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Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
watch as they tell you to let it blow over
tell them eight days is a very long storm
and you didn't have the resources prepared for this
you love a storm as much as the next
but not when you are the storm
banging against the windshield of your car
howling howling howling
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
I used to think devil was
a white man in a black suit
now I think it's really God
playing pretend
while the devil is Among Us
following through with his
own God ****** word
Gale L Mccoy May 2018
by what unit is good enough measured
is it the calluses and cuts on a hand
the crack of a sore back
or by the number of times
skin meets pavement

is it an neglected apartment
the dust collecting on beloved projects
or number of friends
no longer waiting for a reply

tell me
to whom do you bottle your blood for
till when do you wash the sweat off
for what do you owe this pain
so where is the limit

              will I/they ever be satisfied
                         can i take a break yet
                or is this not good enough
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
life is a poorly designed game
too much dead space
loading screens that last all night
unskippable cutscenes
irrelevant boss fights and tasks
no cheat codes
and the story has no direction
where is the fast forward in my life
i am in the between of everything
can i play my life
like I play video games
grinding through obstacles
till i reach the next level and the next cutscene
can i skip to the main storyline of my life
all that waits for me here
is cutting down monsters
till im strong enough to fight the boss
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
walk into the cafe
know eyeliner and glasses
hide what needs to be hid
accept the compliments
tell a stranger your issues
talk about good vibes
drink some coffee
be an hour late
get a free drink
cast a sickly glow
buy some tea
burn your tongue
realize everyone in this cafe
is as ****** up as you
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
oh I stuck my feet in the dirt again
and broke my toes on stone
I know well I'm not meant to be still
as my body bends forward of its own will
but to advance to the next level
I must stay here and grind bones on stones
or walk straight off into the abyss again
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
why do i have to stand
when i could fly
my feet are glued
to a ground set on fire
ive waited long enough
for my wings to grow
no matter how my hand shakes
i will grab each feather
try try try again to stitch together
day 4 for 31 days of poetry
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
why do i have to stand
when i could fly
my feet are glued
to a ground set on fire
ive waited long enough
for my wings to grow
no matter how my hand shakes
i will grab each feather
try try try again to stitch together
Rotten Peach Poetry, Ep.4 Ground set on Fire
Gale L Mccoy Nov 2018
I am the gust that
blew out the flame
and tossed the stone
I am the lady in white
one finger bloodied
and pointing
I am the hermit
crushed by the stone
I am something old
something new
and something glued
I am a doll
every string tied
not cut
I am whiplash
I am the impact
I am the looked upon
I am the try again
I am
I am
I am
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
i. i am gentle
the sort of gentle
thats slow and soft
but does not yield to touch

ii. i am fluid
my core is solid
i am swirling around myself
at any given moment
yet my gravity is centered

iii. i cannot be contained
to try is to lose me
hold me and i will
drip through your fingers
and solidify elsewhere
call me and wait
or do not call at all

iv. i am gone
i am miles ahead already
always somewhere else
at a point i have not yet reached
too impatient with Now
to linger a moment longer
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
and the laws say
you must be heavy
weight down and burdened
or else you'll float
and to float means to
pop pop pop
when you get to close
to the sun

and the mother says
you must hold on
for if you slip
you'll know loss
and as you let go
they tell you "we warned you"
spinning the thoughts
of sky to how far away
the ground is going to be

and your hands say
this isn't meant
to be held with such
an iron grip
the burning sun
can't possible hurt more
than the weight of gravity

and your eyes say
who's to say the sun
is even the destination
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
they spoke of a future
full of hopefuls and maybes
their voices are soft in awe
pitched and fast
with frequent pauses
inventing what could be
laughing like it can never happen
laughing like its nothing serious
laughing like they haven’t dreamt
every night of this
and that to admit is like admitting
a guilty little secret
I overheard a couple of friends talking. Even from where I was sitting, facing away from them, I could taste the bitter-sweetness in their words, hidden behind the bravado of humour.
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
spitting bitter bile from my mouth
muttering “this isnt me”
but isnt it?
ive been muttering for years now
spitting in secret
as to seem clean
is this not me
repetition makes habit
break it all you want
but at the end of the day
im still spitting
i hate this taste so much
when did i let myself turn sour?
day 5 of 31 days of poetry, got up at 345am for work, then after work spent 5 hours fixing **** in my life and just.... MONEY and FEES, LIFE AM I WRITE, this is a wine drunk poem
Gale L Mccoy May 2019
little flame
i am a gust of wind
i don't want to feed you
into something all consuming
i've rid of all my flammables
the only thing you can lick at
is me
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2019
this is the life i want to live
I say from the ground
no it isnt
but itll be part of it
to have it to waste and wallow
the time to let myself be swallowed
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2019
i'm more of an optimist now
than i was as a child
i've seen past my own walls
and have decided i will walk
as far and for as long as i want
Gale L Mccoy Apr 2018
blood stain/ satisfaction/ disgust in self
satisfaction/ fascination/ continuation
desperation/ continuation/ desperation
alteration/ ask for help/ alteration
continuation/ continuation/ continuation
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2020
insatiable child
you are akin to a black hole
only seen when consuming

you’ve thrown yourself
to the wilds just to prove
you can beat back the wolves again

you’d open the door
to a plane in flight
just to feel the wind
on your burning flesh

you’ve gone so far
that you have to yell
to be known
Gale L Mccoy Dec 2019
I drove slow through a ****** of crows and knew something was calling me to a place abandoned
If the wind hadn't bit so hard I think I might have pulled over and walked to the weathered down guts of a barn by roadside
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
i. I call on the wake of winter
to bring forth something fast
I can keep still no longer

ii. I wind my fingers
into the fabric of earth
tearing chunks out
to make a path to
where I need to go

iii. No cold nor dirt
will hold me back
as I make my way
faster than before
slower than I soon will

iv. I plant my feet
wiping soil-stained hands
onto the smooth cloth of my dress
I step forward
pulling my own roots free
I will hold myself back no longer
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2019
i tapped a curled up tiny white spider
off from my money tree
how nice it must have been
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
but dont go far
for you have not the energy
wonder by daylight
retreat from dark
for as much as you love it
you dont know it truly
admire the sky
but dont look up too much
youll get a crick in your neck
thatll last all day
go out
but for gods sake
dont leave the cage
you worked so hard to build
if you go too far
youll lose your way back
and have to rebuild it all
                                             sorry but
                                             i outgrew this cage
                                             a decade ago
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2019
I whisper to myself
no, I write to myself
cause the clack of keys
is a sound unreadable...

                 "let me be ugly"
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
Don't forget me
In the tide of your life
For the tides take me nowhere
I will not be able to find you
If you let the sea steal you away.
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
little child sitting on the stairs
late late at night
looking through the gap under the door
watching feet pass back and forth
never knowing how they knew
she was watching
or why they made her stand
at the door in the cold
they are coming for you
little child in a nightgown
that bore the words Hug Me
in big red letters
used to hug her parents
every single night
till she decided
they didn’t deserve it
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
people noticed what they want
how can you know where to look
when you never look anywhere at all
maybe there is too much to see
but to see is the least we can do
for when tragedy hits
it hits hard
far past ground zero
whether or not you look that way
the least we can do is look
then react
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2018
Soft music
Hard truths
A loss
So large there's no way in
A between to cope with
A reality to live
The fatality of it
It's been 2.5 since
My kitty died
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
the night Polaris kissed me
i was a princess trapped in a tower
hair too short to reach the window frame
let alone to be a lifeline for salvation
i could see them from every pane of glass
i was kept behind

i had been blowing kisses
to Polaris
as if they were my lover
for several seasons past
that star and the space i was contained
were the only things that stayed the same

and they
they they they
came a long way just to shine a little

a tiny
tiny tiny tiny
light crowned in a foreign world

still substance enough to
return a kiss
from a prompt 'the night Polaris kissed me'
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
does meaningless
mean something to you
do you become free when
when something
loses meaning

we'd normally
invent a new word
for that feeling

in meaningless
i release how precious
my time is
and all the things I
should have been doing
instead of this
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2019
a fight, tooth and nail
fingertips on glass
snarl breathless and feral
as breath fogs the mirror
push more
till your hands wrap around
the bare throat of
whom dares take your face
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2019
water so still
i see my face now
like a rising moon
the water is not clear
so i must go deep
into moon basked lakes
i dive into myself
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
I crave to be strong
these sparce muscles stand for what I've been neglecting
this body I wish to strengthen
as it is the vehicle to my success
I will arrive at the goal
with nothing less then this
flesh and bones and blood
and through time
I will learn to cater it's demands
as a mother coddles her child
for I am nothing more then
me myself and my body
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
i dont want romance
the idea is glorious and pompous
and the longing to be something else
i still
never wish to fall in performance
nor duel reliance
all i seek are people
with commitment
not to me but to
meaning what they say
a bare backed willingness to be
honest and ambitious
their truest self in front of me
and thus allowing me
to be my truest self before them
and i wish
oh i still do wish
this would be considered
a simple friendship
Gale L Mccoy Dec 2018
Little girl
I want to hand you a truth I learned
Far too late

And I'm sorry I havnt kept up with
the war you claimed against apathy
Gale L Mccoy Jun 2018
I crawled up and died
in your throat last week
you only tasted my remains
for three days this time
the burning in your eyes
from unwashed hands
doesn’t bother you anymore
how come you changed the locks
two times over just yesterday
and once more today
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
i defy myself
every time i define myself
just to prove myself wrong
oh, whoops i proved myself right
                   i dont know what im looking for
                   but i know it when i see it
                   then i forget to be it
                   oh, whoops i forgot all of it

         i think i know more than i think i do
         never know what to do with myself
         im in several places all at once
         oh, whoops i never moved at all
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
i let it curl around me
it nestles between my bones
i forget to breath
it doesnt remind me
it likes the stillness
it likes the quite
my breath is loud
rattling the bones
it calls home

i let it lick my wounds
it sinks deep into them
i heal quick
before it has a chance
to slither back out
the wound is closed
but its still wriggling

every time i take
a deep breath
it shakes in distress
trying to shush me
through scared skin
every word i speak
it tries to squeeze back in
confined to one part of me
it has no hold
but to remind me of
old wounds
with that ever hollow
wriggling feeling
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
for you
where it should ache is hollow
regret for what I don't feel
it died so long ago
and I let it fester under your
apparent disinterest
I kept it in display
for solidarity's sake
a dead thing on a stake
and it's not that
you were the murderer
but more of
we kept the pitiful thing
alive too long after
too many stab wounds
life support of the novel kind
words not ours sewn like
frankenstein's monster
I pulled the plug
and you still don't see
you're talking to a corpse
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
I think I'm afraid of being too honest
said the poet to their poetry
oh, don't worry
says the poetry
they only see a mirror
between the lines
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
i. lips the color of nostalgia
a cute girl says
                   "i'm so drink, send hell"

ii. hollows that won't echo
signs point to the phrase
                     "your god is worn out"

iii. mimicry but only in shape
everything bright enough to burn
never keeps detail when eyes close
Gale L Mccoy Nov 2018
I followed the moon last night
it led me back home
to a small town of wanders
and warm tinted company

the sun followed me this morn
the radio told me what it looked like
before I could see anything
just how high up
do i have to be to see it

then I saw
the blue

a singing flame
and a living stone
greet the air
and they sing themselves
to a drunken slumber

the moon has shrunk
there's no sunrise in the morning
the radio doesn't describe anything
and the flame died at first gust
I'm waiting for the moon to show me
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
If you ever want to
Look inside yourself
To see how your blood pumps
And the color of your flesh
Take a pen and tear
words into paper instead
Bleed worlds and people
Scream through the mouths of others
But not through your skin
It will only scream back for more
And there is no harm in being unable
To stop a pen
Rather than a blade
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
I am in the middle of a wake
a paper weight holding down
the pondering, wandering thoughts
of a man who commuted suicide

in the magrins
people write their sorrows
in a dialect I recognize
but do not fully understand
I read them
because they hand them to me

it is not my sorrow to take
I have no right to it
but it is their sorrow to share
broken off into shards
passed hand to hand
in hopes the sharp edges
may dull in time

I will hold each shard given
warm them in my hands
dull the edges on my flesh
before I return it to the teller
So that they are one step closer
to a picture that no longer
hurts to touch
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
i seek approval from things
that don't matter at all
i seek meaning from a number
i crave what i know
is not a state of my value
but the number of people
who happened to look this way

and i’m part of the mute mass
observers with a voice
reserved to save energy
on obligations and have to’s

and i am the go-between
guilty over my exhaustion
inability to help all i see

and i am a creator
with power in my words
held in the eyes and minds
of others. not my own hands
and to be heard is the
entirety of why words exist
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2019
made up of wind over wind over earth fueling fire
no water to smooth the edges and clean out the soot
flow down with gravity instead of float to the head
so soak, let the lake fill cracks in the psyche
permeable skin, drink through feet
push off from banks
become the moon in the water
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
voices sound better
in descent / in distance
cut off from the source
distorted / dissonant
unsalvagable from another
i listen to poetry in stairwells
paint faces from sounds
so the real thing never compares
day 2 of 31 days of poetry
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
you have a soft face
and a breakneck smile
seen one way
only to turn and be another
fractile and shifting
like a prism of a million cuts
get used to one color
shift to 100 others
you see the rainbows all around
and claim they come from others
               in the wrong lighting
               prisms are colorless
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
at times i must be
unfiltered, undiluted, pure me
for if i let myself
restrict, edit, reform
one time too many
this death grip will never ease
for all the fear i hold
of letting the wrong thing go
is why i must let it flow
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
Purple at the edges of the sky
Bleeding into strands of tide
Moves to where your eyes abide
When lips divide
In essence of the line
...Cool beans
A drunk improvised collab between
Luna Fae & Gale Mccoy
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
isn't it funny how you can simply
talking with anyone
and after a long enough time
its like they never existed?

the biggest tragedy here
is how they let it happen
and how i let them let it happen

a reminder
that i lived without them before
and can live without them now
why am i so sad about it still

i dont need anyone but
oh goddess
i want

im sorry i ran out of energy
glasses up for anyone who's tried
to keep with me
through the radio silence
drunk poetry time
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