pretty much."

"Hah. I ******* knew it.
It's lamentable that it works.
The sad fact that it isn't a joke
make the jokes that much worse,
but, yet, the jokes aren't as bad
as the atrocity, itself,
yet it's the jokes that incur social wrath!

This adequately exemplifies Society's priorities, methinks."
Humour is my savior.

A paraphrased dialogue 'twixt my gamer roomate and myself.
6.5k · Mar 2015
Maturity begins
when you can be proven wrong
without feeling like you've lost.
6.5k · May 2014
The only difference
between an Adventure and an Ordeal
is your attitude.
6.4k · Oct 2013
have so much potential
yet we
waste nearly all of it
it would seem
on ourselves

I am not exempt
6.3k · Feb 2013
Die Sinn-Sklaven
The Mind-Slaves
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking.
Why do we treat Obedience with more reverence than we do Critical Thinking?
Obedience is not a ******* acceptable substitute for Critical Thinking.
Obedience is not inherently bad, but unquestioning Obedience is tantamount to Fascism.
To Terrorism. To Americanism. To Consumerism. To Militarism. To Racism. To Sexism.
Obedience can never, ever stand in place of Critical Thinking.

If you want to get immersed
in a true story:
live your own life.

That is, of course,
unless you've allowed it to be set up
in such a way
that it is no longer
a true story.
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not an acceptable ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not so much your friend as is Critical Thinking!
Obedience is a ******* marionette string for those in power!
Obedience ***** up Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* virtue unless you're a Slave!
Obedience is not a ******* virtue unless you're a Servant!
Obedience is not a ******* virtue unless you're a Tyrant!
Obedience is not a ******* virtue unless you're a Fascist!
Obedience is not a ******* virtue unless you're a egocentric power-hungry ****!
Your Obedience is not equivalent to your ******* worth, nor is your ******* wealth.
The number of people who idolize you is not a quantification of how good you are!

Obedience is a way to circumvent Critical Thinking!
Obedience is a way to usurp Critical Thinking!
Obedience stifles Critical Thinking!

Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
Obedience is not a ******* substitute for Critical Thinking!
6.2k · Aug 2013
Twisted Dream
Last Night;
I dreamt of children smoking cigarettes;
I dreamt of kids committing ******, arson, and human trafficking.

Last Night,
I dreamt of a hyperbolic ******* of Innocence
that our culture so unflinchingly asserts
from so ruthlessly young an Age.
6.0k · Feb 2014
Self-Discipline [Practice]
If you earnestly want
to improve your skills,
you have to make sacrifices;
you must take Time and Energy
and dedicate it to practice,
you're just talking a good game,
and mere talk
is getting e'er cheaper;
you're just honing your
******* artistry,
some have had much practice.
5.8k · Oct 2013
Polyamory is not a Sin
I wish to disambiguate
to explicate; expanciate:

I do not begrudge polyamory,
and whatever Love entails
to any particular person,
for I once was polyamorous;
I understand some of the ways
in which polyamory can work.

Usually when single,
or otherwise in an open relationship.

I also do not begrudge sluttiness;
everyone needs some
and some can't resist.
Besides, it is noble
to work such charity.

Who am I,
who once sought such charity,
to demonize it?
who have lusts
and desires?

I do,
take grievous offense
to One in a relationship
who tells their partner
they're soulmates
and who,
instead of agreeing to end
the monogamous relationship,
goes and sleeps around
and cheats on their "soulmate",
moreover if over and over.

It's hard to cope with such deep hurt,
and I wish to convey my apologies
for my rash hybridized expressions
of Anger, Frustration and Hubris.

Perhaps it perturbs me so
simply because it reminds me
of who I once could be and was.

Perhaps it irks me so
because I'm envious.

Polyamory is not a Sin;
but before you just go **** someone
at least be single or in an open relationship;

it isn't only you
who is affected
by your choices,
and I know
that's hard to see
when you are so young.

Don't hold back
who you really are,
but please;
don't cheat others
in the process.

Not only is Karma a *****,
but so can Retribution be;
you never know
what One
capable of;

the next time
you cheat someone
they may not fall back
on mere words;

A few more years
in this World
may teach you
that such Anarchy
doth go both ways,
my dear;

Vigilante Justice knows few bounds:

Don't take too many chances
when it comes to who you ****, nor
when it comes to who you **** over.
5.8k · Mar 2015
Show your strength
by building bridges
instead of walls, and
show your passion
by illuminating them
not by burning them
The power of Averages,
it means a lot
if you can
understand Means, a lot.

Assuming a Normal Distribution,

A Standard Deviation, or σ
defines where about 68% of the data falls;
roughly 34% above and below the Mean.

Two Standard Deviations
defines where a further 28% of data lies;
14% above and below 1σ and -1σ.

Positive 1-Sigma is one Standard Deviation above the Mean
Negative 1-Sigma is one below;
The range from -2σ to 2σ includes  96% of data.
The implications are astounding.

Within 3 Standard Deviations, one finds 99.7% of the data;
Within 4σ, 99.9%, 5σ, 99.999%,
the remainder are generally outliers and other improbable results.

To illustrate:

Suppose we had a group of 100 people,
and we wish to determine average height:
If our Mean height ends up being, say, 180 cm,
with a Standard Deviation of 20cm,
We can suppose that of 100 people, on average,
with a certain Margin of Error that is inversely proportionate to our Sample Size, or n
(for sake of argument, the Probable Error, or γ, is 13.49cm)

4 are taller than 220cm
14 are between 200cm and 220cm
68 are between 160cm and 200cm
14 are from 140cm to 160cm
4 are shorter than 140cm

Statistics is the parent of Probability;
Statistics is the Art and Science of Forecast,
Statistics paves the way for modern Science
Statistics is a powerful weapon in the fight against Ignorance
Statistics, however, are generally and intentionally misrepresented and thus misunderstood.

For increasingly accurate figures,
one must have a larger Sample Size
and a Sample group that is a representative subgroup
of the Whole

This is intentionally abused
by most of the News
you read or see each day on Paper and Screens alike.

If a "Statistical analysis" does not include at least
Margin of Error or Probable Error,
Mean (Average), Standard Deviation, and Sample Size
do not take it as accurate.

Depending on the source,
it could even be deliberately malicious.

Arm yourself with Knowledge.
5.6k · Apr 2013
200+ Temperature records set worldwide in the last two days;
430+ Temperature records set worldwide in the last seven.

The heat record in Death Valley is 134 degrees Fahrenheit;
it has been as close to that as 124 degrees the past few days.

Believe what you will about the inconvenience of the dire truth;
Statistical Anomalies are becoming the new Norms
5.3k · Oct 2013
Never surrender your Dreams
Never surrender what you Love
Never surrender who you truly are
5.1k · Jun 2013
American Democracy
American Democracy
is setting a trend:
American Democracy
is a Sitcom, or perhaps a Game Show
of demagogic, narcissistic sociopaths
tricking and manipulating the Public
via various sources in a highly consolidated Media industry
into thinking they vote for a particular flavor of Tyranny
when in reality Today's flavor of Tyranny is all decided for you
because the burden of Choice is far too stressful
for the Moderner without proper medication,
and the power of Choice may require some sort of educated critical Thinking,
some sort of re-edification
which is far too much for us to handle
in this socially sanctioned doped-up state
and with such an intentionally failing Education system
from K through 12 and beyond.

With American Democracy,
We have a grand Illusion of Choice.
It's so convincing that many believe the Illusion is True.
(Sort of like hew we think of Reality, but with Choice of Government!)

For American Democracy,
They don't want mass Education.
They don't want mass Edification.
They don't want Critical Thinking;
Those things prevent a Control by few.

In American Democracy,
They intentionally destroy progresses made, like Rights,
They perpetuate stigmas about things like genders and the concept of "race" itself
They propagate Terror as their Sheeple scream from the sidelines for more
They defile the sanctity of Human Experience, of Reality itself
and chain us to a system that benefits only a few
while destroying everything else,
like Climate and Environment.

These Demagogues are Satan, if Satan is real:
They tempt us with the things we don't need,
filling us with Stress, Desires, Prejudices and Fears,
and ceaselessly wage war on institutions of Education,
all the while keeping us from finding the things we already have within each of us.

This System of American Democracy
has degraded into a  corrupted fractal
of the ages-old ways of Tyranny and Terror:

Aristocracy, Plutocracy,
Patriarchy, Oligarchy,
Kleptocracy, Demagoguery,
Bankocracy, Corporatocracy,

Tell me,
What is the ******* difference?

I mean,
even Adolf ****** was elected democratically
under the pretense of "Change"
then, for weeks later, suspended civil rights indefinitely
after a likely false-flag 'attack' on the Reichstag in 1933,
(for which the Nazis blamed the communists.)
under the pretense of "Security":

Demagoguery runs Amok
Among disedified Minds.

They say "Freedom" and "Democracy"
as if it vindicates their Totalitarianism.
"K through 12" is a term in American schooling for the years from Kindergarten through the end of High-School.
These schools are rotting, and so are the Colleges. Hence "K through 12 and beyond"

No responses?
I must be doing something right.
5.0k · Oct 2014
Allow neither success nor failure to undermine your attitude.
5.0k · Nov 2014
You cannot wish for responsibility
while avoiding being responsible.

Such is a childish whim.
Such is a selfish whim.
Such is unsustainable.
4.9k · Jan 2016
"My daughter,
when you grow up (enough)
to be able to brandish self-sovereignty
tempered by self-discipline
I only hope that if and when you may choose
to try whatever drugs may appeal to you
you are least fortunate enough
to have access to clean ones
and a safe enough and comfortable enough environment
in which to study your interrelationship with them,
intellectually, physiologically, psychologically, spiritually, and socially,
but not necessarily in that order.

I won't tell you what to do,
but my advice is this:

Don't eat yellow snow:
don't snort yellow coke.

If you're gonna poison yourself,
poison yourself with the good ****.

If you want to see whats up with something,
be certain your sample size is representative.
That's just good Science.
No one likes a false statistic
except those in power
who wish to remain in power
so maintain thy power
to wield thy freedom of choice
armed with an arsenal of personal experiences
sailing with an armada of accurate information
upon the high seas of this uncertain but certainly beautiful Life,
but be prepared to accept the consequences.

That's just responsibility.

That alone oughtta put you well ahead of the curve."
Fictitious, but that doesn't warrant dismissal, I think.
You don't seem to think with Reason;
root Chakra so loud and gratifying.

So very much louder,
and as if that makes it right,
and as if it makes up for
all that lack of self control:

You don't seem to think with Reason,
your root Chakra is your puppeteer.

Playing with Fire,
One gets ******* burnt.
What did you expect? Then again,
you don't seem to think with Reason.

Unbalanced Root Chakra;
so very loud and gratifying,
leaves you cracked and empty;
hollow. Wallowing. I know
this is hard to swallow,
but, do you follow?

You bring it on yourself!
You called it down, summoned it!

You played with Root Chakra Fire
and we're all still getting burnt.
You might have saved yourself,
but I am still enduring it;

Each time I think of Love,
Pain instead comes to Mind
because that is how those I have Loved have treated me.

"You're such a good person", they've said.
Hah! That's either ******* or just insincere,
'cause they've sure as **** shown me
what it is they thought I deserved:

Reap the words of one you've broken down.
Behold the Wrath you've ******* sewn about!
Dark Actions propagate dark Feelings;
Face the repercussions of your Actions:

This is a Reflection of you!
This is a Reflection of what you have done!
This is no appeal to Guilt;
for what good would that do?
I guess we must think differently, and that's fine.
I guess I am just so offended
'cause I hold *** with reverence;
To me, *** ******* means something,
and I thought of *** as an extension and expression of our Love and
not just another ******* Addiction.

Turns out it was just another ******* Addiction
and you got your ******* fix,
but where's mine?

You've become just another ******* Addiction
that I am now forced to quit

Just another addiction.
(I was) Just another addiction.
(You are) Just another addiction.
Just another ******* Addiction after all.
Honestly, I woke up crying this morning and this was the first thing that came to mind thereafter.

I wrote it in hopes it would help. It has.
I recorded in hopes it would help further, and it has:*******-addiction
4.8k · Mar 2015
Strength of Character
Strong people don't put others down.
They pick them up.
4.8k · Apr 2013
Mythic Interpritations
Logos matters not
in matters of Mythos:

For instance, some stuff about my birthday

My number is Twenty-Two.
Writ as two twos, 2(11), 2(5+6), 5(2)+4(3).
Of the 30 days of my birth month,
22/30 = 11/15 ≈ 0.7333 ad infinitum.

My month is Four.
2 to the second power,
defining a square;
the third positive square number.

My numerically symmetrical year,
which is evenly divisible by neither two nor three,
sums to 20 and multiplies to 81.
(1+9+9+1); (1)(9)(9)(1)
20=4(5); 81=9(9), 3(27)
Or, bisect the written year and add the sides within themselves
Then, you can even add the three interpretations of the year:

I digress;

My sign is Taurus and thus my element is Earth.
Taurus is the second of twelve signs in western astrology.
In terms of Music,
I am an ascending minor Second above Ares,
one step up;
Scorpio is my Tritone
six steps up,
and Sagittarius is my perfect Fifth
seven steps,
where Leo is my minor Third, Virgo is major,
three and four steps up, respectively.
Pisces is my minor Seventh
at ten steps up or two down,
I have many Pisces in my life.

As a Taurean,

My day is Venus,
my night is Moon, whereas
Mars can bring chaos.

This coming Monday,
I am to turn Twenty-Two;
on the day of Moon.

I am a Metal Goat by the Chinese Zodiac,
with Yin, the season of late-summer, and the element Fire.
The 8th sign; 2 cubed.
I do not feel that these things
predetermine anything in me or my life
but I do believe that these things
hold a certain power,
a sort of resonance
with me
and that is inspirational
and that is worth living for.

If one is keen enough to Mythos
then one can make anything relevant,
and one can draw a subjective lesson;
a sort of personal interpretation,
conducive and pertinent to one's self.

These things are not arbitrary;
they are a sort of time-stamp for life;
a frame of reference,
a milestone marker upon the path.

Of course, when I said "are"
I truly intended "could be seen as",
and from there "hardly ever to be taken literally";
Literal interpretations dwell within the realm of Logos:
(One can only describe so much, the rest is up to interpretation!)
Logos enters not
in matters of the Mythic,
yet they copulate.

Mythos is a realm
wholly separate from Logos
yet they interplay,

This dynamic play
in a mythicly tuned mind;
akin to wisdom.

Mythos and Logos
dancing cosmically onward
as if Yin and Yang.

To shun one and cling
zealously to the other
is tantamount to

fearing Death until
the day it's icy finger
points itself at you:

You miss out on all
the wondrous things in this life;
Enjoy here and now.
If you seek clarification on my definitions,
I shall be compiling a dictionary of my own conno- and denotations, with examples in context.

In the meantime and forever more, fear not to ask :D

Being born on April 22, I have the lingering trace of Aries; fire.
4.7k · May 2015
Let's Make Blame Obsolete
4.7k · Oct 2013
It isn't that you shouldn't lie,
it's that you should never lie
to me
it's that you should only lie
for me
it's that you should never hide
from me
Do not glance at the answers of your classmates.
I do not mean this in a strictly literal sense.
Do not glance at the answers of your classmates.
This is a reflection of Ego, the morality of a copier:
Seeking the easy way out; without personal gain.
Self-defeating in the truest sense of the term.

Those who concern themselves with the affairs of others
shall forever condemn themselves to a sort of cognitive hell.
Do not concern thyself with the lives of others;
you have thy own path to walk.

Those who seek overtly to alter the affairs of others
usually presume or at least condescend
and in the process of doing so
allow themselves to go astray.

Do not glance at the tests on your classmates desk;
what is worse: to know you are wrong, or to deny to yourself your ignorance?
Do not look unto others for answers for your problems
for they cannot know what battles you fight each day.

Look inwards for deeper understanding
for it is thy prism that is responsible for thy spectrum
which in turn is responsible for your perceptible reality.

The truest of teachers do not claim to be so,
the truest of scholars do not simply attend formal classes
the trust of sages claim not their wisdom,
the truest of wisdom seems paradoxical.

Look not unto thy peers for the standards to which to hold thyself.

If this seems to be selfish or self serving,
I wish to remind
Illusion is begun with "I"
and "I" is a temporary vessel.

Thy body knows thy path;
It is thy vessel; it has a compass.

Follow your passions while you still can.
Begin thy Magnum Opus.
Nothing else matters.
4.5k · Nov 2013
Dank sei
Don't forget to give thanks;
not just today
but each moment of your life.

I can't say that I've remembered
but I can say that I've learned;
I can say that I've progressed
I can say:
Title: "Thanks be" auf Deutsch.

That link is an older poem
in which is listed
a short list of things
for which I give thanks.
Dealing so much with figurative language,
I cannot help but notice how many people
restrict themselves to either Mythos or Logos.
Myth or Logic. Symbol or Reason. Yin or Yang.

Firefox, by default, doesn't even recognize that Mythos is a word:

Mythos- The aspect of the mind concerning itself
with the figurative, the abstract;
implications, symbolism and interpretation.
Passive. 'Relative'.  Yin.

Logos - The aspect of the mind concerning itself
with reason, proof, tangibility and fact.
Active. 'Absolute'. Yang.

It is of utmost importance to take both with a grain of salt.
It is of equal importance to ponder both for what they are worth.

Mythos seeks not to always be correct;
but to make one think what is right and true within one's self.
Logos seeks to be accurate.
To describe, define, calculate, forecast, and replicate the physical.  

Most are biased towards one and away from the other;
it is impossible to have a balanced existence if you embrace one and deny the other:

If one fails to respect duality, duality will tear one in twain.

The path to salvation is comprised of both of these styles of thought:
To seek only one is to condemn oneself to
Autosegragationistic Social Darwinianism.
Yeah, I made up a word. Figurative it out!
4.4k · Apr 2016
Gender Bias
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